The European exposure model, which was developed within the framework of the European Seismic Risk Model 2020 (ESRM20), was parsed into the Global Exposure Model format. All the technical details about the model are available in the recommended citation below.
Specific updates were made for Turkey and Switzerland. For Turkey, buildings that collapsed in the 2023 earthquakes were removed, mixed occupancy classes were defined, and the taxonomy map was revised to increase soft-storeys, non-ductile concrete classes, and high collapse volume loss buildings. For Switzerland, floor areas and costs were updated with consideration of the ERM-CH23 model. For Italy, the masonry unit types used in residential construction were changed.
The exposure files for Europe are available at: gem/global_exposure_model.
Recommended Citation
Crowley H., Dabbeek J., Despotaki V., Rodrigues D., Martins L., Silva V., Romão, X., Pereira N., Weatherill G., Danciu L. (2021) - European Seismic Risk Model (ESRM20), EFEHR Technical Report 002, V1.0.0, https://doi.org/10.7414/EUC-EFEHR-TR002-ESRM20.