openquake.hazardlib.gsim package#

Ground-shaking intensity models#


Module exports AbrahamsonEtAl2014

AbrahamsonEtAl2014RegCHN AbrahamsonEtAl2014RegJPN AbrahamsonEtAl2014RegTWN

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2014.AbrahamsonEtAl2014(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE by Abrahamson, Silva and Kamai developed within the the PEER West 2 Project. This GMPE is described in a paper published in 2014 on Earthquake Spectra, Volume 30, Number 3 and titled ‘Summary of the ASK14 Ground Motion Relation for Active Crustal Regions’.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable m1 vlin b c c4 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a17 a43 a44 a45 a46 a25 a28 a29 a31 a36 a37 a38 a39 a40 a41 a42 s1e s2e s3 s4 s1m s2m s5 s6>#

Coefficient tables as per annex B of Abrahamson et al. (2014)


Supported intensity measure component is orientation-independent average horizontal RotD50, see page 1025.

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration, see tables 4 pages 1036


Reference rock conditions as defined at page

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see paragraph “Equations for standard deviations”, page 1046.


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, see title!

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb', 'rrup', 'rx', 'ry0'})#

Required distance measures are Rrup, Rjb, Ry0 and Rx (see Table 2, page 1031).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'dip', 'mag', 'rake', 'width', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, rake, dip, ztor, and width (see table 2, page 1031)

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'vs30measured', 'z1pt0'})#

Required site parameters are Vs30 and Z1.0, see table 2, page 1031 Unit of measure for Z1.0 is [m]

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2014.CONSTS = {'h1': 0.25, 'h2': 1.5, 'h3': -0.75, 'm2': 5.0, 'n': 1.5}#

equation constants (that are IMT independent)


This function gives the epistemic sigma computed following USGS-2014 approach. Also, note that the events are counted in each magnitude and distance bins. However, the epistemic sigma is based on NZ SMDB v1.0


Module exports AbrahamsonEtAl2015

AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInter AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInterHigh AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInterLow AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlab AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlabHigh AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlabLow

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2015.AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInter(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the Subduction GMPE developed by Norman Abrahamson, Nicholas Gregor and Kofi Addo, otherwise known as the “BC Hydro” Model, published as “BC Hydro Ground Motion Prediction Equations For Subduction Earthquakes (2015, Earthquake Spectra, in press), for subduction interface events.

From observations of very large events it was found that the magnitude scaling term can be adjusted as part of the epistemic uncertainty model. The adjustment comes in the form of the parameter DeltaC1, which is period dependent for interface events. To capture the epistemic uncertainty in DeltaC1, three models are proposed: a ‘central’, ‘upper’ and ‘lower’ model. The current class implements the ‘central’ model, whilst additional classes will implement the ‘upper’ and ‘lower’ alternatives.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable vlin b theta1 theta2 theta6 theta7 theta8 theta10 theta11 theta12 theta13 theta14 theta15 theta16 phi tau sigma sigma_ss>#
COEFFS_MAG_SCALE = <CoeffsTable dc1>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration


Reference soil conditions (bottom of page 29)

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see table 3, pages 12 - 13


Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface

FABA_ALL_MODELS = {'Gaussian': <class 'openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.FABATaperGaussian'>, 'Linear': <class 'openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.FABATaperLinear'>, 'SFunc': <class 'openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.FABATaperSFunc'>, 'Sigmoid': <class 'openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.FABATaperSigmoid'>, 'Step': <class 'openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.FABATaperStep'>}#
REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture, for interface events


Required rupture parameters are magnitude for the interface model

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'backarc', 'vs30'})#

Site amplification is dependent upon Vs30 For the Abrahamson et al (2013) GMPE a new term is introduced to determine whether a site is on the forearc with respect to the subduction interface, or on the backarc. This boolean is a vector containing True for a backarc site or False for a forearc or unknown site.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

delta_c1 = None#
kind = 'base'#
trt = 'Subduction Interface'#

Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2015.AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInterHigh(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInter

Defines the Abrahamson et al. (2013) scaling relation assuming the upper values of the magnitude scaling for large slab earthquakes, as defined in table 4

COEFFS_MAG_SCALE = <CoeffsTable dc1>#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2015.AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInterLow(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInter

Defines the Abrahamson et al. (2013) scaling relation assuming the lower values of the magnitude scaling for large slab earthquakes, as defined in table 4

COEFFS_MAG_SCALE = <CoeffsTable dc1>#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2015.AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInter_scaled(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInter

Implements the Subduction GMPE developed by Norman Abrahamson, Nicholas Gregor and Kofi Addo, otherwise known as the “BC Hydro” Model, published as “BC Hydro Ground Motion Prediction Equations For Subduction Earthquakes (2015, Earthquake Spectra, in press), for subduction interface events.

Application of a scaling factor that converts the prediction of AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInter to the corresponding prediction for the Maximum value.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable vlin b theta1 theta2 theta6 theta7 theta8 theta10 theta11 theta12 theta13 theta14 theta15 theta16 phi tau sigma sigma_ss>#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2015.AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlab(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInter

Implements the Subduction GMPE developed by Norman Abrahamson, Nicholas Gregor and Kofi Addo, otherwise known as the “BC Hydro” Model, published as “BC Hydro Ground Motion Prediction Equations For Subduction Earthquakes (2013, Earthquake Spectra, in press). This implements only the inslab GMPE. For inslab events the source is considered to be a point source located at the hypocentre. Therefore the hypocentral distance metric is used in place of the rupture distance, and the hypocentral depth is used to scale the ground motion by depth


Supported tectonic region type is subduction in-slab

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance measure is hypocentral for in-slab events

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_depth', 'mag'})#

In-slab events require constraint of hypocentral depth and magnitude

delta_c1 = -0.3#
trt = 'Subduction IntraSlab'#

Supported tectonic region type is subduction in-slab

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2015.AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlabHigh(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlab

Defines the Abrahamson et al. (2013) scaling relation assuming the upper values of the magnitude scaling for large slab earthquakes, as defined in table 8

delta_c1 = -0.1#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2015.AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlabLow(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlab

Defines the Abrahamson et al. (2013) scaling relation assuming the lower values of the magnitude scaling for large slab earthquakes, as defined in table 8

delta_c1 = -0.5#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2015.AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlab_scaled(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInter_scaled

Implements the Subduction GMPE developed by Norman Abrahamson, Nicholas Gregor and Kofi Addo, otherwise known as the “BC Hydro” Model, published as “BC Hydro Ground Motion Prediction Equations For Subduction Earthquakes (2013, Earthquake Spectra, in press). This implements only the inslab GMPE. For inslab events the source is considered to be a point source located at the hypocentre. Therefore the hypocentral distance metric is used in place of the rupture distance, and the hypocentral depth is used to scale the ground motion by depth

Application of a scaling factor that converts the prediction of AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlab to the corresponding prediction for the Maximum value.


Supported tectonic region type is subduction in-slab

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance measure is hypocentral for in-slab events

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_depth', 'mag'})#

In-slab events require constraint of hypocentral depth and magnitude

delta_c1 = -0.3#
trt = 'Subduction IntraSlab'#

Supported tectonic region type is subduction in-slab

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2015.get_stress_factor(imt, slab)[source]#

Returns the stress adjustment factor for the BC Hydro GMPE according to Abrahamson et al. (2018)


Module exports AbrahamsonEtAl2018SInter

AbrahamsonEtAl2018SInterHigh AbrahamsonEtAl2018SInterLow AbrahamsonEtAl2018SSlab AbrahamsonEtAl2018SSlabHigh AbrahamsonEtAl2018SSlabLow

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.AbrahamsonEtAl2018SInter(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the 2018 updated Abrahamson et al. (2018) “BC Hydro” GMPE for application to subduction earthquakes, for the case of subduction interface events.

Abrahamson, N. A., Keuhn, N., Gulerce, Z., Gregor, N., Bozognia, Y., Parker, G., Stewart, J., Chiou, B., Idriss, I. M., Campbell, K. and Youngs, R. (2018) “Update of the BC Hydro Subduction Ground-Motion Model using the NGA-Subduction Dataset”, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) Technical Report, PEER 2018/02

Whilst the original model provides coefficients for different regional variations, these are incomplete for the purpose of a working implementation. As the authors indicate in the source, the coefficients and adjustment factors are intended only for application to the Cascadia region; hence this is the only version implemented here. Furthermore, scalar adjustments are intended to be applied in order to define an “upper”, “central” and “lower” branch to cover the epistemic uncertainty of the core model.


Adjustment variable to match Cascadia to global average

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable C1inter vlin b a1 a2 a4 a6 a11 a12 a13 a14 adj_int adj_slab phi0 tau0 rho_w rho_b SINTER_LOW SINTER_HIGH SSLAB_LOW SSLAB_HIGH>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see section 4.5


Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface


A “low” and “high” epistemic adjustment factor will be applied to subclasses of this model

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture, for interface events


Required rupture parameters are only magnitude for the interface model

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Site amplification is dependent only upon Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.AbrahamsonEtAl2018SInterHigh(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2018SInter

Abrahamson et al (2018) subduction interface GMPE with the positive epistemic adjustment factor applied


A “low” and “high” epistemic adjustment factor will be applied to subclasses of this model

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.AbrahamsonEtAl2018SInterLow(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2018SInter

Abrahamson et al (2018) subduction interface GMPE with the negative epistemic adjustment factor applied


A “low” and “high” epistemic adjustment factor will be applied to subclasses of this model

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.AbrahamsonEtAl2018SSlab(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2018SInter

Abrahamson et al. (2018) updated “BC Hydro” subduction GMPE for application to subduction in-slab earthquakes.


Cascadia adjustment factor


Supported tectonic region type is subduction in-slab

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters are only magnitude for the interface model

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.AbrahamsonEtAl2018SSlabHigh(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2018SSlab

Abrahamson et al (2018) subduction in-slab GMPE with the positive epistemic adjustment factor applied


A “low” and “high” epistemic adjustment factor will be applied to subclasses of this model

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.AbrahamsonEtAl2018SSlabLow(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2018SSlab

Abrahamson et al (2018) subduction in-slab GMPE with the negative epistemic adjustment factor applied


A “low” and “high” epistemic adjustment factor will be applied to subclasses of this model

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.compute_base_term(slab, C)[source]#

Returns the base coefficient of the GMPE, which for interface events is just the coefficient a1 (adjusted regionally)

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.compute_depth_term(slab, C, ctx)[source]#

No top of rupture depth term for interface events

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.compute_distance_term(slab, C, rrup, mag)[source]#

Returns the distance attenuation

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.compute_magnitude_term(slab, C, mag)[source]#

Returns the magnitude scaling term

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.compute_site_term(C, vs30, pga1000)[source]#

Returns the site amplification

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.get_inter_event_stddev(C, C_PGA, dln)[source]#

Returns the between event aleatory uncertainty, tau

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.get_stddevs(C, C_PGA, pga1000, vs30)[source]#

Returns the standard deviations

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_2018.get_within_event_stddev(C, C_PGA, dln)[source]#

Returns the within-event aleatory uncertainty, phi


Module exports AbrahamsonGulerce2020SInter,


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.AbrahamsonGulerce2020SInter(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the 2020 Subduction ground motion model of Abrahamson & Gulerce (2020):

Abrahamson N. and Gulurce Z. (2020) “Regionalized Ground-Motion Models for Subduction Earthquakes based on the NGA-SUB Database”, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) Technical Report, PEER 2020/25

The model is regionalised, defining specific adjustment factors for (invoking region term in parenthesis):

  • Global (“GLO” - for application to any subduction region for which no region-specific adjustment is defined)

  • Alaska (“USA-AK”)

  • Cascadia (“CAS”)

  • Central America & Mexico (“CAM”)

  • Japan (“JPN”)

  • New Zealand (“NZL”)

  • South America (“SAM”)

  • Taiwan (“TWN”)

The region-specific adjustments primarily affect the constant term, the anelastic attenuation term and the linear Vs30 scaling term. In addition, however, further period-specific adjustment factors can be applied for the Alaska and Cascadia regions using the boolean input apply_adjustment. These adjustments scale the resulting ground motion values to appropriate levels accounting for limited data and the Alaska and Cascadia region, based on analysis undertaken by the authors.

A general epistemic uncertainty median adjustment factor is also defined based on the standard deviation of the median ground motion from five regions with estimated regional terms. This term should be applied only to the global model (though this is not strictly enforced), and it is controlled via the use of sigma_mu_epsilon, the number of standard deviations by which the adjustment will be multiplied (default = 0)

A non-ergodic aleatory uncertainty model can be returned by setting ergodic=False.

The code implementation and test tables have been verified using Fortran code supplied by Professor N. Abrahamson, and cross-checked against an independent implementation from Feng Li, Jason Motha and James Paterson from University of Canterbury (New Zealand).

region (str): Choice of region among the supported regions (“GLO”,

“USA-AK”, “CAS”, “CAM”, “JPN”, “NZL”, “SAM”, “TWN”)

ergodic (bool): Return the ergodic aleatory variability model (True)

or non-ergodic form (False)

apply_usa_adjustment (bool): Apply the modeller designated Alaska or

Cascadia adjustments (available only for the regions “USA-AK” or “CAS”)

usgs_basin_scaling (bool): Scaling factor to be applied to basin term

based on USGS basin model

sigma_mu_epsilon (float): Number of standard deviations to multiply

sigma mu (the standard deviation of the median) for the epistemic uncertainty model

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1i vlin b a1 a2 a6 a7 a8 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20 a21 a22 a23 a24 a25 a26 a27 a28 a29 a30 a31 a32 a33 a34 a35 a36 a37 a39 a41 USA-AK_Adj CAS_Adj d1 d2 rhoW rhoB phi_s2s_g1 phi_s2s_g2 phi_s2s_g3 e1 e2 e3>#

Supported intensity measure component is RotD50

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration


Defined for a reference velocity of 1000 m/s

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see section 4.5


Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface

REQUIRES_ATTRIBUTES = frozenset({'apply_usa_adjustment', 'ergodic', 'region', 'sigma_mu_epsilon', 'usgs_basin_scaling'})#

Set of required GSIM attributes

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture, for interface events


Required rupture parameters are only magnitude for the interface model

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Site amplification is dependent only upon Vs30 for the majority of cases but Z2.5 is added for the JPN and CAS regions

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.AbrahamsonGulerce2020SSlab(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonGulerce2020SInter

Implements the 2020 Subduction ground motion model of Abrahamson & Gulerce (2020) for subduction in-slab earthquakes

Abrahamson N. and Gulurce Z. (2020) “Regionalized Ground-Motion Models for Subduction Earthquakes based on the NGA-SUB Database”, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) Technical Report, PEER 2020/25


Supported tectonic region type is subduction inslab

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and top-of-rupture depth

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_acceleration_on_reference_rock(C, trt, region, ctx, apply_adjustment)[source]#

Returns acceleration on reference rock - intended for use primarily with PGA. Overrides the Vs30 values and removes any basin depth terms

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_anelastic_attenuation_term(C, region, rrup)[source]#

Returns the regionally-adjusted anelastic attenuation term

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_base_term(C, region, apply_adjust)[source]#

Returns the region-specific base term (a1 - Equation 3.1)

  • C – Coefficient dictionary for the specfic IMT

  • region (str) – Region identifier

  • apply_adjust (bool) – For Alaska and Cascadia apply the modeller-defined adjustment factors to the base term (True) or else leave regionalised but unadjusted (False)

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_epistemic_adjustment(C, rrup)[source]#

Returns the distance-dependent epistemic adjustment factor defined in equation 6.1. In theory, this should only be applied to the global model, but we do not enforce this constraint here.

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_geometric_spreading_term(C, region, mag, rrup)[source]#

Returns the geometric spreading term defined in equation 3.1


rrup (numpy.ndarray) – Rupture distances (km)

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_inslab_scaling_term(C, trt, region, mag, rrup)[source]#

For inslab events, returns the inslab scaling term defined in equation 3.5 and corrected in the Erratum

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_magnitude_scaling_term(C, trt, region, mag)[source]#

Returns the magnitude scaling term (defined in Eq 3.3) and regional constant

  • trt (str) – Tectonic region type

  • mag (np.ndarray) – Earthquake magnitude

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_mean_acceleration(C, trt, region, ctx, pga1000, apply_adjustment, usgs_baf)[source]#

Returns the mean acceleration on soil

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_partial_derivative_site_pga(C, vs30, pga1000)[source]#

Defines the partial derivative of the site term with respect to the PGA on reference rock, described in equation 5.9 (corrected in Erratum)

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_phi_lin_model(C, C_PGA, region, period, rrup)[source]#

Returns the distance-dependent linear phi term for both PGA and the required spectral period. The term is regionally dependent with additional factors added on for Central America, Japan and South America

Several equations are used here, described fully in section 5.3


period (float) – Spectral period of ground motion

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_reference_basin_depth(region, vs30)[source]#

For the Cascadia and Japan regions a reference basin depth, dependent on the Vs30, is returned according to equations 2.1 and 2.2

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_rupture_depth_scaling_term(C, trt, ctx)[source]#

Returns the rupture depth scaling described in Equation 3.6, which takes the value 0 for interface events


ztor (numpy.ndarray) – Top of rupture depths (km)

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_site_amplification_term(C, region, vs30, pga1000)[source]#

Returns the shallow site amplification term as descrbied in Equation 3.7, and corrected in the Erratum

  • vs30 (numpy.ndarray) – 30-m averaged shearwave velocity (m/s)

  • pga1000 (numpy.ndarray) – Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), g, on a reference bedrock of 1000 m/s

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_gulerce_2020.get_tau_phi(C, C_PGA, region, period, rrup, vs30, pga1000, ergodic)[source]#

Get the heteroskedastic within-event and between-event standard deviation


Module exports AbrahamsonSilva1997


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_silva_1997.AbrahamsonSilva1997(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by N. A. Abrahamson and W. J. Silva and published as “Empirical Response Spectral Attenuation Relations for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes”, Seismological Research Letters, v.68, no. 1, p. 94-127, 1997.

The GMPE distinguishes between rock (vs30 >= 600) and deep soil (vs30 < 600). The rake angle is also taken into account to distinguish between ‘reverse’ (45 <= rake < 135) and ‘other’. If an earthquake rupture is classified as ‘reverse’, then the hanging-wall term is included in the mean calculation.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c4 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 c1 c5 n>#

Coefficient table (table 3, page 108)

COEFFS_STD = <CoeffsTable b5 b6>#

Coefficient table for standard deviation calculation (table 4, page 109)


Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean of two horizontal components (see paragraph ‘Regression Model’, page 105)

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are PGA and SA. PGA is assumed to have same coefficients as SA(0.01)


Supported standard deviation type is Total (see equations 13 pp. 106 and table 4, page 109).


Supported tectonic region type is ‘active shallow crust’ (see Introduction, page 94)

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is RRup (eq. 3, page 105).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and rake (eq. 3, page 105). Rake is used to distinguish between ‘reverse’ (45 <= rake <= 135) and ‘other’ (i.e. strike-slip and normal). If an earthquake is classified as ‘reverse’ than the hanging-wall term is taken into account.

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

The only site parameter is vs30 used to distinguish between rock (vs30 > 600 m/s) and deep soil (see table 2, page 95)

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_silva_1997.AbrahamsonSilva1997Vertical(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonSilva1997

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c4 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 c1 c5 n>#

Coefficient table (table 5, page 116)

COEFFS_STD = <CoeffsTable b5 b6>#

Coefficient table for standard deviation calculation (table 6, page 117)


Supported intensity measure component is vertical


Module exports AbrahamsonSilva2008.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_silva_2008.AbrahamsonSilva2008(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by Norman Abrahamson and Walter Silva and published as “Summary of the Abrahamson & Silva NGA Ground-Motion Relations” (2008, Earthquakes Spectra, Volume 24, Number 1, pages 67-97). This class implements only the equations for mainshock/foreshocks/swarms type events, that is the aftershock term (4th term in equation 1, page 74) is set to zero. The constant displacement model (page 80) is also not implemented (that is equation 1, page 74 is used for all periods and no correction is applied for periods greater than the constant displacement period). This class implements also the corrections (for standard deviation and hanging wall term calculation) as described in: AS08_NGA_errata.pdf

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable VLIN b a1 a2 a8 a10 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a18 s1est s2est s1mea s2mea s3 s4 rho>#

Coefficient tables obtained by joining table 5a page 84, and table 5b page 85.


Supported intensity measure component is orientation-independent average horizontal GMRotI50, see abstract, page 67.

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration, see tables 5a and 5b pages 84, 85, respectively.

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see paragraph “Equations for standard deviations”, page 81.


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, see paragraph ‘Data Set Selection’, see page 68.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb', 'rrup', 'rx'})#

Required distance measures are Rrup, Rjb and Rx (see Table 2, page 75).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'dip', 'mag', 'rake', 'width', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, rake, dip, ztor, and width (see table 2, page 75)

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'vs30measured', 'z1pt0'})#

Required site parameters are Vs30, Vs30 type (measured or inferred), and Z1.0, see paragraph ‘Soil Depth Model’, page 79, and table 6, page 86.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.abrahamson_silva_2008.CONSTS = {'a3': 0.265, 'a4': -0.231, 'a5': -0.398, 'c': 1.88, 'c1': 6.75, 'c2': 50, 'c4': 4.5, 'n': 1.18, 'sigma_amp': 0.3}#

equation constants (that are IMT independent) coefficients in table 4, page 84


Module exports AfshariStewart2016,


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.afshari_stewart_2016.AfshariStewart2016(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the GMPE of Afshari & Stewart (2016) for relative significant duration for 5 - 75 %, 5 - 95 % and 20 - 80 % Arias Intensity.

Afshari, K. and Stewart, J. P. (2016) “Physically Parameterized Prediction Equations for Signficant Duration in Active Crustal Regions”, Earthquake Spectra, 32(4), 2057 - 2081

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable m1 m2 b0N b0R b0SS b0U b1N b1R b1SS b1U b2 b3 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 vref tau1 tau2 phi1 phi2>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean horizontal component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function RSD575>, <function RSD2080>, <function RSD595>})#

Supported intensity measure types are 5 - 95 % Arias and 5 - 75 % Arias significant duration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation type is only total, see table 7, page 35


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'z1pt0'})#

Requires vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

region = 'CAL'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.afshari_stewart_2016.AfshariStewart2016Japan(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AfshariStewart2016

Adaption of the Afshari & Stewart (2016) GMPE for relative significant duration for the case when the Japan basin model is preferred

region = 'JPN'#
openquake.hazardlib.gsim.afshari_stewart_2016.get_distance_term(C, rrup)[source]#

Returns the distance scaling term in equation 7

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.afshari_stewart_2016.get_magnitude_term(C, ctx)[source]#

Returns the magnitude scaling term in equation 3

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.afshari_stewart_2016.get_site_amplification(region, C, ctx)[source]#

Returns the site amplification term

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.afshari_stewart_2016.get_stddevs(C, mag)[source]#

Returns the standard deviations


Module exports AkkarEtAl2013.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.akkar_2013.AkkarEtAl2013(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AkkarEtAlRjb2014

To ensure backwards compatibility with existing seismic hazard models, the call AkkarEtAl2013 is retained as legacy. The AkkarEtAl2013 GMPE is now implemented as AkkarEtAlRjb2014


alias of AkkarEtAlRjb2014


Module exports AkkarEtAlRjb2014

AkkarEtAlRepi2014 AkkarEtAlRhypo2014.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.akkar_2014.AkkarEtAlRepi2014(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AkkarEtAlRjb2014

Implements GMPE developed by S. Akkar, M. A. Sandikkaya, and J. J. Bommer as published in “Empirical Ground-Motion Models for Point- and Extended- Source Crustal Earthquake Scenarios in Europe and the Middle East”, Bullettin of Earthquake Engineering (2014).

The class implements the equations for epicentral distance and based on manuscript provided by the original authors.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 c1 Vcon Vref c n b1 b2 sigma tau>#

Coefficient table (from Table 3 and 4a, page 22) Table 4.a: Period-dependent regression coefficients of the RJB ground-motion model sigma is the ‘intra-event’ standard deviation, while tau is the ‘inter-event’ standard deviation

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'repi'})#

The required distance parameter is ‘Joyner-Boore’ distance, because coefficients in table 4.a, pages 22-23, are used.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.akkar_2014.AkkarEtAlRhyp2014(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AkkarEtAlRjb2014

Implements GMPE developed by S. Akkar, M. A. Sandikkaya, and J. J. Bommer as published in “Empirical Ground-Motion Models for Point- and Extended- Source Crustal Earthquake Scenarios in Europe and the Middle East”, Bullettin of Earthquake Engineering (2014).

The class implements the equations for hypocentral distance and based on manuscript provided by the original authors.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 c1 Vcon Vref c n b1 b2 sigma tau>#

Coefficient table (from Table 3 and 4a, page 22) Table 4.a: Period-dependent regression coefficients of the RJB ground-motion model sigma is the ‘intra-event’ standard deviation, while tau is the ‘inter-event’ standard deviation

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

The required distance parameter is ‘Joyner-Boore’ distance, because coefficients in table 4.a, pages 22-23, are used.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.akkar_2014.AkkarEtAlRjb2014(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by S. Akkar, M. A. Sandikkaya, and J. J. Bommer as published in “Empirical Ground-Motion Models for Point- and Extended- Source Crustal Earthquake Scenarios in Europe and the Middle East”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (2014), 12(1): 359 - 387 The class implements the equations for Joyner-Boore distance and based on manuscript provided by the original authors.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 c1 Vcon Vref c n b1 b2 sigma tau>#

Coefficient table (from Table 3 and 4a, page 22) Table 4.a: Period-dependent regression coefficients of the RJB ground-motion model sigma is the ‘intra-event’ standard deviation, while tau is the ‘inter-event’ standard deviation


The supported intensity measure component is ‘average horizontal’, see section ‘A New Generation of European Ground-Motion Models’, page 8

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

The supported intensity measure types are PGA, PGV, and SA, see table 4.a, pages 22-23

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

The supported standard deviations are total, inter and intra event, see table 4.a, pages 22-23


The supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust because the equations have been developed for “all seismically- active regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea and extending to the Middle East”, see section ‘A New Generation of European Ground-Motion Models’, page 4.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

The required distance parameter is ‘Joyner-Boore’ distance, because coefficients in table 4.a, pages 22-23, are used.

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

The required rupture parameters are rake and magnitude, see equation 1, page 20.

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

The required site parameter is vs30, see equation 1, page 20.

c1 = 6.75#

c1 is the reference magnitude, fixed to 6.75Mw (which happens to be the same value used in Boore and Atkinson, 2008) see paragraph ‘Functional Form of Predictive Equations and Regressions’, page 21

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

Implement equation 1, page 20.


Module exports AkkarBommer2010, class:AkkarBommer2010SWISS01, class:AkkarBommer2010SWISS04, class:AkkarBommer2010SWISS08,

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.akkar_bommer_2010.AkkarBommer2010(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by Sinan Akkar and Julian J. Bommer and published as “Empirical Equations for the Prediction of PGA, PGV, and Spectral Accelerations in Europe, the Mediterranean Region, and the Middle East”, Seismological Research Letters, 81(2), 195-206. SA at 4 s (not supported by the original equations) has been added in the context of the SHARE project and assumed to be equal to SA at 3 s but scaled with proper factor. Equation coefficients for PGA and SA periods up to 0.05 seconds have been taken from updated model as described in ‘Extending ground-motion prediction equations for spectral accelerations to higher response frequencies’,Julian J. Bommer, Sinan Akkar, Stephane Drouet, Bull. Earthquake Eng. (2012) volume 10, pages 379 - 399. Coefficients for PGV and SA above 0.05 seconds are taken from the original 2010 publication.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 Sigma1 tau SigmaTot>#

For PGA and SA up to 0.05 seconds, coefficients are taken from table 5, page 385 of ‘Extending ground-motion prediction equations for spectral accelerations to higher response frequencies’, while for PGV and SA with periods greater than 0.05 coefficients are taken from table 1, pages 200-201 of ‘Empirical Equations for the Prediction of PGA, PGV, and Spectral Accelerations in Europe, the Mediterranean Region, and the Middle East’


Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean of two horizontal components GEOMETRIC_MEAN, see page 196.

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Set of intensity measure types this GSIM can calculate. A set should contain classes from module openquake.hazardlib.imt.


Reference Vs30. See page 2983 (top or right column)

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see equation 2, page 199.


Reference to a tectonic region type this GSIM is defined for. One GSIM can implement only one tectonic region type.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is RRup (eq. 1, page 199).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake (eq. 1, page 199).

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameter is only Vs30 (used to distinguish rock and stiff and soft soil).

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.akkar_bommer_2010.AkkarBommer2010SWISS01(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AkkarBommer2010

This class extends AkkarBommer2010 adjusted to be used for the Swiss Hazard Model [2014]. This GMPE is valid for a fixed value of vs30=600m/s

# kappa value K-adjustments corresponding to model 01 - as prepared by Ben Edwards K-value for PGA were not provided but infered from SA[0.01s] the model considers a fixed value of vs30=600 to match the reference vs30=1100m/s

# small-magnitude correction

# single station sigma - inter-event magnitude/distance adjustment

Disclaimer: these equations are modified to be used for the Swiss Seismic Hazard Model [2014]. The use of these models is the soly responsability of the hazard modeler.

Model implemented by

COEFFS_FS_ROCK = <CoeffsTable k_adj a1 a2 b1 b2 Rm phi_11 phi_21 C2 Mc1 Mc2 Rc11 Rc21 mean_phi_ss>#
DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Set of intensity measure types this GSIM can calculate. A set should contain classes from module openquake.hazardlib.imt.


Vs30 value representing typical rock conditions in Switzerland. confirmed by the Swiss GMPE group

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see equation 2, page 199.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.akkar_bommer_2010.AkkarBommer2010SWISS04(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AkkarBommer2010SWISS01

This class extends AkkarBommer2010 following same strategy as for AkkarBommer2010SWISS01

COEFFS_FS_ROCK = <CoeffsTable k_adj a1 a2 b1 b2 Rm phi_11 phi_21 C2 Mc1 Mc2 Rc11 Rc21 mean_phi_ss>#
DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see equation 2, page 199.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.akkar_bommer_2010.AkkarBommer2010SWISS08(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AkkarBommer2010SWISS01

This class extends AkkarBommer2010 following same strategy as for AkkarBommer2010SWISS01 to be used for the Swiss Hazard Model [2014].

COEFFS_FS_ROCK = <CoeffsTable k_adj a1 a2 b1 b2 Rm phi_11 phi_21 C2 Mc1 Mc2 Rc11 Rc21 mean_phi_ss>#
DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see equation 2, page 199.



Module exports AkkarCagnan2010.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.akkar_cagnan_2010.AkkarCagnan2010(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by Sinnan Akkar and Zehra Cagnan and published as “A Local Ground-Motion Predictive Model for Turkey, and Its Comparison with Other Regional and Global Ground-Motion Models” (2010, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Volume 100, No. 6, pages 2978-2995). It uses the same site response function used in Boore and Atkinson 2008.

COEFFS_AC10 = <CoeffsTable a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 sigma tau>#

Coefficient table (from Table 3, p. 2985) sigma is the ‘intra-event’ standard deviation, while tau is the ‘inter-event’ standard deviation

COEFFS_SOIL_RESPONSE = <CoeffsTable blin b1 b2>#

Supported intensity measure component is geometric mean of two horizontal components : attr:~openquake.hazardlib.const.IMC.GEOMETRIC_MEAN, see paragraph ‘Functional Form’, p. 2981.

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Set of intensity measure types this GSIM can calculate. A set should contain classes from module openquake.hazardlib.imt.

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see Table 3, p. 2985.


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust (the equations being developed for Turkey, see paragraph ‘Strong Motion Databank’, p. 2981)

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is Rjb. See paragraph ‘Functional Form’, p. 2981.

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and rake. See paragraph ‘Functional Form’, p. 2981.

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameters is Vs30. See paragraph ‘Functionl Form’, p. 2981.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Module exports Allen2012, :class:’Allen2012_SS14’

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.allen_2012.Allen2012(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by T. Allen and published as “Stochastic ground- motion prediction equations for southeastern Australian earthquakes using updated source and attenuation parameters”, 2012, Geoscience Australia Record 2012/69. Document available at:

COEFFS_DEEP = <CoeffsTable c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 sigma>#

Coefficients for deep events taken from Excel file produced by Trevor Allen and provided by Geoscience Australia (20120821.GMPE_coeffs.xls) (coefficients in the original report are not correct)

COEFFS_SHALLOW = <CoeffsTable c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 sigma>#

Coefficients for shallow events taken from Excel file produced by Trevor Allen and provided by Geoscience Australia (20120821.GMPE_coeffs.xls) (coefficients in the original report are not correct)


Supported intensity measure component is the median horizontal component see table 7, page 35

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types is spectral acceleration, see table 7, page 35, and PGA (coefficients assumed to be the same of SA(0.01))


Supported standard deviation type is only total, see table 7, page 35


Supported tectonic region type is stable continental crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture, see paragraph ‘Regression of Model Coefficients’, page 32

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_depth', 'mag'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and hypocentral depth, see paragraph ‘Regression of Model Coefficients’, page 32 and tables 7 and 8, pages 35, 36


No site parameters are needed, the GMPE is calibrated for average South East Australia site conditions (assumed consistent to Vs30 = 820 m/s) see paragraph ‘Executive Summary’, page VII. (provisionally set to 800 for compatibility with SiteTerm class)

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.allen_2012.Allen2012_SS14(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Allen2012

Allen2012 Model updated to apply the linear and non-linear amplification factors of Sayhan & Stewart (2014) as applied in the Boore et al (2014) NGE-West 2 GMM

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameters is Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Module exports :class:’AllenEtAl2012’,


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.allen_2012_ipe.AllenEtAl2012(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the Intensity Prediction Equation of Allen, Wald and Worden (2012) for Modified Mercalli Intensity in Active Crustal Regions Allen, T. I., Wald, D. J. and Worden, C. B. (2012) Intensity attenuation in active crustal regions, J. Seismology, 16: 409 - 433

This class implements the version using rupture distance, neglecting site amplification

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c0 c1 c2 c3 s1 s2 s3>#

Supported intensity measure component is not considered for IPEs, so we assume equivalent to ‘average horizontal’


Supported intensity measure types are peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity


Supported standard deviation types is total.


The GMPE is derived from induced earthquakes

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is rupture distance


Required rupture parameters are magnitude (ML is used)


No required site parameters (in the present version)

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.allen_2012_ipe.AllenEtAl2012Rhypo(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AllenEtAl2012

Version of the Allen, Wald and Worden (2012) GSIM for hypocentral distance

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 m1 m2 s1 s2 s3>#
REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance measure is hypocentral distance


Module exports Allen2022

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.allen_2022.Allen2022(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by Allen and published as “Allen, T. I. (2022). A farfield groundmotion model for the North Australian Craton from platemargin earthquakes, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., doi: 10.1785/0120210191.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 d0 d1 d2 d3 n0 s0 s1 tau phi sigma>#

Coefficient table (see table 1 page 1047.)


Reference to a intensity measure component type this GSIM can calculate mean and standard deviation for.

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration, see table 1, pages 227 and 228.

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types is total, see equations 9-10 page 1051.


Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance measure is hypocentral distance, see equation 10 page 226.

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_depth', 'mag'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and focal depth, see equation 10 page 226.

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameters is Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#
  • ctx – a RuptureContext object or a numpy recarray of size N

  • imts – a list of M Intensity Measure Types

  • mean – an array of shape (M, N) for the means

  • sig – an array of shape (M, N) for the TOTAL stddevs

  • tau – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTER_EVENT stddevs

  • phi – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTRA_EVENT stddevs

To be overridden in subclasses with a procedure filling the arrays and returning None.


Module exports :class:’AmbraseysEtAl2005’


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.ambraseys_2005.AmbraseysEtAl2005(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the horizontal PGA and SA GMPE of “N.N. AMBRASEYS1, J. DOUGLAS1, S.K. SARMA and P.M. SMIT (2005): Equations for the Estimation of Strong Ground Motions from Shallow Crustal Earthquakes Using Data from Europe and the Middle East: Horizontal Peak Ground Acceleration and Spectral Acceleration, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering: 3:1–53, DOI 10.1007/s10518-005-0183-0.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 Sig1a Sig1b Sig2a Sig2b>#

Table II


Supported intensity measure component the larger horizontal component,

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are are peak ground acceleration and period <= 2.5 (s)

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are total, inter- and intra- events.


The GMPE is derived from shallow earthquakes in EU and Middle-east

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is Rjb

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters is rake and mag

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameter is only Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.ambraseys_2005.AmbraseysEtAl2005Vertical(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AmbraseysEtAl2005

Implements the vertical PGA and SA GMPE of “N.N. AMBRASEYS1, J. DOUGLAS1, S.K. SARMA and P.M. SMIT (2005): Equations for the Estimation of Strong Ground Motions from Shallow Crustal Earthquakes Using Data from Europe and the Middle East: Vertical Peak Ground Acceleration and Spectral Acceleration, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering: 3:55–73, DOI 10.1007/s10518-005-0186-x.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 Sig1a Sig1b Sig2a Sig2b>#

Table I


Supported intensity measure component is vertical


Module exports Ameri2014Rjb,

AmeriEtAl2017Rjb, AmeriEtAl2017Repi, AmeriEtAl2017RjbStressDrop, AmeriEtAl2017RepiStressDrop

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.ameri_2017.Ameri2014Rjb(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AmeriEtAl2017Rjb

Implementation of Ameri (2014), an early version of the Ameri et al. (2017) GMM published in:

Ameri (2014) “Empirical Ground Motion Model Adapted to the French Context”, Seismic Ground Motion Assessment (SIGMA) Deliverable SIGMA-2014-D2-131

However, the model is adopted in favour of the Ameri et al. (2017) model within the 2020 seismic hazard model of France published by Drouet et al. (2020):

Drouet S, Ameri G, Le Dortz, K, Sevanell R, Senfaute G. (2020) “A probabilistic seismic hazard map for the metropolitan France”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 18: 1865 - 1898

Adopts a homoscedastic standard deviation model.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a c1 c2 h b1 b2 b3 e1 e2 e3 e4 f1 f2 f3>#

Coefficients from xls file “coeff_AMERI2014_Rjb_generic.xls”:

COEFFS_SIGMA = <CoeffsTable sigmaB sigmaW sigmaT>#
kind = 'homoscedastic'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.ameri_2017.AmeriEtAl2017Repi(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AmeriEtAl2017Rjb

Implements the Ameri et al (2017) GMPE for the case where epicentral distance is used. Standard deviation uses the heteroscedastic formulation given in eqn. 11. (for periods T<=1 s.)

Reference: Ameri, G., Drouet, S., Traversa, P., Bindi, D., Cotton, F., (2017), Toward an empirical ground motion prediction equation for France: accounting for regional differences in the source stress parameter, Bull. Earthquake Eng., 15: 4681-4717.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a c1 c2 h b1 b2 b3 e1 e2 e3 e4 f1 f2 f3>#

Coefficients from Table “10518_2017_171_MOESM1_ESM.xlsx” in electronic supplementary material:

COEFFS_SIGMA = <CoeffsTable tau tau1 tau2 phi>#
REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'repi'})#

Required distance measure is Repi (eq. 1).

kind = 'repi'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.ameri_2017.AmeriEtAl2017RepiStressDrop(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AmeriEtAl2017Repi

Implements the Ameri et al (2017) GMPE for the case where epicentral distance is used, and the stress parameter is specified in the Ground-motion logic-tree. Example specification of the normalized stress parameter:

    norm_stress_drop = 0.3

The stress parameter is normalized according to STRESS_DROP/REF_STRESS_DROP, where REF_STRESS_DROP varies regionally. The authors used the following values for reference regional stress estimates: 1 bar for the Swtzerland (Swiss Alps+ Foreland), 10 bars for the French Alps + Rhine Graben, and 100 bars for the Pyrenees events. In this case, the standard deviation implements a homoscedastic formulation

Reference: Ameri, G., Drouet, S., Traversa, P., Bindi, D., Cotton, F., (2017), Toward an empirical ground motion prediction equation for France: accounting for regional differences in the source stress parameter, Bull. Earthquake Eng., 15: 4681-4717.

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake (eq. 1).

kind = 'repi_stress'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.ameri_2017.AmeriEtAl2017Rjb(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the Ameri et al (2017) GMPE for the case where Joyner-Boore distance is used. Standard deviation uses the heteroscedastic formulation given in eqn. 11. (for periods T<=1 s.)

Reference: Ameri, G., Drouet, S., Traversa, P., Bindi, D., Cotton, F., (2017), Toward an empirical ground motion prediction equation for France: accounting for regional differences in the source stress parameter, Bull. Earthquake Eng., 15: 4681-4717.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a c1 c2 h b1 b2 b3 e1 e2 e3 e4 f1 f2 f3>#

Coefficients from Table “10518_2017_171_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx” in electronic supplementary material:

COEFFS_SIGMA = <CoeffsTable tau tau1 tau2 phi>#
COEFFS_STRESS = <CoeffsTable s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean of two horizontal components

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Set of intensity measure types this GSIM can calculate. A set should contain classes from module openquake.hazardlib.imt.

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total


Supported tectonic region type is ‘active shallow crust’

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is Rjb (eq. 1).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake (eq. 1).

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameter is only Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

kind = 'rjb'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.ameri_2017.AmeriEtAl2017RjbStressDrop(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AmeriEtAl2017Rjb

Implements the Ameri et al (2017) GMPE for the case where Joyner-Boore distance is used, and the stress parameter is specified in the Ground-motion logic-tree. Example specification of the normalizaed stress parameter:

    norm_stress_drop = 0.3

The stress parameter is normalized according to STRESS_DROP/REF_STRESS_DROP, where REF_STRESS_DROP varies regionally. The authors used the following values for reference regional stress estimates: 1 bar for the Swtzerland (Swiss Alps +Foreland), 10 bars for the French Alps + Rhine Graben, and 100 bars for the Pyrenees events. In this case, the standard deviation implements a homoscedastic formulation.

Reference: Ameri, G., Drouet, S., Traversa, P., Bindi, D., Cotton, F., (2017), Toward an empirical ground motion prediction equation for France: accounting for regional differences in the source stress parameter, Bull. Earthquake Eng., 15: 4681-4717.

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake (eq. 1).

kind = 'rjb_stress'#


Created on Tue May 14 2024 Authors:

Module exports AristeidouEtAl2023


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.aristeidou_2023.AristeidouEtAl2023(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements a ground motion model developed by Savvinos Aristeidou, Karim Tarbali, and Gerard J. O’Reilly, published as “A ground motion model for orientation-independent inelastic spectral displacements from shallow crustal earthquakes” (2023, Earthquake Spectra, Volume 39, Number 3, pages 1601 - 1624).

COEFFS = {'R=1.5, RotD50': <CoeffsTable a b1 b2 c11 c21 c12 c22 c13 c23 f1 f2 s1 s2 s3 s4 d1 d2 c3 φ τ σ>, 'R=2, RotD50': <CoeffsTable a b1 b2 c11 c21 c12 c22 c13 c23 f1 f2 s1 s2 s3 s4 d1 d2 c3 φ τ σ>, 'R=3, RotD50': <CoeffsTable a b1 b2 c11 c21 c12 c22 c13 c23 f1 f2 s1 s2 s3 s4 d1 d2 c3 φ τ σ>, 'R=4, RotD50': <CoeffsTable a b1 b2 c11 c21 c12 c22 c13 c23 f1 f2 s1 s2 s3 s4 d1 d2 c3 φ τ σ>, 'R=6, RotD50': <CoeffsTable a b1 b2 c11 c21 c12 c22 c13 c23 f1 f2 s1 s2 s3 s4 d1 d2 c3 φ τ σ>}#

Supported intensity measure components are orientation- independent median horizontal

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SDi>})#

Supported intensity measure types is inelastic spectral acceleration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measures are Rrup

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and rake

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'z2pt5'})#

Required site parameters are Vs30, and depth (km) to the 2.5 km/s shear wave velocity layer (z2pt5)

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

hor_comp_def = 'RotD50'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.aristeidou_2023.AristeidouEtAl2023RotD100(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AristeidouEtAl2023

Implements the Aristeidou, Tarbali, and O’Reilly (2023) GMM for the RotD100 horizontal component definition

COEFFS = {'R=1.5, RotD100': <CoeffsTable a b1 b2 c11 c21 c12 c22 c13 c23 f1 f2 s1 s2 s3 s4 d1 d2 c3 φ τ σ>, 'R=2, RotD100': <CoeffsTable a b1 b2 c11 c21 c12 c22 c13 c23 f1 f2 s1 s2 s3 s4 d1 d2 c3 φ τ σ>, 'R=3, RotD100': <CoeffsTable a b1 b2 c11 c21 c12 c22 c13 c23 f1 f2 s1 s2 s3 s4 d1 d2 c3 φ τ σ>, 'R=4, RotD100': <CoeffsTable a b1 b2 c11 c21 c12 c22 c13 c23 f1 f2 s1 s2 s3 s4 d1 d2 c3 φ τ σ>, 'R=6, RotD100': <CoeffsTable a b1 b2 c11 c21 c12 c22 c13 c23 f1 f2 s1 s2 s3 s4 d1 d2 c3 φ τ σ>}#
DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT = 'Horizontal Maximum Direction (RotD100)'#

Supported intensity measure components are orientation- independent maximum horizontal

hor_comp_def = 'RotD100'#
openquake.hazardlib.gsim.aristeidou_2023.check_bounds(array, value)[source]#

Checks whether a value is smaller than the minimum number inside the array or bigger than the maximum number inside the array. Returns True if it is inside bounds


Created on Mon Apr 08 2024 Authors:,

Module exports AristeidouEtAl2024

AristeidouEtAl2024Geomean AristeidouEtAl2024RotD100

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.aristeidou_2024.AristeidouEtAl2024(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Aristeidou, S., Shahnazaryan, D. and O’Reilly, G.J. (2024) ‘Artificial neural network-based ground motion model for next-generation seismic intensity measures’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 184, 108851. Available at:


Supported intensity measure components

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function Sa_avg2>, <function PGD>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>, <function Sa_avg3>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types


Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb', 'rrup', 'rx'})#

Required distance measures

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_depth', 'mag', 'rake', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'z2pt5'})#

Requires sites parameters

SUGGESTED_LIMITS = {'D_hyp': [2.3, 18.65], 'Rjb': [0.0, 299.44], 'Rrup': [0.07, 299.59], 'Rx': [-297.13, 292.39], 'Vs30': [106.83, 1269.78], 'Z2pt5': [0.0, 7780.0], 'Ztor': [0, 16.23], 'magnitude': [4.5, 7.9], 'mechanism': [0, 4]}#
component_definition = 'RotD50'#
compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.aristeidou_2024.AristeidouEtAl2024Geomean(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AristeidouEtAl2024


Supported intensity measure components

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function Sa_avg2>, <function RSD575>, <function RSD595>, <function FIV3>, <function Sa_avg3>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types

component_definition = 'geomean'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.aristeidou_2024.AristeidouEtAl2024RotD100(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AristeidouEtAl2024


Supported intensity measure components

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function Sa_avg2>, <function Sa_avg3>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types

component_definition = 'RotD100'#
openquake.hazardlib.gsim.aristeidou_2024.extract_im_names(imts, component_definition)[source]#

Convert the im strings of openquake to the im naming convention used in the GMM

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.aristeidou_2024.get_period_im(name: str)[source]#

Returns the period of IM and IM type, given the IM name string


Calculate the linear activation function


Recursively load an HDF5 group or dataset into a nested list or value.


Calculate the sigmoid activation function


Calculate the softmax activation function


Calculate the tanh activation function


Armenian modification to selected active shallow crustal GMPEs Module exports AkkarEtAlRjb2014Armenia, BindiEtAl2014RjbArmenia, BooreEtAl2014LowQArmenia, CauzziEtAl2014Armenia, KaleEtAl2015Armenia, KothaEtAl2016Armenia, ChiouYoungs2014Armenia

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.armenia_2016.AkkarEtAlRjb2014Armenia(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AkkarEtAlRjb2014

Adjustment of Akkar et al based on Armenian data

COEFFS_ADJUST = <CoeffsTable a b tau_adj sig_adj>#
compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)#

Adjustments for Armenia

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.armenia_2016.BindiEtAl2014RjbArmenia(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2014Rjb

Adjustment of Bindi et al based on Armenian data

COEFFS_ADJUST = <CoeffsTable a b tau_adj sig_adj>#
compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)#

Adjustments for Armenia

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.armenia_2016.BooreEtAl2014LowQArmenia(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BooreEtAl2014LowQ

Adjustment of Boore et al for Low Q regions - adjusted for Armenian data

COEFFS_ADJUST = <CoeffsTable a b tau_adj sig_adj>#
compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)#

Adjustments for Armenia

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.armenia_2016.CauzziEtAl2014Armenia(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: CauzziEtAl2014

Adjustment of Cauzzi et al. (2014) for Armenia

COEFFS_ADJUST = <CoeffsTable a b tau_adj sig_adj>#
compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)#

Adjustments for Armenia

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.armenia_2016.ChiouYoungs2014Armenia(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: ChiouYoungs2014

Adaptation of Chiou & Youngs (2014) for use in Armenia

COEFFS_ADJUST = <CoeffsTable a b tau_adj sig_adj>#
compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)#

Adjustments for Armenia

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.armenia_2016.KaleEtAl2015Armenia(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: KaleEtAl2015Turkey

Adjustment of Kale et al (2015) - Turkish version, for use in Armenia

COEFFS_ADJUST = <CoeffsTable a b tau_adj sig_adj>#
compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)#

Adjustments for Armenia

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.armenia_2016.KothaEtAl2016Armenia(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: KothaEtAl2016Turkey

Adaptation of Kotha et al. (2016) - Turkey Regionalisation - for use in Armenia

COEFFS_ADJUST = <CoeffsTable a b tau_adj sig_adj>#
compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)#

Adjustments for Armenia

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.armenia_2016.compute(self, ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

Adjustments for Armenia


Module exports :class:’ArroyoEtAl2010SInter’

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.arroyo_2010.ArroyoEtAl2010SInter(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by Arroyo et al. (2010) for Mexican subduction interface events and published as:

Arroyo D., García D., Ordaz M., Mora M. A., and Singh S. K. (2010) “Strong ground-motion relations for Mexican interplate earhquakes”, J. Seismol., 14:769-785.

The original formulation predict peak ground acceleration (PGA), in cm/s**2, and 5% damped pseudo-acceleration response spectra (PSA) in cm/s**2 for the geometric average of the maximum component of the two horizontal component of ground motion.

The GMPE predicted values for Mexican interplate events at rock sites (NEHRP B site condition) in the forearc region.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 g_e bias s_t s_e s_r>#

Equation coefficients for geometric average of the maximum of the two horizontal components, as described in Table 2 on page 776.


Reference to a intensity measure component type this GSIM can calculate mean and standard deviation for.

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration. See Table 2 in page 776.

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total. See Table 2, page 776.


Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface, given that the equations have been derived using Mexican interface events.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is Rrup (closest distance to fault surface)


Required rupture parameter is the magnitude

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

No site parameters required

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Module exports ArtetaEtAl2021Inter

ArtetaEtAl2021Slab ArtetaEtAl2021Inter_Vs30 ArtetaEtAl2021Slab_Vs30

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.arteta_2021.ArtetaEtAl2021Inter(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: ArtetaEtAl2021InterVs30

Implements the model of Arteta et al (2021) as described in “Ground-motion model for subduction earthquakes in northern South America” by Arteta et al. (2021) - Earthquake Spectra,

Soil term depends of natural perod and pick value of HVRSR spectra


Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Set of standard deviation types this GSIM can calculate.


Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture, for interface events


Required rupture parameters are only magnitude for the interface model


Amplification is dependent on the period and amplitude of HVRSR spectra

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.arteta_2021.ArtetaEtAl2021InterVs30(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the model of Arteta et al (2021) as described in “Ground-motion model for subduction earthquakes in northern South America” by Arteta et al. (2021) - Earthquake Spectra,

Soil term is associated with Vs30 using the simplification given in terms of natural period of HVRSR and mean value of P*

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable Teta1 Teta2 Teta3 Teta4 Teta5 MC1 Tau Phi1 Phi2 Sigma1 Sigma2 Phis2s Phiss Sigmass>#
COEFFS_SITE = <CoeffsTable s2 s3 s4 s5>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Set of standard deviation types this GSIM can calculate.


Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture, for interface events


Required rupture parameters are only magnitude for the interface model

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Site amplification is dependent only upon Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.arteta_2021.ArtetaEtAl2021Slab(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: ArtetaEtAl2021SlabVs30

Implements the model of Arteta et al (2021) as described in “Ground-motion model for subduction earthquakes in northern South America” by Arteta et al. (2021) - Earthquake Spectra,

Soil term depends of natural perod and pick value of HVRSR spectra

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'PHV', 'THV', 'backarc'})#

Site amplification is dependent on the period and amplitude of HVRSR spectra

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.arteta_2021.ArtetaEtAl2021SlabVs30(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: ArtetaEtAl2021InterVs30

Implements the model of Arteta et al (2021) as described in “Ground-motion model for subduction earthquakes in northern South America” by Arteta et al. (2021) - Earthquake Spectra,

Soil term is associated with Vs30 using the simplification given in terms of natural period of HVRSR and mean value of P*

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable Teta1 Teta2 Teta3 Teta4 Teta5 Teta6 Tau Phi1 Phi2 Sigma1 Sigma2 Phis2s Phiss Sigmass>#
COEFFS_SITE = <CoeffsTable s2 s3 s4 s5>#

Supported tectonic region type is subduction in-slab

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance measure is hypocentral for in-slab events

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Module exports ArtetaEtAl2023_Vs30


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.arteta_2023.ArtetaEtAl2023(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: ArtetaEtAl2023_Vs30

Implements the model of Arteta et al (2021) as described in “Ground‐Motion Model (GMM) for Crustal Earthquakes in Northern South America (NoSAm Crustal GMM)” published on the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2023 ( doi: by Carlos A. Arteta, Cesar A. Pajaro, Vicente Mercado, Julián Montejo, Mónica Arcila, Norman A. Abrahamson; Soil term depends of natural perod and peak value of HVRSR spectra


Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Set of standard deviation types this GSIM can calculate.


Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo', 'rvolc'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture, for interface events

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_depth', 'mag'})#

Required rupture parameters are only magnitude for the interface model


Site amplification is dependent on the period and amplitude of HVRSR spectra

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.arteta_2023.ArtetaEtAl2023_Vs30(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the model of Arteta et al (2021) as described in “Ground‐Motion Model (GMM) for Crustal Earthquakes in Northern South America (NoSAm Crustal GMM)” published on the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2023 ( doi: by Carlos A. Arteta, Cesar A. Pajaro, Vicente Mercado, Julián Montejo, Mónica Arcila, Norman A. Abrahamson; Soil term is associated with Vs30 using the simplification given in terms of natural period of HVRSR and mean value of P*

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable Tetha1 Tetha2 Tetha3 Tetha4 Tetha5 Tetha6 Tetha7 M1 Tau Phi Sigma>#
COEFFS_SITE = <CoeffsTable s2 s3 s4 s5>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Set of standard deviation types this GSIM can calculate.


Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo', 'rvolc'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture, for interface events

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_depth', 'mag'})#

Required rupture parameters are only magnitude for the interface model

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Site amplification is dependent only upon Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Module exports :class:’Atkinson2015’


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_2015.Atkinson2015(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the Induced Seismicity GMPE of Atkinson (2015) Atkinson, G. A. (2015) Ground-Motion Prediction Equation for Small-to- Moderate Events at Short Hypocentral Distances, with Application to Induced-Seismicity Hazards. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 105(2).

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 phi tau sigma>#

Supported intensity measure component is the larger of two components

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Supported intensity measure types are peak ground acceleration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types is total.


The GMPE is derived from induced earthquakes

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance measure is hypocentral distance


Required rupture parameters are magnitude


No required site parameters, the GMPE is derived for B/C site amplification factors

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

rsat = 'default'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_2015.Atkinson2015AltDistSat(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Atkinson2015

This class implements the alternative effective depth term provided on page 986 of Atkinson (2015) for the use of stronger distance-saturation effects than implemented within the default model.

It should be noted that this class uses the coefficients obtained using the Yenier and Atkinson (2014) effective depth term i.e. those used within the base gsim class too, with modification only to the effective depth term

rsat = 'alternative'#


Module exports AtkinsonBoore1995GSCBest, AtkinsonBoore1995GSCLowerLimit, AtkinsonBoore1995GSCUpperLimit

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_1995.AtkinsonBoore1995GSCBest(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implement equation used by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) for the 2010 Eastern Canada National Seismic Hazard Model. The equation fits the table values defined by Gail M. Atkinson and David M. Boore in “Ground-Motion Relations for Eastern North America”, Bullettin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 17-30, February 1995. Table of coefficients were provided by GSC and are associated to the ‘Best’ case (that is mean value unaffected).

The class assumes magnitude to be in Mblg scale. The Atkinson 1993 conversion equation is used to obtain Mw values.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8>#

coefficient table provided by GSC


Supported intensity measure component is random horizontal RANDOM_HORIZONTAL, see page 22 in Atkinson and Boore’s manuscript

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration


Supported standard deviation type is total


Supported tectonic region type is stable continental, given that the equations have been derived for Eastern North America

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance measure is hypocentral distance see page 18 in Atkinson and Boore’s manuscript


Required rupture parameter is magnitude


site params are not required

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_1995.AtkinsonBoore1995GSCLowerLimit(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AtkinsonBoore1995GSCBest

Implement equation used by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) for the 2010 Eastern Canada National Seismic Hazard Model. The equation fits the table values defined by Gail M. Atkinson and David M. Boore in “Ground-Motion Relations for Eastern North America”, Bullettin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 17-30, February 1995. Table of coefficients were provided by GSC and are associated to the ‘Lower Limit’ case (that is mean value decreased).

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8>#

coefficient table provided by GSC

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_1995.AtkinsonBoore1995GSCUpperLimit(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AtkinsonBoore1995GSCBest

Implement equation used by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) for the 2010 Eastern Canada National Seismic Hazard Model. The equation fits the table values defined by Gail M. Atkinson and David M. Boore in “Ground-Motion Relations for Eastern North America”, Bullettin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 17-30, February 1995. Table of coefficients were provided by GSC and are associated to the ‘Upper Limit’ case (that is mean value increased).

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8>#

coefficient table provided by GSC


Module exports AtkinsonBoore2003SInter, AtkinsonBoore2003SSlab, AtkinsonBoore2003SInterNSHMP2008, AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabNSHMP2008, AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabCascadia, AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabCascadiaNSHMP2008, AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabJapan AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabJapanNSHMP2008

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2003.AtkinsonBoore2003SInter(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by G. M Atkinson and D. Boore and published as “Empirical Ground-Motion Relations for Subduction-Zone Earthquakes and Their Application to Cascadia and Other Regions” (Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Volume 93, Number 4, pages 1703-1929, 2003) and includes correction for subduction interface equations as described in “Erratum to ‘Empirical Ground Motion Relations for Subduction-Zone Earthquakes and their application to Cascadia and other regions’”, Gail M. Atkinson and David M. Boore, Volume 98, Number 5, pp.2567-2569, 2008. The class implements the global model but not the corrections for Japan/Cascadia. SA values at 4 s (not supported by the original equations) are obtained from mean value at 3 s divided by a factor equal to 0.550 (scaling factor computed in the context of the SHARE project and obtained as average ratio between median values at 4 and 3 seconds as predicted by SHARE subduction GMPEs). The class implements the equations for ‘Subduction Interface’ (that’s why the class name ends with ‘SInter’).

COEFFS_SINTER = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 sigma s1 s2>#

Supported intensity measure component is the random horizontal component: attr:~openquake.hazardlib.const.IMC.RANDOM_HORIZONTAL, see paragraph ‘Functional : Form’, page 1706

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration, see table 1, page 1715

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see table 1, page 1715


Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture, see equation 1, page 1706

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_depth', 'mag'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and focal depth, see equation 1, page 1706

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameters is Vs30, used to distinguish between NEHRP soil classes, see paragraph ‘Functional Form’, page 1706

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

kind = 'SInter'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2003.AtkinsonBoore2003SInterNSHMP2008(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AtkinsonBoore2003SInter

Extend AtkinsonBoore2003SInter and introduces site amplification for B/C site condition and fixed rupture hypocentral depth (20 km) as defined by the National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project (NSHMP) for the 2008 US hazard model

Site amplification for B/C is triggered when vs30 > 760 and it is computed as site amplification for C soil scaled by a factor equal to 0.5

The class implements the equation as coded in subroutine getABsub in hazSUBXnga.f Fortran code available at:

kind = 'SInter2008'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2003.AtkinsonBoore2003SSlab(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AtkinsonBoore2003SInter

Implements GMPE developed by G. M Atkinson and D. Boore and published as “Empirical Ground-Motion Relations for Subduction-Zone Earthquakes and Their Application to Cascadia and Other Regions” (Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Volume 93, Number 4, pages 1703-1929, 2003). The class implements the global model but not the corrections for Japan/Cascadia. SA values at 4 s (not supported by the original equations) are obtained from mean value at 3 s divided by a factor equal to 0.550 (scaling factor computed in the context of the SHARE project and obtained as average ratio between median values at 4 and 3 seconds as predicted by SHARE subduction GMPEs). The class implements the equations for ‘Subduction IntraSlab’ (that’s why the class name ends with ‘SSlab’).

COEFFS_SSLAB = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 sigma s1 s2>#

Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2003.AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabCascadia(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AtkinsonBoore2003SSlab

Extends AtkinsonBoore2003SSlab but uses coefficients for Cascadia region

The class replicates the equation as coded in subroutine getABsub in hazgridXnga2.f Fortran code available at:

COEFFS_SSLAB = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 sigma s1 s2>#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2003.AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabCascadiaNSHMP2008(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabNSHMP2008

Combines AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabNSHMP2008 for NSHMP site amplification with AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabCascadia for Cascadia.

COEFFS_SSLAB = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 sigma s1 s2>#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2003.AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabJapan(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AtkinsonBoore2003SSlab

Extends AtkinsonBoore2003SSlab but substitutes values for c1 from Table 3 which incorporate correction factors for Japan.

COEFFS_SSLAB = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 sigma s1 s2>#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2003.AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabJapanNSHMP2008(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabNSHMP2008

Combines AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabNSHMP2008 for NSHMP site amplification with AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabJapan for Japan.

Validation test vector was generated by applying increments in columns 1 and 2 of Table 3 to test vector for AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabCascadiaNSHMP2008.

COEFFS_SSLAB = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 sigma s1 s2>#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2003.AtkinsonBoore2003SSlabNSHMP2008(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AtkinsonBoore2003SSlab

Extend AtkinsonBoore2003SSlab and introduces site amplification for B/C site condition as defined by the National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project (NSHMP) for the 2008 US hazard model.

Site amplification for B/C is triggered when vs30 > 760 and it is computed as site amplification for C soil scaled by a factor equal to 0.5

The class replicates the equation as coded in subroutine getABsub in hazgridXnga2.f Fortran code available at:

kind = 'SSlab2008'#


Module exports BooreAtkinson2008, AtkinsonBoore2006, AtkinsonBoore2006Modified2011. AtkinsonBoore2006SGS.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2006.AtkinsonBoore2006(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by Gail M. Atkinson and David M. Boore and published as “Earthquake Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for Eastern North America” (2006, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Volume 96, No. 6, pages 2181-2205). This class implements only the equations for stress parameter of 140 bars. The correction described in ‘Adjustment of Equations to Consider Alternative Stress Parameters’, p. 2198, is not implemented. This class uses the same soil amplification function as the BooreAtkinson2008. Note that in the paper, the reported soil amplification function is the one used in a preliminary version of the Boore and Atkinson 2008 GMPE, while the one that should be used is the one described in the final paper. See comment in:

COEFFS_BC = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10>#

Coefficients for NEHRP BC boundary (Vs30 = 760 m/s), table 9, pag 2202 coefficient values taken from Fortran implementation of Dave Boore (higher precision than in the paper)

COEFFS_HARD_ROCK = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10>#

Hard rock coefficents, table 6, pag 2192, coefficient values taken from Fortran implementation of Dave Boore (higher precision than in the paper)

COEFFS_SOIL_RESPONSE = <CoeffsTable blin b1 b2>#

Table 3, pag. 110. + coefficient values for additional frequencies extracted from Fortran code implementing soil response function developed by the original author (ab06_fmrvs_evaluate_gmpes.for available at - see code available for Atkinson, G. M. and D. M. Boore (2006). Earthquake ground -motion prediction equations for eastern North America)

COEFFS_STRESS = <CoeffsTable delta M1 Mh>#

Supported intensity measure component is horizontal GEOMETRIC_MEAN, personal communication with Gail Atkinson

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration, see paragraph ‘Methodology and Model Parameters’, p. 2182


Supported standard deviation type is total, see table 6 and 9, p. 2192 and 2202, respectively.


Supported tectonic region type is stable continental, given that the equations have been derived for Eastern North America

REQUIRES_ATTRIBUTES = frozenset({'mag_eq', 'scale_fac'})#

Set of required GSIM attributes

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is Rrup. See paragraph ‘Methodology and Model Parameters’, p. 2182


Required rupture parameter is magnitude (see paragraph ‘Methodology and Model Parameters’, p. 2182)

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameters is Vs30. See paragraph ‘Equations for soil sites’, p. 2200

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

kind = '2006'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2006.AtkinsonBoore2006Modified2011(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AtkinsonBoore2006

This GMPE modifies the original implementation of :class: AtkinsonBoore2006 with the magnitude dependent stress-drop scaling factor proposed in Atkinson & Boore (2011) Atkinson, G. A. and Boore D. M. (2011) Modifications to Existing Ground-Motion Prediciton Equations in Light of New Data. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101(3), 1121 - 1135

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2006.AtkinsonBoore2006SGS(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AtkinsonBoore2006

This class extends the original base class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2006.AtkinsonBoore2006 by introducing a distance filter for the near field, as implemented by SGS for the national PSHA model for Saudi Arabia.

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_boore_2006.set_sig(kind, C, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

Set standard deviations as defined in table 8, pag 121.


Module exports :class:’AtkinsonMacias2009’

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.atkinson_macias_2009.AtkinsonMacias2009(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the Subduction Interface GMPE of Atkinson & Macias (2009) for large interface earthquakes in the Cascadia subduction zone. Atkinson, G. M. and Macias, M. (2009) “Predicted Ground Motions for Great Interface Earthquakes in the Cascadia Subduction Zone”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 99(3), 1552 - 1578

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 sigma>#

Supported intensity measure component is assumed to be equivalent to the random horizontal component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are peak ground acceleration and Spectral Acceleration


Supported standard deviation types is total.


The GMPE is derived for subduction interface earthquakes in Cascadia

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is rupture distance


Required rupture parameters are magnitude


No required site parameters, the GMPE is derived for B/C site conditions

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Module exports bahrampouriEtAl2021IA, class:bahrampouriEtAl2021Asc, class:bahrampouriEtAl2021SSlab, class:bahrampouriEtAl2021SInter,

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bahrampouri_2021.BahrampouriEtAl2021Asc(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE by Mahdi Bahrampouri, Adrian Rodriguez-Marek and Russell A Green developed from the Kiban-Kyoshin network (KiK)-net database. This GMPE is specifically derived for arias intensity. This GMPE is described in a paper published in 2021 on Earthquake Spectra, Volume 37, Pg 428-448 and titled ‘Ground motion prediction equations for Arias Intensity using the Kik-net database’.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a1 a2 a3 a4 a7 b1 b3b b3f b4m b4k b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 b11 b12 b13 b14 c1 c2 c3 c4 phi_ss tau phi_s2s sig>#

For Ia, coefficients are taken from table 3


Supported intensity measure component is geometric mean


Supported intensity measure types are areas intensity

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see paragraph “Equations for standard deviations”, page 1046.


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measures are rrup (see Table 2, page 1031).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_lat', 'hypo_lon', 'mag', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude,ztor

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'lat', 'lon', 'vs30'})#

Required site parameters are Vs30 and coordinates of the site

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bahrampouri_2021.BahrampouriEtAl2021SInter(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE by Mahdi Bahrampouri, Adrian Rodriguez-Marek and Russell A Green developed from the Kiban-Kyoshin network (KiK)-net database. This GMPE is specifically derived for arias intensity. This GMPE is described in a paper published in 2021 on Earthquake Spectra, Volume 37, Pg 428-448 and titled ‘Ground motion prediction equations for Arias Intensity using the Kik-net database’.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3b b3f b4m b4k b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 b11 b12 b13 b14 c1 c2 c3 c4 phi_ss tau phi_s2s sig>#

For Ia, coefficients are taken from table 3


Supported intensity measure component is geometric mean


Supported intensity measure types are areas intensity

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see paragraph “Equations for standard deviations”, page 1046.


Supported tectonic region type is SUBDUCTION INTERFACE, see title!

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measures are rrup (see Table 2, page 1031).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_lat', 'hypo_lon', 'mag', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude,ztor

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'lat', 'lon', 'vs30'})#

Required site parameters are Vs30 and coordinates of the site

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bahrampouri_2021.BahrampouriEtAl2021SSlab(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE by Mahdi Bahrampouri, Adrian Rodriguez-Marek and Russell A Green developed from the Kiban-Kyoshin network (KiK)-net database. This GMPE is specifically derived for arias intensity. This GMPE is described in a paper published in 2021 on Earthquake Spectra, Volume 37, Pg 428-448 and titled ‘Ground motion prediction equations for Arias Intensity using the Kik-net database’.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3b b3f b4m b4k b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 b11 b12 b13 b14 c1 c2 c3 c4 phi_ss tau phi_s2s sig>#

For Ia, coefficients are taken from table 3


Supported intensity measure component is geometric mean


Supported intensity measure types are areas intensity

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see paragraph “Equations for standard deviations”, page 1046.


Supported tectonic region type is SUBDUCTION INTERSLAB, see title!

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measures are rrup (see Table 2, page 1031).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_lat', 'hypo_lon', 'mag', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude,ztor

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'lat', 'lon', 'vs30'})#

Required site parameters are Vs30 and coordinates of the site

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Module exports BahrampouriEtAldm2021

BahrampouriEtAldm2021ASC BahrampouriEtAldm2021SSlab BahrampouriEtAldm2021SInter

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bahrampouri_2021_duration.BahrampouriEtAldm2021Asc(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE by Mahdi Bahrampouri, Adrian Rodriguez-Marek and Russell A Green developed from the KiK-net database. This GMPE is specifically derived for significant durations: Ds5-Ds95,D25-Ds75. This GMPE is described in a paper published in 2021 on Earthquake Spectra, Volume 37, Pg 903-920 and titled ‘Ground motion prediction equations for significant duration using the KiK-net database’.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable m1 m2 m3_RS m3_SS m3_NS M1 M2 r1 r2 R1 s1 s2 s3 sig tau phi_s2s phi_ss>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean horizontal component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function RSD575>, <function RSD595>})#

Supported intensity measure types are 5 - 95 % Arias and 5 - 75 % Arias significant duration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation type is only total, see table 7, page 35


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and top of rupture depth

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'z1pt0'})#

Requires vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bahrampouri_2021_duration.BahrampouriEtAldm2021SInter(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BahrampouriEtAldm2021Asc

Implements GMPE by Mahdi Bahrampouri, Adrian Rodriguez-Marek and Russell A Green developed from the KiK-net database. This GMPE is specifically derived for significant durations: Ds5-Ds95,D25-Ds75. This GMPE is described in a paper published in 2021 on Earthquake Spectra, Volume 37, Pg 903-920 and titled ‘Ground motion prediction equations for significant duration using the KiK-net database’.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable m1 m2 m3_RS M1 M2 r1 r2 R1 s1 s2 s3 sig tau phi_s2s phi_ss>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean horizontal component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function RSD575>, <function RSD595>})#

Supported intensity measure types are 5 - 95 % Arias and 5 - 75 % Arias significant duration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation type is only total, see table 7, page 35


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and top of rupture depth

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'z1pt0'})#

Requires vs30

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bahrampouri_2021_duration.BahrampouriEtAldm2021SSlab(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BahrampouriEtAldm2021Asc

Implements GMPE by Mahdi Bahrampouri, Adrian Rodriguez-Marek and Russell A Green developed from the KiK-net database. This GMPE is specifically derived for significant durations: Ds5-Ds95,D25-Ds75. This GMPE is described in a paper published in 2021 on Earthquake Spectra, Volume 37, Pg 903-920 and titled ‘Ground motion prediction equations for significant duration using the KiK-net database’.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable m1 m2 m3_RS m3_SS m3_NS M1 M2 r1 r2 R1 s1 s2 s3 sig tau phi_s2s phi_ss>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean horizontal component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function RSD575>, <function RSD595>})#

Supported intensity measure types are 5 - 95 % Arias and 5 - 75 % Arias significant duration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation type is only total, see table 7, page 35


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and top of rupture depth

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'z1pt0'})#

Requires vs30


Module exports :


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.baumont_2018.BaumontEtAl2018High2210IAVGDC30n7(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements “Intensity predictive attenuation models calibrated in Mw for metropolitan France David Baumont,Kevin Manchuel, Paola Traversa, Christophe Durouchoux, Emmanuelle Nayman, Gabriele Ameri Bull Earthquake Eng (2018) 16:2285–2310 functional given on page 2293 for Rhypo This class implements the model Intensity Model:Q Domain:Depth Control:DBMI Data Selection given in Table 1: Intensity model: (1) Regional geometrical spreading (2) Geometrical spreading and regional intrinsic attenuation Q-domain:(0) France, (1) France and Italy, (2) Q-regions (France and Italy) Depth control: (0) Depth fixed, (1) Depth free within the plausible range defined in Table 3, (2) Similar to depth case # 1 but with Io constraints DBMI data selection: (0) IDP(MCS) <= VII, (1) IDP(MCS) <= VI Min Dc (km): 30, 50 Min # intensity classes: 3,5,7 Intensity metrics: IAVG, RAVG, ROBS, RP50, RP84

The model implemented is [] for high attenuation, MinDc=30 and Min = 7 int. classes and IAVG as the base classes

Implemented by

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 beta gamma we be>#

Coefficient table constructed from the electronic suplements of the original paper


Reference to a intensity measure component type this GSIM can calculate mean and standard deviation for.


Set of intensity measure types this GSIM can calculate. A set should contain classes from module openquake.hazardlib.imt.


Set of standard deviation types this GSIM can calculate.


Reference to a tectonic region type this GSIM is defined for. One GSIM can implement only one tectonic region type.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance rhypo


Set of rupture parameters (excluding distance information) required by GSIM. Supported parameters are:


Magnitude of the rupture.


Rupture’s surface dip angle in decimal degrees.


Angle describing the slip propagation on the rupture surface, in decimal degrees. See nodalplane for more detailed description of dip and rake.


Depth of rupture’s top edge in km. See get_top_edge_depth().

These parameters are available from the RuptureContext object attributes with same names.


Set of site parameters names this GSIM needs. The set should include strings that match names of the attributes of a site object. Those attributes are then available in the SitesContext object with the same names.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Module exports BaylessAbrahamson2018

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bayless_abrahamson_2018.BaylessAbrahamson2018(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the Bayless and Abrahamson (2018, 2019) model. References: - Bayless, J., and N. A. Abrahamson (2018b). An empirical model for Fourier amplitude spectra using the NGA-West2 database, PEER Rept. No. 2018/07, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, California. - Bayless, J. and N.A. Abrahamson (2019). Summary of the BA18 Ground-Motion Model for Fourier Amplitude Spectra for Crustal Earthquakes in California. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 109(5): 2088–2105

Disclaimer: The authors describe a smoothing technique that needs to be applied to the non linear component of the site response. We did not implement these smoothing functions in this initial versions since the match with the values in the verification tables is good even without it.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 cn cM c4 c5 c6 chm c7 c8 c9 c10 c11a c11b c11c c11d c1a s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 f3 f4 f5>#

Supported intensity measure component


Supported intensity measure types

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, see title!

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measures

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'z1pt0'})#

Required site parameters

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sigma, tau, phi)[source]#
  • ctx – a RuptureContext object or a numpy recarray of size N

  • imts – a list of M Intensity Measure Types

  • mean – an array of shape (M, N) for the means

  • sig – an array of shape (M, N) for the TOTAL stddevs

  • tau – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTER_EVENT stddevs

  • phi – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTRA_EVENT stddevs

To be overridden in subclasses with a procedure filling the arrays and returning None.

f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/home/runner/work/oq-engine/oq-engine/openquake/hazardlib/gsim/bayless_abrahamson_2018.csv' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>#


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.BCHydroESHM20SInter(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInter

ESHM20 adjustment of the BC Hydro GMPE for subduction interface events with theta6 calibrated to Mediterranean data.

Introduces several configurable parameters:

  • theta6_adjustment (float) – The amount to increase or decrease the theta6 - should be +0.0015 (for slower attenuation) and -0.0015 (for faster attenuation)

  • sigma_mu_epsilon (float) – The number of standard deviations above or below the mean to apply the statistical uncertainty sigma_mu term.

  • faba_model – Choice of model for the forearc/backarc tapering function, choice of {“Step”, “Linear”, “SFunc”, “Sigmoid”, “Gaussian”}

Depending on the choice of taper model, additional parameters may be passed

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable vlin b theta1 theta2 theta6 theta7 theta8 theta10 theta11 theta12 theta13 theta14 theta15 theta16 phi tau sigma sigma_ss>#
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'xvf'})#

Site amplification is dependent upon Vs30 For the Abrahamson et al (2013) GMPE a new term is introduced to determine whether a site is on the forearc with respect to the subduction interface, or on the backarc. This boolean is a vector containing True for a backarc site or False for a forearc or unknown site.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.BCHydroESHM20SInterHigh(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInterHigh

ESHM20 adjustment of the BC Hydro GMPE for subduction interface events with theta6 calibrated to Mediterranean data, for the high magnitude scaling branch.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable vlin b theta1 theta2 theta6 theta7 theta8 theta10 theta11 theta12 theta13 theta14 theta15 theta16 phi tau sigma sigma_ss>#
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'xvf'})#

Site amplification is dependent upon Vs30 For the Abrahamson et al (2013) GMPE a new term is introduced to determine whether a site is on the forearc with respect to the subduction interface, or on the backarc. This boolean is a vector containing True for a backarc site or False for a forearc or unknown site.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.BCHydroESHM20SInterLow(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SInterLow

ESHM20 Adjustment of the BC Hydro GMPE for subduction interface events with theta6 calibrated to Mediterranean data, for the low magnitude scaling branch.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable vlin b theta1 theta2 theta6 theta7 theta8 theta10 theta11 theta12 theta13 theta14 theta15 theta16 phi tau sigma sigma_ss>#
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'xvf'})#

Site amplification is dependent upon Vs30 For the Abrahamson et al (2013) GMPE a new term is introduced to determine whether a site is on the forearc with respect to the subduction interface, or on the backarc. This boolean is a vector containing True for a backarc site or False for a forearc or unknown site.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.BCHydroESHM20SSlab(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlab

ESHM20 adjustment of the BC Hydro GMPE for subduction in-slab events with theta6 calibrated to Mediterranean data.

Introduces two configurable parameters:

a6_adjustment - the amount to increase or decrease the theta6 (should be +0.0015 (for slower attenuation) and -0.0015 (for faster attenuation)

sigma_mu_epsilon - number of standard deviations above or below the mean to apply the statistical uncertainty sigma_mu term.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable vlin b theta1 theta2 theta6 theta7 theta8 theta10 theta11 theta12 theta13 theta14 theta15 theta16 phi tau sigma sigma_ss>#
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'xvf'})#

Site amplification is dependent upon Vs30 For the Abrahamson et al (2013) GMPE a new term is introduced to determine whether a site is on the forearc with respect to the subduction interface, or on the backarc. This boolean is a vector containing True for a backarc site or False for a forearc or unknown site.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.BCHydroESHM20SSlabHigh(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlabHigh

ESHM20 adjustment of the BC Hydro GMPE for subduction interface events with theta6 calibrated to Mediterranean data, for the high magnitude scaling branch.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable vlin b theta1 theta2 theta6 theta7 theta8 theta10 theta11 theta12 theta13 theta14 theta15 theta16 phi tau sigma sigma_ss>#
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'xvf'})#

Site amplification is dependent upon Vs30 For the Abrahamson et al (2013) GMPE a new term is introduced to determine whether a site is on the forearc with respect to the subduction interface, or on the backarc. This boolean is a vector containing True for a backarc site or False for a forearc or unknown site.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.BCHydroESHM20SSlabLow(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AbrahamsonEtAl2015SSlabLow

ESHM20 adjustment of the BC Hydro GMPE for subduction in-slab events with theta6 calibrated to Mediterranean data, for the low magnitude scaling branch.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable vlin b theta1 theta2 theta6 theta7 theta8 theta10 theta11 theta12 theta13 theta14 theta15 theta16 phi tau sigma sigma_ss>#
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'xvf'})#

Site amplification is dependent upon Vs30 For the Abrahamson et al (2013) GMPE a new term is introduced to determine whether a site is on the forearc with respect to the subduction interface, or on the backarc. This boolean is a vector containing True for a backarc site or False for a forearc or unknown site.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.FABATaperGaussian(a=-inf, b=inf, sigma=1.0)[source]#

Bases: FABATaperStep

Implements tapering of x according to a truncated Gaussian function

  • sigma (float) – Bandwidth of function (according to a Gaussian standard deviation)

  • a (float) – Initiation point of tapering (km)

  • b (float) – Termination point of tapering (km)

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.FABATaperLinear(width=1.0)[source]#

Bases: FABATaperStep

Implements a tapering of x according to a linear function with a fixed distance and a midpoint (y = 0.5) at x = 0


width (float) – Distance (km) across which x tapers to 0

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.FABATaperSFunc(a=0.0, b=0.0)[source]#

Bases: FABATaperStep

Implements tapering of x according to a S-function (Named such because of its S-like shape.)

  • a (float) – ‘ceiling’, where the function begins falling from 1.

  • b (float) – ‘floor’, where the function reaches zero.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.FABATaperSigmoid(c=1.0)[source]#

Bases: FABATaperStep

Implements tapering of x according to a sigmoid function (Note that this only tends to 1, 0 it does not reach it)


c (float) – Bandwidth in km of the sigmoid function

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bchydro_2016_epistemic.FABATaperStep[source]#

Bases: object

General class for a tapering function, in this case a step function such that the backarc scaling term takes 0 for forearc sites (negative backarc distance), and 1 for backarc sites (positive backarc distance)



Module exports BergeThierryEtAl2003SIGMA.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.berge_thierry_2003.BergeThierryEtAl2003Ms(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by Catherine Berge-Thierry, Fabrice Cotton, Oona Scoti, Daphne-Anne Griot-Pommera, and Yoshimitsu Fukushima and published as “New Empirical Response Spectral Attenuation Laws For Moderate European Earthquakes” (2003, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 193-222) This class corresponds to the original formulation, usable with Ms.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a b c1 c2 sigma>#

Coefficient tables are constructed from the electronic suplements of the original paper. Original coefficients in function of frequency.


Supported intensity measure component is horizontal, see page 196.

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration. The original manuscript provide coefficients only SA. For PGA, coefficients are assumed equal to the ones of SA for the smallest period (0.03 s)


Supported standard deviation type is total, see table 3, page 203


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, see Introduction, page 194.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance measure is hypocentral distance, see equation 1 page 201


Required rupture parameters is magnitude, see equation 1 page 201

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameters is Vs30, used to distinguish between rock sites (Vs30 >= 800) m/s and alluvium sites (300 < Vs < 800), see section 2.2.3 page 201

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi, mag_conversion_sigma=0.0)#
  • ctx – a RuptureContext object or a numpy recarray of size N

  • imts – a list of M Intensity Measure Types

  • mean – an array of shape (M, N) for the means

  • sig – an array of shape (M, N) for the TOTAL stddevs

  • tau – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTER_EVENT stddevs

  • phi – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTRA_EVENT stddevs

To be overridden in subclasses with a procedure filling the arrays and returning None.

mag_conversion_sigma = 0.0#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.berge_thierry_2003.BergeThierryEtAl2003MwL_GBL(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BergeThierryEtAl2003Ms

Mw version of the Berge-Thierry et al. (2003) GMPE. For this conversion we use the Lolli et al. (2014) conversion equation between Ms and Mw for the GBL region (i.e. Global Scale). Exponential model:

Mw = exp(a + b * Ms) + c with slope = b * exp(a + b * Ms)


for Ms<=5.5: (a,b,c) = (2.133,0.063,-6.205) for Ms>5.5: (a,b,c) = (-0.109,0.229,2.586)

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#
  • ctx – a RuptureContext object or a numpy recarray of size N

  • imts – a list of M Intensity Measure Types

  • mean – an array of shape (M, N) for the means

  • sig – an array of shape (M, N) for the TOTAL stddevs

  • tau – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTER_EVENT stddevs

  • phi – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTRA_EVENT stddevs

To be overridden in subclasses with a procedure filling the arrays and returning None.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.berge_thierry_2003.BergeThierryEtAl2003MwL_ITA(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BergeThierryEtAl2003Ms

Mw version of the Berge-Thierry et al. (2003) GMPE. For this conversion we use the Lolli et al. (2014) conversion equation between Ms and Mw for the ITA region. Exponential model: Mw = exp(a+b*Ms)+c with slope=b*exp(a+b*Ms) Parameters: (a,b,c) = (1.421,0.108,-1.863)

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#
  • ctx – a RuptureContext object or a numpy recarray of size N

  • imts – a list of M Intensity Measure Types

  • mean – an array of shape (M, N) for the means

  • sig – an array of shape (M, N) for the TOTAL stddevs

  • tau – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTER_EVENT stddevs

  • phi – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTRA_EVENT stddevs

To be overridden in subclasses with a procedure filling the arrays and returning None.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.berge_thierry_2003.BergeThierryEtAl2003MwL_MED(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BergeThierryEtAl2003Ms

Mw version of the Berge-Thierry et al. (2003) GMPE. For this conversion we use the Lolli et al. (2014) conversion equation between Ms and Mw for the Euro-Mediterranean region. Exponential model: Mw = exp(a+b*Ms)+c with slope=b*exp(a+b*Ms) Parameters: (a,b,c) = (2.133,0.063,-6.205)

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#
  • ctx – a RuptureContext object or a numpy recarray of size N

  • imts – a list of M Intensity Measure Types

  • mean – an array of shape (M, N) for the means

  • sig – an array of shape (M, N) for the TOTAL stddevs

  • tau – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTER_EVENT stddevs

  • phi – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTRA_EVENT stddevs

To be overridden in subclasses with a procedure filling the arrays and returning None.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.berge_thierry_2003.BergeThierryEtAl2003MwW(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BergeThierryEtAl2003Ms

Mw version of the Berge-Thierry et al. (2003) GMPE. For this conversion we use the Weatherill et al. (2016) conversion equation between Ms and Mw Bilinear magnitude conversion relation.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#
  • ctx – a RuptureContext object or a numpy recarray of size N

  • imts – a list of M Intensity Measure Types

  • mean – an array of shape (M, N) for the means

  • sig – an array of shape (M, N) for the TOTAL stddevs

  • tau – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTER_EVENT stddevs

  • phi – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTRA_EVENT stddevs

To be overridden in subclasses with a procedure filling the arrays and returning None.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.berge_thierry_2003.BergeThierryEtAl2003SIGMA(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BergeThierryEtAl2003Ms

Implements GMPE developed by Catherine Berge-Thierry, Fabrice Cotton, Oona Scoti, Daphne-Anne Griot-Pommera, and Yoshimitsu Fukushima and published as “New Empirical Response Spectral Attenuation Laws For Moderate European Earthquakes” (2003, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 193-222) The class implements also adjustment of the sigma value as required by the SIGMA project to make standard deviations compatible with Mw (the GMPE was originally developed for Ms). Additional reference: Carbon, D. et al., 2012, Final preliminary Probabilistic Hazard map for France’s southeast 1/4, Deliverable D4-18, p.31, SIGMA project.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#
  • ctx – a RuptureContext object or a numpy recarray of size N

  • imts – a list of M Intensity Measure Types

  • mean – an array of shape (M, N) for the means

  • sig – an array of shape (M, N) for the TOTAL stddevs

  • tau – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTER_EVENT stddevs

  • phi – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTRA_EVENT stddevs

To be overridden in subclasses with a procedure filling the arrays and returning None.


Module exports BindiEtAl2011.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2011.BindiEtAl2011(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by D.Bindi, F.Pacor, L.Luzi, R.Puglia, M.Massa, G. Ameri, R. Paolucci and published as “Ground motion prediction equations derived from the Italian strong motion data”, Bull Earthquake Eng, DOI 10.1007/s10518-011-9313-z. SA are given up to 2 s. The regressions are developed considering the geometrical mean of the as-recorded horizontal components

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e1 c1 c2 h c3 b1 b2 sA sB sC sD sE f1 f2 f3 f4 SigmaB SigmaW SigmaTot>#
COEFFS_DELTA = <CoeffsTable a b c>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean of two horizontal components

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Set of intensity measure types this GSIM can calculate. A set should contain classes from module openquake.hazardlib.imt.

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, page 1904


Supported tectonic region type is ‘active shallow crust’ because the equations have been derived from data from Italian database ITACA, as explained in the ‘Introduction’.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is RRup (eq. 1).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake (eq. 1).

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameter is only Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

sgn = 0#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2011.BindiEtAl2011Ita19Low(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2011

Implements the lower term of the ITA19 backbone model.

sgn = -1#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2011.BindiEtAl2011Ita19Upp(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2011

Implements the upper term of the ITA19 backbone model.

sgn = 1#


Module exports : class:BindiEtAl2011Repi, class:BindiEtAl2011RepiFixedH,

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2011_ipe.BindiEtAl2011Repi(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements IPE developed by Dino Bindi et al. 2011 and published as “Intensity prediction equations for Central Asia” (Geo-physical journal international, 2011, 187,327-337).

Model implemented by

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a1 a2 a3 a4 sigma>#

Coefficient table constructed from the electronic suplements of the original paper.Table 1 .page 331


Reference to a intensity measure component type this GSIM can calculate mean and standard deviation for.


Set of intensity measure types this GSIM can calculate. A set should contain classes from module openquake.hazardlib.imt.


Set of standard deviation types this GSIM can calculate.


Reference to a tectonic region type this GSIM is defined for. One GSIM can implement only one tectonic region type.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'repi'})#

Required distance repi

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_depth', 'mag'})#

Set of rupture parameters (excluding distance information) required by GSIM. Supported parameters are:


Magnitude of the rupture.


Rupture’s surface dip angle in decimal degrees.


Angle describing the slip propagation on the rupture surface, in decimal degrees. See nodalplane for more detailed description of dip and rake.


Depth of rupture’s top edge in km. See get_top_edge_depth().

These parameters are available from the RuptureContext object attributes with same names.


Set of site parameters names this GSIM needs. The set should include strings that match names of the attributes of a site object. Those attributes are then available in the SitesContext object with the same names.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

fixedh = None#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2011_ipe.BindiEtAl2011RepiFixedH(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2011Repi

Implements IPE developed by Dino Bindi et al. 2011 and published as “Intensity prediction equations for Central Asia” (Geo-physical journal international, 2011, 187,327-337). for a fixed depth of 15 km and epicentral distance (equation 5 in the paper) Implements the Repi with fixed depth at 15km /coeff on Table 1

Model implmented by

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable a1 a2 a3 a4 sigma>#

Coefficient table constructed from the electronic suplements of the original paper.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'repi'})#

Required distance repi

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_depth', 'mag'})#

Set of rupture parameters (excluding distance information) required by GSIM. Supported parameters are:


Magnitude of the rupture.


Rupture’s surface dip angle in decimal degrees.


Angle describing the slip propagation on the rupture surface, in decimal degrees. See nodalplane for more detailed description of dip and rake.


Depth of rupture’s top edge in km. See get_top_edge_depth().

These parameters are available from the RuptureContext object attributes with same names.


Set of site parameters names this GSIM needs. The set should include strings that match names of the attributes of a site object. Those attributes are then available in the SitesContext object with the same names.

fixedh = 15.0#


Module exports BindiEtAl2011scaled.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2011scaled.BindiEtAl2011scaled(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2011

Implements scaled GMPE developed by D.Bindi, F.Pacor, L.Luzi, R.Puglia, M.Massa, G. Ameri, R. Paolucci and published as “Ground motion prediction equations derived from the Italian strong motion data”, Bull Earthquake Eng, DOI 10.1007/s10518-011-9313-z. SA are given up to 2 s. The regressions are developed considering the geometrical mean of the as-recorded horizontal components

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e1 c1 c2 h c3 b1 b2 sA sB sC sD sE f1 f2 f3 f4 SigmaB SigmaW SigmaTot>#


Module exports BindiEtAl2014Rjb,

BindiEtAl2014RjbEC8, BindiEtAl2014RjbEC8NoSOF, BindiEtAl2014Rhyp, BindiEtAl2014RhypEC8, BindiEtAl2014RhypEC8NoSOF

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2014.BindiEtAl2014Rhyp(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2014Rjb

Implements the Bindi et al (2014) GMPE for the case in which hypocentral distance is preferred, style-of-faulting is specfieid and for which the site amplification is dependent directly on Vs30

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e1 c1 c2 h c3 b1 b2 b3 gamma sofN sofR sofS tau phi phis2s sigma>#

Coefficients from Table 4

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance measure is Rhypo (eq. 1).

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2014.BindiEtAl2014RhypEC8(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2014RjbEC8

Implements the Bindi et al (2014) GMPE for the case in which hypocentral distance is preferred, style-of-faulting is specfied and site amplification is characterised according to the Eurocode 8 site class

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e1 c1 c2 h c3 b1 b2 b3 eA eB eC eD sofN sofR sofS sofU tau phi phis2s sigma>#

Coefficients from Table 3

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance measure is Rhypo

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2014.BindiEtAl2014RhypEC8NoSOF(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2014RhypEC8

Implements the Bindi et al. (2014) GMPE for the case in which hypocentral distance is preferred, Eurocode 8 site amplification is used and style-of-faulting is unspecfied.


Required rupture parameters are magnitude

sof = False#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2014.BindiEtAl2014Rjb(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements European GMPE: D.Bindi, M. Massa, L.Luzi, G. Ameri, F. Pacor, R.Puglia and P. Augliera (2014), “Pan-European ground motion prediction equations for the average horizontal component of PGA, PGV and 5 %-damped PSA at spectral periods of up to 3.0 s using the RESORCE dataset”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 12(1), 391 - 340

The regressions are developed considering the geometrical mean of the as-recorded horizontal components The printed version of the GMPE was corrected by Erratum: D.Bindi, M. Massa, L.Luzi, G. Ameri, F. Pacor, R.Puglia and P. Augliera (2014), “Erratum to Pan-European ground motion prediction equations for the average horizontal component of PGA, PGV and 5 %-damped PSA at spectral periods of up to 3.0 s using the RESORCE dataset”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 12(1), 431 - 448. The erratum notes that the printed coefficients tables were in error. In this implementation coefficients tables were taken from the Electronic Supplementary material of the original paper, which are indicated as being unaffected.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e1 c1 c2 h c3 b1 b2 b3 gamma sofN sofR sofS tau phi phis2s sigma>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean of two horizontal components

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Set of intensity measure types this GSIM can calculate. A set should contain classes from module openquake.hazardlib.imt.

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total


Supported tectonic region type is ‘active shallow crust’

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is Rjb (eq. 1).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake (eq. 1).

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameter is only Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

kind = 'base'#
sof = True#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2014.BindiEtAl2014RjbEC8(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2014Rjb

Implements the Bindi et al (2014) GMPE for the case where Joyner-Boore distance is specified but Eurocode 8 Site classification is used.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e1 c1 c2 h c3 b1 b2 b3 eA eB eC eD sofN sofR sofS sofU tau phi phis2s sigma>#

Coefficients from Table 1

kind = 'EC8'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2014.BindiEtAl2014RjbEC8NoSOF(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2014RjbEC8

Implements the Bindi et al (2014) GMPE for the case in which the site amplification is defined according to the Eurocode 8 classification, but style-of-faulting is neglected


Required rupture parameters are magnitude

sof = False#


Module exports BindiEtAl2014RhypEC8scaled

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2014scaled.BindiEtAl2014RhypEC8scaled(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2014RhypEC8

Implements scaled European GMPE: D.Bindi, M. Massa, L.Luzi, G. Ameri, F. Pacor, R.Puglia and P. Augliera (2014), “Pan-European ground motion prediction equations for the average horizontal component of PGA, PGV and 5 %-damped PSA at spectral periods of up to 3.0 s using the RESORCE dataset”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 12(1), 391 - 340

The regressions are developed considering the geometrical mean of the as-recorded horizontal components The printed version of the GMPE was corrected by Erratum: D.Bindi, M. Massa, L.Luzi, G. Ameri, F. Pacor, R.Puglia and P. Augliera (2014), “Erratum to Pan-European ground motion prediction equations for the average horizontal component of PGA, PGV and 5 %-damped PSA at spectral periods of up to 3.0 s using the RESORCE dataset”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 12(1), 431 - 448. The erratum notes that the printed coefficients tables were in error. In this implementation coefficients tables were taken from the Electronic Supplementary material of the original paper, which are indicated as being unaffected.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e1 c1 c2 h c3 b1 b2 b3 eA eB eC eD sofN sofR sofS sofU tau phi phis2s sigma>#

Coefficients from Table 3


Module exports BindiEtAl2017Rjb,


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2017.BindiEtAl2017Rhypo(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BindiEtAl2017Rjb

Version of the Bindi et al. (2017) GMPE using hypocentral distance.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e1 b1 b2 b3 c1 c2 c3 sA tau phi>#
REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rhypo'})#

Required distance measure is Rhypo (eq. 1).

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2017.BindiEtAl2017Rjb(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the European GMPE of Bindi et al. (2017) for use in moderate-seismicity regions:

D.Bindi, F. Cotton, S. R. Kotha, C. Bosse, D. Stromeyer and G. Gruenthal (2017) “Application-driven ground motion prediction equation for seismic hazard assessments in non-cratonic moderate-seismicity areas”, J. Seismology, 21(5), 1201 - 1218

Two different GMPEs are supported here

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e1 b1 b2 b3 c1 c2 c3 h sA tau phi>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean of two horizontal components

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

GMPE is defined only for PGA and SA (PGV coefficients not made public)

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total


Supported tectonic region type is ‘stable shallow crust’

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is Rjb


Required rupture parameter is magnitude

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameter is only Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Module exports BommerEtAl2009RSD

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bommer_2009.BommerEtAl2009RSD(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the GMPE of Bommer et al. (2009) for significant duration with 5 - 75 % Arias Intensity and 5 - 95 % Arias Intensity

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c0 m1 r1 r2 h1 v1 z1 tau phi>#

Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean horizontal component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function RSD575>, <function RSD595>})#

Supported intensity measure types are 5 - 95 % Arias and 5 - 75 % Arias significant duration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation type is only total, see table 7, page 35


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and top of rupture depth

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Requires vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bommer_2009.get_distance_term(C, rrup, mag)[source]#

Returns distance scaling term

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bommer_2009.get_magnitude_term(C, mag)[source]#

Returns linear magnitude scaling term

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bommer_2009.get_site_amplification(C, vs30)[source]#

Returns linear site amplification term


Returns the standard deviations

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bommer_2009.get_ztor_term(C, ztor)[source]#

Returns depth to top of rupture scaling


Module exports BooreEtAl1993GSCBest, BooreEtAl1993GSCUpperLimit, BooreEtAl1993GSCLowerLimit.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_1993.BooreEtAl1993GSCBest(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implement equation used by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) for the 2010 Western Canada National Seismic Hazard Model. The class implements the model of David M. Boore, William B. Joyner, and Thomas E. Fumal (“Estimation of Response Spectra and Peak Accelerations from Western North American Earthquakes: An Interim Report”, 1993, U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 93-509). Equation coefficients provided by GSC for the random horizontal component and corresponding to the ‘Best’ case (that is mean unaffected)

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 sigma>#

coefficient table provided by GSC


Supported intensity measure component is random horizontal RANDOM_HORIZONTAL,

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration


Supported standard deviation type is total


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, given that the equations have been derived for Western North America

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is Rjb distance see paragraph ‘Predictor Variables’, page 6.


Required rupture parameter is magnitude


site params are not required

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_1993.BooreEtAl1993GSCLowerLimit(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BooreEtAl1993GSCBest

Implement equation used by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) for the 2010 Western Canada National Seismic Hazard Model. The class implements the model of David M. Boore, William B. Joyner, and Thomas E. Fumal (“Estimation of Response Spectra and Peak Accelerations from Western North American Earthquakes: An Interim Report”, 1993, U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 93-509). Equation coefficients provided by GSC for the random horizontal component and corresponding to the ‘Lower Limit’ case (that is mean value - 0.7 nat log)

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 sigma>#

coefficient table provided by GSC

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_1993.BooreEtAl1993GSCUpperLimit(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BooreEtAl1993GSCBest

Implement equation used by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) for the 2010 Western Canada National Seismic Hazard Model. The class implements the model of David M. Boore, William B. Joyner, and Thomas E. Fumal (“Estimation of Response Spectra and Peak Accelerations from Western North American Earthquakes: An Interim Report”, 1993, U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 93-509). Equation coefficients provided by GSC for the random horizontal component and corresponding to the ‘Upper Limit’ case (that is mean value + 0.7 nat log)

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 sigma>#

coefficient table provided by GSC


Module exports BooreEtAl1997GeometricMean,

:class:’BooreEtAl1997GeometricMeanUnspecified’ :class:’BooreEtAl1997ArbitraryHorizontal’ and :class:’BooreEtAl1997ArbitraryHorizontalUnspecfied’

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_1997.BooreEtAl1997ArbitraryHorizontal(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BooreEtAl1997GeometricMean

Returns the ground motion values for the arbitrary horizontal component, rather than the geometric mean. This version includes the corrected intra-event terms, as defined in an erratum to the original paper: Boore, DM (2005). “Erratum: Equations for Estimating Horizontal Response Spectra and Peak Acceleration from Western North American Earthquakes: A Summary of Recent Work.” Seismological Research Letters, 76(3), 368-369


Supported intensity measure component is the arbitrary horizontal

horizontal = True#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_1997.BooreEtAl1997ArbitraryHorizontalUnspecified(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BooreEtAl1997ArbitraryHorizontal

As for the :class:’BooreEtAl1997Arbitrary’, here defined for the case when the style of faulting is not specified


Required rupture parameters are magnitude

sof = None#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_1997.BooreEtAl1997GeometricMean(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by David M. Boore and William B. Joyner and Thomas E. Fumal (1997). “Equations for Estimating Horizontal Response Spectra and Peak Acceleration form Western North American Earthquakes: A Summary of Recent Work”. Seismological Research Letters. 68(1). 128 - 153

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable B1ss B1rv B1all B2 B3 B5 Bv Va h sigma1 sigma_c sigma_r sigma_e sigma_tot>#

Coefficient table is constructed from values in Table 8 Note that for periods between 0.1 s and 0.18s the inter-event term is originally 0. As this was causing test warnings we have set this to an arbitrarily infinitesimal number


Supported intensity measure component is geometric mean

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration, see table 3 pag. 110

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, see paragraph ‘Introduction’, page 99.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is Rjb.

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and rake.

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameters is Vs30.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

horizontal = False#
sof = True#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_1997.BooreEtAl1997GeometricMeanUnspecified(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BooreEtAl1997GeometricMean

Where the faulting mechanism need not be specified it is preferable to use this instance of the Boore et al (1997) GMPE, which omits the need for rake to be defined.


Required rupture parameters are magnitude

sof = None#


Module exports BooreEtAl2014,

BooreEtAl2014HighQ, BooreEtAl2014LowQ

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_2014.BooreEtAl2014(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by David M. Boore, Jonathan P. Stewart, Emel Seyhan and Gail Atkinson, and published as “NGA-West2 Equations for Predicting PGA, PGV, nd 5 % Damped PGA for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes (2014, Earthquake Spectra, Volume 30, No. 3, pages 1057 - 1085).

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 Mh c1 c2 c3 h Dc3 c Vc f4 f5 f6 f7 R1 R2 DfR DfV f1 f2 tau1 tau2>#

Supported intensity measure component is orientation-independent measure RotD50

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see equation 2, pag 106.


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is Rjb

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and rake.

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameters is Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

kind = 'base'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_2014.BooreEtAl2014HighQ(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BooreEtAl2014

This class implements the Boore et al. (2014) model considering the correction to the path scaling term for High Q regions (e.g. China and Turkey) The modification is made to the “Dc3” coefficient

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 Mh c1 c2 c3 h Dc3 c Vc f4 f5 f6 f7 R1 R2 DfR DfV f1 f2 tau1 tau2>#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_2014.BooreEtAl2014LowQ(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BooreEtAl2014

This class implements the Boore et al. (2014) model considering the correction to the path scaling term for Low Q regions (e.g. Italy and Japan) The modification is made to the “Dc3” coefficient

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 Mh c1 c2 c3 h Dc3 c Vc f4 f5 f6 f7 R1 R2 DfR DfV f1 f2 tau1 tau2>#

Returns the centred z1.0 (mu_z1) based on the California model (equation 11)


alias of BooreEtAl2014


Returns the centred z1.0 (mu_z1) based on the Japan model (equation 12)


Created on Mon May 24 21:19:41 2021 Authors:,

Module exports BooreEtAl2020

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_2020.BooreEtAl2020(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by David M. Boore, Jonathan P. Stewart, Andreas A. Skarlatoudis,Emel Seyhan, Basil Margaris, Nikos Theodoulidis,Emmanuel Scordilis, Ioannis Kalogeras,Nikolaos Klimis, and Nikolaos S. Melis, and published as “Ground-Motion Prediction Model for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in Greece (2020, BSSA, ). implemented by &

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable B e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 Mh c1 c2 c3 Mref Rref h clin V1 Vc Vref f1 f3 f4 f5 phi tau1 Mtau1 Mtau2 tau2 sigma_M_ge_6_0>#

Supported intensity measure component is orientation-independent measure RotD50

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see equation 2, pag 106.


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is Rjb

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and rake.

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameters is Vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#
  • ctx – a RuptureContext object or a numpy recarray of size N

  • imts – a list of M Intensity Measure Types

  • mean – an array of shape (M, N) for the means

  • sig – an array of shape (M, N) for the TOTAL stddevs

  • tau – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTER_EVENT stddevs

  • phi – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTRA_EVENT stddevs

To be overridden in subclasses with a procedure filling the arrays and returning None.


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_atkinson_2008.Atkinson2010Hawaii(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BooreAtkinson2008

Modification of the original base class adjusted for application to the Hawaii region as described in: Atkinson, G. M. (2010) ‘Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for Hawaii from a Referenced Empirical Approach”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 100, No. 2, pp. 751–761


Supported intensity measure component is geometric mean, see paragraph ‘Response Variables’, page 100 and table 8, pag 121.


Supported standard deviation types is total see equation 2, pag 106.


Supported tectonic region type is active volcanic, see paragraph ‘Introduction’, page 99.

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'hypo_depth', 'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and rake. See paragraph ‘Predictor Variables’, pag 103

kind = 'hawaii'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_atkinson_2008.BooreAtkinson2008(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by David M. Boore and Gail M. Atkinson and published as “Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for the Average Horizontal Component of PGA, PGV, and 5%-Damped PSA at Spectral Periods between 0.01 and 10.0 s” (2008, Earthquake Spectra, Volume 24, No. 1, pages 99-138).

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 h e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 Mh sigma tau std>#

sigma, tau, std are the intra-event uncertainty, inter-event uncertainty, and total standard deviation, respectively. Note that only the inter-event and total standard deviation for ‘specified’ fault type are considered (because rake angle is always specified)

COEFFS_A08 = <CoeffsTable c d>#
COEFFS_SOIL_RESPONSE = <CoeffsTable blin b1 b2>#

Supported intensity measure component is orientation-independent measure GMRotI50, see paragraph ‘Response Variables’, page 100 and table 8, pag 121.

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration, see table 3 pag. 110


Shear-wave velocity for reference soil conditions in [m s-1]

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see equation 2, pag 106.


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, see paragraph ‘Introduction’, page 99.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb'})#

Required distance measure is Rjb. See paragraph ‘Predictor Variables’, pag 103

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and rake. See paragraph ‘Predictor Variables’, pag 103

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameters is Vs30. See paragraph ‘Predictor Variables’, pag 103

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

kind = 'base'#
sgn = 0#
openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_atkinson_2008.hawaii_adjust(mean, ctx, imt)[source]#


Module exports BooreAtkinson2011,


class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_atkinson_2011.Atkinson2008prime(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BooreAtkinson2008

Implements the Boore & Atkinson (2011) adjustment to the Atkinson (2008) GMPE (not itself implemented in OpenQuake)


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, see paragraph ‘Introduction’, page 99.

kind = 'prime'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_atkinson_2011.BooreAtkinson2011(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BooreAtkinson2008

Implements GMPE based on the corrections proposed by Gail M. Atkinson and D. Boore in 2011 and published as “Modifications to Existing Ground-Motion Prediction Equations in Light of New Data “ (2011, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Volume 101, No. 3, pages 1121-1135).

kind = '2011'#


Module exports BoraEtAl2019, BoraEtAl2019Drvt

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bora_2019.BoraEtAl2019(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the Fourier amplitude spectra model proposed by Bora et al., 2019 as described in Bora, S.S., Cotton, F., & Scherbaum, F. (2019). NGA-West2 empirical Fourier and duration models to generate adjustable response spectra. Earthquake Spectra, 35(1), 61-93.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c0 c1 c2 c3 c5 c6 c7 b1 b2 c4 tau phis2s phiss>#

Supported intensity measure component


Supported intensity measure types

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, see title!

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measures


Required rupture parameters

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Required site parameters

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sigma, tau, phi)[source]#
  • ctx – a RuptureContext object or a numpy recarray of size N

  • imts – a list of M Intensity Measure Types

  • mean – an array of shape (M, N) for the means

  • sig – an array of shape (M, N) for the TOTAL stddevs

  • tau – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTER_EVENT stddevs

  • phi – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTRA_EVENT stddevs

To be overridden in subclasses with a procedure filling the arrays and returning None.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bora_2019.BoraEtAl2019Drvt(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BoraEtAl2019

Implements the duration model proposed by Bora et al., 2019 as described in Bora, S.S., Cotton, F., & Scherbaum, F. (2019). NGA-West2 empirical Fourier and duration models to generate adjustable response spectra. Earthquake Spectra, 35(1), 61-93.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 tau phis2s phi>#

Supported intensity measure types

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sigma, tau, phi)[source]#
  • ctx – a RuptureContext object or a numpy recarray of size N

  • imts – a list of M Intensity Measure Types

  • mean – an array of shape (M, N) for the means

  • sig – an array of shape (M, N) for the TOTAL stddevs

  • tau – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTER_EVENT stddevs

  • phi – an array of shape (M, N) for the INTRA_EVENT stddevs

To be overridden in subclasses with a procedure filling the arrays and returning None.


Module exports BozorgniaCampbell2016

BozorgniaCampbell2016HighQ BozorgniaCampbell2016LowQ BozorgniaCampbell2016AveQJapanSite BozorgniaCampbell2016HighQJapanSite BozorgniaCampbell2016LowQJapanSite

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bozorgnia_campbell_2016.BozorgniaCampbell2016(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the BC15 GMPE by Bozorgnia & Campbell (2016) for vertical-component ground motions from the PEER NGA-West2 Project

This model follows the same functional form as in CB14 by Campbell & Bozorgnia (2014) with minor modifications to the underlying parameters.

Note that this is a more updated version than the GMPE described in the original PEER Report 2013/24.


Bozorgnia, Y. & Campbell, K. (2016). Vertical Ground Motion Model for PGA, PGV, and Linear Response Spectra Using the NGA-West2 Database. Earthquake Spectra, 32(2), 979-1004.

Implements the global model that uses datasets from California, Taiwan, the Middle East, and other similar active tectonic regions to represent a typical or average Q region.

Applies the average attenuation case (Dc20=0)

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 c17 c18 c19 c20 Dc20_JP Dc20_CH a2 h1 h2 h3 h5 h6 k1 phi1 phi2 tau1 tau2>#

Table of regression coefficients obtained from supplementary material published together with the EQS paper


Supported intensity measure component is the Vertical direction component

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total; see the section for “Aleatory Variability Model”.


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb', 'rrup', 'rx'})#

Required distance measures are Rrup, Rjb and Rx

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'dip', 'hypo_depth', 'mag', 'rake', 'width', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, rake, dip, ztor, rupture width and hypocentral depth

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'z2pt5'})#

Required site parameters are Vs30, Vs30 type (measured or inferred), and depth (km) to the 2.5 km/s shear wave velocity layer (z2pt5)

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bozorgnia_campbell_2016.get_mean_values(SJ, sgn, C, ctx)[source]#

Returns the mean values for a specific IMT


Module exports BozorgniaCampbell2016VH

BozorgniaCampbell2016HighQVH BozorgniaCampbell2016LowQVH BozorgniaCampbell2016AveQJapanSiteVH BozorgniaCampbell2016HighQJapanSiteVH BozorgniaCampbell2016LowQJapanSiteVH

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bozorgnia_campbell_2016_vh.BozorgniaCampbell2016AveQJapanSiteVH(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BozorgniaCampbell2016VH

Implements the GMPE by Bozorgnia & Campbell (2016) vertical-to-horizontal ratio for ground motions from the PEER NGA-West2 Project

Incorporates the difference in linear Vs30 scaling for sites in Japan by activating the flag variable in shallow site reponse scaling

Applies the average attenuation case (Dc20=0)

HGMPE = [CampbellBozorgnia2014]#
VGMPE = [BozorgniaCampbell2016]#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bozorgnia_campbell_2016_vh.BozorgniaCampbell2016HighQJapanSiteVH(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BozorgniaCampbell2016AveQJapanSiteVH

Implements the GMPE by Bozorgnia & Campbell (2016) vertical-to-horizontal ratio for ground motions from the PEER NGA-West2 Project

Incorporates the difference in linear Vs30 scaling for sites in Japan by activating the flag variable in shallow site reponse scaling

Applies regional corrections in path scaling term for regions with low attenuation (high quality factor, Q)

HGMPE = [CampbellBozorgnia2014]#
VGMPE = [BozorgniaCampbell2016]#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bozorgnia_campbell_2016_vh.BozorgniaCampbell2016HighQVH(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BozorgniaCampbell2016VH

Implements the GMPE by Bozorgnia & Campbell (2016) vertical-to-horizontal ratio for ground motions from the PEER NGA-West2 Project

Applies regional corrections in path scaling term for regions with low attenuation (high quality factor, Q) (e.g. eastern China)

HGMPE = [CampbellBozorgnia2014]#
VGMPE = [BozorgniaCampbell2016]#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bozorgnia_campbell_2016_vh.BozorgniaCampbell2016LowQJapanSiteVH(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BozorgniaCampbell2016AveQJapanSiteVH

Implements the GMPE by Bozorgnia & Campbell (2016) vertical-to-horizontal ratio for ground motions from the PEER NGA-West2 Project

Incorporates the difference in linear Vs30 scaling for sites in Japan by activating the flag variable in shallow site reponse scaling

Applies regional corrections in path scaling term for regions with high attenuation (low quality factor, Q)

HGMPE = [CampbellBozorgnia2014]#
VGMPE = [BozorgniaCampbell2016]#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bozorgnia_campbell_2016_vh.BozorgniaCampbell2016LowQVH(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BozorgniaCampbell2016VH

Implements the GMPE by Bozorgnia & Campbell (2016) vertical-to-horizontal ratio for ground motions from the PEER NGA-West2 Project

Applies regional corrections in path scaling term for regions with high attenuation (low quality factor, Q) (e.g. Japan and Italy)

HGMPE = [CampbellBozorgnia2014]#
VGMPE = [BozorgniaCampbell2016]#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bozorgnia_campbell_2016_vh.BozorgniaCampbell2016VH(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements the GMPE by Bozorgnia & Campbell (2016) vertical-to-horizontal ratio for ground motions from the PEER NGA-West2 Project

This V/H model is combined from VGMPE by Bozorgnia and Campbell (2016) as the vertical model, and HGMPE by Campbell and Bozorgnia (2014) as the horizontal model.


Bozorgnia, Y. & Campbell, K. (2016). Ground Motion Model for the Vertical-to-Horizontal (V/H) Ratios of PGA, PGV, and Response Spectra Earthquake Spectra, 32(2), 951-978.

Implements the global model that uses datasets from California, Taiwan, the Middle East, and other similar active tectonic regions to represent a typical or average Q region.

Applies the average attenuation case (Dc20=0)

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable rhow1 rhow2 rhob1 rhob2>#

Table of regression coefficients obtained from supplementary material published together with the EQS paper


Supported intensity measure component is the VERTICAL_TO_HORIZONTAL_RATIO

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function SA>, <function PGA>, <function PGV>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total; see the section for “Aleatory Variability Model”.


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust

HGMPE = [CampbellBozorgnia2014]#
REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb', 'rrup', 'rx'})#

Required distance measures are taken from the V and H models

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'dip', 'hypo_depth', 'mag', 'rake', 'width', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters are taken from the V and H models

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'z2pt5'})#

Required site parameters are taken from the V and H models

VGMPE = [BozorgniaCampbell2016]#
compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Module exports Bradley2013, Bradley2013Volc, Bradley2013ChchCBD, Bradley2013ChchWest, Bradley2013ChchEast, Bradley2013ChchNorth, Bradley2013ChchCBDAdditionalSigma, Bradley2013ChchWestAdditionalSigma, Bradley2013ChchEastAdditionalSigma, Bradley2013ChchNorthAdditionalSigma. Bradley2013ChchMaps. Bradley2013ChchMapsAdditionalSigma.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by Brendan Bradley for Active Shallow Crust Earthquakes for New Zealand, and published as “A New Zealand-Specific Pseudospectral Acceleration Ground-Motion Prediction Equation for Active Shallow Crustal Earthquakes Based on Foreign Models” (2013, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Volume 103, No. 3, pages 1801-1822).

This model is modified from Chiou and Youngs, 2008 and has been adapted for New Zealand conditions. Specifically, the modifications are related to: 1) small magnitude scaling; 2) scaling of short period ground motion from normal faulting events in volcanic crust; 3) scaling of ground motions on very hard rock sites; 4) anelastic attenuation in the New Zealand crust; 5) consideration of the increates anelastic attenuation in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (not implemented in this model, use Bradley2013Volc)

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c2 c3 c4 c4a crb chm cg3 c1 c1a c1b cn cm c5 c6 c7 c7a c8 c9 c9a c10 cg1 cg2 ctvz phi1 phi2 phi3 phi4 phi5 phi6 phi7 phi8 tau1 tau2 sig1 sig2 sig3 sig4>#

Coefficient tables are constructed from values in tables 1, 2 and 3 (pages 197, 198 and 199) in Chiou & Youngs,2008. Only Coefficients c1, c1b, c3, cm, c8, cg1, cg2, ctvz are modified by Bradley 2013. Spectral acceleration is defined for damping of 5%, see page 208 (CY08).


Supported intensity measure component is geometric mean of two horizontal components attr:~openquake.hazardlib.const.IMC.GEOMETRIC_MEAN, see abstract page 1801.

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration. Note that PGV is the Chiou & Youngs PGV and has not been modified for New Zealand.

DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = frozenset({'Inter event', 'Intra event', 'Total'})#

Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event and total, see chapter “Variance model”.


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, see page 1801

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb', 'rrup', 'rx'})#

Required distance measures are RRup, Rjb and Rx (all are in eq. 13a).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'dip', 'mag', 'rake', 'ztor'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, rake (eq. 13a and 13b), dip (eq. 13a) and ztor (eq. 13a).

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30', 'vs30measured', 'z1pt0'})#

Required site parameters are Vs30 (eq. 13b), Vs30 measured flag (eq. 20) and Z1.0 (eq. 13b).

additional_sigma = 0.0#
compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013AdditionalSigma(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013LHC

Extend Bradley2013LHC to implement the ‘additional epistemic uncertainty’ version of the model in: Gerstenberger, M., McVerry, G., Rhoades, D., Stirling, M. 2014. “Seismic hazard modelling for the recovery of Christchurch”, Earthquake Spectra, 30(1), 17-29.

additional_sigma = 0.35#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013LHC(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013

Extend Bradley2013 to provide the model in terms of the larger of two as-recorded horizontal components. This definition is required by New Zealand building design standards.


Supported intensity measure component is geometric mean of two horizontal components attr:~openquake.hazardlib.const.IMC.GEOMETRIC_MEAN, see abstract page 1801.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

non_verified = True#

This implementation is non-verified because this version of the model has not been published, nor is independent code available.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013Volc(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013

Extend Bradley2013 for earthquakes with paths across the Taupo Volcanic Zone (rtvz) that have increased anelastic attenuation.

Implements GMPE developed by Brendan Bradley for Active Shallow Crust Earthquakes for New Zealand, and published as “A New Zealand-Specific Pseudospectral Acceleration Ground-Motion Prediction Equation for Active Shallow Crustal Earthquakes Based on Foreign Models” (2013, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Volume 103, No. 3, pages 1801-1822).

This model is modified from Chiou and Youngs, 2008 and has been adapted for New Zealand conditions. Specifically, the modifications are related to: 1) small magnitude scaling; 2) scaling of short period ground motion from normal faulting events in volcanic crust; 3) scaling of ground motions on very hard rock sites; 4) anelastic attenuation in the New Zealand crust; 5) consideration of the increates anelastic attenuation in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (rtvz is equal to rrup)


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, see page 1801

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013VolcLHC(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013LHC

Extend Bradley2013LHC for earthquakes with paths across the Taupo Volcanic Zone (rtvz) that have increased anelastic attenuation.


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, see page 1801

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013bChchCBD(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013LHC

Implements GMPE developed by Brendon Bradley for Christchurch subregions, and published as: Bradley, B. (2013). “Systematic ground motion observations in the Canterbury earthquakes and region-specific nonergodic empirical ground motion modelling”” (2013), University of Canterbury Research Report 2013-03, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.”

This model was also published as: Bradley, B. (2015). Systematic Ground Motion Observations in the Canterbury Earthquakes And Region-Specific Non-Ergodic Empirical Ground Motion Modeling. Earthquake Spectra: August 2015, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 1735-1761. but this implementation has been developed from the information in the 2013 report.

The original code by the author could not be made available at the time of development of this code. For this reason, this implementation is untested and marked as non_verified.

It appears from the model documentation that the dL2L and dS2S terms are relative to a baseline Vs30 value of 250 m/s and a baseline Z1 value of 330 m, although this is unconfirmed.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

non_verified = True#

This implementation is non-verified because this version of the model has not been published, nor is independent code available.

region = 'CBD'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013bChchCBDAdditionalSigma(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013bChchCBD

Extend Bradley2013ChchCBD to implement the ‘additional epistemic uncertainty’ version of the model in: Gerstenberger, M., McVerry, G., Rhoades, D., Stirling, M. 2014. “Seismic hazard modelling for the recovery of Christchurch”, Earthquake Spectra, 30(1), 17-29.

additional_sigma = 0.35#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013bChchEast(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013bChchCBD

Extend Bradley2013bChchCBD to implement the ‘eastern suburbs’ dS2S model.

region = 'East'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013bChchEastAdditionalSigma(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013bChchEast

Extend Bradley2013ChchEast to implement the ‘additional epistemic uncertainty’ version of the model in: Gerstenberger, M., McVerry, G., Rhoades, D., Stirling, M. 2014. “Seismic hazard modelling for the recovery of Christchurch”, Earthquake Spectra, 30(1), 17-29.

additional_sigma = 0.35#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013bChchMaps(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013bChchCBD

Implements GMPE developed by Brendon Bradley for Christchurch subregions, and published as “”Systematic ground motion observations in the Canterbury earthquakes and region-specific nonergodic empirical ground motion modelling”” (2013), University of Canterbury Research Report 2013-03, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.

The original code by the author was not made available at the time of development of this code. For this reason, this implementation is untested.

It appears from the model documentation that the CBD dL2L and dS2S are relative to a baseline Vs30 value of 250 m/s and a baseline Z1 value of 330 m, although this is unconfirmed.

Only the CBD subregion dS2S term is implemented here, because of difficulties defining the boundaries of other subregions. Full details behind the choices here are detailed in: Van Houtte and Abbott (2019), “Implementation of the GNS Canterbury Seismic Hazard Model in the OpenQuake Engine”, Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 38 p. (GNS Science report; 2019/11). doi:10.21420/1AEM-PZ85.

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'lat', 'lon', 'vs30', 'vs30measured', 'z1pt0'})#

Required site parameters are Vs30 (eq. 13b), Vs30 measured flag (eq. 20) and Z1.0 (eq. 13b), longitude and latitude.

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

non_verified = True#

This implementation is non-verified because the author of the model does not have code that can be made available.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013bChchMapsAdditionalSigma(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013bChchMaps

Extend Bradley2013ChchNorth to implement the ‘additional epistemic uncertainty’ version of the model in: Gerstenberger, M., McVerry, G., Rhoades, D., Stirling, M. 2014. “Seismic hazard modelling for the recovery of Christchurch”, Earthquake Spectra, 30(1), 17-29.

additional_sigma = 0.35#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013bChchNorth(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013bChchCBD

Extend Bradley2013bChchCBD to implement the ‘northern suburbs’ dS2S model.

region = 'North'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013bChchNorthAdditionalSigma(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013bChchNorth

Extend Bradley2013ChchNorth to implement the ‘additional epistemic uncertainty’ version of the model in: Gerstenberger, M., McVerry, G., Rhoades, D., Stirling, M. 2014. “Seismic hazard modelling for the recovery of Christchurch”, Earthquake Spectra, 30(1), 17-29.

additional_sigma = 0.35#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013bChchWest(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013bChchCBD

Extend Bradley2013bChchCBD to implement the ‘extended western suburbs’ dS2S model.

region = 'West'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.Bradley2013bChchWestAdditionalSigma(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Bradley2013bChchWest

Extend Bradley2013ChchWest to implement the ‘additional epistemic uncertainty’ version of the model in: Gerstenberger, M., McVerry, G., Rhoades, D., Stirling, M. 2014. “Seismic hazard modelling for the recovery of Christchurch”, Earthquake Spectra, 30(1), 17-29.

additional_sigma = 0.35#

Converts from GMRotI50 to Larger of two horizontal components using global equation of: Boore, D and Kishida, T (2016). Relations between some horizontal- component ground-motion intensity measures used in practice. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 107(1), 334-343. doi:10.1785/0120160250 No standard deviation modification required.

openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.set_adjusted_stddevs(clsname, additional_sigma, ctx, C, ln_y_ref, exp1, exp2, in_cshm, in_cbd, imt_per, sig, tau, phi)[source]#
openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bradley_2013.set_stddevs(additional_sigma, ctx, C, ln_y_ref, exp1, exp2, sig, tau, phi)[source]#


Module exports Campbell1997

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.campbell_1997.Campbell1997(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE (PGA) by Campbell, Kenneth W. “Empirical near-source attenuation relationships for horizontal and vertical components of peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and pseudo-absolute acceleration response spectra.” Seismological research letters 68.1 (1997): 154-179.


Supported intensity measure component is the horizontal component


Supported intensity measure types are PGA, PGV, PSA, but we only define PGA because this is the only IMT used by an implemented model (09/18)


Supported standard deviation type is only total, see equation 4, pg 164


Supported TRT active…we specify active_shallow_crust

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture. In the publication, Rseis is used. We assume Rrup=Rseis, justified by our calculations matching the verification tables

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and top of rupture depth

REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'vs30'})#

Requires vs30

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Returns site term for hard rock (pg 157)


Returns site term for soft rock (pg 157)


Returns coefficient for faulting style (pg 156)


Module exports Campbell2003, Campbell2003SHARE, Campbell2003MblgAB1987NSHMP2008, Campbell2003MblgJ1996NSHMP2008, Campbell2003MwNSHMP2008

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.campbell_2003.Campbell2003(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by K.W Campbell and published as “Prediction of Strong Ground Motion Using the Hybrid Empirical Method and Its Use in the Development of Ground Motion (Attenuation) Relations in Eastern North America” (Bulletting of the Seismological Society of America, Volume 93, Number 3, pages 1012-1033, 2003). The class implements also the corrections given in the erratum (2004).

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 c12 c13>#

Coefficient tables are constructed from the electronic suplements of the original paper.


Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean of two horizontal components GEOMETRIC_MEAN,

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration, see table 6, page 1022 (PGA is assumed to be equal to SA at 0.01 s)


Supported standard deviation type is only total, see equation 35, page 1021


Supported tectonic region type is stable continental crust given that the equations have been derived for Eastern North America.

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rrup'})#

Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture, see equation 30 page 1021.


Required rupture parameter is only magnitude, see equation 30 page 1021.


No site parameters are needed

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

kind = 'base'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.campbell_2003.Campbell2003MblgAB1987NSHMP2008(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Campbell2003

Implement GMPE developed by Ken Campbell and described in “Development of semi-empirical attenuation relationships for the CEUS”, U.S. Geological Survey, Award 01HQGR0011, final report.

Document available at:

This GMPE is used by the National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project (NSHMP) for the 2008 central and eastern US hazard model.

This class replicates the algorithm as implemented in subroutine getCampCEUS in the hazgridXnga2.f Fortran code available at:

The class assumes rupture magnitude to be in Mblg scale (given that MFDs for central and eastern US are given in this scale). Mblg is converted to Mw using Atkinson and Boore 1987 conversion equation

Coefficients are given for the B/C (firm rock) conditions.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 c12 c13>#

Coefficient tables extracted from subroutine getCampCEUS in hazgridXnga2.f


Shear-wave velocity for reference soil conditions in [m s-1]

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

kind = 'Mblg87'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.campbell_2003.Campbell2003MblgJ1996NSHMP2008(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Campbell2003MblgAB1987NSHMP2008

Extend Campbell2003MblgAB1987NSHMP2008 but uses Johnston 1996 equation for converting Mblg to Mw

kind = 'Mblg96'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.campbell_2003.Campbell2003MwNSHMP2008(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Campbell2003MblgAB1987NSHMP2008

Extend Campbell2003MblgAB1987NSHMP2008 but assumes magnitude to be in Mw scale, so no converion is applied.

kind = 'Mw'#
class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.campbell_2003.Campbell2003SHARE(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Campbell2003

Extends Campbell2003 and introduces adjustments for style of faulting and default rock soil conditions as needed by the SHARE ( project.

COEFFS_FS_ROCK = <CoeffsTable Frss AFrock>#

Coefficients for faulting style and rock adjustment

CONSTS_FS = {'Fnss': 0.95, 'pN': 0.01, 'pR': 0.81}#

Constants for faulting style adjustment


Shear-wave velocity for reference soil conditions in [m s-1]

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake

compute(ctx: recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi)[source]#

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.


Module exports CampbellBozorgnia2003NSHMP2007.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.campbell_bozorgnia_2003.CampbellBozorgnia2003NSHMP2007(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GMPE

Implements GMPE developed by Kenneth W. Campbell and Yousef Bozorgnia and published as “Updated Near-Source Ground-Motion (Attenuation) Relations for the Horizontal and Vertical Components of Peak Ground Acceleration and Acceleration Responce Spectra”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 93, No. 1, pp. 314-331, 2003.

The class implement the equation as modified by the United States Geological Survey - National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project (USGS-NSHMP) for the 2007 Alaska model (

The class replicates the equation as coded in subroutine getCamp2000 in hazFXv7.f available from

The equation compute mean value for the ‘firm rock’ conditon.

COEFFS = <CoeffsTable c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 c16>#

Coefficient table (table 4, page 321. Coefficients for horizontal component and for corrected PGA)


Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean of two horizontal components (see paragraph ‘Strong-Motion Database’, page 316)

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = frozenset({<function PGA>, <function SA>})#

Supported intensity measure types are PGA and SA (see Abstract)


No ctx parameters are required. Mean value is computed for ‘firm rock’.


Supported standard deviation type is Total (see equations 11, 12 pp. 319 320)


Supported tectonic region type is ‘active shallow crust’ (see Abstract)

REQUIRES_DISTANCES = frozenset({'rjb', 'rrup'})#

Required distance measure are RRup and Rjb (eq. 1 and following, page 319).

REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = frozenset({'dip', 'mag', 'rake'})#

Required rupture parameters are magnitude, rake and dip (eq. 1 and following, page 319).