Source code for openquake.hazardlib.gsim.aristeidou_2024

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Created on Mon Apr 08 2024

Module exports :class:`AristeidouEtAl2024`

from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import (
    RSD575, RSD595, Sa_avg2, Sa_avg3, SA, PGA, PGV, PGD, FIV3)
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import GMPE
import h5py

ASSET_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "aristeidou_2024_assets"

[docs]def load_hdf5_to_list(group): """ Recursively load an HDF5 group or dataset into a nested list or value. """ # If it's a dataset, return its data as a list if isinstance(group, h5py.Dataset): return group[:].tolist() # If it's a group, recurse into its members elif isinstance(group, h5py.Group): keys = list(group.keys()) # Convert KeysViewHDF5 to list of strings # Sort keys numerically sorted_keys = sorted(keys, key=lambda k: int(k.split("_")[-1])) return [load_hdf5_to_list(group[key]) for key in sorted_keys]
[docs]def get_period_im(name: str): """ Returns the period of IM and IM type, given the IM name string """ period = float(name.split('(')[-1].split(')')[0]) return period
[docs]def linear(x): """ Calculate the linear activation function """ return x
[docs]def tanh(x): """ Calculate the tanh activation function """ return np.tanh(x)
[docs]def softmax(x): """ Calculate the softmax activation function """ exp_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True)) return exp_x / np.sum(exp_x, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
[docs]def sigmoid(x): """ Calculate the sigmoid activation function """ return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def _get_style_of_faulting_term(rake): """ Get fault type dummy variables Fault type (Strike-slip, Normal, Reverse, Reverse-Oblique, Normal-oblique) is derived from rake angle. SOF encoding Rake Angles _______________________________________________________ Strike-slip | 0 | -180 < rake < -150 | | -30 < rake < 30 | | 150 < rake < 180 | | Normal | 1 | -120 < rake < -60 | | Reverse | 2 | 60 < rake < 120 | | Reverse-Oblique | 3 | 30 < rake < 60 | | 120 < rake < 150 | | Normal-oblique | 4 | -150 < rake < -120 | | -60 < rake < -30 | | Note that the 'Unspecified' case is not considered here as rake is always given. """ sof = np.full_like(rake, 0) sof[((rake >= -180) & (rake <= -150)) | ((rake > -30) & (rake <= 30)) | ((rake > 150) & (rake <= 180))] = 0 sof[(rake > -120) & (rake <= -60)] = 1 sof[(rake > 60) & (rake <= 120)] = 2 sof[((rake > 30) & (rake <= 60)) | ((rake > 120) & (rake <= 150))] = 3 sof[((rake > -150) & (rake <= -120)) | ((rake > -60) & (rake <= -30))] = 4 return sof
[docs]def extract_im_names(imts, component_definition): """ Convert the im strings of openquake to the im naming convention used in the GMM """ imts_base = [] im_names = [] for imt in imts: # Keep the im text before the occurance of '(' base = imt.string.split('(')[0] # Keep the im text before the last occurance of '_' base = base.split('_')[:2] base = "_".join(base[:2]) im_name_mapping = { "RSD575": "Ds575", "RSD595": "Ds595", "Sa_avg2": "Sa_avg2" + f"_{component_definition}({imt.period})", "Sa_avg3": "Sa_avg3" + f"_{component_definition}({imt.period})", "SA": "SA" + f"_{component_definition}({imt.period})", "Sa": "SA" + f"_{component_definition}({imt.period})", "FIV3": "FIV3" + f"({imt.period})", "PGA": "PGA", "PGV": "PGV", "PGD": "PGD", } im_name = im_name_mapping[base] imts_base.append(base) im_names.append(im_name) im_names = np.array(im_names) return im_names
def _get_means_stddevs(DATA, imts, means, stddevs, component_definition): """ Extract the means and standard deviations of the requested IMs and horizontal compoent definitions """ supported_ims = np.char.decode(DATA["output_ims"], 'UTF-8') im_names = extract_im_names(imts, component_definition) if len(means.shape) == 1: means = means.reshape(1, means.shape[0]) # Get means and standard deviations of the IMs that do not need # interpolation idx = [np.where(supported_ims == im_name)[0] for im_name in im_names] idx = np.concatenate(idx) if idx.size == 0: means_no_interp = np.array([]) stddevs_no_interp = np.array([]) else: means_no_interp = means[:, idx].T stddevs_no_interp = stddevs[:, idx, :] idx_no_interp = np.isin(im_names, supported_ims) means_interp = [] stddevs_interp = np.full( (stddevs.shape[0], len(im_names[~idx_no_interp]), stddevs.shape[2]), np.nan) # Perform linear interpolation in the logarithmic space for periods # not included in the set of periods of the GMM for m, im_name in enumerate(im_names[~idx_no_interp]): idxs = np.where(np.char.startswith( supported_ims, im_name.split("(")[0])) ims = supported_ims[idxs] means_for_interp = means[:, idxs] stddevs_for_interp = stddevs[:, idxs, :] periods = [] for im in ims: _t = get_period_im(im) periods.append(_t) # Create interpolators interp_stddevs = interp1d(np.log(periods), stddevs_for_interp, axis=2) interp_means = interp1d(np.log(periods), means_for_interp) try: mean_interp = interp_means( np.log(imts[np.where([~idx_no_interp])[1][m]].period)) stddev_interp = interp_stddevs( np.log(imts[np.where([~idx_no_interp])[1][m]].period)) except ValueError: raise KeyError(imts[np.where([~idx_no_interp])[1][m]]) means_interp.append(np.squeeze(mean_interp, axis=1)) stddevs_interp[:, m, :] = np.squeeze(stddev_interp, axis=1) means_interp = np.array(means_interp) stddevs_interp = np.array(stddevs_interp) # Combine interpolated and not interpolated values in the # final mean and standard deviation estimations mean = np.full((len(im_names), means.shape[0]), np.nan) stddev = np.full(( stddevs.shape[0], len(im_names), stddevs.shape[2]), np.nan) if means_interp.size != 0 and means_no_interp.size != 0: mean[idx_no_interp, :] = means_no_interp mean[~idx_no_interp, :] = means_interp stddev[:, idx_no_interp, :] = stddevs_no_interp stddev[:, ~idx_no_interp, :] = stddevs_interp return mean, stddev elif means_interp.size == 0: mean = means_no_interp stddev = stddevs_no_interp return mean, stddev else: mean = means_interp stddev = stddevs_interp return mean, stddev def _generate_function(x, biases, weights): """ Returns the output of a layer based on the input, biases, and weights """ biases = np.asarray(biases) weights = np.asarray(weights).T return biases.reshape(1, -1) +, x.T).T def _minmax_scaling(DATA, x, SUGGESTED_LIMITS, feature_range=(-3, 3)): """ Returns the min-max transformation scaling of input features """ pars = np.char.decode(DATA['parameters'], 'UTF-8') min_max = np.asarray([ SUGGESTED_LIMITS[par] for par in pars]) scaled_data = (x - min_max[:, 0]) / (min_max[:, 1] - min_max[:, 0]) scaled_data = scaled_data * \ (feature_range[1] - feature_range[0]) + feature_range[0] return scaled_data
[docs]class AristeidouEtAl2024(GMPE): """ Aristeidou, S., Shahnazaryan, D. and O’Reilly, G.J. (2024) ‘Artificial neural network-based ground motion model for next-generation seismic intensity measures’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 184, 108851. Available at: """ #: Supported tectonic region type is subduction interface DEFINED_FOR_TECTONIC_REGION_TYPE = const.TRT.ACTIVE_SHALLOW_CRUST #: Supported intensity measure types DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = { PGA, PGV, PGD, SA, Sa_avg2, Sa_avg3} #: Supported intensity measure components DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT = {const.IMC.RotD50} #: Supported standard deviation types DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = { const.StdDev.TOTAL, const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT, const.StdDev.INTRA_EVENT} #: Requires sites parameters REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = {'vs30', 'z2pt5'} #: Required rupture parameters REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = { 'mag', 'ztor', 'hypo_depth', 'rake'} #: Required distance measures REQUIRES_DISTANCES = {'rrup', 'rjb', 'rx'} # Suggested usage range of the GMM SUGGESTED_LIMITS = { "magnitude": [4.5, 7.9], "Rjb": [0., 299.44], "Rrup": [0.07, 299.59], "D_hyp": [2.3, 18.65], "Vs30": [106.83, 1269.78], "mechanism": [0, 4], "Z2pt5": [0., 7780.], "Rx": [-297.13, 292.39], "Ztor": [0, 16.23], } component_definition = "RotD50" def __init__(self): # Load background information about the model from a hdf5 file # (i.e., weight, biases, standard devation values, etc.) with h5py.File(ASSET_DIR / "gmm_ann.hdf5", 'r') as h5: self.DATA = {} for key in h5: self.DATA[key] = load_hdf5_to_list(h5[key])
[docs] def compute(self, ctx: np.recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi): """ See :meth:`superclass method <.base.GroundShakingIntensityModel.compute>` for spec of input and result values. """ # Reshaping and stacking context parameters to be in an # appropriate format as an input to the ANN model mag = np.array(ctx.mag).reshape(-1, 1) rjb = np.array(ctx.rjb).reshape(-1, 1) rrup = np.array(ctx.rrup).reshape(-1, 1) d_hyp = np.array(ctx.hypo_depth).reshape(-1, 1) vs30 = np.array(ctx.vs30).reshape(-1, 1) rake = np.array(ctx.rake).reshape(-1, 1) mechanism = _get_style_of_faulting_term(rake) # Transform z2pt5 to [m] z2pt5 = np.array(ctx.z2pt5).reshape(-1, 1) * 1000 rx = np.array(ctx.rx).reshape(-1, 1) ztor = np.array(ctx.ztor).reshape(-1, 1) ctx_params = np.column_stack([ rjb, rrup, d_hyp, mag, vs30, mechanism, z2pt5, rx, ztor ]) # Get biases and weights of the ANN model biases = self.DATA["biases"] weights = self.DATA["weights"] # Input layer # Transform the input x_transformed = _minmax_scaling( self.DATA, ctx_params, self.SUGGESTED_LIMITS) _data = _generate_function( x_transformed, biases[0], weights[0]) a1 = softmax(_data) # Hidden layer _data = _generate_function( a1, biases[1], weights[1] ) a2 = tanh(_data) # Output layer _data = _generate_function( a2, biases[2], weights[2] ) output_log10 = linear(_data) # Reverse log10 output = 10 ** output_log10 # The shape of the obtained means is: # (scenarios, total number of offered IMs) means = np.squeeze(np.log(output)) # get the standard deviations stddevs = np.asarray((self.DATA["total_stdev"], self.DATA["inter_stdev"], self.DATA["intra_stdev"])) stddevs = np.expand_dims(stddevs, axis=2).repeat( ctx_params.shape[0], axis=2) # Transform the standard deviations from log10 to natural logarithm stddevs = np.log(10**stddevs) # Get the means and stddevs at index corresponding to the IM mean[:], stddevs = _get_means_stddevs( self.DATA, imts, means, stddevs, self.component_definition) sig[:] = stddevs[0, :, :] tau[:] = stddevs[1, :, :] phi[:] = stddevs[2, :, :]
[docs]class AristeidouEtAl2024Geomean(AristeidouEtAl2024): #: Supported intensity measure types DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = { SA, Sa_avg2, Sa_avg3, RSD595, RSD575, FIV3} #: Supported intensity measure components DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT = {const.IMC.GEOMETRIC_MEAN} component_definition = "geomean"
[docs]class AristeidouEtAl2024RotD100(AristeidouEtAl2024): #: Supported intensity measure types DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = { SA, Sa_avg2, Sa_avg3} #: Supported intensity measure components DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT = {const.IMC.RotD100} component_definition = "RotD100"