# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Module exports :class:'ZalachorisRathje2019'
import numpy as np
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import CoeffsTable, GMPE
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA, PGV, SA
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_2014 import (
_get_magnitude_scaling_term, _get_path_scaling, _get_site_scaling,
def _get_C2_term(Cadj, rjb):
distance term, C2, from HA15
F2 = Cadj["C2"] * rjb
return F2
def _get_C3_term(Cadj, rjb):
anelastic attenuation, C3, from HA15
F3 = Cadj["C3"] * np.maximum(0, np.log10(np.minimum(rjb, 150)/50))
return F3
def _get_ZR19_distance_term(C_ZR19, rhypo):
Returns the distance scaling term
Rb_ = C_ZR19["Rb"]
FR = np.zeros_like(rhypo)
FR[(rhypo < Rb_) & (rhypo >= 4)] = (
C_ZR19["a"] * np.log(rhypo[(rhypo < Rb_) & (rhypo >= 4)]/Rb_))
FR[rhypo < 4] = C_ZR19["a"] * np.log(4/Rb_)
return FR
def _get_ZR19_magnitude_term(C_ZR19, mag):
Returns the magnitude scaling term
Mb_ = C_ZR19["Mb"]
FM = np.full_like(
mag, C_ZR19["b0"] + C_ZR19["b1"] * (5.8 - Mb_) + C_ZR19["Cadj"])
FM[mag < Mb_] = C_ZR19["b0"] + C_ZR19["Cadj"]
between = (mag >= Mb_) & (mag < 5.8)
FM[between] = (C_ZR19["b0"] + C_ZR19["b1"] * (mag[between] - Mb_) +
return FM
def _get_ZR19_site_term(C_ZR19, ctx):
Returns the amplification factor, based on vs30
Vc_ = C_ZR19["Vc"]
FS = np.zeros_like(ctx.vs30)
FS[ctx.vs30 < Vc_] = C_ZR19["c"] * np.log(ctx.vs30[ctx.vs30 < Vc_]/Vc_)
return FS
def _get_stddevs(C_ZR19):
Return standard deviations, in ln units [g]
# the units for PGV are not clearly stated in the paper,
# assumed here cm/s
return [C_ZR19["sigma"], C_ZR19["tau"], C_ZR19["phi"]]
[docs]def get_FENA(Cadj, ctx, imt):
See :meth:`superclass method
for spec of input and result values.
imean = (Cadj["C1"] + _get_C2_term(Cadj, ctx.rjb) +
_get_C3_term(Cadj, ctx.rjb))
# Convert from log10 to ln
if imt.string.startswith(("SA", "PGA")):
FENA = np.log(10.0 ** imean)
FENA = np.log(10.0 ** imean)
return FENA
[docs]class ZalachorisRathje2019(GMPE):
Implements the Induced Seismicity GMPE of Zalachoris & Rathje (2019)
for Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas.
Ground Motion Model for Small-to-Moderate Earthquakes
in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. Earthquake Spectra.
Data: 4528 observations from 376 EQs
of Mw 3.0-5.8 in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas,
distances between 4 and 500km. PGA, PGV, SA(0-10s)
version: Apr 28, 2020. Verified with margin 1%
#: The GMPE is derived from induced earthquakes
#: Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration,
#: peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration
#: Supported intensity measure component is orientation-independent
#: measure :attr:`~openquake.hazardlib.const.IMC.RotD50`
#: Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event
#: and total, see equation 2, pag 106.
const.StdDev.TOTAL, const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT, const.StdDev.INTRA_EVENT}
#: Required site parameters is Vs30
#: Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and rake.
#: Required distance measure is Rjb
REQUIRES_DISTANCES = {'rjb', 'rhypo'}
#: GMPE not tested against independent implementation so raise
#: not verified warning
non_verified = False
region = "nobasin"
kind = "base"
sof = True
[docs] def compute(self, ctx: np.recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
See :meth:`superclass method
for spec of input and result values.
pga_rock = _get_pga_on_rock(self.kind, self.region, self.sof,
C_PGA, ctx)
for m, imt in enumerate(imts):
C = self.COEFFS_BSSA14[imt]
Cadj = self.COEFFS_HA15[imt]
C_ZR19 = self.COEFFS_ZR19[imt]
imt_per = 0 if imt.string == 'PGV' else imt.period
mean_BSSA14 = (
_get_magnitude_scaling_term(self.sof, C, ctx) +
_get_path_scaling(self.kind, self.region, C, ctx) +
_get_site_scaling(self.kind, self.region, C, pga_rock,
ctx, imt_per, ctx.rjb))
FZR19 = (_get_ZR19_magnitude_term(C_ZR19, ctx.mag) +
_get_ZR19_distance_term(C_ZR19, ctx.rhypo) +
_get_ZR19_site_term(C_ZR19, ctx))
# add HA15, all in ln units
mean[m] = mean_BSSA14 + get_FENA(Cadj, ctx, imt)
# add ZR19, all in ln units
mean[m] += FZR19
sig[m], tau[m], phi[m] = _get_stddevs(C_ZR19)
#: terms for HA15
#: terms for ZR19
#: coeffs for BSSA14
#: fewer decimals used for BSSA14 by Zalachoris compared to the original
#: values
COEFFS_BSSA14 = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\
IMT e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 Mh c1 c2 c3 h Dc3 c Vc f4 f5 f6 f7 R1 R2 DfR DfV f1 f2 t1 t2
pgv 5.0400000 5.0800000 4.8500000 5.0300000 1.0700000 -0.1540000 0.2250000 6.2000000 -1.2400000 0.1490000 -0.0034400 5.3000000 0.0000000 -0.8400000 1300.0000000 -0.1000000 -0.0084400 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.0000000 272.0000000 0.0820000 0.0800000 0.6440000 0.5520000 0.4010000 0.3460000
pga 0.4470000 0.4860000 0.2460000 0.4540000 1.4300000 0.0505000 -0.1660000 5.5000000 -1.1300000 0.1920000 -0.0080900 4.5000000 0.0000000 -0.6000000 1500.0000000 -0.1500000 -0.0070100 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 110.0000000 270.0000000 0.1000000 0.0700000 0.6950000 0.4950000 0.3980000 0.3480000
0.010 0.4530000 0.4920000 0.2520000 0.4600000 1.4200000 0.0493000 -0.1660000 5.5000000 -1.1300000 0.1920000 -0.0080900 4.5000000 0.0000000 -0.6040000 1500.2000000 -0.1480000 -0.0070100 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 111.6700000 270.0000000 0.0960000 0.0700000 0.6980000 0.4990000 0.4020000 0.3450000
0.020 0.4860000 0.5240000 0.2970000 0.4890000 1.4300000 0.0534000 -0.1660000 5.5000000 -1.1400000 0.1900000 -0.0080700 4.5000000 0.0000000 -0.5740000 1500.3600000 -0.1470000 -0.0072800 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 113.1000000 270.0000000 0.0920000 0.0300000 0.7020000 0.5020000 0.4090000 0.3460000
0.022 0.4990000 0.5360000 0.3130000 0.5000000 1.4300000 0.0549000 -0.1650000 5.5000000 -1.1400000 0.1890000 -0.0081000 4.5000000 0.0000000 -0.5670000 1500.6800000 -0.1480000 -0.0073200 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 113.3700000 270.0000000 0.0880000 0.0270000 0.7070000 0.5050000 0.4180000 0.3490000
0.025 0.5230000 0.5610000 0.3440000 0.5200000 1.4300000 0.0575000 -0.1650000 5.5000000 -1.1400000 0.1890000 -0.0081500 4.5000000 0.0000000 -0.5550000 1501.0400000 -0.1500000 -0.0073600 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 113.0700000 270.0000000 0.0860000 0.0260000 0.7110000 0.5080000 0.4270000 0.3540000
0.029 0.5590000 0.5990000 0.3910000 0.5500000 1.4300000 0.0607000 -0.1660000 5.5000000 -1.1400000 0.1880000 -0.0082900 4.5000000 0.0000000 -0.5390000 1501.2600000 -0.1540000 -0.0073700 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 112.3600000 270.0000000 0.0840000 0.0280000 0.7160000 0.5100000 0.4360000 0.3590000
0.030 0.5690000 0.6090000 0.4040000 0.5580000 1.4300000 0.0614000 -0.1670000 5.5000000 -1.1400000 0.1880000 -0.0083400 4.4900000 0.0000000 -0.5340000 1502.9500000 -0.1550000 -0.0073500 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 112.1300000 270.0000000 0.0810000 0.0290000 0.7210000 0.5140000 0.4450000 0.3640000
0.032 0.5880000 0.6290000 0.4280000 0.5730000 1.4200000 0.0628000 -0.1680000 5.5000000 -1.1400000 0.1880000 -0.0084500 4.4500000 0.0000000 -0.5250000 1503.1200000 -0.1570000 -0.0073100 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 111.6500000 270.0000000 0.0780000 0.0300000 0.7260000 0.5160000 0.4540000 0.3690000
0.035 0.6160000 0.6580000 0.4630000 0.5970000 1.4200000 0.0646000 -0.1700000 5.5000000 -1.1400000 0.1880000 -0.0086400 4.4000000 0.0000000 -0.5120000 1503.2400000 -0.1600000 -0.0072100 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 110.6400000 270.0000000 0.0770000 0.0310000 0.7300000 0.5180000 0.4620000 0.3740000
0.036 0.6260000 0.6680000 0.4730000 0.6050000 1.4200000 0.0650000 -0.1710000 5.5000000 -1.1400000 0.1880000 -0.0087200 4.3800000 0.0000000 -0.5080000 1503.3200000 -0.1610000 -0.0071700 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 109.5300000 270.0000000 0.0750000 0.0310000 0.7340000 0.5200000 0.4700000 0.3790000
0.040 0.6630000 0.7060000 0.5150000 0.6380000 1.4100000 0.0662000 -0.1740000 5.5000000 -1.1300000 0.1880000 -0.0090300 4.3200000 0.0000000 -0.4910000 1503.3500000 -0.1680000 -0.0069800 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 108.2800000 270.0000000 0.0730000 0.0320000 0.7380000 0.5210000 0.4780000 0.3840000
0.042 0.6810000 0.7240000 0.5340000 0.6550000 1.4100000 0.0664000 -0.1750000 5.5000000 -1.1300000 0.1880000 -0.0092000 4.2900000 0.0000000 -0.4830000 1503.3400000 -0.1720000 -0.0068700 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 106.9900000 270.0000000 0.0720000 0.0320000 0.7420000 0.5230000 0.4840000 0.3900000
0.044 0.6990000 0.7430000 0.5530000 0.6720000 1.4000000 0.0667000 -0.1760000 5.5000000 -1.1300000 0.1880000 -0.0093600 4.2700000 0.0000000 -0.4760000 1503.1300000 -0.1770000 -0.0067700 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.4100000 270.0000000 0.0700000 0.0310000 0.7450000 0.5250000 0.4900000 0.3970000
0.045 0.7080000 0.7520000 0.5620000 0.6810000 1.4000000 0.0668000 -0.1770000 5.5000000 -1.1200000 0.1880000 -0.0094400 4.2500000 0.0000000 -0.4720000 1502.8400000 -0.1790000 -0.0067200 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 103.6100000 270.0000000 0.0690000 0.0310000 0.7480000 0.5270000 0.4960000 0.4050000
0.046 0.7180000 0.7620000 0.5720000 0.6910000 1.4000000 0.0669000 -0.1780000 5.5000000 -1.1200000 0.1880000 -0.0095200 4.2400000 0.0000000 -0.4690000 1502.4700000 -0.1820000 -0.0066700 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 101.7000000 270.0000000 0.0670000 0.0310000 0.7500000 0.5290000 0.4990000 0.4120000
0.048 0.7360000 0.7800000 0.5890000 0.7090000 1.4000000 0.0671000 -0.1790000 5.5000000 -1.1200000 0.1870000 -0.0096800 4.2200000 0.0000000 -0.4630000 1502.0100000 -0.1870000 -0.0065600 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 99.7600000 270.0000000 0.0650000 0.0310000 0.7520000 0.5300000 0.5020000 0.4190000
0.050 0.7540000 0.7990000 0.6070000 0.7270000 1.4000000 0.0674000 -0.1810000 5.5000000 -1.1200000 0.1870000 -0.0098200 4.2000000 0.0000000 -0.4580000 1501.4200000 -0.1920000 -0.0064700 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 97.9300000 270.0000000 0.0630000 0.0300000 0.7530000 0.5320000 0.5030000 0.4260000
0.055 0.8000000 0.8450000 0.6480000 0.7740000 1.3900000 0.0678000 -0.1850000 5.5000000 -1.1100000 0.1870000 -0.0101000 4.1500000 0.0000000 -0.4480000 1500.7100000 -0.2040000 -0.0062500 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 96.0300000 270.0000000 0.0620000 0.0290000 0.7530000 0.5340000 0.5020000 0.4340000
0.060 0.8440000 0.8890000 0.6860000 0.8210000 1.4000000 0.0686000 -0.1890000 5.5000000 -1.1000000 0.1860000 -0.0103000 4.1100000 0.0000000 -0.4420000 1499.8300000 -0.2140000 -0.0060700 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 94.1000000 270.0100000 0.0610000 0.0270000 0.7530000 0.5360000 0.4990000 0.4410000
0.065 0.8870000 0.9310000 0.7190000 0.8670000 1.4000000 0.0701000 -0.1920000 5.5000000 -1.0900000 0.1850000 -0.0105000 4.0800000 0.0000000 -0.4400000 1498.7400000 -0.2220000 -0.0059300 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 92.0800000 270.0200000 0.0610000 0.0250000 0.7520000 0.5380000 0.4950000 0.4480000
0.067 0.9030000 0.9470000 0.7320000 0.8850000 1.4000000 0.0709000 -0.1930000 5.5000000 -1.0900000 0.1840000 -0.0105000 4.0700000 0.0000000 -0.4400000 1497.4200000 -0.2250000 -0.0058800 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 90.0100000 270.0200000 0.0610000 0.0250000 0.7500000 0.5400000 0.4890000 0.4550000
0.070 0.9270000 0.9710000 0.7490000 0.9120000 1.4100000 0.0721000 -0.1950000 5.5000000 -1.0900000 0.1840000 -0.0106000 4.0600000 0.0000000 -0.4400000 1495.8500000 -0.2290000 -0.0058200 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 87.9700000 270.0300000 0.0620000 0.0240000 0.7480000 0.5410000 0.4830000 0.4610000
0.075 0.9640000 1.0100000 0.7770000 0.9560000 1.4200000 0.0735000 -0.1970000 5.5000000 -1.0800000 0.1820000 -0.0106000 4.0400000 0.0000000 -0.4440000 1494.0000000 -0.2350000 -0.0057300 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 85.9900000 270.0400000 0.0640000 0.0220000 0.7450000 0.5420000 0.4740000 0.4660000
0.080 1.0000000 1.0400000 0.8020000 0.9980000 1.4300000 0.0737000 -0.1980000 5.5000000 -1.0800000 0.1810000 -0.0106000 4.0200000 0.0000000 -0.4500000 1491.8200000 -0.2390000 -0.0056700 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 84.2300000 270.0500000 0.0670000 0.0200000 0.7410000 0.5430000 0.4640000 0.4680000
0.085 1.0300000 1.0800000 0.8240000 1.0400000 1.4300000 0.0719000 -0.1990000 5.5100000 -1.0700000 0.1790000 -0.0105000 4.0300000 0.0000000 -0.4580000 1489.2900000 -0.2430000 -0.0056300 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 82.7400000 270.0600000 0.0720000 0.0190000 0.7370000 0.5430000 0.4520000 0.4680000
0.090 1.0700000 1.1100000 0.8460000 1.0800000 1.4400000 0.0681000 -0.1990000 5.5200000 -1.0700000 0.1760000 -0.0104000 4.0700000 0.0000000 -0.4670000 1486.3600000 -0.2450000 -0.0056100 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 81.5400000 270.0700000 0.0760000 0.0170000 0.7340000 0.5420000 0.4400000 0.4660000
0.095 1.1000000 1.1400000 0.8670000 1.1100000 1.4300000 0.0623000 -0.1990000 5.5300000 -1.0700000 0.1740000 -0.0103000 4.1000000 0.0000000 -0.4770000 1482.9800000 -0.2470000 -0.0056000 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 80.4600000 270.0800000 0.0820000 0.0160000 0.7310000 0.5420000 0.4280000 0.4640000
0.100 1.1300000 1.1700000 0.8870000 1.1500000 1.4300000 0.0552000 -0.1980000 5.5400000 -1.0700000 0.1720000 -0.0102000 4.1300000 0.0000000 -0.4870000 1479.1200000 -0.2490000 -0.0056000 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 79.5900000 270.0900000 0.0870000 0.0140000 0.7280000 0.5410000 0.4150000 0.4580000
0.110 1.1800000 1.2200000 0.9270000 1.2000000 1.4100000 0.0374000 -0.1960000 5.5700000 -1.0600000 0.1680000 -0.0099600 4.1900000 0.0000000 -0.5060000 1474.7400000 -0.2520000 -0.0056200 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 79.0500000 270.1100000 0.0930000 0.0120000 0.7260000 0.5400000 0.4030000 0.4510000
0.120 1.2200000 1.2600000 0.9660000 1.2500000 1.3800000 0.0164000 -0.1930000 5.6200000 -1.0600000 0.1640000 -0.0097200 4.2400000 0.0000000 -0.5240000 1469.7500000 -0.2550000 -0.0056700 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 78.8500000 270.1300000 0.0990000 0.0110000 0.7240000 0.5390000 0.3920000 0.4410000
0.130 1.2600000 1.3000000 1.0000000 1.2900000 1.3500000 -0.0051600 -0.1890000 5.6600000 -1.0500000 0.1600000 -0.0094800 4.2900000 0.0000000 -0.5420000 1464.0900000 -0.2560000 -0.0057200 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 78.9900000 270.1500000 0.1040000 0.0110000 0.7230000 0.5380000 0.3810000 0.4300000
0.133 1.2700000 1.3100000 1.0100000 1.3000000 1.3400000 -0.0114000 -0.1880000 5.6700000 -1.0500000 0.1590000 -0.0094000 4.3000000 0.0000000 -0.5480000 1457.7600000 -0.2570000 -0.0057400 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 79.4700000 270.1500000 0.1100000 0.0110000 0.7220000 0.5380000 0.3710000 0.4170000
0.140 1.2900000 1.3300000 1.0400000 1.3100000 1.3200000 -0.0247000 -0.1860000 5.7000000 -1.0500000 0.1570000 -0.0092300 4.3400000 0.0000000 -0.5600000 1450.7100000 -0.2570000 -0.0057800 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 80.2600000 270.1600000 0.1150000 0.0120000 0.7210000 0.5370000 0.3620000 0.4030000
0.150 1.3100000 1.3500000 1.0600000 1.3300000 1.2800000 -0.0421000 -0.1820000 5.7400000 -1.0500000 0.1540000 -0.0089800 4.3900000 0.0000000 -0.5800000 1442.8500000 -0.2570000 -0.0058500 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 81.3300000 270.1600000 0.1200000 0.0150000 0.7200000 0.5370000 0.3540000 0.3880000
0.160 1.3200000 1.3600000 1.0900000 1.3400000 1.2500000 -0.0576000 -0.1790000 5.7800000 -1.0500000 0.1520000 -0.0087300 4.4400000 0.0000000 -0.6010000 1434.2200000 -0.2560000 -0.0059100 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 82.8600000 270.1600000 0.1250000 0.0200000 0.7200000 0.5360000 0.3490000 0.3720000
0.170 1.3300000 1.3700000 1.1000000 1.3500000 1.2200000 -0.0719000 -0.1740000 5.8200000 -1.0500000 0.1490000 -0.0084700 4.4900000 0.0000000 -0.6230000 1424.8500000 -0.2540000 -0.0059700 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 84.7200000 270.1400000 0.1280000 0.0260000 0.7180000 0.5360000 0.3460000 0.3570000
0.180 1.3300000 1.3700000 1.1100000 1.3500000 1.1900000 -0.0856000 -0.1690000 5.8500000 -1.0600000 0.1480000 -0.0082200 4.5300000 0.0000000 -0.6450000 1414.7700000 -0.2520000 -0.0060200 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 86.6700000 270.1100000 0.1310000 0.0330000 0.7170000 0.5360000 0.3440000 0.3410000
0.190 1.3300000 1.3700000 1.1200000 1.3500000 1.1600000 -0.0989000 -0.1640000 5.8900000 -1.0600000 0.1460000 -0.0079700 4.5700000 0.0000000 -0.6670000 1403.9900000 -0.2490000 -0.0060800 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 88.7300000 270.0600000 0.1340000 0.0390000 0.7140000 0.5370000 0.3430000 0.3240000
0.200 1.3300000 1.3600000 1.1200000 1.3400000 1.1300000 -0.1110000 -0.1590000 5.9200000 -1.0600000 0.1450000 -0.0077200 4.6100000 0.0000000 -0.6880000 1392.6100000 -0.2470000 -0.0061400 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 90.9100000 270.0000000 0.1360000 0.0450000 0.7110000 0.5390000 0.3440000 0.3090000
0.220 1.3100000 1.3400000 1.1100000 1.3300000 1.0800000 -0.1330000 -0.1470000 5.9700000 -1.0700000 0.1430000 -0.0072200 4.6800000 0.0000000 -0.7240000 1380.7200000 -0.2420000 -0.0062600 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 93.0400000 269.8300000 0.1380000 0.0520000 0.7080000 0.5410000 0.3450000 0.2940000
0.240 1.2900000 1.3200000 1.0900000 1.3100000 1.0400000 -0.1530000 -0.1340000 6.0300000 -1.0700000 0.1400000 -0.0067500 4.7500000 0.0000000 -0.7560000 1368.5100000 -0.2380000 -0.0063800 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 95.0800000 269.5900000 0.1400000 0.0550000 0.7030000 0.5440000 0.3470000 0.2800000
0.250 1.2800000 1.3000000 1.0800000 1.3100000 1.0200000 -0.1620000 -0.1280000 6.0500000 -1.0800000 0.1390000 -0.0065200 4.7800000 0.0000000 -0.7720000 1356.2100000 -0.2360000 -0.0064400 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 97.0400000 269.4500000 0.1410000 0.0550000 0.6980000 0.5470000 0.3500000 0.2660000
0.260 1.2700000 1.2900000 1.0700000 1.3000000 0.9990000 -0.1700000 -0.1210000 6.0700000 -1.0800000 0.1380000 -0.0062900 4.8200000 0.0000000 -0.7870000 1343.8900000 -0.2330000 -0.0065000 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 98.8700000 269.3000000 0.1410000 0.0550000 0.6930000 0.5500000 0.3530000 0.2550000
0.280 1.2400000 1.2600000 1.0500000 1.2800000 0.9730000 -0.1850000 -0.1070000 6.1100000 -1.0900000 0.1360000 -0.0058700 4.8800000 0.0000000 -0.8160000 1331.6700000 -0.2260000 -0.0066000 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 100.5300000 268.9600000 0.1400000 0.0530000 0.6870000 0.5540000 0.3570000 0.2440000
0.290 1.2300000 1.2500000 1.0400000 1.2700000 0.9630000 -0.1910000 -0.1000000 6.1200000 -1.0900000 0.1350000 -0.0056700 4.9000000 0.0000000 -0.8300000 1319.8300000 -0.2230000 -0.0066500 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 102.0100000 268.7800000 0.1390000 0.0510000 0.6810000 0.5570000 0.3600000 0.2360000
0.300 1.2200000 1.2400000 1.0200000 1.2700000 0.9570000 -0.1960000 -0.0929000 6.1400000 -1.0900000 0.1340000 -0.0054800 4.9300000 0.0000000 -0.8420000 1308.4700000 -0.2190000 -0.0067000 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 103.1500000 268.5900000 0.1380000 0.0500000 0.6750000 0.5610000 0.3630000 0.2290000
0.320 1.2000000 1.2200000 1.0000000 1.2500000 0.9500000 -0.2050000 -0.0789000 6.1600000 -1.1000000 0.1320000 -0.0051200 4.9800000 0.0000000 -0.8620000 1297.6500000 -0.2130000 -0.0068000 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 104.0000000 268.2000000 0.1350000 0.0480000 0.6700000 0.5660000 0.3660000 0.2230000
0.340 1.1800000 1.2000000 0.9770000 1.2300000 0.9500000 -0.2110000 -0.0651000 6.1800000 -1.1100000 0.1300000 -0.0048100 5.0300000 0.0000000 -0.8770000 1287.5000000 -0.2080000 -0.0068900 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 104.7000000 267.7900000 0.1330000 0.0470000 0.6640000 0.5700000 0.3690000 0.2180000
0.350 1.1700000 1.1800000 0.9640000 1.2200000 0.9510000 -0.2140000 -0.0579000 6.1800000 -1.1100000 0.1290000 -0.0046600 5.0600000 0.0000000 -0.8840000 1278.0600000 -0.2060000 -0.0069300 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.2600000 267.5800000 0.1300000 0.0470000 0.6580000 0.5730000 0.3720000 0.2150000
0.360 1.1600000 1.1700000 0.9510000 1.2100000 0.9530000 -0.2170000 -0.0510000 6.1900000 -1.1100000 0.1280000 -0.0045300 5.0800000 0.0000000 -0.8900000 1269.1900000 -0.2040000 -0.0069700 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.6100000 267.3700000 0.1280000 0.0470000 0.6530000 0.5760000 0.3750000 0.2120000
0.380 1.1300000 1.1500000 0.9240000 1.1800000 0.9590000 -0.2220000 -0.0368000 6.1900000 -1.1200000 0.1260000 -0.0042800 5.1200000 0.0000000 -0.9000000 1260.7400000 -0.2000000 -0.0070500 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.8700000 266.9500000 0.1250000 0.0480000 0.6480000 0.5780000 0.3780000 0.2100000
0.400 1.1000000 1.1200000 0.8980000 1.1600000 0.9680000 -0.2260000 -0.0232000 6.2000000 -1.1200000 0.1250000 -0.0040500 5.1600000 0.0000000 -0.9110000 1252.6600000 -0.1960000 -0.0071300 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 106.0200000 266.5400000 0.1220000 0.0490000 0.6430000 0.5800000 0.3810000 0.2100000
0.420 1.0800000 1.1000000 0.8710000 1.1300000 0.9790000 -0.2290000 -0.0104000 6.2000000 -1.1300000 0.1240000 -0.0038500 5.2000000 0.0000000 -0.9220000 1244.8000000 -0.1920000 -0.0071900 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 106.0300000 266.1600000 0.1200000 0.0510000 0.6380000 0.5830000 0.3840000 0.2100000
0.440 1.0500000 1.0700000 0.8440000 1.1000000 0.9910000 -0.2320000 0.0011700 6.2000000 -1.1300000 0.1230000 -0.0036700 5.2400000 0.0000000 -0.9350000 1237.0300000 -0.1870000 -0.0072600 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.9200000 265.8000000 0.1170000 0.0530000 0.6340000 0.5850000 0.3880000 0.2110000
0.450 1.0400000 1.0600000 0.8290000 1.0800000 0.9990000 -0.2330000 0.0065900 6.2000000 -1.1400000 0.1220000 -0.0035900 5.2500000 0.0000000 -0.9410000 1229.2300000 -0.1850000 -0.0072900 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.7900000 265.6400000 0.1150000 0.0540000 0.6290000 0.5890000 0.3930000 0.2130000
0.460 1.0200000 1.0400000 0.8150000 1.0700000 1.0100000 -0.2340000 0.0119000 6.2000000 -1.1400000 0.1220000 -0.0035100 5.2700000 0.0000000 -0.9470000 1221.1600000 -0.1830000 -0.0073200 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.6900000 265.4800000 0.1130000 0.0550000 0.6240000 0.5920000 0.3980000 0.2160000
0.480 0.9970000 1.0200000 0.7890000 1.0400000 1.0200000 -0.2350000 0.0208000 6.2000000 -1.1400000 0.1210000 -0.0033600 5.3000000 0.0000000 -0.9590000 1212.7400000 -0.1790000 -0.0073800 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.5900000 265.2100000 0.1110000 0.0570000 0.6190000 0.5950000 0.4040000 0.2190000
0.500 0.9700000 0.9910000 0.7620000 1.0100000 1.0400000 -0.2350000 0.0291000 6.2000000 -1.1500000 0.1200000 -0.0032200 5.3400000 0.0000000 -0.9690000 1203.9100000 -0.1750000 -0.0074400 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.5400000 265.0000000 0.1090000 0.0600000 0.6150000 0.5990000 0.4100000 0.2240000
0.550 0.9050000 0.9280000 0.6980000 0.9420000 1.0800000 -0.2340000 0.0469000 6.2000000 -1.1500000 0.1180000 -0.0029000 5.4100000 0.0000000 -0.9890000 1194.5900000 -0.1660000 -0.0075800 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.6100000 264.7400000 0.1080000 0.0660000 0.6100000 0.6030000 0.4170000 0.2290000
0.600 0.8420000 0.8670000 0.6390000 0.8740000 1.1300000 -0.2310000 0.0627000 6.2000000 -1.1600000 0.1170000 -0.0026100 5.4800000 0.0000000 -1.0000000 1184.9300000 -0.1580000 -0.0077300 -9.9000000 -9.9000000 105.8300000 264.8300000 0.1060000 0.0710000 0.6050000 0.6070000 0.4240000 0.2350000
0.650 0.7820000 0.8090000 0.5820000 0.8090000 1.1900000 -0.2270000 0.0780000 6.2000000 -1.1700000 0.1150000 -0.0023600 5.5300000 0.0000000 -1.0100000 1175.1900000 -0.1510000 -0.0078700 0.0058300 0.0037600 106.2000000 265.2000000 0.1050000 0.0730000 0.5990000 0.6110000 0.4310000 0.2430000
0.667 0.7630000 0.7900000 0.5640000 0.7890000 1.2000000 -0.2250000 0.0831000 6.2000000 -1.1700000 0.1140000 -0.0022800 5.5400000 0.0000000 -1.0100000 1165.6900000 -0.1490000 -0.0079200 0.0264000 0.0171000 106.7500000 265.3800000 0.1030000 0.0740000 0.5930000 0.6150000 0.4400000 0.2500000
0.700 0.7250000 0.7530000 0.5290000 0.7500000 1.2400000 -0.2210000 0.0932000 6.2000000 -1.1700000 0.1130000 -0.0021300 5.5600000 0.0000000 -1.0100000 1156.4600000 -0.1450000 -0.0080000 0.0555000 0.0357000 107.4800000 265.7800000 0.1020000 0.0730000 0.5870000 0.6190000 0.4480000 0.2580000
0.750 0.6690000 0.6970000 0.4750000 0.6920000 1.2900000 -0.2160000 0.1080000 6.2000000 -1.1800000 0.1110000 -0.0019300 5.6000000 0.0000000 -1.0200000 1147.5900000 -0.1390000 -0.0081200 0.0923000 0.0590000 108.3900000 266.5100000 0.1000000 0.0700000 0.5810000 0.6220000 0.4570000 0.2660000
0.800 0.6130000 0.6420000 0.4220000 0.6350000 1.3300000 -0.2100000 0.1230000 6.2000000 -1.1800000 0.1090000 -0.0017500 5.6300000 0.0000000 -1.0200000 1139.2100000 -0.1320000 -0.0082200 0.1400000 0.0885000 109.6200000 267.3200000 0.0990000 0.0630000 0.5760000 0.6240000 0.4660000 0.2740000
0.850 0.5590000 0.5870000 0.3680000 0.5800000 1.3800000 -0.2050000 0.1360000 6.2000000 -1.1900000 0.1070000 -0.0016000 5.6600000 0.0000000 -1.0300000 1131.3400000 -0.1250000 -0.0083000 0.1950000 0.1200000 111.0800000 268.1400000 0.0990000 0.0530000 0.5700000 0.6250000 0.4750000 0.2810000
0.900 0.5030000 0.5310000 0.3140000 0.5240000 1.4200000 -0.2000000 0.1500000 6.2000000 -1.1900000 0.1050000 -0.0014600 5.6900000 0.0000000 -1.0400000 1123.9100000 -0.1180000 -0.0083600 0.2520000 0.1520000 112.7100000 268.9000000 0.0980000 0.0420000 0.5640000 0.6260000 0.4830000 0.2880000
0.950 0.4470000 0.4750000 0.2590000 0.4670000 1.4600000 -0.1950000 0.1640000 6.2000000 -1.1900000 0.1040000 -0.0013300 5.7200000 0.0000000 -1.0400000 1116.8300000 -0.1120000 -0.0084100 0.3090000 0.1810000 114.5000000 269.5500000 0.0980000 0.0300000 0.5580000 0.6260000 0.4910000 0.2940000
1.000 0.3930000 0.4220000 0.2070000 0.4120000 1.5000000 -0.1900000 0.1790000 6.2000000 -1.1900000 0.1020000 -0.0012100 5.7400000 0.0000000 -1.0500000 1109.9500000 -0.1050000 -0.0084400 0.3670000 0.2080000 116.3900000 270.0000000 0.0980000 0.0200000 0.5530000 0.6250000 0.4980000 0.2980000
1.100 0.2850000 0.3140000 0.1020000 0.3020000 1.5700000 -0.1800000 0.2100000 6.2000000 -1.2000000 0.1000000 -0.0009940 5.8200000 0.0000000 -1.0600000 1103.0700000 -0.0938000 -0.0084700 0.4250000 0.2330000 118.3000000 270.1800000 0.0990000 0.0070000 0.5480000 0.6240000 0.5050000 0.3020000
1.200 0.1730000 0.2030000 -0.0062000 0.1890000 1.6300000 -0.1710000 0.2440000 6.2000000 -1.2000000 0.0985000 -0.0008030 5.9200000 0.0000000 -1.0600000 1096.0400000 -0.0841000 -0.0084200 0.4810000 0.2560000 120.1900000 269.4200000 0.1000000 0.0020000 0.5430000 0.6230000 0.5110000 0.3060000
1.300 0.0615000 0.0911000 -0.1130000 0.0743000 1.6800000 -0.1620000 0.2780000 6.2000000 -1.2000000 0.0974000 -0.0006350 6.0100000 0.0000000 -1.0600000 1088.6700000 -0.0758000 -0.0082900 0.5360000 0.2760000 122.0100000 267.8200000 0.1010000 0.0030000 0.5390000 0.6220000 0.5160000 0.3090000
1.400 -0.0458000 -0.0157000 -0.2160000 -0.0361000 1.7200000 -0.1540000 0.3100000 6.2000000 -1.2000000 0.0967000 -0.0004900 6.1000000 0.0000000 -1.0500000 1080.7700000 -0.0685000 -0.0080600 0.5880000 0.2940000 123.7500000 265.4500000 0.1020000 0.0060000 0.5350000 0.6200000 0.5210000 0.3120000
1.500 -0.1500000 -0.1190000 -0.3140000 -0.1440000 1.7600000 -0.1470000 0.3390000 6.2000000 -1.2100000 0.0964000 -0.0003650 6.1800000 0.0000000 -1.0500000 1072.3900000 -0.0620000 -0.0077100 0.6380000 0.3090000 125.3800000 262.4100000 0.1040000 0.0100000 0.5320000 0.6190000 0.5250000 0.3150000
1.600 -0.2490000 -0.2170000 -0.4070000 -0.2470000 1.8000000 -0.1400000 0.3660000 6.2000000 -1.2100000 0.0963000 -0.0002590 6.2600000 0.0000000 -1.0400000 1061.7700000 -0.0559000 -0.0072300 0.6890000 0.3240000 126.9000000 258.7800000 0.1050000 0.0120000 0.5290000 0.6180000 0.5280000 0.3180000
1.700 -0.3410000 -0.3080000 -0.4930000 -0.3450000 1.8300000 -0.1340000 0.3910000 6.2000000 -1.2100000 0.0963000 -0.0001710 6.3300000 0.0000000 -1.0400000 1049.2900000 -0.0503000 -0.0066600 0.7360000 0.3370000 128.1400000 254.6600000 0.1060000 0.0120000 0.5270000 0.6180000 0.5300000 0.3210000
1.800 -0.4300000 -0.3960000 -0.5740000 -0.4380000 1.8600000 -0.1270000 0.4120000 6.2000000 -1.2100000 0.0962000 -0.0000990 6.4000000 0.0000000 -1.0400000 1036.4200000 -0.0451000 -0.0060300 0.7800000 0.3500000 129.1100000 250.1100000 0.1060000 0.0120000 0.5260000 0.6180000 0.5310000 0.3230000
1.900 -0.5130000 -0.4770000 -0.6490000 -0.5270000 1.8900000 -0.1200000 0.4320000 6.2000000 -1.2100000 0.0963000 -0.0000420 6.4800000 0.0000000 -1.0400000 1023.1400000 -0.0404000 -0.0054000 0.8240000 0.3640000 129.8600000 245.2500000 0.1060000 0.0100000 0.5260000 0.6180000 0.5320000 0.3260000
2.000 -0.5870000 -0.5500000 -0.7150000 -0.6070000 1.9200000 -0.1120000 0.4480000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.0964000 0.0000000 6.5400000 0.0000000 -1.0400000 1009.4900000 -0.0361000 -0.0047900 0.8710000 0.3820000 130.3700000 240.1400000 0.1050000 0.0080000 0.5260000 0.6180000 0.5320000 0.3290000
2.200 -0.7210000 -0.6820000 -0.8300000 -0.7540000 1.9700000 -0.0980000 0.4800000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.0965000 0.0000000 6.6600000 0.0000000 -1.0400000 995.5200000 -0.0291000 -0.0037800 0.9200000 0.4040000 130.6700000 229.5500000 0.1030000 0.0050000 0.5270000 0.6190000 0.5330000 0.3320000
2.400 -0.8480000 -0.8070000 -0.9330000 -0.8940000 2.0200000 -0.0838000 0.5190000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.0962000 0.0000000 6.7300000 0.0000000 -1.0300000 981.3300000 -0.0237000 -0.0030200 0.9690000 0.4270000 130.8100000 219.0500000 0.1000000 0.0030000 0.5280000 0.6190000 0.5330000 0.3350000
2.500 -0.9100000 -0.8680000 -0.9820000 -0.9620000 2.0400000 -0.0763000 0.5390000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.0961000 0.0000000 6.7700000 0.0000000 -1.0300000 966.9400000 -0.0215000 -0.0027200 1.0200000 0.4510000 130.8100000 214.0400000 0.0970000 0.0020000 0.5300000 0.6190000 0.5340000 0.3370000
2.600 -0.9690000 -0.9260000 -1.0300000 -1.0300000 2.0600000 -0.0689000 0.5580000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.0961000 0.0000000 6.8100000 0.0000000 -1.0300000 952.3400000 -0.0196000 -0.0024600 1.0600000 0.4740000 130.7200000 209.3200000 0.0940000 0.0010000 0.5310000 0.6200000 0.5350000 0.3400000
2.800 -1.0800000 -1.0400000 -1.1300000 -1.1500000 2.1000000 -0.0552000 0.5940000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.0967000 0.0000000 6.8700000 0.0000000 -1.0200000 937.5200000 -0.0163000 -0.0020800 1.1000000 0.4950000 130.5700000 201.0800000 0.0910000 0.0000000 0.5320000 0.6190000 0.5360000 0.3420000
3.000 -1.1900000 -1.1400000 -1.2300000 -1.2700000 2.1300000 -0.0433000 0.6270000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.0976000 0.0000000 6.9300000 0.0000000 -1.0100000 922.4300000 -0.0136000 -0.0018300 1.1300000 0.5160000 130.3600000 195.0000000 0.0880000 0.0000000 0.5340000 0.6190000 0.5370000 0.3440000
3.200 -1.2900000 -1.2400000 -1.3300000 -1.3800000 2.1500000 -0.0344000 0.6580000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.0986000 -0.0000230 6.9900000 0.0000000 -1.0000000 908.7900000 -0.0110000 -0.0016700 1.1600000 0.5340000 130.1300000 191.6100000 0.0840000 0.0000000 0.5350000 0.6180000 0.5380000 0.3450000
3.400 -1.3900000 -1.3300000 -1.4200000 -1.4800000 2.1700000 -0.0279000 0.6880000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.0996000 -0.0000400 7.0800000 0.0000000 -0.9950000 896.1500000 -0.0086700 -0.0015800 1.1900000 0.5510000 129.9000000 190.7300000 0.0810000 0.0000000 0.5350000 0.6180000 0.5400000 0.3460000
3.500 -1.4300000 -1.3800000 -1.4600000 -1.5300000 2.1800000 -0.0250000 0.7020000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.1000000 -0.0000450 7.1200000 0.0000000 -0.9910000 883.1600000 -0.0075700 -0.0015500 1.2100000 0.5700000 129.7100000 191.1100000 0.0780000 0.0000000 0.5360000 0.6170000 0.5410000 0.3470000
3.600 -1.4800000 -1.4200000 -1.5000000 -1.5800000 2.1800000 -0.0226000 0.7150000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.1000000 -0.0000490 7.1600000 0.0000000 -0.9870000 870.0500000 -0.0065400 -0.0015400 1.2300000 0.5890000 129.5600000 191.9800000 0.0750000 0.0000000 0.5360000 0.6160000 0.5420000 0.3480000
3.800 -1.5600000 -1.5000000 -1.5900000 -1.6700000 2.1900000 -0.0184000 0.7400000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.1010000 -0.0000530 7.2400000 0.0000000 -0.9780000 857.0700000 -0.0047000 -0.0015200 1.2500000 0.6090000 129.4900000 195.0100000 0.0720000 0.0000000 0.5360000 0.6160000 0.5430000 0.3490000
4.000 -1.6400000 -1.5700000 -1.6700000 -1.7500000 2.2000000 -0.0146000 0.7630000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.1020000 -0.0000520 7.3200000 0.0000000 -0.9690000 844.4800000 -0.0032100 -0.0015200 1.2700000 0.6290000 129.4900000 199.4500000 0.0700000 0.0000000 0.5360000 0.6160000 0.5430000 0.3490000
4.200 -1.7100000 -1.6400000 -1.7500000 -1.8300000 2.2100000 -0.0122000 0.7860000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.1030000 -0.0000470 7.3900000 0.0000000 -0.9600000 832.4500000 -0.0021000 -0.0015200 1.2900000 0.6520000 129.5700000 204.9300000 0.0680000 0.0000000 0.5350000 0.6160000 0.5420000 0.3490000
4.400 -1.7800000 -1.7100000 -1.8200000 -1.9000000 2.2200000 -0.0115000 0.8080000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.1030000 -0.0000390 7.4600000 0.0000000 -0.9500000 821.1800000 -0.0013200 -0.0015000 1.3000000 0.6740000 129.7100000 211.0900000 0.0660000 0.0000000 0.5340000 0.6170000 0.5400000 0.3470000
4.600 -1.8500000 -1.7700000 -1.8900000 -1.9700000 2.2200000 -0.0118000 0.8310000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.1030000 -0.0000270 7.5200000 0.0000000 -0.9410000 810.7900000 -0.0008040 -0.0014800 1.3100000 0.6970000 129.8700000 217.5600000 0.0640000 0.0000000 0.5330000 0.6190000 0.5380000 0.3450000
4.800 -1.9100000 -1.8300000 -1.9600000 -2.0300000 2.2300000 -0.0129000 0.8520000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.1030000 -0.0000140 7.6400000 0.0000000 -0.9300000 801.4100000 -0.0004710 -0.0014600 1.3200000 0.7190000 130.0500000 223.9900000 0.0630000 0.0000000 0.5310000 0.6210000 0.5350000 0.3410000
5.000 -1.9700000 -1.8900000 -2.0200000 -2.0900000 2.2300000 -0.0149000 0.8730000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.1040000 0.0000000 7.7800000 0.0000000 -0.9200000 793.1300000 -0.0002550 -0.0014400 1.3300000 0.7380000 130.2200000 230.0000000 0.0610000 0.0000000 0.5280000 0.6220000 0.5320000 0.3350000
5.500 -2.1100000 -2.0200000 -2.1900000 -2.2300000 2.2400000 -0.0195000 0.9150000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.1050000 0.0000000 8.0700000 0.0000000 -0.8920000 785.7300000 0.0000724 -0.0014000 1.3500000 0.7780000 130.3900000 241.8600000 0.0600000 0.0000000 0.5260000 0.6240000 0.5280000 0.3290000
6.000 -2.2400000 -2.1600000 -2.3700000 -2.3600000 2.2400000 -0.0264000 0.9490000 6.2000000 -1.2200000 0.1080000 0.0000000 8.4800000 0.0000000 -0.8630000 779.9100000 0.0001880 -0.0013800 1.3500000 0.8030000 130.5300000 249.3400000 0.0590000 0.0000000 0.5240000 0.6250000 0.5240000 0.3210000
6.500 -2.3700000 -2.2800000 -2.5300000 -2.4800000 2.2200000 -0.0395000 0.9760000 6.2000000 -1.2300000 0.1120000 0.0000000 8.9000000 0.0000000 -0.8340000 775.6000000 0.0001590 -0.0013700 1.3500000 0.8150000 130.6300000 252.9400000 0.0590000 0.0000000 0.5200000 0.6340000 0.5170000 0.3120000
7.000 -2.4800000 -2.3900000 -2.6800000 -2.5900000 2.1700000 -0.0591000 0.9980000 6.2000000 -1.2400000 0.1190000 0.0000000 9.2000000 0.0000000 -0.8050000 772.6800000 0.0000559 -0.0013700 1.3400000 0.8160000 130.7000000 253.1200000 0.0590000 0.0000000 0.5150000 0.6360000 0.5140000 0.3020000
7.500 -2.5900000 -2.4900000 -2.8200000 -2.6900000 2.1200000 -0.0816000 1.0100000 6.2000000 -1.2500000 0.1250000 0.0000000 9.4800000 0.0000000 -0.7770000 771.0100000 -0.0000546 -0.0013700 1.3300000 0.8090000 130.7200000 250.3900000 0.0580000 0.0000000 0.5120000 0.6340000 0.5110000 0.2700000
8.000 -2.6900000 -2.5800000 -2.9400000 -2.7800000 2.0600000 -0.1040000 1.0200000 6.2000000 -1.2700000 0.1310000 0.0000000 9.5700000 0.0000000 -0.7500000 760.8100000 -0.0001170 -0.0013700 1.3100000 0.7950000 130.8700000 245.2300000 0.0590000 0.0000000 0.5100000 0.6300000 0.5070000 0.2780000
8.500 -2.7800000 -2.6800000 -3.0600000 -2.8800000 2.0100000 -0.1210000 1.0300000 6.2000000 -1.2800000 0.1370000 0.0000000 9.6200000 0.0000000 -0.7250000 764.5000000 -0.0001310 -0.0013700 1.2800000 0.7770000 130.7100000 238.1300000 0.0590000 0.0000000 0.5090000 0.6220000 0.5030000 0.2650000
9.000 -2.8800000 -2.7700000 -3.1700000 -2.9800000 1.9600000 -0.1340000 1.0500000 6.2000000 -1.3000000 0.1430000 0.0000000 9.6600000 0.0000000 -0.7020000 768.0700000 -0.0001080 -0.0013700 1.2500000 0.7540000 130.5000000 229.5600000 0.0600000 0.0000000 0.5090000 0.6130000 0.4980000 0.2520000
9.500 -2.9800000 -2.8600000 -3.2800000 -3.0800000 1.9200000 -0.1440000 1.0600000 6.2000000 -1.3100000 0.1480000 0.0000000 9.6600000 0.0000000 -0.6790000 771.5500000 -0.0000600 -0.0013600 1.2200000 0.7290000 130.2600000 220.0200000 0.0600000 0.0000000 0.5090000 0.6040000 0.4920000 0.2390000
10.000 -3.0700000 -2.9500000 -3.3800000 -3.1700000 1.8800000 -0.1510000 1.0700000 6.2000000 -1.3300000 0.1520000 0.0000000 9.6600000 0.0000000 -0.6560000 775.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0013600 1.1800000 0.7030000 130.0000000 210.0000000 0.0600000 0.0000000 0.5100000 0.6040000 0.4870000 0.2390000
"Mref": 4.5,
"Rref": 1.0,
"Vref": 760.0,
"f1": 0.0,
"f3": 0.1,
"v1": 225.0,
"v2": 300.0}
#: coeffs for HA15
COEFFS_HA15 = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""
IMT C1 C2 C3 sigma tau phi
pgv 0.166 0.0007 0.73 0.33 0.28 0.18
pga 0.384 0.0017 0.63 0.41 0.30 0.27
0.05 0.472 0.0022 0.44 0.47 0.36 0.32
0.063 0.439 0.0023 0.52 0.45 0.33 0.30
0.079 0.37 0.0024 0.61 0.42 0.32 0.28
0.1 0.264 0.0023 0.71 0.40 0.31 0.25
0.126 0.158 0.0022 0.81 0.38 0.30 0.22
0.158 0.074 0.0021 0.88 0.36 0.30 0.20
0.199 0.014 0.0020 0.89 0.35 0.30 0.18
0.251 -0.016 0.0018 0.86 0.34 0.29 0.17
0.316 -0.036 0.0016 0.80 0.33 0.29 0.15
0.398 -0.053 0.0015 0.71 0.31 0.28 0.14
0.5 -0.068 0.0014 0.63 0.30 0.27 0.14
0.633 -0.077 0.0013 0.59 0.29 0.26 0.13
0.794 -0.067 0.0011 0.57 0.28 0.25 0.12
1. -0.043 0.0009 0.54 0.28 0.25 0.13
1.266 -0.009 0.0006 0.50 0.28 0.25 0.14
1.587 0.02 0.0005 0.48 0.29 0.24 0.15
2. 0.041 0.0004 0.44 0.28 0.24 0.15
2.5 0.061 0.0004 0.36 0.28 0.23 0.16
3.125 0.067 0.0005 0.27 0.28 0.23 0.16
4. 0.052 0.0006 0.21 0.28 0.23 0.17
5. 0.025 0.0006 0.22 0.29 0.22 0.18
6.25 0.010 0.0006 0.27 0.29 0.22 0.20
7.692 0.029 0.0006 0.27 0.28 0.21 0.19
10. 0.065 0.0006 0.22 0.25 0.21 0.14
# coeffs for ZR19 (more IMT values compared to the published paper)
COEFFS_ZR19 = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""
IMT a Rb Mb b0 b1 c Vc Cadj tau phi sigma
pgv -0.5339 13.94 2.925 0.2018 -0.2865 0.8682 515.96 0.1751 0.2716 0.513 0.5804
pga -0.6347 16.73 3.393 0.0908 -0.3217 0.4779 638.08 -0.2208 0.2959 0.5443 0.6195
0.05 -0.7112 18.2 3.4 0.0854 -0.3108 0.1668 945.8 -0.2267 0.3147 0.5785 0.6586
0.055 -0.6822 18.43 3.4 0.0867 -0.3146 0.2176 886.9 -0.2007 0.3156 0.5813 0.6614
0.06 -0.6581 18.51 3.4 0.0876 -0.3167 0.2657 831.6 -0.1727 0.3146 0.5833 0.6627
0.065 -0.6385 18.45 3.4 0.088 -0.3166 0.3088 783 -0.1414 0.3114 0.5844 0.6622
0.07 -0.6164 18.45 3.4 0.0879 -0.3148 0.346 742.7 -0.1067 0.3072 0.5847 0.6605
0.075 -0.5864 18.69 3.4 0.0872 -0.312 0.3777 710.8 -0.0697 0.3035 0.5843 0.6584
0.08 -0.5478 19.21 3.4 0.086 -0.3088 0.4052 686.4 -0.0321 0.3011 0.5832 0.6564
0.085 -0.507 19.81 3.4 0.0852 -0.3056 0.4306 667.5 0.0052 0.3 0.5819 0.6546
0.09 -0.4712 20.28 3.39 0.086 -0.3029 0.4561 652 0.0423 0.2996 0.5809 0.6536
0.095 -0.4467 20.42 3.37 0.0905 -0.3017 0.4838 637.8 0.0811 0.2995 0.5807 0.6534
0.1 -0.4351 20.16 3.34 0.0986 -0.3019 0.5151 623.8 0.1222 0.2993 0.5817 0.6541
0.133 -0.4354 19.48 3.3 0.1077 -0.3031 0.5509 609.3 0.1653 0.2986 0.5838 0.6557
0.15 -0.4418 18.45 3.28 0.1135 -0.3032 0.5854 593.2 0.2079 0.2971 0.5869 0.6578
0.2 -0.4515 17.13 3.27 0.1138 -0.3009 0.6158 563 0.248 0.2944 0.5897 0.6591
0.25 -0.4627 15.69 3.29 0.1091 -0.2976 0.638 542.5 0.2818 0.2907 0.5894 0.6572
0.3 -0.4789 14.27 3.36 0.0998 -0.3011 0.6878 527.8 0.3069 0.2865 0.5839 0.6504
0.35 -0.5019 13.01 3.5 0.0848 -0.3225 0.7734 517 0.3249 0.2821 0.5729 0.6386
0.4 -0.5353 11.92 3.73 0.0643 -0.3655 0.8714 510.8 0.3413 0.2773 0.5588 0.6239
0.45 -0.581 10.97 4 0.0421 -0.4214 0.9505 510.9 0.3617 0.2714 0.5447 0.6085
0.5 -0.6371 10.15 4.21 0.0244 -0.4728 0.9996 515 0.3861 0.264 0.5323 0.5942
0.55 -0.6923 9.51 4.35 0.0142 -0.5134 1.0257 519.9 0.4107 0.2554 0.5224 0.5815
0.6 -0.733 9.09 4.42 0.0104 -0.5482 1.0382 523.7 0.4307 0.2467 0.5148 0.5709
0.65 -0.7523 8.87 4.47 0.0094 -0.5887 1.0429 526.3 0.4448 0.2389 0.5092 0.5625
0.667 -0.7561 8.76 4.52 0.0091 -0.6355 1.0417 528.5 0.4542 0.2325 0.5051 0.556
0.7 -0.7524 8.7 4.58 0.0087 -0.6825 1.0391 530.4 0.4616 0.2271 0.502 0.551
0.75 -0.7452 8.64 4.62 0.0084 -0.7204 1.0398 531.8 0.4694 0.2226 0.4993 0.5466
0.8 -0.7325 8.6 4.64 0.0083 -0.7468 1.0465 532.6 0.4785 0.2188 0.4963 0.5423
0.85 -0.7131 8.58 4.66 0.0082 -0.7624 1.0576 533.2 0.4888 0.2161 0.4925 0.5379
0.9 -0.687 8.62 4.67 0.008 -0.7724 1.0696 534 0.499 0.2153 0.4879 0.5333
0.95 -0.6509 8.76 4.71 0.0076 -0.7704 1.081 534.9 0.5076 0.2176 0.4825 0.5293
1 -0.603 9.02 4.69 0.0078 -0.7923 1.0909 536 0.5118 0.2242 0.4759 0.526
1.5 -0.547 9.35 4.78 0.0059 -0.7244 1.0997 536.5 0.5093 0.2368 0.4677 0.5243
2 -0.4981 9.59 4.89 0.0056 -0.5086 1.105 535.8 0.499 0.2548 0.459 0.525
2.5 -0.4738 9.63 5.8 0 0 1.1049 533.5 0.4836 0.2754 0.4525 0.5297
3 -0.4847 9.46 5.8 0 0 1.0961 530.3 0.4659 0.2926 0.4505 0.5372
3.5 -0.5269 9.21 5.8 0 0 1.077 527.4 0.4487 0.3012 0.4535 0.5444
4.0 -0.5844 9.06 5.8 0 0 1.0462 525.6 0.4316 0.2989 0.4589 0.5476
4.4 -0.6387 9.14 5.8 0 0 1.0049 525 0.4151 0.2879 0.4634 0.5455
5 -0.6766 9.45 5.8 0 0 0.9561 525.1 0.399 0.2726 0.4652 0.5392
5.5 -0.6954 9.89 4.91 -0.0003 -0.0711 0.9036 525.4 0.3848 0.2573 0.4642 0.5308
6 -0.6983 10.36 4.51 0.0042 -0.1059 0.8507 525.5 0.3732 0.2449 0.4614 0.5224
6.5 -0.693 10.73 4.16 0.0151 -0.1418 0.7992 525.3 0.3653 0.2363 0.4582 0.5155
7 -0.6839 10.95 3.86 0.0312 -0.1693 0.7499 525.1 0.3619 0.2311 0.4556 0.5108
7.5 -0.676 11.03 3.63 0.0505 -0.1954 0.7043 524.8 0.3631 0.2284 0.4542 0.5084
8 -0.6704 11.03 3.48 0.0684 -0.2226 0.6642 524.7 0.3681 0.227 0.4543 0.5078
8.5 -0.6711 11.03 3.41 0.0846 -0.2569 0.6311 524.6 0.3755 0.226 0.4554 0.5084
9 -0.6787 11.09 3.39 0.0982 -0.2937 0.6043 524.6 0.3831 0.2247 0.4572 0.5094
9.5 -0.6941 11.22 3.39 0.1105 -0.3295 0.5816 524.6 0.3897 0.2227 0.4594 0.5106
10 -0.7138 11.39 3.4 0.1218 -0.3627 0.5605 524.5 0.3951 0.2201 0.4618 0.5116