OpenQuake Engine Server REST API#


oq engine server provides a series of REST API methods for running calculations, checking calculation status, and browsing and downloading results.

All responses are JSON, unless otherwise noted.

GET /v1/calc/list#

List the available calculations. The url in each item of the response can be followed to retrieve complete calculation details.

Parameters: None


[{"description": "Hazard Calculation for end-to-end hazard+risk",
  "id": 1,
  "status": "executing",
  "calculation_mode": "classical",
  "is_running": true,
  "owner: "michele",
  "url": "http://localhost:8800/v1/calc/1",
  "abortable": true,
  "size_mb": 2.34},
 {"description": "Event based calculation",
  "id": 2,
  "status": "complete",
  "calculation_mode": "event_based",
  "is_running": false,
  "owner: "armando",
  "url": "http://localhost:8800/v1/calc/2",
  "abortable": false,
  "size_mb": 12.34},
 {"description": "ScenarioRisk calculation",
  "id": 3,
  "status": "complete",
  "calculation_mode": "scenario_risk",
  "is_running": false,
  "owner: "armando",
  "url": "http://localhost:8800/v1/calc/3",
  "abortable": false,
  "parent_id": null,
  "size_mb": 1.23}

POST /v1/calc/:calc_id/abort#

Abort the given calc_id by sending to the corresponding job a SIGTERM.

Parameters: None


{'error': 'Job <id> is not running'}
{'error': 'User <user> has no permission to kill job <id>'}
{'error': 'PID for job <id> not found in the database'}
{'success': 'Killing job <id>'}

GET /v1/calc/:calc_id/status#

Return the calculation status (the same content of /v1/calc/list) for the given calc_id.

Parameters: None


{"description": "Hazard Calculation for end-to-end hazard+risk",
  "id": 1,
  "status": "executing",
  "calculation_mode": "classical",
  "is_running": true,
  "owner: "michele",
  "parent_id": "42",
  "url": "http://localhost:8800/v1/calc/1"}

GET /v1/calc/:calc_id#

Get calculation status and times for the given calc_id.

Parameters: None


{"user_name": "michele",
"is_running": 0,
"stop_time": "2017-06-05 12:01:28.575776",
"status": "failed",
"start_time": "2017-06-05 12:01:26"}

GET /v1/calc/:calc_id/traceback#

Get the calculation traceback for the given calc_id as a list of strings.

Parameters: None


A list of error lines extracted from the log. If the calculation was successfull, the list is empty.

GET /v1/calc/:calc_id/aggrisk_tags#

Get risk results aggregated by tag, together with the corresponding exposure values.

NB: this URL is valid only for risk calculations with an aggregate_by parameter. Otherwise it returns a BadRequest error with HTTP code 400.

Parameters: None


A JSON object. For instance, something like:

  ID_1: {0: "RUS-ADM1", 1: "RUS-ADM1", 2: "RUS-ADM1"},
  OCCUPANCY: {0: "Com", 1: "Ind", 2: "Res"},
  number: {0: 3409, 1: 1515, 2: 9987},
  structural: {0: 1100932352, 1: 233680832, 2: 6464446976},
  residents: {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 304202.40625},
  occupants_avg: {0: 53872.5703125, 1: 20316.19921875, 2: 158342.40625},
  structural_mean: {0: 23865734.5, 1: 1670122.25, 2: 68231988.5},
  occupants_mean: {0: 1.888562547, 1: 0.0612079581, 2: 4.717694154},
  number_mean: {0: 14.8953637928, 1: 1.9196949974, 2: 36.6349875927},
  residents_mean: {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 1412.8637619019}

GET /v1/calc/:calc_id/extract/:spec#

Get an .npz file for the given object specification. If spec ends with the extension .attrs the attributes of the underlying object (usually coming from an HDF5 dataset) are used to build the .npz file, while the object itself is not retrieved.


A single .npz file of Content-Type: application/octet-stream

GET /v1/calc/:calc_id/results#

List a summary of results for the given calc_id. The url in each response item can be followed to retrieve the full result artifact.

Parameters: None


[{'id': 27,
  'name': 'Full Report',
  'outtypes': ['rst'],
  'size_mb': None,
  'type': 'fullreport',
  'url': ''},
 {'id': 28,
  'name': 'Ground Motion Fields',
  'outtypes': ['xml', 'csv', 'npz'],
  'size_mb': 0.00884246826171875,
  'type': 'gmf_data',
  'url': ''},
 {'id': 29,
  'name': 'Hazard Curves',
  'outtypes': ['csv', 'xml', 'npz'],
  'size_mb': 0.027740478515625,
  'type': 'hcurves',
  'url': ''},
 {'id': 30,
  'name': 'Earthquake Ruptures',
  'outtypes': ['xml', 'csv'],
  'size_mb': 0.008056640625,
  'type': 'ruptures',
  'url': ''},
 {'id': 31,
  'name': 'Events',
  'outtypes': ['csv'],
  'size_mb': None,
  'type': 'events',
  'url': ''}]

GET /v1/calc/:calc_id/result/list#

Same as GET /v1/calc/:calc_id/results

GET /v1/calc/result/:result_id#

Get the full content of a calculation result for the given result_id.


* export_type: the desired format for the result (`xml`, `geojson`, etc.)
* dload: `true` to force download, not `true` try to open in browser window


The requested result as a blob of text. If the desired export_type is not supported, an HTTP 404 error is returned.

GET /v1/calc/:calc_id/log/[:start]:[:stop]#

Get a slice of the calculation log for the given calc_id, from start to stop. If start is the empty string, consider it 0 and starts from the beginning. If stop is the empty string, gives all the available lines. For instance http://host/v1/calc/123/log/: gives the complete log for calculation 123.

Parameters: None


The requested log slice as a JSON list of rows

GET /v1/calc/:calc_id/log/size#

Get the (current) number of lines of the calculation log for the given calc_id.

Parameters: None


The number of lines of log

GET v1/calc/:calc_id/datastore#

Get the HDF5 datastore for the calculation identified by the parameter calc_id.

POST /v1/calc/:calc_id/remove#

Remove the calculation specified by the parameter calc_id.

POST /v1/calc/run#

Run a new calculation with the specified job config file, input models, and other parameters.


* job_config: an oq engine job config INI-style file
* input_model_1 - input_model_N: any number (including zero) of input model files


* hazard_job_id: the hazard calculation ID upon which to run the risk calculation; specify this or hazard_result (only for risk calculations)
* hazard_result: the hazard results ID upon which to run the risk calculation; specify this or hazard_job_id (only for risk calculations)

Response: Redirects to /v1/calc/:calc_id, where calc_id is the ID of the newly created calculation.

POST /v1/calc/aelo_run#

Run a new aelo calculation for a site with the specified parameters.


* lon: the longitude of the site (a float in the interval [-180, +180])
* lat: the latitude of the site (a float in the interval [-90.0, +90.0])
* vs30: the time-averaged shear-wave velocity from the surface to a depth of 30 meters (a positive float)
* siteid: an ID to assign to the site (the only accepted chars are a-zA-Z0-9_-:)


The input values are validated and a `400 Bad Request` response is returned
in case any invalid input is found, specifying the reason of the failure.
If inputs are valid, the engine will first attempt to identify a Mosaic
model that covers the given site, returning a `400 Bad Request` response in
case the site does not belong to any of the Mosaic models. Otherwise, a new
job is created and a `200 OK` response is returned, like:

{"status": "created",
 "job_id": 1,
 "outputs_uri": "http://localhost:8800/v1/calc/1/results",
 "log_uri": "http://localhost:8800/v1/calc/1/log/0:",
 "traceback_uri": "http://localhost:8800/v1/calc/1/traceback"}

`outputs_uri` can be used later to retrieve calculation results, after the job is complete.
`log_uri` can be called to get the log of the calculation, either while it is still running or after its completion.
`traceback_uri` can be called in case of job failure (and only after it occurs), to retrieve a full traceback of the error.

As soon as the job is complete, a notification is automatically sent via email to the user who launched it. In case of success, the message will contain a link to the web page showing the outputs of the calculation; otherwise, it will describe the error that occurred.

POST /v1/calc/validate_zip#

Check if a given archive is valid


* archive: the zip file to be validated


a JSON object, containing:

* valid: a boolean indicating if the provided archive is a valid
* error_msg: the error message, if any error was found (None otherwise)

POST /v1/valid/#

Check if a given XML text is a valid NRML.


* xml_text: the text of the xml to be validated as nrml


a JSON object, containing:

* valid: a boolean indicating if the provided text is a valid NRML
* error_msg: the error message, if any error was found (None otherwise)
* error_line: line of the given XML where the error was found (None if no error was found or if it was not a validation error)

POST /v1/on_same_fs#

Check if a given filename exists and if the first 32 bytes of its content have the same checksum passed as argument of POST.

(developed for internal purposes)


* filename: filename (with path) of file to be checked
* checksum: expected checksum of first 32 bytes of the file


a JSON object, containing:

* success: a boolean indicating that filename is accessible by engine server and that calculated checksum matches passed parameter

GET /v1/ini_defaults#

Retrieve all default values for ini file parameters (parameters without a default value are not returned).

(developed for internal purposes)

Parameters: None


{"aggregate_by": [],
 "area_source_discretization": null,
 "ash_wet_amplification_factor": 1.0,
 "asset_correlation": 0,
 "asset_hazard_distance": {"default": 15},
 "asset_loss_table": false,
 "assets_per_site_limit": 1000,
 "avg_losses": true,
 "base_path": ".",
 "calculation_mode": "",

POST /accounts/ajax_login/#

Attempt to login, given the parameters username and password.

POST /accounts/ajax_logout/#


GET /reset_password/#

The user is asked to submit a web form with the email address associated to his/her Django account. Then a “Reset Password” email is sent to the user. By clicking on the link received via email, the user is redirected to a web form to specify a new password.

GET /v1/engine_version#

Return a string with the OpenQuake engine version

GET /v1/engine_latest_version#

Return a string with if new versions have been released. Return ‘None’ if the version is not available

GET /v1/available_gsims#

Return a list of strings with the available GSIMs

Extracting data from calculations#

The engine has a relatively large set of predefined outputs, that you can get in various formats, like CSV, XML or HDF5. They are all documented in the manual and they are the recommended way of interacting with the engine, if you are not tech-savvy.

However, sometimes you must be tech-savvy: for instance if you want to post-process hundreds of GB of ground motion fields produced by an event based calculation, you should not use the CSV output, at least if you care about efficiency. To manage this case (huge amounts of data) there is a specific solution, which is also able to manage the case of data lacking a predefined exporter: the Extractor API.

There are actually two different kind of extractors: the simple Extractor, which is meant to manage large data sets (say > 100 MB) and the WebExtractor, which is able to interact with the WebAPI and to extract data from a remote machine. The WebExtractor is nice, but cannot be used for large amount of data for various reasons; in particular, unless your Internet connection is ultra-fast, downloading GBs of data will probably send the web request in timeout, causing it to fail. Even if there is no timeout, the WebAPI will block, everything will be slow, the memory occupation and disk space will go up, and at certain moment something will fail.

The WebExtractor is meant for small to medium outputs, things like the mean hazard maps - an hazard map containing 100,000 points and 3 PoEs requires only 1.1 MB of data at 4 bytes per point. Mean hazard curves or mean average losses in risk calculation are still small enough for the WebExtractor. But if you want to extract all of the realizations you must go with the simple Extractor: in that case your postprocessing script must run in the remote machine, since it requires direct access to the datastore.

Here is an example of usage of the Extractor to retrieve mean hazard curves:

>> from openquake.calculators.extract import Extractor
>> calc_id = 42  # for example
>> extractor = Extractor(calc_id)
>> obj = extractor.get('hcurves?kind=mean&imt=PGA')  # returns an ArrayWrapper
>> obj.mean.shape  # an example with 10,000 sites, 20 levels per PGA
(10000, 1, 20)
>> extractor.close()

If in the calculation you specified the flag individual_rlzs=true, then it is also possible to retrieve a specific realization

>> dic = vars(extractor.get(‘hcurves?kind=rlz-0’)) >> dic[‘rlz-000’] # array of shape (num_sites, num_imts, num_levels)

or even all realizations:

>> dic = vars(extractor.get(‘hcurves?kind=rlzs’))

Here is an example of using the WebExtractor to retrieve hazard maps. Here we assume that in a remote machine there is a WebAPI server running, a.k.a. the Engine Server. The first thing to is to set up the credentials to access the WebAPI. There are two cases:

  1. you have a production installation of the engine in /opt

  2. you have a development installation of the engine in a virtualenv

In both case you need to create a file called openquake.cfg with the following format:

server = http(s)://the-url-of-the-server(:port)
username = my-username
password = my-password

username and password can be left empty if the authentication is not enabled in the server, which is the recommended way, if the server is in your own secure LAN. Otherwise you must set the right credentials. The difference between case 1 and case 2 is in where to put the openquake.cfg file: if you have a production installation, put it in your $HOME, if you have a development installation, put it in your virtualenv directory.

The usage then is the same as the regular extractor:

>> from openquake.calculators.extract import WebExtractor
>> extractor = WebExtractor(calc_id)
>> obj = extractor.get('hmaps?kind=mean&imt=PGA')  # returns an ArrayWrapper
>> obj.mean.shape  # an example with 10,000 sites and 4 PoEs
(10000, 1, 4)
>> extractor.close()

If you do not want to put your credentials in the openquake.cfg file, you can do so, but then you need to pass them explicitly to the WebExtractor:

>> extractor = WebExtractor(calc_id, server, username, password)


The (Web)Extractor is used in the oq plot command: by configuring openquake.cfg it is possible to plot things like hazard curves, hazard maps and uniform hazard spectra for remote (or local) calculations. Here are three examples of use:

$ oq plot 'hcurves?kind=mean&imt=PGA&site_id=0' <calc_id>
$ oq plot 'hmaps?kind=mean&imt=PGA' <calc_id>
$ oq plot 'uhs?kind=mean&site_id=0' <calc_id>

The site_id is optional; if missing, only the first site (site_id=0) will be plotted. If you want to plot all the realizations you can do:

$ oq plot 'hcurves?kind=rlzs&imt=PGA' <calc_id>

If you want to plot all statistics you can do:

$ oq plot 'hcurves?kind=stats&imt=PGA' <calc_id>

It is also possible to combine plots. For instance if you want to plot all realizations and also the mean the command to give is:

$ oq plot 'hcurves?kind=rlzs&kind=mean&imt=PGA' <calc_id>

If you want to plot the median and the mean the command is:

$ oq plot 'hcurves?kind=quantile-0.5&kind=mean&imt=PGA' <calc_id>

assuming the median (i.e. quantile-0.5) is available in the calculation. If you want to compare say rlz-0 with rlz-2 and rlz-5 you can just just say so:

$ oq plot 'hcurves?kind=rlz-0&kind=rlz-2&kind=rlz-5&imt=PGA' <calc_id>

You can combine as many kinds of curves as you want. Clearly if your are specifying a kind that is not available you will get an error.

Extracting disaggregation outputs#

Disaggregation outputs are particularly complex and they are stored in the datastore in different ways depending on the engine version. Here we will give a few examples for the Disaggregation Demo, which has the flag individual_rlzs set. If you run the demos with a recent enough version of the engine (>=3.17) you will see two disaggregation outputs:

  1. Disaggregation Outputs Per Realization

  2. Statistical Disaggregation Outputs

Such outputs can be exported as usual in CSV format and will generate several files. Users can be interested in extracting a subset of the outputs programmatically, thus avoiding the overhead of exporting more data than needed and having to read the CSV. The way to go is to define an extractor:

>> extractor = Extractor(calc_id)

and five parameters:

  1. kind: the kind of outputs, like Mag, Mag_Dist, Mag_Dist_Eps, etc

  2. imt: the IMT, like PGA, SA(1.0), etc

  3. site_id: the site ordinal number, like 0, 1, etc

  4. poe_id: the ordinal of the PoE, like 0, 1, etc

  5. spec: the specifier string, one of “rlzs”, “stats”, “rlzs-traditional”, “stats-traditional”

Here is an example:

>> ex = 'disagg?kind=Mag_Dist&imt=PGA&site_id=0&poe_id=0&spec=rlzs-traditional'
>> dic = extractor.get(ex)

The dictionary here contains the following keys:

>> dic["mag"] # lenght 4
array([5., 6., 7., 8.])
>> dic["dist"] # lenght 21
array([  0.,  10.,  20.,  30.,  40.,  50.,  60.,  70.,  80.,  90., 100.,
       110., 120., 130., 140., 150., 160., 170., 180., 190., 200.])
>> dic["array"].shape
(4, 21, 1, 1)

Extracting ruptures#

Here is an example for the event based demo:

$ cd oq-engine/demos/hazard/EventBasedPSHA/
$ oq engine --run job.ini
$ oq shell
IPython shell with a global object "o"
In [1]: from openquake.calculators.extract import Extractor
In [2]: extractor = Extractor(calc_id=-1)
In [3]: aw = extractor.get('rupture_info?min_mag=5')
In [4]: aw
Out[4]: <ArrayWrapper(1511,)>
In [5]: aw.array
array([(   0, 1, 5.05, 0.08456118,  0.15503392, 5., b'Active Shallow Crust', 0.0000000e+00, 90.      , 0.),
       (   1, 1, 5.05, 0.08456119,  0.15503392, 5., b'Active Shallow Crust', 4.4999969e+01, 90.      , 0.),
       (   2, 1, 5.05, 0.08456118,  0.15503392, 5., b'Active Shallow Crust', 3.5999997e+02, 49.999985, 0.),
       (1508, 2, 6.15, 0.26448786, -0.7442877 , 5., b'Active Shallow Crust', 0.0000000e+00, 90.      , 0.),
       (1509, 1, 6.15, 0.26448786, -0.74428767, 5., b'Active Shallow Crust', 2.2499924e+02, 50.000004, 0.),
       (1510, 1, 6.85, 0.26448786, -0.74428767, 5., b'Active Shallow Crust', 4.9094699e-04, 50.000046, 0.)],
      dtype=[('rup_id', '<i8'), ('multiplicity', '<u2'), ('mag', '<f4'), ('centroid_lon', '<f4'),
             ('centroid_lat', '<f4'), ('centroid_depth', '<f4'), ('trt', 'S50'), ('strike', '<f4'),
             ('dip', '<f4'), ('rake', '<f4')])
In [6]: extractor.close()