Source code for openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager

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# Copyright (C) 2016-2025 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>.

import os
import sys
import re
import time
import runpy
import urllib.request
import logging
import importlib
import sqlite3
from openquake.commonlib.dbapi import db

[docs]class DuplicatedVersion(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class VersionTooSmall(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class VersioningNotInstalled(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class WrappedConnection(object): """ This is an utility class that wraps a DB API-2 connection providing a couple of convenient features. 1) it is possible to set a debug flag to print on stdout the executed queries; 2) there is a .run method to run a query with a dedicated cursor; it returns the cursor, which can be iterated over :param conn: a DB API2-compatible connection """ def __init__(self, conn, debug=False): self._conn = conn self.debug = debug def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._conn, name)
[docs] def run(self, templ, *args): """ A simple utility to run SQL queries. :param templ: a query or query template :param args: the arguments (or the empty tuple) :returns: the DB API 2 cursor used to run the query """ curs = self._conn.cursor() query = curs.mogrify(templ, args) if self.debug: print(query) curs.execute(query) return curs
# not used right now
[docs]def check_script(upgrade, conn, dry_run=True, debug=True): """ An utility to debug upgrade scripts written in Python :param upgrade: upgrade procedure :param conn: a DB API 2 connection :param dry_run: if True, do not change the database :param debug: if True, print the queries which are executed """ conn = WrappedConnection(conn, debug=debug) try: upgrade(conn) except Exception: conn.rollback() raise else: if dry_run: conn.rollback() else: conn.commit()
[docs]def apply_sql_script(conn, fname): """ Apply the given SQL script to the database :param conn: a DB API 2 connection :param fname: full path to the creation script """ sql = open(fname).read() try: # we cannot use conn.executescript which is non transactional for query in sql.split('\n\n'): conn.execute(query) except Exception: print('sqlite version =', sqlite3.sqlite_version) print(query) logging.error('Error executing %s' % fname) raise
# errors are not trapped on purpose, since transactions should be managed # in client code
[docs]class UpgradeManager(object): r""" The package containing the upgrade scripts should contain an instance of the UpgradeManager called `upgrader` in the file. It should also specify the initializations parameters :param upgrade_dir: the directory were the upgrade script reside :param version_table: the name of the versioning table (default revision_info) :param version_pattern: a regulation expression for the script version number (\d\d\d\d) """ ENGINE_URL = '' UPGRADES = 'openquake/server/db/schema/upgrades/' def __init__(self, upgrade_dir, version_table='revision_info', version_pattern=r'\d\d\d\d', flag_pattern='(-slow|-danger)?'): self.upgrade_dir = upgrade_dir self.version_table = version_table self.version_pattern = version_pattern self.flag_pattern = flag_pattern self.pattern = r'^(%s)%s-([\w\-_]+)\.(sql|py)$' % ( version_pattern, flag_pattern) self.upgrades_url = self.ENGINE_URL + self.UPGRADES if re.match(r'[\w_\.]+', version_table) is None: raise ValueError(version_table) self.starting_version = None # will be updated after the run def _insert_script(self, script, conn): conn.cursor().execute( 'INSERT INTO {} (version, scriptname) VALUES (?, ?)'.format( self.version_table), (script['version'], script['name']))
[docs] def install_versioning(self, conn): """ Create the version table into an already populated database and insert the base script. :param conn: a DB API 2 connection """'Creating the versioning table %s', self.version_table) conn.executescript(CREATE_VERSIONING % self.version_table) self._insert_script(self.read_scripts()[0], conn)
[docs] def init(self, conn): """ Create the version table and run the base script on an empty database. :param conn: a DB API 2 connection """ base = self.read_scripts()[0]['fname']'Creating the initial schema from %s', base) apply_sql_script(conn, os.path.join(self.upgrade_dir, base)) self.install_versioning(conn)
[docs] def upgrade(self, conn, skip_versions=()): ''' Upgrade the database from the current version to the maximum version in the upgrade scripts. :param conn: a DBAPI 2 connection :param skip_versions: the versions to skip ''' db_versions = self.get_db_versions(conn) self.starting_version = max(db_versions) to_skip = sorted(db_versions | set(skip_versions)) scripts = self.read_scripts(None, None, to_skip) if not scripts: # no new scripts to apply return [] self.ending_version = max(s['version'] for s in scripts) return self._upgrade(conn, scripts)
def _upgrade(self, conn, scripts): conn = WrappedConnection(conn) versions_applied = [] for script in scripts: # script is a dictionary fullname = os.path.join(self.upgrade_dir, script['fname'])'Executing %s', fullname) if script['ext'] == 'py': # Python script with a upgrade(conn) globs = runpy.run_path(fullname) globs['upgrade'](conn) self._insert_script(script, conn) else: # SQL script # notice that this prints the file name in case of error apply_sql_script(conn, fullname) self._insert_script(script, conn) versions_applied.append(script['version']) return versions_applied
[docs] def check_versions(self, conn): """ :param conn: a DB API 2 connection :returns: a message with the versions that will be applied or None """ scripts = self.read_scripts(skip_versions=self.get_db_versions(conn)) versions = [s['version'] for s in scripts] if versions: return ('Your database is not updated. You can update it by ' 'running oq engine --upgrade-db which will process the ' 'following new versions: %s' % versions)
[docs] def get_db_versions(self, conn): """ Get all the versions stored in the database as a set. :param conn: a DB API 2 connection """ curs = conn.cursor() query = 'select version from {}'.format(self.version_table) try: curs.execute(query) return set(version for version, in curs.fetchall()) except BaseException: raise VersioningNotInstalled('Run oq engine --upgrade-db')
[docs] def parse_script_name(self, script_name): ''' Parse a script name and return a dictionary with fields fname, name, version and ext (or None if the name does not match). :param name: name of the script ''' match = re.match(self.pattern, script_name) if not match: return version, flag, name, ext = match.groups() return dict(fname=script_name, version=version, name=name, flag=flag, ext=ext, url=self.upgrades_url + script_name)
[docs] def read_scripts(self, minversion=None, maxversion=None, skip_versions=()): """ Extract the upgrade scripts from a directory as a list of dictionaries, ordered by version. :param minversion: the minimum version to consider :param maxversion: the maximum version to consider :param skipversions: the versions to skip """ scripts = [] versions = {} # a script is unique per version for scriptname in sorted(os.listdir(self.upgrade_dir)): match = self.parse_script_name(scriptname) if match: version = match['version'] if version in skip_versions: continue # do not collect scripts already applied elif minversion and version <= minversion: continue # do not collect versions too old elif maxversion and version > maxversion: continue # do not collect versions too new try: previousname = versions[version] except KeyError: # no previous script with the same version scripts.append(match) versions[version] = scriptname else: raise DuplicatedVersion( 'Duplicated versions {%s,%s}' % (scriptname, previousname)) return scripts
[docs] def extract_upgrade_scripts(self): """ Extract the OpenQuake upgrade scripts from the links in the GitHub page """ link_pattern = r'>\s*{0}\s*<'.format(self.pattern[1:-1]) page = urllib.request.urlopen(self.upgrades_url).read() for mo in re.finditer(link_pattern, page): scriptname =[1:-1].strip() yield self.parse_script_name(scriptname)
[docs] @classmethod def instance(cls, conn, pkg_name='openquake.server.db.schema.upgrades'): """ Return an :class:`UpgradeManager` instance. :param conn: a DB API 2 connection :param str pkg_name: the name of the package with the upgrade scripts """ try: # upgrader is an UpgradeManager instance defined in the upgrader = importlib.import_module(pkg_name).upgrader except ImportError: raise SystemExit( 'Could not import %s (not in the PYTHONPATH?)' % pkg_name) if not upgrader.read_scripts(): raise SystemExit( 'The upgrade_dir does not contain scripts matching ' 'the pattern %s' % upgrader.pattern) curs = conn.cursor() # check if there is already a versioning table curs.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master " "WHERE name=%r" % upgrader.version_table) versioning_table = curs.fetchall() # if not, run the base script and create the versioning table if not versioning_table: upgrader.init(conn) conn.commit() return upgrader
[docs]def upgrade_db(conn=None, pkg_name='openquake.server.db.schema.upgrades', skip_versions=()): """ Upgrade a database by running several scripts in a single transaction. :param conn: a DB API 2 connection (if None use dbapi.db.conn) :param str pkg_name: the name of the package with the upgrade scripts :param list skip_versions: the versions to skip :returns: the version numbers of the new scripts applied the database """ if conn is None: conn = db.conn upgrader = UpgradeManager.instance(conn, pkg_name) t0 = time.time() # run the upgrade scripts try: versions_applied = upgrader.upgrade(conn, skip_versions) except Exception: conn.rollback() raise else: conn.commit() if versions_applied:'Upgrade completed in %s seconds', time.time() - t0) return versions_applied
[docs]def db_version(conn, pkg_name='openquake.server.db.schema.upgrades'): """ :param conn: a DB API 2 connection :param str pkg_name: the name of the package with the upgrade scripts :returns: the current version of the database """ upgrader = UpgradeManager.instance(conn, pkg_name) return max(upgrader.get_db_versions(conn))
[docs]def what_if_I_upgrade(conn, pkg_name='openquake.server.db.schema.upgrades', extract_scripts='extract_upgrade_scripts'): """ :param conn: a DB API 2 connection :param str pkg_name: the name of the package with the upgrade scripts :param extract_scripts: name of the method to extract the scripts """ msg_safe_ = '\nThe following scripts can be applied safely:\n%s' msg_slow_ = '\nPlease note that the following scripts could be slow:\n%s' msg_danger_ = ('\nPlease note that the following scripts are potentially ' 'dangerous and could destroy your data:\n%s') upgrader = UpgradeManager.instance(conn, pkg_name) applied_versions = upgrader.get_db_versions(conn) current_version = max(applied_versions) slow = [] danger = [] safe = [] for script in getattr(upgrader, extract_scripts)(): url = script['url'] if script['version'] in applied_versions: continue elif script['version'] <= current_version: # you cannot apply a script with a version number lower than the # current db version: ensure that upgrades are strictly incremental raise VersionTooSmall( 'Your database is at version %s but you want to apply %s??' % (current_version, script['fname'])) elif script['flag'] == '-slow': slow.append(url) elif script['flag'] == '-danger': danger.append(url) else: # safe script safe.append(url) if not safe and not slow and not danger: return 'Your database is already updated at version %s.' % \ current_version header = 'Your database is at version %s.' % current_version msg_safe = msg_safe_ % '\n'.join(safe) msg_slow = msg_slow_ % '\n'.join(slow) msg_danger = msg_danger_ % '\n'.join(danger) msg = header + (msg_safe if safe else '') + (msg_slow if slow else '') \ + (msg_danger if danger else '') msg += ('\nClick on the links if you want to know what exactly the ' 'scripts are doing.') if slow: msg += ('\nEven slow script can be fast if your database is small or' ' the upgrade affects tables that are empty.') if danger: msg += ('\nEven dangerous scripts are fine if they ' 'affect empty tables or data you are not interested in.') return msg
if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) path = sys.argv[1] dirname = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) conn = sqlite3.connect(path) upgrade_db(conn)