# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2016-2025 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import getpass
import operator
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from openquake.baselib import general
from openquake.hazardlib import valid
from openquake.server import __file__ as server_path
from openquake.server.db.schema.upgrades import upgrader
from openquake.server.db import upgrade_manager
from openquake.commonlib.dbapi import NotFound
from openquake.calculators.export import DISPLAY_NAME
UTC = timezone.utc
WHEN calculation_mode LIKE '%risk'
OR calculation_mode LIKE '%bcr'
OR calculation_mode LIKE '%damage'
THEN 'risk'
ELSE 'hazard'
END AS job_type
[docs]def check_outdated(db):
Check if the db is outdated, called before starting anything
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
return upgrader.check_versions(db.conn)
[docs]def reset_is_running(db):
Reset the flag job.is_running to False. This is called when the
DbServer is restarted: the idea is that it is restarted only when
all computations are completed.
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
db("UPDATE job SET is_running=0, status='failed'"
"WHERE is_running=1 OR status='executing'")
[docs]def set_status(db, job_id, status):
Set the status 'created', 'executing', 'complete', 'failed', 'aborted'
consistently with `is_running`.
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id: ID of the current job
:param status: status string
assert status in (
'created', 'submitted', 'executing', 'complete', 'aborted', 'failed',
'deleted'), status
if status in ('created', 'complete', 'failed', 'aborted', 'deleted'):
is_running = 0
else: # 'executing'
is_running = 1
if job_id < 0:
rows = db('SELECT id FROM job ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?x', -job_id)
if not rows:
return 0
job_id = rows[-1].id
cursor = db('UPDATE job SET status=?x, is_running=?x WHERE id=?x',
status, is_running, job_id)
return cursor.rowcount
[docs]def create_job(db, datadir, calculation_mode='to be set',
description='just created', user_name=None,
hc_id=None, host=None):
Create job for the given user, return it.
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param datadir:
data directory of the user who owns/started this job.
:param calculation_mode:
job kind
:param description:
description of the job
:param user_name:
name of the user running the job
:param hc_id:
ID of the parent job (if any)
:param host:
machine where the calculation is running (master)
the job ID
# NB: is_running=1 is needed to make views_test.py happy on Jenkins
job = dict(is_running=1, description=description,
user_name=user_name or getpass.getuser(),
ds_calc_dir=datadir, hazard_calculation_id=hc_id, host=host)
job_id = db('INSERT INTO job (?S) VALUES (?X)', job.keys(), job.values()
db('UPDATE job SET ds_calc_dir=?x WHERE id=?x',
os.path.join(datadir, 'calc_%s' % job_id), job_id)
return job_id
[docs]def import_job(db, calc_id, calc_mode, description, user_name, status,
hc_id, datadir):
Insert a calculation inside the database, if calc_id is not taken
job = dict(id=calc_id,
ds_calc_dir=os.path.join(datadir, 'calc_%s' % calc_id))
db('INSERT INTO job (?S) VALUES (?X)', job.keys(), job.values())
[docs]def delete_uncompleted_calculations(db, user):
Delete the uncompleted calculations of the given user.
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param user: user name
db("UPDATE job SET status = 'deleted' "
"WHERE user_name=?x AND status != 'complete'", user)
[docs]def get_job(db, job_id, username=None):
If job_id is negative, return the last calculation of the current
user, otherwise returns the job_id unchanged.
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id: a job ID (can be negative and can be nonexisting)
:param username: an user name (if None, ignore it)
:returns: a valid job or None if the original job ID was invalid
job_id = int(job_id)
if job_id > 0:
dic = dict(id=job_id)
if username:
dic['user_name'] = username
return db('SELECT * FROM job WHERE ?A', dic, one=True)
except NotFound:
# else negative job_id
if username:
joblist = db('SELECT * FROM job WHERE user_name=?x '
"AND status != 'deleted' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?x",
username, -job_id)
joblist = db("SELECT * FROM job WHERE status != 'deleted' "
'ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?x', -job_id)
if not joblist: # no jobs
return joblist[-1]
[docs]def get_weight(db, job_id):
Return information about the total weight of the source model.
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id: a job ID
rows = db("SELECT description, message FROM log, job "
"WHERE job_id=job.id and job.id = ?x "
"AND message LIKE '%tot_weight%'", job_id)
if not rows:
return "There is no job %d" % job_id
return rows[0]
[docs]def list_calculations(db, job_type, user_name):
Yield a summary of past calculations.
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_type: 'hazard' or 'risk'
:param user_name: an user name
jobs = db('SELECT *, %s FROM job WHERE user_name=?x '
"AND job_type=?x AND status != 'deleted' ORDER BY start_time"
% JOB_TYPE, user_name, job_type)
out = []
if len(jobs) == 0:
out.append('job_id | status | start_time | '
' description')
for job in jobs:
descr = job.description
start_time = job.start_time
out.append('%6d | %10s | %s | %s' % (
job.id, job.status, start_time, descr))
return out
[docs]def list_outputs(db, job_id, full=True):
List the outputs for a given
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
ID of a calculation.
:param bool full:
If True produce a full listing, otherwise a short version
outputs = get_outputs(db, job_id)
out = []
if len(outputs) > 0:
truncated = False
out.append(' id | name')
outs = sorted(outputs, key=operator.attrgetter('display_name'))
for i, o in enumerate(outs):
if not full and i >= 10:
out.append(' ... | %d additional output(s)' % (len(outs) - 10))
truncated = True
out.append('%4d | %s' % (o.id, o.display_name))
if truncated:
'Some outputs were not shown. You can see the full list '
f'with the command\n`oq engine --list-outputs {job_id}`')
return out
[docs]def get_outputs(db, job_id):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
ID of a calculation.
A sequence of :class:`openquake.server.db.models.Output` objects
return db('SELECT * FROM output WHERE oq_job_id=?x', job_id)
[docs]def create_outputs(db, job_id, keysize, ds_size):
Build a correspondence between the outputs in the datastore and the
ones in the database. Also, update the datastore size in the job table.
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id: ID of the current job
:param keysize: a list of pairs (key, size_mb)
:param ds_size: total datastore size in MB
rows = [(job_id, DISPLAY_NAME.get(key, key), key, size)
for key, size in keysize]
db('UPDATE job SET size_mb=?x WHERE id=?x', ds_size, job_id)
db.insert('output', 'oq_job_id display_name ds_key size_mb'.split(), rows)
[docs]def finish(db, job_id, status):
Set the job columns `is_running`, `status`, and `stop_time`.
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
ID of the current job
:param status:
a string such as 'successful' or 'failed'
db('UPDATE job SET ?D WHERE id=?x',
dict(is_running=False, status=status, stop_time=datetime.now(UTC)),
[docs]def del_calc(db, job_id, user, delete_file=True, force=False):
Delete a calculation and all associated outputs, if possible.
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id: job ID, can be an integer or a string
:param user: username
:param delete_file: also delete the HDF5 file
:param force: delete even if there are dependent calculations
:returns: a dict with key "success" and value indicating
the job id of the calculation or of its ancestor, or key "error"
and value describing what went wrong
job_id = int(job_id)
dependent = db(
"SELECT id FROM job WHERE hazard_calculation_id=?x "
"AND status != 'deleted'", job_id)
job_ids = [dep.id for dep in dependent]
if not force and job_id in job_ids: # jobarray
err = []
for jid in job_ids:
res = del_calc(db, jid, user, delete_file, force=True)
if "error" in res:
if err:
return {"error": ' '.join(err)}
return {"success": 'children_of_%s' % job_id}
elif not force and dependent:
return {"error": 'Cannot delete calculation %d: there '
'are calculations '
'dependent from it: %s' % (job_id, [j.id for j in dependent])}
owner, path = db('SELECT user_name, ds_calc_dir FROM job WHERE id=?x',
job_id, one=True)
except NotFound:
return {"error": 'Cannot delete calculation %d:'
' ID does not exist' % job_id}
deleted = db("UPDATE job SET status='deleted' WHERE id=?x AND "
"user_name=?x", job_id, user).rowcount
if not deleted:
return {"error": 'Cannot delete calculation %d: it belongs to '
'%s and you are %s' % (job_id, owner, user)}
fname = path + ".hdf5"
# A calculation could fail before it produces a hdf5, or somebody
# may have canceled the file, so it could not exist
if delete_file and os.path.isfile(fname):
except OSError as exc: # permission error
return {"error": 'Could not remove %s: %s' % (fname, exc)}
return {"success": str(job_id), "hdf5path": fname}
[docs]def log(db, job_id, timestamp, level, process, message):
Write a log record in the database.
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
a job ID
:param timestamp:
timestamp to store in the log record
:param level:
logging level to store in the log record
:param process:
process ID to store in the log record
:param message:
message to store in the log record
db('INSERT INTO log (job_id, timestamp, level, process, message) '
'VALUES (?X)', (job_id, timestamp, level, process, message))
[docs]def get_log(db, job_id):
Extract the logs as a big string
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id: a job ID
logs = db('SELECT * FROM log WHERE job_id=?x ORDER BY id', job_id)
out = []
for log in logs:
time = str(log.timestamp)[:-4] # strip decimals
out.append('[%s #%d %s] %s %s' %
(time, job_id, log.level, log.process, log.message))
return out
[docs]def get_output(db, output_id):
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param output_id: ID of an Output object
:returns: (ds_key, calc_id, dirname)
out = db('SELECT output.*, ds_calc_dir FROM output, job '
'WHERE oq_job_id=job.id AND output.id=?x', output_id, one=True)
return out.ds_key, out.oq_job_id, os.path.dirname(out.ds_calc_dir)
# used in make_report
[docs]def fetch(db, templ, *args):
Run generic queries directly on the database. See the documentation
of the dbapi module.
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param templ: a SQL query template
:param args: arguments to pass to the template
return db(templ, *args)
[docs]def get_path(db):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:returns: the full path to the dbserver codebase
return server_path
[docs]def get_dbpath(db):
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:returns: the path to the database file.
rows = db('PRAGMA database_list')
# return a row with fields (id, dbname, dbpath)
return rows[0].file
[docs]def engine_version(db):
:returns: git version as seen by the db
return general.engine_version()
# ########################## upgrade operations ########################## #
[docs]def what_if_I_upgrade(db, extract_scripts):
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param extract_scripts: scripts to extract
return upgrade_manager.what_if_I_upgrade(
db.conn, extract_scripts=extract_scripts)
[docs]def db_version(db):
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
return upgrade_manager.db_version(db.conn)
[docs]def upgrade_db(db):
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
return upgrade_manager.upgrade_db(db.conn)
# ################### used in Web UI ######################## #
[docs]def calc_info(db, calc_id):
:param db: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param calc_id: calculation ID
:returns: dictionary of info about the given calculation
job = db('SELECT * FROM job WHERE id=?x', calc_id, one=True)
response_data = {}
response_data['user_name'] = job.user_name
response_data['status'] = job.status
response_data['start_time'] = str(job.start_time)
response_data['stop_time'] = str(job.stop_time)
response_data['is_running'] = job.is_running
return response_data
[docs]def get_calcs(db, request_get_dict, allowed_users, user_acl_on=False, id=None):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param request_get_dict:
a dictionary
:param allowed_users:
a list of users
:param user_acl_on:
if True, returns only the calculations owned by the user or the group
:param id:
if given, extract only the specified calculation
list of tuples (job_id, user_name, job_status, calculation_mode,
job_is_running, job_description, host)
# helper to get job+calculation data from the oq-engine database
filterdict = {}
if id is not None:
filterdict['id'] = id
if 'calculation_mode' in request_get_dict:
filterdict['calculation_mode'] = request_get_dict.get(
if 'is_running' in request_get_dict:
is_running = request_get_dict.get('is_running')
filterdict['is_running'] = valid.boolean(is_running)
if 'limit' in request_get_dict:
limit = int(request_get_dict.get('limit'))
limit = 100
if 'start_time' in request_get_dict:
# assume an ISO date string
time_filter = "start_time >= '%s'" % request_get_dict.get('start_time')
time_filter = 1
if user_acl_on:
users_filter = "user_name IN (?X)"
users_filter = 1
jobs = db('SELECT * FROM job WHERE ?A AND %s AND %s '
"AND status != 'deleted' OR status == 'shared' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %d"
% (users_filter, time_filter, limit), filterdict, allowed_users)
return [(job.id, job.user_name, job.status, job.calculation_mode,
job.is_running, job.description, job.pid,
job.hazard_calculation_id, job.size_mb, job.host,
for job in jobs]
[docs]def update_job(db, job_id, dic):
Update the given calculation record.
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
a job ID
:param dic:
a dictionary of valid field/values for the job table
db('UPDATE job SET ?D WHERE id=?x', dic, job_id)
[docs]def share_job(db, job_id, share):
Make the job visible to all users by setting its status to 'shared'.
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
a job ID
:param share: if False, revert the status to 'complete'
new_status = 'shared' if share else 'complete'
initial_status = db('SELECT status FROM job WHERE id=?x', job_id)[0].status
if new_status == initial_status:
return {'success': f'Calculation {job_id} was already {initial_status}'}
if initial_status not in ('complete', 'shared'):
if share:
err_msg = (f'Can not share calculation {job_id} from'
f' status "{initial_status}"')
err_msg = (f'Can not force the status of calculation {job_id}'
f' from "{initial_status}" to "complete"')
return {'error': err_msg}
shared = db('UPDATE job SET ?D WHERE id=?x',
{'status': new_status}, job_id).rowcount
if not shared:
return {'error':
f'Can not change the status of calculation {job_id}'
f' from "{initial_status}" to "{new_status}"'}
return {'success': f'The status of calculation {job_id} was changed'
f' from "{initial_status}" to "{new_status}"'}
[docs]def update_parent_child(db, parent_child):
Set hazard_calculation_id (parent) on a job_id (child)
db('UPDATE job SET hazard_calculation_id=?x WHERE id=?x',
[docs]def get_log_slice(db, job_id, start, stop):
Get a slice of the calculation log as a JSON list of rows
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
a job ID
:param start:
start of the slice
:param stop:
end of the slice (the last element is excluded)
start = int(start)
stop = int(stop)
limit = -1 if stop == 0 else stop - start
logs = db('SELECT * FROM log WHERE job_id=?x '
job_id, limit, start)
# NB: .isoformat() returns a string like '2016-08-29T15:42:34.984756'
# we consider only the first 22 characters, i.e. '2016-08-29T15:42:34.98'
return [[log.timestamp.isoformat()[:22], log.level,
log.process, log.message] for log in logs]
[docs]def get_log_size(db, job_id):
Get a slice of the calculation log as a JSON list of rows.
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
a job ID
return db('SELECT count(id) FROM log WHERE job_id=?x', job_id,
[docs]def get_traceback(db, job_id):
Return the traceback of the given calculation as a list of lines.
The list is empty if the calculation was successful.
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
a job ID
log = db("SELECT * FROM log WHERE job_id=?x AND level='CRITICAL'",
if not log:
return []
response_data = log[-1].message.splitlines()
return response_data
[docs]def get_result(db, result_id):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param result_id:
a result ID
:returns: (job_id, job_status, datadir, datastore_key)
job = db('SELECT job.*, ds_key FROM job, output WHERE '
'oq_job_id=job.id AND output.id=?x', result_id, one=True)
return (job.id, job.status, job.user_name,
os.path.dirname(job.ds_calc_dir), job.ds_key)
[docs]def get_results(db, job_id):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
a job ID
:returns: (datadir, datastore_keys)
ds_calc_dir = db('SELECT ds_calc_dir FROM job WHERE id=?x', job_id,
datadir = os.path.dirname(ds_calc_dir)
return datadir, [output.ds_key for output in get_outputs(db, job_id)]
# ############################### db commands ########################### #
[docs]class List(list):
_fields = ()
[docs]def get_executing_jobs(db):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
(id, user_name, start_time) tuples
fields = 'id,pid,user_name,start_time'
running = List()
running._fields = fields.split(',')
query = ('''-- executing jobs
SELECT %s FROM job WHERE is_running=1
AND start_time > datetime('now', '-2 days')
ORDER BY id desc''' % fields)
return running
[docs]def get_calc_ids(db, user):
:returns: calculation IDs of the given user
return [r.id for r in db('SELECT id FROM job WHERE user_name=?x', user)]
[docs]def get_longest_jobs(db):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
(id, user_name, days) tuples
query = '''-- completed jobs taking more than one hour
SELECT id, user_name, julianday(stop_time) - julianday(start_time) AS days
FROM job WHERE status='complete' AND days > 0.04 ORDER BY days desc'''
return db(query)
[docs]def find(db, description):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param description:
job description, used in a case-insensitive LIKE clause
query = '''-- completed jobs
SELECT id, description, user_name,
(julianday(stop_time) - julianday(start_time)) * 24 AS hours
FROM job WHERE status='complete' AND description LIKE lower(?x)
ORDER BY julianday(stop_time) - julianday(start_time)'''
return db(query, description.lower())
# checksums
[docs]def add_checksum(db, job_id, value):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
job ID
:param value:
value of the checksum (32 bit integer)
return db('INSERT INTO checksum VALUES (?x, ?x)', job_id, value).lastrowid
[docs]def update_job_checksum(db, job_id, checksum):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
job ID
:param checksum:
the checksum (32 bit integer)
db('UPDATE checksum SET job_id=?x WHERE hazard_checksum=?x',
job_id, checksum)
[docs]def get_checksum_from_job(db, job_id):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
job ID
the value of the checksum or 0
checksum = db('SELECT hazard_checksum FROM checksum WHERE job_id=?x',
job_id, scalar=True)
return checksum
[docs]def get_job_from_checksum(db, checksum):
:param db:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.dbapi.Db` instance
:param job_id:
job ID
the job associated to the checksum or None
# there is an UNIQUE constraint both on hazard_checksum and job_id
jobs = db('SELECT * FROM job WHERE id = ('
'SELECT job_id FROM checksum WHERE hazard_checksum=?x)',
checksum) # 0 or 1 jobs
if not jobs:
return jobs[0]