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# Copyright (C) 2010-2025 GEM Foundation, G. Weatherill, M. Pagani,
# D. Monelli.
# The Hazard Modeller's Toolkit is free software: you can redistribute
# it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
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# The software Hazard Modeller's Toolkit (openquake.hmtk) provided herein
# is released as a prototype implementation on behalf of
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# Earthquake Model).
# It is distributed for the purpose of open collaboration and in the
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Module :mod: mfd.anderson_luco_1_mmax implements :class:
AndersonLucoType1Mmax. This calculates the magnitude occurrence rate on a fault
given a known slip value using the exponential models described by
Anderson & Luco (1983) referring to the rupture area of the maximum earthquake.
Anderson, J. G., and Luco, J. E. (1983) "Consequences of slip rate constraints
on earthquake recurrence relations". Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 73(2) 471 - 496
import abc
import numpy as np
from openquake.hmtk.faults.mfd.base import BaseMFDfromSlip
C_VALUE = 16.05
D_VALUE = 1.5
[docs]class BaseRecurrenceModel(object):
Abstract base class to implement cumulative value formula
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def cumulative_value(self, slip, mmax, mag_value, bbar, dbar, beta):
Returns the rate of earthquakes with M > mag_value
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Type1RecurrenceModel(BaseRecurrenceModel):
Calculate N(M > mag_value) using Anderson & Luco Type 1 formula as
inverse of formula I.10 of Table 2 in Anderson & Luco (1993).
[docs] def cumulative_value(self, slip, mmax, mag_value, bbar, dbar, beta):
Returns the rate of events with M > mag_value
:param float slip:
Slip rate in mm/yr
:param float mmax:
Maximum magnitude
:param float mag_value:
Magnitude value
:param float bbar:
\bar{b} parameter (effectively = b * log(10.))
:param float dbar:
\bar{d} parameter
:param float beta:
Beta value of formula defined in Eq. 20 of Anderson & Luco (1983)
delta_m = mmax - mag_value
a_1 = self._get_a1_value(bbar, dbar, slip / 10.0, beta, mmax)
return a_1 * np.exp(bbar * delta_m) * (delta_m > 0.0)
def _get_a1_value(bbar, dbar, slip, beta, mmax):
Returns the A1 value defined in I.9 (Table 2)
return (
((dbar - bbar) / dbar)
* (slip / beta)
* np.exp(-(dbar / 2.0) * mmax)
[docs]class Type2RecurrenceModel(BaseRecurrenceModel):
Calculate N(M > mag_value) using Anderson & Luco Type 1 formula as
inverse of formula II.9 of Table 3 in Anderson & Luco (1993).
[docs] def cumulative_value(self, slip, mmax, mag_value, bbar, dbar, beta):
Returns the rate of events with M > mag_value
:param float slip:
Slip rate in mm/yr
:param float mmax:
Maximum magnitude
:param float mag_value:
Magnitude value
:param float bbar:
\bar{b} parameter (effectively = b * log(10.))
:param float dbar:
\bar{d} parameter
:param float beta:
Beta value of formula defined in Eq. 20 of Anderson & Luco (1983)
delta_m = mmax - mag_value
a_2 = self._get_a2_value(bbar, dbar, slip / 10.0, beta, mmax)
return a_2 * (np.exp(bbar * delta_m) - 1.0) * (delta_m > 0.0)
def _get_a2_value(bbar, dbar, slip, beta, mmax):
Returns the A2 value defined in II.8 (Table 3)
return (
((dbar - bbar) / bbar)
* (slip / beta)
* np.exp(-(dbar / 2.0) * mmax)
[docs]class Type3RecurrenceModel(BaseRecurrenceModel):
Calculate N(M > mag_value) using Anderson & Luco Type 1 formula as
inverse of formula III.9 of Table 4 in Anderson & Luco (1993).
[docs] def cumulative_value(self, slip, mmax, mag_value, bbar, dbar, beta):
Returns the rate of events with M > mag_value
:param float slip:
Slip rate in mm/yr
:param float mmax:
Maximum magnitude
:param float mag_value:
Magnitude value
:param float bbar:
\bar{b} parameter (effectively = b * log(10.))
:param float dbar:
\bar{d} parameter
:param float beta:
Beta value of formula defined in Eq. 20 of Anderson & Luco (1983)
delta_m = mmax - mag_value
a_3 = self._get_a3_value(bbar, dbar, slip / 10.0, beta, mmax)
central_term = np.exp(bbar * delta_m) - 1.0 - (bbar * delta_m)
return a_3 * central_term * (delta_m > 0.0)
def _get_a3_value(bbar, dbar, slip, beta, mmax):
Returns the A3 value defined in III.4 (Table 4)
return (
(dbar * (dbar - bbar) / (bbar**2.0))
* (slip / beta)
* np.exp(-(dbar / 2.0) * mmax)
"First": Type1RecurrenceModel(),
"Second": Type2RecurrenceModel(),
"Third": Type3RecurrenceModel(),
[docs]class AndersonLucoAreaMmax(BaseMFDfromSlip):
Class to implement the 1st fault activity rate calculator
of Anderson & Luco (1983)
:param str mfd_type:
Type of magnitude frequency distribution
:param float mfd_weight:
Weight of the mfd distribution (for subsequent logic tree processing)
:param float bin_width:
Width of the magnitude bin (rates are given for the centre point)
:param float mmin:
Minimum magnitude
:param float mmax:
Maximum magnitude
:param float mmax_sigma:
Uncertainty on maximum magnitude
:param float b_value:
Exponent (b-value) for the magnitude frequency distribution
:param numpy.ndarray occurrence_rate:
Activity rates for magnitude in the range mmin to mmax in steps of
[docs] def setUp(self, mfd_conf):
Input core configuration parameters as specified in the
configuration file
:param dict mfd_conf:
Configuration file containing the following attributes:
* 'Type' - Choose between the 1st, 2nd or 3rd type of recurrence
model {'First' | 'Second' | 'Third'}
* 'Model_Weight' - Logic tree weight of model type (float)
* 'MFD_spacing' - Width of MFD bin (float)
* 'Minimum_Magnitude' - Minimum magnitude of activity rates (float)
* 'b_value' - Tuple of (b-value, b-value uncertainty)
* 'Maximum_Magnitude' - Maximum magnitude on fault (if not defined
will use scaling relation)
* 'Maximum_Magnitude_Uncertainty' - Uncertainty
on maximum magnitude
(If not defined and the MSR has a sigma term then this will be
taken from sigma)
self.mfd_type = mfd_conf["Model_Type"]
self.mfd_model = "Anderson & Luco (Mmax) " + self.mfd_type
self.mfd_weight = mfd_conf["Model_Weight"]
self.bin_width = mfd_conf["MFD_spacing"]
self.mmin = mfd_conf["Minimum_Magnitude"]
self.mmax = None
self.mmax_sigma = None
self.b_value = mfd_conf["b_value"][0]
self.b_value_sigma = mfd_conf["b_value"][1]
self.occurrence_rate = None
[docs] def get_mmax(self, mfd_conf, msr, rake, area):
Gets the mmax for the fault - reading directly from the config file
or using the msr otherwise
:param dict mfd_config:
Configuration file (see setUp for paramters)
:param msr:
Instance of :class: nhlib.scalerel
:param float rake:
Rake of the fault (in range -180 to 180)
:param float area:
Area of the fault surface (km^2)
if mfd_conf["Maximum_Magnitude"]:
self.mmax = mfd_conf["Maximum_Magnitude"]
self.mmax = msr.get_median_mag(area, rake)
self.mmax_sigma = mfd_conf.get(
"Maximum_Magnitude_Uncertainty", None
) or msr.get_std_dev_mag(None, rake)
[docs] def get_mfd(
self, slip, fault_width, shear_modulus=30.0, disp_length_ratio=1.25e-5
Calculates activity rate on the fault
:param float slip:
Slip rate in mm/yr
:param fault_width:
Width of the fault (km)
:param float shear_modulus:
Shear modulus of the fault (GPa)
:param float disp_length_ratio:
Displacement to length ratio (dimensionless)
* Minimum Magnitude (float)
* Bin width (float)
* Occurrence Rates (numpy.ndarray)
beta = np.sqrt(
(disp_length_ratio * (10.0**C_VALUE))
/ ((shear_modulus * 1.0e10) * (fault_width * 1e5))
dbar = D_VALUE * np.log(10.0)
bbar = self.b_value * np.log(10.0)
mag = np.arange(
self.mmin - (self.bin_width / 2.0),
self.mmax + self.bin_width,
if bbar > dbar:
"b-value larger than 1.5 will produce invalid results in "
"Anderson & Luco models"
self.occurrence_rate = np.nan * np.ones(len(mag) - 1)
return self.mmin, self.bin_width, self.occurrence_rate
self.occurrence_rate = np.zeros(len(mag) - 1, dtype=float)
for ival in range(0, len(mag) - 1):
self.occurrence_rate[ival] = RECURRENCE_MAP[
slip, self.mmax, mag[ival], bbar, dbar, beta
) - RECURRENCE_MAP[self.mfd_type].cumulative_value(
slip, self.mmax, mag[ival + 1], bbar, dbar, beta
if self.occurrence_rate[ival] < 0.0:
self.occurrence_rate[ival] = 0.0
return self.mmin, self.bin_width, self.occurrence_rate