Data Sources#
Timor Leste#
The primary data source for the residential exposure model of Timor Leste was the 2015 Population and housing census. The data tables were extracted from the National Institute Of Statistics website, including:
Population, households and household size, by Administrative Post (Administrative level 2)
Construction materials for external walls by Administrative Post and Suco (Administrative level 3)
For the industrial and commercial exposure models, the “Employed population by industrial sector and location” information was retrieved from the 2015 census, and complemented with data from the Timor Leste labor force survey 2013 and from other studies such as Bordia Das and O’Keefe (2007), Parois and McCord (2009) and the report from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (2014).
Bordia Das M, O’Keefe P (2007) “Enterprises, workers and skills in urban Timor-Leste”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4177 (
Parois C, McCord S (2009) “Business Community in Timor-Leste Part One: Overview”, report by: Peace Dividend Trust (
Japan International Cooperation Agency (2014) Data Collection Survey on Industrial Development for Timor-Leste - Final report (