openquake.hmtk package



openquake.hmtk.models module

Simple objects models to represent elements of NRML artifacts. These models are intended to be produced by NRML XML parsers and consumed by NRML XML serializers.

class openquake.hmtk.models.AreaGeometry(wkt=None, upper_seismo_depth=None, lower_seismo_depth=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hmtk.models.PointGeometry

Basic object representation of a geometry for a PointSource.

  • wkt (str) – WKT representing the area geometry (a POLYGON).
  • upper_seismo_depth (float) – Upper seismogenic depth.
  • lower_seismo_depth (float) – Lower siesmogenic depth.
class openquake.hmtk.models.AreaSource(id=None, name=None, trt=None, geometry=None, mag_scale_rel=None, rupt_aspect_ratio=None, mfd=None, nodal_plane_dist=None, hypo_depth_dist=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hmtk.models.PointSource

Basic object representation of an Area Source.

  • id (str) – Source identifier, unique within a given model.
  • name (str) – Human-readable name for the source.
  • trt (str) – Tectonic Region Type.
  • geometryAreaGeometry instance.
  • mag_scale_rel (str) – Magnitude Scaling Relationship.
  • rupt_aspect_ratio (float) – Rupture Aspect Ratio.
  • mfd – Magnitude Frequency Distribution. An instance of IncrementalMFD or TGRMFD.
  • nodal_plane_dist (list) – list of NodalPlane objects which make up a Nodal Plane Distribution.
  • hypo_depth_dist (list) – list of HypocentralDepth instances which make up a Hypocentral Depth Distribution.
class openquake.hmtk.models.CharacteristicSource(id=None, name=None, trt=None, mfd=None, rake=None, surface=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hmtk.models.SeismicSource

Basic object representation of a characteristic fault source.

class openquake.hmtk.models.ComplexFaultGeometry(top_edge_wkt=None, bottom_edge_wkt=None, int_edges=None)[source]

Bases: object

Basic object representation of a geometry for a ComplexFaultSource.

  • top_edge_wkt (str) – WKT representing the fault top edge (a LINESTRING).
  • bottom_edge_wkt (str) – WKT representing the fault bottom edge (a LINESTRING).
  • int_edges (list) –

    Intermediate fault edges, between the top edge and bottom edge. A list of str objects representing the WKT for each intermediate fault edge (each is a LINESTRING).

    This parameter is optional.

class openquake.hmtk.models.ComplexFaultRuptureModel(id=None, magnitude=None, rake=None, hypocenter=None, geometry=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hmtk.models.SimpleFaultRuptureModel

Basic object representation of a Complex Fault Rupture.

  • id (str) – Rupture identifier, unique within a given model.
  • magnitude (float) – Magnitude.
  • rake (float) – Rake angle.
  • hypocenter (list) – Floats representing lon, lat and depth.
  • geometryComplexFaultGeometry object.
class openquake.hmtk.models.ComplexFaultSource(id=None, name=None, trt=None, geometry=None, mag_scale_rel=None, rupt_aspect_ratio=None, mfd=None, rake=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hmtk.models.SimpleFaultSource

Basic object representation of a Complex Fault Source.

  • id (str) – Source identifier, unique within a given model.
  • name (str) – Human-readable name for the source.
  • trt (str) – Tectonic Region Type.
  • geometryComplexFaultGeometry object.
  • mag_scale_rel (str) – Magnitude Scaling Relationship.
  • rupt_aspect_ratio (float) – Rupture Aspect Ratio.
  • mfd – Magnitude Frequency Distribution. An instance of IncrementalMFD or TGRMFD.
  • rake (float) – Rake angle.
class openquake.hmtk.models.HazardCurveData(location, poes)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

class openquake.hmtk.models.HazardCurveModel(**metadata)[source]

Bases: object

Simple container for hazard curve objects. The accepted arguments are:

* investigation_time
* imt
* imls
* statistics
* quantile_value
* sa_period
* sa_damping
* data_iter (optional), an iterable returning pairs with the form
  (poes_array, location).
class openquake.hmtk.models.HypocentralDepth(probability=None, depth=None)[source]

Bases: object

Basic object representation of a single node in a Hypocentral Depth Distribution.

  • probability – Probability for this node in a Hypocentral Depth Distribution, as a float.
  • depth (float) – Depth (in km).

An dict of XML element attribute for this HypocentralDepth.

class openquake.hmtk.models.IncrementalMFD(min_mag=None, bin_width=None, occur_rates=None)[source]

Bases: object

Basic object representation of an Incremental Magnitude Frequency Distribtion.

  • min_mag (float) – The lowest possible magnitude for this MFD.
  • bin_width (float) – Width of a single histogram bin.
  • occur_rates (list) – list of occurrence rates (float values).

A dict of XML element attributes for this MFD.

class openquake.hmtk.models.Location(x, y)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

class openquake.hmtk.models.NodalPlane(probability=None, strike=None, dip=None, rake=None)[source]

Bases: object

Basic object representation of a single node in a Nodal Plane Distribution.

  • probability – Probability for this node in a Nodal Plane Distribution, as a float.
  • strike (float) – Strike angle.
  • dip (float) – Dip angle.
  • rake (float) – Rake angle.

A dict of XML element attributes for this NodalPlane.

class openquake.hmtk.models.PlanarSurface(strike=None, dip=None, top_left=None, top_right=None, bottom_left=None, bottom_right=None)[source]

Bases: object

  • strike – Strike angle.
  • dip – Dip angle.
  • top_left,top_right,bottom_left,bottom_right – Corner points of the planar surface, represented by Point objects.
class openquake.hmtk.models.Point(longitude=None, latitude=None, depth=None)[source]

Bases: object

A simple representation of longitude, latitude, and depth.

  • longitude – Longitude
  • latitude – Latitude
  • depth – Depth
class openquake.hmtk.models.PointGeometry(wkt=None, upper_seismo_depth=None, lower_seismo_depth=None)[source]

Bases: object

Basic object representation of a geometry for a PointSource.

  • wkt (str) – WKT representing the point geometry (a POINT).
  • upper_seismo_depth (float) – Upper seismogenic depth.
  • lower_seismo_depth (float) – Lower siesmogenic depth.
class openquake.hmtk.models.PointSource(id=None, name=None, trt=None, geometry=None, mag_scale_rel=None, rupt_aspect_ratio=None, mfd=None, nodal_plane_dist=None, hypo_depth_dist=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hmtk.models.SeismicSource

Basic object representation of a Point Source.

  • id (str) – Source identifier, unique within a given model.
  • name (str) – Human-readable name for the source.
  • trt (str) – Tectonic Region Type.
  • geometryPointGeometry instance.
  • mag_scale_rel (str) – Magnitude Scaling Relationship.
  • rupt_aspect_ratio (float) – Rupture Aspect Ratio.
  • mfd – Magnitude Frequency Distribution. An instance of IncrementalMFD or TGRMFD.
  • nodal_plane_dist (list) – list of NodalPlane objects which make up a Nodal Plane Distribution.
  • hypo_depth_dist (list) – list of HypocentralDepth instances which make up a Hypocentral Depth Distribution.
class openquake.hmtk.models.SeismicSource(id=None, name=None, trt=None)[source]

Bases: object

General base class for seismic sources.


General XML element attributes for a seismic source, as a dict.

class openquake.hmtk.models.SimpleFaultGeometry(id=None, name=None, wkt=None, dip=None, upper_seismo_depth=None, lower_seismo_depth=None)[source]

Bases: object

Basic object representation of a geometry for a SimpleFaultSource.

  • wkt (str) – WKT representing the fault trace of a simple fault (a LINESTRING).
  • upper_seismo_depth (float) – Upper seismogenic depth.
  • lower_seismo_depth (float) – Lower siesmogenic depth.
class openquake.hmtk.models.SimpleFaultRuptureModel(id=None, magnitude=None, rake=None, hypocenter=None, geometry=None)[source]

Bases: object

Basic object representation of a Simple Fault Rupture.

  • id (str) – Rupture identifier, unique within a given model.
  • magnitude (float) – Magnitude.
  • rake (float) – Rake angle.
  • hypocenter (list) – Floats representing lon, lat and depth.
  • geometrySimpleFaultGeometry object.
class openquake.hmtk.models.SimpleFaultSource(id=None, name=None, trt=None, geometry=None, mag_scale_rel=None, rupt_aspect_ratio=None, mfd=None, rake=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hmtk.models.SeismicSource

Basic object representation of a Simple Fault Source.

  • id (str) – Source identifier, unique within a given model.
  • name (str) – Human-readable name for the source.
  • trt (str) – Tectonic Region Type.
  • geometrySimpleFaultGeometry object.
  • mag_scale_rel (str) – Magnitude Scaling Relationship.
  • rupt_aspect_ratio (float) – Rupture Aspect Ratio.
  • mfd – Magnitude Frequency Distribution. An instance of IncrementalMFD or TGRMFD.
  • rake (float) – Rake angle.
class openquake.hmtk.models.SiteModel(vs30=None, vs30_type=None, z1pt0=None, z2pt5=None, wkt=None)[source]

Bases: object

Basic object representation of a single node in a model of site-specific parameters.

  • vs30 (float) – Average shear wave velocity for top 30 m. Units m/s.
  • vs30_type (str) – ‘measured’ or ‘inferred’. Identifies if vs30 value has been measured or inferred.
  • z1pt0 (float) – Depth to shear wave velocity of 1.0 km/s. Units m.
  • z2pt5 (float) – Depth to shear wave velocity of 2.5 km/s. Units km.
  • wkt – Well-known text (POINT) represeting the location of these parameters.
class openquake.hmtk.models.SourceModel(name=None, sources=None)[source]

Bases: object

Simple container for source objects, plus metadata.

class openquake.hmtk.models.TGRMFD(a_val=None, b_val=None, min_mag=None, max_mag=None)[source]

Bases: object

Basic object representation of a Truncated Gutenberg-Richter Magnitude Frequency Distribution.

  • a_val (float) – 10 ** a_val is the number of of earthquakes per year with magnitude greater than or equal to 0.
  • b_val (float) – Decay rate of the exponential distribution.
  • min_mag (float) – The lowest possible magnitude for this MFD.
  • max_mag (float) – The highest possible magnitude for this MFD.

An dict of XML element attributes for this MFD.

openquake.hmtk.registry module

class openquake.hmtk.registry.CatalogueFunctionRegistry[source]

Bases: dict

A collection of methods/functions working on catalogues.

The registry also holds information about the type of the input arguments

add(method_name, completeness=False, **fields)[source]

Class decorator.

Decorate method_name by adding a call to set_defaults and check_config. Then, save into the registry a callable function with the same signature of the original method.

  • method_name (str) – the method to decorate
  • completeness (bool) – True if the method accepts in input an optional parameter for the completeness table
  • fields – a dictionary of field spec corresponding to the keys expected to be present in the config dictionary for the decorated method, e.g. time_bin=numpy.float, b_value=1E-6
add_function(completeness=False, **fields)[source]

Function decorator.

Decorate a function by adding a call to set_defaults and check_config. Then, save into the registry a callable function with the same signature of the original method

Parameters:fields – a dictionary of field spec, e.g. time_bin=numpy.float, b_value=1E-6
check_config(config, fields_spec)[source]

Check that config has each field in fields_spec if a default has not been provided.

set_defaults(config, fields_spec)[source]

Set default values got from fields_spec into the config dictionary

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