openquake.hazardlib package



class openquake.hazardlib.contexts.BaseContext[source]

Bases: object

Base class for context object.

class openquake.hazardlib.contexts.ContextMaker(trt, gsims, maximum_distance=None, param=None, monitor=<Monitor [jenkins]>)[source]

Bases: object

A class to manage the creation of contexts for distances, sites, rupture.



filter(sites, rupture)[source]

Filter the site collection with respect to the rupture.


(filtered sites, distance context)

gen_rup_contexts(src, sites)[source]
  • src – a hazardlib source
  • sites – the sites affected by it

(rup, sctx, dctx)

get_limit_distance(sites, rup, imts, minimum_intensity)[source]

Calculate the distance over which the GMVs are lower than the minimum_intensity for all IMTs and GSIMs.

  • sites – a SiteCollection
  • rup – a rupture
  • imts – a sequence on intensity measure strings
  • minimum_intensity – a dictionary TRT -> minimum_intensity

the limit distance

make_contexts(sites, rupture)[source]

Filter the site collection with respect to the rupture and create context objects.


Tuple of two items: sites and distances context.


ValueError – If any of declared required parameters (site, rupture and distance parameters) is unknown.

poe_map(src, s_sites, imtls, trunclevel, rup_indep=True)[source]
  • src – a source object
  • s_sites – a filtered SiteCollection of sites around the source
  • imtls – intensity measure and levels
  • trunclevel – truncation level
  • rup_indep – True if the ruptures are independent

a ProbabilityMap instance

class openquake.hazardlib.contexts.DistancesContext(param_dist_pairs=())[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.contexts.BaseContext

Distances context for ground shaking intensity models.

Instances of this class are passed into GroundShakingIntensityModel.get_mean_and_stddevs(). They are intended to represent relevant distances between sites from the collection and the rupture. Every GSIM class is required to declare what distance measures does it need. Only those required values are calculated and made available in a result context object.


If the minimum_distance is nonzero, returns a copy of the DistancesContext with updated distances, i.e. the ones below minimum_distance are rounded up to the minimum_distance. Otherwise, returns the original DistancesContext unchanged.

exception openquake.hazardlib.contexts.FarAwayRupture[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised if the rupture is outside the maximum distance for all sites

class openquake.hazardlib.contexts.RupData(cmaker, sitecol)[source]

Bases: object

A class to collect rupture information into an array

add(rup, src_id)[source]
Returns:the underlying rupdata array
class openquake.hazardlib.contexts.RuptureContext(rec=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.contexts.BaseContext

Rupture calculation context for ground shaking intensity models.

Instances of this class are passed into GroundShakingIntensityModel.get_mean_and_stddevs(). They are intended to represent relevant features of a single rupture. Every GSIM class is required to declare what rupture parameters does it need. Only those required parameters are made available in a result context object.


Compute and return the probability that in the time span for which the rupture is defined, the rupture itself never generates a ground motion value higher than a given level at a given site.

Such calculation is performed starting from the conditional probability that an occurrence of the current rupture is producing a ground motion value higher than the level of interest at the site of interest. The actual formula used for such calculation depends on the temporal occurrence model the rupture is associated with. The calculation can be performed for multiple intensity measure levels and multiple sites in a vectorized fashion.

Parameters:poes – 2D numpy array containing conditional probabilities the the a rupture occurrence causes a ground shaking value exceeding a ground motion level at a site. First dimension represent sites, second dimension intensity measure levels. poes can be obtained calling the :meth:`method <openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base.GroundShakingIntensityModel.get_poes>
temporal_occurrence_model = None
class openquake.hazardlib.contexts.SitesContext(slots=['vs30', 'vs30measured', 'z1pt0', 'z2pt5'], sitecol=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.contexts.BaseContext

Sites calculation context for ground shaking intensity models.

Instances of this class are passed into GroundShakingIntensityModel.get_mean_and_stddevs(). They are intended to represent relevant features of the sites collection. Every GSIM class is required to declare what sites parameters does it need. Only those required parameters are made available in a result context object.

openquake.hazardlib.contexts.get_distances(rupture, mesh, param)[source]
  • rupture – a rupture
  • mesh – a mesh of points or a site collection
  • param – the kind of distance to compute (default rjb)

an array of distances from the given mesh

Returns:the number of distances required for the given GSIMs


Module openquake.hazardlib.const defines various constants.

class openquake.hazardlib.const.ConstantContainer[source]

Bases: object

Class that doesn’t support instantiation.

>>> ConstantContainer()
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: do not create objects ConstantContainer, use class properties instead
class openquake.hazardlib.const.IMC[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.const.ConstantContainer

The intensity measure component is the component of interest of ground shaking for an intensity measure.

AVERAGE_HORIZONTAL = 'Average horizontal'

Usually defined as the geometric average of the maximum of the two horizontal components (which may not occur at the same time).

GMRotD100 = 'Average Horizontal (GMRotD100)'

The geometric mean of the records rotated into the most adverse direction for the structure.

GMRotI50 = 'Average Horizontal (GMRotI50)'

An orientation-independent alternative to AVERAGE_HORIZONTAL. Defined at Boore et al. (2006, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96, 1502-1511) and is used for all the NGA GMPEs.

GREATER_OF_TWO_HORIZONTAL = 'Greater of two horizontal'

The largest value obtained from two perpendicular horizontal components.

HORIZONTAL = 'Horizontal'

The horizontal component.

MEDIAN_HORIZONTAL = 'Median horizontal'

The median horizontal component.

PEAK_SRSS_HORIZONTAL = 'Peak square root of sum of squares of horizontals'

“the peak square root of the sum of squares of two orthogonal horizontal components in the time domain” p. 880 of Kanno et al. (2006, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96, 879-897)

RANDOM_HORIZONTAL = 'Random horizontal'

A randomly chosen horizontal component.

RotD100 = 'Horizontal Maximum Direction (RotD100)'
RotD50 = 'Average Horizontal (RotD50)'

An orientation-independent alternative to AVERAGE_HORIZONTAL. Defined at Boore et al. (2006, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96, 1502-1511) and is used for all the NGA GMPEs.

VECTORIAL = 'Square root of sum of squares of peak horizontals'

“Vectorial addition: a_V = sqrt(max|a_1(t)|^2 + max|a_2(t)|^2)). This means that the maximum ground amplitudes occur simultaneously on the two horizontal components; this is a conservative assumption.” p. 53 of Douglas (2003, Earth-Sci. Rev. 61, 43-104)

VERTICAL = 'Vertical'

The vertical component.

class openquake.hazardlib.const.StdDev[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.const.ConstantContainer

GSIM standard deviation represents ground shaking variability at a site.

INTER_EVENT = 'Inter event'

Standard deviation representing ground shaking variability within different events.

INTRA_EVENT = 'Intra event'

Standard deviation representing ground shaking variability within a single event.

TOTAL = 'Total'

Total standard deviation, defined as the square root of the sum of inter- and intra-event squared standard deviations, represents the total ground shaking variability, and is the only one that is used for calculating a probability of intensity exceedance (see openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base.GroundShakingIntensityModel.get_poes()).

class openquake.hazardlib.const.TRT[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.const.ConstantContainer

Container for constants that define some of the common Tectonic Region Types.

ACTIVE_SHALLOW_CRUST = 'Active Shallow Crust'
GEOTHERMAL = 'Geothermal'
INDUCED = 'Induced'
STABLE_CONTINENTAL = 'Stable Shallow Crust'
SUBDUCTION_INTERFACE = 'Subduction Interface'
SUBDUCTION_INTRASLAB = 'Subduction IntraSlab'
UPPER_MANTLE = 'Upper Mantle'
VOLCANIC = 'Volcanic'


Module openquake.hazardlib.correlation defines correlation models for spatially-distributed ground-shaking intensities.

class openquake.hazardlib.correlation.BaseCorrelationModel[source]

Bases: object

Base class for correlation models for spatially-distributed ground-shaking intensities.

apply_correlation(sites, imt, residuals, stddev_intra=0)[source]

Apply correlation to randomly sampled residuals.

  • sitesSiteCollection residuals were sampled for.
  • imt – Intensity measure type object, see openquake.hazardlib.imt.
  • residuals – 2d numpy array of sampled residuals, where first dimension represents sites (the length as sites parameter) and second one represents different realizations (samples).
  • stddev_intra – Intra-event standard deviation array. Note that different sites do not necessarily have the same intra-event standard deviation.

Array of the same structure and semantics as residuals but with correlations applied.

NB: the correlation matrix is cached. It is computed only once per IMT for the complete site collection and then the portion corresponding to the sites is multiplied by the residuals.

class openquake.hazardlib.correlation.HM2018CorrelationModel(uncertainty_multiplier=0)[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.correlation.BaseCorrelationModel

“Uncertainty in intraevent spatial correlation of elastic pseudo- acceleration spectral ordinates” by Pablo Heresi and Eduardo Miranda. Submitted for possible publication in Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2018.

Parameters:uncertainty_multiplier – Value to be multiplied by the uncertainty in the correlation parameter beta. If uncertainty_multiplier = 0 (default), the median value is used as a constant value.
apply_correlation(sites, imt, residuals, stddev_intra)[source]

Apply correlation to randomly sampled residuals.

See Parent function

class openquake.hazardlib.correlation.JB2009CorrelationModel(vs30_clustering)[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.correlation.BaseCorrelationModel

“Correlation model for spatially distributed ground-motion intensities” by Nirmal Jayaram and Jack W. Baker. Published in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2009; 38, pages 1687-1708.

Parameters:vs30_clustering – Boolean value to indicate whether “Case 1” or “Case 2” from page 1700 should be applied. True value means that Vs 30 values show or are expected to show clustering (“Case 2”), False means otherwise.
get_lower_triangle_correlation_matrix(sites, imt)[source]

Get lower-triangle matrix as a result of Cholesky-decomposition of correlation matrix.

The resulting matrix should have zeros on values above the main diagonal.

The actual implementations of BaseCorrelationModel interface might calculate the matrix considering site collection and IMT (like JB2009CorrelationModel does) or might have it pre-constructed for a specific site collection and IMT, in which case they will need to make sure that parameters to this function match parameters that were used to pre-calculate decomposed correlation matrix.

openquake.hazardlib.correlation.hmcorrelation(sites_or_distances, imt, uncertainty_multiplier=0)[source]

Returns the Heresi-Miranda correlation model.

  • sites_or_distances – SiteCollection instance o distance matrix
  • imt – Intensity Measure Type (PGA or SA)
  • uncertainty_multiplier – Value to be multiplied by the uncertainty in the correlation parameter beta. If uncertainty_multiplier = 0 (default), the median value is used as a constant value.
openquake.hazardlib.correlation.jbcorrelation(sites_or_distances, imt, vs30_clustering=False)[source]

Returns the Jayaram-Baker correlation model.

  • sites_or_distances – SiteCollection instance o ristance matrix
  • imt – Intensity Measure Type (PGA or SA)
  • vs30_clustering – flag, defalt false


Module openquake.hazardlib.imt defines different intensity measure types.

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.ASH[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Level of the ash fall in millimeters

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.AvgSA[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Dummy spectral acceleration to compute average ground motion over several spectral ordinates.

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.CAV[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Cumulative Absolute Velocity. Defins the integral of the absolute acceleration time series. Units are “g-sec”

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.IA[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Arias intensity. Determines the intensity of shaking by measuring the acceleration of transient seismic waves. Units are m/s.

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT[source]

Bases: tuple

Base class for intensity measure type.

Subclasses may define class attribute _fields as a tuple with names of parameters the specific intensity measure type requires (if there are any).


The name of the Intensity Measure Type (ex. “PGA”, “SA”, …)

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMTMeta[source]

Bases: type

Metaclass setting __slots__, __new__ and the properties of IMT classes

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.MMI[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Modified Mercalli intensity, a Roman numeral describing the severity of an earthquake in terms of its effects on the earth’s surface and on humans and their structures.

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.PGA[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Peak ground acceleration during an earthquake measured in units of g, times of gravitational acceleration.

period = 0.0
class openquake.hazardlib.imt.PGD[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Peak ground displacement during an earthquake measured in units of cm.

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.PGDfLatSpread[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Permanent ground defomation (m) from lateral spread

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.PGDfRupture[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Permanent ground deformation (m) from co-seismic rupture

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.PGDfSettle[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Permanent ground defomation (m) from settlement

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.PGDfSlope[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Permanent ground deformation (m) from slope failure

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.PGV[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Peak ground velocity during an earthquake measured in units of cm/sec.

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.RSD[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Relative significant duration, 5-95% of Arias intensity, in seconds.

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.RSD2080[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Relative significant duration, 20-80% of Arias intensity, in seconds.

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.RSD575[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Relative significant duration, 5-75% of Arias intensity, in seconds.

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.RSD595[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Alias for RSD

class openquake.hazardlib.imt.SA[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.imt.IMT

Spectral acceleration, defined as the maximum acceleration of a damped, single-degree-of-freedom harmonic oscillator. Units are g, times of gravitational acceleration.

  • period – The natural period of the oscillator in seconds.
  • damping – The degree of damping for the oscillator in percents.

ValueError – if period or damping is not positive.


itemgetter(item, …) –> itemgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given item(s) from its operand. After f = itemgetter(2), the call f(r) returns r[2]. After g = itemgetter(2, 5, 3), the call g(r) returns (r[2], r[5], r[3])


itemgetter(item, …) –> itemgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given item(s) from its operand. After f = itemgetter(2), the call f(r) returns r[2]. After g = itemgetter(2, 5, 3), the call g(r) returns (r[2], r[5], r[3])


Convert an IMT string into an hazardlib object.

Parameters:imt (str) – Intensity Measure Type.
>>> imt2tup('PGA')
>>> imt2tup('SA(1.0)')
('SA', 1.0)
>>> imt2tup('SA(1)')
('SA', 1.0)

Raise a ValueError if val <= 0


Module openquake.hazardlib.nearfault provides methods for near fault PSHA calculation.

openquake.hazardlib.near_fault.average_s_rad(site, hypocenter, reference, pp, normal, dist_to_plane, e, p0, p1, delta_slip)[source]

Gets the average S-wave radiation pattern given an e-path as described in: Spudich et al. (2013) “Final report of the NGA-West2 directivity working group”, PEER report, page 90- 92 and computes: the site to the direct point distance, rd, and the hypocentral distance, r_hyp.

  • sitePoint object representing the location of the target site
  • hypocenterPoint object representing the location of hypocenter
  • referencePoint object representing the location of the reference point for coordinate projection within the calculation. The suggested reference point is Epicentre.
  • pp – the projection point pp on the patch plane, a numpy array
  • normal – normal of the plane, describe by a normal vector[a, b, c]
  • dist_to_plane – d is the constant term in the plane equation, e.g., ax + by + cz = d
  • e – a float defining the E-path length, which is the distance from Pd(direction) point to hypocentre. In km.
  • p0Point object representing the location of the starting point on fault segment
  • p1Point object representing the location of the ending point on fault segment.
  • delta_slip – slip direction away from the strike direction, in decimal degrees. A positive angle is generated by a counter-clockwise rotation.

fs, float value of the average S-wave radiation pattern. rd, float value of the distance from site to the direct point. r_hyp, float value of the hypocetre distance.

openquake.hazardlib.near_fault.directp(node0, node1, node2, node3, hypocenter, reference, pp)[source]

Get the Direct Point and the corresponding E-path as described in Spudich et al. (2013). This method also provides a logical variable stating if the DPP calculation must consider the neighbouring patch. To define the intersection point(Pd) of PpPh line segment and fault plane, we obtain the intersection points(Pd) with each side of fault plan, and check which intersection point(Pd) is the one fitting the definition in the Chiou and Spudich(2014) directivity model. Two possible locations for Pd, the first case, Pd locates on the side of the fault patch when Pp is not inside the fault patch. The second case is when Pp is inside the fault patch, then Pd=Pp.

For the first case, it follows three conditions: 1. the PpPh and PdPh line vector are the same, 2. PpPh >= PdPh, 3. Pd is not inside the fault patch.

If we can not find solution for all the four possible intersection points for the first case, we check if the intersection point fit the second case by checking if Pp is inside the fault patch.

Because of the coordinate system mapping(from geographic system to Catestian system), we allow an error when we check the location. The allow error will keep increasing after each loop when no solution in the two cases are found, until the solution get obtained.

  • node0Point object representing the location of one vertices on the target fault segment.
  • node1Point object representing the location of one vertices on the target fault segment. Note, the order should be clockwise.
  • node2Point object representing the location of one vertices on the target fault segment. Note, the order should be clockwise.
  • node3Point object representing the location of one vertices on the target fault segment. Note, the order should be clockwise.
  • hypocenterPoint object representing the location of floating hypocenter on each segment calculation. In the method, we take the direction point of the previous fault patch as hypocentre for the current fault patch.
  • referencePoint object representing the location of reference point for projection
  • pp – the projection of the site onto the plane containing the fault slipped area. A numpy array.

Pd, a numpy array, representing the location of direction point E, the distance from direction point to hypocentre. go_next_patch, flag indicates if the calculation goes on the next fault patch. 1: yes, 0: no.

openquake.hazardlib.near_fault.get_plane_equation(p0, p1, p2, reference)[source]

Define the equation of target fault plane passing through 3 given points which includes two points on the fault trace and one point on the fault plane but away from the fault trace. Note: in order to remain the consistency of the fault normal vector direction definition, the order of the three given points is strickly defined.

  • p0 – The fault trace and is the closer points from the starting point of fault trace. Point object representing the location of the one vertex of the fault patch.
  • p1 – The fault trace and is the further points from the starting point of fault trace. Point object representing the location of the one vertex of the fault patch.
  • p2 – The point on the fault plane but away from the fault trace. Point object representing the location of the one vertex of the fault patch.
  • referencePoint object representing the origin of the cartesian system used the represent objects in a projected reference

normal: normal vector of the plane (a,b,c) dist_to_plane: d in the plane equation, ax + by + cz = d

openquake.hazardlib.near_fault.get_xyz_from_ll(projected, reference)[source]

This method computes the x, y and z coordinates of a set of points provided a reference point

  • projectedPoint object representing the coordinates of target point to be projected
  • referencePoint object representing the coordinates of the reference point.

x y z

openquake.hazardlib.near_fault.isochone_ratio(e, rd, r_hyp)[source]

Get the isochone ratio as described in Spudich et al. (2013) PEER report, page 88.

  • e – a float defining the E-path length, which is the distance from Pd(direction) point to hypocentre. In km.
  • rd – float, distance from the site to the direct point.
  • r_hyp – float, the hypocentre distance.

c_prime, a float defining the isochone ratio

openquake.hazardlib.near_fault.projection_pp(site, normal, dist_to_plane, reference)[source]

This method finds the projection of the site onto the plane containing the slipped area, defined as the Pp(i.e. ‘perpendicular projection of site location onto the fault plane’ Spudich et al. (2013) - page 88) given a site.

  • site – Location of the site, [lon, lat, dep]
  • normal – Normal to the plane including the fault patch, describe by a normal vector[a, b, c]
  • dist_to_plane – D in the plane equation, ax + by + cz = d
  • referencePoint object representing the location of project reference point

pp, the projection point, [ppx, ppy, ppz], in xyz domain , a numpy array.

openquake.hazardlib.near_fault.vectors2angle(v1, v2)[source]

Returns the angle in radians between vectors ‘v1’ and ‘v2’.

  • v1 – vector, a numpy array
  • v2 – vector, a numpy array

the angle in radians between the two vetors


It is possible to save a Node object into a NRML file by using the function write(nodes, output) where output is a file object. If you want to make sure that the generated file is valid according to the NRML schema just open it in ‘w+’ mode: immediately after writing it will be read and validated. It is also possible to convert a NRML file into a Node object with the routine read(node, input) where input is the path name of the NRML file or a file object opened for reading. The file will be validated as soon as opened.

For instance an exposure file like the following:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<nrml xmlns=""
      taxonomySource="fake population datasource">

      Sample population

      <asset id="asset_01" number="7" taxonomy="IT-PV">
          <location lon="9.15000" lat="45.16667" />

      <asset id="asset_02" number="7" taxonomy="IT-CE">
          <location lon="9.15333" lat="45.12200" />

can be converted as follows:

>> nrml = read(<path_to_the_exposure_file.xml>)

Then subnodes and attributes can be conveniently accessed:

>> nrml.exposureModel.assets[0][‘taxonomy’] ‘IT-PV’ >> nrml.exposureModel.assets[0][‘id’] ‘asset_01’ >> nrml.exposureModel.assets[0].location[‘lon’] ‘9.15000’ >> nrml.exposureModel.assets[0].location[‘lat’] ‘45.16667’

The Node class provides no facility to cast strings into Python types; this is a job for the Node class which can be subclassed and supplemented by a dictionary of validators.

exception openquake.hazardlib.nrml.DuplicatedID[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when two sources with the same ID are found in a source model

class openquake.hazardlib.nrml.SourceModel(src_groups, name='', investigation_time='', start_time='')[source]


A container of source groups with attributes name, investigation_time and start_time. It is serialize on hdf5 as follows:

>> with openquake.baselib.hdf5.File(‘/tmp/sm.hdf5’, ‘w’) as f: .. f[‘/’] = source_model

openquake.hazardlib.nrml.get_rupture_collection(node, fname, converter)[source]
openquake.hazardlib.nrml.get_source_model_04(node, fname, converter=<openquake.hazardlib.sourceconverter.SourceConverter object>)[source]
openquake.hazardlib.nrml.get_source_model_05(node, fname, converter=<openquake.hazardlib.sourceconverter.SourceConverter object>)[source]

Extract from a node of kind NRML the tag and the version. For instance from ‘{}fragilityModel’ one gets the pair (‘fragilityModel’, ‘nrml/0.4’)., chatty=True, stop=None)[source]

Convert a NRML file into a validated Node object. Keeps the entire tree in memory.

Parameters:source – a file name or file object open for reading
openquake.hazardlib.nrml.read_source_models(fnames, converter, monitor)[source]
  • fnames – list of source model files
  • converter – a SourceConverter instance
  • monitor – a openquake.performance.Monitor instance

SourceModel instances

openquake.hazardlib.nrml.to_python(fname, *args)[source]

Parse a NRML file and return an associated Python object. It works by calling and node_to_obj() in sequence.


Convert a node into a string in NRML format

openquake.hazardlib.nrml.write(nodes, output=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, fmt='%.7E', gml=True, xmlns=None)[source]

Convert nodes into a NRML file. output must be a file object open in write mode. If you want to perform a consistency check, open it in read-write mode, then it will be read after creation and validated.

Params nodes:

an iterable over Node objects

Params output:

a file-like object in write or read-write mode



Module openquake.hazardlib.pmf implements PMF.

class openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF(data, epsilon=1e-12)[source]

Bases: object

assert_equal(other, ignore=())

Reduce the original PMF to a single bin distribution.

Parameters:bin – the bin to keep (default the first)

Produces a list of samples from the probability mass function.

Parameters:data (int) – Number of samples
Returns:Samples from PMF as a list

Produces a list of samples from the probability mass function.

Parameters:data (int) – Number of samples
Returns:Samples from PMF as a list of pairs


exception openquake.hazardlib.probability_map.AllEmptyProbabilityMaps[source]

Bases: ValueError

Raised by get_shape(pmaps) if all passed probability maps are empty

class openquake.hazardlib.probability_map.ProbabilityCurve(array)[source]

Bases: object

This class is a small wrapper over an array of PoEs associated to a set of intensity measure types and levels. It provides a few operators, including the complement operator ~

~p = 1 - p

and the inclusive or operator |

p = p1 | p2 = ~(~p1 * ~p2)

Such operators are implemented efficiently at the numpy level, by dispatching on the underlying array.

Here is an example of use:

>>> poe = ProbabilityCurve(numpy.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0, 0]))
>>> ~(poe | poe) * .5
[0.405 0.32  0.245 0.5   0.5  ]>
convert(imtls, idx=0)[source]

Convert a probability curve into a record of dtype imtls.dt.

  • imtls – DictArray instance
  • idx – extract the data corresponding to the given inner index
class openquake.hazardlib.probability_map.ProbabilityMap(shape_y, shape_z=1)[source]

Bases: dict

A dictionary site_id -> ProbabilityCurve. It defines the complement operator ~, performing the complement on each curve

~p = 1 - p

and the “inclusive or” operator |:

m = m1 | m2 = {sid: m1[sid] | m2[sid] for sid in all_sids}

Such operators are implemented efficiently at the numpy level, by dispatching on the underlying array. Moreover there is a classmethod .build(L, I, sids, initvalue) to build initialized instances of ProbabilityMap. The map can be represented as 3D array of shape (shape_x, shape_y, shape_z) = (N, L, I), where N is the number of site IDs, L the total number of hazard levels and I the number of GSIMs.


The underlying array of shape (N, L, I)

classmethod build(shape_y, shape_z, sids, initvalue=0.0, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]
  • shape_y – the total number of intensity measure levels
  • shape_z – the number of inner levels
  • sids – a set of site indices
  • initvalue – the initial value of the probability (default 0)

a ProbabilityMap dictionary

convert(imtls, nsites, idx=0)[source]

Convert a probability map into a composite array of length nsites and dtype imtls.dt.

  • imtls – DictArray instance
  • nsites – the total number of sites
  • idx – index on the z-axis (default 0)

Extracts a component of the underlying ProbabilityCurves, specified by the index inner_idx.


Extracs a submap of self for the given sids.

classmethod from_array(array, sids)[source]
  • array – array of shape (N, L) or (N, L, I)
  • sids – array of N site IDs

The size of the underlying array

setdefault(sid, value, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]

Works like dict.setdefault: if the sid key is missing, it fills it with an array and returns the associate ProbabilityCurve

  • sid – site ID
  • value – value used to fill the returned ProbabilityCurve
  • dtype – dtype used internally (F32 or F64)

The ordered keys of the map as a numpy.uint32 array

Parameters:pmaps – a set of homogenous ProbabilityMaps
Returns:the combined map
Parameters:pmaps – a set of homogenous ProbabilityMaps
Returns:the common shape (N, L, I)


Module defines Site.

class, vs30=nan, z1pt0=nan, z2pt5=nan, **extras)[source]

Bases: object

Site object represents a geographical location defined by its position as well as its soil characteristics.

  • location – Instance of Point representing where the site is located.
  • vs30 – Average shear wave velocity in the top 30 m, in m/s.
  • z1pt0 – Vertical distance from earth surface to the layer where seismic waves start to propagate with a speed above 1.0 km/sec, in meters.
  • z2pt5 – Vertical distance from earth surface to the layer where seismic waves start to propagate with a speed above 2.5 km/sec, in km.

ValueError – If any of vs30, z1pt0 or z2pt5 is zero or negative.


Sites are pickleable


Bases: object


True if all depths are zero


Create a SiteCollection with only a subset of sites.

Parameters:mask – Numpy array of boolean values of the same length as the site collection. True values should indicate that site with that index should be included into the filtered collection.
Returns:A new SiteCollection instance, unless all the values in mask are True, in which case this site collection is returned, or if all the values in mask are False, in which case method returns None. New collection has data of only those sites that were marked for inclusion in the mask.
Parameters:indices – a subset of indices in the range [0 .. tot_sites - 1]
Returns:a filtered SiteCollection instance if indices is a proper subset of the available indices, otherwise returns the full SiteCollection
classmethod from_points(lons, lats, depths=None, sitemodel=None, req_site_params=())[source]

Build the site collection from

  • lons – a sequence of longitudes
  • lats – a sequence of latitudes
  • depths – a sequence of depths (or None)
  • sitemodel – None or an object containing site parameters as attributes
  • req_site_params – a sequence of required site parameters, possibly empty
classmethod from_shakemap(shakemap_array)[source]

Build a site collection from a shakemap array


Turns the site collection into a complete one, if needed


Return a mesh with the given lons, lats, and depths

split(location, distance)[source]
Returns:(close_sites, far_sites)

Split a SiteCollection into a set of tiles (SiteCollection instances).

Parameters:hint – hint for how many tiles to generate
Parameters:region – a shapely polygon
Returns:a filtered SiteCollection of sites within the region
Parameters:bbox – a quartet (min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)
Returns:site IDs within the bounding box
Returns:an array of shape (N, 3) with the cartesian coordinates


class openquake.hazardlib.sourceconverter.RuptureConverter(rupture_mesh_spacing, complex_fault_mesh_spacing=None)[source]

Bases: object

Convert ruptures from nodes into Hazardlib ruptures.


Convert a complexFaultRupture node.

Parameters:node – the rupture node

Convert a griddedRupture node.

Parameters:node – the rupture node

Convert a multiPlanesRupture node.

Parameters:node – the rupture node

Convert the given rupture node into a hazardlib rupture, depending on the node tag.

Parameters:node – a node representing a rupture
Parameters:node – a ruptureCollection node
Returns:a dictionary grp_id -> EBRuptures

Convert a simpleFaultRupture node.

Parameters:node – the rupture node

Convert a singlePlaneRupture node.

Parameters:node – the rupture node

Utility to convert a list of surface nodes into a single hazardlib surface. There are four possibilities:

  1. there is a single simpleFaultGeometry node; returns a openquake.hazardlib.geo.simpleFaultSurface instance
  2. there is a single complexFaultGeometry node; returns a openquake.hazardlib.geo.complexFaultSurface instance
  3. there is a single griddedSurface node; returns a openquake.hazardlib.geo.GriddedSurface instance
  4. there is a list of PlanarSurface nodes; returns a openquake.hazardlib.geo.MultiSurface instance
Parameters:surface_nodes – surface nodes as just described
fname = None

Utility function to convert a node of kind edge into a openquake.hazardlib.geo.Line instance.

Parameters:edge – a node describing an edge

Utility function to convert a list of edges into a list of openquake.hazardlib.geo.Line instances.

Parameters:edge – a node describing an edge

Utility to convert a PlanarSurface node with subnodes topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight into a openquake.hazardlib.geo.PlanarSurface instance.

Parameters:surface – PlanarSurface node
class openquake.hazardlib.sourceconverter.SourceConverter(investigation_time=50.0, rupture_mesh_spacing=10.0, complex_fault_mesh_spacing=None, width_of_mfd_bin=1.0, area_source_discretization=None, minimum_magnitude={'default': 0}, spinning_floating=True, source_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.sourceconverter.RuptureConverter

Convert sources from valid nodes into Hazardlib objects.


Converts the Ucerf Source node into an SES Control object


Convert the given node into an area source object.

Parameters:node – a node with tag areaGeometry
Returns:a openquake.hazardlib.source.AreaSource instance

Convert the given node into a characteristic fault object.

Parameters:node – a node with tag areaGeometry
Returns:a openquake.hazardlib.source.CharacteristicFaultSource instance

Convert the given node into a complex fault object.

Parameters:node – a node with tag areaGeometry
Returns:a openquake.hazardlib.source.ComplexFaultSource instance

Convert the given node into a probability mass function for the hypo depth distribution.

Parameters:node – a hypoDepthDist node
Returns:a openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF instance

Convert the given node into a Magnitude-Frequency Distribution object.

Parameters:node – a node of kind incrementalMFD or truncGutenbergRichterMFD
Returns:a openquake.hazardlib.mfd.EvenlyDiscretizedMFD. or openquake.hazardlib.mfd.TruncatedGRMFD instance

Convert the given node into a MultiPointSource object.

Parameters:node – a node with tag multiPointGeometry
Returns:a openquake.hazardlib.source.MultiPointSource

Convert the given rupture node into a hazardlib rupture, depending on the node tag.

Parameters:node – a node representing a rupture

Convert the given node into a non parametric source object.

Parameters:node – a node with tag areaGeometry
Returns:a openquake.hazardlib.source.NonParametricSeismicSource instance

Convert the given node into a Nodal Plane Distribution.

Parameters:node – a nodalPlaneDist node
Returns:a openquake.hazardlib.geo.NodalPlane instance

Convert the given node into a point source object.

Parameters:node – a node with tag pointGeometry
Returns:a openquake.hazardlib.source.PointSource instance

Convert the given node into a simple fault object.

Parameters:node – a node with tag areaGeometry
Returns:a openquake.hazardlib.source.SimpleFaultSource instance

Convert the given node into a SourceGroup object.

Parameters:node – a node with tag sourceGroup
Returns:a SourceGroup instance

Convert the given node into a Temporal Occurrence Model object.

Parameters:node – a node of kind poissonTOM or brownianTOM
Returns:a openquake.hazardlib.mfd.EvenlyDiscretizedMFD. or openquake.hazardlib.mfd.TruncatedGRMFD instance
class openquake.hazardlib.sourceconverter.SourceGroup(trt, sources=None, name=None, src_interdep='indep', rup_interdep='indep', grp_probability=None, min_mag={'default': 0}, max_mag=None, id=0, eff_ruptures=-1, tot_ruptures=0, temporal_occurrence_model=None, cluster=False)[source]


A container for the following parameters:

  • trt (str) – the tectonic region type all the sources belong to
  • sources (list) – a list of hazardlib source objects
  • name – The name of the group
  • src_interdep – A string specifying if the sources in this cluster are independent or mutually exclusive
  • rup_indep – A string specifying if the ruptures within each source of the cluster are independent or mutually exclusive
  • weights – A dictionary whose keys are the source IDs of the cluster and the values are the weights associated with each source
  • min_mag – the minimum magnitude among the given sources
  • max_mag – the maximum magnitude among the given sources
  • id – an optional numeric ID (default 0) set by the engine and used when serializing SourceModels to HDF5
  • eff_ruptures – the number of ruptures contained in the group; if -1, the number is unknown and has to be computed by using get_set_num_ruptures
  • tot_ruptures – the potential maximum number of ruptures contained in the group
  • temporal_occurrence_model – A temporal occurrence model controlling the source group occurrence
  • cluster – A boolean indicating if the sources behaves as a cluster similarly to what used by the USGS for the New Madrid in the 2008 National Hazard Model.
Returns:True if the group cannot be split
classmethod collect(sources)[source]
Parameters:sources – dictionaries with a key ‘tectonicRegion’
Returns:an ordered list of SourceGroup instances

Update the attributes sources, min_mag, max_mag according to the given source.

Parameters:src – an instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.base.BaseSeismicSource
openquake.hazardlib.sourceconverter.check_dupl(dist, fname=None, lineno=None)[source]

Raise a ValueError if the distribution contains two identical values.

Parameters:dist – a list of pairs [(prob, value)…]

Collapse a homogeneous array into a scalar; do nothing if the array is not homogenous

Returns:hpdist, npdist and magScaleRel from the given pointSource node

Extract the number of ruptures and set it


Convert a list of MFD nodes into a single MultiMFD node

Parameters:seq – a flat list with lons and lats
Returns:a validated list of pairs (lon, lat)
>>> split_coords_2d([1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3])
[(1.1, 2.1), (2.2, 2.3)]
Parameters:seq – a flat list with lons, lats and depths
Returns:a validated list of (lon, lat, depths) triplets
>>> split_coords_3d([1.1, 2.1, 0.1, 2.3, 2.4, 0.1])
[(1.1, 2.1, 0.1), (2.3, 2.4, 0.1)]
openquake.hazardlib.sourceconverter.update_source_model(sm_node, fname)[source]
Parameters:sm_node – a sourceModel Node object containing sourceGroups


Source model XML Writer


Parses the arbitrary MFD as a Node

Parameters:mfd – MFD as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.mfd.arbitrary.ArbitraryMFD
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Returns the area source geometry as a Node

Parameters:area_source – Area source model as an instance of the :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.area.AreaSource
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Parses an area source to a Node class

Parameters:area_source – Area source as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.area.AreaSource
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Returns the complex fault source geometry as a Node

Parameters:fault_source – Complex fault source model as an instance of the :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.complex_fault.ComplexFaultSource
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Parses a complex fault source to a Node class

Parameters:fault_source – Simple fault source as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.complex_fault.ComplexFaultSource
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Returns the evenly discretized MFD as a Node

Parameters:mfd – MFD as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.mfd.evenly_discretized.EvenlyDiscretizedMFD
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Returns the hypocentral depth distribution as a Node instance

Parameters:hdd – Hypocentral depth distribution as an instance of :class: openquake.hzardlib.pmf.PMF
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node
Parameters:hypo_list – an array of shape (N, 3) with columns (alongStrike, downDip, weight)
Returns:a hypoList node containing N hypo nodes
openquake.hazardlib.sourcewriter.build_linestring_node(line, with_depth=False)[source]

Parses a line to a Node class


Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node


Parses the MultiMFD as a Node

Parameters:mfd – MFD as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.mfd.multi_mfd.MultiMFD
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Parses a point source to a Node class

Parameters:point_source – MultiPoint source as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.point.MultiPointSource
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Returns the nodal plane distribution as a Node instance

Parameters:npd – Nodal plane distribution as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Returns the poing source geometry as a Node

Parameters:point_source – Point source model as an instance of the :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.point.PointSource
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Parses a point source to a Node class

Parameters:point_source – Point source as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.point.PointSource
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node
openquake.hazardlib.sourcewriter.build_rupture_node(rupt, probs_occur)[source]
  • rupt – a hazardlib rupture object
  • probs_occur – a list of floats with sum 1

Returns the simple fault source geometry as a Node

Parameters:fault_source – Simple fault source model as an instance of the :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.simple_fault.SimpleFaultSource
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Parses a simple fault source to a Node class

Parameters:fault_source – Simple fault source as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.simple_fault.SimpleFaultSource
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node
Parameters:slip_list – an array of shape (N, 2) with columns (slip, weight)
Returns:a hypoList node containing N slip nodes

Parses the truncated Gutenberg Richter MFD as a Node

Parameters:mfd – MFD as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.mfd.truncated_gr.TruncatedGRMFD
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Parses the Youngs & Coppersmith MFD as a node. Note that the MFD does not hold the total moment rate, but only the characteristic rate. Therefore the node is written to the characteristic rate version regardless of whether or not it was originally created from total moment rate

Parameters:mfd – MFD as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.mfd.youngs_coppersmith_1985. YoungsCoppersmith1985MFD
Returns:Instance of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Returns list of nodes of attributes common to all distributed seismicity source classes

Parameters:source – Seismic source as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.area.AreaSource or :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.point.PointSource
Returns:List of instances of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Returns list of nodes of attributes common to all fault source classes

Parameters:source – Fault source as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.simple_fault.SimpleFaultSource or :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.complex_fault.ComplexFaultSource
Returns:List of instances of openquake.baselib.node.Node

Retreives a dictionary of source attributes from the source class

Parameters:source – Seismic source as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.source.base.BaseSeismicSource
Returns:Dictionary of source attributes
openquake.hazardlib.sourcewriter.tomldump(obj, fileobj=None)[source]

Write a generic serializable object in TOML format

openquake.hazardlib.sourcewriter.write_source_model(dest, sources_or_groups, name=None, investigation_time=None)[source]

Writes a source model to XML.

  • dest – Destination path
  • sources_or_groups – Source model in different formats
  • name – Name of the source model (if missing, extracted from the filename)


Utilities to compute mean and quantile curves

openquake.hazardlib.stats.apply_stat(f, arraylist, *extra, **kw)[source]
  • f – a callable arraylist -> array (of the same shape and dtype)
  • arraylist – a list of arrays of the same shape and dtype
  • extra – additional positional arguments
  • kw – keyword arguments

an array of the same shape and dtype

Broadcast statistical functions to composite arrays. Here is an example:

>>> dt = numpy.dtype([('a', (float, 2)), ('b', float)])
>>> a1 = numpy.array([([1, 2], 3)], dt)
>>> a2 = numpy.array([([4, 5], 6)], dt)
>>> apply_stat(mean_curve, [a1, a2])
array([([2.5, 3.5], 4.5)], dtype=[('a', '<f8', (2,)), ('b', '<f8')])
openquake.hazardlib.stats.compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, stats, weights, imtls)[source]
  • pmaps – a list of R probability maps
  • stats – a sequence of S statistic functions
  • weights – a list of ImtWeights
  • imtls – a DictArray of intensity measure types

a probability map with S internal values

openquake.hazardlib.stats.compute_stats(array, stats, weights)[source]
  • array – an array of R elements (which can be arrays)
  • stats – a sequence of S statistic functions
  • weights – a list of R weights

an array of S elements (which can be arrays)

openquake.hazardlib.stats.compute_stats2(arrayNR, stats, weights)[source]
  • arrayNR – an array of (N, R) elements
  • stats – a sequence of S statistic functions
  • weights – a list of R weights

an array of (N, S) elements

openquake.hazardlib.stats.max_curve(values, weights=None)[source]

Compute the maximum curve by taking the upper limits of the values; the weights are ignored and present only for API compatibility. The values can be arrays and then the maximum is taken pointwise:

>>> max_curve([numpy.array([.3, .2]), numpy.array([.1, .4])])
array([0.3, 0.4])
openquake.hazardlib.stats.mean_curve(values, weights=None)[source]

Compute the mean by using numpy.average on the first axis.

openquake.hazardlib.stats.quantile_curve(quantile, curves, weights=None)[source]

Compute the weighted quantile aggregate of a set of curves.

  • quantile – Quantile value to calculate. Should be in the range [0.0, 1.0].
  • curves – Array of R PoEs (possibly arrays)
  • weights – Array-like of weights, 1 for each input curve, or None

A numpy array representing the quantile aggregate

openquake.hazardlib.stats.set_rlzs_stats(dstore, prefix, arrayNR=None)[source]
  • dstore – a DataStore object
  • prefix – dataset prefix
  • arrayNR – an array of shape (N, R, …)
openquake.hazardlib.stats.std_curve(values, weights=None)[source]


Module openquake.hazardlib.tom contains implementations of probability density functions for earthquake temporal occurrence modeling.

class openquake.hazardlib.tom.BaseTOM(time_span, occurrence_rate=None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for temporal occurrence model.

Parameters:time_span – The time interval of interest, in years.
Raises:ValueError – If time_span is not positive.
assert_equal(other, ignore=())

Calculate the probability of occurrence of a number of events in the constructor’s time_span.


Compute and return, for a number of ground motion levels and sites, the probability that a rupture with annual occurrence rate given by occurrence_rate and able to cause ground motion values higher than a given level at a site with probability poes, does not cause any exceedance in the time window specified by the time_span parameter given in the constructor.


Calculate and return the probability of event to happen one or more times within the time range defined by constructor’s time_span parameter value.


Draw a random sample from the distribution and return a number of events to occur.

The method uses the numpy random generator, which needs a seed in order to get reproducible results. If the seed is None, it should be set outside of this method.

class openquake.hazardlib.tom.FatedTOM(time_span, occurrence_rate=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.tom.BaseTOM

assert_equal(other, ignore=())
get_probability_n_occurrences(occurrence_rate, num)[source]
get_probability_no_exceedance(occurrence_rate, poes)[source]
class openquake.hazardlib.tom.PoissonTOM(time_span, occurrence_rate=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.tom.BaseTOM

Poissonian temporal occurrence model.

assert_equal(other, ignore=())
get_probability_n_occurrences(occurrence_rate, num)[source]

Calculate the probability of occurrence of num events in the constructor’s time_span.

  • occurrence_rate – Annual rate of occurrence
  • num – Number of events

Probability of occurrence

get_probability_no_exceedance(occurrence_rate, poes)[source]

The probability is computed using the following formula

(1 - e ** (-occurrence_rate * time_span)) ** poes
  • occurrence_rate – The average number of events per year.
  • poes – 2D numpy array containing conditional probabilities that the rupture occurrence causes a ground shaking value exceeding a ground motion level at a site. First dimension represent sites, second dimension intensity measure levels. poes can be obtained calling the method.

2D numpy array containing probabilities of no exceedance. First dimension represents sites, second dimensions intensity measure levels.


Calculates probability as 1 - e ** (-occurrence_rate*time_span).

Parameters:occurrence_rate – The average number of events per year.
Returns:Float value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
sample_number_of_occurrences(occurrence_rate, seeds=None)[source]

Draw a random sample from the distribution and return a number of events to occur.

The method uses the numpy random generator, which needs a seed in order to get reproducible results. If the seed is None, it should be set outside of this method.

  • occurrence_rate – The average number of events per year.
  • seeds – Random number generator seeds, one per each occurrence_rate

Sampled integer number of events to occur within model’s time span.


Validation library for the engine, the desktop tools, and anything else

class openquake.hazardlib.valid.Choice(*choices)[source]

Bases: object

Check if the choice is valid (case sensitive).

class openquake.hazardlib.valid.ChoiceCI(*choices)[source]

Bases: object

Check if the choice is valid (case insensitive version).

class openquake.hazardlib.valid.Choices(*choices)[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.valid.Choice

Convert the choices, passed as a comma separated string, into a tuple of validated strings. For instance

>>> Choices('xml', 'csv')('xml,csv')
('xml', 'csv')
class openquake.hazardlib.valid.FloatRange(minrange, maxrange, name='', accept=None)[source]

Bases: object

class openquake.hazardlib.valid.FromFile[source]

Bases: object

Fake GSIM to be used when the GMFs are imported from an external file and not computed with a GSIM.

kwargs = {}
class openquake.hazardlib.valid.MetaParamSet(name, bases, dic)[source]

Bases: type

Set the .name attribute of every Param instance defined inside any subclass of ParamSet.

class openquake.hazardlib.valid.NoneOr(cast)[source]

Bases: object

Accept the empty string (casted to None) or something else validated by the underlying cast validator.

class openquake.hazardlib.valid.Param(validator, default=<object object>, name=None)[source]

Bases: object

A descriptor for validated parameters with a default, to be used as attributes in ParamSet objects.

  • validator – the validator
  • default – the default value
NODEFAULT = <object object>
class openquake.hazardlib.valid.ParamSet(**names_vals)[source]

Bases: openquake.baselib.hdf5.LiteralAttrs

A set of valid interrelated parameters. Here is an example of usage:

>>> class MyParams(ParamSet):
...     a = Param(positiveint)
...     b = Param(positivefloat)
...     def is_valid_not_too_big(self):
...         "The sum of a and b must be under 10: a={a} and b={b}"
...         return self.a + self.b < 10
>>> mp = MyParams(a='1', b='7.2')
>>> mp
<MyParams a=1, b=7.2>
>>> MyParams(a='1', b='9.2').validate()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The sum of a and b must be under 10: a=1 and b=9.2

The constrains are applied in lexicographic order. The attribute corresponding to a Param descriptor can be set as usual:

>>> mp.a = '2'
>>> mp.a

A list with the literal strings can be extracted as follows:

>>> mp.to_params()
[('a', "'2'"), ('b', '7.2')]

It is possible to build a new object from a dictionary of parameters which are assumed to be already validated:

>>> MyParams.from_(dict(a="'2'", b='7.2'))
<MyParams a='2', b=7.2>
classmethod check(dic)[source]

Convert a dictionary name->string into a dictionary name->value by converting the string. If the name does not correspond to a known parameter, just ignore it and print a warning.

classmethod from_(dic)[source]

Build a new ParamSet from a dictionary of string-valued parameters which are assumed to be already valid.

params = {}

Convert the instance dictionary into a sorted list of pairs (name, valrepr) where valrepr is the string representation of the underlying value.


Apply the is_valid methods to self and possibly raise a ValueError.

class openquake.hazardlib.valid.Regex(regex)[source]

Bases: object

Compare the value with the given regex

class openquake.hazardlib.valid.RjbEquivalent(filename)[source]

Bases: object

A class to compute the equivalent Rjb distance. Usage:

>> reqv = RjbEquivalent(‘lookup.hdf5’) >> reqv.get(repi_distances, mag)

get(repi, mag)[source]
  • repi – an array of epicentral distances in the range self.repi
  • mag – a magnitude in the range self.mags

an array of equivalent distances

class openquake.hazardlib.valid.SimpleId(length, regex='^[\w_\-]+$')[source]

Bases: object

Check if the given value is a valid ID.

  • length – maximum length of the ID
  • regex – accepted characters

a and b values of the GR magniture-scaling relation. a is a positive float, b is just a float.

Parameters:value – input string such as ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘true’, ‘false’
>>> boolean('')
>>> boolean('True')
>>> boolean('false')
>>> boolean('t')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Not a boolean: t
openquake.hazardlib.valid.check_levels(imls, imt, min_iml=1e-10)[source]

Raise a ValueError if the given levels are invalid.

  • imls – a list of intensity measure and levels
  • imt – the intensity measure type
  • min_iml – minimum intensity measure level (default 1E-10)
>>> check_levels([0.1, 0.2], 'PGA')  # ok
>>> check_levels([], 'PGA')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: No imls for PGA: []
>>> check_levels([0.2, 0.1], 'PGA')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The imls for PGA are not sorted: [0.2, 0.1]
>>> check_levels([0.2, 0.2], 'PGA')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Found duplicated levels for PGA: [0.2, 0.2]

Ensure that the sum of the values is 1

Parameters:nodes_with_a_weight – a list of Node objects with a weight attribute

Implement composition of validators. For instance

>>> utf8_not_empty = compose(utf8, not_empty)

Convert a non-empty string into a list of lon-lat coordinates.

>>> coordinates('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Empty list of coordinates: ''
>>> coordinates('1.1 1.2')
[(1.1, 1.2, 0.0)]
>>> coordinates('1.1 1.2, 2.2 2.3')
[(1.1, 1.2, 0.0), (2.2, 2.3, 0.0)]
>>> coordinates('1.1 1.2 -0.4, 2.2 2.3 -0.5')
[(1.1, 1.2, -0.4), (2.2, 2.3, -0.5)]
>>> coordinates('0 0 0, 0 0 -1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Found overlapping site #2,  0 0 -1
Parameters:value – input string, comma separated or space separated
Returns:a list of decreasing probabilities
>>> decreasing_probabilities('1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Not enough probabilities, found '1'
>>> decreasing_probabilities('0.2 0.1')
[0.2, 0.1]
>>> decreasing_probabilities('0.1 0.2')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The probabilities 0.1 0.2 are not in decreasing order
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:a floating point number
Parameters:value – input string corresponding to a literal Python object
Returns:the Python object
>>> dictionary('')
>>> dictionary('{}')
>>> dictionary('{"a": 1}')
{'a': 1}
>>> dictionary('"vs30_clustering: true"')  # an error really done by a user
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: '"vs30_clustering: true"' is not a valid Python dictionary
>>> dictionary('{"ls": logscale(0.01, 2, 5)}')
{'ls': [0.01, 0.03760603093086393, 0.14142135623730948, 0.5318295896944986, 1.9999999999999991]}

Validate disaggregation outputs. For instance

>>> disagg_outputs('TRT Mag_Dist')
['TRT', 'Mag_Dist']
>>> disagg_outputs('TRT, Mag_Dist')
['TRT', 'Mag_Dist']
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:a floating point number
Parameters:value – input string corresponding to a literal Python number or dictionary
Returns:a Python dictionary key -> number
>>> floatdict("200")
{'default': 200}
>>> text = "{'active shallow crust': 250., 'default': 200}"
>>> sorted(floatdict(text).items())
[('active shallow crust', 250.0), ('default', 200)]
Parameters:value – string of whitespace separated floats
Returns:an array of 32 bit floats

Convert a string in TOML format into a GSIM instance

>>> gsim('[BooreAtkinson2011]')
>>> hazard_id('')
>>> hazard_id('-1')
>>> hazard_id('42')
>>> hazard_id('42,3')
(42, 3)
>>> hazard_id('42,3,4')
(42, 3, 4)
>>> hazard_id('42:3')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid hazard_id '42:3'
Parameters:nodes – a hypoList node with N hypocenter nodes
Returns:a numpy array of shape (N, 3) with strike, dip and weight
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:non-empty list of integers
>>> integers('1, 2')
[1, 2]
>>> integers(' ')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Not a list of integers: ' '

Make sure value is a valid intensity measure type and return it in a normalized form

>>> intensity_measure_type('SA(0.10)')  # NB: strips the trailing 0
>>> intensity_measure_type('SA')  # this is invalid
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid IMT: 'SA'
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:non-empty list of Intensity Measure Type objects
>>> intensity_measure_types('')
>>> intensity_measure_types('PGA')
>>> intensity_measure_types('PGA, SA(1.00)')
['PGA', 'SA(1.0)']
>>> intensity_measure_types('SA(0.1), SA(0.10)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Duplicated IMTs in SA(0.1), SA(0.10)
>>> intensity_measure_types('SA(1), PGA')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The IMTs are not sorted by period: SA(1), PGA
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:Intensity Measure Type and Levels dictionary
>>> intensity_measure_types_and_levels('{"SA(0.10)": [0.1, 0.2]}')
{'SA(0.1)': [0.1, 0.2]}
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:latitude float, rounded to 5 digits, i.e. 1 meter maximum
>>> latitude('-0.123456')
Parameters:value – a comma separated string of latitudes
Returns:a list of latitudes
>>> logic_tree_path('SM2_a3b1')
['SM2', 'a3b1']
openquake.hazardlib.valid.logscale(x_min, x_max, n)[source]
  • x_min – minumum value
  • x_max – maximum value
  • n – number of steps

an array of n values from x_min to x_max

Parameters:value – a pair of coordinates
Returns:a tuple (longitude, latitude)
>>> lon_lat('12 14')
(12.0, 14.0)
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:longitude float, rounded to 5 digits, i.e. 1 meter maximum
>>> longitude('0.123456')
Parameters:value – a comma separated string of longitudes
Returns:a list of longitudes
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:dictionary loss_type -> loss ratios
>>> loss_ratios('{"structural": [0.1, 0.2]}')
{'structural': [0.1, 0.2]}
Parameters:value – name of a Magnitude-Scale relationship in hazardlib
Returns:the corresponding hazardlib object
Parameters:value – input string corresponding to a valid maximum distance
Returns:a IntegrationDistance mapping
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:list of identifiers separated by whitespace or commas
>>> namelist('a,b')
['a', 'b']
>>> namelist('a1  b_2       _c')
['a1', 'b_2', '_c']
>>> namelist('a1 b_2 1c')
['a1', 'b_2', '1c']
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:the value unchanged
>>> nonzero('1')
>>> nonzero('0')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: '0' is zero

Check that the string is not all blanks


Comvert a string into a Probability Mass Function.

Parameters:value – a sequence of probabilities summing up to 1 (no commas)
Returns:a list of pairs [(probability, index), …] with index starting from 0
>>> pmf("0.157 0.843")
[(0.157, 0), (0.843, 1)]
Parameters:value – a tuple of coordinates as a string (2D or 3D)
Returns:a tuple of coordinates as a string (2D or 3D)
openquake.hazardlib.valid.point3d(value, lon, lat, depth)[source]

This is used to convert nodes of the form <hypocenter lon=”LON” lat=”LAT” depth=”DEPTH”/>

  • value – None
  • lon – longitude string
  • lat – latitude string

a validated triple (lon, lat, depth)

Parameters:value – a string with the form lon1 lat1 [depth1] … lonN latN [depthN] without commas, where the depts are optional.
Returns:a list of floats without other validations
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:positive float
Parameters:value – string of whitespace separated floats
Returns:a list of positive floats
Parameters:value – input string
Returns:positive integer
>>> positiveints('1, -1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: -1 is negative in '1, -1'
openquake.hazardlib.valid.probabilities(value, rows=0, cols=0)[source]
  • value – input string, comma separated or space separated
  • rows – the number of rows if the floats are in a matrix (0 otherwise)
  • cols – the number of columns if the floats are in a matrix (or 0

a list of probabilities

>>> probabilities('')
>>> probabilities('1')
>>> probabilities('0.1 0.2')
[0.1, 0.2]
>>> probabilities('0.1, 0.2')  # commas are ignored
[0.1, 0.2]
>>> simple_slice('2:5')
(2, 5)
>>> simple_slice('0:None')
(0, None)

Convert a dictionary site_model_param -> string into a dictionary of valid casted site parameters.

Parameters:nodes – a slipList node with N slip nodes
Returns:a numpy array of shape (N, 2) with slip angle and weight
openquake.hazardlib.valid.sqrscale(x_min, x_max, n)[source]
  • x_min – minumum value
  • x_max – maximum value
  • n – number of steps

an array of n values from x_min to x_max in a quadratic scale


Check that the string is UTF-8. Returns an encode bytestring.

>>> utf8(b'\xe0')  
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Not UTF-8: ...

Check that the string is UTF-8 and not empty


Space-separated list of weights:

>>> weights('0.1 0.2 0.7')
[0.1, 0.2, 0.7]
>>> weights('0.1 0.2 0.8')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The weights do not sum up to 1: [0.1, 0.2, 0.8]

Convert a string with a comma separated list of coordinates into a WKT polygon, by closing the ring.