Source code for openquake.commands.engine

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>.
import os
import sys
import getpass
import logging
from openquake.baselib import sap, config, datastore
from openquake.baselib.general import safeprint
from openquake.hazardlib import valid
from openquake.commonlib import logs, readinput
from openquake.engine import engine as eng
from openquake.engine.export import core
from openquake.engine.utils import confirm
from import make_report
from openquake.server import dbserver
from openquake.calculators.export import export
from openquake.commands.abort import abort

HAZARD_CALCULATION_ARG = "--hazard-calculation-id"

[docs]def read(calc_id, username=None): """ :param calc_id: a calculation ID :param username: if given, restrict the search to the user's calculations :returns: the associated DataStore instance """ if isinstance(calc_id, str) or calc_id < 0 and not username: # get the last calculation in the datastore of the current user return job = logs.dbcmd('get_job', calc_id, username) if job: return + '.hdf5') else: # calc_id can be present in the datastore and not in the database: # this happens if the calculation was run with `oq run` return
[docs]def get_job_id(job_id, username=None): job = logs.dbcmd('get_job', job_id, username) if not job: sys.exit('Job %s not found' % job_id) return
[docs]def run_job(job_ini, log_level='info', log_file=None, exports='', username=getpass.getuser(), **kw): """ Run a job using the specified config file and other options. :param str job_ini: Path to calculation config (INI-style) files. :param str log_level: 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', or 'critical' :param str log_file: Path to log file. :param exports: A comma-separated string of export types requested by the user. :param username: Name of the user running the job :param kw: Extra parameters like hazard_calculation_id and calculation_mode """ job_id = logs.init('job', getattr(logging, log_level.upper())) with logs.handle(job_id, log_level, log_file): job_ini = os.path.abspath(job_ini) oqparam = eng.job_from_file(job_ini, job_id, username, **kw) kw['username'] = username eng.run_calc(job_id, oqparam, exports, **kw) for line in logs.dbcmd('list_outputs', job_id, False): safeprint(line) return job_id
[docs]def run_tile(job_ini, sites_slice): """ Used in tiling calculations """ return run_job(job_ini, sites_slice=(sites_slice.start, sites_slice.stop))
[docs]def del_calculation(job_id, confirmed=False): """ Delete a calculation and all associated outputs. """ if logs.dbcmd('get_job', job_id) is None: print('There is no job %d' % job_id) return if confirmed or confirm( 'Are you sure you want to (abort and) delete this calculation and ' 'all associated outputs?\nThis action cannot be undone. (y/n): '): try: abort.func(job_id) resp = logs.dbcmd('del_calc', job_id, getpass.getuser()) except RuntimeError as err: safeprint(err) else: if 'success' in resp: print('Removed %d' % job_id) else: print(resp['error'])
[docs]def smart_run(job_ini, oqparam, log_level, log_file, exports, reuse_hazard): """ Run calculations by storing their hazard checksum and reusing previous calculations if requested. """ haz_checksum = readinput.get_checksum32(oqparam, hazard=True) # retrieve an old calculation with the right checksum, if any job = logs.dbcmd('get_job_from_checksum', haz_checksum) reuse = reuse_hazard and job and os.path.exists(job.ds_calc_dir + '.hdf5') # recompute the hazard and store the checksum if (oqparam.calculation_mode == 'event_based_risk' and 'gmfs' not in oqparam.inputs): kw = dict(calculation_mode='event_based') if (oqparam.sites or 'sites' in oqparam.inputs or 'site_model' in oqparam.inputs): # remove exposure from the hazard kw['exposure_file'] = '' else: kw = {} if not reuse: hc_id = run_job(job_ini, log_level, log_file, exports, **kw) if job is None: logs.dbcmd('add_checksum', hc_id, haz_checksum) elif not reuse_hazard or not os.path.exists(job.ds_calc_dir + '.hdf5'): logs.dbcmd('update_job_checksum', hc_id, haz_checksum) if (oqparam.calculation_mode == 'event_based_risk' and 'gmfs' not in oqparam.inputs): job_id = run_job(job_ini, log_level, log_file, exports, hazard_calculation_id=hc_id) else: hc_id ='Reusing job #%d', job_id = run_job(job_ini, log_level, log_file, exports, hazard_calculation_id=hc_id) if oqparam.aggregate_by:'Exporting aggregated data') dstore = aggby = 'aggregate_by/%s/' % ','.join(oqparam.aggregate_by) fnames = [] fnames.extend(export((aggby + 'avg_losses', 'csv'), dstore)) fnames.extend(export((aggby + 'curves', 'csv'), dstore)) for fname in fnames:'Exported %s', fname)
@sap.Script def engine(log_file, no_distribute, yes, config_file, make_html_report, upgrade_db, db_version, what_if_I_upgrade, run, list_hazard_calculations, list_risk_calculations, delete_calculation, delete_uncompleted_calculations, hazard_calculation_id, list_outputs, show_log, export_output, export_outputs, exports='', log_level='info', reuse_hazard=False): """ Run a calculation using the traditional command line API """ if not run: # configure a basic logging logs.init() if config_file:, soft_mem_limit=int, hard_mem_limit=int, port=int, multi_user=valid.boolean, multi_node=valid.boolean) if no_distribute: os.environ['OQ_DISTRIBUTE'] = 'no' # check if the datadir exists datadir = datastore.get_datadir() if not os.path.exists(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) dbserver.ensure_on() # check if we are talking to the right server err = dbserver.check_foreign() if err: sys.exit(err) if upgrade_db: msg = logs.dbcmd('what_if_I_upgrade', 'read_scripts') if msg.startswith('Your database is already updated'): pass elif yes or confirm('Proceed? (y/n) '): logs.dbcmd('upgrade_db') sys.exit(0) if db_version: safeprint(logs.dbcmd('db_version')) sys.exit(0) if what_if_I_upgrade: safeprint(logs.dbcmd('what_if_I_upgrade', 'extract_upgrade_scripts')) sys.exit(0) # check if the db is outdated outdated = logs.dbcmd('check_outdated') if outdated: sys.exit(outdated) # hazard or hazard+risk if hazard_calculation_id == -1: # get the latest calculation of the current user hc_id = get_job_id(hazard_calculation_id, getpass.getuser()) elif hazard_calculation_id: # make it possible to use calculations made by another user hc_id = get_job_id(hazard_calculation_id) else: hc_id = None if run: log_file = os.path.expanduser(log_file) \ if log_file is not None else None job_inis = [os.path.expanduser(f) for f in run] if len(job_inis) == 1 and not hc_id: # init logs before calling get_oqparam logs.init('nojob', getattr(logging, log_level.upper())) # not using logs.handle that logs on the db oq = readinput.get_oqparam(job_inis[0]) smart_run(job_inis[0], oq, log_level, log_file, exports, reuse_hazard) return for i, job_ini in enumerate(job_inis): open(job_ini, 'rb').read() # IOError if the file does not exist job_id = run_job(job_ini, log_level, log_file, exports, hazard_calculation_id=hc_id) if not hc_id: # use the first calculation as base for the others hc_id = job_id # hazard elif list_hazard_calculations: for line in logs.dbcmd( 'list_calculations', 'hazard', getpass.getuser()): safeprint(line) elif delete_calculation is not None: del_calculation(delete_calculation, yes) # risk elif list_risk_calculations: for line in logs.dbcmd('list_calculations', 'risk', getpass.getuser()): safeprint(line) # export elif make_html_report: safeprint('Written %s' % make_report(make_html_report)) sys.exit(0) elif list_outputs is not None: hc_id = get_job_id(list_outputs) for line in logs.dbcmd('list_outputs', hc_id): safeprint(line) elif show_log is not None: hc_id = get_job_id(show_log) for line in logs.dbcmd('get_log', hc_id): safeprint(line) elif export_output is not None: output_id, target_dir = export_output dskey, calc_id, datadir = logs.dbcmd('get_output', int(output_id)) for line in core.export_output( dskey, calc_id, datadir, os.path.expanduser(target_dir), exports or 'csv,xml'): safeprint(line) elif export_outputs is not None: job_id, target_dir = export_outputs hc_id = get_job_id(job_id) for line in core.export_outputs( hc_id, os.path.expanduser(target_dir), exports or 'csv,xml'): safeprint(line) elif delete_uncompleted_calculations: logs.dbcmd('delete_uncompleted_calculations', getpass.getuser()) else: engine.parentparser.prog = 'oq engine' engine.parentparser.print_usage() engine._add('log_file', '--log-file', '-L', help='''\ Location where to store log messages; if not specified, log messages will be printed to the console (to stderr)''') engine._add('no_distribute', '--no-distribute', '--nd', help='''\ Disable calculation task distribution and run the computation in a single process. This is intended for use in debugging and profiling.''', action='store_true') engine.flg('yes', 'Automatically answer "yes" when asked to confirm an action') engine.opt('config_file', 'Custom openquake.cfg file, to override default ' 'configurations') engine._add('make_html_report', '--make-html-report', '--r', help='Build an HTML report of the computation at the given date', metavar='YYYY-MM-DD|today') engine.flg('upgrade_db', 'Upgrade the openquake database') engine.flg('db_version', 'Show the current version of the openquake database') engine.flg('what_if_I_upgrade', 'Show what will happen to the openquake ' 'database if you upgrade') engine._add('run', '--run', help='Run a job with the specified config file', metavar='JOB_INI', nargs='+') engine._add('list_hazard_calculations', '--list-hazard-calculations', '--lhc', help='List hazard calculation information', action='store_true') engine._add('list_risk_calculations', '--list-risk-calculations', '--lrc', help='List risk calculation information', action='store_true') engine._add('delete_calculation', '--delete-calculation', '--dc', help='Delete a calculation and all associated outputs', metavar='CALCULATION_ID', type=int) engine._add('delete_uncompleted_calculations', '--delete-uncompleted-calculations', '--duc', help='Delete all the uncompleted calculations', action='store_true') engine._add('hazard_calculation_id', '--hazard-calculation-id', '--hc', help='Use the given job as input for the next job') engine._add('list_outputs', '--list-outputs', '--lo', help='List outputs for the specified calculation', metavar='CALCULATION_ID') engine._add('show_log', '--show-log', '--sl', help='Show the log of the specified calculation', metavar='CALCULATION_ID') engine._add('export_output', '--export-output', '--eo', nargs=2, metavar=('OUTPUT_ID', 'TARGET_DIR'), help='Export the desired output to the specified directory') engine._add('export_outputs', '--export-outputs', '--eos', nargs=2, metavar=('CALCULATION_ID', 'TARGET_DIR'), help='Export all of the calculation outputs to the ' 'specified directory') engine.opt('exports', 'Comma-separated string specifing the export formats, ' 'in order of priority') engine.opt('log_level', 'Defaults to "info"', choices=['debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'critical']) engine.flg('reuse_hazard', 'Reuse the event based hazard if available')