Source code for openquake.hazardlib.gsim.chiou_youngs_2008_swiss

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# Copyright (C) 2014-2025 GEM Foundation
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Module exports
import numpy as np

from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.chiou_youngs_2008_swiss_coeffs import (
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.chiou_youngs_2008 import (
    ChiouYoungs2008, _get_ln_y_ref)
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.utils_swiss_gmpe import _apply_adjustments

[docs]def get_nl(C, ln_y_ref, exp1, exp2): # b and c coeffs from eq. 10 b = C['phi2'] * (exp1 - exp2) c = C['phi4'] y_ref = np.exp(ln_y_ref) # eq. 20 NL = b * y_ref / (y_ref + c) return NL
[docs]def get_tau(C, ctx): # eq. 19 to calculate inter-event standard error mag_test = np.clip(ctx.mag - 5., 0., 2.) tau = C['tau1'] + (C['tau2'] - C['tau1']) / 2 * mag_test return tau
[docs]class ChiouYoungs2008SWISS01(ChiouYoungs2008): """ This class extends :class:ChiouYoungs2008, adjusted to be used for the Swiss Hazard Model [2014]. This GMPE is valid for a fixed value of vs30=620m/s 1) kappa value K-adjustments corresponding to model 01 - as prepared by Ben Edwards K-value for PGA were not provided but infered from SA[0.01s] the model considers a fixed value of vs30==620 to match the reference vs30=1100m/s 2) small-magnitude correction 3) single station sigma - inter-event magnitude/distance adjustment Disclaimer: these equations are modified to be used for the Swiss Seismic Hazard Model [2014]. The use of these models in other models is the soly responsability of the hazard modeler. Model implemented by """ #: Supported standard deviation type is total, inter-event and intra-event DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = { const.StdDev.TOTAL, const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT, const.StdDev.INTRA_EVENT} #: Vs30 value representing typical rock conditions in Switzerland. #: confirmed by the Swiss GMPE group DEFINED_FOR_REFERENCE_VELOCITY = 1105.
[docs] def compute(self, ctx: np.recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi): ctx = ctx.copy() ctx.vs30 = 620 * np.ones(len(ctx.vs30)) log_phi_ss = 1 super().compute(ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi) for m, imt in enumerate(imts): t = get_tau(ChiouYoungs2008.COEFFS[imt], ctx) ln_y_ref = _get_ln_y_ref(ctx, ChiouYoungs2008.COEFFS[imt]) exp1 = np.exp(ChiouYoungs2008.COEFFS[imt]['phi3'] * (ctx.vs30.clip(-np.inf, 1130) - 360)) exp2 = np.exp(ChiouYoungs2008.COEFFS[imt]['phi3'] * (1130 - 360)) nl = get_nl(ChiouYoungs2008.COEFFS[imt], ln_y_ref, exp1, exp2) _apply_adjustments( ChiouYoungs2008.COEFFS, self.COEFFS_FS_ROCK[imt], 1, mean[m], sig[m], tau[m], phi[m], ctx, ctx.rjb, imt, log_phi_ss, NL=nl, tau_value=t)
[docs]class ChiouYoungs2008SWISS06(ChiouYoungs2008SWISS01): """ This class extends :class:ChiouYoungs2008,following same strategy as for :class:ChiouYoungs2008SWISS01 to be used for the Swiss Hazard Model [2014]. """ COEFFS_FS_ROCK = COEFFS_FS_ROCK_SWISS06
[docs]class ChiouYoungs2008SWISS04(ChiouYoungs2008SWISS01): """ This class extends :class:ChiouYoungs2008,following same strategy as for :class:ChiouYoungs2008SWISS01 to be used for the Swiss Hazard Model [2014]. """ COEFFS_FS_ROCK = COEFFS_FS_ROCK_SWISS04