# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2010-2021 GEM Foundation, G. Weatherill, M. Pagani,
# D. Monelli.
# The Hazard Modeller's Toolkit is free software: you can redistribute
# it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
# 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
# The software Hazard Modeller's Toolkit (openquake.hmtk) provided herein
# is released as a prototype implementation on behalf of
# scientists and engineers working within the GEM Foundation (Global
# Earthquake Model).
# It is distributed for the purpose of open collaboration and in the
# hope that it will be useful to the scientific, engineering, disaster
# risk and software design communities.
# The software is NOT distributed as part of GEM’s OpenQuake suite
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# separate entity. The software provided herein is designed and implemented
# by scientific staff. It is not developed to the design standards, nor
# subject to same level of critical review by professional software
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# Feedback and contribution to the software is welcome, and can be
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# The Hazard Modeller's Toolkit (openquake.hmtk) is therefore distributed
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# The GEM Foundation, and the authors of the software, assume no
# liability for use of the software.
Parser for moment tensor catalogue in GCMT format into a set of GCMT classes
import re
import datetime
import numpy as np
from math import floor, fabs
from linecache import getlines
import openquake.hmtk.seismicity.gcmt_utils as utils
from openquake.hmtk.seismicity.gcmt_catalogue import (
GCMTHypocentre, GCMTCentroid, GCMTPrincipalAxes, GCMTNodalPlanes,
GCMTMomentTensor, GCMTEvent, GCMTCatalogue)
def _read_date_from_string(str1):
Reads the date from a string in the format YYYY/MM/DD and returns
:class: datetime.date
full_date = [int(x) for x in str1.split('/')]
return datetime.date(full_date[0], full_date[1], full_date[2])
def _read_time_from_string(str1):
Reads the time from a string in the format HH:MM:SS.S and returns
:class: datetime.time
full_time = [float(x) for x in str1.split(':')]
hour = int(full_time[0])
minute = int(full_time[1])
if full_time[2] > 59.99:
minute += 1
second = 0
second = int(full_time[2])
microseconds = int((full_time[2] - floor(full_time[2])) * 1000000)
return datetime.time(hour, minute, second, microseconds)
def _read_moment_tensor_from_ndk_string(ndk_string, system='USE'):
Reads the moment tensor from the ndk_string representation
ndk_string = [Mrr, sigMrr, Mtt, sigMtt, Mpp, sigMpp, Mrt, sigMrt, Mrp,
sigMrp, Mtp, sigMtp]
Output tensors should be of format:
expected = [[Mtt, Mtp, Mtr],
[Mtp, Mpp, Mpr],
[Mtr, Mpr, Mrr]]
sigma = [[sigMtt, sigMtp, sigMtr],
[sigMtp, sigMpp, sigMpr],
[sigMtr, sigMpr, sigMrr]]
Exponent returned in Nm
:param str ndk_string:
String of data in ndk format (line 4 of event)
:param str system:
Reference frame of tensor Up, South, East {USE} or North, East, Down
exponent = float(ndk_string[0:2]) - 7.
mkr = np.array([2, 9, 15], dtype=int)
vector = []
for i in range(0, 6):
mkr = mkr + 13
vector = np.array(vector)
mrr, mtt, mpp, mrt, mrp, mtp = tuple(vector[np.arange(0, 12, 2)])
sig_mrr, sig_mtt, sig_mpp, sig_mrt, sig_mrp, sig_mtp = \
tuple(vector[np.arange(1, 13, 2)])
tensor = utils.COORD_SYSTEM[system](mrr, mtt, mpp, mrt, mrp, mtp)
tensor = (10. ** exponent) * tensor
sigma = utils.COORD_SYSTEM[system](sig_mrr, sig_mtt, sig_mpp,
sig_mrt, sig_mrp, sig_mtp)
sigma = (10. ** exponent) * sigma
return tensor, sigma, exponent
[docs]class ParseNDKtoGCMT(object):
Implements the parser to read a file in ndk format to the GCMT catalogue
def __init__(self, filename):
:param str filename:
Name of the catalogue file in ndk format
self.filename = filename
self.catalogue = GCMTCatalogue()
[docs] def read_file(self, start_year=None, end_year=None, use_centroid=False):
Reads the file
raw_data = getlines(self.filename)
num_lines = len(raw_data)
if ((float(num_lines) / 5.) - float(num_lines / 5)) > 1E-9:
raise IOError('GCMT represented by 5 lines - number in file not'
' a multiple of 5!')
self.catalogue.number_gcmts = num_lines // 5
self.catalogue.gcmts = [None] * self.catalogue.number_gcmts
# Pre-allocates list
id0 = 0
print('Parsing catalogue ...')
for iloc in range(0, self.catalogue.number_gcmts):
self.catalogue.gcmts[iloc] = self.read_ndk_event(raw_data, id0)
id0 += 5
print('complete. Contains %s moment tensors'
% self.catalogue.get_number_tensors())
if not start_year:
min_years = []
min_years = [cent.centroid.date.year
for cent in self.catalogue.gcmts]
self.catalogue.start_year = np.min(min_years)
if not end_year:
max_years = []
max_years = [cent.centroid.date.year
for cent in self.catalogue.gcmts]
self.catalogue.end_year = np.max(max_years)
return self.catalogue
[docs] def read_ndk_event(self, raw_data, id0):
Reads a 5-line batch of data into a set of GCMTs
gcmt = GCMTEvent()
# Get hypocentre
ndkstring = raw_data[id0].rstrip('\n')
gcmt.hypocentre = self._read_hypocentre_from_ndk_string(ndkstring)
# GCMT metadata
ndkstring = raw_data[id0 + 1].rstrip('\n')
gcmt = self._get_metadata_from_ndk_string(gcmt, ndkstring)
# Get Centroid
ndkstring = raw_data[id0 + 2].rstrip('\n')
gcmt.centroid = self._read_centroid_from_ndk_string(ndkstring,
# Get Moment Tensor
ndkstring = raw_data[id0 + 3].rstrip('\n')
gcmt.moment_tensor = self._get_moment_tensor_from_ndk_string(ndkstring)
# Get principal axes
ndkstring = raw_data[id0 + 4].rstrip('\n')
gcmt.principal_axes = self._get_principal_axes_from_ndk_string(
# Get Nodal Planes
gcmt.nodal_planes = self._get_nodal_planes_from_ndk_string(
# Get Moment and Magnitude
gcmt.moment, gcmt.version, gcmt.magnitude = \
ndkstring, gcmt.moment_tensor.exponent)
return gcmt
[docs] def to_hmtk(self, use_centroid=True):
Convert the content of the GCMT catalogue to a HMTK
for iloc, gcmt in enumerate(self.catalogue.gcmts):
self.catalogue.data['eventID'][iloc] = iloc
if use_centroid:
self.catalogue.data['year'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['month'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['day'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['hour'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['minute'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['second'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['longitude'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['latitude'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['depth'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['year'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['month'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['day'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['hour'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['minute'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['second'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['longitude'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['latitude'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['depth'][iloc] = \
# Moment, magnitude and relative errors
self.catalogue.data['moment'][iloc] = gcmt.moment
self.catalogue.data['magnitude'][iloc] = gcmt.magnitude
self.catalogue.data['f_clvd'][iloc] = gcmt.f_clvd
self.catalogue.data['e_rel'][iloc] = gcmt.e_rel
self.catalogue.data['centroidID'][iloc] = gcmt.identifier
# Nodal planes
self.catalogue.data['strike1'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['dip1'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['rake1'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['strike2'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['dip2'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['rake2'][iloc] = \
# Principal axes
self.catalogue.data['eigenvalue_b'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['azimuth_b'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['plunge_b'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['eigenvalue_p'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['azimuth_p'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['plunge_p'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['eigenvalue_t'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['azimuth_t'][iloc] = \
self.catalogue.data['plunge_t'][iloc] = \
return self.catalogue
def _preallocate_data_dict(self):
nvals = self.catalogue.get_number_tensors()
for key in self.catalogue.TOTAL_ATTRIBUTE_LIST:
if key in self.catalogue.STRING_ATTRIBUTE_LIST:
self.catalogue.data[key] = [None for i in range(0, nvals)]
elif key in self.catalogue.INT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST:
self.catalogue.data[key] = np.zeros(nvals, dtype=int)
self.catalogue.data[key] = np.zeros(nvals, dtype=float)
def _read_hypocentre_from_ndk_string(self, linestring):
Reads the hypocentre data from the ndk string to return an
instance of the GCMTHypocentre class
hypo = GCMTHypocentre()
hypo.source = linestring[0:4]
hypo.date = _read_date_from_string(linestring[5:15])
hypo.time = _read_time_from_string(linestring[16:26])
hypo.latitude = float(linestring[27:33])
hypo.longitude = float(linestring[34:41])
hypo.depth = float(linestring[42:47])
magnitudes = [float(x) for x in linestring[48:55].split(' ')]
if magnitudes[0] > 0.:
hypo.m_b = magnitudes[0]
if magnitudes[1] > 0.:
hypo.m_s = magnitudes[1]
hypo.location = linestring[56:]
return hypo
def _get_metadata_from_ndk_string(self, gcmt, ndk_string):
Reads the GCMT metadata from line 2 of the ndk batch
gcmt.identifier = ndk_string[:16]
inversion_data = re.split('[A-Z:]+', ndk_string[17:61])
gcmt.metadata['BODY'] = [float(x) for x in inversion_data[1].split()]
gcmt.metadata['SURFACE'] = [
float(x) for x in inversion_data[2].split()]
gcmt.metadata['MANTLE'] = [float(x) for x in inversion_data[3].split()]
further_meta = re.split('[: ]+', ndk_string[62:])
gcmt.metadata['CMT'] = int(further_meta[1])
gcmt.metadata['FUNCTION'] = {'TYPE': further_meta[2],
'DURATION': float(further_meta[3])}
return gcmt
def _read_centroid_from_ndk_string(self, ndk_string, hypocentre):
Reads the centroid data from the ndk string to return an
instance of the GCMTCentroid class
:param str ndk_string:
String of data (line 3 of ndk format)
:param hypocentre:
Instance of the GCMTHypocentre class
centroid = GCMTCentroid(hypocentre.date,
centroid.centroid_type = ndk_string[0:8]
time_diff = float(ndk_string[10:18])
if fabs(time_diff) > 1E-6:
centroid.time_error = float(ndk_string[19:22])
centroid.latitude = float(ndk_string[22:29])
centroid.latitude_error = float(ndk_string[31:34])
centroid.longitude = float(ndk_string[35:42])
centroid.latitude_error = float(ndk_string[44:47])
centroid.depth = float(ndk_string[48:53])
centroid.depth_error = float(ndk_string[54:58])
centroid.depth_type = ndk_string[59:63]
centroid.centroid_id = ndk_string[64:]
return centroid
def _get_moment_tensor_from_ndk_string(self, ndk_string):
Reads the moment tensor from the ndk_string and returns an instance of
the GCMTMomentTensor class.
By default the ndk format uses the Up, South, East (USE) reference
moment_tensor = GCMTMomentTensor('USE')
tensor_data = _read_moment_tensor_from_ndk_string(ndk_string, 'USE')
moment_tensor.tensor = tensor_data[0]
moment_tensor.tensor_sigma = tensor_data[1]
moment_tensor.exponent = tensor_data[2]
return moment_tensor
def _get_principal_axes_from_ndk_string(self, ndk_string, exponent):
Gets the principal axes from the ndk string and returns an instance
of the GCMTPrincipalAxes class
axes = GCMTPrincipalAxes()
# The principal axes is defined in characters 3:48 of the 5th line
exponent = 10. ** exponent
axes.t_axis = {'eigenvalue': exponent * float(ndk_string[0:8]),
'plunge': float(ndk_string[8:11]),
'azimuth': float(ndk_string[11:15])}
axes.b_axis = {'eigenvalue': exponent * float(ndk_string[15:23]),
'plunge': float(ndk_string[23:26]),
'azimuth': float(ndk_string[26:30])}
axes.p_axis = {'eigenvalue': exponent * float(ndk_string[30:38]),
'plunge': float(ndk_string[38:41]),
'azimuth': float(ndk_string[41:])}
return axes
def _get_nodal_planes_from_ndk_string(self, ndk_string):
Reads the nodal plane information (represented by 5th line [57:] of the
tensor representation) and returns an instance of the GCMTNodalPlanes
planes = GCMTNodalPlanes()
planes.nodal_plane_1 = {'strike': float(ndk_string[0:3]),
'dip': float(ndk_string[3:6]),
'rake': float(ndk_string[6:11])}
planes.nodal_plane_2 = {'strike': float(ndk_string[11:15]),
'dip': float(ndk_string[15:18]),
'rake': float(ndk_string[18:])}
return planes
def _get_moment_from_ndk_string(self, ndk_string, exponent):
Returns the moment and the moment magnitude
moment = float(ndk_string[49:56]) * (10. ** exponent)
version = ndk_string[:3]
magnitude = utils.moment_magnitude_scalar(moment)
return moment, version, magnitude