ProbabilityCurve and ProbabilityMap

class openquake.hazardlib.probability_map.PmapStats(quantiles, weights=None)[source]

A class to perform statistics on ProbabilityMaps.

  • weights – a list of weights
  • quantiles – a list of floats in the range 0..1

Here is an example:

>>> pm1 =, 1, sids=[0, 1],
...                            initvalue=1.0)
>>> pm2 =, 1, sids=[0],
...                            initvalue=0.8)
>>> PmapStats(quantiles=[]).compute(sids=[0, 1], pmaps=[pm1, pm2])
[('mean', {0: <ProbabilityCurve
[[ 0.9]
 [ 0.9]
 [ 0.9]]>, 1: <ProbabilityCurve
[[ 0.5]
 [ 0.5]
 [ 0.5]]>})]
compute(sids, pmaps)[source]
Params sids:array of N site IDs
Parameters:pmaps – array of R simple ProbabilityMaps
Returns:a list of pairs [(‘mean’, ...), (‘quantile-XXX’, ...), ...]
compute_pmap(sids, pmaps)[source]
Params sids:array of N site IDs
Parameters:pmaps – array of R simple ProbabilityMaps
Returns:a ProbabilityMap with arrays of size (num_levels, num_stats)
class openquake.hazardlib.probability_map.ProbabilityCurve(array)[source]

This class is a small wrapper over an array of PoEs associated to a set of intensity measure types and levels. It provides a few operators, including the complement operator ~

~p = 1 - p

and the inclusive or operator |

p = p1 | p2 = ~(~p1 * ~p2)

Such operators are implemented efficiently at the numpy level, by dispatching on the underlying array.

Here is an example of use:

>>> poe = ProbabilityCurve(numpy.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0, 0]))
>>> ~(poe | poe) * .5
[ 0.405  0.32   0.245  0.5    0.5  ]>
convert(imtls, idx=0)[source]

Convert a probability curve into a record of dtype imtls.imt_dt.

  • imtls – DictArray instance
  • idx – extract the data corresponding to the given inner index
class openquake.hazardlib.probability_map.ProbabilityMap(shape_y, shape_z)[source]

A dictionary site_id -> ProbabilityCurve. It defines the complement operator ~, performing the complement on each curve

~p = 1 - p

and the “inclusive or” operator |:

m = m1 | m2 = {sid: m1[sid] | m2[sid] for sid in all_sids}

Such operators are implemented efficiently at the numpy level, by dispatching on the underlying array. Moreover there is a classmethod .build(L, I, sids, initvalue) to build initialized instances of ProbabilityMap. The map can be represented as 3D array of shape (shape_x, shape_y, shape_z) = (N, L, I), where N is the number of site IDs, L the total number of hazard levels and I the number of GSIMs.


The underlying array of shape (N, L, I)

classmethod build(shape_y, shape_z, sids, initvalue=0.0)[source]
  • shape_y – the total number of intensity measure levels
  • shape_z – the number of inner levels
  • sids – a set of site indices
  • initvalue – the initial value of the probability (default 0)

a ProbabilityMap dictionary

convert(imtls, nsites=None, idx=0)[source]

Convert a probability map into a composite array of length nsites and dtype imtls.imt_dt.

  • imtls – DictArray instance
  • nsites – the total number of sites (or None)
  • idx – extract the data corresponding to the given inner index

Extracts a component of the underlying ProbabilityCurves, specified by the index inner_idx.


Extracs a submap of self for the given sids.


The size of the underlying array

setdefault(sid, value)[source]

Works like dict.setdefault: if the sid key is missing, it fills it with an array and returns it.

  • sid – site ID
  • value – value used to fill the returned array

The ordered keys of the map as a numpy.uint32 array

Parameters:pmaps – a set of homogenous ProbabilityMaps
Returns:the common shape (N, L, I)