Source code for openquake.risklib.riskmodels

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2013-2023 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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import re
import ast
import json
import copy
import logging
import functools
import collections
import numpy
import pandas

from openquake.baselib import hdf5
from openquake.baselib.node import Node
from openquake.baselib.general import AccumDict, cached_property
from openquake.hazardlib import valid, nrml, InvalidFile
from openquake.hazardlib.sourcewriter import obj_to_node
from openquake.risklib import scientific

U8 = numpy.uint8
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32
F64 = numpy.float64

LTYPE_REGEX = '|'.join(valid.cost_type.choices) + '|area|number|residents'
RISK_TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r'(%s|occupants|fragility)_([\w_]+)'
                             % LTYPE_REGEX)

def _assert_equal(d1, d2):
    d1.pop('loss_type', None)
    d2.pop('loss_type', None)
    assert sorted(d1) == sorted(d2), (sorted(d1), sorted(d2))
    for k, v in d1.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            _assert_equal(v, d2[k])
            assert v == d2[k], (v, d2[k])

[docs]def get_risk_files(inputs): """ :param inputs: a dictionary key -> path name :returns: a pair (file_type, {risk_type: path}) """ rfs = {} job_ini = inputs['job_ini'] for key in sorted(inputs): if key == 'fragility': # backward compatibily for .ini files with key fragility_file # instead of structural_fragility_file rfs['fragility/structural'] = inputs[ 'structural_fragility'] = inputs[key] del inputs['fragility'] elif key.endswith(('_fragility', '_vulnerability', '_consequence')): match = RISK_TYPE_REGEX.match(key) if match and 'retrofitted' not in key and 'consequence' not in key: rfs['%s/%s' % (,] = inputs[key] elif match is None: raise ValueError('Invalid key in %s: %s_file' % (job_ini, key)) return rfs
# ########################### vulnerability ############################## #
[docs]def filter_vset(elem): return elem.tag.endswith('discreteVulnerabilitySet')
[docs]@obj_to_node.add('VulnerabilityFunction') def build_vf_node(vf): """ Convert a VulnerabilityFunction object into a Node suitable for XML conversion. """ nodes = [Node('imls', {'imt': vf.imt}, vf.imls), Node('meanLRs', {}, vf.mean_loss_ratios), Node('covLRs', {}, vf.covs)] return Node( 'vulnerabilityFunction', {'id':, 'dist': vf.distribution_name}, nodes=nodes)
[docs]def group_by_lt(funclist): """ Converts a list of objects with attribute .loss_type in to a dictionary loss_type -> risk_function """ d = AccumDict(accum=[]) for rf in funclist: d[rf.loss_type].append(rf) for lt, lst in d.items(): if len(lst) == 1: d[lt] = lst[0] elif lst[1].kind == 'fragility': cf, ffl = lst = cf d[lt] = ffl elif lst[1].kind == 'vulnerability_retrofitted': vf, retro = lst vf.retro = retro d[lt] = vf else: raise RuntimeError(lst) return d
[docs]class RiskFuncList(list): """ A list of risk functions with attributes .id, .loss_type, .kind """
[docs] def groupby_id(self): """ :returns: dictionary id -> loss_type -> risk_function """ ddic = AccumDict(accum=[]) for rf in self: ddic[].append(rf) return {riskid: group_by_lt(rfs) for riskid, rfs in ddic.items()}
[docs]def get_risk_functions(oqparam, kind='vulnerability fragility consequence ' 'vulnerability_retrofitted'): """ :param oqparam: an OqParam instance :param kind: a space-separated string with the kinds of risk models to read :returns: a list of risk functions """ kinds = kind.split() rmodels = AccumDict() for kind in kinds: for key in sorted(oqparam.inputs): mo = re.match('(occupants|%s)_%s$' % (LTYPE_REGEX, kind), key) if mo: loss_type = # the cost_type in the key # can be occupants, structural, nonstructural, ... rmodel = nrml.to_python(oqparam.inputs[key]) if kind == 'consequence': logging.warning('Consequence models in XML format are ' 'deprecated, please replace %s with a CSV', oqparam.inputs[key]) if len(rmodel) == 0: raise InvalidFile('%s is empty!' % oqparam.inputs[key]) rmodels[loss_type, kind] = rmodel if rmodel.lossCategory is None: # NRML 0.4 continue cost_type = str(rmodel.lossCategory) rmodel_kind = rmodel.__class__.__name__ kind_ = kind.replace('_retrofitted', '') # strip retrofitted if not rmodel_kind.lower().startswith(kind_): raise ValueError( 'Error in the file "%s_file=%s": is ' 'of kind %s, expected %s' % ( key, oqparam.inputs[key], rmodel_kind, kind.capitalize() + 'Model')) if cost_type != loss_type: raise ValueError( 'Error in the file "%s_file=%s": lossCategory is of ' 'type "%s", expected "%s"' % (key, oqparam.inputs[key], rmodel.lossCategory, loss_type)) cl_risk = oqparam.calculation_mode in ('classical', 'classical_risk') rlist = RiskFuncList() rlist.limit_states = [] for (loss_type, kind), rm in sorted(rmodels.items()): if kind == 'fragility': for (imt, riskid), ffl in sorted(rm.items()): if not rlist.limit_states: rlist.limit_states.extend(rm.limitStates) # we are rejecting the case of loss types with different # limit states; this may change in the future assert rlist.limit_states == rm.limitStates, ( rlist.limit_states, rm.limitStates) ffl.loss_type = loss_type ffl.kind = kind rlist.append(ffl) elif kind == 'consequence': for riskid, cf in sorted(rm.items()): rf = hdf5.ArrayWrapper( cf, dict(id=riskid, loss_type=loss_type, kind=kind)) rlist.append(rf) else: # vulnerability, vulnerability_retrofitted # only for classical_risk reduce the loss_ratios # to make sure they are strictly increasing for (imt, riskid), rf in sorted(rm.items()): rf = rf.strictly_increasing() if cl_risk else rf rf.loss_type = loss_type rf.kind = kind rlist.append(rf) return rlist
loss_poe_dt = numpy.dtype([('loss', F64), ('poe', F64)])
[docs]def rescale(curves, values): """ Multiply the losses in each curve of kind (losses, poes) by the corresponding value. :param curves: an array of shape (A, 2, C) :param values: an array of shape (A,) """ A, _, C = curves.shape assert A == len(values), (A, len(values)) array = numpy.zeros((A, C), loss_poe_dt) array['loss'] = [c * v for c, v in zip(curves[:, 0], values)] array['poe'] = curves[:, 1] return array
[docs]class RiskModel(object): """ Base class. Can be used in the tests as a mock. :param taxonomy: a taxonomy string :param risk_functions: a dict (loss_type, kind) -> risk_function """ time_event = None # used in scenario_risk compositemodel = None # set by get_crmodel def __init__(self, calcmode, taxonomy, risk_functions, **kw): self.calcmode = calcmode self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = risk_functions vars(self).update(kw) # updates risk_investigation_time too steps = kw.get('lrem_steps_per_interval') if calcmode in ('classical', 'classical_risk'): self.loss_ratios = { lt: tuple(vf.mean_loss_ratios_with_steps(steps)) for lt, vf in risk_functions.items()} if calcmode == 'classical_bcr': self.loss_ratios_orig = {} self.loss_ratios_retro = {} for lt, vf in risk_functions.items(): self.loss_ratios_orig[lt] = tuple( vf.mean_loss_ratios_with_steps(steps)) self.loss_ratios_retro[lt] = tuple( vf.retro.mean_loss_ratios_with_steps(steps)) # set imt_by_lt self.imt_by_lt = {} # dictionary loss_type -> imt for lt, rf in self.risk_functions.items(): if rf.kind in ('vulnerability', 'fragility'): self.imt_by_lt[lt] = rf.imt @property def loss_types(self): """ The list of loss types in the underlying vulnerability functions, in lexicographic order """ return sorted(self.risk_functions) def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmf_df, col=None, rndgen=None): meth = getattr(self, self.calcmode) res = meth(loss_type, assets, gmf_df, col, rndgen) return res # for event_based_risk this is a DataFrame (eid, aid, loss) def __toh5__(self): return self.risk_functions, {'taxonomy': self.taxonomy} def __fromh5__(self, dic, attrs): vars(self).update(attrs) self.risk_functions = dic def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.taxonomy) # ######################## calculation methods ######################### #
[docs] def classical_risk(self, loss_type, assets, hazard_curve, col=None, rng=None): """ :param str loss_type: the loss type considered :param assets: assets is an iterator over A :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Asset` instances :param hazard_curve: an array of poes :param eps: ignored, here only for API compatibility with other calculators :returns: a composite array (loss, poe) of shape (A, C) """ n = len(assets) vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] lratios = self.loss_ratios[loss_type] imls = self.hazard_imtls[vf.imt] if loss_type == 'occupants': values = assets['occupants_avg'].to_numpy() else: values = assets['value-' + loss_type].to_numpy() rtime = self.risk_investigation_time or self.investigation_time lrcurves = numpy.array( [scientific.classical( vf, imls, hazard_curve, lratios, self.investigation_time, rtime)] * n) return rescale(lrcurves, values)
[docs] def classical_bcr(self, loss_type, assets, hazard, col=None, rng=None): """ :param loss_type: the loss type :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy :param hazard: a dictionary col -> hazard curve :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused :returns: a list of triples (eal_orig, eal_retro, bcr_result) """ if loss_type != 'structural': raise NotImplementedError( 'retrofitted is not defined for ' + loss_type) n = len(assets) self.assets = assets vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] imls = self.hazard_imtls[vf.imt] rtime = self.risk_investigation_time or self.investigation_time curves_orig = functools.partial( scientific.classical, vf, imls, loss_ratios=self.loss_ratios_orig[loss_type], investigation_time=self.investigation_time, risk_investigation_time=rtime) curves_retro = functools.partial( scientific.classical, vf.retro, imls, loss_ratios=self.loss_ratios_retro[loss_type], investigation_time=self.investigation_time, risk_investigation_time=rtime) original_loss_curves = numpy.array([curves_orig(hazard)] * n) retrofitted_loss_curves = numpy.array([curves_retro(hazard)] * n) eal_original = numpy.array([scientific.average_loss(lc) for lc in original_loss_curves]) eal_retrofitted = numpy.array([scientific.average_loss(lc) for lc in retrofitted_loss_curves]) bcr_results = [ scientific.bcr( eal_original[i], eal_retrofitted[i], self.interest_rate, self.asset_life_expectancy, asset['value-' + loss_type], asset['retrofitted']) for i, asset in enumerate(assets.to_records())] return list(zip(eal_original, eal_retrofitted, bcr_results))
[docs] def classical_damage(self, loss_type, assets, hazard_curve, col=None, rng=None): """ :param loss_type: the loss type :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy :param hazard_curve: a dictionary col -> hazard curve :returns: an array of N x D elements where N is the number of points and D the number of damage states. """ ffl = self.risk_functions[loss_type] hazard_imls = self.hazard_imtls[ffl.imt] rtime = self.risk_investigation_time or self.investigation_time damage = scientific.classical_damage( ffl, hazard_imls, hazard_curve, investigation_time=self.investigation_time, risk_investigation_time=rtime, steps_per_interval=self.steps_per_interval) damages = numpy.array([a['value-number'] * damage for a in assets.to_records()]) return damages
[docs] def event_based_risk(self, loss_type, assets, gmf_df, col, rndgen): """ :returns: a DataFrame with columns eid, eid, loss """ sid = assets['site_id'] if loss_type == 'occupants': val = assets['occupants_%s' % self.time_event].to_numpy() else: val = assets['value-' + loss_type].to_numpy() asset_df = pandas.DataFrame(dict(aid=assets.index, val=val), sid) vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] return vf(asset_df, gmf_df, col, rndgen, self.minimum_asset_loss[loss_type])
scenario = ebrisk = scenario_risk = event_based_risk
[docs] def scenario_damage(self, loss_type, assets, gmf_df, col, rng=None): """ :param loss_type: the loss type :param assets: a list of A assets of the same taxonomy :param gmf_df: a DataFrame of GMFs :param epsilons: dummy parameter, unused :returns: an array of shape (A, E, D) elements where N is the number of points, E the number of events and D the number of damage states. """ gmvs = gmf_df[col].to_numpy() ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type] damages = scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmvs).T return numpy.array([damages] * len(assets))
event_based_damage = scenario_damage
# NB: the approach used here relies on the convention of having the # names of the arguments of the RiskModel class to be equal to the # names of the parameter in the oqparam object. This is seen as a # feature, since it forces people to be consistent with the names, # in the spirit of the 'convention over configuration' philosophy
[docs]def get_riskmodel(taxonomy, oqparam, **extra): """ Return an instance of the correct risk model class, depending on the attribute `calculation_mode` of the object `oqparam`. :param taxonomy: a taxonomy string :param oqparam: an object containing the parameters needed by the RiskModel class :param extra: extra parameters to pass to the RiskModel class """ extra['hazard_imtls'] = oqparam.imtls extra['investigation_time'] = oqparam.investigation_time extra['risk_investigation_time'] = oqparam.risk_investigation_time extra['lrem_steps_per_interval'] = oqparam.lrem_steps_per_interval extra['steps_per_interval'] = oqparam.steps_per_interval extra['time_event'] = oqparam.time_event extra['minimum_asset_loss'] = oqparam.minimum_asset_loss if oqparam.calculation_mode == 'classical_bcr': extra['interest_rate'] = oqparam.interest_rate extra['asset_life_expectancy'] = oqparam.asset_life_expectancy return RiskModel(oqparam.calculation_mode, taxonomy, **extra)
[docs]def get_riskcomputer(dic): """ Builds a RiskComputer instance from a suitable dictionary """ rc = scientific.RiskComputer.__new__(scientific.RiskComputer) rc.asset_df = pandas.DataFrame(dic['asset_df']) rc.wdic = {} rfs = AccumDict(accum=[]) for rlk, func in dic['risk_functions'].items(): riskid, lt = rlk.split('#') rf = hdf5.json_to_obj(json.dumps(func)) if hasattr(rf, 'init'): rf.init() rf.loss_type = lt if getattr(rf, 'retro', False): rf.retro = hdf5.json_to_obj(json.dumps(rf.retro)) rf.retro.init() rf.retro.loss_type = lt rfs[riskid].append(rf) steps = dic.get('lrem_steps_per_interval', 1) mal = dic.get('minimum_asset_loss', {lt: 0. for lt in dic['loss_types']}) for rlt, weight in dic['wdic'].items(): riskid, lt = rlt.split('#') rm = RiskModel(dic['calculation_mode'], 'taxonomy', group_by_lt(rfs[riskid]), lrem_steps_per_interval=steps, minimum_asset_loss=mal) rc[riskid, lt] = rm rc.wdic[riskid, lt] = weight rc.loss_types = dic['loss_types'] rc.minimum_asset_loss = mal rc.calculation_mode = dic['calculation_mode'] rc.alias = dic['alias'] return rc
# ######################## CompositeRiskModel #########################
[docs]class ValidationError(Exception): pass
[docs]class CompositeRiskModel( """ A container (riskid, kind) -> riskmodel :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :param fragdict: a dictionary riskid -> loss_type -> fragility functions :param vulndict: a dictionary riskid -> loss_type -> vulnerability function :param consdict: a dictionary riskid -> loss_type -> consequence functions """
[docs] @classmethod # TODO: reading new-style consequences is missing def read(cls, dstore, oqparam): """ :param dstore: a DataStore instance :returns: a :class:`CompositeRiskModel` instance """ risklist = RiskFuncList() risklist.limit_states = dstore.get_attr('crm', 'limit_states') df = dstore.read_df('crm', ['riskid', 'loss_type']) for rf_json in df.riskfunc: rf = hdf5.json_to_obj(rf_json) lt = rf.loss_type if rf.kind == 'fragility': # rf is a FragilityFunctionList risklist.append(rf) else: # rf is a vulnerability function rf.init() if lt.endswith('_retrofitted'): # strip _retrofitted, since len('_retrofitted') = 12 rf.loss_type = lt[:-12] rf.kind = 'vulnerability_retrofitted' else: rf.loss_type = lt rf.kind = 'vulnerability' risklist.append(rf) crm = CompositeRiskModel(oqparam, risklist) crm.tmap = ast.literal_eval(dstore.get_attr('crm', 'tmap')) return crm
def __init__(self, oqparam, risklist, consdict=()): self.oqparam = oqparam self.risklist = risklist # by taxonomy self.consdict = consdict or {} # new style consequences, by anything self.init()
[docs] def set_tmap(self, tmap): """ Set the attribute .tmap if the risk IDs in the taxonomy mapping are consistent with the fragility functions. """ self.tmap = tmap if 'consequence' not in self.oqparam.inputs: return csq_files = [] for fnames in self.oqparam.inputs['consequence'].values(): if isinstance(fnames, list): csq_files.extend(fnames) else: csq_files.append(fnames) cfs = '\n'.join(csq_files) for loss_type in tmap: for byname, coeffs in self.consdict.items(): # ex. byname = "losses_by_taxonomy" if len(coeffs): consequence, tagname = byname.split('_by_') # the taxonomy map is a dictionary loss_type -> # [[(risk_taxon, weight]),...] for each asset taxonomy for pairs in tmap[loss_type][1:]: # strip [('?', 1)] for risk_t, weight in pairs: try: coeffs[risk_t][loss_type] except KeyError as err: raise InvalidFile( 'Missing %s in\n%s' % (err, cfs))
[docs] def check_risk_ids(self, inputs): """ Check that there are no missing risk IDs for some risk functions """ ids_by_kind = AccumDict(accum=set()) for riskfunc in self.risklist: ids_by_kind[riskfunc.kind].add( kinds = tuple(ids_by_kind) # vulnerability, fragility, ... fnames = [fname for kind, fname in inputs.items() if kind.endswith(kinds)] if len(ids_by_kind) > 1: k = next(iter(ids_by_kind)) base_ids = set(ids_by_kind.pop(k)) for kind, ids in ids_by_kind.items(): if ids != base_ids: raise NameError( 'Check in the files %s the IDs %s' % (fnames, sorted(base_ids.symmetric_difference(ids)))) # check imt_by_lt has consistent loss types for all taxonomies if self._riskmodels: missing = AccumDict(accum=[]) for lt in self.loss_types: rms = [] if self.tmap: for pairs in self.tmap[lt][1:]: for risk_id, weight in pairs: rms.append(self._riskmodels[risk_id]) else: rms.extend(self._riskmodels.values()) for rm in rms: try: rm.imt_by_lt[lt] except KeyError: key = '%s/%s' % (kinds[0], lt) fname = self.oqparam._risk_files[key] missing[fname].append(rm.taxonomy) if missing: for fname, ids in missing.items(): raise InvalidFile( '%s: missing %s' % (fname, ' '.join(ids)))
[docs] def compute_csq(self, asset, fractions, loss_type, time_event): """ :param asset: asset record :param fractions: array of probabilies of shape (E, D) :param loss_type: loss type as a string :returns: a dict consequence_name -> array of length E """ csq = AccumDict(accum=0) # consequence -> values per event for byname, coeffs in self.consdict.items(): # ex. byname = "losses_by_taxonomy" if len(coeffs): consequence, tagname = byname.split('_by_') # the taxonomy map is a dictionary loss_type -> # [[(risk_taxon, weight]),...] for each asset taxonomy for risk_t, weight in self.tmap[loss_type][asset['taxonomy']]: # for instance risk_t = 'W_LFM-DUM_H6' cs = coeffs[risk_t][loss_type] csq[consequence] += scientific.consequence( consequence, cs, asset, fractions[:, 1:], loss_type, time_event) * weight return csq
[docs] def init(self): oq = self.oqparam if self.risklist: oq.set_risk_imts(self.risklist) # LEGACY: extract the consequences from the risk models, if any if 'losses_by_taxonomy' not in self.consdict: self.consdict['losses_by_taxonomy'] = {} riskdict = self.risklist.groupby_id() for riskid, rf_by_lt in riskdict.items(): cons_by_lt = {lt: for lt, rf in rf_by_lt.items() if hasattr(rf, 'cf')} if cons_by_lt: # this happens for consequence models in XML format, # see EventBasedDamageTestCase.test_case_11 dtlist = [(lt, F32) for lt in cons_by_lt] coeffs = numpy.zeros(len(self.risklist.limit_states), dtlist) for lt, cf in cons_by_lt.items(): coeffs[lt] = cf.array self.consdict['losses_by_taxonomy'][riskid] = coeffs self.damage_states = [] self._riskmodels = {} # riskid -> crmodel if oq.calculation_mode.endswith('_bcr'): # classical_bcr calculator for riskid, risk_functions in self.risklist.groupby_id().items(): self._riskmodels[riskid] = get_riskmodel( riskid, oq, risk_functions=risk_functions) elif (any(rf.kind == 'fragility' for rf in self.risklist) or 'damage' in oq.calculation_mode): # classical_damage/scenario_damage calculator if oq.calculation_mode in ('classical', 'scenario'): # case when the risk files are in the job_hazard.ini file oq.calculation_mode += '_damage' if 'exposure' not in oq.inputs: raise RuntimeError( 'There are risk files in %r but not ' 'an exposure' % oq.inputs['job_ini']) self.damage_states = ['no_damage'] + list( self.risklist.limit_states) for riskid, ffs_by_lt in self.risklist.groupby_id().items(): self._riskmodels[riskid] = get_riskmodel( riskid, oq, risk_functions=ffs_by_lt) else: # classical, event based and scenario calculators for riskid, vfs in self.risklist.groupby_id().items(): self._riskmodels[riskid] = get_riskmodel( riskid, oq, risk_functions=vfs) self.primary_imtls = oq.get_primary_imtls() self.imtls = oq.imtls self.lti = {} # loss_type -> idx self.covs = 0 # number of coefficients of variation # build a sorted list with all the loss_types contained in the model ltypes = set() for rm in self.values(): ltypes.update(rm.loss_types) self.loss_types = sorted(ltypes) self.taxonomies = set() self.distributions = set() for riskid, rm in self._riskmodels.items(): self.taxonomies.add(riskid) rm.compositemodel = self for lt, rf in rm.risk_functions.items(): if hasattr(rf, 'distribution_name'): self.distributions.add(rf.distribution_name) if hasattr(rf, 'init'): # vulnerability function if oq.ignore_covs: rf.covs = numpy.zeros_like(rf.covs) rf.init() # save the number of nonzero coefficients of variation if hasattr(rf, 'covs') and rf.covs.any(): self.covs += 1 self.curve_params = self.make_curve_params() iml = collections.defaultdict(list) # ._riskmodels is empty if read from the hazard calculation for riskid, rm in self._riskmodels.items(): for lt, rf in rm.risk_functions.items(): if hasattr(rf, 'imt'): # vulnerability iml[rf.imt].append(rf.imls[0]) if sum(oq.minimum_intensity.values()) == 0 and iml: oq.minimum_intensity = {imt: min(ls) for imt, ls in iml.items()}
[docs] def eid_dmg_dt(self): """ :returns: a dtype (eid, dmg) """ L = len(self.lti) D = len(self.damage_states) return numpy.dtype([('eid', U32), ('dmg', (F32, (L, D)))])
[docs] def asset_damage_dt(self, float_dmg_dist): """ :returns: a composite dtype with damages and consequences """ dt = F32 if float_dmg_dist else U32 descr = ([('agg_id', U32), ('event_id', U32), ('loss_id', U8)] + [(dc, dt) for dc in self.get_dmg_csq()]) return numpy.dtype(descr)
@cached_property def taxonomy_dict(self): """ :returns: a dict taxonomy string -> taxonomy index """ # .taxonomy must be set by the engine tdict = {taxo: idx for idx, taxo in enumerate(self.taxonomy)} return tdict
[docs] def get_consequences(self): """ :returns: the list of available consequences """ csq = [] for consequence_by_tagname, arr in self.consdict.items(): if len(arr): csq.append(consequence_by_tagname.split('_by_')[0]) return csq
[docs] def get_dmg_csq(self): """ :returns: damage states (except no_damage) plus consequences """ D = len(self.damage_states) dmgs = ['dmg_%d' % d for d in range(1, D)] return dmgs + self.get_consequences()
[docs] def make_curve_params(self): # the CurveParams are used only in classical_risk, classical_bcr # NB: populate the inner lists .loss_types too cps = [] for lti, loss_type in enumerate(self.loss_types): if self.oqparam.calculation_mode in ( 'classical', 'classical_risk'): curve_resolutions = set() lines = [] allratios = [] for taxo in sorted(self): rm = self[taxo] rf = rm.risk_functions[loss_type] if loss_type in rm.loss_ratios: ratios = rm.loss_ratios[loss_type] allratios.append(ratios) curve_resolutions.add(len(ratios)) lines.append('%s %d' % (rf, len(ratios))) if len(curve_resolutions) > 1: # number of loss ratios is not the same for all taxonomies: # then use the longest array; see classical_risk case_5 allratios.sort(key=len) for rm in self.values(): if rm.loss_ratios[loss_type] != allratios[-1]: rm.loss_ratios[loss_type] = allratios[-1] # logging.debug(f'Redefining loss ratios for {rm}') cp = scientific.CurveParams( lti, loss_type, max(curve_resolutions), allratios[-1], True ) if curve_resolutions else scientific.CurveParams( lti, loss_type, 0, [], False) else: # used only to store the association l -> loss_type cp = scientific.CurveParams(lti, loss_type, 0, [], False) cps.append(cp) self.lti[loss_type] = lti return cps
[docs] def get_loss_ratios(self): """ :returns: a 1-dimensional composite array with loss ratios by loss type """ lst = [('user_provided', bool)] for cp in self.curve_params: lst.append((cp.loss_type, F32, len(cp.ratios))) loss_ratios = numpy.zeros(1, numpy.dtype(lst)) for cp in self.curve_params: loss_ratios['user_provided'] = cp.user_provided loss_ratios[cp.loss_type] = tuple(cp.ratios) return loss_ratios
def __getitem__(self, taxo): return self._riskmodels[taxo]
[docs] def get_output(self, asset_df, haz, sec_losses=(), rndgen=None): """ :param asset_df: a DataFrame of assets with the same taxonomy :param haz: a DataFrame of GMVs on the sites of the assets :param sec_losses: a list of functions :param rndgen: a MultiEventRNG instance :returns: a dictionary keyed by extended loss type """ rc = scientific.RiskComputer(self, asset_df) # rc.pprint() # dic = rc.todict() # rc2 = get_riskcomputer(dic) # dic2 = rc2.todict() # _assert_equal(dic, dic2) return rc.output(haz, sec_losses, rndgen)
def __iter__(self): return iter(sorted(self._riskmodels)) def __len__(self): return len(self._riskmodels)
[docs] def reduce(self, taxonomies): """ :param taxonomies: a set of taxonomies :returns: a new CompositeRiskModel reduced to the given taxonomies """ new = copy.copy(self) new._riskmodels = {} for riskid, rm in self._riskmodels.items(): if riskid in taxonomies: new._riskmodels[riskid] = rm rm.compositemodel = new return new
[docs] def get_attrs(self): loss_types = hdf5.array_of_vstr(self.loss_types) limit_states = hdf5.array_of_vstr(self.damage_states[1:] if self.damage_states else []) attrs = dict(covs=self.covs, loss_types=loss_types, limit_states=limit_states, consequences=self.get_consequences(), tmap=repr(getattr(self, 'tmap', []))) rf = next(iter(self.values())) if hasattr(rf, 'loss_ratios'): for lt in self.loss_types: attrs['loss_ratios_' + lt] = rf.loss_ratios[lt] return attrs
[docs] def to_dframe(self): """ :returns: a DataFrame containing all risk functions """ dic = {'riskid': [], 'loss_type': [], 'riskfunc': []} for riskid, rm in self._riskmodels.items(): for lt, rf in rm.risk_functions.items(): dic['riskid'].append(riskid) dic['loss_type'].append(lt) dic['riskfunc'].append(hdf5.obj_to_json(rf)) return pandas.DataFrame(dic)
def __repr__(self): lines = ['%s: %s' % item for item in sorted(self.items())] return '<%s\n%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, '\n'.join(lines))