# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) 2021 GEM Foundation
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Conditional spectrum calculator, inspired by the disaggregation calculator
import logging
import numpy
from openquake.baselib import general, performance
from openquake.commonlib.calc import compute_hazard_maps, get_mean_curve
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import from_string
from openquake.hazardlib.contexts import read_cmakers
from openquake.hazardlib.calc.cond_spectra import get_cs_out, outdict
from openquake.calculators import base
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
# helper function to be used when saving the spectra as an array
[docs]def to_spectra(outdic, n, p):
:param outdic: dictionary rlz_id -> array MNOP
:param n: site index in the range 0..N-1
:param p: IMLs index in the range 0..P-1
:returns: conditional spectra as an array of shape (R, M, 2)
R = len(outdic)
M = len(outdic[0])
out = numpy.zeros((R, M, 2))
for r in range(R):
c = outdic[r]
out[r, :, 0] = numpy.exp(c[:, n, 1, p]) # NB: seems wrong!
out[r, :, 1] = numpy.sqrt(c[:, n, 2, p])
return out
class ConditionalSpectrumCalculator(base.HazardCalculator):
Conditional spectrum calculator, to be used for few sites only
precalc = 'classical'
accept_precalc = ['classical', 'disaggregation']
[docs] def pre_execute(self):
raise RuntimeError('Please use a more recent version of the engine '
'to run conditional spectrum calculations')
[docs] def execute(self):
Compute the conditional spectrum in a sequential way.
NB: since conditional spectra are meant to be computed only for few
sites, there is no point in parallelizing: the computation is dominated
by the time spent reading the contexts, not by the CPU.
assert self.N <= self.oqparam.max_sites_disagg, (
self.N, self.oqparam.max_sites_disagg)
oq = self.oqparam
self.full_lt = self.datastore['full_lt']
self.trts = list(self.full_lt.gsim_lt.values)
self.imts = list(oq.imtls)
imti = self.imts.index(oq.imt_ref)
self.M = M = len(self.imts)
dstore = (self.datastore.parent if self.datastore.parent
else self.datastore)
totrups = len(dstore['rup/mag'])
logging.info('Reading {:_d} ruptures'.format(totrups))
rdt = [('grp_id', U32), ('idx', U32)]
rdata = numpy.zeros(totrups, rdt)
rdata['idx'] = numpy.arange(totrups)
rdata['grp_id'] = dstore['rup/grp_id'][:]
self.periods = [from_string(imt).period for imt in self.imts]
# extract imls from the "mean" hazard map
curve = get_mean_curve(self.datastore, oq.imt_ref)
# there is 1 site
[self.imls] = compute_hazard_maps(curve, oq.imtls[oq.imt_ref], oq.poes)
self.P = P = len(self.imls)
'cs-rlzs', float, (self.R, M, self.N, 2, self.P))
'cs-rlzs', rlz_id=self.R, period=self.periods, sid=self.N,
cs=2, poe_id=P)
self.datastore.create_dset('cs-stats', float, (1, M, self.N, 2, P))
'cs-stats', stat='mean', period=self.periods, sid=self.N,
cs=['spec', 'std'], poe_id=P)
self.cmakers = read_cmakers(self.datastore)
# self.datastore.swmr_on()
# IMPORTANT!! we rely on the fact that the classical part
# of the calculation stores the ruptures in chunks of constant
# grp_id, therefore it is possible to build (start, stop) slices
out = general.AccumDict() # grp_id => dict
# Computing CS
for gid, start, stop in performance.idx_start_stop(rdata['grp_id']):
cmaker = self.cmakers[gid]
cmaker.poes = oq.poes
ctxs = cmaker.read_ctxs(dstore, slice(start, stop))
for ctx in ctxs:
out += get_cs_out(cmaker, ctx, imti, self.imls)
# Apply weights and get two dictionaries with integer keys
# (corresponding to the rlz ID) and array values
# of shape (M, N, 3, P) where:
# M is the number of IMTs
# N is the number of sites
# 3 is the number of statistical momenta
# P is the the number of IMLs
outdic, outmean = self._apply_weights(out)
# Computing standard deviation
for gid, start, stop in performance.idx_start_stop(rdata['grp_id']):
cmaker = self.cmakers[gid]
cmaker.poes = oq.poes
ctxs = cmaker.read_ctxs(dstore, slice(start, stop))
for ctx in ctxs:
res = get_cs_out(cmaker, ctx, imti, self.imls, outmean[0])
for g in res:
out[g][:, :, 2] += res[g][:, :, 2] # STDDEV
return out
[docs] def convert_and_save(self, dsetname, outdic):
Save the conditional spectra
for n in range(self.N):
for p in range(self.P): # shape (R, M, N, 2, P)
self.datastore[dsetname][:, :, n, :, p] = to_spectra(
outdic, n, p) # shape (R, M, 2)
attrs = dict(imls=self.imls, periods=self.periods)
if self.oqparam.poes:
attrs['poes'] = self.oqparam.poes
self.datastore.set_attrs(dsetname, **attrs)
[docs] def post_execute(self, acc):
# apply weights
outdic, outmean = self._apply_weights(acc)
# convert dictionaries into spectra and save them
self.convert_and_save('cs-rlzs', outdic)
self.convert_and_save('cs-stats', outmean)
def _apply_weights(self, acc):
# build conditional spectra for each realization
rlzs_by_g = self.datastore['rlzs_by_g'][()]
outdic = outdict(self.M, self.N, self.P, 0, self.R)
for _g, rlzs in enumerate(rlzs_by_g):
for r in rlzs:
outdic[r] += acc[_g]
self.convert_and_save('cs-rlzs', outdic)
# build final conditional mean and std
weights = self.datastore['weights'][:]
outmean = outdict(self.M, self.N, self.P, 0, 1) # dict with key 0
for r, weight in enumerate(weights):
outmean[0] += outdic[r] * weight
return outdic, outmean