Source code for openquake.hmtk.models

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"""Simple objects models to represent elements of NRML artifacts. These models
are intended to be produced by NRML XML parsers and consumed by NRML XML
from collections import namedtuple

[docs]class SourceModel(object): """Simple container for source objects, plus metadata. :param str name: Name of the source model. :param sources: Iterable of seismic source objects (:class:`PointSource`, :class:`AreaSource`, :class:`SimpleFaultSource`, :class:`ComplexFaultSource`). """ def __init__(self, name=None, sources=None): = name self.sources = sources def __iter__(self): return iter(self.sources)
[docs]class SeismicSource(object): """ General base class for seismic sources. """ def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, trt=None): = id = name self.trt = trt @property def attrib(self): """ General XML element attributes for a seismic source, as a dict. """ return dict( [ ("id", str(, ("name", str(, ("tectonicRegion", str(self.trt)), ] )
[docs]class PointSource(SeismicSource): """Basic object representation of a Point Source. :param str id: Source identifier, unique within a given model. :param str name: Human-readable name for the source. :param str trt: Tectonic Region Type. :param geometry: :class:`PointGeometry` instance. :param str mag_scale_rel: Magnitude Scaling Relationship. :param float rupt_aspect_ratio: Rupture Aspect Ratio. :param mfd: Magnitude Frequency Distribution. An instance of :class:`IncrementalMFD` or :class:`TGRMFD`. :param list nodal_plane_dist: `list` of :class:`NodalPlane` objects which make up a Nodal Plane Distribution. :param list hypo_depth_dist: `list` of :class:`HypocentralDepth` instances which make up a Hypocentral Depth Distribution. """ def __init__( self, id=None, name=None, trt=None, geometry=None, mag_scale_rel=None, rupt_aspect_ratio=None, mfd=None, nodal_plane_dist=None, hypo_depth_dist=None, ): super(PointSource, self).__init__(id=id, name=name, trt=trt) self.geometry = geometry self.mag_scale_rel = mag_scale_rel self.rupt_aspect_ratio = rupt_aspect_ratio self.mfd = mfd self.nodal_plane_dist = nodal_plane_dist self.hypo_depth_dist = hypo_depth_dist
[docs]class PointGeometry(object): """Basic object representation of a geometry for a :class:`PointSource`. :param str wkt: WKT representing the point geometry (a POINT). :param float upper_seismo_depth: Upper seismogenic depth. :param float lower_seismo_depth: Lower siesmogenic depth. """ def __init__( self, wkt=None, upper_seismo_depth=None, lower_seismo_depth=None ): self.wkt = wkt self.upper_seismo_depth = upper_seismo_depth self.lower_seismo_depth = lower_seismo_depth
[docs]class AreaSource(PointSource): """Basic object representation of an Area Source. :param str id: Source identifier, unique within a given model. :param str name: Human-readable name for the source. :param str trt: Tectonic Region Type. :param geometry: :class:`AreaGeometry` instance. :param str mag_scale_rel: Magnitude Scaling Relationship. :param float rupt_aspect_ratio: Rupture Aspect Ratio. :param mfd: Magnitude Frequency Distribution. An instance of :class:`IncrementalMFD` or :class:`TGRMFD`. :param list nodal_plane_dist: `list` of :class:`NodalPlane` objects which make up a Nodal Plane Distribution. :param list hypo_depth_dist: `list` of :class:`HypocentralDepth` instances which make up a Hypocentral Depth Distribution. """
[docs]class AreaGeometry(PointGeometry): """Basic object representation of a geometry for a :class:`PointSource`. :param str wkt: WKT representing the area geometry (a POLYGON). :param float upper_seismo_depth: Upper seismogenic depth. :param float lower_seismo_depth: Lower siesmogenic depth. """
[docs]class SimpleFaultSource(SeismicSource): """Basic object representation of a Simple Fault Source. :param str id: Source identifier, unique within a given model. :param str name: Human-readable name for the source. :param str trt: Tectonic Region Type. :param geometry: :class:`SimpleFaultGeometry` object. :param str mag_scale_rel: Magnitude Scaling Relationship. :param float rupt_aspect_ratio: Rupture Aspect Ratio. :param mfd: Magnitude Frequency Distribution. An instance of :class:`IncrementalMFD` or :class:`TGRMFD`. :param float rake: Rake angle. """ def __init__( self, id=None, name=None, trt=None, geometry=None, mag_scale_rel=None, rupt_aspect_ratio=None, mfd=None, rake=None, ): super(SimpleFaultSource, self).__init__(id=id, name=name, trt=trt) self.geometry = geometry self.mag_scale_rel = mag_scale_rel self.rupt_aspect_ratio = rupt_aspect_ratio self.mfd = mfd self.rake = rake
[docs]class SimpleFaultGeometry(object): """Basic object representation of a geometry for a :class:`SimpleFaultSource`. :param str wkt: WKT representing the fault trace of a simple fault (a LINESTRING). :param float upper_seismo_depth: Upper seismogenic depth. :param float lower_seismo_depth: Lower siesmogenic depth. """ def __init__( self, id=None, name=None, wkt=None, dip=None, upper_seismo_depth=None, lower_seismo_depth=None, ): self.wkt = wkt self.dip = dip self.upper_seismo_depth = upper_seismo_depth self.lower_seismo_depth = lower_seismo_depth # a string representation useful for tests and debugging def __str__(self): return """SimpleFaultGeometry( wkt=%(wkt)s, dip=%(dip)s, upper_seismo_depth=%(upper_seismo_depth)s, lower_seismo_depth=%(lower_seismo_depth)s) """ % vars(self)
[docs]class ComplexFaultSource(SimpleFaultSource): """Basic object representation of a Complex Fault Source. :param str id: Source identifier, unique within a given model. :param str name: Human-readable name for the source. :param str trt: Tectonic Region Type. :param geometry: :class:`ComplexFaultGeometry` object. :param str mag_scale_rel: Magnitude Scaling Relationship. :param float rupt_aspect_ratio: Rupture Aspect Ratio. :param mfd: Magnitude Frequency Distribution. An instance of :class:`IncrementalMFD` or :class:`TGRMFD`. :param float rake: Rake angle. """
[docs]class ComplexFaultGeometry(object): """Basic object representation of a geometry for a :class:`ComplexFaultSource`. :param str top_edge_wkt: WKT representing the fault top edge (a LINESTRING). :param str bottom_edge_wkt: WKT representing the fault bottom edge (a LINESTRING). :param list int_edges: Intermediate fault edges, between the top edge and bottom edge. A `list` of `str` objects representing the WKT for each intermediate fault edge (each is a LINESTRING). This parameter is optional. """ def __init__( self, top_edge_wkt=None, bottom_edge_wkt=None, int_edges=None ): self.top_edge_wkt = top_edge_wkt self.bottom_edge_wkt = bottom_edge_wkt self.int_edges = int_edges if int_edges is not None else [] # a string representation useful for tests and debugging def __str__(self): return """ComplexFaultGeometry( top_edge_wkt=%(top_edge_wkt)s, bottom_edge_wkt=%(bottom_edge_wkt)s, int_edges=%(int_edges)s """ % vars(self)
[docs]class IncrementalMFD(object): """Basic object representation of an Incremental Magnitude Frequency Distribtion. :param float min_mag: The lowest possible magnitude for this MFD. :param float bin_width: Width of a single histogram bin. :param list occur_rates: `list` of occurrence rates (float values). """ def __init__(self, min_mag=None, bin_width=None, occur_rates=None): self.min_mag = min_mag self.bin_width = bin_width self.occur_rates = occur_rates @property def attrib(self): """ A dict of XML element attributes for this MFD. """ return dict( [ ("minMag", str(self.min_mag)), ("binWidth", str(self.bin_width)), ] )
[docs]class TGRMFD(object): """Basic object representation of a Truncated Gutenberg-Richter Magnitude Frequency Distribution. :param float a_val: 10 ** a_val is the number of of earthquakes per year with magnitude greater than or equal to 0. :param float b_val: Decay rate of the exponential distribution. :param float min_mag: The lowest possible magnitude for this MFD. :param float max_mag: The highest possible magnitude for this MFD. """ def __init__(self, a_val=None, b_val=None, min_mag=None, max_mag=None): self.a_val = a_val self.b_val = b_val self.min_mag = min_mag self.max_mag = max_mag @property def attrib(self): """ An dict of XML element attributes for this MFD. """ return dict( [ ("aValue", str(self.a_val)), ("bValue", str(self.b_val)), ("minMag", str(self.min_mag)), ("maxMag", str(self.max_mag)), ] )
[docs]class NodalPlane(object): """Basic object representation of a single node in a Nodal Plane Distribution. :param probability: Probability for this node in a Nodal Plane Distribution, as a float. :param float strike: Strike angle. :param float dip: Dip angle. :param float rake: Rake angle. """ def __init__(self, probability=None, strike=None, dip=None, rake=None): self.probability = probability self.strike = strike self.dip = dip self.rake = rake @property def attrib(self): """ A dict of XML element attributes for this NodalPlane. """ return dict( [ ("probability", str(self.probability)), ("strike", str(self.strike)), ("dip", str(self.dip)), ("rake", str(self.rake)), ] )
[docs]class HypocentralDepth(object): """Basic object representation of a single node in a Hypocentral Depth Distribution. :param probability: Probability for this node in a Hypocentral Depth Distribution, as a float. :param float depth: Depth (in km). """ def __init__(self, probability=None, depth=None): self.probability = probability self.depth = depth @property def attrib(self): """ An dict of XML element attribute for this HypocentralDepth. """ return dict( [ ("probability", str(self.probability)), ("depth", str(self.depth)), ] )
[docs]class SiteModel(object): """Basic object representation of a single node in a model of site-specific parameters. :param float vs30: Average shear wave velocity for top 30 m. Units m/s. :param str vs30_type: 'measured' or 'inferred'. Identifies if vs30 value has been measured or inferred. :param float z1pt0: Depth to shear wave velocity of 1.0 km/s. Units m. :param float z2pt5: Depth to shear wave velocity of 2.5 km/s. Units km. :param wkt: Well-known text (POINT) represeting the location of these parameters. """ def __init__( self, vs30=None, vs30_type=None, z1pt0=None, z2pt5=None, wkt=None ): self.vs30 = vs30 self.vs30_type = vs30_type self.z1pt0 = z1pt0 self.z2pt5 = z2pt5 self.wkt = wkt
[docs]class SimpleFaultRuptureModel(object): """Basic object representation of a Simple Fault Rupture. :param str id: Rupture identifier, unique within a given model. :param float magnitude: Magnitude. :param float rake: Rake angle. :param list hypocenter: Floats representing lon, lat and depth. :param geometry: :class:`SimpleFaultGeometry` object. """ def __init__( self, id=None, magnitude=None, rake=None, hypocenter=None, geometry=None, ): = id self.magnitude = magnitude self.rake = rake self.hypocenter = hypocenter self.geometry = geometry
[docs]class ComplexFaultRuptureModel(SimpleFaultRuptureModel): """Basic object representation of a Complex Fault Rupture. :param str id: Rupture identifier, unique within a given model. :param float magnitude: Magnitude. :param float rake: Rake angle. :param list hypocenter: Floats representing lon, lat and depth. :param geometry: :class:`ComplexFaultGeometry` object. """
[docs]class CharacteristicSource(SeismicSource): """ Basic object representation of a characteristic fault source. :param str id: Source identifier, unique within a given model. :param str name: Human-readable name for the source. :param str trt: Tectonic Region Type. :param mfd: Magnitude Frequency Distribution. An instance of :class:`IncrementalMFD` or :class:`TGRMFD`. :param float rake: Rake angle. :param surface: A :class:`SimpleFaultGeometry`, :class:`ComplexFaultGeometry`, or a list of :class:`PlanarSurface` objects. """ def __init__( self, id=None, name=None, trt=None, mfd=None, rake=None, surface=None ): super(CharacteristicSource, self).__init__(id=id, name=name, trt=trt) self.mfd = mfd self.rake = rake self.surface = surface
[docs]class PlanarSurface(object): """ :param strike: Strike angle. :param dip: Dip angle. :param top_left,top_right,bottom_left,bottom_right: Corner points of the planar surface, represented by :class:`Point` objects. """ def __init__( self, strike=None, dip=None, top_left=None, top_right=None, bottom_left=None, bottom_right=None, ): self.strike = strike self.dip = dip self.top_left = top_left self.top_right = top_right self.bottom_left = bottom_left self.bottom_right = bottom_right
[docs]class Point(object): """ A simple representation of longitude, latitude, and depth. :param longitude: Longitude :param latitude: Latitude :param depth: Depth """ def __init__(self, longitude=None, latitude=None, depth=None): self.longitude = longitude self.latitude = latitude self.depth = depth
[docs]class HazardCurveModel(object): """ Simple container for hazard curve objects. The accepted arguments are:: * investigation_time * imt * imls * statistics * quantile_value * sa_period * sa_damping * data_iter (optional), an iterable returning pairs with the form (poes_array, location). """ def __init__(self, **metadata): self._data_iter = metadata.pop("data_iter", ()) self.metadata = metadata vars(self).update(metadata) def __iter__(self): return self._data_iter
HazardCurveData = namedtuple("HazardCurveData", "location poes") Location = namedtuple("Location", "x y")