Source code for openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture

# coding: utf-8
# The Hazard Library
# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 GEM Foundation
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Module :mod:`openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture` defines classes
:class:`BaseRupture` and its subclasses
:class:`NonParametricProbabilisticRupture` and
import abc
import numpy
import math
import logging
import itertools
import json
from openquake.baselib import general, hdf5
from openquake.hazardlib import geo, site, scalerel
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.nodalplane import NodalPlane
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.mesh import (
    Mesh, RectangularMesh, surface_to_arrays)
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.point import Point
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.geodetic import geodetic_distance
from openquake.hazardlib.near_fault import (
    get_plane_equation, projection_pp, directp, average_s_rad, isochone_ratio)
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.surface import BaseSurface, PlanarSurface

U8 = numpy.uint8
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
I64 = numpy.int64
F32 = numpy.float32
F64 = numpy.float64
TWO16 = 2 ** 16
TWO24 = 2 ** 24
TWO30 = 2 ** 30
TWO32 = 2 ** 32

MSR = scalerel._get_available_class(scalerel.BaseMSR)

pmf_dt = numpy.dtype([
    ('prob', float),
    ('occ', U32)])

events_dt = numpy.dtype([
    ('id', U32),
    ('rup_id', I64),
    ('rlz_id', U16)])

rup_dt = numpy.dtype([
    ('seed', U32),
    ('mag', F32),
    ('rake', F32),
    ('lon', F32),
    ('lat', F32),
    ('dep', F32),
    ('multiplicity', U32),
    ('trt', hdf5.vstr),
    ('kind', hdf5.vstr),
    ('mesh', hdf5.vstr),
    ('extra', hdf5.vstr)])

rupture_dt = numpy.dtype([
    ('id', I64),
    ('seed', I64),
    ('source_id', U32),
    ('trt_smr', U32),
    ('code', U8),
    ('n_occ', U32),
    ('mag', F32),
    ('rake', F32),
    ('occurrence_rate', F32),
    ('minlon', F32),
    ('minlat', F32),
    ('maxlon', F32),
    ('maxlat', F32),
    ('hypo', (F32, 3)),
    ('geom_id', U32),
    ('nsites', U32),
    ('e0', U32),
    ('model', '<S3')])

code2cls = {}

[docs]def to_csv_array(ebruptures): """ :param ebruptures: a list of EBRuptures :returns: an array suitable for serialization in CSV """ if not code2cls: code2cls.update(BaseRupture.init()) arr = numpy.zeros(len(ebruptures), rup_dt) for rec, ebr in zip(arr, ebruptures): rup = ebr.rupture # s0=number of multi surfaces, s1=number of rows, s2=number of columns arrays = surface_to_arrays(rup.surface) # shape (s0, 3, s1, s2) rec['seed'] = ebr.seed rec['mag'] = rup.mag rec['rake'] = rup.rake rec['lon'] = rup.hypocenter.x rec['lat'] = rup.hypocenter.y rec['dep'] = rup.hypocenter.z rec['multiplicity'] = rup.multiplicity rec['trt'] = rup.tectonic_region_type rec['kind'] = ' '.join(cls.__name__ for cls in code2cls[rup.code]) rec['mesh'] = json.dumps( [[[[float5(z) for z in y] for y in x] for x in array] for array in arrays]) extra = {} if hasattr(rup, 'probs_occur'): extra['probs_occur'] = rup.probs_occur else: extra['occurrence_rate'] = rup.occurrence_rate if hasattr(rup, 'weight'): extra['weight'] = rup.weight _fixfloat32(extra) rec['extra'] = json.dumps(extra) return arr
[docs]def to_arrays(geom): """ :param geom: an array [num_surfaces, shape_y, shape_z ..., coords] :returns: a list of num_surfaces arrays with shape (3, shape_y, shape_z) """ arrays = [] num_surfaces = int(geom[0]) start = num_surfaces * 2 + 1 for i in range(1, 2 * num_surfaces, 2): s1, s2 = int(geom[i]), int(geom[i + 1]) size = s1 * s2 * 3 array = geom[start:start + size].reshape(3, s1, s2) arrays.append(array) start += size return arrays
[docs]def get_ebr(rec, geom, trt): """ Convert a rupture record plus geometry into an EBRupture instance """ # rec: a dictionary or a record # geom: if any, an array of floats32 convertible into a mesh # NB: not implemented: rupture_slip_direction if not code2cls: code2cls.update(BaseRupture.init()) # build surface arrays = to_arrays(geom) mesh = arrays[0] rupture_cls, surface_cls = code2cls[rec['code']] surface = object.__new__(surface_cls) if surface_cls is geo.PlanarSurface: surface = geo.PlanarSurface.from_array(mesh[:, 0, :]) elif surface_cls is geo.MultiSurface: if all(array.shape == (3, 1, 4) for array in arrays): # for PlanarSurfaces each array has shape (3, 1, 4) surface.__init__([ geo.PlanarSurface.from_array(array[:, 0, :]) for array in arrays]) else: # assume KiteSurfaces surface.__init__([geo.KiteSurface(RectangularMesh(*array)) for array in arrays]) elif surface_cls is geo.GriddedSurface: # fault surface, strike and dip will be computed surface.strike = surface.dip = None surface.mesh = Mesh(*mesh) else: # fault surface, strike and dip will be computed surface.strike = surface.dip = None surface.__init__(RectangularMesh(*mesh)) # build rupture rupture = object.__new__(rupture_cls) rupture.seed = rec['seed'] rupture.surface = surface rupture.mag = rec['mag'] rupture.rake = rec['rake'] rupture.hypocenter = geo.Point(*rec['hypo']) rupture.occurrence_rate = rec['occurrence_rate'] try: rupture.probs_occur = rec['probs_occur'] except (KeyError, ValueError): # rec can be a numpy record pass rupture.tectonic_region_type = trt rupture.multiplicity = rec['n_occ'] # build EBRupture ebr = EBRupture(rupture, rec['source_id'], rec['trt_smr'], rec['n_occ'], rec['id'] % TWO30, rec['e0']) ebr.seed = rec['seed'] return ebr
[docs]def float5(x): # a float with 5 digits return round(float(x), 5)
def _fixfloat32(dic): # work around a TOML/numpy issue for k, v in dic.items(): if isinstance(v, F32): dic[k] = float5(v) elif isinstance(v, tuple): dic[k] = [float5(x) for x in v] elif isinstance(v, numpy.ndarray): if len(v.shape) == 3: # 3D array dic[k] = [[[float5(z) for z in y] for y in x] for x in v] elif len(v.shape) == 2: # 2D array dic[k] = [[float5(y) for y in x] for x in v] elif len(v.shape) == 1: # 1D array dic[k] = [float5(x) for x in v] else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def to_checksum8(cls1, cls2): """ Convert a pair of classes into a numeric code (uint8) """ names = '%s,%s' % (cls1.__name__, cls2.__name__) return sum(map(ord, names)) % 256
[docs]class BaseRupture(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Rupture object represents a single earthquake rupture. :param mag: Magnitude of the rupture. :param rake: Rake value of the rupture. See :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.geo.nodalplane.NodalPlane`. :param tectonic_region_type: Rupture's tectonic regime. One of constants in :class:`openquake.hazardlib.const.TRT`. :param hypocenter: A :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.geo.point.Point`, rupture's hypocenter. :param surface: An instance of subclass of :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.geo.surface.base.BaseSurface`. Object representing the rupture surface geometry. :param rupture_slip_direction: Angle describing rupture propagation direction in decimal degrees. :raises ValueError: If magnitude value is not positive, or tectonic region type is unknown. NB: if you want to convert the rupture into XML, you should set the attribute surface_nodes to an appropriate value. """ _code = {}
[docs] @classmethod def init(cls): """ Initialize the class dictionary `._code` by encoding the bidirectional correspondence between an integer in the range 0..255 (the code) and a pair of classes (rupture_class, surface_class). This is useful when serializing the rupture to and from HDF5. :returns: {code: pair of classes} """ rupture_classes = [BaseRupture] + list( general.gen_subclasses(BaseRupture)) surface_classes = list(general.gen_subclasses(BaseSurface)) code2cls = {} BaseRupture.str2code = {} for rup, sur in itertools.product(rupture_classes, surface_classes): chk = to_checksum8(rup, sur) if chk in code2cls and code2cls[chk] != (rup, sur): raise ValueError('Non-unique checksum %d for %s, %s' % (chk, rup, sur)) cls._code[rup, sur] = chk code2cls[chk] = rup, sur BaseRupture.str2code['%s %s' % (rup.__name__, sur.__name__)] = chk return code2cls
def __init__(self, mag, rake, tectonic_region_type, hypocenter, surface, rupture_slip_direction=None, weight=None): if not mag > 0: raise ValueError('magnitude must be positive') NodalPlane.check_rake(rake) self.tectonic_region_type = tectonic_region_type self.rake = rake self.mag = mag self.hypocenter = hypocenter self.surface = surface self.rupture_slip_direction = rupture_slip_direction self.ruid = None @property def hypo_depth(self): """Returns the hypocentral depth""" return self.hypocenter.z @property def code(self): """Returns the code (integer in the range 0 .. 255) of the rupture""" return self._code[self.__class__, self.surface.__class__]
[docs] def size(self): """ Dummy method for compatibility with the RuptureContext. :returns: 1 """ return 1
[docs] def sample_number_of_occurrences(self, n, rng): """ Randomly sample number of occurrences from temporal occurrence model probability distribution. .. note:: This method is using random numbers. In order to reproduce the same results numpy random numbers generator needs to be seeded, see :returns: numpy array of size n with number of rupture occurrences """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class NonParametricProbabilisticRupture(BaseRupture): """ Probabilistic rupture for which the probability distribution for rupture occurrence is described through a generic probability mass function. :param pmf: Instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF`. Values in the abscissae represent number of rupture occurrences (in increasing order, staring from 0) and values in the ordinates represent associated probabilities. Example: if, for a given time span, a rupture has probability ``0.8`` to not occurr, ``0.15`` to occur once, and ``0.05`` to occur twice, the ``pmf`` can be defined as :: pmf = PMF([(0.8, 0), (0.15, 1), 0.05, 2)]) :raises ValueError: If number of ruptures in ``pmf`` do not start from 0, are not defined in increasing order, and if they are not defined with unit step """ def __init__(self, mag, rake, tectonic_region_type, hypocenter, surface, pmf, rupture_slip_direction=None, weight=None): occ = numpy.array([occ for (prob, occ) in]) if not occ[0] == 0: raise ValueError('minimum number of ruptures must be zero') if not numpy.all(numpy.sort(occ) == occ): raise ValueError( 'numbers of ruptures must be defined in increasing order') if not numpy.all(numpy.diff(occ) == 1): raise ValueError( 'numbers of ruptures must be defined with unit step') super().__init__( mag, rake, tectonic_region_type, hypocenter, surface, rupture_slip_direction, weight) # an array of probabilities with sum 1 self.probs_occur = numpy.array([prob for (prob, occ) in]) if weight is not None: self.weight = weight
[docs] def sample_number_of_occurrences(self, n, rng): """ See :meth:`superclass method <.rupture.BaseRupture.sample_number_of_occurrences>` for spec of input and result values. Uses 'Inverse Transform Sampling' method. """ # compute cdf from pmf cdf = numpy.cumsum(self.probs_occur) n_occ = numpy.digitize(rng.random(n), cdf) return n_occ
[docs]class ParametricProbabilisticRupture(BaseRupture): """ :class:`Rupture` associated with an occurrence rate and a temporal occurrence model. :param occurrence_rate: Number of times rupture happens per year. :param temporal_occurrence_model: Temporal occurrence model assigned for this rupture. Should be an instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.tom.PoissonTOM`. :raises ValueError: If occurrence rate is not positive. """ def __init__(self, mag, rake, tectonic_region_type, hypocenter, surface, occurrence_rate, temporal_occurrence_model, rupture_slip_direction=None): if not occurrence_rate > 0: raise ValueError('occurrence rate must be positive') super().__init__( mag, rake, tectonic_region_type, hypocenter, surface, rupture_slip_direction) self.temporal_occurrence_model = temporal_occurrence_model self.occurrence_rate = occurrence_rate
[docs] def get_probability_one_or_more_occurrences(self): """ Return the probability of this rupture to occur one or more times. Uses :meth:`~openquake.hazardlib.tom.PoissonTOM.get_probability_one_or_more_occurrences` of an assigned temporal occurrence model. """ tom = self.temporal_occurrence_model rate = self.occurrence_rate return tom.get_probability_one_or_more_occurrences(rate)
[docs] def get_probability_one_occurrence(self): """ Return the probability of this rupture to occur exactly one time. Uses :meth: `openquake.hazardlib.tom.PoissonTOM.get_probability_n_occurrences` of an assigned temporal occurrence model. """ tom = self.temporal_occurrence_model rate = self.occurrence_rate return tom.get_probability_n_occurrences(rate, 1)
[docs] def sample_number_of_occurrences(self, n, rng): """ Draw a random sample from the distribution and return a number of events to occur as an array of integers of size n. Uses :meth: `openquake.hazardlib.tom.PoissonTOM.sample_number_of_occurrences` of an assigned temporal occurrence model. """ r = self.occurrence_rate * self.temporal_occurrence_model.time_span return rng.poisson(r, n)
[docs] def get_dppvalue(self, site): """ Get the directivity prediction value, DPP at a given site as described in Spudich et al. (2013). :param site: :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.geo.point.Point` object representing the location of the target site :returns: A float number, directivity prediction value (DPP). """ origin = self.surface.get_resampled_top_edge()[0] dpp_multi = [] index_patch = self.surface.hypocentre_patch_index( self.hypocenter, self.surface.get_resampled_top_edge(), self.surface.mesh.depths[0][0], self.surface.mesh.depths[-1][0], self.surface.get_dip()) idx_nxtp = True hypocenter = self.hypocenter while idx_nxtp: # E Plane Calculation p0, p1, p2, p3 = self.surface.get_fault_patch_vertices( self.surface.get_resampled_top_edge(), self.surface.mesh.depths[0][0], self.surface.mesh.depths[-1][0], self.surface.get_dip(), index_patch=index_patch) [normal, dist_to_plane] = get_plane_equation( p0, p1, p2, origin) pp = projection_pp(site, normal, dist_to_plane, origin) pd, e, idx_nxtp = directp( p0, p1, p2, p3, hypocenter, origin, pp) pd_geo = origin.point_at( (pd[0] ** 2 + pd[1] ** 2) ** 0.5, -pd[2], numpy.degrees(math.atan2(pd[0], pd[1]))) # determine the lower bound of E path value f1 = geodetic_distance(p0.longitude, p0.latitude, p1.longitude, p1.latitude) f2 = geodetic_distance(p2.longitude, p2.latitude, p3.longitude, p3.latitude) if f1 > f2: f = f1 else: f = f2 fs, rd, r_hyp = average_s_rad(site, hypocenter, origin, pp, normal, dist_to_plane, e, p0, p1, self.rupture_slip_direction) cprime = isochone_ratio(e, rd, r_hyp) dpp_exp = cprime * numpy.maximum(e, 0.1 * f) *\ numpy.maximum(fs, 0.2) dpp_multi.append(dpp_exp) # check if go through the next patch of the fault index_patch = index_patch + 1 if (len(self.surface.get_resampled_top_edge()) <= 2) and (index_patch >= len(self.surface.get_resampled_top_edge())): idx_nxtp = False elif index_patch >= len(self.surface.get_resampled_top_edge()): idx_nxtp = False elif idx_nxtp: hypocenter = pd_geo idx_nxtp = True # calculate DPP value of the site. dpp = numpy.log(numpy.sum(dpp_multi)) return dpp
[docs] def get_cdppvalue(self, target, buf=1.0, delta=0.01, space=2.): """ Get the directivity prediction value, centered DPP(cdpp) at a given site as described in Spudich et al. (2013), and this cdpp is used in Chiou and Young (2014) GMPE for near-fault directivity term prediction. :param target_site: A mesh object representing the location of the target sites. :param buf: A buffer distance in km to extend the mesh borders :param delta: The distance between two adjacent points in the mesh :param space: The tolerance for the distance of the sites (default 2 km) :returns: The centered directivity prediction value of Chiou and Young """ min_lon, max_lon, max_lat, min_lat = self.surface.get_bounding_box() min_lon -= buf max_lon += buf min_lat -= buf max_lat += buf lons = numpy.arange(min_lon, max_lon + delta, delta) # ex shape (233,) lats = numpy.arange(min_lat, max_lat + delta, delta) # ex shape (204,) mesh = RectangularMesh(*numpy.meshgrid(lons, lats)) mesh_rup = self.surface.get_min_distance(mesh).reshape(mesh.shape) # ex shape (204, 233) target_rup = self.surface.get_min_distance(target) # ex shape (2,) cdpp = numpy.zeros_like(target.lons) for i, (target_lon, target_lat) in enumerate( zip(target.lons, target.lats)): # indices around target_rup[i] around = (mesh_rup <= target_rup[i] + space) & ( mesh_rup >= target_rup[i] - space) dpp_target = self.get_dppvalue(Point(target_lon, target_lat)) dpp_mean = numpy.mean( [self.get_dppvalue(Point(lon, lat)) for lon, lat in zip(mesh.lons[around], mesh.lats[around])]) cdpp[i] = dpp_target - dpp_mean return cdpp
[docs]class PointSurface: """ A fake surface used in PointRuptures. """ def __init__(self, hypocenter): self.hypocenter = hypocenter
[docs] def get_strike(self): return 0
[docs] def get_dip(self): return 0
[docs] def get_top_edge_depth(self): return self.hypocenter.depth
[docs] def get_width(self): return 0
[docs] def get_closest_points(self, mesh): """ :returns: N times the hypocenter if N is the number of points """ N = len(mesh) lons = numpy.full(N, self.hypocenter.x) lats = numpy.full(N, self.hypocenter.y) deps = numpy.full(N, self.hypocenter.z) return Mesh(lons, lats, deps)
[docs] def get_min_distance(self, mesh): """ :returns: the distance from the hypocenter to the mesh """ return self.hypocenter.distance_to_mesh(mesh).min()
def __bool__(self): return False
[docs]class PointRupture(ParametricProbabilisticRupture): """ A rupture coming from a far away PointSource, so that the finite size effects can be neglected. """ def __init__(self, mag, tectonic_region_type, hypocenter, occurrence_rate, temporal_occurrence_model, zbot=0): self.mag = mag self.tectonic_region_type = tectonic_region_type self.hypocenter = hypocenter self.occurrence_rate = occurrence_rate self.temporal_occurrence_model = temporal_occurrence_model self.surface = PointSurface(hypocenter) self.rake = 0 self.dip = 0 self.strike = 0 self.zbot = zbot # bottom edge depth, used in Campbell-Bozorgnia
[docs]def get_geom(surface, is_from_fault_source, is_multi_surface, is_gridded_surface): """ The following fields can be interpreted different ways, depending on the value of `is_from_fault_source`. If `is_from_fault_source` is True, each of these fields should contain a 2D numpy array (all of the same shape). Each triple of (lon, lat, depth) for a given index represents the node of a rectangular mesh. If `is_from_fault_source` is False, each of these fields should contain a sequence (tuple, list, or numpy array, for example) of 4 values. In order, the triples of (lon, lat, depth) represent top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right corners of the the rupture's planar surface. Update: There is now a third case. If the rupture originated from a characteristic fault source with a multi-planar-surface geometry, `lons`, `lats`, and `depths` will contain one or more sets of 4 points, similar to how planar surface geometry is stored (see above). :param surface: a Surface instance :param is_from_fault_source: a boolean :param is_multi_surface: a boolean """ if is_from_fault_source: # for simple and complex fault sources, # rupture surface geometry is represented by a mesh surf_mesh = surface.mesh lons = surf_mesh.lons lats = surf_mesh.lats depths = surf_mesh.depths else: if is_multi_surface: # `list` of # openquake.hazardlib.geo.surface.planar.PlanarSurface # objects: surfaces = surface.surfaces # lons, lats, and depths are arrays with len == 4*N, # where N is the number of surfaces in the # multisurface for each `corner_*`, the ordering is: # - top left # - top right # - bottom left # - bottom right lons = numpy.concatenate([x.corner_lons for x in surfaces]) lats = numpy.concatenate([x.corner_lats for x in surfaces]) depths = numpy.concatenate([x.corner_depths for x in surfaces]) elif is_gridded_surface: # the surface mesh has shape (1, N) lons = surface.mesh.lons[0] lats = surface.mesh.lats[0] depths = surface.mesh.depths[0] else: # For area or point source, # rupture geometry is represented by a planar surface, # defined by 3D corner points lons = numpy.zeros((4)) lats = numpy.zeros((4)) depths = numpy.zeros((4)) # NOTE: It is important to maintain the order of these # corner points. TODO: check the ordering for i, corner in enumerate((surface.top_left, surface.top_right, surface.bottom_left, surface.bottom_right)): lons[i] = corner.longitude lats[i] = corner.latitude depths[i] = corner.depth return lons, lats, depths
[docs]class ExportedRupture(object): """ Simplified Rupture class with attributes rupid, events_by_ses, indices and others, used in export. :param rupid: rupture ID :param events_by_ses: dictionary ses_idx -> event records :param indices: site indices """ def __init__(self, rupid, n_occ, events_by_ses, indices=None): self.rupid = rupid self.n_occ = n_occ self.events_by_ses = events_by_ses self.indices = indices
[docs]class EBRupture(object): """ An event based rupture. It is a wrapper over a hazardlib rupture object. :param rupture: the underlying rupture :param str source_id: ID of the source that generated the rupture :param int trt_smr: an integer describing TRT and source model realization :param int n_occ: number of occurrences of the rupture :param int e0: initial event ID (default 0) :param bool scenario: True for scenario ruptures, default False """ seed = 'NA' # set by the engine def __init__(self, rupture, source_id=0, trt_smr=0, n_occ=1, id=0, e0=0, seed=42): self.rupture = rupture self.source_id = source_id self.trt_smr = trt_smr self.n_occ = n_occ = source_id * TWO30 + id self.e0 = e0 self.seed = seed @property def tectonic_region_type(self): return self.rupture.tectonic_region_type @property def mag(self): return self.rupture.mag
[docs] def get_eids(self): """ :returns: an array of event IDs """ return numpy.arange(self.n_occ, dtype=U32)
def __repr__(self): return '<%s %d[%d]>' % ( self.__class__.__name__,, self.n_occ)
[docs]def get_eid_rlz(rec, rlzs, scenario): """ :param rlzs: an array of realization indices :param scenario: if true distribute the rlzs evenly else randomly :returns: two arrays (eid, rlz) """ e0 = rec['e0'] n = rec['n_occ'] eid = numpy.arange(e0, e0 + n, dtype=U32) if scenario: # the rlzs are distributed evenly rlz = rlzs[numpy.arange(rec['n_occ']) // (n // len(rlzs))] else: # event_based: the rlzs are distributed randomly rlz = general.random_choice(rlzs, n, 0, rec['seed']) return eid, rlz
[docs]def get_events(recs, rlzs, scenario): """ Build the associations event_id -> rlz_id for each rup_id. :returns: a structured array with fields ('id', 'rup_id', 'rlz_id') """ n_occ = sum(rec['n_occ'] for rec in recs) out = numpy.zeros(n_occ, events_dt) start = 0 for rec in recs: n = rec['n_occ'] stop = start + n slc = out[start:stop] eid, rlz = get_eid_rlz(rec, rlzs, scenario) slc['id'] = eid slc['rlz_id'] = rlz slc['rup_id'] = rec['id'] start = stop return out
[docs]class RuptureProxy(object): """ A proxy for a rupture record. :param rec: a record with the rupture parameters """ def __init__(self, rec): self.rec = rec def __getitem__(self, name): return self.rec[name] # NB: requires the .geom attribute to be set
[docs] def to_ebr(self, trt): """ :returns: EBRupture instance associated to the underlying rupture """ return get_ebr(self.rec, self.geom, trt)
def __repr__(self): return '<%s#%d[%s], w=%d>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self['id'], self['source_id'], self['n_occ'])
[docs]def get_ruptures(fname_csv): """ Read ruptures in CSV format and return an ArrayWrapper. :param fname_csv: path to the CSV file """ if not BaseRupture._code: BaseRupture.init() # initialize rupture codes code = BaseRupture.str2code aw = hdf5.read_csv(fname_csv, {n: rup_dt[n] for n in rup_dt.names}) rups = [] geoms = [] n_occ = 1 for u, row in enumerate(aw.array): hypo = row['lon'], row['lat'], row['dep'] dic = json.loads(row['extra']) meshes = [F32(m) for m in json.loads(row['mesh'])] # 3D arrays num_surfaces = len(meshes) shapes = [] points = [] minlons = [] maxlons = [] minlats = [] maxlats = [] for mesh in meshes: shapes.extend(mesh.shape[1:]) points.extend(mesh.flatten()) # lons + lats + deps minlons.append(mesh[0].min()) minlats.append(mesh[1].min()) maxlons.append(mesh[0].max()) maxlats.append(mesh[1].max()) rec = numpy.zeros(1, rupture_dt)[0] rec['seed'] = row['seed'] rec['minlon'] = minlon = min(minlons) rec['minlat'] = minlat = min(minlats) rec['maxlon'] = maxlon = max(maxlons) rec['maxlat'] = maxlat = max(maxlats) rec['mag'] = row['mag'] rec['hypo'] = hypo rate = dic.get('occurrence_rate', numpy.nan) trt_smr = aw.trts.index(row['trt']) * TWO24 tup = (u, row['seed'], 0, trt_smr, code[row['kind']], n_occ, row['mag'], row['rake'], rate, minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat, hypo, u, 1, 0, '???') rups.append(tup) geoms.append(numpy.concatenate([[num_surfaces], shapes, points])) if not rups: return () dic = dict(geom=numpy.array(geoms, object), trts=aw.trts) # NB: PMFs for nonparametric ruptures are missing return hdf5.ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(rups, rupture_dt), dic)
[docs]def fix_vertices_order(array43): """ Make sure the point inside array43 are in the form top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right The convention used in the USGS format has the last two points inverted with respect to what is expected by OQ """ top_left = array43[0] top_right = array43[1] bottom_left = array43[3] bottom_right = array43[2] return numpy.array([top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right])
[docs]def is_matrix(rows): """ :returns: False if the rows have different lenghts """ lens = [len(row) for row in rows] return len(set(lens)) == 1
[docs]def get_multiplanar(multipolygon_coords, mag, rake, trt): """ :param multipolygon_coords: an array or list of shape (P, 5, 3) coming from geojson :returns: a BaseRupture with a PlanarSurface or a multiPlanarSurface """ # NB: in geojson the last vertex is the same as the first, so I discard it # expecting shape (P, 4, 3) coords = numpy.array(multipolygon_coords, float)[:, :-1, :] P, vertices, _ = coords.shape if vertices != 4: raise ValueError('Expecting 4 vertices, got %d' % vertices) for p, array43 in enumerate(coords): coords[p] = fix_vertices_order(array43) if P == 1: surf = PlanarSurface.from_array(coords[0, :, :].T) else: surf = geo.MultiSurface([geo.PlanarSurface.from_array(array.T) for array in coords]) rup = BaseRupture(mag, rake, trt, surf.get_middle_point(), surf) rup.rup_id = 0 return rup
[docs]def get_planar(site, msr, mag, aratio, strike, dip, rake, trt, ztor=None): """ :returns: a BaseRupture with a PlanarSurface built around the site """ hc = site.location surf = PlanarSurface.from_hypocenter(hc, msr, mag, aratio, strike, dip, rake, ztor) rup = BaseRupture(mag, rake, trt, hc, surf) rup.rup_id = 0 vars(rup).update(vars(site)) return rup
# use a hard-coded MSR def _width_length(mag, rake): assert rake is None or -180 <= rake <= 180, rake if rake is None: # "All" case return 10.0 ** (-1.01 + 0.32 * mag), 10.0 ** (-2.44 + 0.59 * mag) elif -45 <= rake <= 45 or rake >= 135 or rake <= -135: # strike slip return 10.0 ** (-0.76 + 0.27 * mag), 10.0 ** (-2.57 + 0.62 * mag) elif rake > 0: # thrust/reverse return 10.0 ** (-1.61 + 0.41 * mag), 10.0 ** (-2.42 + 0.58 * mag) else: # normal return 10.0 ** (-1.14 + 0.35 * mag), 10.0 ** (-1.88 + 0.50 * mag) # copied from the Input Preparation Toolkit (IPT) algorithm
[docs]def build_planar(hypocenter, mag, rake, strike=0., dip=90., trt='*'): """ Build a rupture with a PlanarSurface suitable for scenario calculations """ # copying the algorithm used in PlanarSurface.from_hypocenter # with a fixed Magnitude-Scaling Relationship rdip = math.radians(dip) rup_width, rup_length = _width_length(mag, rake) if rup_length > 1000.: logging.error(f'{rup_length=} is wrong, the hand-coded MSR is wrong, ' 'using 1000 km instead') rup_length = 1000. # calculate the height of the rupture being projected # on the vertical plane: rup_proj_height = rup_width * math.sin(rdip) # and its width being projected on the horizontal one: rup_proj_width = rup_width * math.cos(rdip) # half height of the vertical component of rupture width # is the vertical distance between the rupture geometrical # center and it's upper and lower borders: hheight = rup_proj_height / 2. # calculate how much shallower the upper border of the rupture # is than the upper seismogenic depth: vshift = hheight - hypocenter.depth # if it is shallower (vshift > 0) than we need to move the rupture # by that value vertically. rupture_center = hypocenter if vshift > 0: # we need to move the rupture center to make the rupture plane # lie below the surface hshift = abs(vshift / math.tan(rdip)) rupture_center = hypocenter.point_at( hshift, vshift, azimuth=(strike + 90) % 360) theta = math.degrees( math.atan((rup_proj_width / 2.) / (rup_length / 2.))) hor_dist = math.sqrt((rup_length / 2.)**2 + (rup_proj_width / 2.)**2) vertical_increment = rup_proj_height / 2. top_left = rupture_center.point_at( hor_dist, -vertical_increment, azimuth=(strike + 180 + theta) % 360) top_right = rupture_center.point_at( hor_dist, -vertical_increment, azimuth=(strike - theta) % 360) bottom_left = rupture_center.point_at( hor_dist, vertical_increment, azimuth=(strike + 180 - theta) % 360) bottom_right = rupture_center.point_at( hor_dist, vertical_increment, azimuth=(strike + theta) % 360) # print(dip, strike, top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right) surf = PlanarSurface(strike, dip, top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left) rup = BaseRupture(mag, rake, trt, hypocenter, surf) rup.rup_id = 0 vars(rup).update(vars(hypocenter)) return rup
[docs]def build_planar_rupture_from_dict(rupture_dict): """ Build a rupture with a PlanarSurface. :param rupture_dict: a dictionary containing at least the coordinates of the hypocenter ('lon', 'lat' and 'dep'), the magnitude ('mag') and the 'rake' and, optionally, the 'trt' (default '*'), the 'strike' (default 0) and the 'dip' (default 90). :returns: a BaseRupture with a PlanarSurface built around the site """ r = rupture_dict hypo = Point(r['lon'], r['lat'], r['dep']) trt = r.get('trt', '*') strike = r.get('strike', 0) dip = r.get('dip', 90) if not r.get('msr'): # use the IPT method, to be removed rup = build_planar(hypo, r['mag'], r['rake'], strike, dip, trt) else: aratio = r.get('aspect_ratio', 2.) msr = MSR[r['msr']]() site_ = site.Site(Point(r['lon'], r['lat'], r['dep'])) rup = get_planar(site_, msr, r['mag'], aratio, strike, dip, r['rake'], trt) return rup