# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2018-2023 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import operator
import collections
import numpy
from openquake.baselib import general, hdf5
from openquake.hazardlib.map_array import MapArray
from openquake.hazardlib.calc.disagg import to_rates, to_probs
from openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture import BaseRupture, get_ebr
from openquake.commonlib.calc import get_proxies
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
I64 = numpy.int64
F32 = numpy.float32
TWO24 = 2 ** 24
by_taxonomy = operator.attrgetter('taxonomy')
code2cls = BaseRupture.init()
weight = operator.itemgetter('n_occ')
slice_dt = numpy.dtype([('idx', U32), ('start', int), ('stop', int)])
[docs]class NotFound(Exception):
[docs]def build_stat_curve(hcurve, imtls, stat, weights, wget, use_rates=False):
Build statistics by taking into account IMT-dependent weights
poes = hcurve.T # shape R, L
assert len(poes) == len(weights), (len(poes), len(weights))
L = imtls.size
array = numpy.zeros((L, 1))
if weights.shape[1] > 1: # IMT-dependent weights
# this is slower since the arrays are shorter
for imt in imtls:
slc = imtls(imt)
ws = wget(weights, imt)
if not ws.sum(): # expect no data for this IMT
if use_rates:
array[slc, 0] = to_probs(stat(to_rates(poes[:, slc]), ws))
array[slc, 0] = stat(poes[:, slc], ws)
if use_rates:
array[:, 0] = to_probs(stat(to_rates(poes), weights[:, -1]))
array[:, 0] = stat(poes, weights[:, -1])
return array
[docs]def sig_eps_dt(imts):
:returns: a composite data type for the sig_eps output
lst = [('eid', U32), ('rlz_id', U16)]
for imt in imts:
lst.append(('sig_inter_' + imt, F32))
for imt in imts:
lst.append(('eps_inter_' + imt, F32))
return numpy.dtype(lst)
[docs]class HcurvesGetter(object):
Read the contribution to the hazard curves coming from each source
in a calculation with a source specific logic tree
def __init__(self, dstore):
self.dstore = dstore
self.imtls = dstore['oqparam'].imtls
self.full_lt = dstore['full_lt'].init()
self.sslt = self.full_lt.source_model_lt.decompose()
self.source_info = dstore['source_info'][:]
[docs] def get_hcurve(self, src_id, imt=None, site_id=0, gsim_idx=None):
Return the curve associated to the given src_id, imt and gsim_idx
as an array of length L
assert ';' in src_id, src_id # must be a realization specific src_id
imt_slc = self.imtls(imt) if imt else slice(None)
start, gsims, weights = self.bysrc[src_id]
dset = self.dstore['_rates']
if gsim_idx is None:
curves = dset[start:start + len(gsims), site_id, imt_slc]
return weights @ curves
return to_probs(dset[start + gsim_idx, site_id, imt_slc])
# NB: not used right now
[docs] def get_hcurves(self, src, imt=None, site_id=0, gsim_idx=None):
Return the curves associated to the given src, imt and gsim_idx
as an array of shape (R, L)
assert ';' not in src, src # not a rlz specific source ID
curves = []
for i in range(self.sslt[src].num_paths):
src_id = '%s;%d' % (src, i)
curves.append(self.get_hcurve(src_id, imt, site_id, gsim_idx))
return numpy.array(curves)
[docs] def get_mean_hcurve(self, src=None, imt=None, site_id=0, gsim_idx=None):
Return the mean curve associated to the given src, imt and gsim_idx
as an array of shape L
if src is None:
hcurves = [self.get_mean_hcurve(src) for src in self.sslt]
return general.agg_probs(*hcurves)
weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.sslt[src]]
curves = self.get_hcurves(src, imt, site_id, gsim_idx)
return weights @ curves
# NB: using 32 bit ratemaps
[docs]def get_pmaps_gb(dstore, full_lt=None):
:returns: memory required on the master node to keep the pmaps
N = len(dstore['sitecol/sids'])
L = dstore['oqparam'].imtls.size
full_lt = full_lt or dstore['full_lt'].init()
if 'trt_smrs' not in dstore: # starting from hazard_curves.csv
trt_smrs = [[0]]
trt_smrs = dstore['trt_smrs'][:]
trt_rlzs = full_lt.get_trt_rlzs(trt_smrs)
gids = full_lt.get_gids(trt_smrs)
max_gb = len(trt_rlzs) * N * L * 4 / 1024**3
return max_gb, trt_rlzs, gids
[docs]def get_num_chunks(dstore):
:returns: the number of postclassical tasks to generate.
It is 5 times the number of GB required to store the rates.
msd = dstore['oqparam'].max_sites_disagg
req_gb = dstore['source_groups'].attrs['req_gb']
except KeyError:
return msd
chunks = max(int(5 * req_gb), msd)
return chunks
[docs]def map_getters(dstore, full_lt=None, disagg=False):
:returns: a list of pairs (MapGetter, weights)
oq = dstore['oqparam']
# disaggregation is meant for few sites, i.e. no tiling
N = len(dstore['sitecol/sids'])
chunks = get_num_chunks(dstore)
if disagg and N > chunks:
raise ValueError('There are %d sites but only %d chunks' % (N, chunks))
full_lt = full_lt or dstore['full_lt'].init()
R = full_lt.get_num_paths()
_req_gb, trt_rlzs, _gids = get_pmaps_gb(dstore, full_lt)
if oq.fastmean and not disagg:
weights = dstore['gweights'][:]
trt_rlzs = numpy.zeros(len(weights)) # reduces the data transfer
weights = full_lt.weights
fnames = [dstore.filename]
scratch_dir = dstore.hdf5.attrs['scratch_dir']
except KeyError: # no tiling
for f in os.listdir(scratch_dir):
if f.endswith('.hdf5'):
fnames.append(os.path.join(scratch_dir, f))
out = []
for chunk in range(chunks):
getter = MapGetter(fnames, chunk, trt_rlzs, R, oq)
getter.weights = weights
return out
[docs]class ZeroGetter(object):
Return an array of zeros of shape (L, R)
def __init__(self, L, R):
self.L = L
self.R = R
[docs] def get_hazard(self):
return numpy.zeros((self.L, self.R))
[docs]class CurveGetter(object):
Hazard curve builder used in classical_risk/classical_damage.
:param sid: site index
:param rates: array of shape (L, G) for the given site
[docs] @classmethod
def build(cls, dstore):
:returns: a dictionary sid -> CurveGetter
rates = {}
for mgetter in map_getters(dstore):
pmap = mgetter.init()
for sid in pmap:
rates[sid] = pmap[sid] # shape (L, G)
dic = collections.defaultdict(lambda: ZeroGetter(mgetter.L, mgetter.R))
for sid in rates:
dic[sid] = cls(sid, rates[sid], mgetter.trt_rlzs, mgetter.R)
return dic
def __init__(self, sid, rates, trt_rlzs, R):
self.sid = sid
self.rates = rates
self.trt_rlzs = trt_rlzs
self.R = R
[docs] def get_hazard(self):
r0 = numpy.zeros((len(self.rates), self.R))
for g, t_rlzs in enumerate(self.trt_rlzs):
rlzs = t_rlzs % TWO24
rates = self.rates[:, g]
for rlz in rlzs:
r0[:, rlz] += rates
return to_probs(r0)
[docs]class MapGetter(object):
Read hazard curves from the datastore for all realizations or for a
specific realization.
def __init__(self, filenames, idx, trt_rlzs, R, oq):
self.filenames = filenames
self.idx = idx
self.trt_rlzs = trt_rlzs
self.R = R
self.imtls = oq.imtls
self.poes = oq.poes
self.use_rates = oq.use_rates
self.eids = None
self._map = {}
def sids(self):
return list(self._map)
def imts(self):
return list(self.imtls)
def G(self):
return len(self.trt_rlzs)
def L(self):
return self.imtls.size
def N(self):
return len(self._map)
def M(self):
return len(self.imtls)
[docs] def init(self):
Build the _map from the underlying dataframes
if self._map:
return self._map
for fname in self.filenames:
with hdf5.File(fname) as dstore:
slices = dstore['_rates/slice_by_idx'][:]
slices = slices[slices['idx'] == self.idx]
for start, stop in zip(slices['start'], slices['stop']):
rates_df = dstore.read_df('_rates', slc=slice(start, stop))
# not using groupby to save memory
for sid in rates_df.sid.unique():
df = rates_df[rates_df.sid == sid]
array = self._map[sid]
except KeyError:
array = numpy.zeros((self.L, self.G))
self._map[sid] = array
array[df.lid, df.gid] = df.rate
return self._map
[docs] def get_hcurve(self, sid): # used in classical
:param sid: a site ID
:returns: an array of shape (L, R) for the given site ID
pmap = self.init()
r0 = numpy.zeros((self.L, self.R))
if sid not in pmap: # no hazard for sid
return r0
for g, t_rlzs in enumerate(self.trt_rlzs):
rlzs = t_rlzs % TWO24
rates = pmap[sid][:, g]
for rlz in rlzs:
r0[:, rlz] += rates
return to_probs(r0)
[docs] def get_fast_mean(self, gweights):
:returns: a MapArray of shape (N, M, L1) with the mean hcurves
M = self.M
L1 = self.L // M
means = MapArray(U32(self.sids), M, L1).fill(0)
for sid in self.sids:
idx = means.sidx[sid]
rates = self._map[sid] # shape (L, G)
means.array[idx] = (rates @ gweights).reshape((M, L1))
means.array[:] = to_probs(means.array)
return means
[docs]def get_ebruptures(dstore):
Extract EBRuptures from the datastore
ebrs = []
trts = list(dstore['full_lt/gsim_lt'].values)
for trt_smr, start, stop in dstore['trt_smr_start_stop']:
trt = trts[trt_smr // TWO24]
for proxy in get_proxies(dstore.filename, slice(start, stop)):
return ebrs
[docs]def get_ebrupture(dstore, rup_id): # used in show rupture
This is EXTREMELY inefficient, since it reads all ruptures.
NB: it assumes rup_is is unique
rups = dstore['ruptures'][:] # read everything in memory
rupgeoms = dstore['rupgeoms'] # do not read everything in memory
idxs, = numpy.where(rups['id'] == rup_id)
if len(idxs) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Missing {rup_id=}")
[rec] = rups[idxs]
trts = dstore.getitem('full_lt').attrs['trts']
trt = trts[rec['trt_smr'] // TWO24]
geom = rupgeoms[rec['geom_id']]
return get_ebr(rec, geom, trt)
[docs]def line(points):
return '(%s)' % ', '.join('%.5f %.5f %.5f' % tuple(p) for p in points)
[docs]def multiline(array3RC):
:param array3RC: array of shape (3, R, C)
D, R, _C = array3RC.shape
assert D == 3, D
lines = 'MULTILINESTRING(%s)' % ', '.join(
line(array3RC[:, r, :].T) for r in range(R))
return lines