Source code for openquake.calculators.classical_risk

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# Copyright (C) 2014-2025 GEM Foundation
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import numpy
from openquake.hazardlib.stats import compute_stats
from openquake.risklib import scientific
from openquake.calculators import base

F32 = numpy.float32

[docs]def classical_risk(riskinputs, oqparam, monitor): """ Compute and return the average losses for each asset. :param riskinputs: :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` objects :param oqparam: input parameters :param monitor: :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance """ crmodel ='crmodel') result = dict(loss_curves=[], stat_curves=[]) weights = oqparam._weights[:, -1] _statnames, stats = zip(*oqparam._stats) mon = monitor('getting hazard', measuremem=False) for ri in riskinputs: A = len(ri.asset_df) L = len(crmodel.lti) R = ri.hazard_getter.R loss_curves = numpy.zeros((R, L, A), object) avg_losses = numpy.zeros((R, L, A)) with mon: haz = ri.hazard_getter.get_hazard() for taxo, asset_df in ri.asset_df.groupby('taxonomy'): for rlz in range(R): hcurve = haz[:, rlz] [out] = crmodel.get_outputs(asset_df, hcurve) for li, loss_type in enumerate(crmodel.loss_types): # loss_curves has shape (A, C) for i, asset in enumerate(asset_df.to_records()): loss_curves[rlz, li, i] = lc = out[loss_type][i] aid = asset['ordinal'] avg = scientific.average_loss(lc) avg_losses[rlz, li, i] = avg lcurve = (lc['loss'], lc['poe'], avg) result['loss_curves'].append((li, rlz, aid, lcurve)) # compute statistics for li, loss_type in enumerate(crmodel.loss_types): avg_stats = compute_stats(avg_losses[:, li], stats, weights) for i, asset in enumerate(ri.asset_df.to_records()): losses = loss_curves[0, li, i]['loss'] all_poes = numpy.array( [loss_curves[r, li, i]['poe'] for r in range(R)]) poes_stats = compute_stats(all_poes, stats, weights) result['stat_curves'].append( (li, asset['ordinal'], losses, poes_stats, avg_stats[:, i])) if R == 1: # the realization is the same as the mean del result['loss_curves'] return result
[docs]@base.calculators.add('classical_risk') class ClassicalRiskCalculator(base.RiskCalculator): """ Classical Risk calculator """ core_task = classical_risk precalc = 'classical' accept_precalc = ['classical']
[docs] def pre_execute(self): """ Associate the assets to the sites and build the riskinputs. """ oq = self.oqparam super().pre_execute() parent = self.datastore.parent if '_rates' in self.datastore or '_rates' in parent: full_lt = self.datastore['full_lt'].init() stats = list(oq.hazard_stats().items()) oq._stats = stats oq._weights = full_lt.weights self.riskinputs = self.build_riskinputs() self.A = len(self.assetcol) self.L = len(self.crmodel.loss_types) self.S = len(oq.hazard_stats())
[docs] def post_execute(self, result): """ Saving loss curves in the datastore. :param result: aggregated result of the task classical_risk """ curve_res = {cp.loss_type: cp.curve_resolution for cp in self.crmodel.curve_params if cp.user_provided} self.loss_curve_dt = scientific.build_loss_curve_dt( curve_res, insurance_losses=False) ltypes = self.crmodel.loss_types # loss curves stats are generated always stats = list(self.oqparam.hazard_stats()) stat_curves = numpy.zeros((self.A, self.S), self.loss_curve_dt) avg_losses = numpy.zeros((self.A, self.S, self.L), F32) for li, a, losses, statpoes, statloss in result['stat_curves']: stat_curves_lt = stat_curves[ltypes[li]] for s in range(self.S): avg_losses[a, s, li] = statloss[s] base.set_array(stat_curves_lt['poes'][a, s], statpoes[s]) base.set_array(stat_curves_lt['losses'][a, s], losses) for li, lt in enumerate(ltypes): self.datastore['avg_losses-stats/' + lt] = avg_losses[:, :, li] self.datastore.set_shape_descr( 'avg_losses-stats/' + lt, asset_id=self.assetcol['id'], stat=stats) self.datastore['loss_curves-stats'] = stat_curves self.datastore.set_attrs('loss_curves-stats', stat=stats) if self.R > 1: # individual realizations saved only if many loss_curves = numpy.zeros((self.A, self.R), self.loss_curve_dt) avg_losses = numpy.zeros((self.A, self.R, self.L), F32) for li, r, a, (losses, poes, avg) in result['loss_curves']: lc = loss_curves[a, r][ltypes[li]] avg_losses[a, r, li] = avg base.set_array(lc['losses'], losses) base.set_array(lc['poes'], poes) for li, lt in enumerate(ltypes): self.datastore['avg_losses-rlzs/' + lt] = avg_losses[:, :, li] self.datastore.set_shape_descr( 'avg_losses-rlzs/' + lt, asset_id=self.assetcol['id'], rlz=numpy.arange(self.R)) self.datastore['loss_curves-rlzs'] = loss_curves