Release notes v3.4 ================== This is a major release featuring a new calculator for event based risk and several improvements and bug fixes. Over 190 pull requests were merged. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog: The ebrisk calculator --------------------- The experience with the Global Risk Model made the scalability limits of the event based calculators clear. The approach of computing the GMFs, storing them on an HDF5 file during the hazard calculation and read them again during the risk calculation, scales up to ~100 GB of data. Over that limit - and most global risk calculations are over that limit - it is more convenient to compute the GMFs directly in the risk phase, without ever storing them, because recomputing the GMFs can be faster and memory efficient than reading them. This is the approach taken by the new `ebrisk` calculator. Moreover, since in all global risk calculation we ignored asset correlation - the vulnerability functions had zeros for the coefficients of variation - the `ebrisk` calculator has been optimized for that case. As a result in large calculations it is a lot faster than the previous `event_based_risk` calculator, and it requires a lot less memory too. You should use it in preference to the old calculator except in two situations: 1. if you are interested in asset correlation 2. the calculation is of middle size and you need to reuse the GMFs For instance, if you are interested in GMFs correlation, computing the GMFs is so slow that it makes sense to store them in the hazard phase. However GMF correlation is viable only if you have few sites (say 1000) because of memory and computational resources constraints. The `ebrisk` calculator has two more features with respect to the `event_based_risk` calculator: 1. it allows to compute aggregate loss curves and maps 2. it allows to store the asset loss table In order to compute the aggregate loss curves and maps you need to specify in the job.ini file the `aggregate_by` parameter. For instance, if you want to aggregate by the tags taxonomy and occupancy you can specify `aggregate_by = taxonomy, occupancy` There is no limit on the number of tags that can be used for aggregation, you can list any tag present in the exposure. Storing the asset loss table - an array of 32 bit floats of shape ``(A, E, L)`` where ``A`` is the number of assets, ``E`` the number of events and ``L`` the number of loss types - is disabled by default, because it is likely to cause the engine to run out of memory: for instance one of our typical risk calculation with 1.25 million assets, 10 million events and 2 loss types would produce an array of ~91 TB, which is way too big to be stored. Still, for debugging purposes in small calculations you may set `asset_loss_table=true` and have it saved in the datastore. There are no export facilities for it on purpose. This feature is only meant for power users that know their way around the datastore. Thanks to the power of the `ebrisk` calculator we were able to remove the limit on the number of sites in event based calculations. Before it was set to 65,536 hazard sites, now it is at 4,294,967,296 sites, which is more than enough for the foreseeable future. We managed to run calculations with 500,000 sites without any issue. The implementation of the `ebrisk` calculator required extending our parallelization infrastructure. In particular, now each task can produce (indirectly) subtasks, which is major feat, because it means that a task can decide how many subtasks to generate. Before only the master node could do that, which was inconvenient because sometimes knowing how many tasks to generate is an expensive operation. Before that operation was effectively serialized on the master node, while now it can be parallelized as well. If you want to try the `ebrisk` calculator, please check the demo in `demos/risk/EventBasedRisk/job_eb.ini` and the documentation in Improvements on the other calculators ------------------------------------------------- There was a lot of work on the old calculators too. 1. We discovered that saving the source information was causing an out of memory issue in the case of large models like Australia and Italy. The solution was to call the procedure `store_source_info` only once - at the end of the calculation - and not once per task. The change improved tremendously the saving speed, so that the tasks results did not have time to queue up in memory. 2. We changed the source filtering approach: now it is performed in the worker nodes, not in the controller node. The new approach saved a lot of memory. It is also more efficient because it makes use of all available cores in the worker nodes. 3. We parallelized the reading of the exposures: that makes a difference in continental scale risk calculations that can have dozens of exposures (one per country). 4. We now save more information in the case of site specific calculations: in particular for classical calculations we store complete information about the ruptures. This will help in future optimizations of the disaggregation calculator. Moreover, we save information the "best" realization, i.e. the realization closest to the mean hazard curve. 5. When running a classical calculation we now save a dataset `disagg_by_grp` that contains the highest PoE for the highest intensity produced by each source group among all sites, IMTs and GMPEs: this is useful to see which are the source groups producing the highest hazard, and also to see if the are source groups giving zero contribution to the highest hazard. 6. We worked also on the GMPE logic tree: now it is possible to serialize a `GsimLogicTree` object in TOML format, which is the format used inside the datastore. Previously the GMPE logic tree was stored in XML format. 7. The logic used in the event based risk calculator - read the hazard sites in preference from the site model, not from the exposure - has been extended to all calculators. 8. We changed the algorithm used in all kinds of event based calculations and now by default the sources are not split anymore. This makes the generation of ruptures a lot faster. Before this behavior was not the default, because we wanted to keep compatibility with the past. With the new algorithm the Montecarlo seeds are generated differently, so the sampled ruptures are different than before but statistically equivalent. 9. We also improved the saving of the ruptures: now they are filtered before saving them, thus avoiding saving irrelevant ruptures. For speed, the filtering is done with a bounding box filter, which is not precise: most ruptures which are far away are removed, but not all of them. This is not a problem because during the ground motion filter calculator the precise filter is used and they are correctly discarded. The bounding box filter is enough to save disk space and storing time. Experimental new features ------------------------- There is now an experimental support for cluster of sources, in the sense of the famous New Madrid cluster, both for classical and event based calculations. This is a major new feature that required substantial changes to the internals of hazardlib. In particular now it is possible to define *non-poissonian temporal occurrence models*. Moreover, now there is a a precise definition of atomic source groups, i.e. source groups that cannot be split across tasks. A source group is considered atomic if at least one of the following three things is true: 1. the source group is a cluster (cluster == 'true') 2. the sources are mutually exclusive (src_interdep == 'mutex') 3. the ruptures are mutually exclusive (rup_interdep == 'mutex') These features are not documented yet, since we are in an experimental phase, but we have tests and examples in the engine code base; users wanting to play with these features should contact us and we will be keen to help. The GMF exporter now also export informations about the inter event residuals and inter event standard deviations for each event. Here is an example of the file that could be generated: ``` $ cat sigma_epsilon.csv eid,sig_PGA,sig_SA(0.1),eps_PGA,eps_SA(0.1) 12884901888,2.600000E-01,3.180000E-01,1.887697E+00,-7.447188E-01 12884901889,2.600000E-01,3.180000E-01,-3.726182E-01,1.771590E-01 12884901890,2.600000E-01,3.180000E-01,-8.312525E-01,5.412349E-01 ``` hazardlib/HMTK ----------------------------- As usual there was a lot of work on hazardlib. At the infrastructural level the most relevant change is that now we have a serialization procedure from GMPE objects into TOML and viceversa, working also for GMPEs with arguments. Moreover, there is now a two step initialization protocol for all GMPEs: if you need to do some special initialization (say a slow initialization, or an initialization requiring access to the filesystem) do it in the ``init()`` method, not in ``__init__``. The engine will call automatically the ``init()`` method at the right time, i.e. while reading the GMPE logic tree file. A couple of additional checks on GSIM classes where added: 1. when deriving a GSIM class a mispelling in the distance name like ``REQUIRES_DISTANCES = {'rhyp'}`` is now flagged immediately as an error (the correct spelling is ``rhypo``) 2. class level variables which are sets (like ``REQUIRES_DISTANCES``) are now automagically converted into Python ``frozensets``. This avoids potential mutability bugs while keeping backward compatibility. We removed a depth check in `mesh.get_distance_matrix` and now it is possible to compute correlation matrices even if the points are not all at the same dephts: the depths are simply ignored. This is consistent with the usual definition of spatial correlation that consider only the longitude and latitude components and not the depths. We added the ability to specify a `time_cutoff` parameter (in days) in the decluster window of the HMKT. The syntax to use is as in this example: ``` declust_config = {"time_distance_window": GardnerKnopoffWindow(), "fs_time_prop": 1.0, "time_cutoff": 100} ``` Rodolfo Puglia contributed spectral acceleration amplitudes at 2.5, 2.75 and 4 seconds for the Bindi_2014 GMPE, which is relevant for the Italy model. Giovanni Lanzano contributed the SkarlatoudisEtAlSSlab2013 GMPE, relevant for Greece. Changlong Li contributed an update to the YU2013 GMPE, which is relevant for the China model. Valerio Poggi contributed a GMPE for average SA calculations. Chris van Houtte contributed quite a few new GMPEs specific for New Zealand, in particular in Bradley_2013 and Christchurch GMPEs. WebAPI and plotting ------------------- We extended the WebAPI to be able to extract specific hazard curves, maps and UHS (i.e. IMT-specific and site specific). There is now an `Extractor` class to extract data from a local calculation and a `WebExtractor` class to extract data from a remote calculation. They are documented here: Thanks to the WebExtractor it is not easier to import a remote calculation into a local database with the `oq importcalc` command: ``` $ oq importcalc --help usage: oq importcalc [-h] calc_id Import a remote calculation into the local database. server, username and password must be specified in an openquake.cfg file. NB: calc_id can be a local pathname to a datastore not already present in the database: in that case it is imported in the db. positional arguments: calc_id calculation ID or pathname optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit ``` Moreover the plotting facilities of the engine have been extended so that it is now possible to plot hazard curves, maps and uniform hazard spectra even of a remote calculation. Notice that `oq plot` is still unofficial and subject to changes: the official way to plot hazard results is the [QGIS plugin]( We added a few new `extract` commands: as usual you can see the full list of them with the command ``` $ oq info --extract ``` New checks and validations --------------------------- 1. We restored the source logic validation routines that were lost years ago. Now you will get errors if you try to define invalid logic trees, like using an `applyToSources` with multiple source IDs on parameters of kind "Absolute": ```xml ``` 2. There is an additional check in the `uncertaintyModel` tag of the source model logic tree file, to forbid accidentally duplicated source model files. 3. We now raise an error for missing occupants in the exposure before starting the calculation, not in the middle of it. 4. Now we make sure the IMTs are sorted by period in the `job.ini` file, to make it easier to compare different `job.ini` files. 5. We added a check for missing retrofitted values in the benefit-cost-ratio calculator. 6. We added a check to forbid the users from setting `ses_per_logic_tree_path = 0` (this happened to users confusing `ses_per_logic_tree_path` with `number_of_logic_tree_samples`). 7. We raise an error early if somebody tries to disaggregate a model with atomic source groups, since this feature is not supported yet. Bug fixes --------- 1. We fixed an error in the calculation of loss maps from loss curves: instead of the risk investigation time the hazard investigation time parameter was passed, thus producing wrong curves when the two parameters were different. 2. The event based risk calculator in engine 3.3 had an issue with tabular GMPEs stored in external HDF5 files: the directory path was set incorrectly and the files not found. Now the tables are fully serialized inside the datastore and the risk calculator can take advantage of that. 3. We fixed a regression in `applyToSources` that made it impossible, in engine 3.3 to use it on more than 1 source, i.e. to write things like `applyToSources="1 2"` even when it would have been correct. 4. Engine 3.3 introduced a bug in the XML exporter for the hazard curves: files with different spectral accelerations contained always the same content, corresponding to the highest period. This has been fixed. 5. Sometimes the `oq abort` command was giving confusing information: now it prints a message only for jobs that were really aborted. 6. The documentation for the event loss table exporter in the manual was horribly outdated and has been fixed. Changes ----------------------------------------------- 1. We changed the way the hazard maps are stored, therefore it is not possible to export from engine 3.4 the results of a calculation executed with a previous release. 2. We removed the realization index column from the event loss table export and from the GMF csv export: they were redundant in event based calculations and confusing in scenario calculations where there is a single realization. 3. We removed the `site_model.xml` exporter since it was not used. 4. We removed the command `oq extract hazard/rlzs`: if you want to export all the hazard curves, set the flag `individual_curves=true` in the job.ini, as explained in 5. We removed the parameter `max_site_model_distance`, since its role is now taken by the `asset_hazard_distance` parameter. 6. We changed the syntax of the ``MultiGMPE`` feature which was experimental and undocumented. It is now stable and documented here: 7. In the `job.ini` file you should replace the parameters `quantile_loss_curves` and `quantile_loss_maps` with `quantiles`, otherwise you will get an annoying warning. 8. We changed the exporter for the aggregate losses: now the exposed value and loss ratios are exported too. 9. The exporter for the loss curves now exports more fields. Deprecations -------------------- 1. The hazard XML exporters have been officially deprecated: unofficially, they have been deprecated for years, since the time we introduced the CSV exporters. You use the CSV for regular usage; for advanced postprocessing - typically involving the hazard curves for all realizations - you should use the Extractor API instead. 2. The scenario GMF XML exporter has been deprecated and will be removed in the future: you should use the CSV exported instead. 3. The insured losses feature has been deprecated months ago and it is still deprecated: it may disappear or change in the next release. 4. The ability to compute individual loss curves and maps in the `event_based_risk` calculator has been deprecated and will be removed in the future, since the interesting things to compute are the aggregated loss curves and maps which are available in the `ebrisk` calculator. 5. Windows 7 has been deprecated as a platform for running the engine since it is very old, it is going out of support from Microsoft next year, and we discovered that sometimes engine calculations hang with it. Packaging and internals ------------------------ 1. We have removed the dependency from nose. You can still run the tests with nose, but the engine does not import it anymore: it can be considered a completely external tool. 2. We are considering using pytest as preferred testing tool for the engine, since it is more powerful and well maintained. It also has better discovery features that helped us to find hidden broken tests. 3. We have added a dependency from toml, a small module used to serialize/deserialize literal Python objects to TOML format. 4. It is now possible to convert the Windows nightly builds into a development environment. 5. There is now a `sap.script` decorator that should be used instead of the `sap.Script` class. 6. We added a command `oq info --parameters` tha displays the list of all the parameters recognized by job.ini files. 7. We reduced drastically the number of client sockets attached to the DbServer, which was a waste of resources, and we removed the DbServer log file, which was not used.