Source code for openquake.hmtk.strain.regionalisation.kreemer_regionalisation

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# Copyright (C) 2010-2025 GEM Foundation, G. Weatherill, M. Pagani,
# D. Monelli.
# The Hazard Modeller's Toolkit is free software: you can redistribute
# it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
# 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>
# The software Hazard Modeller's Toolkit (openquake.hmtk) provided herein
# is released as a prototype implementation on behalf of
# scientists and engineers working within the GEM Foundation (Global
# Earthquake Model).
# It is distributed for the purpose of open collaboration and in the
# hope that it will be useful to the scientific, engineering, disaster
# risk and software design communities.
# The software is NOT distributed as part of GEM's OpenQuake suite
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# The Hazard Modeller's Toolkit (openquake.hmtk) is therefore distributed WITHOUT
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# The GEM Foundation, and the authors of the software, assume no
# liability for use of the software.

Modules: openquake.hmtk.strain.regionalisation.kreemer_regionalisation implements the
class KreemerRegionalisation, which assigns a strain model to a tectonic
region according to the classification of Kreemer, Holt and Haines (2003)
import os
import numpy as np
from linecache import getlines

KREEMER_GLOBAL_0506 = os.path.join(
    os.path.dirname(__file__), "kreemer_polygons_area.txt"

def _build_kreemer_cell(data, loc):
    Constructs the "Kreemer Cell" from the input file. The Kreemer cell is
    simply a set of five lines describing the four nodes of the square (closed)
    :param list data:
        Strain data as list of text lines (input from linecache.getlines)
    :param int loc:
        Pointer to location in data
        temp_poly - 5 by 2 numpy array of cell longitudes and latitudes

    temp_poly = np.empty([5, 2], dtype=float)
    for ival in range(1, 6):
        value = data[loc + ival].rstrip("\n")
        value = value.lstrip(" ")
        value = np.array((value.split(" ", 1))).astype(float)
        temp_poly[ival - 1, :] = value.flatten()
    return temp_poly

[docs]class KreemerRegionalisation(object): """ Class for implmenting a regionalisation using the file type defined by Kreemer et al. (2003) :param str filename: Name of file :param strain: Strain model as instance of openquake.hmtk.strain.geodetic_strain.GeodeticStrain """ def __init__(self, filename=KREEMER_GLOBAL_0506): """ """ self.filename = filename self.strain = None
[docs] def get_regionalisation(self, strain_model): """ Gets the tectonic region type for every element inside the strain model :paramm strain_model: Input strain model as instance of openquake.hmtk.strain.geodetic_strain.GeodeticStrain :returns: Strain model with complete regionalisation """ self.strain = strain_model["region"] = np.array( ["IPL" for _ in range(self.strain.get_number_observations())], dtype="|S13", )["area"] = np.array( [np.nan for _ in range(self.strain.get_number_observations())] ) regional_model = self.define_kreemer_regionalisation() for polygon in regional_model: self._point_in_tectonic_region(polygon) return self.strain
def _point_in_tectonic_region(self, polygon): """ Returns the region type and area according to the tectonic region :param polygon: Dictionary containing the following attributes - 'long_lims' - Longitude limits (West, East) 'lat_lims' - Latitude limits (South, North) 'region_type' - Tectonic region type (str) 'area' - Area of cell in m ^ 2 """ marker = np.zeros(self.strain.get_number_observations(), dtype=bool) idlong = np.logical_and(["longitude"] >= polygon["long_lims"][0],["longitude"] < polygon["long_lims"][1], ) id0 = np.where( np.logical_and( idlong, np.logical_and(["latitude"] >= polygon["lat_lims"][0],["latitude"] < polygon["lat_lims"][1], ), ) )[0] if len(id0) > 0: marker[id0] = True for iloc in id0:["region"][iloc] = polygon["region_type"]["area"][iloc] = polygon["area"] marker = np.logical_not(marker) return marker
[docs] def define_kreemer_regionalisation( self, north=90.0, south=-90.0, east=180.0, west=-180.0 ): """ Applies the regionalisation defined according to the regionalisation typology of Corne Kreemer """ """Applies the regionalisation of Kreemer (2003) :param input_file: Filename (str) of input file contraining Kreemer regionalisation :param north: Northern limit (decimal degrees)for consideration (float) :param south: Southern limit (decimal degrees)for consideration (float) :param east: Eastern limit (decimal degrees)for consideration (float) :param west: Western limit (decimal degrees)for consideration (float) :returns: List of polygons corresonding to the Kreemer cells. """ input_data = getlines(self.filename) kreemer_polygons = [] for line_loc, line in enumerate(input_data): if ">" in line[0]: polygon_dict = {} # Get region type (char) and area (m ^ 2) from header primary_data = line[2:].rstrip("\n") primary_data = primary_data.split(" ", 1) polygon_dict["region_type"] = primary_data[0].strip(" ") polygon_dict["area"] = float(primary_data[1].strip(" ")) polygon_dict["cell"] = _build_kreemer_cell( input_data, line_loc ) polygon_dict["long_lims"] = np.array( [ np.min(polygon_dict["cell"][:, 0]), np.max(polygon_dict["cell"][:, 0]), ] ) polygon_dict["lat_lims"] = np.array( [ np.min(polygon_dict["cell"][:, 1]), np.max(polygon_dict["cell"][:, 1]), ] ) polygon_dict["cell"] = None if polygon_dict["long_lims"][0] >= 180.0: polygon_dict["long_lims"] = ( polygon_dict["long_lims"] - 360.0 ) valid_check = [ polygon_dict["long_lims"][0] >= west, polygon_dict["long_lims"][1] <= east, polygon_dict["lat_lims"][0] >= south, polygon_dict["lat_lims"][1] <= north, ] if all(valid_check): kreemer_polygons.append(polygon_dict) return kreemer_polygons