Source code for openquake.hazardlib.probability_map

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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from openquake.baselib.python3compat import zip
import numpy

F32 = numpy.float32
F64 = numpy.float64

[docs]class AllEmptyProbabilityMaps(ValueError): """ Raised by get_shape(pmaps) if all passed probability maps are empty """
[docs]class ProbabilityCurve(object): """ This class is a small wrapper over an array of PoEs associated to a set of intensity measure types and levels. It provides a few operators, including the complement operator `~` ~p = 1 - p and the inclusive or operator `|` p = p1 | p2 = ~(~p1 * ~p2) Such operators are implemented efficiently at the numpy level, by dispatching on the underlying array. Here is an example of use: >>> poe = ProbabilityCurve(numpy.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0, 0])) >>> ~(poe | poe) * .5 <ProbabilityCurve [0.405 0.32 0.245 0.5 0.5 ]> """ def __init__(self, array): self.array = array def __or__(self, other): if other == 0: return self else: return self.__class__(1. - (1. - self.array) * (1. - other.array)) __ror__ = __or__ def __iadd__(self, other): # this is used when composing mutually exclusive probabilities self.array += other.array return self def __add__(self, other): # this is used when composing mutually exclusive probabilities self.array += other.array return self.__class__(self.array) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__class__(self.array * other.array) elif other == 1: return self else: return self.__class__(self.array * other) __rmul__ = __mul__ def __pow__(self, n): return self.__class__(self.array ** n) def __invert__(self): return self.__class__(1. - self.array) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.array.any()) def __repr__(self): return '<ProbabilityCurve\n%s>' % self.array # used when exporting to HDF5
[docs] def convert(self, imtls, idx=0): """ Convert a probability curve into a record of dtype `imtls.dt`. :param imtls: DictArray instance :param idx: extract the data corresponding to the given inner index """ curve = numpy.zeros(1, imtls.dt) for imt in imtls: curve[imt] = self.array[imtls(imt), idx] return curve[0]
[docs]class ProbabilityMap(dict): """ A dictionary site_id -> ProbabilityCurve. It defines the complement operator `~`, performing the complement on each curve ~p = 1 - p and the "inclusive or" operator `|`: m = m1 | m2 = {sid: m1[sid] | m2[sid] for sid in all_sids} Such operators are implemented efficiently at the numpy level, by dispatching on the underlying array. Moreover there is a classmethod .build(L, I, sids, initvalue) to build initialized instances of :class:`ProbabilityMap`. The map can be represented as 3D array of shape (shape_x, shape_y, shape_z) = (N, L, I), where N is the number of site IDs, L the total number of hazard levels and I the number of GSIMs. """
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, shape_y, shape_z, sids, initvalue=0., dtype=F64): """ :param shape_y: the total number of intensity measure levels :param shape_z: the number of inner levels :param sids: a set of site indices :param initvalue: the initial value of the probability (default 0) :returns: a ProbabilityMap dictionary """ dic = cls(shape_y, shape_z) for sid in sids: dic.setdefault(sid, initvalue, dtype) return dic
[docs] @classmethod def from_array(cls, array, sids): """ :param array: array of shape (N, L) or (N, L, I) :param sids: array of N site IDs """ n_sites = len(sids) n = len(array) if n_sites != n: raise ValueError('Passed %d site IDs, but the array has length %d' % (n_sites, n)) if len(array.shape) == 2: # shape (N, L) -> (N, L, 1) array = array.reshape(array.shape + (1,)) self = cls(*array.shape[1:]) for sid, poes in zip(sids, array): self[sid] = ProbabilityCurve(poes) return self
def __init__(self, shape_y, shape_z=1): self.shape_y = shape_y self.shape_z = shape_z
[docs] def setdefault(self, sid, value, dtype=F64): """ Works like `dict.setdefault`: if the `sid` key is missing, it fills it with an array and returns the associate ProbabilityCurve :param sid: site ID :param value: value used to fill the returned ProbabilityCurve :param dtype: dtype used internally (F32 or F64) """ try: return self[sid] except KeyError: array = numpy.empty((self.shape_y, self.shape_z), dtype) array.fill(value) pc = ProbabilityCurve(array) self[sid] = pc return pc
@property def sids(self): """The ordered keys of the map as a numpy.uint32 array""" return numpy.array(sorted(self), numpy.uint32) @property def array(self): """ The underlying array of shape (N, L, I) """ return numpy.array([self[sid].array for sid in sorted(self)]) @property def nbytes(self): """The size of the underlying array""" try: N, L, I = get_shape([self]) except AllEmptyProbabilityMaps: return 0 return BYTES_PER_FLOAT * N * L * I # used when exporting to HDF5
[docs] def convert(self, imtls, nsites, idx=0): """ Convert a probability map into a composite array of length `nsites` and dtype `imtls.dt`. :param imtls: DictArray instance :param nsites: the total number of sites :param idx: index on the z-axis (default 0) """ curves = numpy.zeros(nsites, imtls.dt) for imt in curves.dtype.names: curves_by_imt = curves[imt] for sid in self: curves_by_imt[sid] = self[sid].array[imtls(imt), idx] return curves
[docs] def filter(self, sids): """ Extracs a submap of self for the given sids. """ dic = self.__class__(self.shape_y, self.shape_z) for sid in sids: try: dic[sid] = self[sid] except KeyError: pass return dic
[docs] def extract(self, inner_idx): """ Extracts a component of the underlying ProbabilityCurves, specified by the index `inner_idx`. """ out = self.__class__(self.shape_y, 1) for sid in self: curve = self[sid] array = curve.array[:, inner_idx].reshape(-1, 1) out[sid] = ProbabilityCurve(array) return out
def __ior__(self, other): if not other: return self if (other.shape_y, other.shape_z) != (self.shape_y, self.shape_z): raise ValueError('%s has inconsistent shape with %s' % (other, self)) self_sids = set(self) other_sids = set(other) for sid in self_sids & other_sids: self[sid] = self[sid] | other[sid] for sid in other_sids - self_sids: self[sid] = other[sid] return self def __or__(self, other): new = self.__class__(self.shape_y, self.shape_z) new.update(self) new |= other return new __ror__ = __or__ def __add__(self, other): try: other.get is_pmap = True sids = set(self) | set(other) except AttributeError: # no .get method, assume a float is_pmap = False assert 0. <= other <= 1., other # must be a probability sids = set(self) new = self.__class__(self.shape_y, self.shape_z) for sid in sids: prob = other.get(sid, 1) if is_pmap else other new[sid] = self.get(sid, 1) + prob return new def __iadd__(self, other): # this is used when composing mutually exclusive probabilities for sid in other: pcurve = self.setdefault(sid, 0) pcurve += other[sid] return self def __mul__(self, other): try: other.get is_pmap = True sids = set(self) | set(other) except AttributeError: # no .get method, assume a float is_pmap = False assert 0. <= other <= 1., other # must be a probability sids = set(self) new = self.__class__(self.shape_y, self.shape_z) for sid in sids: prob = other.get(sid, 1) if is_pmap else other new[sid] = self.get(sid, 1) * prob return new def __ipow__(self, n): for sid, pcurve in self.items(): self[sid] = pcurve ** n return self def __pow__(self, n): new = self.__class__(self.shape_y, self.shape_z) for sid, pcurve in self.items(): new[sid] = pcurve ** n return new def __invert__(self): new = self.__class__(self.shape_y, self.shape_z) for sid in self: if (self[sid].array != 1.).any(): new[sid] = ~self[sid] # store only nonzero probabilities return new def __getstate__(self): return dict(shape_y=self.shape_y, shape_z=self.shape_z) def __toh5__(self): # converts to an array of shape (num_sids, shape_y, shape_z) size = len(self) sids = self.sids shape = (size, self.shape_y, self.shape_z) array = numpy.zeros(shape, F64) for i, sid in numpy.ndenumerate(sids): try: array[i] = self[sid].array except ValueError as exc: # this should never happen, but I got a could not broadcast # input array once for Australia raise ValueError('%s on site_id=%d' % (exc, sid)) return dict(array=array, sids=sids), {} def __fromh5__(self, dic, attrs): # rebuild the map from sids and probs arrays array = dic['array'] sids = dic['sids'] self.shape_y = array.shape[1] self.shape_z = array.shape[2] for sid, prob in zip(sids, array): self[sid] = ProbabilityCurve(prob) def __repr__(self): return '<%s %d, %d, %d>' % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self), self.shape_y, self.shape_z)
[docs]def get_shape(pmaps): """ :param pmaps: a set of homogenous ProbabilityMaps :returns: the common shape (N, L, I) """ for pmap in pmaps: if pmap: sid = next(iter(pmap)) break else: raise AllEmptyProbabilityMaps(pmaps) return (len(pmap),) + pmap[sid].array.shape
[docs]def combine(pmaps): """ :param pmaps: a set of homogenous ProbabilityMaps :returns: the combined map """ shape = get_shape(pmaps) res = ProbabilityMap(shape[1], shape[2]) for pmap in pmaps: res |= pmap return res