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# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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Module exports :class:`BooreEtAl2014`,
import numpy as np
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import GMPE, CoeffsTable
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA, PGV, SA
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014(GMPE):
Implements GMPE developed by David M. Boore, Jonathan P. Stewart,
Emel Seyhan and Gail Atkinson, and published as "NGA-West2 Equations for
Predicting PGA, PGV, nd 5 % Damped PGA for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes
(2014, Earthquake Spectra, Volume 30, No. 3, pages 1057 - 1085).
#: Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust
#: Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration,
#: peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration
#: Supported intensity measure component is orientation-independent
#: measure :attr:`~openquake.hazardlib.const.IMC.RotD50`
#: Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event
#: and total, see equation 2, pag 106.
#: Required site parameters is Vs30
#: Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and rake.
REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = set(('mag', 'rake'))
#: Required distance measure is Rjb
REQUIRES_DISTANCES = set(('rjb', ))
[docs] def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types):
See :meth:`superclass method
for spec of input and result values.
# extracting dictionary of coefficients specific to required
# intensity measure type.
C = self.COEFFS[imt]
C_PGA = self.COEFFS[PGA()]
imt_per = 0 if imt.name == 'PGV' else imt.period
pga_rock = self._get_pga_on_rock(C_PGA, rup, dists)
mean = (self._get_magnitude_scaling_term(C, rup) +
self._get_path_scaling(C, dists, rup.mag) +
self._get_site_scaling(C, pga_rock, sites, imt_per, dists.rjb))
stddevs = self._get_stddevs(C, rup, dists, sites, stddev_types)
return mean, stddevs
def _get_pga_on_rock(self, C, rup, dists):
Returns the median PGA on rock, which is a sum of the
magnitude and distance scaling
return np.exp(self._get_magnitude_scaling_term(C, rup) +
self._get_path_scaling(C, dists, rup.mag))
def _get_magnitude_scaling_term(self, C, rup):
Returns the magnitude scling term defined in equation (2)
dmag = rup.mag - C["Mh"]
if rup.mag <= C["Mh"]:
mag_term = (C["e4"] * dmag) + (C["e5"] * (dmag ** 2.0))
mag_term = C["e6"] * dmag
return self._get_style_of_faulting_term(C, rup) + mag_term
def _get_style_of_faulting_term(self, C, rup):
Get fault type dummy variables
Fault type (Strike-slip, Normal, Thrust/reverse) is
derived from rake angle.
Rakes angles within 30 of horizontal are strike-slip,
angles from 30 to 150 are reverse, and angles from
-30 to -150 are normal.
Note that the 'Unspecified' case is not considered here as
rake is always given.
if np.abs(rup.rake) <= 30.0 or (180.0 - np.abs(rup.rake)) <= 30.0:
# strike-slip
return C["e1"]
elif rup.rake > 30.0 and rup.rake < 150.0:
# reverse
return C["e3"]
# normal
return C["e2"]
def _get_path_scaling(self, C, dists, mag):
Returns the path scaling term given by equation (3)
rval = np.sqrt((dists.rjb ** 2.0) + (C["h"] ** 2.0))
scaling = (C["c1"] + C["c2"] * (mag - self.CONSTS["Mref"])) *\
np.log(rval / self.CONSTS["Rref"])
return scaling + ((C["c3"] + C["Dc3"]) * (rval - self.CONSTS["Rref"]))
def _get_site_scaling(self, C, pga_rock, sites, period, rjb):
Returns the site-scaling term (equation 5), broken down into a
linear scaling, a nonlinear scaling and a basin scaling term
flin = self._get_linear_site_term(C, sites.vs30)
fnl = self._get_nonlinear_site_term(C, sites.vs30, pga_rock)
fbd = self._get_basin_depth_term(C, sites, period)
return flin + fnl + fbd
def _get_linear_site_term(self, C, vs30):
Returns the linear site scaling term (equation 6)
flin = vs30 / self.CONSTS["Vref"]
flin[vs30 > C["Vc"]] = C["Vc"] / self.CONSTS["Vref"]
return C["c"] * np.log(flin)
def _get_nonlinear_site_term(self, C, vs30, pga_rock):
Returns the nonlinear site scaling term (equation 7)
v_s = np.copy(vs30)
v_s[vs30 > 760.] = 760.
# Nonlinear controlling parameter (equation 8)
f_2 = C["f4"] * (np.exp(C["f5"] * (v_s - 360.)) -
np.exp(C["f5"] * 400.))
fnl = self.CONSTS["f1"] + f_2 * np.log((pga_rock + self.CONSTS["f3"]) /
return fnl
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
return np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
def _get_stddevs(self, C, rup, dists, sites, stddev_types):
Returns the aleatory uncertainty terms described in equations (13) to
stddevs = []
num_sites = len(sites.vs30)
tau = self._get_inter_event_tau(C, rup.mag, num_sites)
phi = self._get_intra_event_phi(C,
for stddev_type in stddev_types:
if stddev_type == const.StdDev.TOTAL:
stddevs.append(np.sqrt((tau ** 2.0) + (phi ** 2.0)))
elif stddev_type == const.StdDev.INTRA_EVENT:
elif stddev_type == const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT:
return stddevs
def _get_inter_event_tau(self, C, mag, num_sites):
Returns the inter-event standard deviation (tau), which is dependent
on magnitude
base_vals = np.zeros(num_sites)
if mag <= 4.5:
return base_vals + C["t1"]
elif mag >= 5.5:
return base_vals + C["t2"]
return base_vals + C["t1"] + (C["t2"] - C["t1"]) * (mag - 4.5)
def _get_intra_event_phi(self, C, mag, rjb, vs30, num_sites):
Returns the intra-event standard deviation (phi), dependent on
magnitude, distance and vs30
base_vals = np.zeros(num_sites)
# Magnitude Dependent phi (Equation 17)
if mag <= 4.5:
base_vals += C["f1"]
elif mag >= 5.5:
base_vals += C["f2"]
base_vals += (C["f1"] + (C["f2"] - C["f1"]) * (mag - 4.5))
# Distance dependent phi (Equation 16)
idx1 = rjb > C["R2"]
base_vals[idx1] += C["DfR"]
idx2 = np.logical_and(rjb > C["R1"], rjb <= C["R2"])
base_vals[idx2] += (C["DfR"] * (np.log(rjb[idx2] / C["R1"]) /
np.log(C["R2"] / C["R1"])))
# Site-dependent phi (Equation 15)
idx1 = vs30 <= self.CONSTS["v1"]
base_vals[idx1] -= C["DfV"]
idx2 = np.logical_and(vs30 >= self.CONSTS["v1"],
vs30 <= self.CONSTS["v2"])
base_vals[idx2] -= (
C["DfV"] * (np.log(self.CONSTS["v2"] / vs30[idx2]) /
np.log(self.CONSTS["v2"] / self.CONSTS["v1"])))
return base_vals
COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\
IMT e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 Mh c1 c2 c3 h Dc3 c Vc f4 f5 f6 f7 R1 R2 DfR DfV f1 f2 t1 t2
pgv 5.037000 5.078000 4.849000 5.033000 1.073000 -0.153600 0.225200 6.200000 -1.243000 0.148900 -0.003440 5.300000 0.000000 -0.840000 1300.000000 -0.100000 -0.008440 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.000000 272.000000 0.082000 0.080000 0.644000 0.552000 0.401000 0.346000
pga 0.447300 0.485600 0.245900 0.453900 1.431000 0.050530 -0.166200 5.500000 -1.134000 0.191700 -0.008088 4.500000 0.000000 -0.600000 1500.000000 -0.150000 -0.007010 -9.900000 -9.900000 110.000000 270.000000 0.100000 0.070000 0.695000 0.495000 0.398000 0.348000
0.010 0.453400 0.491600 0.251900 0.459900 1.421000 0.049320 -0.165900 5.500000 -1.134000 0.191600 -0.008088 4.500000 0.000000 -0.603720 1500.200000 -0.148330 -0.007010 -9.900000 -9.900000 111.670000 270.000000 0.096000 0.070000 0.698000 0.499000 0.402000 0.345000
0.020 0.485980 0.523590 0.297070 0.488750 1.433100 0.053388 -0.165610 5.500000 -1.139400 0.189620 -0.008074 4.500000 0.000000 -0.573880 1500.360000 -0.147100 -0.007280 -9.900000 -9.900000 113.100000 270.000000 0.092000 0.030000 0.702000 0.502000 0.409000 0.346000
0.022 0.498660 0.536470 0.313470 0.499730 1.433600 0.054888 -0.165200 5.500000 -1.140500 0.189240 -0.008095 4.500000 0.000000 -0.566750 1500.680000 -0.148010 -0.007320 -9.900000 -9.900000 113.370000 270.000000 0.088000 0.027000 0.707000 0.505000 0.418000 0.349000
0.025 0.522830 0.561300 0.344260 0.519990 1.432800 0.057529 -0.164990 5.500000 -1.141900 0.188750 -0.008153 4.500000 0.000000 -0.555200 1501.040000 -0.150150 -0.007360 -9.900000 -9.900000 113.070000 270.000000 0.086000 0.026000 0.711000 0.508000 0.427000 0.354000
0.029 0.559490 0.599230 0.391460 0.549950 1.427900 0.060732 -0.166320 5.500000 -1.142300 0.188440 -0.008290 4.500000 0.000000 -0.538500 1501.260000 -0.153870 -0.007370 -9.900000 -9.900000 112.360000 270.000000 0.084000 0.028000 0.716000 0.510000 0.436000 0.359000
0.030 0.569160 0.609200 0.403910 0.557830 1.426100 0.061444 -0.166900 5.500000 -1.142100 0.188420 -0.008336 4.490000 0.000000 -0.534140 1502.950000 -0.154850 -0.007350 -9.900000 -9.900000 112.130000 270.000000 0.081000 0.029000 0.721000 0.514000 0.445000 0.364000
0.032 0.588020 0.628750 0.427880 0.573300 1.422700 0.062806 -0.168130 5.500000 -1.141200 0.188400 -0.008445 4.450000 0.000000 -0.525290 1503.120000 -0.156850 -0.007310 -9.900000 -9.900000 111.650000 270.000000 0.078000 0.030000 0.726000 0.516000 0.454000 0.369000
0.035 0.616360 0.658180 0.462520 0.597040 1.417400 0.064559 -0.170150 5.500000 -1.138800 0.188390 -0.008642 4.400000 0.000000 -0.511920 1503.240000 -0.160160 -0.007210 -9.900000 -9.900000 110.640000 270.000000 0.077000 0.031000 0.730000 0.518000 0.462000 0.374000
0.036 0.625540 0.667720 0.473380 0.604960 1.415800 0.065028 -0.170830 5.500000 -1.137800 0.188370 -0.008715 4.380000 0.000000 -0.507520 1503.320000 -0.161420 -0.007170 -9.900000 -9.900000 109.530000 270.000000 0.075000 0.031000 0.734000 0.520000 0.470000 0.379000
0.040 0.662810 0.706040 0.515320 0.638280 1.409000 0.066183 -0.173570 5.500000 -1.132400 0.188160 -0.009030 4.320000 0.000000 -0.490650 1503.350000 -0.167770 -0.006980 -9.900000 -9.900000 108.280000 270.000000 0.073000 0.032000 0.738000 0.521000 0.478000 0.384000
0.042 0.680870 0.724430 0.534450 0.655050 1.405900 0.066438 -0.174850 5.500000 -1.129200 0.187970 -0.009195 4.290000 0.000000 -0.482900 1503.340000 -0.171930 -0.006870 -9.900000 -9.900000 106.990000 270.000000 0.072000 0.032000 0.742000 0.523000 0.484000 0.390000
0.044 0.698820 0.742770 0.552820 0.672250 1.403300 0.066663 -0.176190 5.500000 -1.125900 0.187750 -0.009360 4.270000 0.000000 -0.475720 1503.130000 -0.176640 -0.006770 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.410000 270.000000 0.070000 0.031000 0.745000 0.525000 0.490000 0.397000
0.045 0.708220 0.752320 0.562220 0.681390 1.402100 0.066774 -0.176930 5.500000 -1.124200 0.187640 -0.009441 4.250000 0.000000 -0.472360 1502.840000 -0.179140 -0.006720 -9.900000 -9.900000 103.610000 270.000000 0.069000 0.031000 0.748000 0.527000 0.496000 0.405000
0.046 0.717790 0.762020 0.571660 0.690760 1.400900 0.066891 -0.177690 5.500000 -1.122400 0.187520 -0.009521 4.240000 0.000000 -0.469150 1502.470000 -0.181700 -0.006670 -9.900000 -9.900000 101.700000 270.000000 0.067000 0.031000 0.750000 0.529000 0.499000 0.412000
0.048 0.735740 0.780150 0.588880 0.708540 1.399100 0.067127 -0.179200 5.500000 -1.119200 0.187300 -0.009676 4.220000 0.000000 -0.463210 1502.010000 -0.186880 -0.006560 -9.900000 -9.900000 99.760000 270.000000 0.065000 0.031000 0.752000 0.530000 0.502000 0.419000
0.050 0.754360 0.799050 0.606520 0.727260 1.397400 0.067357 -0.180820 5.500000 -1.115900 0.187090 -0.009819 4.200000 0.000000 -0.457950 1501.420000 -0.192000 -0.006470 -9.900000 -9.900000 97.930000 270.000000 0.063000 0.030000 0.753000 0.532000 0.503000 0.426000
0.055 0.799600 0.844500 0.647700 0.773700 1.394700 0.067797 -0.184800 5.500000 -1.108200 0.186550 -0.010120 4.150000 0.000000 -0.447870 1500.710000 -0.203690 -0.006250 -9.900000 -9.900000 96.030000 270.000000 0.062000 0.029000 0.753000 0.534000 0.502000 0.434000
0.060 0.843940 0.888840 0.685620 0.820670 1.395400 0.068591 -0.188580 5.500000 -1.100900 0.185820 -0.010330 4.110000 0.000000 -0.441860 1499.830000 -0.213740 -0.006070 -9.900000 -9.900000 94.100000 270.010000 0.061000 0.027000 0.753000 0.536000 0.499000 0.441000
0.065 0.886550 0.931160 0.719410 0.867240 1.400400 0.070127 -0.191760 5.500000 -1.094200 0.184850 -0.010480 4.080000 0.000000 -0.439510 1498.740000 -0.222250 -0.005930 -9.900000 -9.900000 92.080000 270.020000 0.061000 0.025000 0.752000 0.538000 0.495000 0.448000
0.067 0.902700 0.947110 0.731710 0.885260 1.403200 0.070895 -0.192910 5.500000 -1.091800 0.184420 -0.010520 4.070000 0.000000 -0.439500 1497.420000 -0.225240 -0.005880 -9.900000 -9.900000 90.010000 270.020000 0.061000 0.025000 0.750000 0.540000 0.489000 0.455000
0.070 0.926520 0.970570 0.749400 0.912270 1.408200 0.072075 -0.194510 5.500000 -1.088400 0.183690 -0.010560 4.060000 0.000000 -0.440400 1495.850000 -0.229310 -0.005820 -9.900000 -9.900000 87.970000 270.030000 0.062000 0.024000 0.748000 0.541000 0.483000 0.461000
0.075 0.964470 1.007700 0.776780 0.956300 1.417400 0.073549 -0.196650 5.500000 -1.083100 0.182250 -0.010580 4.040000 0.000000 -0.444110 1494.000000 -0.235000 -0.005730 -9.900000 -9.900000 85.990000 270.040000 0.064000 0.022000 0.745000 0.542000 0.474000 0.466000
0.080 1.000300 1.042600 0.801610 0.998180 1.426100 0.073735 -0.198160 5.500000 -1.078500 0.180520 -0.010560 4.020000 0.000000 -0.450200 1491.820000 -0.239440 -0.005670 -9.900000 -9.900000 84.230000 270.050000 0.067000 0.020000 0.741000 0.543000 0.464000 0.468000
0.085 1.034000 1.075500 0.824230 1.037900 1.432200 0.071940 -0.199020 5.510000 -1.074500 0.178560 -0.010510 4.030000 0.000000 -0.458130 1489.290000 -0.242850 -0.005630 -9.900000 -9.900000 82.740000 270.060000 0.072000 0.019000 0.737000 0.543000 0.452000 0.468000
0.090 1.066600 1.107600 0.845910 1.076200 1.435000 0.068097 -0.199290 5.520000 -1.070900 0.176430 -0.010420 4.070000 0.000000 -0.467320 1486.360000 -0.245440 -0.005610 -9.900000 -9.900000 81.540000 270.070000 0.076000 0.017000 0.734000 0.542000 0.440000 0.466000
0.095 1.098100 1.138500 0.867030 1.112700 1.433900 0.062327 -0.199000 5.530000 -1.067800 0.174200 -0.010320 4.100000 0.000000 -0.477210 1482.980000 -0.247470 -0.005600 -9.900000 -9.900000 80.460000 270.080000 0.082000 0.016000 0.731000 0.542000 0.428000 0.464000
0.100 1.126800 1.166900 0.887100 1.145400 1.429300 0.055231 -0.198380 5.540000 -1.065200 0.172030 -0.010200 4.130000 0.000000 -0.487240 1479.120000 -0.249160 -0.005600 -9.900000 -9.900000 79.590000 270.090000 0.087000 0.014000 0.728000 0.541000 0.415000 0.458000
0.110 1.178500 1.217900 0.927020 1.203000 1.411000 0.037389 -0.196010 5.570000 -1.060700 0.167700 -0.009964 4.190000 0.000000 -0.506320 1474.740000 -0.252130 -0.005620 -9.900000 -9.900000 79.050000 270.110000 0.093000 0.012000 0.726000 0.540000 0.403000 0.451000
0.120 1.223000 1.262100 0.966160 1.250200 1.383100 0.016373 -0.192650 5.620000 -1.057200 0.163520 -0.009722 4.240000 0.000000 -0.524380 1469.750000 -0.254550 -0.005670 -9.900000 -9.900000 78.850000 270.130000 0.099000 0.011000 0.724000 0.539000 0.392000 0.441000
0.130 1.259600 1.298600 1.003100 1.286900 1.349700 -0.005158 -0.188980 5.660000 -1.054900 0.159820 -0.009476 4.290000 0.000000 -0.542140 1464.090000 -0.256280 -0.005720 -9.900000 -9.900000 78.990000 270.150000 0.104000 0.011000 0.723000 0.538000 0.381000 0.430000
0.133 1.269200 1.308200 1.013500 1.296100 1.339500 -0.011354 -0.187920 5.670000 -1.054500 0.158820 -0.009402 4.300000 0.000000 -0.547520 1457.760000 -0.256650 -0.005740 -9.900000 -9.900000 79.470000 270.150000 0.110000 0.011000 0.722000 0.538000 0.371000 0.417000
0.140 1.288300 1.327000 1.036000 1.313700 1.316200 -0.024711 -0.185660 5.700000 -1.053700 0.156720 -0.009228 4.340000 0.000000 -0.560320 1450.710000 -0.257190 -0.005780 -9.900000 -9.900000 80.260000 270.160000 0.115000 0.012000 0.721000 0.537000 0.362000 0.403000
0.150 1.309500 1.348100 1.064800 1.332400 1.284400 -0.042065 -0.182340 5.740000 -1.053200 0.154010 -0.008977 4.390000 0.000000 -0.579620 1442.850000 -0.257130 -0.005850 -9.900000 -9.900000 81.330000 270.160000 0.120000 0.015000 0.720000 0.537000 0.354000 0.388000
0.160 1.323500 1.361500 1.087600 1.343700 1.254100 -0.057593 -0.178530 5.780000 -1.053300 0.151580 -0.008725 4.440000 0.000000 -0.600520 1434.220000 -0.256040 -0.005910 -9.900000 -9.900000 82.860000 270.160000 0.125000 0.020000 0.720000 0.536000 0.349000 0.372000
0.170 1.330600 1.367900 1.104000 1.348700 1.224400 -0.071861 -0.174210 5.820000 -1.054100 0.149480 -0.008472 4.490000 0.000000 -0.622520 1424.850000 -0.254140 -0.005970 -9.900000 -9.900000 84.720000 270.140000 0.128000 0.026000 0.718000 0.536000 0.346000 0.357000
0.180 1.332700 1.368900 1.114900 1.349200 1.194100 -0.085640 -0.169390 5.850000 -1.055600 0.147680 -0.008219 4.530000 0.000000 -0.644860 1414.770000 -0.251730 -0.006020 -9.900000 -9.900000 86.670000 270.110000 0.131000 0.033000 0.717000 0.536000 0.344000 0.341000
0.190 1.330700 1.365600 1.120800 1.346300 1.163500 -0.098884 -0.164040 5.890000 -1.057900 0.146160 -0.007967 4.570000 0.000000 -0.666810 1403.990000 -0.249110 -0.006080 -9.900000 -9.900000 88.730000 270.060000 0.134000 0.039000 0.714000 0.537000 0.343000 0.324000
0.200 1.325500 1.359000 1.122000 1.341400 1.134900 -0.110960 -0.158520 5.920000 -1.060700 0.144890 -0.007717 4.610000 0.000000 -0.687620 1392.610000 -0.246580 -0.006140 -9.900000 -9.900000 90.910000 270.000000 0.136000 0.045000 0.711000 0.539000 0.344000 0.309000
0.220 1.309100 1.339400 1.113300 1.328100 1.082300 -0.133000 -0.147040 5.970000 -1.067000 0.142630 -0.007224 4.680000 0.000000 -0.724310 1380.720000 -0.242350 -0.006260 -9.900000 -9.900000 93.040000 269.830000 0.138000 0.052000 0.708000 0.541000 0.345000 0.294000
0.240 1.288100 1.315000 1.094500 1.313200 1.036600 -0.152990 -0.134450 6.030000 -1.073700 0.140350 -0.006747 4.750000 0.000000 -0.756460 1368.510000 -0.238230 -0.006380 -9.900000 -9.900000 95.080000 269.590000 0.140000 0.055000 0.703000 0.544000 0.347000 0.280000
0.250 1.276600 1.301700 1.082800 1.305200 1.016600 -0.162130 -0.127840 6.050000 -1.077300 0.139250 -0.006517 4.780000 0.000000 -0.771770 1356.210000 -0.235740 -0.006440 -9.900000 -9.900000 97.040000 269.450000 0.141000 0.055000 0.698000 0.547000 0.350000 0.266000
0.260 1.265100 1.288600 1.071000 1.297200 0.999320 -0.170410 -0.121150 6.070000 -1.080800 0.138180 -0.006293 4.820000 0.000000 -0.786970 1343.890000 -0.232800 -0.006500 -9.900000 -9.900000 98.870000 269.300000 0.141000 0.055000 0.693000 0.550000 0.353000 0.255000
0.280 1.242900 1.263500 1.047600 1.281500 0.972820 -0.184630 -0.107140 6.110000 -1.087900 0.136040 -0.005866 4.880000 0.000000 -0.816130 1331.670000 -0.226010 -0.006600 -9.900000 -9.900000 100.530000 268.960000 0.140000 0.053000 0.687000 0.554000 0.357000 0.244000
0.290 1.232400 1.251700 1.036300 1.273600 0.963480 -0.190570 -0.100110 6.120000 -1.091300 0.134990 -0.005666 4.900000 0.000000 -0.829500 1319.830000 -0.222500 -0.006650 -9.900000 -9.900000 102.010000 268.780000 0.139000 0.051000 0.681000 0.557000 0.360000 0.236000
0.300 1.221700 1.240100 1.024600 1.265300 0.956760 -0.195900 -0.092855 6.140000 -1.094800 0.133880 -0.005475 4.930000 0.000000 -0.841650 1308.470000 -0.219120 -0.006700 -9.900000 -9.900000 103.150000 268.590000 0.138000 0.050000 0.675000 0.561000 0.363000 0.229000
0.320 1.200700 1.217700 1.001100 1.247900 0.950040 -0.204540 -0.078923 6.160000 -1.101300 0.131790 -0.005122 4.980000 0.000000 -0.861750 1297.650000 -0.213180 -0.006800 -9.900000 -9.900000 104.000000 268.200000 0.135000 0.048000 0.670000 0.566000 0.366000 0.223000
0.340 1.179000 1.195500 0.976770 1.228600 0.949560 -0.211340 -0.065134 6.180000 -1.107400 0.129840 -0.004808 5.030000 0.000000 -0.877260 1287.500000 -0.208160 -0.006890 -9.900000 -9.900000 104.700000 267.790000 0.133000 0.047000 0.664000 0.570000 0.369000 0.218000
0.350 1.167400 1.183600 0.963800 1.217700 0.950770 -0.214460 -0.057921 6.180000 -1.110500 0.128900 -0.004663 5.060000 0.000000 -0.883750 1278.060000 -0.205920 -0.006930 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.260000 267.580000 0.130000 0.047000 0.658000 0.573000 0.372000 0.215000
0.360 1.155800 1.172000 0.951200 1.206600 0.952780 -0.217160 -0.051040 6.190000 -1.113300 0.128060 -0.004527 5.080000 0.000000 -0.889650 1269.190000 -0.203790 -0.006970 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.610000 267.370000 0.128000 0.047000 0.653000 0.576000 0.375000 0.212000
0.380 1.130500 1.146800 0.924400 1.181600 0.958990 -0.222140 -0.036755 6.190000 -1.119000 0.126470 -0.004276 5.120000 0.000000 -0.900380 1260.740000 -0.199780 -0.007050 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.870000 266.950000 0.125000 0.048000 0.648000 0.578000 0.378000 0.210000
0.400 1.104600 1.121400 0.897650 1.155200 0.967660 -0.226080 -0.023189 6.200000 -1.124300 0.125120 -0.004053 5.160000 0.000000 -0.910920 1252.660000 -0.195820 -0.007130 -9.900000 -9.900000 106.020000 266.540000 0.122000 0.049000 0.643000 0.580000 0.381000 0.210000
0.420 1.078200 1.095500 0.870670 1.127600 0.978620 -0.229240 -0.010417 6.200000 -1.129100 0.123890 -0.003853 5.200000 0.000000 -0.922410 1244.800000 -0.191710 -0.007190 -9.900000 -9.900000 106.030000 266.160000 0.120000 0.051000 0.638000 0.583000 0.384000 0.210000
0.440 1.051500 1.069700 0.843550 1.099500 0.991440 -0.231660 0.001168 6.200000 -1.133700 0.122780 -0.003673 5.240000 0.000000 -0.934590 1237.030000 -0.187470 -0.007260 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.920000 265.800000 0.117000 0.053000 0.634000 0.585000 0.388000 0.211000
0.450 1.037600 1.056200 0.829410 1.084700 0.998760 -0.232630 0.006589 6.200000 -1.135900 0.122270 -0.003590 5.250000 0.000000 -0.940750 1229.230000 -0.185340 -0.007290 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.790000 265.640000 0.115000 0.054000 0.629000 0.589000 0.393000 0.213000
0.460 1.023400 1.042600 0.815090 1.069600 1.006400 -0.233500 0.011871 6.200000 -1.138100 0.121770 -0.003510 5.270000 0.000000 -0.946860 1221.160000 -0.183210 -0.007320 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.690000 265.480000 0.113000 0.055000 0.624000 0.592000 0.398000 0.216000
0.480 0.997190 1.017200 0.788600 1.041500 1.021500 -0.234640 0.020767 6.200000 -1.142000 0.120930 -0.003360 5.300000 0.000000 -0.958630 1212.740000 -0.179020 -0.007380 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.590000 265.210000 0.111000 0.057000 0.619000 0.595000 0.404000 0.219000
0.500 0.969910 0.991060 0.761500 1.012000 1.038400 -0.235220 0.029119 6.200000 -1.145900 0.120150 -0.003220 5.340000 0.000000 -0.969300 1203.910000 -0.175000 -0.007440 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.540000 265.000000 0.109000 0.060000 0.615000 0.599000 0.410000 0.224000
0.550 0.904800 0.928300 0.698400 0.941700 1.083300 -0.234490 0.046932 6.200000 -1.154300 0.118470 -0.002897 5.410000 0.000000 -0.989250 1194.590000 -0.166010 -0.007580 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.610000 264.740000 0.108000 0.066000 0.610000 0.603000 0.417000 0.229000
0.600 0.841650 0.867150 0.638750 0.873510 1.133600 -0.231280 0.062667 6.200000 -1.161500 0.116710 -0.002610 5.480000 0.000000 -1.001200 1184.930000 -0.158300 -0.007730 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.830000 264.830000 0.106000 0.071000 0.605000 0.607000 0.424000 0.235000
0.650 0.781810 0.808760 0.582310 0.809480 1.186100 -0.226660 0.077997 6.200000 -1.167600 0.114650 -0.002356 5.530000 0.000000 -1.007800 1175.190000 -0.151440 -0.007870 0.005829 0.003762 106.200000 265.200000 0.105000 0.073000 0.599000 0.611000 0.431000 0.243000
0.667 0.762620 0.789940 0.564220 0.789160 1.203500 -0.224970 0.083058 6.200000 -1.169400 0.113940 -0.002276 5.540000 0.000000 -1.009300 1165.690000 -0.149230 -0.007920 0.026446 0.017100 106.750000 265.380000 0.103000 0.074000 0.593000 0.615000 0.440000 0.250000
0.700 0.725130 0.753020 0.528780 0.749850 1.237500 -0.221430 0.093185 6.200000 -1.172800 0.112530 -0.002131 5.560000 0.000000 -1.011700 1156.460000 -0.145030 -0.008000 0.055495 0.035728 107.480000 265.780000 0.102000 0.073000 0.587000 0.619000 0.448000 0.258000
0.750 0.669030 0.697370 0.475230 0.691730 1.287100 -0.215910 0.108290 6.200000 -1.177700 0.110540 -0.001931 5.600000 0.000000 -1.015400 1147.590000 -0.138660 -0.008120 0.092259 0.059024 108.390000 266.510000 0.100000 0.070000 0.581000 0.622000 0.457000 0.266000
0.800 0.613460 0.641960 0.421730 0.635190 1.334100 -0.210470 0.122560 6.200000 -1.181900 0.108730 -0.001754 5.630000 0.000000 -1.021000 1139.210000 -0.132010 -0.008220 0.140400 0.088481 109.620000 267.320000 0.099000 0.063000 0.576000 0.624000 0.466000 0.274000
0.850 0.558530 0.586980 0.368130 0.579690 1.378000 -0.205280 0.136080 6.200000 -1.185400 0.107090 -0.001597 5.660000 0.000000 -1.028200 1131.340000 -0.125170 -0.008300 0.194950 0.120290 111.080000 268.140000 0.099000 0.053000 0.570000 0.625000 0.475000 0.281000
0.900 0.502960 0.531360 0.313760 0.523610 1.420800 -0.200110 0.149830 6.200000 -1.188400 0.105480 -0.001456 5.690000 0.000000 -1.036000 1123.910000 -0.118310 -0.008360 0.252030 0.151590 112.710000 268.900000 0.098000 0.042000 0.564000 0.626000 0.483000 0.288000
0.950 0.447010 0.475410 0.259190 0.467060 1.462300 -0.194900 0.164320 6.200000 -1.190900 0.103890 -0.001328 5.720000 0.000000 -1.043600 1116.830000 -0.111600 -0.008410 0.309400 0.180770 114.500000 269.550000 0.098000 0.030000 0.558000 0.626000 0.491000 0.294000
1.000 0.393200 0.421800 0.207000 0.412400 1.500400 -0.189830 0.178950 6.200000 -1.193000 0.102480 -0.001210 5.740000 0.000000 -1.050000 1109.950000 -0.105210 -0.008440 0.366950 0.207890 116.390000 270.000000 0.098000 0.020000 0.553000 0.625000 0.498000 0.298000
1.100 0.284840 0.313740 0.101820 0.302090 1.569000 -0.180010 0.210420 6.200000 -1.196600 0.100160 -0.000994 5.820000 0.000000 -1.057300 1103.070000 -0.093837 -0.008470 0.424520 0.233100 118.300000 270.180000 0.099000 0.007000 0.548000 0.624000 0.505000 0.302000
1.200 0.173400 0.202590 -0.006195 0.188660 1.628200 -0.170900 0.244100 6.200000 -1.199600 0.098482 -0.000803 5.920000 0.000000 -1.058400 1096.040000 -0.084144 -0.008420 0.481160 0.256060 120.190000 269.420000 0.100000 0.002000 0.543000 0.623000 0.511000 0.306000
1.300 0.061520 0.091060 -0.113450 0.074330 1.679400 -0.162330 0.277990 6.200000 -1.201800 0.097375 -0.000635 6.010000 0.000000 -1.055400 1088.670000 -0.075819 -0.008290 0.535970 0.276480 122.010000 267.820000 0.101000 0.003000 0.539000 0.622000 0.516000 0.309000
1.400 -0.045750 -0.015700 -0.215500 -0.036070 1.723900 -0.154130 0.309560 6.200000 -1.203900 0.096743 -0.000490 6.100000 0.000000 -1.050400 1080.770000 -0.068543 -0.008060 0.588320 0.294240 123.750000 265.450000 0.102000 0.006000 0.535000 0.620000 0.521000 0.312000
1.500 -0.149540 -0.118660 -0.313800 -0.143700 1.762200 -0.146700 0.338960 6.200000 -1.206300 0.096445 -0.000365 6.180000 0.000000 -1.045400 1072.390000 -0.062000 -0.007710 0.637890 0.309440 125.380000 262.410000 0.104000 0.010000 0.532000 0.619000 0.525000 0.315000
1.600 -0.248600 -0.216720 -0.406820 -0.247080 1.795500 -0.139970 0.366160 6.200000 -1.208600 0.096338 -0.000259 6.260000 0.000000 -1.042100 1061.770000 -0.055927 -0.007230 0.688890 0.324490 126.900000 258.780000 0.105000 0.012000 0.529000 0.618000 0.528000 0.318000
1.700 -0.341450 -0.308400 -0.492950 -0.344650 1.825900 -0.133610 0.390650 6.200000 -1.210600 0.096254 -0.000171 6.330000 0.000000 -1.040400 1049.290000 -0.050286 -0.006660 0.735780 0.337200 128.140000 254.660000 0.106000 0.012000 0.527000 0.618000 0.530000 0.321000
1.800 -0.429750 -0.395580 -0.573880 -0.438180 1.856400 -0.126860 0.412440 6.200000 -1.212300 0.096207 -0.000099 6.400000 0.000000 -1.039700 1036.420000 -0.045096 -0.006030 0.779920 0.349630 129.110000 250.110000 0.106000 0.012000 0.526000 0.618000 0.531000 0.323000
1.900 -0.512760 -0.477310 -0.648990 -0.526820 1.886800 -0.119590 0.431510 6.200000 -1.214100 0.096255 -0.000042 6.480000 0.000000 -1.039500 1023.140000 -0.040373 -0.005400 0.824270 0.364130 129.860000 245.250000 0.106000 0.010000 0.526000 0.618000 0.532000 0.326000
2.000 -0.586690 -0.550030 -0.714660 -0.606580 1.915200 -0.112370 0.447880 6.200000 -1.215900 0.096361 0.000000 6.540000 0.000000 -1.039200 1009.490000 -0.036136 -0.004790 0.871380 0.382450 130.370000 240.140000 0.105000 0.008000 0.526000 0.618000 0.532000 0.329000
2.200 -0.721430 -0.682200 -0.830030 -0.754020 1.968100 -0.098017 0.480240 6.200000 -1.219000 0.096497 0.000000 6.660000 0.000000 -1.036800 995.520000 -0.029105 -0.003780 0.920330 0.404020 130.670000 229.550000 0.103000 0.005000 0.527000 0.619000 0.533000 0.332000
2.400 -0.848100 -0.806900 -0.932600 -0.894100 2.017000 -0.083765 0.518730 6.200000 -1.220200 0.096198 0.000000 6.730000 0.000000 -1.032300 981.330000 -0.023710 -0.003020 0.969310 0.427420 130.810000 219.050000 0.100000 0.003000 0.528000 0.619000 0.533000 0.335000
2.500 -0.909660 -0.867650 -0.982280 -0.961870 2.040600 -0.076308 0.538830 6.200000 -1.220100 0.096106 0.000000 6.770000 0.000000 -1.029400 966.940000 -0.021509 -0.002720 1.016700 0.451420 130.810000 214.040000 0.097000 0.002000 0.530000 0.619000 0.534000 0.337000
2.600 -0.968630 -0.925770 -1.031300 -1.026600 2.062800 -0.068925 0.558100 6.200000 -1.219800 0.096136 0.000000 6.810000 0.000000 -1.026200 952.340000 -0.019576 -0.002460 1.060100 0.474220 130.720000 209.320000 0.094000 0.001000 0.531000 0.620000 0.535000 0.340000
2.800 -1.081700 -1.036700 -1.130100 -1.149500 2.101400 -0.055229 0.593940 6.200000 -1.218900 0.096667 0.000000 6.870000 0.000000 -1.019000 937.520000 -0.016324 -0.002080 1.099000 0.495360 130.570000 201.080000 0.091000 0.000000 0.532000 0.619000 0.536000 0.342000
3.000 -1.189800 -1.142000 -1.230000 -1.266400 2.132300 -0.043320 0.626940 6.200000 -1.217900 0.097638 0.000000 6.930000 0.000000 -1.011200 922.430000 -0.013577 -0.001830 1.134800 0.515850 130.360000 195.000000 0.088000 0.000000 0.534000 0.619000 0.537000 0.344000
3.200 -1.291400 -1.240600 -1.325500 -1.376000 2.154500 -0.034440 0.658110 6.200000 -1.216900 0.098649 -0.000023 6.990000 0.000000 -1.003200 908.790000 -0.011030 -0.001670 1.163800 0.534110 130.130000 191.610000 0.084000 0.000000 0.535000 0.618000 0.538000 0.345000
3.400 -1.386000 -1.332200 -1.415000 -1.478600 2.170400 -0.027889 0.687550 6.200000 -1.216000 0.099553 -0.000040 7.080000 0.000000 -0.995120 896.150000 -0.008665 -0.001580 1.188200 0.551450 129.900000 190.730000 0.081000 0.000000 0.535000 0.618000 0.540000 0.346000
3.500 -1.433200 -1.377800 -1.459900 -1.529700 2.177500 -0.024997 0.702160 6.200000 -1.215600 0.099989 -0.000045 7.120000 0.000000 -0.991000 883.160000 -0.007568 -0.001550 1.211400 0.569810 129.710000 191.110000 0.078000 0.000000 0.536000 0.617000 0.541000 0.347000
3.600 -1.476200 -1.419300 -1.501400 -1.576400 2.183400 -0.022575 0.715230 6.200000 -1.215600 0.100430 -0.000049 7.160000 0.000000 -0.986820 870.050000 -0.006537 -0.001540 1.233600 0.589320 129.560000 191.980000 0.075000 0.000000 0.536000 0.616000 0.542000 0.348000
3.800 -1.561700 -1.501400 -1.586500 -1.668500 2.193800 -0.018362 0.740280 6.200000 -1.215800 0.101420 -0.000053 7.240000 0.000000 -0.978260 857.070000 -0.004702 -0.001520 1.253400 0.609180 129.490000 195.010000 0.072000 0.000000 0.536000 0.616000 0.543000 0.349000
4.000 -1.638800 -1.574800 -1.667300 -1.751600 2.204000 -0.014642 0.763030 6.200000 -1.216200 0.102180 -0.000052 7.320000 0.000000 -0.969380 844.480000 -0.003212 -0.001520 1.271100 0.629390 129.490000 199.450000 0.070000 0.000000 0.536000 0.616000 0.543000 0.349000
4.200 -1.711600 -1.643900 -1.745100 -1.829000 2.212300 -0.012248 0.785520 6.200000 -1.216500 0.102690 -0.000047 7.390000 0.000000 -0.960120 832.450000 -0.002103 -0.001520 1.287000 0.651570 129.570000 204.930000 0.068000 0.000000 0.535000 0.616000 0.542000 0.349000
4.400 -1.779800 -1.708900 -1.819200 -1.901100 2.218100 -0.011459 0.807920 6.200000 -1.216900 0.103040 -0.000039 7.460000 0.000000 -0.950490 821.180000 -0.001324 -0.001500 1.300400 0.674210 129.710000 211.090000 0.066000 0.000000 0.534000 0.617000 0.540000 0.347000
4.600 -1.846900 -1.773100 -1.892300 -1.971200 2.223000 -0.011760 0.831260 6.200000 -1.217500 0.103240 -0.000027 7.520000 0.000000 -0.940500 810.790000 -0.000804 -0.001480 1.312500 0.696980 129.870000 217.560000 0.064000 0.000000 0.533000 0.619000 0.538000 0.345000
4.800 -1.906300 -1.830300 -1.957300 -2.032600 2.226800 -0.012879 0.852400 6.200000 -1.218200 0.103370 -0.000014 7.640000 0.000000 -0.930180 801.410000 -0.000471 -0.001460 1.322500 0.718880 130.050000 223.990000 0.063000 0.000000 0.531000 0.621000 0.535000 0.341000
5.000 -1.966000 -1.888200 -2.024500 -2.092800 2.229900 -0.014855 0.873140 6.200000 -1.218900 0.103530 0.000000 7.780000 0.000000 -0.919540 793.130000 -0.000255 -0.001440 1.328900 0.738060 130.220000 230.000000 0.061000 0.000000 0.528000 0.622000 0.532000 0.335000
5.500 -2.105100 -2.023200 -2.190800 -2.228800 2.238900 -0.019502 0.914660 6.200000 -1.220400 0.104600 0.000000 8.070000 0.000000 -0.891760 785.730000 0.000072 -0.001400 1.345000 0.777900 130.390000 241.860000 0.060000 0.000000 0.526000 0.624000 0.528000 0.329000
6.000 -2.242100 -2.156300 -2.365900 -2.357900 2.237700 -0.026383 0.948700 6.200000 -1.223200 0.107500 0.000000 8.480000 0.000000 -0.862860 779.910000 0.000188 -0.001380 1.349600 0.802780 130.530000 249.340000 0.059000 0.000000 0.524000 0.625000 0.524000 0.321000
6.500 -2.368600 -2.278500 -2.532200 -2.477000 2.215000 -0.039505 0.976430 6.200000 -1.229900 0.112310 0.000000 8.900000 0.000000 -0.833550 775.600000 0.000159 -0.001370 1.348900 0.814800 130.630000 252.940000 0.059000 0.000000 0.520000 0.634000 0.517000 0.312000
7.000 -2.482700 -2.388100 -2.681800 -2.585400 2.172000 -0.059140 0.997570 6.200000 -1.240800 0.118530 0.000000 9.200000 0.000000 -0.804570 772.680000 0.000056 -0.001370 1.342200 0.816150 130.700000 253.120000 0.059000 0.000000 0.515000 0.636000 0.514000 0.302000
7.500 -2.586500 -2.487400 -2.817600 -2.685400 2.118700 -0.081606 1.012100 6.200000 -1.254300 0.125070 0.000000 9.480000 0.000000 -0.776650 771.010000 -0.000055 -0.001370 1.328800 0.809000 130.720000 250.390000 0.058000 0.000000 0.512000 0.634000 0.511000 0.270000
8.000 -2.686100 -2.582900 -2.943800 -2.782300 2.061300 -0.103820 1.023200 6.200000 -1.268800 0.131460 0.000000 9.570000 0.000000 -0.750330 760.810000 -0.000117 -0.001370 1.308400 0.795380 130.870000 245.230000 0.059000 0.000000 0.510000 0.630000 0.507000 0.278000
8.500 -2.782000 -2.675200 -3.059700 -2.877600 2.008400 -0.121140 1.033500 6.200000 -1.283900 0.137420 0.000000 9.620000 0.000000 -0.725440 764.500000 -0.000131 -0.001370 1.282200 0.776710 130.710000 238.130000 0.059000 0.000000 0.509000 0.622000 0.503000 0.265000
9.000 -2.879200 -2.768700 -3.171300 -2.975900 1.960500 -0.134070 1.045300 6.200000 -1.298900 0.142940 0.000000 9.660000 0.000000 -0.701610 768.070000 -0.000108 -0.001370 1.251500 0.754250 130.500000 229.560000 0.060000 0.000000 0.509000 0.613000 0.498000 0.252000
9.500 -2.976900 -2.863400 -3.278500 -3.076000 1.918900 -0.143640 1.056700 6.200000 -1.313000 0.147810 0.000000 9.660000 0.000000 -0.678500 771.550000 -0.000060 -0.001360 1.217900 0.729250 130.260000 220.020000 0.060000 0.000000 0.509000 0.604000 0.492000 0.239000
10.00 -3.070200 -2.953700 -3.377600 -3.172600 1.883700 -0.150960 1.065100 6.200000 -1.325300 0.151830 0.000000 9.660000 0.000000 -0.655750 775.000000 0.000000 -0.001360 1.182900 0.703000 130.000000 210.000000 0.060000 0.000000 0.510000 0.604000 0.487000 0.239000
"Mref": 4.5,
"Rref": 1.0,
"Vref": 760.0,
"f1": 0.0,
"f3": 0.1,
"v1": 225.0,
"v2": 300.0}
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014HighQ(BooreEtAl2014):
This class implements the Boore et al. (2014) model considering the
correction to the path scaling term for High Q regions (e.g. China and
The modification is made to the "Dc3" coefficient
COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\
IMT e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 Mh c1 c2 c3 h Dc3 c Vc f4 f5 f6 f7 R1 R2 DfR DfV f1 f2 t1 t2
pgv 5.037000 5.078000 4.849000 5.033000 1.073000 -0.153600 0.225200 6.200000 -1.243000 0.148900 -0.003440 5.300000 0.004345 -0.840000 1300.000000 -0.100000 -0.008440 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.000000 272.000000 0.082000 0.080000 0.644000 0.552000 0.401000 0.346000
pga 0.447300 0.485600 0.245900 0.453900 1.431000 0.050530 -0.166200 5.500000 -1.134000 0.191700 -0.008088 4.500000 0.002858 -0.600000 1500.000000 -0.150000 -0.007010 -9.900000 -9.900000 110.000000 270.000000 0.100000 0.070000 0.695000 0.495000 0.398000 0.348000
0.010 0.453400 0.491600 0.251900 0.459900 1.421000 0.049320 -0.165900 5.500000 -1.134000 0.191600 -0.008088 4.500000 0.002816 -0.603720 1500.200000 -0.148330 -0.007010 -9.900000 -9.900000 111.670000 270.000000 0.096000 0.070000 0.698000 0.499000 0.402000 0.345000
0.020 0.485980 0.523590 0.297070 0.488750 1.433100 0.053388 -0.165610 5.500000 -1.139400 0.189620 -0.008074 4.500000 0.002780 -0.573880 1500.360000 -0.147100 -0.007280 -9.900000 -9.900000 113.100000 270.000000 0.092000 0.030000 0.702000 0.502000 0.409000 0.346000
0.022 0.498660 0.536470 0.313470 0.499730 1.433600 0.054888 -0.165200 5.500000 -1.140500 0.189240 -0.008095 4.500000 0.002760 -0.566750 1500.680000 -0.148010 -0.007320 -9.900000 -9.900000 113.370000 270.000000 0.088000 0.027000 0.707000 0.505000 0.418000 0.349000
0.025 0.522830 0.561300 0.344260 0.519990 1.432800 0.057529 -0.164990 5.500000 -1.141900 0.188750 -0.008153 4.500000 0.002754 -0.555200 1501.040000 -0.150150 -0.007360 -9.900000 -9.900000 113.070000 270.000000 0.086000 0.026000 0.711000 0.508000 0.427000 0.354000
0.029 0.559490 0.599230 0.391460 0.549950 1.427900 0.060732 -0.166320 5.500000 -1.142300 0.188440 -0.008290 4.500000 0.002762 -0.538500 1501.260000 -0.153870 -0.007370 -9.900000 -9.900000 112.360000 270.000000 0.084000 0.028000 0.716000 0.510000 0.436000 0.359000
0.030 0.569160 0.609200 0.403910 0.557830 1.426100 0.061444 -0.166900 5.500000 -1.142100 0.188420 -0.008336 4.490000 0.002765 -0.534140 1502.950000 -0.154850 -0.007350 -9.900000 -9.900000 112.130000 270.000000 0.081000 0.029000 0.721000 0.514000 0.445000 0.364000
0.032 0.588020 0.628750 0.427880 0.573300 1.422700 0.062806 -0.168130 5.500000 -1.141200 0.188400 -0.008445 4.450000 0.002769 -0.525290 1503.120000 -0.156850 -0.007310 -9.900000 -9.900000 111.650000 270.000000 0.078000 0.030000 0.726000 0.516000 0.454000 0.369000
0.035 0.616360 0.658180 0.462520 0.597040 1.417400 0.064559 -0.170150 5.500000 -1.138800 0.188390 -0.008642 4.400000 0.002784 -0.511920 1503.240000 -0.160160 -0.007210 -9.900000 -9.900000 110.640000 270.000000 0.077000 0.031000 0.730000 0.518000 0.462000 0.374000
0.036 0.625540 0.667720 0.473380 0.604960 1.415800 0.065028 -0.170830 5.500000 -1.137800 0.188370 -0.008715 4.380000 0.002801 -0.507520 1503.320000 -0.161420 -0.007170 -9.900000 -9.900000 109.530000 270.000000 0.075000 0.031000 0.734000 0.520000 0.470000 0.379000
0.040 0.662810 0.706040 0.515320 0.638280 1.409000 0.066183 -0.173570 5.500000 -1.132400 0.188160 -0.009030 4.320000 0.002822 -0.490650 1503.350000 -0.167770 -0.006980 -9.900000 -9.900000 108.280000 270.000000 0.073000 0.032000 0.738000 0.521000 0.478000 0.384000
0.042 0.680870 0.724430 0.534450 0.655050 1.405900 0.066438 -0.174850 5.500000 -1.129200 0.187970 -0.009195 4.290000 0.002847 -0.482900 1503.340000 -0.171930 -0.006870 -9.900000 -9.900000 106.990000 270.000000 0.072000 0.032000 0.742000 0.523000 0.484000 0.390000
0.044 0.698820 0.742770 0.552820 0.672250 1.403300 0.066663 -0.176190 5.500000 -1.125900 0.187750 -0.009360 4.270000 0.002874 -0.475720 1503.130000 -0.176640 -0.006770 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.410000 270.000000 0.070000 0.031000 0.745000 0.525000 0.490000 0.397000
0.045 0.708220 0.752320 0.562220 0.681390 1.402100 0.066774 -0.176930 5.500000 -1.124200 0.187640 -0.009441 4.250000 0.002900 -0.472360 1502.840000 -0.179140 -0.006720 -9.900000 -9.900000 103.610000 270.000000 0.069000 0.031000 0.748000 0.527000 0.496000 0.405000
0.046 0.717790 0.762020 0.571660 0.690760 1.400900 0.066891 -0.177690 5.500000 -1.122400 0.187520 -0.009521 4.240000 0.002923 -0.469150 1502.470000 -0.181700 -0.006670 -9.900000 -9.900000 101.700000 270.000000 0.067000 0.031000 0.750000 0.529000 0.499000 0.412000
0.048 0.735740 0.780150 0.588880 0.708540 1.399100 0.067127 -0.179200 5.500000 -1.119200 0.187300 -0.009676 4.220000 0.002944 -0.463210 1502.010000 -0.186880 -0.006560 -9.900000 -9.900000 99.760000 270.000000 0.065000 0.031000 0.752000 0.530000 0.502000 0.419000
0.050 0.754360 0.799050 0.606520 0.727260 1.397400 0.067357 -0.180820 5.500000 -1.115900 0.187090 -0.009819 4.200000 0.002957 -0.457950 1501.420000 -0.192000 -0.006470 -9.900000 -9.900000 97.930000 270.000000 0.063000 0.030000 0.753000 0.532000 0.503000 0.426000
0.055 0.799600 0.844500 0.647700 0.773700 1.394700 0.067797 -0.184800 5.500000 -1.108200 0.186550 -0.010120 4.150000 0.002964 -0.447870 1500.710000 -0.203690 -0.006250 -9.900000 -9.900000 96.030000 270.000000 0.062000 0.029000 0.753000 0.534000 0.502000 0.434000
0.060 0.843940 0.888840 0.685620 0.820670 1.395400 0.068591 -0.188580 5.500000 -1.100900 0.185820 -0.010330 4.110000 0.002968 -0.441860 1499.830000 -0.213740 -0.006070 -9.900000 -9.900000 94.100000 270.010000 0.061000 0.027000 0.753000 0.536000 0.499000 0.441000
0.065 0.886550 0.931160 0.719410 0.867240 1.400400 0.070127 -0.191760 5.500000 -1.094200 0.184850 -0.010480 4.080000 0.002968 -0.439510 1498.740000 -0.222250 -0.005930 -9.900000 -9.900000 92.080000 270.020000 0.061000 0.025000 0.752000 0.538000 0.495000 0.448000
0.067 0.902700 0.947110 0.731710 0.885260 1.403200 0.070895 -0.192910 5.500000 -1.091800 0.184420 -0.010520 4.070000 0.002968 -0.439500 1497.420000 -0.225240 -0.005880 -9.900000 -9.900000 90.010000 270.020000 0.061000 0.025000 0.750000 0.540000 0.489000 0.455000
0.070 0.926520 0.970570 0.749400 0.912270 1.408200 0.072075 -0.194510 5.500000 -1.088400 0.183690 -0.010560 4.060000 0.002964 -0.440400 1495.850000 -0.229310 -0.005820 -9.900000 -9.900000 87.970000 270.030000 0.062000 0.024000 0.748000 0.541000 0.483000 0.461000
0.075 0.964470 1.007700 0.776780 0.956300 1.417400 0.073549 -0.196650 5.500000 -1.083100 0.182250 -0.010580 4.040000 0.002957 -0.444110 1494.000000 -0.235000 -0.005730 -9.900000 -9.900000 85.990000 270.040000 0.064000 0.022000 0.745000 0.542000 0.474000 0.466000
0.080 1.000300 1.042600 0.801610 0.998180 1.426100 0.073735 -0.198160 5.500000 -1.078500 0.180520 -0.010560 4.020000 0.002945 -0.450200 1491.820000 -0.239440 -0.005670 -9.900000 -9.900000 84.230000 270.050000 0.067000 0.020000 0.741000 0.543000 0.464000 0.468000
0.085 1.034000 1.075500 0.824230 1.037900 1.432200 0.071940 -0.199020 5.510000 -1.074500 0.178560 -0.010510 4.030000 0.002930 -0.458130 1489.290000 -0.242850 -0.005630 -9.900000 -9.900000 82.740000 270.060000 0.072000 0.019000 0.737000 0.543000 0.452000 0.468000
0.090 1.066600 1.107600 0.845910 1.076200 1.435000 0.068097 -0.199290 5.520000 -1.070900 0.176430 -0.010420 4.070000 0.002914 -0.467320 1486.360000 -0.245440 -0.005610 -9.900000 -9.900000 81.540000 270.070000 0.076000 0.017000 0.734000 0.542000 0.440000 0.466000
0.095 1.098100 1.138500 0.867030 1.112700 1.433900 0.062327 -0.199000 5.530000 -1.067800 0.174200 -0.010320 4.100000 0.002897 -0.477210 1482.980000 -0.247470 -0.005600 -9.900000 -9.900000 80.460000 270.080000 0.082000 0.016000 0.731000 0.542000 0.428000 0.464000
0.100 1.126800 1.166900 0.887100 1.145400 1.429300 0.055231 -0.198380 5.540000 -1.065200 0.172030 -0.010200 4.130000 0.002879 -0.487240 1479.120000 -0.249160 -0.005600 -9.900000 -9.900000 79.590000 270.090000 0.087000 0.014000 0.728000 0.541000 0.415000 0.458000
0.110 1.178500 1.217900 0.927020 1.203000 1.411000 0.037389 -0.196010 5.570000 -1.060700 0.167700 -0.009964 4.190000 0.002863 -0.506320 1474.740000 -0.252130 -0.005620 -9.900000 -9.900000 79.050000 270.110000 0.093000 0.012000 0.726000 0.540000 0.403000 0.451000
0.120 1.223000 1.262100 0.966160 1.250200 1.383100 0.016373 -0.192650 5.620000 -1.057200 0.163520 -0.009722 4.240000 0.002847 -0.524380 1469.750000 -0.254550 -0.005670 -9.900000 -9.900000 78.850000 270.130000 0.099000 0.011000 0.724000 0.539000 0.392000 0.441000
0.130 1.259600 1.298600 1.003100 1.286900 1.349700 -0.005158 -0.188980 5.660000 -1.054900 0.159820 -0.009476 4.290000 0.002831 -0.542140 1464.090000 -0.256280 -0.005720 -9.900000 -9.900000 78.990000 270.150000 0.104000 0.011000 0.723000 0.538000 0.381000 0.430000
0.133 1.269200 1.308200 1.013500 1.296100 1.339500 -0.011354 -0.187920 5.670000 -1.054500 0.158820 -0.009402 4.300000 0.002817 -0.547520 1457.760000 -0.256650 -0.005740 -9.900000 -9.900000 79.470000 270.150000 0.110000 0.011000 0.722000 0.538000 0.371000 0.417000
0.140 1.288300 1.327000 1.036000 1.313700 1.316200 -0.024711 -0.185660 5.700000 -1.053700 0.156720 -0.009228 4.340000 0.002802 -0.560320 1450.710000 -0.257190 -0.005780 -9.900000 -9.900000 80.260000 270.160000 0.115000 0.012000 0.721000 0.537000 0.362000 0.403000
0.150 1.309500 1.348100 1.064800 1.332400 1.284400 -0.042065 -0.182340 5.740000 -1.053200 0.154010 -0.008977 4.390000 0.002786 -0.579620 1442.850000 -0.257130 -0.005850 -9.900000 -9.900000 81.330000 270.160000 0.120000 0.015000 0.720000 0.537000 0.354000 0.388000
0.160 1.323500 1.361500 1.087600 1.343700 1.254100 -0.057593 -0.178530 5.780000 -1.053300 0.151580 -0.008725 4.440000 0.002765 -0.600520 1434.220000 -0.256040 -0.005910 -9.900000 -9.900000 82.860000 270.160000 0.125000 0.020000 0.720000 0.536000 0.349000 0.372000
0.170 1.330600 1.367900 1.104000 1.348700 1.224400 -0.071861 -0.174210 5.820000 -1.054100 0.149480 -0.008472 4.490000 0.002734 -0.622520 1424.850000 -0.254140 -0.005970 -9.900000 -9.900000 84.720000 270.140000 0.128000 0.026000 0.718000 0.536000 0.346000 0.357000
0.180 1.332700 1.368900 1.114900 1.349200 1.194100 -0.085640 -0.169390 5.850000 -1.055600 0.147680 -0.008219 4.530000 0.002699 -0.644860 1414.770000 -0.251730 -0.006020 -9.900000 -9.900000 86.670000 270.110000 0.131000 0.033000 0.717000 0.536000 0.344000 0.341000
0.190 1.330700 1.365600 1.120800 1.346300 1.163500 -0.098884 -0.164040 5.890000 -1.057900 0.146160 -0.007967 4.570000 0.002660 -0.666810 1403.990000 -0.249110 -0.006080 -9.900000 -9.900000 88.730000 270.060000 0.134000 0.039000 0.714000 0.537000 0.343000 0.324000
0.200 1.325500 1.359000 1.122000 1.341400 1.134900 -0.110960 -0.158520 5.920000 -1.060700 0.144890 -0.007717 4.610000 0.002612 -0.687620 1392.610000 -0.246580 -0.006140 -9.900000 -9.900000 90.910000 270.000000 0.136000 0.045000 0.711000 0.539000 0.344000 0.309000
0.220 1.309100 1.339400 1.113300 1.328100 1.082300 -0.133000 -0.147040 5.970000 -1.067000 0.142630 -0.007224 4.680000 0.002560 -0.724310 1380.720000 -0.242350 -0.006260 -9.900000 -9.900000 93.040000 269.830000 0.138000 0.052000 0.708000 0.541000 0.345000 0.294000
0.240 1.288100 1.315000 1.094500 1.313200 1.036600 -0.152990 -0.134450 6.030000 -1.073700 0.140350 -0.006747 4.750000 0.002505 -0.756460 1368.510000 -0.238230 -0.006380 -9.900000 -9.900000 95.080000 269.590000 0.140000 0.055000 0.703000 0.544000 0.347000 0.280000
0.250 1.276600 1.301700 1.082800 1.305200 1.016600 -0.162130 -0.127840 6.050000 -1.077300 0.139250 -0.006517 4.780000 0.002444 -0.771770 1356.210000 -0.235740 -0.006440 -9.900000 -9.900000 97.040000 269.450000 0.141000 0.055000 0.698000 0.547000 0.350000 0.266000
0.260 1.265100 1.288600 1.071000 1.297200 0.999320 -0.170410 -0.121150 6.070000 -1.080800 0.138180 -0.006293 4.820000 0.002380 -0.786970 1343.890000 -0.232800 -0.006500 -9.900000 -9.900000 98.870000 269.300000 0.141000 0.055000 0.693000 0.550000 0.353000 0.255000
0.280 1.242900 1.263500 1.047600 1.281500 0.972820 -0.184630 -0.107140 6.110000 -1.087900 0.136040 -0.005866 4.880000 0.002314 -0.816130 1331.670000 -0.226010 -0.006600 -9.900000 -9.900000 100.530000 268.960000 0.140000 0.053000 0.687000 0.554000 0.357000 0.244000
0.290 1.232400 1.251700 1.036300 1.273600 0.963480 -0.190570 -0.100110 6.120000 -1.091300 0.134990 -0.005666 4.900000 0.002250 -0.829500 1319.830000 -0.222500 -0.006650 -9.900000 -9.900000 102.010000 268.780000 0.139000 0.051000 0.681000 0.557000 0.360000 0.236000
0.300 1.221700 1.240100 1.024600 1.265300 0.956760 -0.195900 -0.092855 6.140000 -1.094800 0.133880 -0.005475 4.930000 0.002196 -0.841650 1308.470000 -0.219120 -0.006700 -9.900000 -9.900000 103.150000 268.590000 0.138000 0.050000 0.675000 0.561000 0.363000 0.229000
0.320 1.200700 1.217700 1.001100 1.247900 0.950040 -0.204540 -0.078923 6.160000 -1.101300 0.131790 -0.005122 4.980000 0.002155 -0.861750 1297.650000 -0.213180 -0.006800 -9.900000 -9.900000 104.000000 268.200000 0.135000 0.048000 0.670000 0.566000 0.366000 0.223000
0.340 1.179000 1.195500 0.976770 1.228600 0.949560 -0.211340 -0.065134 6.180000 -1.107400 0.129840 -0.004808 5.030000 0.002124 -0.877260 1287.500000 -0.208160 -0.006890 -9.900000 -9.900000 104.700000 267.790000 0.133000 0.047000 0.664000 0.570000 0.369000 0.218000
0.350 1.167400 1.183600 0.963800 1.217700 0.950770 -0.214460 -0.057921 6.180000 -1.110500 0.128900 -0.004663 5.060000 0.002104 -0.883750 1278.060000 -0.205920 -0.006930 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.260000 267.580000 0.130000 0.047000 0.658000 0.573000 0.372000 0.215000
0.360 1.155800 1.172000 0.951200 1.206600 0.952780 -0.217160 -0.051040 6.190000 -1.113300 0.128060 -0.004527 5.080000 0.002097 -0.889650 1269.190000 -0.203790 -0.006970 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.610000 267.370000 0.128000 0.047000 0.653000 0.576000 0.375000 0.212000
0.380 1.130500 1.146800 0.924400 1.181600 0.958990 -0.222140 -0.036755 6.190000 -1.119000 0.126470 -0.004276 5.120000 0.002098 -0.900380 1260.740000 -0.199780 -0.007050 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.870000 266.950000 0.125000 0.048000 0.648000 0.578000 0.378000 0.210000
0.400 1.104600 1.121400 0.897650 1.155200 0.967660 -0.226080 -0.023189 6.200000 -1.124300 0.125120 -0.004053 5.160000 0.002107 -0.910920 1252.660000 -0.195820 -0.007130 -9.900000 -9.900000 106.020000 266.540000 0.122000 0.049000 0.643000 0.580000 0.381000 0.210000
0.420 1.078200 1.095500 0.870670 1.127600 0.978620 -0.229240 -0.010417 6.200000 -1.129100 0.123890 -0.003853 5.200000 0.002127 -0.922410 1244.800000 -0.191710 -0.007190 -9.900000 -9.900000 106.030000 266.160000 0.120000 0.051000 0.638000 0.583000 0.384000 0.210000
0.440 1.051500 1.069700 0.843550 1.099500 0.991440 -0.231660 0.001168 6.200000 -1.133700 0.122780 -0.003673 5.240000 0.002160 -0.934590 1237.030000 -0.187470 -0.007260 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.920000 265.800000 0.117000 0.053000 0.634000 0.585000 0.388000 0.211000
0.450 1.037600 1.056200 0.829410 1.084700 0.998760 -0.232630 0.006589 6.200000 -1.135900 0.122270 -0.003590 5.250000 0.002202 -0.940750 1229.230000 -0.185340 -0.007290 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.790000 265.640000 0.115000 0.054000 0.629000 0.589000 0.393000 0.213000
0.460 1.023400 1.042600 0.815090 1.069600 1.006400 -0.233500 0.011871 6.200000 -1.138100 0.121770 -0.003510 5.270000 0.002250 -0.946860 1221.160000 -0.183210 -0.007320 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.690000 265.480000 0.113000 0.055000 0.624000 0.592000 0.398000 0.216000
0.480 0.997190 1.017200 0.788600 1.041500 1.021500 -0.234640 0.020767 6.200000 -1.142000 0.120930 -0.003360 5.300000 0.002298 -0.958630 1212.740000 -0.179020 -0.007380 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.590000 265.210000 0.111000 0.057000 0.619000 0.595000 0.404000 0.219000
0.500 0.969910 0.991060 0.761500 1.012000 1.038400 -0.235220 0.029119 6.200000 -1.145900 0.120150 -0.003220 5.340000 0.002348 -0.969300 1203.910000 -0.175000 -0.007440 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.540000 265.000000 0.109000 0.060000 0.615000 0.599000 0.410000 0.224000
0.550 0.904800 0.928300 0.698400 0.941700 1.083300 -0.234490 0.046932 6.200000 -1.154300 0.118470 -0.002897 5.410000 0.002399 -0.989250 1194.590000 -0.166010 -0.007580 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.610000 264.740000 0.108000 0.066000 0.610000 0.603000 0.417000 0.229000
0.600 0.841650 0.867150 0.638750 0.873510 1.133600 -0.231280 0.062667 6.200000 -1.161500 0.116710 -0.002610 5.480000 0.002452 -1.001200 1184.930000 -0.158300 -0.007730 -9.900000 -9.900000 105.830000 264.830000 0.106000 0.071000 0.605000 0.607000 0.424000 0.235000
0.650 0.781810 0.808760 0.582310 0.809480 1.186100 -0.226660 0.077997 6.200000 -1.167600 0.114650 -0.002356 5.530000 0.002508 -1.007800 1175.190000 -0.151440 -0.007870 0.005829 0.003762 106.200000 265.200000 0.105000 0.073000 0.599000 0.611000 0.431000 0.243000
0.667 0.762620 0.789940 0.564220 0.789160 1.203500 -0.224970 0.083058 6.200000 -1.169400 0.113940 -0.002276 5.540000 0.002568 -1.009300 1165.690000 -0.149230 -0.007920 0.026446 0.017100 106.750000 265.380000 0.103000 0.074000 0.593000 0.615000 0.440000 0.250000
0.700 0.725130 0.753020 0.528780 0.749850 1.237500 -0.221430 0.093185 6.200000 -1.172800 0.112530 -0.002131 5.560000 0.002629 -1.011700 1156.460000 -0.145030 -0.008000 0.055495 0.035728 107.480000 265.780000 0.102000 0.073000 0.587000 0.619000 0.448000 0.258000
0.750 0.669030 0.697370 0.475230 0.691730 1.287100 -0.215910 0.108290 6.200000 -1.177700 0.110540 -0.001931 5.600000 0.002690 -1.015400 1147.590000 -0.138660 -0.008120 0.092259 0.059024 108.390000 266.510000 0.100000 0.070000 0.581000 0.622000 0.457000 0.266000
0.800 0.613460 0.641960 0.421730 0.635190 1.334100 -0.210470 0.122560 6.200000 -1.181900 0.108730 -0.001754 5.630000 0.002746 -1.021000 1139.210000 -0.132010 -0.008220 0.140400 0.088481 109.620000 267.320000 0.099000 0.063000 0.576000 0.624000 0.466000 0.274000
0.850 0.558530 0.586980 0.368130 0.579690 1.378000 -0.205280 0.136080 6.200000 -1.185400 0.107090 -0.001597 5.660000 0.002797 -1.028200 1131.340000 -0.125170 -0.008300 0.194950 0.120290 111.080000 268.140000 0.099000 0.053000 0.570000 0.625000 0.475000 0.281000
0.900 0.502960 0.531360 0.313760 0.523610 1.420800 -0.200110 0.149830 6.200000 -1.188400 0.105480 -0.001456 5.690000 0.002843 -1.036000 1123.910000 -0.118310 -0.008360 0.252030 0.151590 112.710000 268.900000 0.098000 0.042000 0.564000 0.626000 0.483000 0.288000
0.950 0.447010 0.475410 0.259190 0.467060 1.462300 -0.194900 0.164320 6.200000 -1.190900 0.103890 -0.001328 5.720000 0.002885 -1.043600 1116.830000 -0.111600 -0.008410 0.309400 0.180770 114.500000 269.550000 0.098000 0.030000 0.558000 0.626000 0.491000 0.294000
1.000 0.393200 0.421800 0.207000 0.412400 1.500400 -0.189830 0.178950 6.200000 -1.193000 0.102480 -0.001210 5.740000 0.002921 -1.050000 1109.950000 -0.105210 -0.008440 0.366950 0.207890 116.390000 270.000000 0.098000 0.020000 0.553000 0.625000 0.498000 0.298000
1.100 0.284840 0.313740 0.101820 0.302090 1.569000 -0.180010 0.210420 6.200000 -1.196600 0.100160 -0.000994 5.820000 0.002954 -1.057300 1103.070000 -0.093837 -0.008470 0.424520 0.233100 118.300000 270.180000 0.099000 0.007000 0.548000 0.624000 0.505000 0.302000
1.200 0.173400 0.202590 -0.006195 0.188660 1.628200 -0.170900 0.244100 6.200000 -1.199600 0.098482 -0.000803 5.920000 0.002982 -1.058400 1096.040000 -0.084144 -0.008420 0.481160 0.256060 120.190000 269.420000 0.100000 0.002000 0.543000 0.623000 0.511000 0.306000
1.300 0.061520 0.091060 -0.113450 0.074330 1.679400 -0.162330 0.277990 6.200000 -1.201800 0.097375 -0.000635 6.010000 0.003007 -1.055400 1088.670000 -0.075819 -0.008290 0.535970 0.276480 122.010000 267.820000 0.101000 0.003000 0.539000 0.622000 0.516000 0.309000
1.400 -0.045750 -0.015700 -0.215500 -0.036070 1.723900 -0.154130 0.309560 6.200000 -1.203900 0.096743 -0.000490 6.100000 0.003026 -1.050400 1080.770000 -0.068543 -0.008060 0.588320 0.294240 123.750000 265.450000 0.102000 0.006000 0.535000 0.620000 0.521000 0.312000
1.500 -0.149540 -0.118660 -0.313800 -0.143700 1.762200 -0.146700 0.338960 6.200000 -1.206300 0.096445 -0.000365 6.180000 0.003039 -1.045400 1072.390000 -0.062000 -0.007710 0.637890 0.309440 125.380000 262.410000 0.104000 0.010000 0.532000 0.619000 0.525000 0.315000
1.600 -0.248600 -0.216720 -0.406820 -0.247080 1.795500 -0.139970 0.366160 6.200000 -1.208600 0.096338 -0.000259 6.260000 0.003041 -1.042100 1061.770000 -0.055927 -0.007230 0.688890 0.324490 126.900000 258.780000 0.105000 0.012000 0.529000 0.618000 0.528000 0.318000
1.700 -0.341450 -0.308400 -0.492950 -0.344650 1.825900 -0.133610 0.390650 6.200000 -1.210600 0.096254 -0.000171 6.330000 0.003026 -1.040400 1049.290000 -0.050286 -0.006660 0.735780 0.337200 128.140000 254.660000 0.106000 0.012000 0.527000 0.618000 0.530000 0.321000
1.800 -0.429750 -0.395580 -0.573880 -0.438180 1.856400 -0.126860 0.412440 6.200000 -1.212300 0.096207 -0.000099 6.400000 0.003000 -1.039700 1036.420000 -0.045096 -0.006030 0.779920 0.349630 129.110000 250.110000 0.106000 0.012000 0.526000 0.618000 0.531000 0.323000
1.900 -0.512760 -0.477310 -0.648990 -0.526820 1.886800 -0.119590 0.431510 6.200000 -1.214100 0.096255 -0.000042 6.480000 0.002968 -1.039500 1023.140000 -0.040373 -0.005400 0.824270 0.364130 129.860000 245.250000 0.106000 0.010000 0.526000 0.618000 0.532000 0.326000
2.000 -0.586690 -0.550030 -0.714660 -0.606580 1.915200 -0.112370 0.447880 6.200000 -1.215900 0.096361 0.000000 6.540000 0.002923 -1.039200 1009.490000 -0.036136 -0.004790 0.871380 0.382450 130.370000 240.140000 0.105000 0.008000 0.526000 0.618000 0.532000 0.329000
2.200 -0.721430 -0.682200 -0.830030 -0.754020 1.968100 -0.098017 0.480240 6.200000 -1.219000 0.096497 0.000000 6.660000 0.002870 -1.036800 995.520000 -0.029105 -0.003780 0.920330 0.404020 130.670000 229.550000 0.103000 0.005000 0.527000 0.619000 0.533000 0.332000
2.400 -0.848100 -0.806900 -0.932600 -0.894100 2.017000 -0.083765 0.518730 6.200000 -1.220200 0.096198 0.000000 6.730000 0.002815 -1.032300 981.330000 -0.023710 -0.003020 0.969310 0.427420 130.810000 219.050000 0.100000 0.003000 0.528000 0.619000 0.533000 0.335000
2.500 -0.909660 -0.867650 -0.982280 -0.961870 2.040600 -0.076308 0.538830 6.200000 -1.220100 0.096106 0.000000 6.770000 0.002761 -1.029400 966.940000 -0.021509 -0.002720 1.016700 0.451420 130.810000 214.040000 0.097000 0.002000 0.530000 0.619000 0.534000 0.337000
2.600 -0.968630 -0.925770 -1.031300 -1.026600 2.062800 -0.068925 0.558100 6.200000 -1.219800 0.096136 0.000000 6.810000 0.002708 -1.026200 952.340000 -0.019576 -0.002460 1.060100 0.474220 130.720000 209.320000 0.094000 0.001000 0.531000 0.620000 0.535000 0.340000
2.800 -1.081700 -1.036700 -1.130100 -1.149500 2.101400 -0.055229 0.593940 6.200000 -1.218900 0.096667 0.000000 6.870000 0.002658 -1.019000 937.520000 -0.016324 -0.002080 1.099000 0.495360 130.570000 201.080000 0.091000 0.000000 0.532000 0.619000 0.536000 0.342000
3.000 -1.189800 -1.142000 -1.230000 -1.266400 2.132300 -0.043320 0.626940 6.200000 -1.217900 0.097638 0.000000 6.930000 0.002616 -1.011200 922.430000 -0.013577 -0.001830 1.134800 0.515850 130.360000 195.000000 0.088000 0.000000 0.534000 0.619000 0.537000 0.344000
3.200 -1.291400 -1.240600 -1.325500 -1.376000 2.154500 -0.034440 0.658110 6.200000 -1.216900 0.098649 -0.000023 6.990000 0.002588 -1.003200 908.790000 -0.011030 -0.001670 1.163800 0.534110 130.130000 191.610000 0.084000 0.000000 0.535000 0.618000 0.538000 0.345000
3.400 -1.386000 -1.332200 -1.415000 -1.478600 2.170400 -0.027889 0.687550 6.200000 -1.216000 0.099553 -0.000040 7.080000 0.002575 -0.995120 896.150000 -0.008665 -0.001580 1.188200 0.551450 129.900000 190.730000 0.081000 0.000000 0.535000 0.618000 0.540000 0.346000
3.500 -1.433200 -1.377800 -1.459900 -1.529700 2.177500 -0.024997 0.702160 6.200000 -1.215600 0.099989 -0.000045 7.120000 0.002572 -0.991000 883.160000 -0.007568 -0.001550 1.211400 0.569810 129.710000 191.110000 0.078000 0.000000 0.536000 0.617000 0.541000 0.347000
3.600 -1.476200 -1.419300 -1.501400 -1.576400 2.183400 -0.022575 0.715230 6.200000 -1.215600 0.100430 -0.000049 7.160000 0.002574 -0.986820 870.050000 -0.006537 -0.001540 1.233600 0.589320 129.560000 191.980000 0.075000 0.000000 0.536000 0.616000 0.542000 0.348000
3.800 -1.561700 -1.501400 -1.586500 -1.668500 2.193800 -0.018362 0.740280 6.200000 -1.215800 0.101420 -0.000053 7.240000 0.002586 -0.978260 857.070000 -0.004702 -0.001520 1.253400 0.609180 129.490000 195.010000 0.072000 0.000000 0.536000 0.616000 0.543000 0.349000
4.000 -1.638800 -1.574800 -1.667300 -1.751600 2.204000 -0.014642 0.763030 6.200000 -1.216200 0.102180 -0.000052 7.320000 0.002605 -0.969380 844.480000 -0.003212 -0.001520 1.271100 0.629390 129.490000 199.450000 0.070000 0.000000 0.536000 0.616000 0.543000 0.349000
4.200 -1.711600 -1.643900 -1.745100 -1.829000 2.212300 -0.012248 0.785520 6.200000 -1.216500 0.102690 -0.000047 7.390000 0.002619 -0.960120 832.450000 -0.002103 -0.001520 1.287000 0.651570 129.570000 204.930000 0.068000 0.000000 0.535000 0.616000 0.542000 0.349000
4.400 -1.779800 -1.708900 -1.819200 -1.901100 2.218100 -0.011459 0.807920 6.200000 -1.216900 0.103040 -0.000039 7.460000 0.002624 -0.950490 821.180000 -0.001324 -0.001500 1.300400 0.674210 129.710000 211.090000 0.066000 0.000000 0.534000 0.617000 0.540000 0.347000
4.600 -1.846900 -1.773100 -1.892300 -1.971200 2.223000 -0.011760 0.831260 6.200000 -1.217500 0.103240 -0.000027 7.520000 0.002622 -0.940500 810.790000 -0.000804 -0.001480 1.312500 0.696980 129.870000 217.560000 0.064000 0.000000 0.533000 0.619000 0.538000 0.345000
4.800 -1.906300 -1.830300 -1.957300 -2.032600 2.226800 -0.012879 0.852400 6.200000 -1.218200 0.103370 -0.000014 7.640000 0.002615 -0.930180 801.410000 -0.000471 -0.001460 1.322500 0.718880 130.050000 223.990000 0.063000 0.000000 0.531000 0.621000 0.535000 0.341000
5.000 -1.966000 -1.888200 -2.024500 -2.092800 2.229900 -0.014855 0.873140 6.200000 -1.218900 0.103530 0.000000 7.780000 0.002604 -0.919540 793.130000 -0.000255 -0.001440 1.328900 0.738060 130.220000 230.000000 0.061000 0.000000 0.528000 0.622000 0.532000 0.335000
5.500 -2.105100 -2.023200 -2.190800 -2.228800 2.238900 -0.019502 0.914660 6.200000 -1.220400 0.104600 0.000000 8.070000 0.002591 -0.891760 785.730000 0.000072 -0.001400 1.345000 0.777900 130.390000 241.860000 0.060000 0.000000 0.526000 0.624000 0.528000 0.329000
6.000 -2.242100 -2.156300 -2.365900 -2.357900 2.237700 -0.026383 0.948700 6.200000 -1.223200 0.107500 0.000000 8.480000 0.002584 -0.862860 779.910000 0.000188 -0.001380 1.349600 0.802780 130.530000 249.340000 0.059000 0.000000 0.524000 0.625000 0.524000 0.321000
6.500 -2.368600 -2.278500 -2.532200 -2.477000 2.215000 -0.039505 0.976430 6.200000 -1.229900 0.112310 0.000000 8.900000 0.002586 -0.833550 775.600000 0.000159 -0.001370 1.348900 0.814800 130.630000 252.940000 0.059000 0.000000 0.520000 0.634000 0.517000 0.312000
7.000 -2.482700 -2.388100 -2.681800 -2.585400 2.172000 -0.059140 0.997570 6.200000 -1.240800 0.118530 0.000000 9.200000 0.002603 -0.804570 772.680000 0.000056 -0.001370 1.342200 0.816150 130.700000 253.120000 0.059000 0.000000 0.515000 0.636000 0.514000 0.302000
7.500 -2.586500 -2.487400 -2.817600 -2.685400 2.118700 -0.081606 1.012100 6.200000 -1.254300 0.125070 0.000000 9.480000 0.002600 -0.776650 771.010000 -0.000055 -0.001370 1.328800 0.809000 130.720000 250.390000 0.058000 0.000000 0.512000 0.634000 0.511000 0.270000
8.000 -2.686100 -2.582900 -2.943800 -2.782300 2.061300 -0.103820 1.023200 6.200000 -1.268800 0.131460 0.000000 9.570000 0.002630 -0.750330 760.810000 -0.000117 -0.001370 1.308400 0.795380 130.870000 245.230000 0.059000 0.000000 0.510000 0.630000 0.507000 0.278000
8.500 -2.782000 -2.675200 -3.059700 -2.877600 2.008400 -0.121140 1.033500 6.200000 -1.283900 0.137420 0.000000 9.620000 0.002670 -0.725440 764.500000 -0.000131 -0.001370 1.282200 0.776710 130.710000 238.130000 0.059000 0.000000 0.509000 0.622000 0.503000 0.265000
9.000 -2.879200 -2.768700 -3.171300 -2.975900 1.960500 -0.134070 1.045300 6.200000 -1.298900 0.142940 0.000000 9.660000 0.002760 -0.701610 768.070000 -0.000108 -0.001370 1.251500 0.754250 130.500000 229.560000 0.060000 0.000000 0.509000 0.613000 0.498000 0.252000
9.500 -2.976900 -2.863400 -3.278500 -3.076000 1.918900 -0.143640 1.056700 6.200000 -1.313000 0.147810 0.000000 9.660000 0.002890 -0.678500 771.550000 -0.000060 -0.001360 1.217900 0.729250 130.260000 220.020000 0.060000 0.000000 0.509000 0.604000 0.492000 0.239000
10.00 -3.070200 -2.953700 -3.377600 -3.172600 1.883700 -0.150960 1.065100 6.200000 -1.325300 0.151830 0.000000 9.660000 0.003030 -0.655750 775.000000 0.000000 -0.001360 1.182900 0.703000 130.000000 210.000000 0.060000 0.000000 0.510000 0.604000 0.487000 0.239000
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014LowQ(BooreEtAl2014):
This class implements the Boore et al. (2014) model considering the
correction to the path scaling term for Low Q regions (e.g. Italy and
The modification is made to the "Dc3" coefficient
COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\
IMT e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 Mh c1 c2 c3 h Dc3 c Vc f4 f5 f6 f7 R1 R2 DfR DfV f1 f2 t1 t2
pgv 5.037000 5.078000 4.849000 5.033000 1.073000 -0.153600 0.225200 6.20 -1.243000 0.148900 -0.003440 5.30 -0.0003300 -0.840000 1300.00 -0.100000 -0.008440 -9.900 -9.900 105.000 272.000 0.082 0.080 0.644 0.552 0.401 0.346
pga 0.447300 0.485600 0.245900 0.453900 1.431000 0.050530 -0.166200 5.50 -1.134000 0.191700 -0.008088 4.50 -0.0025500 -0.600000 1500.00 -0.150000 -0.007010 -9.900 -9.900 110.000 270.000 0.100 0.070 0.695 0.495 0.398 0.348
0.010 0.453400 0.491600 0.251900 0.459900 1.421000 0.049320 -0.165900 5.50 -1.134000 0.191600 -0.008088 4.50 -0.0024367 -0.603720 1500.20 -0.148330 -0.007010 -9.900 -9.900 111.670 270.000 0.096 0.070 0.698 0.499 0.402 0.345
0.020 0.485980 0.523590 0.297070 0.488750 1.433100 0.053388 -0.165610 5.50 -1.139400 0.189620 -0.008074 4.50 -0.0023400 -0.573880 1500.36 -0.147100 -0.007280 -9.900 -9.900 113.100 270.000 0.092 0.030 0.702 0.502 0.409 0.346
0.022 0.498660 0.536470 0.313470 0.499730 1.433600 0.054888 -0.165200 5.50 -1.140500 0.189240 -0.008095 4.50 -0.0022886 -0.566750 1500.68 -0.148010 -0.007320 -9.900 -9.900 113.370 270.000 0.088 0.027 0.707 0.505 0.418 0.349
0.025 0.522830 0.561300 0.344260 0.519990 1.432800 0.057529 -0.164990 5.50 -1.141900 0.188750 -0.008153 4.50 -0.0022500 -0.555200 1501.04 -0.150150 -0.007360 -9.900 -9.900 113.070 270.000 0.086 0.026 0.711 0.508 0.427 0.354
0.029 0.559490 0.599230 0.391460 0.549950 1.427900 0.060732 -0.166320 5.50 -1.142300 0.188440 -0.008290 4.50 -0.0022145 -0.538500 1501.26 -0.153870 -0.007370 -9.900 -9.900 112.360 270.000 0.084 0.028 0.716 0.510 0.436 0.359
0.030 0.569160 0.609200 0.403910 0.557830 1.426100 0.061444 -0.166900 5.50 -1.142100 0.188420 -0.008336 4.49 -0.0021676 -0.534140 1502.95 -0.154850 -0.007350 -9.900 -9.900 112.130 270.000 0.081 0.029 0.721 0.514 0.445 0.364
0.032 0.588020 0.628750 0.427880 0.573300 1.422700 0.062806 -0.168130 5.50 -1.141200 0.188400 -0.008445 4.45 -0.0021167 -0.525290 1503.12 -0.156850 -0.007310 -9.900 -9.900 111.650 270.000 0.078 0.030 0.726 0.516 0.454 0.369
0.035 0.616360 0.658180 0.462520 0.597040 1.417400 0.064559 -0.170150 5.50 -1.138800 0.188390 -0.008642 4.40 -0.0020957 -0.511920 1503.24 -0.160160 -0.007210 -9.900 -9.900 110.640 270.000 0.077 0.031 0.730 0.518 0.462 0.374
0.036 0.625540 0.667720 0.473380 0.604960 1.415800 0.065028 -0.170830 5.50 -1.137800 0.188370 -0.008715 4.38 -0.0020748 -0.507520 1503.32 -0.161420 -0.007170 -9.900 -9.900 109.530 270.000 0.075 0.031 0.734 0.520 0.470 0.379
0.040 0.662810 0.706040 0.515320 0.638280 1.409000 0.066183 -0.173570 5.50 -1.132400 0.188160 -0.009030 4.32 -0.0020539 -0.490650 1503.35 -0.167770 -0.006980 -9.900 -9.900 108.280 270.000 0.073 0.032 0.738 0.521 0.478 0.384
0.042 0.680870 0.724430 0.534450 0.655050 1.405900 0.066438 -0.174850 5.50 -1.129200 0.187970 -0.009195 4.29 -0.0020348 -0.482900 1503.34 -0.171930 -0.006870 -9.900 -9.900 106.990 270.000 0.072 0.032 0.742 0.523 0.484 0.390
0.044 0.698820 0.742770 0.552820 0.672250 1.403300 0.066663 -0.176190 5.50 -1.125900 0.187750 -0.009360 4.27 -0.0020157 -0.475720 1503.13 -0.176640 -0.006770 -9.900 -9.900 105.410 270.000 0.070 0.031 0.745 0.525 0.490 0.397
0.045 0.708220 0.752320 0.562220 0.681390 1.402100 0.066774 -0.176930 5.50 -1.124200 0.187640 -0.009441 4.25 -0.0020011 -0.472360 1502.84 -0.179140 -0.006720 -9.900 -9.900 103.610 270.000 0.069 0.031 0.748 0.527 0.496 0.405
0.046 0.717790 0.762020 0.571660 0.690760 1.400900 0.066891 -0.177690 5.50 -1.122400 0.187520 -0.009521 4.24 -0.0019929 -0.469150 1502.47 -0.181700 -0.006670 -9.900 -9.900 101.700 270.000 0.067 0.031 0.750 0.529 0.499 0.412
0.048 0.735740 0.780150 0.588880 0.708540 1.399100 0.067127 -0.179200 5.50 -1.119200 0.187300 -0.009676 4.22 -0.0019884 -0.463210 1502.01 -0.186880 -0.006560 -9.900 -9.900 99.760 270.000 0.065 0.031 0.752 0.530 0.502 0.419
0.050 0.754360 0.799050 0.606520 0.727260 1.397400 0.067357 -0.180820 5.50 -1.115900 0.187090 -0.009819 4.20 -0.0019911 -0.457950 1501.42 -0.192000 -0.006470 -9.900 -9.900 97.930 270.000 0.063 0.030 0.753 0.532 0.503 0.426
0.055 0.799600 0.844500 0.647700 0.773700 1.394700 0.067797 -0.184800 5.50 -1.108200 0.186550 -0.010120 4.15 -0.0020011 -0.447870 1500.71 -0.203690 -0.006250 -9.900 -9.900 96.030 270.000 0.062 0.029 0.753 0.534 0.502 0.434
0.060 0.843940 0.888840 0.685620 0.820670 1.395400 0.068591 -0.188580 5.50 -1.100900 0.185820 -0.010330 4.11 -0.0020193 -0.441860 1499.83 -0.213740 -0.006070 -9.900 -9.900 94.100 270.010 0.061 0.027 0.753 0.536 0.499 0.441
0.065 0.886550 0.931160 0.719410 0.867240 1.400400 0.070127 -0.191760 5.50 -1.094200 0.184850 -0.010480 4.08 -0.0020448 -0.439510 1498.74 -0.222250 -0.005930 -9.900 -9.900 92.080 270.020 0.061 0.025 0.752 0.538 0.495 0.448
0.067 0.902700 0.947110 0.731710 0.885260 1.403200 0.070895 -0.192910 5.50 -1.091800 0.184420 -0.010520 4.07 -0.0020766 -0.439500 1497.42 -0.225240 -0.005880 -9.900 -9.900 90.010 270.020 0.061 0.025 0.750 0.540 0.489 0.455
0.070 0.926520 0.970570 0.749400 0.912270 1.408200 0.072075 -0.194510 5.50 -1.088400 0.183690 -0.010560 4.06 -0.0021148 -0.440400 1495.85 -0.229310 -0.005820 -9.900 -9.900 87.970 270.030 0.062 0.024 0.748 0.541 0.483 0.461
0.075 0.964470 1.007700 0.776780 0.956300 1.417400 0.073549 -0.196650 5.50 -1.083100 0.182250 -0.010580 4.04 -0.0021594 -0.444110 1494.00 -0.235000 -0.005730 -9.900 -9.900 85.990 270.040 0.064 0.022 0.745 0.542 0.474 0.466
0.080 1.000300 1.042600 0.801610 0.998180 1.426100 0.073735 -0.198160 5.50 -1.078500 0.180520 -0.010560 4.02 -0.0022122 -0.450200 1491.82 -0.239440 -0.005670 -9.900 -9.900 84.230 270.050 0.067 0.020 0.741 0.543 0.464 0.468
0.085 1.034000 1.075500 0.824230 1.037900 1.432200 0.071940 -0.199020 5.51 -1.074500 0.178560 -0.010510 4.03 -0.0022695 -0.458130 1489.29 -0.242850 -0.005630 -9.900 -9.900 82.740 270.060 0.072 0.019 0.737 0.543 0.452 0.468
0.090 1.066600 1.107600 0.845910 1.076200 1.435000 0.068097 -0.199290 5.52 -1.070900 0.176430 -0.010420 4.07 -0.0023269 -0.467320 1486.36 -0.245440 -0.005610 -9.900 -9.900 81.540 270.070 0.076 0.017 0.734 0.542 0.440 0.466
0.095 1.098100 1.138500 0.867030 1.112700 1.433900 0.062327 -0.199000 5.53 -1.067800 0.174200 -0.010320 4.10 -0.0023833 -0.477210 1482.98 -0.247470 -0.005600 -9.900 -9.900 80.460 270.080 0.082 0.016 0.731 0.542 0.428 0.464
0.100 1.126800 1.166900 0.887100 1.145400 1.429300 0.055231 -0.198380 5.54 -1.065200 0.172030 -0.010200 4.13 -0.0024388 -0.487240 1479.12 -0.249160 -0.005600 -9.900 -9.900 79.590 270.090 0.087 0.014 0.728 0.541 0.415 0.458
0.110 1.178500 1.217900 0.927020 1.203000 1.411000 0.037389 -0.196010 5.57 -1.060700 0.167700 -0.009964 4.19 -0.0024916 -0.506320 1474.74 -0.252130 -0.005620 -9.900 -9.900 79.050 270.110 0.093 0.012 0.726 0.540 0.403 0.451
0.120 1.223000 1.262100 0.966160 1.250200 1.383100 0.016373 -0.192650 5.62 -1.057200 0.163520 -0.009722 4.24 -0.0025398 -0.524380 1469.75 -0.254550 -0.005670 -9.900 -9.900 78.850 270.130 0.099 0.011 0.724 0.539 0.392 0.441
0.130 1.259600 1.298600 1.003100 1.286900 1.349700 -0.005158 -0.188980 5.66 -1.054900 0.159820 -0.009476 4.29 -0.0025844 -0.542140 1464.09 -0.256280 -0.005720 -9.900 -9.900 78.990 270.150 0.104 0.011 0.723 0.538 0.381 0.430
0.133 1.269200 1.308200 1.013500 1.296100 1.339500 -0.011354 -0.187920 5.67 -1.054500 0.158820 -0.009402 4.30 -0.0026263 -0.547520 1457.76 -0.256650 -0.005740 -9.900 -9.900 79.470 270.150 0.110 0.011 0.722 0.538 0.371 0.417
0.140 1.288300 1.327000 1.036000 1.313700 1.316200 -0.024711 -0.185660 5.70 -1.053700 0.156720 -0.009228 4.34 -0.0026663 -0.560320 1450.71 -0.257190 -0.005780 -9.900 -9.900 80.260 270.160 0.115 0.012 0.721 0.537 0.362 0.403
0.150 1.309500 1.348100 1.064800 1.332400 1.284400 -0.042065 -0.182340 5.74 -1.053200 0.154010 -0.008977 4.39 -0.0027063 -0.579620 1442.85 -0.257130 -0.005850 -9.900 -9.900 81.330 270.160 0.120 0.015 0.720 0.537 0.354 0.388
0.160 1.323500 1.361500 1.087600 1.343700 1.254100 -0.057593 -0.178530 5.78 -1.053300 0.151580 -0.008725 4.44 -0.0027509 -0.600520 1434.22 -0.256040 -0.005910 -9.900 -9.900 82.860 270.160 0.125 0.020 0.720 0.536 0.349 0.372
0.170 1.330600 1.367900 1.104000 1.348700 1.224400 -0.071861 -0.174210 5.82 -1.054100 0.149480 -0.008472 4.49 -0.0028019 -0.622520 1424.85 -0.254140 -0.005970 -9.900 -9.900 84.720 270.140 0.128 0.026 0.718 0.536 0.346 0.357
0.180 1.332700 1.368900 1.114900 1.349200 1.194100 -0.085640 -0.169390 5.85 -1.055600 0.147680 -0.008219 4.53 -0.0028547 -0.644860 1414.77 -0.251730 -0.006020 -9.900 -9.900 86.670 270.110 0.131 0.033 0.717 0.536 0.344 0.341
0.190 1.330700 1.365600 1.120800 1.346300 1.163500 -0.098884 -0.164040 5.89 -1.057900 0.146160 -0.007967 4.57 -0.0029111 -0.666810 1403.99 -0.249110 -0.006080 -9.900 -9.900 88.730 270.060 0.134 0.039 0.714 0.537 0.343 0.324
0.200 1.325500 1.359000 1.122000 1.341400 1.134900 -0.110960 -0.158520 5.92 -1.060700 0.144890 -0.007717 4.61 -0.0029702 -0.687620 1392.61 -0.246580 -0.006140 -9.900 -9.900 90.910 270.000 0.136 0.045 0.711 0.539 0.344 0.309
0.220 1.309100 1.339400 1.113300 1.328100 1.082300 -0.133000 -0.147040 5.97 -1.067000 0.142630 -0.007224 4.68 -0.0030285 -0.724310 1380.72 -0.242350 -0.006260 -9.900 -9.900 93.040 269.830 0.138 0.052 0.708 0.541 0.345 0.294
0.240 1.288100 1.315000 1.094500 1.313200 1.036600 -0.152990 -0.134450 6.03 -1.073700 0.140350 -0.006747 4.75 -0.0030849 -0.756460 1368.51 -0.238230 -0.006380 -9.900 -9.900 95.080 269.590 0.140 0.055 0.703 0.544 0.347 0.280
0.250 1.276600 1.301700 1.082800 1.305200 1.016600 -0.162130 -0.127840 6.05 -1.077300 0.139250 -0.006517 4.78 -0.0031395 -0.771770 1356.21 -0.235740 -0.006440 -9.900 -9.900 97.040 269.450 0.141 0.055 0.698 0.547 0.350 0.266
0.260 1.265100 1.288600 1.071000 1.297200 0.999320 -0.170410 -0.121150 6.07 -1.080800 0.138180 -0.006293 4.82 -0.0031896 -0.786970 1343.89 -0.232800 -0.006500 -9.900 -9.900 98.870 269.300 0.141 0.055 0.693 0.550 0.353 0.255
0.280 1.242900 1.263500 1.047600 1.281500 0.972820 -0.184630 -0.107140 6.11 -1.087900 0.136040 -0.005866 4.88 -0.0032351 -0.816130 1331.67 -0.226010 -0.006600 -9.900 -9.900 100.530 268.960 0.140 0.053 0.687 0.554 0.357 0.244
0.290 1.232400 1.251700 1.036300 1.273600 0.963480 -0.190570 -0.100110 6.12 -1.091300 0.134990 -0.005666 4.90 -0.0032742 -0.829500 1319.83 -0.222500 -0.006650 -9.900 -9.900 102.010 268.780 0.139 0.051 0.681 0.557 0.360 0.236
0.300 1.221700 1.240100 1.024600 1.265300 0.956760 -0.195900 -0.092855 6.14 -1.094800 0.133880 -0.005475 4.93 -0.0032969 -0.841650 1308.47 -0.219120 -0.006700 -9.900 -9.900 103.150 268.590 0.138 0.050 0.675 0.561 0.363 0.229
0.320 1.200700 1.217700 1.001100 1.247900 0.950040 -0.204540 -0.078923 6.16 -1.101300 0.131790 -0.005122 4.98 -0.0033033 -0.861750 1297.65 -0.213180 -0.006800 -9.900 -9.900 104.000 268.200 0.135 0.048 0.670 0.566 0.366 0.223
0.340 1.179000 1.195500 0.976770 1.228600 0.949560 -0.211340 -0.065134 6.18 -1.107400 0.129840 -0.004808 5.03 -0.0032997 -0.877260 1287.50 -0.208160 -0.006890 -9.900 -9.900 104.700 267.790 0.133 0.047 0.664 0.570 0.369 0.218
0.350 1.167400 1.183600 0.963800 1.217700 0.950770 -0.214460 -0.057921 6.18 -1.110500 0.128900 -0.004663 5.06 -0.0032869 -0.883750 1278.06 -0.205920 -0.006930 -9.900 -9.900 105.260 267.580 0.130 0.047 0.658 0.573 0.372 0.215
0.360 1.155800 1.172000 0.951200 1.206600 0.952780 -0.217160 -0.051040 6.19 -1.113300 0.128060 -0.004527 5.08 -0.0032669 -0.889650 1269.19 -0.203790 -0.006970 -9.900 -9.900 105.610 267.370 0.128 0.047 0.653 0.576 0.375 0.212
0.380 1.130500 1.146800 0.924400 1.181600 0.958990 -0.222140 -0.036755 6.19 -1.119000 0.126470 -0.004276 5.12 -0.0032423 -0.900380 1260.74 -0.199780 -0.007050 -9.900 -9.900 105.870 266.950 0.125 0.048 0.648 0.578 0.378 0.210
0.400 1.104600 1.121400 0.897650 1.155200 0.967660 -0.226080 -0.023189 6.20 -1.124300 0.125120 -0.004053 5.16 -0.0032123 -0.910920 1252.66 -0.195820 -0.007130 -9.900 -9.900 106.020 266.540 0.122 0.049 0.643 0.580 0.381 0.210
0.420 1.078200 1.095500 0.870670 1.127600 0.978620 -0.229240 -0.010417 6.20 -1.129100 0.123890 -0.003853 5.20 -0.0031768 -0.922410 1244.80 -0.191710 -0.007190 -9.900 -9.900 106.030 266.160 0.120 0.051 0.638 0.583 0.384 0.210
0.440 1.051500 1.069700 0.843550 1.099500 0.991440 -0.231660 0.001168 6.20 -1.133700 0.122780 -0.003673 5.24 -0.0031322 -0.934590 1237.03 -0.187470 -0.007260 -9.900 -9.900 105.920 265.800 0.117 0.053 0.634 0.585 0.388 0.211
0.450 1.037600 1.056200 0.829410 1.084700 0.998760 -0.232630 0.006589 6.20 -1.135900 0.122270 -0.003590 5.25 -0.0030794 -0.940750 1229.23 -0.185340 -0.007290 -9.900 -9.900 105.790 265.640 0.115 0.054 0.629 0.589 0.393 0.213
0.460 1.023400 1.042600 0.815090 1.069600 1.006400 -0.233500 0.011871 6.20 -1.138100 0.121770 -0.003510 5.27 -0.0030212 -0.946860 1221.16 -0.183210 -0.007320 -9.900 -9.900 105.690 265.480 0.113 0.055 0.624 0.592 0.398 0.216
0.480 0.997190 1.017200 0.788600 1.041500 1.021500 -0.234640 0.020767 6.20 -1.142000 0.120930 -0.003360 5.30 -0.0029639 -0.958630 1212.74 -0.179020 -0.007380 -9.900 -9.900 105.590 265.210 0.111 0.057 0.619 0.595 0.404 0.219
0.500 0.969910 0.991060 0.761500 1.012000 1.038400 -0.235220 0.029119 6.20 -1.145900 0.120150 -0.003220 5.34 -0.0029065 -0.969300 1203.91 -0.175000 -0.007440 -9.900 -9.900 105.540 265.000 0.109 0.060 0.615 0.599 0.410 0.224
0.550 0.904800 0.928300 0.698400 0.941700 1.083300 -0.234490 0.046932 6.20 -1.154300 0.118470 -0.002897 5.41 -0.0028483 -0.989250 1194.59 -0.166010 -0.007580 -9.900 -9.900 105.610 264.740 0.108 0.066 0.610 0.603 0.417 0.229
0.600 0.841650 0.867150 0.638750 0.873510 1.133600 -0.231280 0.062667 6.20 -1.161500 0.116710 -0.002610 5.48 -0.0027892 -1.001200 1184.93 -0.158300 -0.007730 -9.900 -9.900 105.830 264.830 0.106 0.071 0.605 0.607 0.424 0.235
0.650 0.781810 0.808760 0.582310 0.809480 1.186100 -0.226660 0.077997 6.20 -1.167600 0.114650 -0.002356 5.53 -0.0027273 -1.007800 1175.19 -0.151440 -0.007870 0.006 0.004 106.200 265.200 0.105 0.073 0.599 0.611 0.431 0.243
0.667 0.762620 0.789940 0.564220 0.789160 1.203500 -0.224970 0.083058 6.20 -1.169400 0.113940 -0.002276 5.54 -0.0026618 -1.009300 1165.69 -0.149230 -0.007920 0.026 0.017 106.750 265.380 0.103 0.074 0.593 0.615 0.440 0.250
0.700 0.725130 0.753020 0.528780 0.749850 1.237500 -0.221430 0.093185 6.20 -1.172800 0.112530 -0.002131 5.56 -0.0025953 -1.011700 1156.46 -0.145030 -0.008000 0.055 0.036 107.480 265.780 0.102 0.073 0.587 0.619 0.448 0.258
0.750 0.669030 0.697370 0.475230 0.691730 1.287100 -0.215910 0.108290 6.20 -1.177700 0.110540 -0.001931 5.60 -0.0025271 -1.015400 1147.59 -0.138660 -0.008120 0.092 0.059 108.390 266.510 0.100 0.070 0.581 0.622 0.457 0.266
0.800 0.613460 0.641960 0.421730 0.635190 1.334100 -0.210470 0.122560 6.20 -1.181900 0.108730 -0.001754 5.63 -0.0024561 -1.021000 1139.21 -0.132010 -0.008220 0.140 0.088 109.620 267.320 0.099 0.063 0.576 0.624 0.466 0.274
0.850 0.558530 0.586980 0.368130 0.579690 1.378000 -0.205280 0.136080 6.20 -1.185400 0.107090 -0.001597 5.66 -0.0023787 -1.028200 1131.34 -0.125170 -0.008300 0.195 0.120 111.080 268.140 0.099 0.053 0.570 0.625 0.475 0.281
0.900 0.502960 0.531360 0.313760 0.523610 1.420800 -0.200110 0.149830 6.20 -1.188400 0.105480 -0.001456 5.69 -0.0022932 -1.036000 1123.91 -0.118310 -0.008360 0.252 0.152 112.710 268.900 0.098 0.042 0.564 0.626 0.483 0.288
0.950 0.447010 0.475410 0.259190 0.467060 1.462300 -0.194900 0.164320 6.20 -1.190900 0.103890 -0.001328 5.72 -0.0021958 -1.043600 1116.83 -0.111600 -0.008410 0.309 0.181 114.500 269.550 0.098 0.030 0.558 0.626 0.491 0.294
1.000 0.393200 0.421800 0.207000 0.412400 1.500400 -0.189830 0.178950 6.20 -1.193000 0.102480 -0.001210 5.74 -0.0020894 -1.050000 1109.95 -0.105210 -0.008440 0.367 0.208 116.390 270.000 0.098 0.020 0.553 0.625 0.498 0.298
1.100 0.284840 0.313740 0.101820 0.302090 1.569000 -0.180010 0.210420 6.20 -1.196600 0.100160 -0.000994 5.82 -0.0019774 -1.057300 1103.07 -0.093837 -0.008470 0.425 0.233 118.300 270.180 0.099 0.007 0.548 0.624 0.505 0.302
1.200 0.173400 0.202590 -0.006195 0.188660 1.628200 -0.170900 0.244100 6.20 -1.199600 0.098482 -0.000803 5.92 -0.0018619 -1.058400 1096.04 -0.084144 -0.008420 0.481 0.256 120.190 269.420 0.100 0.002 0.543 0.623 0.511 0.306
1.300 0.061520 0.091060 -0.113450 0.074330 1.679400 -0.162330 0.277990 6.20 -1.201800 0.097375 -0.000635 6.01 -0.0017454 -1.055400 1088.67 -0.075819 -0.008290 0.536 0.276 122.010 267.820 0.101 0.003 0.539 0.622 0.516 0.309
1.400 -0.045750 -0.015700 -0.215500 -0.036070 1.723900 -0.154130 0.309560 6.20 -1.203900 0.096743 -0.000490 6.10 -0.0016298 -1.050400 1080.77 -0.068543 -0.008060 0.588 0.294 123.750 265.450 0.102 0.006 0.535 0.620 0.521 0.312
1.500 -0.149540 -0.118660 -0.313800 -0.143700 1.762200 -0.146700 0.338960 6.20 -1.206300 0.096445 -0.000365 6.18 -0.0015179 -1.045400 1072.39 -0.062000 -0.007710 0.638 0.309 125.380 262.410 0.104 0.010 0.532 0.619 0.525 0.315
1.600 -0.248600 -0.216720 -0.406820 -0.247080 1.795500 -0.139970 0.366160 6.20 -1.208600 0.096338 -0.000259 6.26 -0.0014114 -1.042100 1061.77 -0.055927 -0.007230 0.689 0.324 126.900 258.780 0.105 0.012 0.529 0.618 0.528 0.318
1.700 -0.341450 -0.308400 -0.492950 -0.344650 1.825900 -0.133610 0.390650 6.20 -1.210600 0.096254 -0.000171 6.33 -0.0013231 -1.040400 1049.29 -0.050286 -0.006660 0.736 0.337 128.140 254.660 0.106 0.012 0.527 0.618 0.530 0.321
1.800 -0.429750 -0.395580 -0.573880 -0.438180 1.856400 -0.126860 0.412440 6.20 -1.212300 0.096207 -0.000099 6.40 -0.0012531 -1.039700 1036.42 -0.045096 -0.006030 0.780 0.350 129.110 250.110 0.106 0.012 0.526 0.618 0.531 0.323
1.900 -0.512760 -0.477310 -0.648990 -0.526820 1.886800 -0.119590 0.431510 6.20 -1.214100 0.096255 -0.000042 6.48 -0.0012012 -1.039500 1023.14 -0.040373 -0.005400 0.824 0.364 129.860 245.250 0.106 0.010 0.526 0.618 0.532 0.326
2.000 -0.586690 -0.550030 -0.714660 -0.606580 1.915200 -0.112370 0.447880 6.20 -1.215900 0.096361 0.000000 6.54 -0.0011703 -1.039200 1009.49 -0.036136 -0.004790 0.871 0.382 130.370 240.140 0.105 0.008 0.526 0.618 0.532 0.329
2.200 -0.721430 -0.682200 -0.830030 -0.754020 1.968100 -0.098017 0.480240 6.20 -1.219000 0.096497 0.000000 6.66 -0.0011566 -1.036800 995.52 -0.029105 -0.003780 0.920 0.404 130.670 229.550 0.103 0.005 0.527 0.619 0.533 0.332
2.400 -0.848100 -0.806900 -0.932600 -0.894100 2.017000 -0.083765 0.518730 6.20 -1.220200 0.096198 0.000000 6.73 -0.0011548 -1.032300 981.33 -0.023710 -0.003020 0.969 0.427 130.810 219.050 0.100 0.003 0.528 0.619 0.533 0.335
2.500 -0.909660 -0.867650 -0.982280 -0.961870 2.040600 -0.076308 0.538830 6.20 -1.220100 0.096106 0.000000 6.77 -0.0011593 -1.029400 966.94 -0.021509 -0.002720 1.017 0.451 130.810 214.040 0.097 0.002 0.530 0.619 0.534 0.337
2.600 -0.968630 -0.925770 -1.031300 -1.026600 2.062800 -0.068925 0.558100 6.20 -1.219800 0.096136 0.000000 6.81 -0.0011684 -1.026200 952.34 -0.019576 -0.002460 1.060 0.474 130.720 209.320 0.094 0.001 0.531 0.620 0.535 0.340
2.800 -1.081700 -1.036700 -1.130100 -1.149500 2.101400 -0.055229 0.593940 6.20 -1.218900 0.096667 0.000000 6.87 -0.0011803 -1.019000 937.52 -0.016324 -0.002080 1.099 0.495 130.570 201.080 0.091 0.000 0.532 0.619 0.536 0.342
3.000 -1.189800 -1.142000 -1.230000 -1.266400 2.132300 -0.043320 0.626940 6.20 -1.217900 0.097638 0.000000 6.93 -0.0011885 -1.011200 922.43 -0.013577 -0.001830 1.135 0.516 130.360 195.000 0.088 0.000 0.534 0.619 0.537 0.344
3.200 -1.291400 -1.240600 -1.325500 -1.376000 2.154500 -0.034440 0.658110 6.20 -1.216900 0.098649 -0.000023 6.99 -0.0011921 -1.003200 908.79 -0.011030 -0.001670 1.164 0.534 130.130 191.610 0.084 0.000 0.535 0.618 0.538 0.345
3.400 -1.386000 -1.332200 -1.415000 -1.478600 2.170400 -0.027889 0.687550 6.20 -1.216000 0.099553 -0.000040 7.08 -0.0011866 -0.995120 896.15 -0.008665 -0.001580 1.188 0.551 129.900 190.730 0.081 0.000 0.535 0.618 0.540 0.346
3.500 -1.433200 -1.377800 -1.459900 -1.529700 2.177500 -0.024997 0.702160 6.20 -1.215600 0.099989 -0.000045 7.12 -0.0011739 -0.991000 883.16 -0.007568 -0.001550 1.211 0.570 129.710 191.110 0.078 0.000 0.536 0.617 0.541 0.347
3.600 -1.476200 -1.419300 -1.501400 -1.576400 2.183400 -0.022575 0.715230 6.20 -1.215600 0.100430 -0.000049 7.16 -0.0011539 -0.986820 870.05 -0.006537 -0.001540 1.234 0.589 129.560 191.980 0.075 0.000 0.536 0.616 0.542 0.348
3.800 -1.561700 -1.501400 -1.586500 -1.668500 2.193800 -0.018362 0.740280 6.20 -1.215800 0.101420 -0.000053 7.24 -0.0011229 -0.978260 857.07 -0.004702 -0.001520 1.253 0.609 129.490 195.010 0.072 0.000 0.536 0.616 0.543 0.349
4.000 -1.638800 -1.574800 -1.667300 -1.751600 2.204000 -0.014642 0.763030 6.20 -1.216200 0.102180 -0.000052 7.32 -0.0010829 -0.969380 844.48 -0.003212 -0.001520 1.271 0.629 129.490 199.450 0.070 0.000 0.536 0.616 0.543 0.349
4.200 -1.711600 -1.643900 -1.745100 -1.829000 2.212300 -0.012248 0.785520 6.20 -1.216500 0.102690 -0.000047 7.39 -0.0010247 -0.960120 832.45 -0.002103 -0.001520 1.287 0.652 129.570 204.930 0.068 0.000 0.535 0.616 0.542 0.349
4.400 -1.779800 -1.708900 -1.819200 -1.901100 2.218100 -0.011459 0.807920 6.20 -1.216900 0.103040 -0.000039 7.46 -0.0009464 -0.950490 821.18 -0.001324 -0.001500 1.300 0.674 129.710 211.090 0.066 0.000 0.534 0.617 0.540 0.347
4.600 -1.846900 -1.773100 -1.892300 -1.971200 2.223000 -0.011760 0.831260 6.20 -1.217500 0.103240 -0.000027 7.52 -0.0008445 -0.940500 810.79 -0.000804 -0.001480 1.313 0.697 129.870 217.560 0.064 0.000 0.533 0.619 0.538 0.345
4.800 -1.906300 -1.830300 -1.957300 -2.032600 2.226800 -0.012879 0.852400 6.20 -1.218200 0.103370 -0.000014 7.64 -0.0007180 -0.930180 801.41 -0.000471 -0.001460 1.323 0.719 130.050 223.990 0.063 0.000 0.531 0.621 0.535 0.341
5.000 -1.966000 -1.888200 -2.024500 -2.092800 2.229900 -0.014855 0.873140 6.20 -1.218900 0.103530 0.000000 7.78 -0.0005715 -0.919540 793.13 -0.000255 -0.001440 1.329 0.738 130.220 230.000 0.061 0.000 0.528 0.622 0.532 0.335
5.500 -2.105100 -2.023200 -2.190800 -2.228800 2.238900 -0.019502 0.914660 6.20 -1.220400 0.104600 0.000000 8.07 -0.0004077 -0.891760 785.73 0.000072 -0.001400 1.345 0.778 130.390 241.860 0.060 0.000 0.526 0.624 0.528 0.329
6.000 -2.242100 -2.156300 -2.365900 -2.357900 2.237700 -0.026383 0.948700 6.20 -1.223200 0.107500 0.000000 8.48 -0.0002284 -0.862860 779.91 0.000188 -0.001380 1.350 0.803 130.530 249.340 0.059 0.000 0.524 0.625 0.524 0.321
6.500 -2.368600 -2.278500 -2.532200 -2.477000 2.215000 -0.039505 0.976430 6.20 -1.229900 0.112310 0.000000 8.90 -0.0000364 -0.833550 775.60 0.000159 -0.001370 1.349 0.815 130.630 252.940 0.059 0.000 0.520 0.634 0.517 0.312
7.000 -2.482700 -2.388100 -2.681800 -2.585400 2.172000 -0.059140 0.997570 6.20 -1.240800 0.118530 0.000000 9.20 0.0001684 -0.804570 772.68 0.000056 -0.001370 1.342 0.816 130.700 253.120 0.059 0.000 0.515 0.636 0.514 0.302
7.500 -2.586500 -2.487400 -2.817600 -2.685400 2.118700 -0.081606 1.012100 6.20 -1.254300 0.125070 0.000000 9.48 0.0003849 -0.776650 771.01 -0.000055 -0.001370 1.329 0.809 130.720 250.390 0.058 0.000 0.512 0.634 0.511 0.270
8.000 -2.686100 -2.582900 -2.943800 -2.782300 2.061300 -0.103820 1.023200 6.20 -1.268800 0.131460 0.000000 9.57 0.0007200 -0.750330 760.81 -0.000117 -0.001370 1.308 0.795 130.870 245.230 0.059 0.000 0.510 0.630 0.507 0.278
8.500 -2.782000 -2.675200 -3.059700 -2.877600 2.008400 -0.121140 1.033500 6.20 -1.283900 0.137420 0.000000 9.62 0.0009400 -0.725440 764.50 -0.000131 -0.001370 1.282 0.777 130.710 238.130 0.059 0.000 0.509 0.622 0.503 0.265
9.000 -2.879200 -2.768700 -3.171300 -2.975900 1.960500 -0.134070 1.045300 6.20 -1.298900 0.142940 0.000000 9.66 0.0011300 -0.701610 768.07 -0.000108 -0.001370 1.252 0.754 130.500 229.560 0.060 0.000 0.509 0.613 0.498 0.252
9.500 -2.976900 -2.863400 -3.278500 -3.076000 1.918900 -0.143640 1.056700 6.20 -1.313000 0.147810 0.000000 9.66 0.0013100 -0.678500 771.55 -0.000060 -0.001360 1.218 0.729 130.260 220.020 0.060 0.000 0.509 0.604 0.492 0.239
10.00 -3.070200 -2.953700 -3.377600 -3.172600 1.883700 -0.150960 1.065100 6.20 -1.325300 0.151830 0.000000 9.66 0.0014900 -0.655750 775.00 0.000000 -0.001360 1.183 0.703 130.000 210.000 0.060 0.000 0.510 0.604 0.487 0.239
[docs]def california_basin_model(vs30):
Returns the centred z1.0 (mu_z1) based on the California model
(equation 11)
coeff = 570.94 ** 4.0
model = (-7.15 / 4.0) * np.log(
((vs30 ** 4.0) + coeff) / ((1360.0 ** 4.0) + coeff)
) - np.log(1000.)
return np.exp(model)
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014CaliforniaBasin(BooreEtAl2014):
Implements the Boore et al. (2014) GMPE under the conditions that the
global (average Q) attenuation model is preferred and the basin model is
considered to be represented by the "California" case
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - california_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014HighQCaliforniaBasin(BooreEtAl2014HighQ):
Implements the Boore et al. (2014) GMPE under the conditions that the
high Q attenuation model is preferred and the basin model is
considered to be represented by the "California" case
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - california_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014LowQCaliforniaBasin(BooreEtAl2014LowQ):
Implements the Boore et al. (2014) GMPE under the conditions that the
high Q attenuation model is preferred and the basin model is
considered to be represented by the "California" case
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - california_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1
[docs]def japan_basin_model(vs30):
Returns the centred z1.0 (mu_z1) based on the Japan model
(equation 12)
coeff = 412.39 ** 2.0
model = (-5.23 / 2.0) * np.log(
((vs30 ** 2.0) + coeff) / ((1360.0 ** 2.0) + coeff)
) - np.log(1000.)
return np.exp(model)
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014JapanBasin(BooreEtAl2014):
Implements the Boore et al. (2014) GMPE under the conditions that the
global (average Q) attenuation model is preferred and the basin model is
considered to be represented by the "Japan" case
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - japan_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014HighQJapanBasin(BooreEtAl2014HighQ):
Implements the Boore et al. (2014) GMPE under the conditions that the
high Q attenuation model is preferred and the basin model is
considered to be represented by the "Japan" case
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - japan_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014LowQJapanBasin(BooreEtAl2014LowQ):
Implements the Boore et al. (2014) GMPE under the conditions that the
low Q attenuation model is preferred and the basin model is
considered to be represented by the "Japan" case
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - japan_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014NoSOF(BooreEtAl2014):
The Boore et al. (2014) GMPE can consider the case in which the
style-of-faulting is unspecified. In this case the GMPE is no longer
dependent on rake.
#: Required rupture parameters are magnitude
def _get_style_of_faulting_term(self, C, rup):
Returns the coefficients of the "Unspecified" style-of-faulting
return C["e0"]
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014HighQNoSOF(BooreEtAl2014HighQ):
The Boore et al. (2014) GMPE, implemented for the High Q regions, for the
case in which the style-of-faulting is unspecified.
#: Required rupture parameters are magnitude
def _get_style_of_faulting_term(self, C, rup):
Returns the coefficients of the "Unspecified" style-of-faulting
return C["e0"]
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014LowQNoSOF(BooreEtAl2014LowQ):
The Boore et al. (2014) GMPE, implemented for the Low Q regions, for the
case in which the style-of-faulting is unspecified.
#: Required rupture parameters are magnitude
def _get_style_of_faulting_term(self, C, rup):
Returns the coefficients of the "Unspecified" style-of-faulting
return C["e0"]
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014CaliforniaBasinNoSOF(BooreEtAl2014NoSOF):
The Boore et al. (2014) GMPE, implemented for global (average Q) regions,
for the case when style of faulting is unspecficied and the California
basin depth model is required
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - california_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014HighQCaliforniaBasinNoSOF(BooreEtAl2014HighQNoSOF):
The Boore et al. (2014) GMPE, implemented for high Q regions,
for the case when style of faulting is unspecficied and the California
basin depth model is required
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - california_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014LowQCaliforniaBasinNoSOF(BooreEtAl2014LowQNoSOF):
The Boore et al. (2014) GMPE, implemented for high Q regions,
for the case when style of faulting is unspecficied and the California
basin depth model is required
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - california_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014JapanBasinNoSOF(BooreEtAl2014NoSOF):
The Boore et al. (2014) GMPE, implemented for global (average Q) regions,
for the case when style of faulting is unspecficied and the California
basin depth model is required
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - japan_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014HighQJapanBasinNoSOF(BooreEtAl2014HighQNoSOF):
The Boore et al. (2014) GMPE, implemented for high Q regions,
for the case when style of faulting is unspecficied and the California
basin depth model is required
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - japan_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014LowQJapanBasinNoSOF(BooreEtAl2014LowQNoSOF):
The Boore et al. (2014) GMPE, implemented for high Q regions,
for the case when style of faulting is unspecficied and the California
basin depth model is required
#: Required site parameters are Vs30 and depth (in metres!) to 1 km/s
#: shear-wave velocity layer
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30', 'z1pt0'))
def _get_basin_depth_term(self, C, sites, period):
In the case of the base model the basin depth term is switched off.
Therefore we return an array of zeros.
if period < 0.65:
f_dz1 = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_dz1 = C["f7"] + np.zeros(len(sites.vs30), dtype=float)
f_ratio = C["f7"] / C["f6"]
dz1 = (sites.z1pt0 / 1000.0) - japan_basin_model(sites.vs30)
idx = dz1 <= f_ratio
f_dz1[idx] = C["f6"] * dz1[idx]
return f_dz1