# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) 2014-2019 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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Module exports :class:`AmeriEtAl2017Rjb`,
import numpy as np
g = 9.81 # According to G. Ameri, pers. communication (May 20th, 2019)
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import GMPE, CoeffsTable
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA, SA
[docs]class AmeriEtAl2017Rjb(GMPE):
Implements the Ameri et al (2017) GMPE for the case where Joyner-Boore
distance is used. Standard deviation uses the heteroscedastic formulation
given in eqn. 11. (for periods T<=1 s.)
Ameri, G., Drouet, S., Traversa, P., Bindi, D., Cotton, F., (2017),
Toward an empirical ground motion prediction equation for France:
accounting for regional differences in the source stress parameter,
Bull. Earthquake Eng., 15: 4681-4717.
#: Supported tectonic region type is 'active shallow crust'
#: Set of :mod:`intensity measure types <openquake.hazardlib.imt>`
#: this GSIM can calculate. A set should contain classes from module
#: :mod:`openquake.hazardlib.imt`.
#: Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean of two
#: horizontal components
#: Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event
#: and total
#: Required site parameter is only Vs30
#: Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake (eq. 1).
REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = set(('rake', 'mag'))
#: Required distance measure is Rjb (eq. 1).
REQUIRES_DISTANCES = set(('rjb', ))
def __init__(self, adjustment_factor=1.0):
self.adjustment_factor = np.log(adjustment_factor)
[docs] def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types):
See :meth:`superclass method
for spec of input and result values.
# extracting dictionary of coefficients specific to required
# intensity measure type.
C = self.COEFFS[imt]
imean = self._get_mean(C, rup, dists, sites)
# Convert mean to ln(SA) with SA in units of g:
mean = np.log((10.0 ** (imean - 2.0)) / g)
istddevs = self._get_stddevs(C_SIGMA, stddev_types, len(sites.vs30), rup.mag)
stddevs = np.log(10.0 ** np.array(istddevs))
return mean + self.adjustment_factor, stddevs
def _get_mean(self, C, rup, dists, sites):
Returns the mean ground motion (i.e. log10(ground motion in cm/s^2) )
return (C["a"] +
self._get_distance_scaling_term(C, dists.rjb, rup.mag) +
self._get_magnitude_scaling_term(C, rup.mag) +
self._get_site_amplification_term(C, sites.vs30) +
self._get_style_of_faulting_term(C, rup.rake))
def _get_magnitude_scaling_term(self, C, mag):
Returns the magnitude scaling term of the GMPE described in
equation 3
dmag = mag - self.CONSTS["Mh"]
if mag <= self.CONSTS["Mh"]:
return C["b1"] * dmag + C["b2"] * (dmag ** 2.0)
return C["b3"]* dmag
def _get_distance_scaling_term(self, C, rval, mag):
Returns the distance scaling term of the GMPE described in equation 2
r_adj = np.sqrt((rval ** 2.0) + (C["h"] ** 2.0))
return (
(C["c1"] + C["c2"] * (mag - self.CONSTS["Mref"])) *
np.log10(r_adj / self.CONSTS["Rref"]))
def _get_style_of_faulting_term(self, C, rake):
Returns the style-of-faulting term of the GMPE described in equation 4
Fault type (Strike-slip, Normal, Thrust/reverse) is
derived from rake angle.
Rakes angles within 30 of horizontal are strike-slip,
angles from 30 to 150 are reverse, and angles from
-30 to -150 are normal.
Note that the 'Unspecified' case is not considered in this class
as rake is required as an input variable
SS, NS, RS = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
if np.abs(rake) <= 30.0 or (180.0 - np.abs(rake)) <= 30.0:
# strike-slip
SS = 1.0
elif rake > 30.0 and rake < 150.0:
# reverse
RS = 1.0
# normal
NS = 1.0
return (C["f1"] * NS) + (C["f2"] * RS) + (C["f3"] * SS)
def _get_site_amplification_term(self, C, vs30):
Returns the site amplification given Eurocode 8 site classification
f_s = np.zeros_like(vs30)
# Site class A
idx = vs30 >= 800.0
f_s[idx] = C["e1"]
# Site class B
idx = np.logical_and(vs30 < 800.0, vs30 >= 360.0)
f_s[idx] = C["e2"]
# Site Class C
idx = np.logical_and(vs30 < 360.0, vs30 >= 180.0)
f_s[idx] = C["e3"]
# Site Class D
idx = vs30 < 180.0
f_s[idx] = C["e4"]
return f_s
def _get_stress_term(self, C, mag, norm_stress_drop):
Returns the stress parameter-dependent term, based on Yenier and Atkinson (2015)
if norm_stress_drop<=1:
e = C['s0'] + C['s1'] * mag + C['s2'] * (mag**2) + \
C['s3'] * (mag**3) + C['s4'] * (mag**4)
e = C['s5'] + C['s6'] * mag + C['s7'] * (mag**2) + \
C['s8'] * (mag**3) + C['s9'] * (mag**4)
return e * np.log10( norm_stress_drop )
def _get_stddevs(self, C_SIGMA, stddev_types, num_sites, mag):
Return standard deviations
tau = self._compute_between_events_std(C_SIGMA, mag)
phi = self._compute_within_event_std(C_SIGMA)
sigma = np.sqrt( tau**2 + phi**2 )
stddevs = []
for stddev_type in stddev_types:
if stddev_type == const.StdDev.TOTAL:
stddevs.append(sigma + np.zeros(num_sites))
elif stddev_type == const.StdDev.INTRA_EVENT:
stddevs.append(phi + np.zeros(num_sites))
elif stddev_type == const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT:
stddevs.append(tau + np.zeros(num_sites))
return stddevs
def _compute_between_events_std(self, C_SIGMA, mag):
Return between-events standard deviation term. Expression is provided:
- according to eqn. 11 if model is heteroscedastic (mag parameter is not None);
- or using a constant term if model is homoscedastic (mag parameter is None).
if mag is None:
# Homoscedastic model:
tau = C_SIGMA['tau']
# Heteroscedastic model:
if mag<=4.0:
tau = C_SIGMA['tau1']
elif mag>=5:
tau = C_SIGMA['tau2']
tau = C_SIGMA['tau1'] + (C_SIGMA['tau2']-C_SIGMA['tau1'])*(mag-4.0)
return tau
def _compute_within_event_std(self, C_SIGMA):
Return within-event standard deviation
return C_SIGMA['phi']
#: Coefficients from Table "10518_2017_171_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx" in electronic supplementary material:
COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""
imt a c1 c2 h b1 b2 b3 e1 e2 e3 e4 f1 f2 f3
pga 3.57937 -1.4864 0.231465 6.65758 -0.0240888 -0.0631411 0 0 0.167762 0.249286 0.223014 -0.0382253 0.013243 0
0.01 3.5972 -1.49427 0.234091 6.79747 -0.0222199 -0.0600105 0 0 0.160126 0.24238 0.218539 -0.0347956 0.0177128 0
0.02 3.63617 -1.50665 0.234304 6.60957 -0.00818666 -0.0545415 0 0 0.149801 0.231588 0.212933 -0.0317685 0.0190783 0
0.03 3.69185 -1.54706 0.253029 6.83552 -0.0212604 -0.0434654 0 0 0.13237 0.210271 0.193703 -0.0248664 0.037243 0
0.04 3.74843 -1.57163 0.254487 6.84157 -0.023062 -0.0368002 0 0 0.13248 0.198745 0.160215 -0.0186509 0.0384935 0
0.05 3.8254 -1.59374 0.244296 6.97997 -0.0265193 -0.038679 0 0 0.135848 0.191212 0.142625 -0.0172171 0.0385044 0
0.075 4.02576 -1.62183 0.195296 7.29363 -0.00942327 -0.0570317 0 0 0.163595 0.202134 0.142641 -0.0238157 0.0230891 0
0.1 4.12894 -1.62321 0.163216 7.62694 -0.00570805 -0.0775024 0 0 0.200864 0.232295 0.173399 -0.0222679 0.0115192 0
0.15 4.14147 -1.55679 0.137411 7.59936 -0.00140059 -0.103665 0 0 0.230128 0.261189 0.229835 -0.0312945 -0.0134991 0
0.2 4.03038 -1.4505 0.122409 6.71189 0.0251505 -0.117975 0 0 0.222592 0.282414 0.254405 -0.0375677 -0.0132365 0
0.26 3.89003 -1.35644 0.112647 6.06462 0.058444 -0.12719 0 0 0.22463 0.318629 0.280155 -0.0438534 -0.0228273 0
0.3 3.79547 -1.29433 0.105082 5.40797 0.0826731 -0.132525 0 0 0.21436 0.330943 0.293392 -0.052228 -0.0249144 0
0.36 3.65477 -1.21655 0.102617 4.6578 0.123373 -0.13208 0 0 0.218341 0.357137 0.336488 -0.0545282 -0.0369904 0
0.4 3.57828 -1.18611 0.105263 4.45728 0.136293 -0.13249 0 0 0.225607 0.373643 0.36356 -0.0575379 -0.0445194 0
0.46 3.50977 -1.15887 0.108003 4.24293 0.159692 -0.131675 0 0 0.225533 0.392129 0.408201 -0.068798 -0.0588553 0
0.5 3.4641 -1.13335 0.106464 3.92775 0.184071 -0.130586 0 0 0.223114 0.401878 0.437158 -0.0755826 -0.0659854 0
0.6 3.35334 -1.09668 0.110251 3.67158 0.215812 -0.129838 0 0 0.221907 0.414504 0.504533 -0.075854 -0.075577 0
0.7 3.24798 -1.06758 0.110992 3.36202 0.2287 -0.132434 0 0 0.217418 0.421098 0.561574 -0.0780016 -0.0913044 0
0.8 3.13832 -1.03218 0.118672 3.15358 0.247122 -0.13043 0 0 0.207333 0.424843 0.594304 -0.0776178 -0.100387 0
0.9 3.07595 -1.00932 0.116383 3.16122 0.277383 -0.130108 0 0 0.20214 0.432693 0.633541 -0.0793058 -0.106253 0
1.0 3.01481 -0.990675 0.114962 3.04105 0.313627 -0.125759 0 0 0.203179 0.434754 0.64753 -0.0734174 -0.10704 0
1.3 2.8491 -0.954153 0.131841 3.03741 0.362253 -0.118367 0 0 0.189662 0.417724 0.679776 -0.0769343 -0.111787 0
1.5 2.79803 -0.949676 0.128459 2.97213 0.417589 -0.111117 0 0 0.190107 0.414214 0.719585 -0.0766813 -0.101168 0
1.8 2.77959 -0.966699 0.125038 3.65762 0.480496 -0.102423 0 0 0.176816 0.39028 0.674517 -0.0860793 -0.103835 0
2.0 2.75262 -0.973361 0.124103 3.78649 0.505881 -0.100896 0 0 0.169768 0.385618 0.6598 -0.0959682 -0.1124 0
2.6 2.5907 -0.964381 0.143781 3.87901 0.541547 -0.0930562 0 0 0.140212 0.33995 0.604624 -0.081575 -0.104082 0
3.0 2.50167 -0.950629 0.164955 4.11679 0.599563 -0.0673578 0 0 0.124967 0.321712 0.607734 -0.0900985 -0.114396 0
# Coefficients from Table "10518_2017_171_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx" in electronic supplementary material:
# NB: Coefficients from the original table have been modified so as to account for the authors'
# advice in the article (p.4707, "we recommend the heteroscedastic model for T<=1 s only,
# and the homoscedastic model for longer periods".
# Accordingly, values for TAU1 and TAU2 have been edited to match TAU values for the following
# periods: 1.3 s., 1.5 s., 1.8 s., 2.0 s., 2.6 s., 3.0 s.
COEFFS_SIGMA = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""
imt tau tau1 tau2 phi
pga 0.170688 0.299730 0.177908 0.303741
0.01 0.171851 0.299730 0.177908 0.305812
0.02 0.173021 0.311915 0.186848 0.307893
0.03 0.179043 0.305421 0.189678 0.318609
0.04 0.174265 0.328821 0.194362 0.328130
0.05 0.176014 0.339281 0.199864 0.331423
0.075 0.184290 0.331247 0.214309 0.327946
0.1 0.190709 0.309358 0.210499 0.321737
0.15 0.186913 0.292712 0.199181 0.315332
0.2 0.187804 0.272432 0.192531 0.301156
0.26 0.174769 0.241235 0.179662 0.294844
0.3 0.173561 0.237312 0.171560 0.292807
0.36 0.174919 0.216497 0.167742 0.295097
0.4 0.168289 0.209183 0.161301 0.299473
0.46 0.169701 0.204619 0.162074 0.301986
0.5 0.169913 0.203503 0.162521 0.302362
0.6 0.169173 0.200595 0.162803 0.301045
0.7 0.171074 0.202465 0.165952 0.304429
0.8 0.170979 0.198534 0.157879 0.304259
0.9 0.168764 0.187191 0.155639 0.300318
1.0 0.176172 0.184987 0.154404 0.297212
1.3 0.183978 0.183978 0.183978 0.295022
1.5 0.184155 0.184155 0.184155 0.295306
1.8 0.184885 0.184885 0.184885 0.296476
2.0 0.185435 0.185435 0.185435 0.297357
2.6 0.210376 0.210376 0.210376 0.293109
3.0 0.212859 0.212859 0.212859 0.283812
# Coefficients from Table "10518_2017_171_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx" in electronic supplementary material
# (see also Yenier and Atkinson, 2015):
COEFFS_STRESS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""
imt s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
pga -2.132000000000000000 1.937000000000000000 -0.504000000000000000 0.058240000000000000 -0.002498000000000000 -1.444000000000000000 1.235000000000000000 -0.285100000000000000 0.030210000000000000 -0.001217000000000000
0.01 -2.048000000000000000 1.881000000000000000 -0.490100000000000000 0.056680000000000000 -0.002433000000000000 -1.437000000000000000 1.242000000000000000 -0.289200000000000000 0.030880000000000000 -0.001252000000000000
0.02 -1.160000000000000000 1.274000000000000000 -0.334400000000000000 0.039110000000000000 -0.001700000000000000 -1.272000000000000000 1.254000000000000000 -0.317100000000000000 0.036240000000000000 -0.001550000000000000
0.03 -1.056000000000000000 1.205000000000000000 -0.313200000000000000 0.036150000000000000 -0.001550000000000000 -2.243000000000000000 1.981000000000000000 -0.508600000000000000 0.057820000000000000 -0.002439000000000000
0.04 -0.857100000000000000 1.044000000000000000 -0.267700000000000000 0.030820000000000000 -0.001328000000000000 -3.310000000000000000 2.663000000000000000 -0.668300000000000000 0.074150000000000000 -0.003056000000000000
0.05 -0.962800000000000000 0.982600000000000000 -0.215600000000000000 0.020800000000000000 -0.000742300000000000 -4.228000000000000000 3.293000000000000000 -0.831600000000000000 0.093030000000000000 -0.003873000000000000
0.075 -3.307093622752820000 2.715618872036960000 -0.691461347788890000 0.077930164008379800 -0.003265156851659290 -3.391720419721760000 2.384390298763130000 -0.525460084931779000 0.051464187772421400 -0.001885243731635890
0.10 -4.051000000000000000 3.100000000000000000 -0.762500000000000000 0.083280000000000000 -0.003393000000000000 -2.452000000000000000 1.569000000000000000 -0.289000000000000000 0.023000000000000000 -0.000657300000000000
0.15 -4.135496790484950000 2.990175665924260000 -0.703560572208682000 0.074081088832166700 -0.002926336129704660 -0.559855506733657000 -0.053291402105396500 0.180588831258940000 -0.033835675561780300 0.001817879129878780
0.20 -2.707000000000000000 1.729000000000000000 -0.330200000000000000 0.028160000000000000 -0.000906400000000000 0.819700000000000000 -1.083000000000000000 0.439500000000000000 -0.061050000000000000 0.002846000000000000
0.26 -1.505285261389930000 0.778534841420447000 -0.076457065704366200 -0.000269726890490286 0.000248305753738586 1.899210650769040000 -1.836817196760830000 0.618619194004931000 -0.078935922164824500 0.003491574884857080
0.30 -0.318200000000000000 -0.138600000000000000 0.170400000000000000 -0.028500000000000000 0.001421000000000000 2.245000000000000000 -2.003000000000000000 0.632600000000000000 -0.076990000000000000 0.003268000000000000
0.36 1.111764905130550000 -1.191881353033970000 0.439960248224610000 -0.057764942347499700 0.002573205245872980 2.596970663273000000 -2.161763564108410000 0.643269347166781000 -0.074790329176234400 0.003050023155703400
0.40 2.018000000000000000 -1.857000000000000000 0.611700000000000000 -0.076740000000000000 0.003341000000000000 2.422000000000000000 -1.938000000000000000 0.555800000000000000 -0.061740000000000000 0.002390000000000000
0.46 3.370459349501280000 -2.867857822677980000 0.881282613938582000 -0.107753617606812000 0.004656357005019520 1.511700286086790000 -1.063201044297120000 0.263446359042810000 -0.021599838071486900 0.000449893309699056
0.50 3.956000000000000000 -3.288000000000000000 0.988500000000000000 -0.119600000000000000 0.005142000000000000 0.855500000000000000 -0.452800000000000000 0.064590000000000000 0.005220000000000000 -0.000829900000000000
0.60 4.005249108906740000 -3.183158831926270000 0.917619630870284000 -0.106718967852185000 0.004415895819937990 -0.245407670497777000 0.555351425397322000 -0.256909575045555000 0.047551190466675300 -0.002799950197340630
0.70 3.209976852768910000 -2.406186937090780000 0.654683779233643000 -0.070222093434176500 0.002629549156714740 -1.091578741397200000 1.292319501723110000 -0.479373955359707000 0.075037674525423100 -0.003993830592681950
0.80 2.404000000000000000 -1.652000000000000000 0.408800000000000000 -0.037100000000000000 0.001051000000000000 -2.124000000000000000 2.152000000000000000 -0.730100000000000000 0.105300000000000000 -0.005287000000000000
0.90 1.809528912677510000 -1.104457948914730000 0.235192596243833000 -0.014593092486076200 0.000026650903092806 -3.410479563877170000 3.201765159152890000 -1.033659203023420000 0.142312111204227000 -0.006905803814287950
1.00 1.066000000000000000 -0.455200000000000000 0.037390000000000000 0.010330000000000000 -0.001084000000000000 -4.473000000000000000 4.051000000000000000 -1.274000000000000000 0.171000000000000000 -0.008137000000000000
1.30 -2.508000000000000000 2.523000000000000000 -0.844600000000000000 0.120500000000000000 -0.006024000000000000 -5.494000000000000000 4.766000000000000000 -1.439000000000000000 0.184900000000000000 -0.008458000000000000
1.50 -4.562591209586210000 4.184178885193690000 -1.321626951817460000 0.178297179632034000 -0.008536305641724080 -5.752786034123840000 4.904176324860710000 -1.453760278582560000 0.183165745788638000 -0.008216131058600520
1.80 -6.066252631749060000 5.345315499812140000 -1.635798607735410000 0.213421543697430000 -0.009917991992558870 -6.081700433391410000 5.092342470146320000 -1.481158779327170000 0.182998865017356000 -0.008050251934664040
2.0 -6.642000000000000000 5.767000000000000000 -1.742000000000000000 0.224100000000000000 -0.010280000000000000 -6.010000000000000000 4.985000000000000000 -1.433000000000000000 0.174800000000000000 -0.007587000000000000
2.6 -8.161077047405510000 6.880595832041620000 -2.024661773244400000 0.253463377249699000 -0.011347702706097400 -4.707867446814010000 3.789164702352790000 -1.037841219533240000 0.119381787710041000 -0.004831972404074730
3.0 -7.980000000000000000 6.643000000000000000 -1.924000000000000000 0.236600000000000000 -0.010390000000000000 -4.180000000000000000 3.317000000000000000 -0.886200000000000000 0.098880000000000000 -0.003853000000000000
CONSTS = {"Mref": 5.5,
"Mh": 6.75,
"Rref": 1.0}
[docs]class AmeriEtAl2017RjbStressDrop(AmeriEtAl2017Rjb):
Implements the Ameri et al (2017) GMPE for the case where Joyner-Boore
distance is used, and the stress parameter is specified in the Ground-motion
Example specification of the normalizaed stress parameter:
norm_stress_drop = 0.3
The stress parameter is normalized, according to STRESS_DROP/REF_STRESS_DROP,
where REF_STRESS_DROP varies regionally. The authors used the following values
for reference regional stress estimates: 1 bar for the Swtzerland (Swiss Alps
+Foreland), 10 bars for the French Alps + Rhine Graben, and 100 bars for the
Pyrenees events. In this case, the standard deviation implements a homoscedastic
Ameri, G., Drouet, S., Traversa, P., Bindi, D., Cotton, F., (2017),
Toward an empirical ground motion prediction equation for France:
accounting for regional differences in the source stress parameter,
Bull. Earthquake Eng., 15: 4681-4717.
#: Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake (eq. 1).
REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = set(('rake', 'mag'))
def __init__(self, norm_stress_drop, adjustment_factor=1.0):
self.norm_stress_drop = norm_stress_drop
[docs] def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types):
See :meth:`superclass method
for spec of input and result values.
# extracting dictionary of coefficients specific to required
# intensity measure type.
C = self.COEFFS[imt]
imean = self._get_mean(C, C_STRESS, rup, dists, sites)
# Convert mean to ln(SA) with SA in units of g:
mean = np.log((10.0 ** (imean - 2.0)) / g)
istddevs = self._get_stddevs(C_SIGMA, stddev_types, len(sites.vs30), None)
stddevs = np.log(10.0 ** np.array(istddevs))
return mean + self.adjustment_factor, stddevs
def _get_mean(self, C, C_STRESS, rup, dists, sites):
Returns the mean ground motion
return (C["a"] +
self._get_magnitude_scaling_term(C, rup.mag) +
self._get_distance_scaling_term(C, dists.rjb, rup.mag) +
self._get_style_of_faulting_term(C, rup.rake) +
self._get_site_amplification_term(C, sites.vs30) +
self._get_stress_term(C_STRESS, rup.mag, self.norm_stress_drop))
[docs]class AmeriEtAl2017Repi(AmeriEtAl2017Rjb):
Implements the Ameri et al (2017) GMPE for the case where epicentral
distance is used. Standard deviation uses the heteroscedastic formulation
given in eqn. 11. (for periods T<=1 s.)
Ameri, G., Drouet, S., Traversa, P., Bindi, D., Cotton, F., (2017),
Toward an empirical ground motion prediction equation for France:
accounting for regional differences in the source stress parameter,
Bull. Earthquake Eng., 15: 4681-4717.
#: Required distance measure is Repi (eq. 1).
REQUIRES_DISTANCES = set(('repi', ))
def _get_mean(self, C, rup, dists, sites):
Returns the mean ground motion
return (C["a"] +
self._get_magnitude_scaling_term(C, rup.mag) +
self._get_distance_scaling_term(C, dists.repi, rup.mag) +
self._get_style_of_faulting_term(C, rup.rake) +
self._get_site_amplification_term(C, sites.vs30))
#: Coefficients from Table "10518_2017_171_MOESM1_ESM.xlsx" in electronic supplementary material:
COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""
imt a c1 c2 h b1 b2 b3 e1 e2 e3 e4 f1 f2 f3
pga 3.90119 -1.5472 0.203801 6.78654 0.157748 -0.0375241 0 0 0.183962 0.265793 0.223751 -0.0467904 0.0184746 0
0.01 3.91834 -1.55513 0.206695 6.93871 0.158768 -0.0344853 0 0 0.176314 0.258883 0.219586 -0.0433188 0.0229539 0
0.02 3.96778 -1.56944 0.204904 6.71767 0.179572 -0.0283156 0 0 0.166393 0.248523 0.216466 -0.0404006 0.0245037 0
0.03 4.03457 -1.61309 0.221786 6.97123 0.170789 -0.0170738 0 0 0.1495 0.22776 0.198027 -0.033472 0.0429289 0
0.04 4.09161 -1.63695 0.223878 6.93988 0.170856 -0.00977618 0 0 0.149521 0.216085 0.161634 -0.0274375 0.0441535 0
0.05 4.16164 -1.65202 0.213028 6.87221 0.173549 -0.0106632 0 0 0.153353 0.208313 0.142202 -0.0260106 0.0440531 0
0.075 4.33841 -1.6683 0.169004 7.00747 0.189381 -0.0275671 0 0 0.180887 0.218339 0.140321 -0.0334549 0.0279034 0 1
0.10 4.42216 -1.66545 0.142599 7.42062 0.181596 -0.0484681 0 0 0.217184 0.248079 0.169717 -0.0322814 0.0161202 0
0.15 4.41412 -1.59603 0.121696 7.46484 0.172235 -0.075683 0 0 0.245926 0.275714 0.226713 -0.0406154 -0.00923057 0
0.20 4.29143 -1.48937 0.109037 6.66175 0.188457 -0.0912278 0 0 0.237868 0.296127 0.251076 -0.0473502 -0.00965523 0
0.26 4.15414 -1.3971 0.0981806 6.01355 0.222792 -0.100492 0 0 0.240346 0.331854 0.276914 -0.0529457 -0.0200077 0
0.30 4.06715 -1.33781 0.0881106 5.40572 0.249494 -0.106148 0 0 0.229999 0.344676 0.291959 -0.061157 -0.0217789 0
0.36 3.93473 -1.26446 0.082679 4.76415 0.290781 -0.106547 0 0 0.234552 0.371843 0.336232 -0.0634606 -0.0336804 0
0.40 3.86858 -1.2376 0.0824992 4.59994 0.307618 -0.107085 0 0 0.242295 0.388648 0.362821 -0.0660934 -0.0413226 0
0.46 3.80262 -1.2128 0.08412 4.46018 0.329334 -0.106975 0 0 0.241844 0.407015 0.405404 -0.0767804 -0.0551733 0
0.50 3.76231 -1.18977 0.0810918 4.20281 0.354457 -0.106229 0 0 0.239285 0.416952 0.433658 -0.0835497 -0.0619977 0
0.60 3.65478 -1.15523 0.0833905 4.00398 0.385689 -0.106057 0 0 0.237641 0.429496 0.500227 -0.0833572 -0.0718527 0
0.70 3.55408 -1.13019 0.0840393 3.85672 0.396746 -0.108988 0 0 0.232891 0.436872 0.559456 -0.0853279 -0.0872709 0
0.80 3.44534 -1.09309 0.0883406 3.4791 0.419463 -0.10718 0 0 0.223144 0.44086 0.594032 -0.0851173 -0.0969812 0
0.90 3.37653 -1.06841 0.0860723 3.48856 0.446457 -0.107469 0 0 0.217031 0.448439 0.634135 -0.0872213 -0.103167 0
1.0 3.31044 -1.04917 0.085526 3.38282 0.479407 -0.103463 0 0 0.217976 0.449865 0.647 -0.0811993 -0.103835 0
1.3 3.13628 -1.01108 0.101962 3.39674 0.523028 -0.0971368 0 0 0.204172 0.433443 0.680322 -0.085345 -0.108176 0
1.5 3.08483 -1.00615 0.0983393 3.32168 0.580112 -0.0894907 0 0 0.205563 0.430942 0.719757 -0.085572 -0.095703 0
1.8 3.05563 -1.01592 0.0933633 3.5879 0.64878 -0.0794491 0 0 0.191903 0.40723 0.673431 -0.0933542 -0.0975485 0
2.0 3.03188 -1.02463 0.0921217 3.80958 0.673389 -0.0781992 0 0 0.184302 0.40322 0.658312 -0.103371 -0.105662 0
2.6 2.87034 -1.01797 0.111257 4.12602 0.708014 -0.0696517 0 0 0.155283 0.359284 0.603672 -0.0906715 -0.0973401 0
3.0 2.77941 -1.00223 0.130875 4.44146 0.773886 -0.0405902 0 0 0.140958 0.341313 0.606863 -0.0982915 -0.108276 0
# Coefficients from Table "10518_2017_171_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx" in electronic supplementary material:
# NB: Coefficients from the original table have been modified so as to account for the authors'
# advice in the article (p.4707, "we recommend the heteroscedastic model for T<=1 s only,
# and the homoscedastic model for longer periods".
# Accordingly, values for TAU1 and TAU2 have been edited to match TAU values for the following
# periods: 1.3 s., 1.5 s., 1.8 s., 2.0 s., 2.6 s., 3.0 s.
COEFFS_SIGMA = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""
imt tau tau1 tau2 phi
pga 0.171510 0.311636 0.180874 0.305205
0.01 0.172616 0.311636 0.180874 0.307173
0.02 0.173732 0.311987 0.182078 0.309158
0.03 0.179536 0.317621 0.184522 0.319487
0.04 0.174760 0.329101 0.188943 0.329062
0.05 0.185622 0.339251 0.193773 0.330316
0.075 0.193894 0.332014 0.207885 0.327110
0.1 0.191344 0.310587 0.212569 0.322807
0.15 0.196745 0.293783 0.201864 0.315493
0.2 0.189696 0.274526 0.196893 0.304190
0.26 0.177025 0.243233 0.177031 0.298652
0.3 0.176062 0.239891 0.176732 0.297027
0.36 0.177392 0.219213 0.164453 0.299269
0.4 0.170361 0.211530 0.165739 0.303160
0.46 0.171621 0.206189 0.166153 0.305402
0.5 0.171776 0.205112 0.166378 0.305678
0.6 0.171188 0.202812 0.158203 0.304631
0.7 0.173219 0.204808 0.161272 0.308245
0.8 0.172734 0.200690 0.161046 0.307382
0.9 0.170475 0.196917 0.149874 0.303362
1.0 0.177982 0.185807 0.157426 0.300265
1.3 0.185666 0.185666 0.185666 0.297728
1.5 0.185940 0.185940 0.185940 0.298167
1.8 0.186799 0.186799 0.186799 0.299545
2.0 0.187335 0.187335 0.187335 0.300404
2.6 0.204828 0.204828 0.204828 0.298586
3.0 0.216272 0.216272 0.216272 0.288363
[docs]class AmeriEtAl2017RepiStressDrop(AmeriEtAl2017Repi):
Implements the Ameri et al (2017) GMPE for the case where epicentral
distance is used, and the stress parameter is specified in the Ground-motion
Example specification of the normalizaed stress parameter:
norm_stress_drop = 0.3
The stress parameter is normalized, according to STRESS_DROP/REF_STRESS_DROP,
where REF_STRESS_DROP varies regionally. The authors used the following values
for reference regional stress estimates: 1 bar for the Swtzerland (Swiss Alps+
Foreland), 10 bars for the French Alps + Rhine Graben, and 100 bars for the
Pyrenees events. In this cas, the standard deviation implements a homoscedastic
Ameri, G., Drouet, S., Traversa, P., Bindi, D., Cotton, F., (2017),
Toward an empirical ground motion prediction equation for France:
accounting for regional differences in the source stress parameter,
Bull. Earthquake Eng., 15: 4681-4717.
REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = set(('rake', 'mag'))
def __init__(self, norm_stress_drop, adjustment_factor=1.0):
self.norm_stress_drop = norm_stress_drop
[docs] def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types):
See :meth:`superclass method
for spec of input and result values.
# extracting dictionary of coefficients specific to required
# intensity measure type.
C = self.COEFFS[imt]
imean = self._get_mean(C, C_STRESS, rup, dists, sites)
# Convert mean to ln(SA) with SA in units of g:
mean = np.log((10.0 ** (imean - 2.0)) / g)
istddevs = self._get_stddevs(C_SIGMA, stddev_types, len(sites.vs30), None)
stddevs = np.log(10.0 ** np.array(istddevs))
return mean + self.adjustment_factor, stddevs
def _get_mean(self, C, C_STRESS, rup, dists, sites):
Returns the mean ground motion
return (C["a"] +
self._get_magnitude_scaling_term(C, rup.mag) +
self._get_distance_scaling_term(C, dists.repi, rup.mag) +
self._get_style_of_faulting_term(C, rup.rake) +
self._get_site_amplification_term(C, sites.vs30) +
self._get_stress_term(C_STRESS, rup.mag, self.norm_stress_drop))