Source code for openquake.hazardlib.calc.filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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import os
import sys
import time
import operator
from contextlib import contextmanager
import numpy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from openquake.baselib import hdf5
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import raise_
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.utils import (
    KM_TO_DEGREES, angular_distance, fix_lon, get_bounding_box)

MAX_DISTANCE = 2000  # km, ultra big distance used if there is no filter
src_group_id = operator.attrgetter('src_group_id')

[docs]@contextmanager def context(src): """ Used to add the source_id to the error message. To be used as with context(src): operation_with(src) Typically the operation is filtering a source, that can fail for tricky geometries. """ try: yield except Exception: etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info() msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s' msg %= (src.source_id, err) raise_(etype, msg, tb)
[docs]def getdefault(dic_with_default, key): """ :param dic_with_default: a dictionary with a 'default' key :param key: a key that may be present in the dictionary or not :returns: the value associated to the key, or to 'default' """ try: return dic_with_default[key] except KeyError: return dic_with_default['default']
[docs]class Piecewise(object): """ Given two arrays x and y of non-decreasing values, build a piecewise function associating to each x the corresponding y. If x is smaller then the minimum x, the minimum y is returned; if x is larger than the maximum x, the maximum y is returned. """ def __init__(self, x, y): self.y = numpy.array(y) # interpolating from x values to indices in the range [0: len(x)] self.piecewise = interp1d(x, range(len(x)), bounds_error=False, fill_value=(0, len(x) - 1)) def __call__(self, x): idx = numpy.int64(numpy.ceil(self.piecewise(x))) return self.y[idx]
[docs]class IntegrationDistance( """ Pickleable object wrapping a dictionary of integration distances per tectonic region type. The integration distances can be scalars or list of pairs (magnitude, distance). Here is an example using 'default' as tectonic region type, so that the same values will be used for all tectonic region types: >>> maxdist = IntegrationDistance({'default': [ ... (3, 30), (4, 40), (5, 100), (6, 200), (7, 300), (8, 400)]}) >>> maxdist('Some TRT', mag=2.5) 30 >>> maxdist('Some TRT', mag=3) 30 >>> maxdist('Some TRT', mag=3.1) 40 >>> maxdist('Some TRT', mag=8) 400 >>> maxdist('Some TRT', mag=8.5) # 2000 km are used above the maximum 2000 """ def __init__(self, dic): self.dic = dic or {} # TRT -> float or list of pairs self.magdist = {} # TRT -> (magnitudes, distances) for trt, value in self.dic.items(): if isinstance(value, (list, numpy.ndarray)): # assume a list of pairs (mag, dist) self.magdist[trt] = value else: self.dic[trt] = float(value) def __call__(self, trt, mag=None): if not self.dic: return MAX_DISTANCE value = getdefault(self.dic, trt) if isinstance(value, float): # scalar maximum distance return value elif mag is None: # get the maximum distance for the maximum mag return value[-1][1] elif not hasattr(self, 'piecewise'): self.piecewise = {} # function cache try: md = self.piecewise[trt] # retrieve from the cache except KeyError: # fill the cache mags, dists = zip(*getdefault(self.magdist, trt)) if mags[-1] < 11: # use 2000 km for mag > mags[-1] mags = numpy.concatenate([mags, [11]]) dists = numpy.concatenate([dists, [MAX_DISTANCE]]) md = self.piecewise[trt] = Piecewise(mags, dists) return md(mag)
[docs] def get_bounding_box(self, lon, lat, trt=None, mag=None): """ Build a bounding box around the given lon, lat by computing the maximum_distance at the given tectonic region type and magnitude. :param lon: longitude :param lat: latitude :param trt: tectonic region type, possibly None :param mag: magnitude, possibly None :returns: min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat """ if trt is None: # take the greatest integration distance maxdist = max(self(trt, mag) for trt in self.dic) else: # get the integration distance for the given TRT maxdist = self(trt, mag) a1 = min(maxdist * KM_TO_DEGREES, 90) a2 = min(angular_distance(maxdist, lat), 180) return lon - a2, lat - a1, lon + a2, lat + a1
[docs] def get_affected_box(self, src): """ Get the enlarged bounding box of a source. :param src: a source object :returns: a bounding box (min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat) """ mag = src.get_min_max_mag()[1] maxdist = self(src.tectonic_region_type, mag) bbox = get_bounding_box(src, maxdist) return (fix_lon(bbox[0]), bbox[1], fix_lon(bbox[2]), bbox[3])
def __getstate__(self): # otherwise is not pickleable due to .piecewise return dict(dic=self.dic, magdist=self.magdist) def __getitem__(self, trt): return self(trt) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.dic) def __len__(self): return len(self.dic) def __toh5__(self): dic = {trt: numpy.array(dist) for trt, dist in self.dic.items()} return dic, {} def __fromh5__(self, dic, attrs): self.__init__({trt: dic[trt][()] for trt in dic}) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.dic)
[docs]def split_sources(srcs): """ :param srcs: sources :returns: a pair (split sources, split time) or just the split_sources """ from openquake.hazardlib.source import splittable sources = [] split_time = {} # -> time for src in srcs: t0 = time.time() mag_a, mag_b = src.get_min_max_mag() min_mag = src.min_mag if mag_b < min_mag: # discard the source completely continue has_serial = hasattr(src, 'serial') if has_serial: src.serial = numpy.arange( src.serial, src.serial + src.num_ruptures) if not splittable(src): sources.append(src) split_time[] = time.time() - t0 continue if min_mag: splits = [] for s in src: s.min_mag = min_mag mag_a, mag_b = s.get_min_max_mag() if mag_b < min_mag: continue s.num_ruptures = s.count_ruptures() if s.num_ruptures: splits.append(s) else: splits = list(src) split_time[] = time.time() - t0 sources.extend(splits) has_samples = hasattr(src, 'samples') if len(splits) > 1: start = 0 for i, split in enumerate(splits): split.source_id = '%s:%s' % (src.source_id, i) split.src_group_id = src.src_group_id = if has_serial: nr = split.num_ruptures split.serial = src.serial[start:start + nr] start += nr if has_samples: split.samples = src.samples elif splits: # single source [s] = splits s.source_id = src.source_id s.src_group_id = src.src_group_id = if has_serial: s.serial = src.serial if has_samples: s.samples = src.samples return sources, split_time
[docs]class SourceFilter(object): """ Filter objects have a .filter method yielding filtered sources, i.e. sources with an attribute .indices, containg the IDs of the sites within the given maximum distance. There is also a .new method that filters the sources in parallel and returns a dictionary src_group_id -> filtered sources. Filter the sources by using `self.sitecol.within_bbox` which is based on numpy. """ def __init__(self, sitecol, integration_distance, filename=None): if sitecol is not None and len(sitecol) < len(sitecol.complete): raise ValueError('%s is not complete!' % sitecol) elif sitecol is None: integration_distance = {} self.filename = filename self.integration_distance = ( IntegrationDistance(integration_distance) if isinstance(integration_distance, dict) else integration_distance) if not filename: # keep the sitecol in memory self.__dict__['sitecol'] = sitecol def __getstate__(self): if self.filename: # in the engine self.filename is the .hdf5 cache file return dict(filename=self.filename, integration_distance=self.integration_distance) else: # when using calc_hazard_curves without an .hdf5 cache file return dict(filename=None, sitecol=self.sitecol, integration_distance=self.integration_distance) @property def sitecol(self): """ Read the site collection from .filename and cache it """ if 'sitecol' in vars(self): return self.__dict__['sitecol'] if self.filename is None: return elif not os.path.exists(self.filename): raise FileNotFoundError('%s: shared_dir issue?' % self.filename) h5 = hdf5.File(self.filename, 'r') # NB: must not be closed on the workers for the case OQ_DISTRIBUTE=no self.__dict__['sitecol'] = sc = h5.get('sitecol') return sc
[docs] def get_rectangle(self, src): """ :param src: a source object :returns: ((min_lon, min_lat), width, height), useful for plotting """ min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat = ( self.integration_distance.get_affected_box(src)) return (min_lon, min_lat), (max_lon - min_lon) % 360, max_lat - min_lat
[docs] def get_close_sites(self, source): """ Returns the sites within the integration distance from the source, or None. """ source_sites = list(self([source])) if source_sites: return source_sites[0][1]
def __call__(self, sources): """ :yields: pairs (src, sites) """ if not self.integration_distance: # do not filter for src in sources: yield src, self.sitecol return for src in self.filter(sources): yield src, self.sitecol.filtered(src.indices) # used in the disaggregation calculator
[docs] def get_bounding_boxes(self, trt=None, mag=None): """ :param trt: a tectonic region type (used for the integration distance) :param mag: a magnitude (used for the integration distance) :returns: a list of bounding boxes, one per site """ bbs = [] for site in self.sitecol: bb = self.integration_distance.get_bounding_box( site.location.longitude, site.location.latitude, trt, mag) bbs.append(bb) return bbs
[docs] def close_sids(self, rec, trt): """ :param rec: a record with fields mag, minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat :param trt: tectonic region type string :returns: the site indices within the bounding box enlarged by the integration distance for the given TRT and magnitude """ if self.sitecol is None: return [] elif not self.integration_distance: # do not filter return self.sitecol.sids bbox = rec['minlon'], rec['minlat'], rec['maxlon'], rec['maxlat'] maxdist = self.integration_distance(trt, rec['mag']) a1 = min(maxdist * KM_TO_DEGREES, 90) a2 = min(angular_distance(maxdist, bbox[1], bbox[3]), 180) bb = bbox[0] - a2, bbox[1] - a1, bbox[2] + a2, bbox[3] + a1 return self.sitecol.within_bbox(bb)
[docs] def filter(self, sources): """ :param sources: a sequence of sources :yields: sources with .indices """ for src in sources: if hasattr(src, 'indices'): # already filtered yield src continue box = self.integration_distance.get_affected_box(src) indices = self.sitecol.within_bbox(box) if len(indices): src.indices = indices yield src
nofilter = SourceFilter(None, {})