Source code for openquake.calculators.extract

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake.  If not, see <>.
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
from functools import lru_cache
import collections
import logging
import ast
import io

import requests
from h5py._hl.dataset import Dataset
from import Group
import numpy
from openquake.baselib import config, hdf5
from openquake.baselib.hdf5 import ArrayWrapper
from openquake.baselib.general import group_array, println
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import encode, decode
from openquake.calculators import getters
from openquake.commonlib import calc, util, oqvalidation

U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32
F64 = numpy.float64
TWO32 = 2 ** 32
ALL = slice(None)
CHUNKSIZE = 4*1024**2  # 4 MB
memoized = lru_cache(100)

[docs]def lit_eval(string): """ `ast.literal_eval` the string if possible, otherwise returns it unchanged """ try: return ast.literal_eval(string) except (ValueError, SyntaxError): return string
[docs]def get_info(dstore): """ :returns: {'stats': dic, 'loss_types': dic, 'num_rlzs': R} """ oq = dstore['oqparam'] stats = {stat: s for s, stat in enumerate(oq.hazard_stats())} loss_types = {lt: l for l, lt in enumerate(oq.loss_dt().names)} imt = {imt: i for i, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls)} num_rlzs = dstore['csm_info'].get_num_rlzs() return dict(stats=stats, num_rlzs=num_rlzs, loss_types=loss_types, imtls=oq.imtls, investigation_time=oq.investigation_time, poes=oq.poes, imt=imt, uhs_dt=oq.uhs_dt(), tagnames=oq.aggregate_by)
def _normalize(kinds, info): a = [] b = [] stats = info['stats'] rlzs = False for kind in kinds: if kind.startswith('rlz-'): rlzs = True a.append(int(kind[4:])) b.append(kind) elif kind in stats: a.append(stats[kind]) b.append(kind) elif kind == 'stats': a.extend(stats.values()) b.extend(stats) elif kind == 'rlzs': rlzs = True a.extend(range(info['num_rlzs'])) b.extend(['rlz-%03d' % r for r in range(info['num_rlzs'])]) return a, b, rlzs
[docs]def parse(query_string, info={}): """ :returns: a normalized query_dict as in the following examples: >>> parse('kind=stats', {'stats': {'mean': 0, 'max': 1}}) {'kind': ['mean', 'max'], 'k': [0, 1], 'rlzs': False} >>> parse('kind=rlzs', {'stats': {}, 'num_rlzs': 3}) {'kind': ['rlz-000', 'rlz-001', 'rlz-002'], 'k': [0, 1, 2], 'rlzs': True} >>> parse('kind=mean', {'stats': {'mean': 0, 'max': 1}}) {'kind': ['mean'], 'k': [0], 'rlzs': False} >>> parse('kind=rlz-3&imt=PGA&site_id=0', {'stats': {}}) {'kind': ['rlz-3'], 'imt': ['PGA'], 'site_id': [0], 'k': [3], 'rlzs': True} """ qdic = parse_qs(query_string) loss_types = info.get('loss_types', []) for key, val in qdic.items(): # for instance, convert site_id to an int if key == 'loss_type': qdic[key] = [loss_types[k] for k in val] else: qdic[key] = [lit_eval(v) for v in val] if info: qdic['k'], qdic['kind'], qdic['rlzs'] = _normalize(qdic['kind'], info) return qdic
[docs]def sanitize(query_string): """ Replace `/`, `?`, `&` characters with underscores and '=' with '-' """ return query_string.replace( '/', '_').replace('?', '_').replace('&', '_').replace('=', '-')
[docs]def cast(loss_array, loss_dt): return loss_array.copy().view(loss_dt).squeeze()
[docs]def barray(iterlines): """ Array of bytes """ lst = [line.encode('utf-8') for line in iterlines] arr = numpy.array(lst) return arr
[docs]def extract_(dstore, dspath): """ Extracts an HDF5 path object from the datastore, for instance extract(dstore, 'sitecol'). """ obj = dstore[dspath] if isinstance(obj, Dataset): return ArrayWrapper(obj[()], obj.attrs) elif isinstance(obj, Group): return ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(list(obj)), obj.attrs) else: return obj
[docs]class Extract(dict): """ A callable dictionary of functions with a single instance called `extract`. Then `extract(dstore, fullkey)` dispatches to the function determined by the first part of `fullkey` (a slash-separated string) by passing as argument the second part of `fullkey`. For instance extract(dstore, 'sitecol'). """
[docs] def add(self, key, cache=False): def decorator(func): self[key] = memoized(func) if cache else func return func return decorator
def __call__(self, dstore, key): if '/' in key: k, v = key.split('/', 1) data = self[k](dstore, v) elif '?' in key: k, v = key.split('?', 1) data = self[k](dstore, v) elif key in self: data = self[key](dstore, '') else: data = extract_(dstore, key) return ArrayWrapper.from_(data)
extract = Extract() # used by the QGIS plugin in scenario
[docs]@extract.add('realizations') def extract_realizations(dstore, dummy): """ Extract an array of realizations. Use it as /extract/realizations """ oq = dstore['oqparam'] scenario = 'scenario' in oq.calculation_mode rlzs = dstore['csm_info'].rlzs # NB: branch_path cannot be of type hdf5.vstr otherwise the conversion # to .npz (needed by the plugin) would fail dt = [('ordinal', U32), ('branch_path', '<S100'), ('weight', F32)] arr = numpy.zeros(len(rlzs), dt) arr['ordinal'] = rlzs['ordinal'] arr['weight'] = rlzs['weight'] if scenario: gsims = dstore['csm_info/gsim_lt/branches']['uncertainty'] if 'shakemap' in oq.inputs: gsims = ["[FromShakeMap]"] arr['branch_path'] = ['"%s"' % repr(gsim)[1:-1].replace('"', '""') for gsim in gsims] # quotes Excel-friendly else: arr['branch_path'] = rlzs['branch_path'] return arr
[docs]@extract.add('exposure_metadata') def extract_exposure_metadata(dstore, what): """ Extract the loss categories and the tags of the exposure. Use it as /extract/exposure_metadata """ dic = {} dic1, dic2 = dstore['assetcol/tagcol'].__toh5__() dic.update(dic1) dic.update(dic2) if 'asset_risk' in dstore: dic['multi_risk'] = sorted( set(dstore['asset_risk'].dtype.names) - set(dstore['assetcol/array'].dtype.names)) names = [name for name in dstore['assetcol/array'].dtype.names if name.startswith(('value-', 'number', 'occupants_')) and not name.endswith('_None')] return ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(names), dic)
[docs]@extract.add('assets') def extract_assets(dstore, what): """ Extract an array of assets, optionally filtered by tag. Use it as /extract/assets?taxonomy=RC&taxonomy=MSBC&occupancy=RES """ qdict = parse(what) dic = {} dic1, dic2 = dstore['assetcol/tagcol'].__toh5__() dic.update(dic1) dic.update(dic2) arr = dstore['assetcol/array'][()] for tag, vals in qdict.items(): cond = numpy.zeros(len(arr), bool) for val in vals: tagidx, = numpy.where(dic[tag] == val) cond |= arr[tag] == tagidx arr = arr[cond] return ArrayWrapper(arr, dic)
[docs]@extract.add('asset_risk') def extract_asset_risk(dstore, what): """ Extract an array of assets + risk fields, optionally filtered by tag. Use it as /extract/asset_risk?taxonomy=RC&taxonomy=MSBC&occupancy=RES """ qdict = parse(what) dic = {} dic1, dic2 = dstore['assetcol/tagcol'].__toh5__() dic.update(dic1) dic.update(dic2) arr = dstore['asset_risk'][()] for tag, vals in qdict.items(): cond = numpy.zeros(len(arr), bool) for val in vals: tagidx, = numpy.where(dic[tag] == val) cond |= arr[tag] == tagidx arr = arr[cond] return ArrayWrapper(arr, dic)
[docs]@extract.add('asset_tags') def extract_asset_tags(dstore, tagname): """ Extract an array of asset tags for the given tagname. Use it as /extract/asset_tags or /extract/asset_tags/taxonomy """ tagcol = dstore['assetcol/tagcol'] if tagname: yield tagname, barray(tagcol.gen_tags(tagname)) for tagname in tagcol.tagnames: yield tagname, barray(tagcol.gen_tags(tagname))
[docs]def get_mesh(sitecol, complete=True): """ :returns: a lon-lat or lon-lat-depth array depending if the site collection is at sea level or not """ sc = sitecol.complete if complete else sitecol if sc.at_sea_level(): mesh = numpy.zeros(len(sc), [('lon', F64), ('lat', F64)]) mesh['lon'] = sc.lons mesh['lat'] = sc.lats else: mesh = numpy.zeros(len(sc), [('lon', F64), ('lat', F64), ('depth', F64)]) mesh['lon'] = sc.lons mesh['lat'] = sc.lats mesh['depth'] = sc.depths return mesh
[docs]def hazard_items(dic, mesh, *extras, **kw): """ :param dic: dictionary of arrays of the same shape :param mesh: a mesh array with lon, lat fields of the same length :param extras: optional triples (field, dtype, values) :param kw: dictionary of parameters (like investigation_time) :returns: a list of pairs (key, value) suitable for storage in .npz format """ for item in kw.items(): yield item try: field = next(iter(dic)) except StopIteration: return arr = dic[field] dtlist = [(str(field), arr.dtype) for field in sorted(dic)] for field, dtype, values in extras: dtlist.append((str(field), dtype)) array = numpy.zeros(arr.shape, dtlist) for field in dic: array[field] = dic[field] for field, dtype, values in extras: array[field] = values yield 'all', util.compose_arrays(mesh, array)
def _get_dict(dstore, name, imtls, stats): dic = {} dtlist = [] for imt, imls in imtls.items(): dt = numpy.dtype([(str(iml), F32) for iml in imls]) dtlist.append((imt, dt)) for s, stat in enumerate(stats): dic[stat] = dstore[name][:, s].flatten().view(dtlist) return dic
[docs]@extract.add('hcurves') def extract_hcurves(dstore, what): """ Extracts hazard curves. Use it as /extract/hcurves?kind=mean or /extract/hcurves?kind=rlz-0, /extract/hcurves?kind=stats, /extract/hcurves?kind=rlzs etc """ info = get_info(dstore) if what == '': # npz exports for QGIS sitecol = dstore['sitecol'] mesh = get_mesh(sitecol, complete=False) dic = _get_dict(dstore, 'hcurves-stats', info['imtls'], info['stats']) yield from hazard_items( dic, mesh, investigation_time=info['investigation_time']) return params = parse(what, info) if 'imt' in params: [imt] = params['imt'] slc = info['imtls'](imt) else: slc = ALL sids = params.get('site_id', ALL) if params['rlzs']: dset = dstore['hcurves-rlzs'] for k in params['k']: yield 'rlz-%03d' % k, hdf5.extract(dset, sids, k, slc)[:, 0] else: dset = dstore['hcurves-stats'] stats = list(info['stats']) for k in params['k']: yield stats[k], hdf5.extract(dset, sids, k, slc)[:, 0] yield from params.items()
[docs]@extract.add('hmaps') def extract_hmaps(dstore, what): """ Extracts hazard maps. Use it as /extract/hmaps?imt=PGA """ info = get_info(dstore) if what == '': # npz exports for QGIS sitecol = dstore['sitecol'] mesh = get_mesh(sitecol, complete=False) dic = _get_dict(dstore, 'hmaps-stats', {imt: info['poes'] for imt in info['imtls']}, info['stats']) yield from hazard_items( dic, mesh, investigation_time=info['investigation_time']) return params = parse(what, info) if 'imt' in params: [imt] = params['imt'] m = info['imt'][imt] s = slice(m, m + 1) else: s = ALL if params['rlzs']: dset = dstore['hmaps-rlzs'] for k in params['k']: yield 'rlz-%03d' % k, hdf5.extract(dset, ALL, k, s, ALL)[:, 0] else: dset = dstore['hmaps-stats'] stats = list(info['stats']) for k in params['k']: yield stats[k], hdf5.extract(dset, ALL, k, s, ALL)[:, 0] yield from params.items()
[docs]@extract.add('uhs') def extract_uhs(dstore, what): """ Extracts uniform hazard spectra. Use it as /extract/uhs?kind=mean or /extract/uhs?kind=rlz-0, etc """ info = get_info(dstore) if what == '': # npz exports for QGIS sitecol = dstore['sitecol'] mesh = get_mesh(sitecol, complete=False) dic = {} for stat, s in info['stats'].items(): hmap = dstore['hmaps-stats'][:, s] dic[stat] = calc.make_uhs(hmap, info) yield from hazard_items( dic, mesh, investigation_time=info['investigation_time']) return params = parse(what, info) periods = [] for m, imt in enumerate(info['imtls']): if imt == 'PGA' or imt.startswith('SA'): periods.append(m) if 'site_id' in params: sids = params['site_id'] else: sids = ALL if params['rlzs']: dset = dstore['hmaps-rlzs'] for k in params['k']: yield ('rlz-%03d' % k, hdf5.extract(dset, sids, k, periods, ALL)[:, 0]) else: dset = dstore['hmaps-stats'] stats = list(info['stats']) for k in params['k']: yield stats[k], hdf5.extract(dset, sids, k, periods, ALL)[:, 0] yield from params.items()
[docs]@extract.add('task_info') def extract_task_info(dstore, what): """ Extracts the task distribution. Use it as /extract/task_info?kind=classical """ dic = group_array(dstore['task_info'][()], 'taskname') if 'kind' in what: name = parse(what)['kind'][0] yield name, dic[encode(name)] return for name in dic: yield decode(name), dic[name]
def _agg(losses, idxs): shp = losses.shape[1:] if not idxs: # no intersection, return a 0-dim matrix return numpy.zeros((0,) + shp, losses.dtype) # numpy.array wants lists, not sets, hence the sorted below return losses[numpy.array(sorted(idxs))].sum(axis=0) def _filter_agg(assetcol, losses, selected, stats=''): # losses is an array of shape (A, ..., R) with A=#assets, R=#realizations aids_by_tag = assetcol.get_aids_by_tag() idxs = set(range(len(assetcol))) tagnames = [] for tag in selected: tagname, tagvalue = tag.split('=', 1) if tagvalue == '*': tagnames.append(tagname) else: idxs &= aids_by_tag[tag] if len(tagnames) > 1: raise ValueError('Too many * as tag values in %s' % tagnames) elif not tagnames: # return an array of shape (..., R) return ArrayWrapper( _agg(losses, idxs), dict(selected=encode(selected), stats=stats)) else: # return an array of shape (T, ..., R) [tagname] = tagnames _tags = list(assetcol.tagcol.gen_tags(tagname)) all_idxs = [idxs & aids_by_tag[t] for t in _tags] # NB: using a generator expression for all_idxs caused issues (?) data, tags = [], [] for idxs, tag in zip(all_idxs, _tags): agglosses = _agg(losses, idxs) if len(agglosses): data.append(agglosses) tags.append(tag) return ArrayWrapper( numpy.array(data), dict(selected=encode(selected), tags=encode(tags), stats=stats))
[docs]def get_loss_type_tags(what): try: loss_type, query_string = what.rsplit('?', 1) except ValueError: # no question mark loss_type, query_string = what, '' tags = query_string.split('&') if query_string else [] return loss_type, tags
def _get_curves(curves, li): shp = curves.shape + curves.dtype.shape return curves[()].view(F32).reshape(shp)[:, :, :, li]
[docs]@extract.add('agg_curves') def extract_agg_curves(dstore, what): """ Aggregate loss curves from the ebrisk calculator: /extract/agg_curves? kind=stats&absolute=1&loss_type=occupants&occupancy=RES Returns an array of shape (P, S, 1...) or (P, R, 1...) """ info = get_info(dstore) qdic = parse(what, info) tagdict = qdic.copy() for a in ('k', 'rlzs', 'kind', 'loss_type', 'absolute'): del tagdict[a] k = qdic['k'] # rlz or stat index [l] = qdic['loss_type'] # loss type index tagnames = sorted(tagdict) if set(tagnames) != set(info['tagnames']): raise ValueError('Expected tagnames=%s, got %s' % (info['tagnames'], tagnames)) tagvalues = [tagdict[t][0] for t in tagnames] tagidx = [] if tagnames: tagcol = dstore['assetcol/tagcol'] for tagname, tagvalue in zip(tagnames, tagvalues): values = list(getattr(tagcol, tagname)[1:]) tagidx.append(values.index(tagvalue)) tup = tuple([slice(None), k, l] + tagidx) if qdic['rlzs']: kinds = ['rlz-%d' % r for r in k] arr = dstore['agg_curves-rlzs'][tup] # shape P, R rps = dstore.get_attr('agg_curves-rlzs', 'return_periods') else: kinds = list(info['stats']) arr = dstore['agg_curves-stats'][tup] # shape P, S rps = dstore.get_attr('agg_curves-stats', 'return_periods') if qdic['absolute'] == [1]: pass elif qdic['absolute'] == [0]: aggname = '_'.join(['agg'] + tagnames) tl = tuple(tagidx) + (l,) evalue = dstore['exposed_values/' + aggname][tl] # shape T... arr /= evalue else: raise ValueError('"absolute" must be 0 or 1 in %s' % what) attrs = dict(shape_descr=['return_period', 'kind'] + tagnames) attrs['return_period'] = list(rps) attrs['kind'] = kinds for tagname, tagvalue in zip(tagnames, tagvalues): attrs[tagname] = [tagvalue] if tagnames: arr = arr.reshape(arr.shape + (1,) * len(tagnames)) return ArrayWrapper(arr, attrs)
[docs]@extract.add('agg_losses') def extract_agg_losses(dstore, what): """ Aggregate losses of the given loss type and tags. Use it as /extract/agg_losses/structural?taxonomy=RC&zipcode=20126 /extract/agg_losses/structural?taxonomy=RC&zipcode=* :returns: an array of shape (T, R) if one of the tag names has a `*` value an array of shape (R,), being R the number of realizations an array of length 0 if there is no data for the given tags """ loss_type, tags = get_loss_type_tags(what) if not loss_type: raise ValueError('loss_type not passed in agg_losses/<loss_type>') L = dstore['oqparam'].lti[loss_type] if 'losses_by_asset' in dstore: # scenario_risk stats = None losses = dstore['losses_by_asset'][:, :, L]['mean'] elif 'avg_losses' in dstore: # ebrisk stats = ['mean'] losses = dstore['avg_losses'][:, L].reshape(-1, 1) elif 'avg_losses-stats' in dstore: # event_based_risk, classical_risk stats = decode(dstore['avg_losses-stats'].attrs['stats']) losses = dstore['avg_losses-stats'][:, :, L] elif 'avg_losses-rlzs' in dstore: # event_based_risk, classical_risk stats = ['mean'] losses = dstore['avg_losses-rlzs'][:, :, L] else: raise KeyError('No losses found in %s' % dstore) return _filter_agg(dstore['assetcol'], losses, tags, stats)
[docs]@extract.add('agg_damages') def extract_agg_damages(dstore, what): """ Aggregate damages of the given loss type and tags. Use it as /extract/agg_damages/structural?taxonomy=RC&zipcode=20126 :returns: array of shape (R, D), being R the number of realizations and D the number of damage states, or an array of length 0 if there is no data for the given tags """ loss_type, tags = get_loss_type_tags(what) if 'dmg_by_asset' in dstore: # scenario_damage lti = dstore['oqparam'].lti[loss_type] losses = dstore['dmg_by_asset'][:, :, lti, 0] else: raise KeyError('No damages found in %s' % dstore) return _filter_agg(dstore['assetcol'], losses, tags)
[docs]@extract.add('aggregate') def extract_aggregate(dstore, what): """ /extract/aggregate/avg_losses? kind=mean&loss_type=structural&tag=taxonomy&tag=occupancy """ name, qstring = what.split('?', 1) info = get_info(dstore) qdic = parse(qstring, info) suffix = '-rlzs' if qdic['rlzs'] else '-stats' tagnames = qdic.get('tag', []) assetcol = dstore['assetcol'] loss_types = info['loss_types'] ltypes = qdic.get('loss_type', []) # list of indices if ltypes: lti = ltypes[0] lt = [lt for lt, i in loss_types.items() if i == lti] array = dstore[name + suffix][:, qdic['k'][0], lti] aw = ArrayWrapper(assetcol.aggregate_by(tagnames, array), {}, (lt,)) else: array = dstore[name + suffix][:, qdic['k'][0]] aw = ArrayWrapper(assetcol.aggregate_by(tagnames, array), {}, loss_types) for tagname in tagnames: setattr(aw, tagname, getattr(assetcol.tagcol, tagname)[1:]) aw.shape_descr = tagnames return aw
[docs]@extract.add('losses_by_asset') def extract_losses_by_asset(dstore, what): loss_dt = dstore['oqparam'].loss_dt() rlzs = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc().realizations assets = util.get_assets(dstore) if 'losses_by_asset' in dstore: losses_by_asset = dstore['losses_by_asset'][()] for rlz in rlzs: # I am exporting the 'mean' and ignoring the 'stddev' losses = cast(losses_by_asset[:, rlz.ordinal]['mean'], loss_dt) data = util.compose_arrays(assets, losses) yield 'rlz-%03d' % rlz.ordinal, data elif 'avg_losses-stats' in dstore: avg_losses = dstore['avg_losses-stats'][()] stats = decode(dstore['avg_losses-stats'].attrs['stats']) for s, stat in enumerate(stats): losses = cast(avg_losses[:, s], loss_dt) data = util.compose_arrays(assets, losses) yield stat, data elif 'avg_losses-rlzs' in dstore: # there is only one realization avg_losses = dstore['avg_losses-rlzs'][()] losses = cast(avg_losses, loss_dt) data = util.compose_arrays(assets, losses) yield 'rlz-000', data
[docs]@extract.add('losses_by_event') def extract_losses_by_event(dstore, what): dic = group_array(dstore['losses_by_event'][()], 'rlzi') for rlzi in dic: yield 'rlz-%03d' % rlzi, dic[rlzi]
def _gmf_scenario(data, num_sites, imts): # convert data into the composite array expected by QGIS eids = sorted(numpy.unique(data['eid'])) eid2idx = {eid: idx for idx, eid in enumerate(eids)} E = len(eid2idx) gmf_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, (F32, (E,))) for imt in imts]) gmfa = numpy.zeros(num_sites, gmf_dt) for rec in data: arr = gmfa[rec['sid']] for imt, gmv in zip(imts, rec['gmv']): arr[imt][eid2idx[rec['eid']]] = gmv return gmfa # used by the QGIS plugin
[docs]@extract.add('gmf_data') def extract_gmf_scenario_npz(dstore, what): oq = dstore['oqparam'] mesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol']) n = len(mesh) data = dstore['gmf_data/data'][()] rlz = dstore['events']['rlz_id'] for rlzi in sorted(set(rlz)): idx = rlz[data['eid']] == rlzi gmfa = _gmf_scenario(data[idx], n, oq.imtls)'Exporting array%s for rlz#%d', gmfa.shape, rlzi) yield 'rlz-%03d' % rlzi, util.compose_arrays(mesh, gmfa)
[docs]def build_damage_dt(dstore, mean_std=True): """ :param dstore: a datastore instance :param mean_std: a flag (default True) :returns: a composite dtype loss_type -> (mean_ds1, stdv_ds1, ...) or loss_type -> (ds1, ds2, ...) depending on the flag mean_std """ oq = dstore['oqparam'] damage_states = ['no_damage'] + list( dstore.get_attr('risk_model', 'limit_states')) dt_list = [] for ds in damage_states: ds = str(ds) if mean_std: dt_list.append(('%s_mean' % ds, F32)) dt_list.append(('%s_stdv' % ds, F32)) else: dt_list.append((ds, F32)) damage_dt = numpy.dtype(dt_list) loss_types = oq.loss_dt().names return numpy.dtype([(lt, damage_dt) for lt in loss_types])
[docs]def build_damage_array(data, damage_dt): """ :param data: an array of shape (A, L, 1, D) or (A, L, 2, D) :param damage_dt: a damage composite data type loss_type -> states :returns: a composite array of length N and dtype damage_dt """ A, L, MS, D = data.shape dmg = numpy.zeros(A, damage_dt) for a in range(A): for l, lt in enumerate(damage_dt.names): std = any(f for f in damage_dt[lt].names if f.endswith('_stdv')) if MS == 1 or not std: # there is only the mean value dmg[lt][a] = tuple(data[a, l, 0]) else: # there are both mean and stddev # data[a, l].T has shape (D, 2) dmg[lt][a] = tuple(numpy.concatenate(data[a, l].T)) return dmg
[docs]@extract.add('dmg_by_asset') def extract_dmg_by_asset_npz(dstore, what): damage_dt = build_damage_dt(dstore) rlzs = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc().realizations data = dstore['dmg_by_asset'] assets = util.get_assets(dstore) for rlz in rlzs: dmg_by_asset = build_damage_array(data[:, rlz.ordinal], damage_dt) yield 'rlz-%03d' % rlz.ordinal, util.compose_arrays( assets, dmg_by_asset)
[docs]@extract.add('event_based_mfd') def extract_mfd(dstore, what): """ Display num_ruptures by magnitude for event based calculations. Example: """ oq = dstore['oqparam'] qdic = parse(what) kind_mean = 'mean' in qdic.get('kind', []) kind_by_group = 'by_group' in qdic.get('kind', []) weights = dstore['csm_info/sm_data']['weight'] sm_idx = dstore['csm_info/sg_data']['sm_id'] grp_weight = weights[sm_idx] duration = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path dic = {'duration': duration} dd = collections.defaultdict(float) rups = dstore['ruptures']['grp_id', 'mag', 'n_occ'] mags = sorted(numpy.unique(rups['mag'])) magidx = {mag: idx for idx, mag in enumerate(mags)} num_groups = rups['grp_id'].max() + 1 frequencies = numpy.zeros((len(mags), num_groups), float) for grp_id, mag, n_occ in rups: if kind_mean: dd[mag] += n_occ * grp_weight[grp_id] / duration if kind_by_group: frequencies[magidx[mag], grp_id] += n_occ / duration dic['magnitudes'] = numpy.array(mags) if kind_mean: dic['mean_frequency'] = numpy.array([dd[mag] for mag in mags]) if kind_by_group: for grp_id, freqs in enumerate(frequencies.T): dic['grp-%02d_frequency' % grp_id] = freqs return ArrayWrapper((), dic)
# NB: this is an alternative, slower approach giving exactly the same numbers; # it is kept here for sake of comparison in case of dubious MFDs # @extract.add('event_based_mfd') # def extract_mfd(dstore, what): # oq = dstore['oqparam'] # rlzs = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc().realizations # weights = [rlz.weight['default'] for rlz in rlzs] # duration = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path # mag = dict(dstore['ruptures']['rup_id', 'mag']) # mags = numpy.unique(dstore['ruptures']['mag']) # mags.sort() # magidx = {mag: idx for idx, mag in enumerate(mags)} # occurrences = numpy.zeros((len(mags), len(weights)), numpy.uint32) # events = dstore['events'][()] # dic = {'duration': duration, 'magnitudes': mags, # 'mean_frequencies': numpy.zeros(len(mags))} # for rlz, weight in enumerate(weights): # eids = get_array(events, rlz=rlz)['id'] # if len(eids) == 0: # continue # rupids, n_occs = numpy.unique(eids // 2 ** 32, return_counts=True) # for rupid, n_occ in zip(rupids, n_occs): # occurrences[magidx[mag[rupid]], rlz] += n_occ # dic['mean_frequencies'] += occurrences[:, rlz] * weight / duration # return ArrayWrapper(occurrences, dic)
[docs]@extract.add('src_loss_table') def extract_src_loss_table(dstore, loss_type): """ Extract the source loss table for a give loss type, ordered in decreasing order. Example: """ source_ids = dstore['source_info']['source_id'] idxs = dstore['ruptures'][('srcidx', 'grp_id')] losses = dstore['rup_loss_table'][loss_type] slt = numpy.zeros(len(source_ids), [('grp_id', U32), (loss_type, F32)]) for loss, (srcidx, grp_id) in zip(losses, idxs): slt[srcidx][loss_type] += loss slt[srcidx]['grp_id'] = grp_id slt = util.compose_arrays(source_ids, slt, 'source_id') slt.sort(order=loss_type) return slt[::-1]
[docs]@extract.add('mean_std_curves') def extract_mean_std_curves(dstore, what): """ Yield imls/IMT and poes/IMT containg mean and stddev for all sites """ rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc() w = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs_assoc.realizations] getter = getters.PmapGetter(dstore, w) arr = getter.get_mean().array for imt in getter.imtls: yield 'imls/' + imt, getter.imtls[imt] yield 'poes/' + imt, arr[:, getter.imtls(imt)]
[docs]@extract.add('composite_risk_model.attrs') def crm_attrs(dstore, what): """ :returns: the attributes of the risk model, i.e. limit_states, loss_types, min_iml and covs, needed by the risk exporters. """ return ArrayWrapper((), dstore.get_attrs('risk_model'))
def _get(dstore, name): try: dset = dstore[name + '-stats'] return dset, decode(dset.attrs['stats']) except KeyError: # single realization return dstore[name + '-rlzs'], ['mean']
[docs]@extract.add('rupture') def extract_rupture(dstore, rup_id): """ Extract information about the given event index. Example: """ ridx = list(dstore['ruptures']['rup_id']).index(int(rup_id)) [getter] = getters.gen_rupture_getters(dstore, slice(ridx, ridx + 1)) yield from getter.get_rupdict().items()
[docs]@extract.add('event_info') def extract_event_info(dstore, eidx): """ Extract information about the given event index. Example: """ event = dstore['events'][int(eidx)] ridx = event['rup_id'] [getter] = getters.gen_rupture_getters(dstore, slice(ridx, ridx + 1)) rupdict = getter.get_rupdict() rlzi = event['rlz_id'] rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc() gsim = rlzs_assoc.gsim_by_trt[rlzi][rupdict['trt']] for key, val in rupdict.items(): yield key, val yield 'rlzi', rlzi yield 'gsim', repr(gsim)
[docs]@extract.add('ruptures_within') def get_ruptures_within(dstore, bbox): """ Extract the ruptures within the given bounding box, a string minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat. Example:,44,10,46 """ minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat = map(float, bbox.split(',')) hypo = dstore['ruptures']['hypo'].T # shape (3, N) mask = ((minlon <= hypo[0]) * (minlat <= hypo[1]) * (maxlon >= hypo[0]) * (maxlat >= hypo[1])) return dstore['ruptures'][mask]
[docs]@extract.add('source_geom') def extract_source_geom(dstore, srcidxs): """ Extract the geometry of a given sources Example:,2,3 """ for i in srcidxs.split(','): rec = dstore['source_info'][int(i)] geom = dstore['source_geom'][rec['gidx1']:rec['gidx2']] yield rec['source_id'], geom
[docs]def disagg_output(dstore, imt, sid, poe_id): key = '%s-sid-%d-poe-%d' % (imt, sid, poe_id) for name, out in dstore['disagg'].items(): if name.endswith(key): return out
[docs]@extract.add('disagg') def extract_disagg(dstore, what): """ Extract a disaggregation output Example: disagg?kind=Mag_Dist&imt=PGA&poe_id=0&site_id=1 """ qdict = parse(what) label = qdict['kind'][0] imt = qdict['imt'][0] poe_idx = int(qdict['poe_id'][0]) sid = int(qdict['site_id'][0]) dset = disagg_output(dstore, imt, sid, poe_idx) matrix = dset[label][()] # adapted from the nrml_converters disag_tup = tuple(label.split('_')) if disag_tup == ('Mag', 'Lon', 'Lat'): matrix = numpy.swapaxes(matrix, 0, 1) matrix = numpy.swapaxes(matrix, 1, 2) disag_tup = ('Lon', 'Lat', 'Mag') axis = [dset.attrs[v.lower() + '_bin_edges'] for v in disag_tup] # compute axis mid points axis = [(ax[: -1] + ax[1:]) / 2. if ax.dtype == float else ax for ax in axis] values = None if len(axis) == 1: values = numpy.array([axis[0], matrix.flatten()]).T else: grids = numpy.meshgrid(*axis, indexing='ij') values = [g.flatten() for g in grids] values.append(matrix.flatten()) values = numpy.array(values).T return ArrayWrapper(values, qdict)
[docs]@extract.add('disagg_layer') def extract_disagg_layer(dstore, what): """ Extract a disaggregation output containing all sites Example: disagg_layer?kind=Mag_Dist&imt=PGA&poe_id=0 """ qdict = parse(what) [label] = qdict['kind'] [imt] = qdict['imt'] poe_id = int(qdict['poe_id'][0]) grp = disagg_output(dstore, imt, 0, poe_id) dset = grp[label] edges = {k: grp.attrs[k] for k in grp.attrs if k.endswith('_edges')} dt = [('site_id', U32), ('lon', F32), ('lat', F32), ('rlz', U32), ('poes', (dset.dtype, dset.shape))] sitecol = dstore['sitecol'] out = numpy.zeros(len(sitecol), dt) out[0] = (0, sitecol.lons[0], sitecol.lats[0], grp.attrs['rlzi'], dset[()]) for sid, lon, lat, rec in zip( sitecol.sids, sitecol.lons, sitecol.lats, out): if sid > 0: grp = disagg_output(dstore, imt, sid, poe_id) rec['site_id'] = sid rec['lon'] = lon rec['lat'] = lat rec['rlz'] = grp.attrs['rlzi'] rec['poes'] = grp[label][()] return ArrayWrapper(out, edges)
# ##################### extraction from the WebAPI ###################### #
[docs]class WebAPIError(RuntimeError): """ Wrapper for an error on a WebAPI server """
[docs]class Extractor(object): """ A class to extract data from a calculation. :param calc_id: a calculation ID NB: instantiating the Extractor opens the datastore. """ def __init__(self, calc_id): self.calc_id = calc_id self.dstore = self.oqparam = self.dstore['oqparam']
[docs] def get(self, what): """ :param what: what to extract :returns: an ArrayWrapper instance """ return extract(self.dstore, what)
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the datastore """ self.dstore.close()
[docs]class WebExtractor(Extractor): """ A class to extract data from the WebAPI. :param calc_id: a calculation ID :param server: hostname of the webapi server (can be '') :param username: login username (can be '') :param password: login password (can be '') NB: instantiating the WebExtractor opens a session. """ def __init__(self, calc_id, server=None, username=None, password=None): self.calc_id = calc_id self.server = config.webapi.server if server is None else server if username is None: username = config.webapi.username if password is None: password = config.webapi.password self.sess = requests.Session() if username: login_url = '%s/accounts/ajax_login/' % self.server'POST %s', login_url) resp = login_url, data=dict(username=username, password=password)) if resp.status_code != 200: raise WebAPIError(resp.text) url = '%s/v1/calc/%d/oqparam' % (self.server, calc_id)'GET %s', url) resp = self.sess.get(url) if resp.status_code == 404: raise WebAPIError('Not Found: %s' % url) elif resp.status_code != 200: raise WebAPIError(resp.text) self.status = self.sess.get( '%s/v1/calc/%d/status' % (self.server, calc_id)).json() self.oqparam = object.__new__(oqvalidation.OqParam) vars(self.oqparam).update(resp.json())
[docs] def get(self, what): """ :param what: what to extract :returns: an ArrayWrapper instance """ url = '%s/v1/calc/%d/extract/%s' % (self.server, self.calc_id, what)'GET %s', url) resp = self.sess.get(url) if resp.status_code != 200: raise WebAPIError(resp.text) npz = numpy.load(io.BytesIO(resp.content), allow_pickle=True) attrs = {k: npz[k] for k in npz if k != 'array'} try: arr = npz['array'] except KeyError: arr = () return ArrayWrapper(arr, attrs)
[docs] def dump(self, fname): """ Dump the remote datastore on a local path. """ url = '%s/v1/calc/%d/datastore' % (self.server, self.calc_id) resp = self.sess.get(url, stream=True) down = 0 with open(fname, 'wb') as f:'Saving %s', fname) for chunk in resp.iter_content(CHUNKSIZE): f.write(chunk) down += len(chunk) println('Downloaded {:,} bytes'.format(down)) print()
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the session """ self.sess.close()