# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2015-2019 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import ast
import csv
import inspect
import logging
import tempfile
import importlib
import itertools
from numbers import Number
from urllib.parse import quote_plus, unquote_plus
import collections
import numpy
import h5py
from openquake.baselib import InvalidFile
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import encode, decode
vbytes = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=bytes)
vstr = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)
vuint8 = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.uint8)
vuint16 = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.uint16)
vuint32 = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.uint32)
vfloat32 = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.float32)
vfloat64 = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.float64)
[docs]def maybe_encode(value):
If value is a sequence of strings, encode it
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
if value and isinstance(value[0], str):
return encode(value)
return value
[docs]def create(hdf5, name, dtype, shape=(None,), compression=None,
fillvalue=0, attrs=None):
:param hdf5: a h5py.File object
:param name: an hdf5 key string
:param dtype: dtype of the dataset (usually composite)
:param shape: shape of the dataset (can be extendable)
:param compression: None or 'gzip' are recommended
:param attrs: dictionary of attributes of the dataset
:returns: a HDF5 dataset
if shape[0] is None: # extendable dataset
dset = hdf5.create_dataset(
name, (0,) + shape[1:], dtype, chunks=True, maxshape=shape,
else: # fixed-shape dataset
dset = hdf5.create_dataset(name, shape, dtype, fillvalue=fillvalue,
if attrs:
for k, v in attrs.items():
dset.attrs[k] = maybe_encode(v)
return dset
[docs]def preshape(obj):
:returns: the shape of obj, except the last dimension
if hasattr(obj, 'shape'): # array
return obj.shape[:-1]
return ()
[docs]def extend(dset, array, **attrs):
Extend an extensible dataset with an array of a compatible dtype.
:param dset: an h5py dataset
:param array: an array of length L
:returns: the total length of the dataset (i.e. initial length + L)
length = len(dset)
if len(array) == 0:
return length
newlength = length + len(array)
if array.dtype.name == 'object': # vlen array
shape = (newlength,) + preshape(array[0])
shape = (newlength,) + array.shape[1:]
dset[length:newlength] = array
for key, val in attrs.items():
dset.attrs[key] = val
return newlength
[docs]class LiteralAttrs(object):
A class to serialize a set of parameters in HDF5 format. The goal is to
store simple parameters as an HDF5 table in a readable way. Each
parameter can be retrieved as an attribute, given its name. The
implementation treats specially dictionary attributes, by storing
them as `attrname.keyname` strings, see the example below:
>>> class Ser(LiteralAttrs):
... def __init__(self, a, b):
... self.a = a
... self.b = b
>>> ser = Ser(1, dict(x='xxx', y='yyy'))
>>> arr, attrs = ser.__toh5__()
>>> for k, v in arr:
... print('%s=%s' % (k, v))
>>> s = object.__new__(Ser)
>>> s.__fromh5__(arr, attrs)
>>> s.a
>>> s.b['x']
The implementation is not recursive, i.e. there will be at most
one dot in the serialized names (in the example here `a`, `b.x`, `b.y`).
def __toh5__(self):
info_dt = numpy.dtype([('par_name', vbytes), ('par_value', vbytes)])
attrnames = sorted(a for a in vars(self) if not a.startswith('_'))
lst = []
for attr in attrnames:
value = getattr(self, attr)
if isinstance(value, dict):
for k, v in sorted(value.items()):
key = '%s.%s' % (attr, k)
lst.append((key, repr(v)))
lst.append((attr, repr(value)))
return numpy.array(lst, info_dt), {}
def __fromh5__(self, array, attrs):
dd = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for (name_, literal_) in array:
name = decode(name_)
literal = decode(literal_)
if '.' in name:
k1, k2 = name.split('.', 1)
dd[k1][k2] = ast.literal_eval(literal)
dd[name] = ast.literal_eval(literal)
def __repr__(self):
names = sorted(n for n in vars(self) if not n.startswith('_'))
nameval = ', '.join('%s=%r' % (n, getattr(self, n)) for n in names)
return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, nameval)
[docs]def cls2dotname(cls):
The full Python name (i.e. `pkg.subpkg.mod.cls`) of a class
return '%s.%s' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
[docs]def dotname2cls(dotname):
The class associated to the given dotname (i.e. `pkg.subpkg.mod.cls`)
modname, clsname = dotname.rsplit('.', 1)
return getattr(importlib.import_module(modname), clsname)
[docs]def get_nbytes(dset):
If the dataset has an attribute 'nbytes', return it. Otherwise get the size
of the underlying array. Returns None if the dataset is actually a group.
if 'nbytes' in dset.attrs:
# look if the dataset has an attribute nbytes
return dset.attrs['nbytes']
elif hasattr(dset, 'dtype'):
# else extract nbytes from the underlying array
return dset.size * numpy.zeros(1, dset.dtype).nbytes
[docs]class ByteCounter(object):
A visitor used to measure the dimensions of a HDF5 dataset or group.
Use it as ByteCounter.get_nbytes(dset_or_group).
[docs] @classmethod
def get_nbytes(cls, dset):
nbytes = get_nbytes(dset)
if nbytes is not None:
return nbytes
# else dip in the tree
self = cls()
return self.nbytes
def __init__(self, nbytes=0):
self.nbytes = nbytes
def __call__(self, name, dset_or_group):
nbytes = get_nbytes(dset_or_group)
if nbytes:
self.nbytes += nbytes
[docs]class Group(collections.abc.Mapping):
A mock for a h5py group object
def __init__(self, items, attrs):
self.dic = {quote_plus(k): v for k, v in items}
self.attrs = attrs
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.dic[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.dic[key] = value
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.dic
def __len__(self):
return len(self.dic)
[docs]class File(h5py.File):
Subclass of :class:`h5py.File` able to store and retrieve objects
conforming to the HDF5 protocol used by the OpenQuake software.
It works recursively also for dictionaries of the form name->obj.
>>> f = File('/tmp/x.h5', 'w')
>>> f['dic'] = dict(a=dict(x=1, y=2), b=3)
>>> dic = f['dic']
>>> dic['a']['x'][()]
>>> dic['b'][()]
>>> f.close()
def __init__(self, name, mode=None, driver=None, libver='latest',
userblock_size=None, swmr=True, rdcc_nslots=None,
rdcc_nbytes=None, rdcc_w0=None, track_order=None,
super().__init__(name, mode, driver, libver,
userblock_size, swmr, rdcc_nslots,
rdcc_nbytes, rdcc_w0, track_order, **kwds)
[docs] @classmethod
def temporary(cls):
Returns a temporary hdf5 file, open for writing.
The temporary name is stored in the .path attribute.
It is the user responsability to remove the file when closed.
fh, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.hdf5')
self = cls(path, 'w')
self.path = path
return self
[docs] def save_vlen(self, key, data): # used in SourceWriterTestCase
Save a sequence of variable-length arrays
:param key: name of the dataset
:param data: data to store as a list of arrays
shape = (None,) + data[0].shape[:-1]
dset = self[key]
except KeyError:
vdt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=data[0].dtype)
dset = create(self, key, vdt, shape, fillvalue=None)
length = len(dset)
dset.resize((length + len(data),) + shape[1:])
dset[length:length + len(data)] = data
[docs] def save_attrs(self, path, attrs, **kw):
items = list(attrs.items()) + list(kw.items())
if items:
a = super().__getitem__(path).attrs
for k, v in sorted(items):
a[k] = maybe_encode(v)
except Exception as exc:
raise TypeError(
'Could not store attribute %s=%s: %s' % (k, v, exc))
def __setitem__(self, path, obj):
cls = obj.__class__
if hasattr(obj, '__toh5__'):
obj, attrs = obj.__toh5__()
pyclass = cls2dotname(cls)
pyclass = ''
if isinstance(obj, (dict, Group)) and obj:
for k, v in obj.items():
# NB: there was a line sorted(obj.items()) here
# it was removed because it caused the absurd issue
# https://github.com/gem/oq-engine/issues/4761
# for an exposure with more than 65536 assets
if isinstance(k, tuple): # multikey
k = '-'.join(k)
key = '%s/%s' % (path, quote_plus(k))
self[key] = v
if isinstance(obj, Group):
path, obj.attrs, __pyclass__=cls2dotname(Group))
elif (isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray) and obj.shape and
len(obj) and isinstance(obj[0], str)):
self.create_dataset(path, obj.shape, vstr)[:] = obj
elif isinstance(obj, list) and len(obj) and isinstance(
obj[0], numpy.ndarray):
self.save_vlen(path, obj)
super().__setitem__(path, obj)
if pyclass:
self.flush() # make sure it is fully saved
self.save_attrs(path, attrs, __pyclass__=pyclass)
def __getitem__(self, path):
h5obj = super().__getitem__(path)
h5attrs = h5obj.attrs
if '__pyclass__' in h5attrs:
cls = dotname2cls(h5attrs['__pyclass__'])
obj = cls.__new__(cls)
if hasattr(h5obj, 'items'): # is group
h5obj = {unquote_plus(k): self['%s/%s' % (path, k)]
for k, v in h5obj.items()}
elif hasattr(h5obj, 'shape'):
h5obj = h5obj[()]
if hasattr(obj, '__fromh5__'):
obj.__fromh5__(h5obj, h5attrs)
else: # Group object
obj.dic = h5obj
obj.attrs = h5attrs
return obj
return h5obj
def __getstate__(self):
# make the file pickleable
return {'_id': 0}
[docs] def getitem(self, name):
Return a dataset by using h5py.File.__getitem__
return h5py.File.__getitem__(self, name)
[docs]def array_of_vstr(lst):
:param lst: a list of strings or bytes
:returns: an array of variable length ASCII strings
ls = []
for el in lst:
except AttributeError:
return numpy.array(ls, vstr)
[docs]class ArrayWrapper(object):
A pickleable and serializable wrapper over an array, HDF5 dataset or group
[docs] @classmethod
def from_(cls, obj, extra='value'):
if isinstance(obj, cls): # it is already an ArrayWrapper
return obj
elif inspect.isgenerator(obj):
array, attrs = (), dict(obj)
elif hasattr(obj, '__toh5__'):
return obj
elif hasattr(obj, 'attrs'): # is a dataset
array, attrs = obj[()], dict(obj.attrs)
shape_descr = attrs.get('shape_descr', [])
for descr in map(decode, shape_descr):
attrs[descr] = list(attrs[descr])
else: # assume obj is an array
array, attrs = obj, {}
return cls(array, attrs, (extra,))
def __init__(self, array, attrs, extra=('value',)):
self._extra = tuple(extra)
if len(array):
self.array = array
def __iter__(self):
if hasattr(self, 'array'):
return iter(self.array)
return iter(vars(self).items())
def __len__(self):
if hasattr(self, 'array'):
return len(self.array)
return len(vars(self))
def __getitem__(self, idx):
if isinstance(idx, str) and idx in self.__dict__:
return getattr(self, idx)
return self.array[idx]
def __toh5__(self):
arr = getattr(self, 'array', ())
return arr, self.to_dict()
def __fromh5__(self, array, attrs):
self.__init__(array, attrs)
def __repr__(self):
if hasattr(self, 'shape_descr'):
assert len(self.shape) == len(self.shape_descr), (
self.shape_descr, self.shape)
lst = ['%s=%d' % (descr, size)
for descr, size in zip(self.shape_descr, self.shape)]
return '<%s(%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(lst))
return '<%s%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.shape)
def dtype(self):
"""dtype of the underlying array"""
return self.array.dtype
def shape(self):
"""shape of the underlying array"""
return self.array.shape if hasattr(self, 'array') else ()
[docs] def save(self, path, **extra):
:param path: an .hdf5 pathname
:param extra: extra attributes to be saved in the file
with File(path, 'w') as f:
for key, val in vars(self).items():
assert val is not None, key # sanity check
f[key] = maybe_encode(val)
except ValueError as err:
if 'Object header message is too large' in str(err):
for k, v in extra.items():
f.attrs[k] = maybe_encode(v)
[docs] def sum_all(self, *tags):
Reduce the underlying array by summing on the given dimensions
tag2idx = {tag: i for i, tag in enumerate(self.shape_descr)}
array = self.array.sum(axis=tuple(tag2idx[tag] for tag in tags))
attrs = vars(self).copy()
attrs['shape_descr'] = [tag for tag in self.shape_descr
if tag not in tags]
return self.__class__(array, attrs)
[docs] def to_table(self):
Convert an ArrayWrapper with shape (D1, ..., DN) and attributes
T1, ..., TN which are list of tags of lenghts D1, ... DN into
a table with rows (tag1, ... tagN, extra1, ... extraM) of maximum
length D1 * ... * DN. Zero values are discarded.
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> dic = dict(shape_descr=['taxonomy', 'occupancy'],
... taxonomy=['RC', 'WOOD'],
... occupancy=['RES', 'IND', 'COM'])
>>> arr = numpy.zeros((2, 3))
>>> arr[0, 0] = 2000
>>> arr[0, 1] = 5000
>>> arr[1, 0] = 500
>>> aw = ArrayWrapper(arr, dic)
>>> pprint(aw.to_table())
[('taxonomy', 'occupancy', 'value'),
('RC', 'RES', 2000.0),
('RC', 'IND', 5000.0),
('WOOD', 'RES', 500.0)]
>>> pprint(aw.sum_all('taxonomy').to_table())
[('occupancy', 'value'), ('RES', 2500.0), ('IND', 5000.0)]
>>> pprint(aw.sum_all('occupancy').to_table())
[('taxonomy', 'value'), ('RC', 7000.0), ('WOOD', 500.0)]
shape = self.shape
tup = len(self._extra) > 1
if tup:
if shape[-1] != len(self._extra):
raise ValueError(
'There are %d extra-fields but %d dimensions in %s' %
(len(self._extra), shape[-1], self))
shape_descr = tuple(decode(d) for d in self.shape_descr)
fields = shape_descr + self._extra
out = []
tags = []
idxs = []
for i, tagname in enumerate(shape_descr):
values = getattr(self, tagname)
if len(values) != shape[i]:
raise ValueError(
'The tag %s with %d values is inconsistent with %s'
% (tagname, len(values), self))
for idx, values in zip(itertools.product(*idxs),
val = self.array[idx]
if tup:
if val.sum():
out.append(values + tuple(val))
elif val:
out.append(values + (val,))
return [fields] + out
[docs] def to_dict(self):
Convert the public attributes into a dictionary
return {k: v for k, v in vars(self).items()
if k != 'array' and not k.startswith('_')}
[docs]def decode_array(values):
Decode the values which are bytestrings.
out = []
for val in values:
except AttributeError:
return out
[docs]def build_dt(dtypedict, names):
Build a composite dtype for a list of names and dictionary
name -> dtype with a None entry corresponding to the default dtype.
lst = []
for name in names:
dt = dtypedict[name]
except KeyError:
dt = dtypedict[None]
lst.append((name, dt))
return numpy.dtype(lst)
# NB: it would be nice to use numpy.loadtxt(
# f, build_dt(dtypedict, header), delimiter=sep, ndmin=1, comments=None)
# however numpy does not support quoting, and "foo,bar" would be split :-(
[docs]def read_csv(fname, dtypedict={None: float}, renamedict={}, sep=','):
:param fname: a CSV file with an header and float fields
:param dtypedict: a dictionary fieldname -> dtype, None -> default
:param renamedict: aliases for the fields to rename
:param sep: separator (default comma)
:return: a structured array of floats
attrs = {}
with open(fname, encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
while True:
first = next(f)
if first.startswith('#'):
attrs = dict(parse_comment(first.strip('#,\n')))
header = first.strip().split(sep)
rows = [tuple(row) for row in csv.reader(f)]
arr = numpy.array(rows, build_dt(dtypedict, header))
except Exception as exc:
raise InvalidFile('%s: %s' % (fname, exc))
if renamedict:
newnames = []
for name in arr.dtype.names:
new = renamedict.get(name, name)
arr.dtype.names = newnames
return ArrayWrapper(arr, attrs)