Source code for openquake.hazardlib.gsim.mcverry_2006_chch

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Module exports :class:`McVerry2006AscChch`, :class:`McVerry2006ChchStressDrop`,
and :class:`McVerry2006AscChchAdditionalSigma`
import numpy as np
import shapely.geometry

from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import CoeffsTable
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.mcverry_2006 import McVerry2006AscSC
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA, SA

[docs]class McVerry2006Chch(McVerry2006AscSC): """ Extends McVerry2006AscSC to implement modifications required for the Canterbury Seismic Hazard Model (CSHM). """ #: This implementation is non-verified because the model has not been #: published, nor is independent code available. non_verified = True
[docs] def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types): """ See :meth:`superclass method <.base.GroundShakingIntensityModel.get_mean_and_stddevs>` for spec of input and result values. """ assert all(stddev_type in self.DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES for stddev_type in stddev_types) # Compute SA with primed coeffs and PGA with both unprimed and # primed coeffs C = self.COEFFS_PRIMED[imt] C_PGA = self.COEFFS_PRIMED[PGA()] C_PGA_unprimed = self.COEFFS_UNPRIMED[PGA()] SC = self.STRESS_COEFFS[imt] # Get S term to determine if consider site term is applied S = self._get_site_class(sites) # Abrahamson and Silva (1997) hanging wall term. This is not used # in the latest version of GMPE but is defined in functional form in # the paper so we keep it here as a placeholder f4HW = self._compute_f4(C, rup.mag, dists.rrup) # Flags for rake angles CN, CR = self._get_fault_mechanism_flags(rup.rake) # Get volcanic path distance which Rvol=0 for current implementation # of McVerry2006Asc, but kept here as placeholder for future use rvol = self._get_volcanic_path_distance(dists.rrup) # Get delta_C and delta_D terms for site class delta_C, delta_D = self._get_deltas(sites) # Get Atkinson and Boore (2006) stress drop factors or additional # standard deviation adjustment. Only apply these factors to sources # located within the boundaries of the CSHM. in_cshm = self._check_in_cshm_polygon(rup) if in_cshm is True: stress_drop_factor = self._compute_stress_drop_adjustment(SC, rup.mag) additional_sigma = self._compute_additional_sigma() else: stress_drop_factor = 0 additional_sigma = 0 # Compute lnPGA_ABCD primed lnPGAp_ABCD = self._compute_mean(C_PGA, S, rup.mag, dists.rrup, rvol, rup.hypo_depth, CN, CR, f4HW, delta_C, delta_D) # Compute lnPGA_ABCD unprimed lnPGA_ABCD = self._compute_mean(C_PGA_unprimed, S, rup.mag, dists.rrup, rvol, rup.hypo_depth, CN, CR, f4HW, delta_C, delta_D) # Compute lnSA_ABCD lnSAp_ABCD = self._compute_mean(C, S, rup.mag, dists.rrup, rvol, rup.hypo_depth, CN, CR, f4HW, delta_C, delta_D) # Stage 3: Equation 6 SA_ABCD(T). This is lnSA_ABCD # need to calculate final lnSA_ABCD from non-log values but return log mean = np.log(np.exp(lnSAp_ABCD) * (np.exp(lnPGA_ABCD) / np.exp(lnPGAp_ABCD))) + stress_drop_factor # Compute standard deviations C_STD = self.COEFFS_STD[imt] stddevs = self._get_stddevs_chch( C_STD, rup.mag, stddev_types, sites, additional_sigma ) return mean, stddevs
def _get_stddevs_chch(self, C, mag, stddev_types, sites, additional_sigma): """ Add additional 'epistemic' uncertainty to the total uncertainty, as specified in the Canterbury Seismic Hazard Model. """ num_sites = sites.siteclass.size sigma_intra = np.zeros(num_sites) # interevent stddev tau = sigma_intra + C['tau'] # intraevent std (equations 8a-8c page 29) if mag < 5.0: sigma_intra += C['sigmaM6'] - C['sigSlope'] elif 5.0 <= mag < 7.0: sigma_intra += C['sigmaM6'] + C['sigSlope'] * (mag - 6) else: sigma_intra += C['sigmaM6'] + C['sigSlope'] std = [] for stddev_type in stddev_types: if stddev_type == const.StdDev.TOTAL: # equation 9 page 29 std += [np.sqrt(sigma_intra**2 + tau**2 + additional_sigma**2)] elif stddev_type == const.StdDev.INTRA_EVENT: std.append(np.sqrt(sigma_intra + (additional_sigma**2)/2)) elif stddev_type == const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT: std.append(np.sqrt(tau + (additional_sigma**2)/2)) return std def _compute_stress_drop_adjustment(self, SC, mag): """ No adjustment for base class """ return 0 def _compute_additional_sigma(self): """ No adjustment for base class """ return 0 def _check_in_cshm_polygon(self, rup): """ Checks if any part of the rupture surface mesh is located within the intended boundaries of the Canterbury Seismic Hazard Model in Gerstenberger et al. (2014), Seismic hazard modelling for the recovery of Christchurch, Earthquake Spectra, 30(1), 17-29. """ lats = np.ravel(rup.surface.mesh.array[1]) lons = np.ravel(rup.surface.mesh.array[0]) # These coordinates are provided by M Gerstenberger (personal # communication, 10 August 2018) polygon = shapely.geometry.Polygon([(171.6, -43.3), (173.2, -43.3), (173.2, -43.9), (171.6, -43.9)]) points_in_polygon = [ shapely.geometry.Point(lons[i], lats[i]).within(polygon) for i in np.arange(len(lons))] in_cshm = any(points_in_polygon) return in_cshm #: Coefficient table (Atkinson and Boore, 2006, table 7, page 2201) STRESS_COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT delta M1 Mh pga 0.15 0.50 5.50 0.025 0.15 0.00 5.00 0.031 0.15 0.00 5.00 0.04 0.15 0.00 5.00 0.05 0.15 0.00 5.00 0.063 0.15 0.17 5.17 0.079 0.15 0.34 5.34 0.1 0.15 0.50 5.50 0.126 0.15 1.15 5.67 0.158 0.15 1.85 5.84 0.199 0.15 2.50 6.00 0.251 0.15 2.90 6.12 0.315 0.15 3.30 6.25 0.397 0.15 3.65 6.37 0.5 0.15 4.00 6.50 0.629 0.15 4.17 6.70 0.794 0.15 4.34 6.95 1.00 0.15 4.50 7.20 1.25 0.15 4.67 7.45 1.587 0.15 4.84 7.70 2.0 0.15 5.00 8.00 2.5 0.15 5.25 8.12 3.125 0.15 5.50 8.25 4.0 0.15 5.75 8.37 5.0 0.15 6.00 8.50 pgv 0.11 2.00 5.50 """)
[docs]class McVerry2006ChchStressDrop(McVerry2006Chch): """ Extend :class:`McVerry2006AscChch` to implement the 'stress drop' factors developed in: McVerry, G., Gerstenberger, M., Rhoades, D., 2011. "Evaluation of the Z-factor and peak ground accelerations for Christchurch following the 13 June 2011 earthquake", GNS Science Report 2011/45, 29p. The coefficient table is identical to that in Atkinson, G. and Boore, D., (2006), "Earthquake ground motion prediction equations for eastern North America, BSSA, 96(6), 2181-2205, doi:10.1785/0120050245. with a stress drop ratio of 1.5 """ def _compute_stress_drop_adjustment(self, SC, mag): """ Compute equation (6) p. 2200 from Atkinson and Boore (2006). However, the ratio of scale factors is in log space rather than linear space, to reflect that log PSA scales linearly with log stress drop. Then convert from log10 to natural log (G McVerry, personal communication). """ scale_fac = 1.5 return np.log(10 ** ((np.log(scale_fac) / np.log(2)) * np.minimum( SC['delta'] + 0.05, 0.05 + SC['delta'] * ( np.maximum(mag - SC['M1'], 0) / (SC['Mh'] - SC['M1']))) ) )
[docs]class McVerry2006ChchAdditionalSigma(McVerry2006Chch): """ Extend :class:`McVerry2006AscChch` to implement the 'additional epistemic uncertainty' version of the model in: McVerry, G., Gerstenberger, M., Rhoades, D., 2011. "Evaluation of the Z-factor and peak ground accelerations for Christchurch following the 13 June 2011 earthquake", GNS Science Report 2011/45, 29p. """ def _compute_additional_sigma(self): """ Additional "epistemic" uncertainty version of the model. The value is not published, only available from G. McVerry (pers. communication 9/8/18). """ return 0.35