Source code for openquake.hazardlib.gsim.tusa_langer_2016

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Module exports :class:`TusaLanger2016RepiBA08SE`,
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import g

from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import GMPE, CoeffsTable
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA, SA

[docs]class TusaLanger2016RepiBA08SE(GMPE): """ Implements GMPE developed by Giuseppina Tusa and Horst Langer (2016) and published as "Prediction of ground motion parameters for the volcanic area of Mount Etna" Journal of Seismology, DOI 10.1007/s10950-015-9508-x. GMPE derives from earthquakes in the volcanic area of Mt. Etna in the magnitude range 3<ML<4.8 for epicentral distances <100 km, and for soil classes A, B, and D. Authors do NOT derive coefficients for site class C due to limited data. For implementation using hypocentral distance see :class:`TusaLanger2016Rhypo`. Two functional forms were considered by the authors: Sabetta and Pugliese, 1987 (SP87) and a simplified version of Boore and Atkinson, 2008 (BA08). The GMPE distinguishes between shallow volcano-tectonic events related to flank movements (SE, focal depths <5km) and deeper events occurring due to regional tectonics (DE, focal depths >5km). """ #: Supported tectonic region type is 'volcanic' because the #: equations have been derived from data from Etna (Sicily, Italy) DEFINED_FOR_TECTONIC_REGION_TYPE = const.TRT.VOLCANIC #: Supported intensity measure types are PGA and SA DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = set([ PGA, SA ]) #: Supported intensity measure component is the maximum of two horizontal #: components DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT = \ const.IMC.GREATER_OF_TWO_HORIZONTAL #: Supported standard deviation type is total DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = set([const.StdDev.TOTAL]) #: Required site parameter is Vs30 REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set(('vs30',)) #: Required rupture parameter is magnitude. REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = set(('mag',)) #: Required distance measure is Repi REQUIRES_DISTANCES = set(('repi',))
[docs] def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types): """ See :meth:`superclass method <.base.GroundShakingIntensityModel.get_mean_and_stddevs>` for spec of input and result values. """ # extracting dictionary of coefficients specific to required # intensity measure type C = self.COEFFS[imt] imean = (self._compute_magnitude(rup, C) + self._compute_distance(rup, dists, C) + self._get_site_amplification(sites, C)) istddevs = self._get_stddevs(C, stddev_types, num_sites=sites.vs30.size) # convert from log10 to ln and from cm/s**2 to g mean = np.log((10.0 ** (imean - 2.0)) / g) # Return stddevs in terms of natural log scaling stddevs = np.log(10.0 ** np.array(istddevs)) return mean, stddevs
def _get_stddevs(self, C, stddev_types, num_sites): """ Return standard deviations as defined in tables below """ assert all(stddev_type in self.DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES for stddev_type in stddev_types) stddevs = [np.zeros(num_sites) + C['SigmaTot'] for _ in stddev_types] return stddevs def _compute_distance(self, rup, dists, C): """ Compute the distance function, equation (9): """ mref = 3.6 rref = 1.0 rval = np.sqrt(dists.repi ** 2 + C['h'] ** 2) return (C['c1'] + C['c2'] * (rup.mag - mref)) *\ np.log10(rval / rref) + C['c3'] * (rval - rref) def _compute_magnitude(self, rup, C): """ Compute the magnitude function, equation (9): """ return C['a'] + (C['b1'] * (rup.mag)) + (C['b2'] * (rup.mag) ** 2) def _get_site_amplification(self, sites, C): """ Compute the site amplification function given by FS = eiSi, for i = 1,2,3 where Si are the coefficients determined through regression analysis, and ei are dummy variables (0 or 1) used to denote the different EC8 site classes. """ ssa, ssb, ssd = self._get_site_type_dummy_variables(sites) return (C['sA'] * ssa) + (C['sB'] * ssb) + (C['sD'] * ssd) def _get_site_type_dummy_variables(self, sites): """ Get site type dummy variables, which classified the sites into different site classes based on the shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m (Vs30) according to the EC8 (CEN 2003): class A: Vs30 > 800 m/s class B: Vs30 = 360 - 800 m/s class C*: Vs30 = 180 - 360 m/s class D: Vs30 < 180 m/s *Not computed by this GMPE """ ssa = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30)) ssb = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30)) ssd = np.zeros(len(sites.vs30)) # Class D; Vs30 < 180 m/s. idx = (sites.vs30 < 180.0) ssd[idx] = 1.0 # Class B; 360 m/s <= Vs30 <= 800 m/s. idx = (sites.vs30 >= 360.0) & (sites.vs30 < 800.0) ssb[idx] = 1.0 # Class A; Vs30 > 800 m/s. idx = (sites.vs30 >= 800.0) ssa[idx] = 1.0 for value in sites.vs30: if 180 <= value < 360: raise Exception( 'GMPE does not consider site class C (Vs30 = 180-360 m/s)') return ssa, ssb, ssd # Coefficients from Table 9 (PGA) and Table 12 (SA); sigma values in log # Correction made to coeff b2 (0.14s) by Giuseppina Tusa in email (Jan 15, 2019) COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table=""" IMT a b1 b2 c1 c2 h c3 sA sB sD SigmaIE SigmaIS SigmaTot pga -0.568 0.475 0.037 -2.054 -0.015 2.317 0.006 0 0.452 0.477 0.222 0.221 0.390 10.0 -4.794 0.827 0.054 -1.273 0.096 2.221 -0.002 0 0.363 0.340 0.164 0.243 0.351 5.00 -4.010 0.646 0.083 -1.036 0.142 1.517 -0.003 0 0.296 0.241 0.163 0.263 0.363 3.33 -5.200 1.456 -0.015 -0.953 0.092 1.728 -0.006 0 0.281 0.246 0.168 0.263 0.369 2.50 -5.753 1.912 -0.069 -1.024 0.025 2.641 -0.006 0 0.343 0.353 0.158 0.255 0.359 2.00 -5.531 2.016 -0.089 -1.139 0.037 3.044 -0.005 0 0.375 0.367 0.157 0.250 0.355 1.67 -3.923 1.431 -0.023 -1.369 0.061 3.542 -0.003 0 0.403 0.384 0.150 0.238 0.342 1.43 -3.023 1.184 -0.011 -1.461 0.114 3.668 -0.001 0 0.438 0.385 0.142 0.243 0.342 1.25 -2.558 1.091 -0.014 -1.468 0.142 3.565 -0.001 0 0.433 0.379 0.131 0.246 0.341 1.11 -1.921 0.847 0.011 -1.523 0.157 3.580 0.000 0 0.450 0.397 0.126 0.256 0.346 1.00 -1.358 0.629 0.030 -1.522 0.191 3.356 0.000 0 0.465 0.416 0.124 0.263 0.353 0.67 -1.348 0.824 -0.012 -1.631 0.152 3.229 0.003 0 0.532 0.510 0.128 0.247 0.339 0.50 -2.278 1.574 -0.115 -1.897 0.075 3.761 0.005 0 0.486 0.523 0.144 0.234 0.337 0.40 -2.601 1.771 -0.141 -1.916 -0.001 3.513 0.004 0 0.491 0.559 0.158 0.219 0.332 0.33 -1.309 1.112 -0.051 -1.957 -0.020 3.442 0.004 0 0.460 0.510 0.178 0.212 0.339 0.29 0.025 0.441 0.047 -2.134 -0.037 3.759 0.006 0 0.455 0.505 0.201 0.215 0.356 0.25 0.127 0.413 0.051 -2.219 -0.051 3.695 0.007 0 0.468 0.528 0.220 0.221 0.374 0.22 0.139 0.448 0.040 -2.259 -0.038 3.476 0.007 0 0.478 0.546 0.233 0.222 0.385 0.20 0.136 0.455 0.038 -2.266 -0.044 3.363 0.007 0 0.468 0.576 0.240 0.223 0.392 0.17 0.021 0.556 0.016 -2.240 -0.026 2.997 0.006 0 0.423 0.542 0.263 0.234 0.413 0.14 -0.289 0.741 -0.013 -2.240 -0.023 2.676 0.006 0 0.403 0.516 0.277 0.236 0.428 0.13 -0.119 0.593 0.011 -2.243 -0.035 2.402 0.007 0 0.412 0.490 0.285 0.236 0.437 0.11 -0.015 0.476 0.031 -2.219 -0.044 2.316 0.006 0 0.411 0.456 0.288 0.233 0.439 0.10 -0.221 0.522 0.030 -2.193 -0.062 2.300 0.006 0 0.412 0.435 0.283 0.231 0.437 """)
[docs]class TusaLanger2016RepiBA08DE(TusaLanger2016RepiBA08SE): """ Implements Tusa and Langer (2016) using the BA08 model and DE. Extends :class:`openquake.hazardlib.gsim.tusa_langer_2016.TusaLanger2016RepiBA08SE` because the same functional form is used, only the coefficients differ. """ # Coefficients from Table 9 (PGA) and Table 13 (SA); sigma values in log COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table=""" IMT a b1 b2 c1 c2 h c3 sA sB sD SigmaIE SigmaIS SigmaTot pga 2.527 -0.397 0.094 -1.998 0.315 9.6080 0.000 0 -0.200 0.002 0.161 0.276 0.399 10.0 -3.019 -0.236 0.123 -0.716 0.144 2.0850 -0.004 0 0.115 0.006 0.170 0.203 0.342 5.00 -2.383 -0.325 0.147 -0.695 0.062 2.0800 -0.002 0 0.120 0.003 0.167 0.213 0.347 3.33 -2.170 -0.307 0.155 -0.633 0.002 2.2200 -0.002 0 0.107 -0.023 0.162 0.226 0.359 2.50 -2.038 -0.210 0.136 -0.620 0.053 2.1350 -0.003 0 0.132 -0.026 0.169 0.215 0.348 2.00 -1.977 -0.056 0.106 -0.625 0.120 2.3880 -0.004 0 0.139 -0.041 0.179 0.207 0.343 1.67 -1.893 0.048 0.088 -0.635 0.158 2.8030 -0.005 0 0.128 -0.040 0.179 0.206 0.340 1.43 -1.656 0.065 0.078 -0.667 0.199 3.2940 -0.005 0 0.136 -0.022 0.186 0.208 0.345 1.25 -1.441 0.059 0.075 -0.702 0.216 4.0100 -0.005 0 0.145 0.004 0.189 0.206 0.344 1.11 -1.054 0.025 0.076 -0.834 0.229 5.5460 -0.004 0 0.140 -0.003 0.193 0.203 0.346 1.00 -0.945 0.041 0.074 -0.871 0.226 5.5910 -0.004 0 0.140 -0.007 0.191 0.201 0.345 0.67 0.202 -0.354 0.121 -0.902 0.244 3.9200 -0.003 0 0.151 0.050 0.183 0.197 0.340 0.50 1.322 -0.596 0.146 -1.135 0.256 5.9340 -0.002 0 0.062 0.037 0.181 0.201 0.342 0.40 2.073 -0.688 0.152 -1.420 0.274 7.0510 0.000 0 0.021 0.024 0.186 0.207 0.351 0.33 2.131 -0.635 0.144 -1.484 0.277 6.8740 0.000 0 0.037 0.035 0.191 0.223 0.362 0.29 2.496 -0.600 0.138 -1.761 0.282 8.2450 0.002 0 0.046 0.050 0.195 0.238 0.371 0.25 2.651 -0.482 0.116 -1.953 0.305 8.8410 0.003 0 0.021 0.051 0.189 0.252 0.380 0.22 2.967 -0.358 0.097 -2.294 0.296 10.742 0.006 0 -0.014 0.058 0.183 0.260 0.383 0.20 3.633 -0.334 0.091 -2.764 0.299 12.651 0.009 0 -0.061 0.666 0.177 0.269 0.389 0.17 3.837 -0.311 0.085 -2.820 0.301 13.203 0.007 0 -0.145 0.079 0.178 0.282 0.403 0.14 3.980 -0.328 0.081 -2.811 0.316 13.357 0.006 0 -0.197 0.051 0.177 0.292 0.414 0.13 4.139 -0.335 0.077 -2.879 0.337 13.486 0.006 0 -0.232 0.015 0.183 0.306 0.427 0.11 3.918 -0.339 0.077 -2.736 0.342 12.535 0.005 0 -0.241 -0.025 0.186 0.312 0.434 0.10 3.746 -0.339 0.074 -2.612 0.354 12.019 0.004 0 -0.247 -0.054 0.192 0.317 0.443 """)
[docs]class TusaLanger2016RepiSP87SE(TusaLanger2016RepiBA08SE): """ Implements Tusa and Langer (2016) using the SP87 model and SE. Extends :class:`openquake.hazardlib.gsim.tusa_langer_2016.TusaLanger2016RepiBA08SE` with modification to the functional form and different coefficients. """ def _compute_distance(self, rup, dists, C): """ Compute the distance function, equation (5). """ rval = np.sqrt(dists.repi ** 2 + C['h'] ** 2) return C['c1'] * np.log10(rval) def _compute_magnitude(self, rup, C): """ Compute the magnitude function, equation (5). """ return C['a'] + (C['b1'] * (rup.mag)) # Coefficients from Table 8 (PGA) and Table 10 (SA); sigma values in log COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table=""" IMT a b1 c1 h sA sB sD SigmaIE SigmaIS SigmaTot pga -1.186 0.726 -1.719 1.551 0 0.357 0.376 0.223 0.229 0.393 10.0 -5.799 1.335 -1.408 2.731 0 0.379 0.354 0.165 0.243 0.351 5.00 -5.528 1.424 -1.274 2.510 0 0.336 0.280 0.165 0.263 0.364 3.33 -4.975 1.464 -1.415 4.285 0 0.312 0.268 0.167 0.265 0.371 2.50 -4.410 1.454 -1.568 5.747 0 0.354 0.348 0.156 0.258 0.360 2.00 -4.116 1.435 -1.589 5.364 0 0.387 0.368 0.155 0.252 0.357 1.67 -3.676 1.352 -1.611 4.623 0 0.410 0.386 0.149 0.238 0.343 1.43 -3.328 1.265 -1.573 4.078 0 0.438 0.383 0.143 0.243 0.342 1.25 -2.978 1.189 -1.568 3.866 0 0.432 0.378 0.132 0.247 0.341 1.11 -2.808 1.143 -1.536 3.520 0 0.441 0.390 0.127 0.257 0.347 1.00 -2.655 1.108 -1.530 3.248 0 0.454 0.406 0.124 0.264 0.354 0.67 -2.077 0.954 -1.468 2.577 0 0.491 0.471 0.128 0.249 0.340 0.50 -1.474 0.866 -1.595 2.795 0 0.426 0.468 0.145 0.238 0.339 0.40 -1.113 0.778 -1.613 2.585 0 0.433 0.506 0.160 0.223 0.334 0.33 -0.839 0.729 -1.662 2.575 0 0.410 0.463 0.179 0.216 0.340 0.29 -0.739 0.725 -1.723 2.615 0 0.395 0.448 0.202 0.221 0.358 0.25 -0.661 0.710 -1.757 2.484 0 0.396 0.458 0.220 0.229 0.377 0.22 -0.574 0.688 -1.777 2.297 0 0.389 0.458 0.233 0.232 0.388 0.20 -0.501 0.669 -1.795 2.247 0 0.376 0.484 0.241 0.233 0.395 0.17 -0.357 0.643 -1.844 2.125 0 0.333 0.450 0.263 0.242 0.415 0.14 -0.275 0.623 -1.873 1.921 0 0.307 0.417 0.277 0.244 0.430 0.13 -0.334 0.627 -1.863 1.669 0 0.304 0.440 0.286 0.245 0.439 0.11 -0.427 0.640 -1.843 1.593 0 0.303 0.341 0.289 0.242 0.442 0.10 -0.538 0.653 -1.814 1.556 0 0.306 0.322 0.285 0.241 0.440 """)
[docs]class TusaLanger2016RepiSP87DE(TusaLanger2016RepiSP87SE): """ Implements Tusa and Langer (2016) using the SP87 model and DE. Extends :class:`openquake.hazardlib.gsim.tusa_langer_2016.TusaLanger2016RepiSP87SE` because the same functional form is used, only the coefficients differ. """ # Coefficients from Table 8 (PGA) and Table 11 (SA); sigma values in log COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table=""" IMT a b1 c1 h sA sB sD SigmaIE SigmaIS SigmaTot pga -0.377 0.765 -1.824 9.5270 0 -0.202 0.004 0.162 0.277 0.402 10.0 -4.942 0.877 -1.035 6.1470 0 0.122 0.013 0.172 0.204 0.344 5.00 -4.444 0.853 -0.879 4.4510 0 0.133 0.017 0.170 0.213 0.349 3.33 -4.039 0.841 -0.841 4.6740 0 0.120 -0.011 0.165 0.227 0.361 2.50 -3.804 0.871 -0.886 5.6350 0 0.141 -0.019 0.172 0.216 0.350 2.00 -3.470 0.899 -1.015 7.4860 0 0.138 -0.044 0.181 0.208 0.345 1.67 -3.164 0.923 -1.134 8.8600 0 0.123 -0.048 0.181 0.207 0.342 1.43 -3.007 0.926 -1.140 9.0160 0 0.132 -0.029 0.187 0.209 0.348 1.25 -2.838 0.928 -1.169 9.5550 0 0.138 -0.006 0.191 0.207 0.348 1.11 -2.642 0.920 -1.200 9.7200 0 0.132 -0.013 0.194 0.204 0.348 1.00 -2.555 0.913 -1.182 9.2180 0 0.134 -0.015 0.192 0.201 0.348 0.67 -2.242 0.895 -1.130 6.9400 0 0.152 0.050 0.185 0.197 0.344 0.50 -1.567 0.858 -1.305 8.1620 0 0.056 0.031 0.185 0.201 0.346 0.40 -1.268 0.840 -1.359 7.5770 0 0.018 0.023 0.190 0.207 0.355 0.33 -1.201 0.839 -1.349 6.9760 0 0.032 0.034 0.194 0.223 0.366 0.29 -1.072 0.833 -1.385 6.9500 0 0.045 0.055 0.197 0.239 0.375 0.25 -0.908 0.825 -1.442 6.8940 0 0.023 0.061 0.190 0.253 0.384 0.22 -0.697 0.806 -1.505 7.4290 0 0.001 0.083 0.183 0.262 0.387 0.20 -0.535 0.794 -1.558 7.6410 0 -0.031 0.109 0.177 0.271 0.393 0.17 -0.097 0.777 -1.763 9.0800 0 -0.116 0.119 0.177 0.284 0.406 0.14 0.215 0.758 -1.907 10.038 0 -0.172 0.085 0.176 0.294 0.416 0.13 0.215 0.758 -1.907 10.038 0 -0.172 0.085 0.182 0.307 0.430 0.11 0.239 0.747 -1.930 9.6770 0 -0.221 0.004 0.184 0.313 0.437 0.10 0.219 0.745 -1.929 9.6990 0 -0.233 -0.031 0.191 0.318 0.446 """)
[docs]class TusaLanger2016Rhypo(TusaLanger2016RepiBA08SE): """ Implements the GMPE using the BA08 model and hypocentral distance (not described in Tusa and Langer, 2016). This version has been developed in the frame of V3-2012 INGV-DPC Project in order to perform PSHA calculations when topography is taken into consideration (e.g. the flanks of Mt Etna), hence dependence on vertical distance is required. Extends :class:`openquake.hazardlib.gsim.tusa_langer_2016.TusaLanger2016RepiBA08SE` because the same functional form is used, only the distance type and coefficients differ. """ # Required distance measure is Rhypo REQUIRES_DISTANCES = set(('rhypo', )) def _compute_distance(self, rup, dists, C): """ Compute the distance function, equation (9): """ mref = 3.6 rref = 1.0 rval = np.sqrt(dists.rhypo ** 2 + C['h'] ** 2) return (C['c1'] + C['c2'] * (rup.mag - mref)) *\ np.log10(rval / rref) + C['c3'] * (rval - rref) # Coefficients provided by Giuseppina Tusa in excel file # 'SpectralAccXLaura.xlsx' (email dated May 29, 2016) with modification # to pga coefficients in Catania (personal communication, July, 2016); # sigma values in log COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table=""" IMT a b1 b2 c1 c2 h c3 sA sB sD SigmaTot pga 0.3290 0.1050 0.0760 -2.1110 0.0390 1.5530 0.0060000 0 0.45000 0.45700 0.3940 0.10 0.8594 0.0525 0.0790 -2.2258 0.0066 1.8689 0.0068670 0 0.41397 0.42120 0.4424 0.20 1.0619 0.0418 0.0804 -2.2684 0.0194 2.6969 0.0072450 0 0.47176 0.56672 0.3960 0.25 0.9928 0.0316 0.0904 -2.2318 0.0067 3.1724 0.0067460 0 0.47069 0.51751 0.3779 0.40 -1.8031 1.4272 -0.1051 -1.9414 0.0496 3.0608 0.0047120 0 0.49105 0.54594 0.3353 0.50 -1.4907 1.2390 -0.0806 -1.9292 0.1235 3.3918 0.0049110 0 0.48505 0.50924 0.3401 1.00 -0.6283 0.3082 0.0638 -1.5327 0.2391 2.7319 0.0005733 0 0.46483 0.40585 0.3549 1.25 -1.8557 0.7888 0.0174 -1.4873 0.1883 3.0522 -0.0006545 0 0.43149 0.36715 0.3426 2.00 -4.8586 1.7503 -0.0610 -1.1999 0.0767 2.8470 -0.0043670 0 0.36832 0.34906 0.3567 """)