Source code for openquake.commonlib.source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2010-2018 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>.
import os
import copy
import math
import logging
import operator
import collections
import numpy

from openquake.baselib import hdf5
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import decode
from openquake.baselib.general import (
    groupby, group_array, gettemp, AccumDict, cached_property)
from openquake.hazardlib import source, sourceconverter
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.gmpe_table import GMPETable
from openquake.commonlib import logictree
from openquake.commonlib.rlzs_assoc import get_rlzs_assoc

MAX_INT = 2 ** 31 - 1
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
I32 = numpy.int32
F32 = numpy.float32
weight = operator.attrgetter('weight')
rlz_dt = numpy.dtype([
    ('branch_path', 'S200'), ('gsims', 'S100'), ('weight', F32)])

source_model_dt = numpy.dtype([
    ('name', hdf5.vstr),
    ('weight', F32),
    ('path', hdf5.vstr),
    ('num_rlzs', U32),
    ('samples', U32),

src_group_dt = numpy.dtype(
    [('grp_id', U32),
     ('name', hdf5.vstr),
     ('trti', U16),
     ('effrup', I32),
     ('totrup', I32),
     ('sm_id', U32)])

[docs]def gsim_names(rlz): """ Names of the underlying GSIMs separated by spaces """ return ' '.join(str(v) for v in rlz.gsim_rlz.value)
[docs]def capitalize(words): """ Capitalize words separated by spaces. """ return ' '.join(w.capitalize() for w in decode(words).split(' '))
def _assert_equal_sources(nodes): if hasattr(nodes[0], 'source_id'): n0 = nodes[0] for n in nodes[1:]: n.assert_equal(n0, ignore=('id', 'src_group_id')) else: # assume source nodes n0 = nodes[0].to_str() for n in nodes[1:]: eq = n.to_str() == n0 if not eq: f0 = gettemp(n0) f1 = gettemp(n.to_str()) assert eq, 'different parameters for source %s, run meld %s %s' % ( n['id'], f0, f1)
[docs]def get_field(data, field, default): """ :param data: a record with a field `field`, possibily missing """ try: return data[field] except ValueError: # field missing in old engines return default
[docs]class CompositionInfo(object): """ An object to collect information about the composition of a composite source model. :param source_model_lt: a SourceModelLogicTree object :param source_models: a list of LtSourceModel instances """
[docs] @classmethod def fake(cls, gsimlt=None): """ :returns: a fake `CompositionInfo` instance with the given gsim logic tree object; if None, builds automatically a fake gsim logic tree """ weight = 1 gsim_lt = gsimlt or logictree.GsimLogicTree.from_('FromFile') fakeSM = logictree.LtSourceModel( 'scenario', weight, 'b1', [sourceconverter.SourceGroup('*', eff_ruptures=1)], gsim_lt.get_num_paths(), ordinal=0, samples=1) return cls(gsim_lt, seed=0, num_samples=0, source_models=[fakeSM], totweight=0)
get_rlzs_assoc = get_rlzs_assoc def __init__(self, gsim_lt, seed, num_samples, source_models, totweight=0): self.gsim_lt = gsim_lt self.seed = seed self.num_samples = num_samples self.source_models = source_models self.tot_weight = totweight self.init()
[docs] def init(self): self.trt_by_grp = self.grp_by("trt") if self.num_samples: self.seed_samples_by_grp = {} seed = self.seed for sm in self.source_models: for grp in sm.src_groups: self.seed_samples_by_grp[] = seed, sm.samples seed += sm.samples
@property def gsim_rlzs(self): """ Build and cache the gsim logic tree realizations """ try: return self._gsim_rlzs except AttributeError: self._gsim_rlzs = list(self.gsim_lt) return self._gsim_rlzs
[docs] def get_gsims(self, grp_id): """ Get the GSIMs associated with the given group """ trt = self.trt_by_grp[grp_id] if self.num_samples: # sampling seed, samples = self.seed_samples_by_grp[grp_id] numpy.random.seed(seed) idxs = numpy.random.choice(len(self.gsim_rlzs), samples) rlzs = [self.gsim_rlzs[i] for i in idxs] else: # full enumeration rlzs = None return self.gsim_lt.get_gsims(trt, rlzs)
[docs] def get_info(self, sm_id): """ Extract a CompositionInfo instance containing the single model of index `sm_id`. """ sm = self.source_models[sm_id] num_samples = sm.samples if self.num_samples else 0 return self.__class__( self.gsim_lt, self.seed, num_samples, [sm], self.tot_weight)
[docs] def get_samples_by_grp(self): """ :returns: a dictionary src_group_id -> source_model.samples """ return { sm.samples for sm in self.source_models for grp in sm.src_groups}
[docs] def get_rlzs_by_gsim_grp(self, sm_lt_path=None, trts=None): """ :returns: a dictionary src_group_id -> gsim -> rlzs """ self.rlzs_assoc = self.get_rlzs_assoc(sm_lt_path, trts) dic = { self.rlzs_assoc.get_rlzs_by_gsim( for sm in self.source_models for grp in sm.src_groups} return dic
def __getnewargs__(self): # with this CompositionInfo instances will be unpickled correctly return self.seed, self.num_samples, self.source_models
[docs] def trt2i(self): """ :returns: trt -> trti """ trts = sorted(set(src_group.trt for sm in self.source_models for src_group in sm.src_groups)) return {trt: i for i, trt in enumerate(trts)}
def __toh5__(self): # save csm_info/sg_data, csm_info/sm_data in the datastore trti = self.trt2i() sg_data = [] sm_data = [] for sm in self.source_models: trts = set(sg.trt for sg in sm.src_groups) num_gsim_paths = self.gsim_lt.reduce(trts).get_num_paths() sm_data.append((sm.names, sm.weight, '_'.join(sm.path), num_gsim_paths, sm.samples)) for src_group in sm.src_groups: sg_data.append((,, trti[src_group.trt], src_group.eff_ruptures, src_group.tot_ruptures, sm.ordinal)) return (dict( sg_data=numpy.array(sg_data, src_group_dt), sm_data=numpy.array(sm_data, source_model_dt)), dict(seed=self.seed, num_samples=self.num_samples, trts=hdf5.array_of_vstr(sorted(trti)), gsim_lt_xml=str(self.gsim_lt), gsim_fname=self.gsim_lt.fname, tot_weight=self.tot_weight)) def __fromh5__(self, dic, attrs): # TODO: this is called more times than needed, maybe we should cache it sg_data = group_array(dic['sg_data'], 'sm_id') sm_data = dic['sm_data'] vars(self).update(attrs) self.gsim_fname = decode(self.gsim_fname) if self.gsim_fname.endswith('.xml'): # otherwise it would look in the current directory GMPETable.GMPE_DIR = os.path.dirname(self.gsim_fname) trts = sorted(self.trts) tmp = gettemp(self.gsim_lt_xml, suffix='.xml') self.gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(tmp, trts) else: # fake file with the name of the GSIM self.gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree.from_(self.gsim_fname) self.source_models = [] for sm_id, rec in enumerate(sm_data): tdata = sg_data[sm_id] srcgroups = [ sourceconverter.SourceGroup( self.trts[data['trti']], id=data['grp_id'], name=get_field(data, 'name', ''), eff_ruptures=data['effrup'], tot_ruptures=get_field(data, 'totrup', 0)) for data in tdata] path = tuple(str(decode(rec['path'])).split('_')) trts = set(sg.trt for sg in srcgroups) sm = logictree.LtSourceModel( rec['name'], rec['weight'], path, srcgroups, rec['num_rlzs'], sm_id, rec['samples']) self.source_models.append(sm) self.init() try: os.remove(tmp) # gsim_lt file except NameError: # tmp is defined only in the regular case, see above pass
[docs] def get_num_rlzs(self, source_model=None): """ :param source_model: a LtSourceModel instance (or None) :returns: the number of realizations per source model (or all) """ if source_model is None: return sum(self.get_num_rlzs(sm) for sm in self.source_models) if self.num_samples: return source_model.samples trts = set(sg.trt for sg in source_model.src_groups if sg.eff_ruptures) if sum(sg.eff_ruptures for sg in source_model.src_groups) == 0: return 0 return self.gsim_lt.reduce(trts).get_num_paths()
@property def rlzs(self): """ :returns: an array of realizations """ realizations = self.get_rlzs_assoc().realizations return numpy.array( [(r.uid, gsim_names(r), r.weight['default']) for r in realizations], rlz_dt)
[docs] def update_eff_ruptures(self, count_ruptures): """ :param count_ruptures: function or dict src_group_id -> num_ruptures """ for smodel in self.source_models: for sg in smodel.src_groups: sg.eff_ruptures = (count_ruptures( if callable(count_ruptures) else count_ruptures.get(, 0))
[docs] def get_source_model(self, src_group_id): """ Return the source model for the given src_group_id """ for smodel in self.source_models: for src_group in smodel.src_groups: if == src_group_id: return smodel
[docs] def get_grp_ids(self, sm_id): """ :returns: a list of source group IDs for the given source model ID """ return [ for sg in self.source_models[sm_id].src_groups]
[docs] def get_sm_by_grp(self): """ :returns: a dictionary grp_id -> sm_id """ return { sm.ordinal for sm in self.source_models for grp in sm.src_groups}
[docs] def grp_by(self, name): """ :returns: a dictionary grp_id -> TRT string """ dic = {} for smodel in self.source_models: for src_group in smodel.src_groups: dic[] = getattr(src_group, name) return dic
def _get_rlzs(self, smodel, all_rlzs, seed): if self.num_samples: # NB: the weights are considered when combining the results, not # when sampling, therefore there are no weights in the function # numpy.random.choice below numpy.random.seed(seed) idxs = numpy.random.choice(len(all_rlzs), smodel.samples) rlzs = [all_rlzs[idx] for idx in idxs] else: # full enumeration rlzs = logictree.get_effective_rlzs(all_rlzs) return rlzs def __repr__(self): info_by_model = {} for sm in self.source_models: info_by_model[sm.path] = ( '_'.join(map(decode, sm.path)), decode(sm.names), [ for sg in sm.src_groups], sm.weight, self.get_num_rlzs(sm)) summary = ['%s, %s, grp=%s, weight=%s: %d realization(s)' % ibm for ibm in info_by_model.values()] return '<%s\n%s>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, '\n'.join(summary))
[docs]class CompositeSourceModel(collections.Sequence): """ :param source_model_lt: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.logictree.SourceModelLogicTree` instance :param source_models: a list of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.sourceconverter.SourceModel` tuples """ def __init__(self, gsim_lt, source_model_lt, source_models, optimize_same_id): self.gsim_lt = gsim_lt self.source_model_lt = source_model_lt self.source_models = source_models self.optimize_same_id = optimize_same_id self.source_info = () = CompositionInfo( gsim_lt, self.source_model_lt.seed, self.source_model_lt.num_samples, [sm.get_skeleton() for sm in self.source_models]) try: dupl_sources = self.check_dupl_sources() except AssertionError: # different sources with the same ID self.has_dupl_sources = 0 else: self.has_dupl_sources = len(dupl_sources)
[docs] def grp_by_src(self): """ :returns: a new CompositeSourceModel with one group per source """ smodels = [] grp_id = 0 for sm in self.source_models: src_groups = [] smodel = sm.__class__(sm.names, sm.weight, sm.path, src_groups, sm.num_gsim_paths, sm.ordinal, sm.samples) for sg in sm.src_groups: for src in sg.sources: src.src_group_id = grp_id src_groups.append( sourceconverter.SourceGroup( sg.trt, [src], name=src.source_id, id=grp_id)) grp_id += 1 smodels.append(smodel) return self.__class__(self.gsim_lt, self.source_model_lt, smodels, self.optimize_same_id)
[docs] def get_model(self, sm_id): """ Extract a CompositeSourceModel instance containing the single model of index `sm_id`. """ sm = self.source_models[sm_id] if self.source_model_lt.num_samples: self.source_model_lt.num_samples = sm.samples new = self.__class__(self.gsim_lt, self.source_model_lt, [sm], self.optimize_same_id) new.sm_id = sm_id return new
[docs] def new(self, sources_by_grp): """ Generate a new CompositeSourceModel from the given dictionary. :param sources_by_group: a dictionary grp_id -> sources :returns: a new CompositeSourceModel instance """ source_models = [] for sm in self.source_models: src_groups = [] for src_group in sm.src_groups: sg = copy.copy(src_group) sg.sources = sorted(sources_by_grp.get(, []), key=operator.attrgetter('id')) src_groups.append(sg) newsm = logictree.LtSourceModel( sm.names, sm.weight, sm.path, src_groups, sm.num_gsim_paths, sm.ordinal, sm.samples) source_models.append(newsm) new = self.__class__(self.gsim_lt, self.source_model_lt, source_models, self.optimize_same_id) = new.get_weight() return new
[docs] def get_weight(self, weight=operator.attrgetter('weight')): """ :param weight: source weight function :returns: total weight of the source model """ tot_weight = 0 for srcs in self.sources_by_trt.values(): tot_weight += sum(map(weight, srcs)) for grp in self.gen_mutex_groups(): tot_weight += sum(map(weight, grp)) = tot_weight return tot_weight
@property def src_groups(self): """ Yields the SourceGroups inside each source model. """ for sm in self.source_models: for src_group in sm.src_groups: yield src_group
[docs] def get_nonparametric_sources(self): """ :returns: list of non parametric sources in the composite source model """ return [src for sm in self.source_models for src_group in sm.src_groups for src in src_group if hasattr(src, 'data')]
[docs] def check_dupl_sources(self): # used in print_csm_info """ Extracts duplicated sources, i.e. sources with the same source_id in different source groups. Raise an exception if there are sources with the same ID which are not duplicated. :returns: a list of list of sources, ordered by source_id """ dd = collections.defaultdict(list) for src_group in self.src_groups: for src in src_group: try: srcid = src.source_id except AttributeError: # src is a Node object srcid = src['id'] dd[srcid].append(src) dupl = [] for srcid, srcs in sorted(dd.items()): if len(srcs) > 1: _assert_equal_sources(srcs) dupl.append(srcs) return dupl
[docs] def gen_mutex_groups(self): """ Yield groups of mutually exclusive sources """ for sg in self.src_groups: if sg.src_interdep == 'mutex': yield sg
[docs] def get_sources(self, kind='all'): """ Extract the sources contained in the source models by optionally filtering and splitting them, depending on the passed parameter. """ assert kind in ('all', 'indep', 'mutex'), kind sources = [] for sm in self.source_models: for src_group in sm.src_groups: if kind in ('all', src_group.src_interdep): for src in src_group: if sm.samples > 1: src.samples = sm.samples sources.append(src) return sources
@cached_property def sources_by_trt(self): """ Build a dictionary TRT string -> sources. Sources of kind "mutex" (if any) are silently discarded. """ acc = AccumDict(accum=[]) for sm in self.source_models: for grp in sm.src_groups: if grp.src_interdep != 'mutex': acc[grp.trt].extend(grp) if self.optimize_same_id is False: return acc # extract a single source from multiple sources with the same ID n = 0 tot = 0 dic = {} for trt in acc: dic[trt] = [] for grp in groupby(acc[trt], lambda x: x.source_id).values(): src = grp[0] n += 1 tot += len(grp) # src.src_group_id can be a list if get_sources_by_trt was # called before if len(grp) > 1 and not isinstance(src.src_group_id, list): src.src_group_id = [s.src_group_id for s in grp] dic[trt].append(src) if n < tot:'Reduced %d sources to %d sources with unique IDs', tot, n) return dic
[docs] def get_num_ruptures(self): """ :returns: the number of ruptures per source group ID """ return { sum(src.num_ruptures for src in grp) for grp in self.src_groups}
[docs] def init_serials(self, ses_seed): """ Generate unique seeds for each rupture with numpy.arange. This should be called only in event based calculators """ sources = self.get_sources() serial = ses_seed for src in sources: nr = src.num_ruptures src.serial = serial serial += nr
[docs] def get_maxweight(self, weight, concurrent_tasks, minweight=MINWEIGHT): """ Return an appropriate maxweight for use in the block_splitter """ totweight = self.get_weight(weight) ct = concurrent_tasks or 1 mw = math.ceil(totweight / ct) return max(mw, minweight)
[docs] def get_floating_spinning_factors(self): """ :returns: (floating rupture factor, spinning rupture factor) """ data = [] for src in self.get_sources(): if hasattr(src, 'hypocenter_distribution'): data.append( (len(, len( if not data: return numpy.array([1, 1]) return numpy.array(data).mean(axis=0)
def __repr__(self): """ Return a string representation of the composite model """ models = ['%d-%s-%s,w=%s [%d src_group(s)]' % ( sm.ordinal,, '_'.join(sm.path), sm.weight, len(sm.src_groups)) for sm in self.source_models] return '<%s\n%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, '\n'.join(models)) def __getitem__(self, i): """Return the i-th source model""" return self.source_models[i] def __iter__(self): """Return an iterator over the underlying source models""" return iter(self.source_models) def __len__(self): """Return the number of underlying source models""" return len(self.source_models)