Source code for openquake.calculators.getters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2018 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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import collections
import itertools
import operator
import mock
import numpy
from openquake.baselib import hdf5, datastore, general
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import ContextMaker, FarAwayRupture
from openquake.hazardlib import calc, geo, probability_map, stats
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.mesh import Mesh, RectangularMesh
from openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture import EBRupture, classes
from openquake.risklib.riskinput import rsi2str
from openquake.commonlib.calc import _gmvs_to_haz_curve

U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32
U64 = numpy.uint64

[docs]class PmapGetter(object): """ Read hazard curves from the datastore for all realizations or for a specific realization. :param dstore: a DataStore instance or file system path to it :param sids: the subset of sites to consider (if None, all sites) :param rlzs_assoc: a RlzsAssoc instance (if None, infers it) """ def __init__(self, dstore, rlzs_assoc=None, sids=None): self.dstore = dstore self.sids = dstore['sitecol'].sids if sids is None else sids self.rlzs_assoc = rlzs_assoc or dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc() self.eids = None self.nbytes = 0 self.sids = sids @property def weights(self): return [rlz.weight for rlz in self.rlzs_assoc.realizations] @property def imts(self): return list(self.imtls)
[docs] def init(self): """ Read the poes and set the .data attribute with the hazard curves """ if hasattr(self, 'data'): # already initialized return if isinstance(self.dstore, str): self.dstore = hdf5.File(self.dstore, 'r') else:'r') # if not if self.sids is None: self.sids = self.dstore['sitecol'].sids oq = self.dstore['oqparam'] self.imtls = oq.imtls self.poes = oq.poes = {} try: hcurves = self.get_hcurves(self.imtls) # shape (R, N) except IndexError: # no data return for sid, hcurve_by_rlz in zip(self.sids, hcurves.T):[sid] = datadict = {} for rlzi, hcurve in enumerate(hcurve_by_rlz): datadict[rlzi] = lst = [None for imt in self.imtls] for imti, imt in enumerate(self.imtls): lst[imti] = hcurve[imt] # imls
@property def pmap_by_grp(self): """ :returns: dictionary "grp-XXX" -> ProbabilityMap instance """ if hasattr(self, '_pmap_by_grp'): # already called return self._pmap_by_grp # populate _pmap_by_grp self._pmap_by_grp = {} if 'poes' in self.dstore: # build probability maps restricted to the given sids ok_sids = set(self.sids) for grp, dset in self.dstore['poes'].items(): ds = dset['array'] L, I = ds.shape[1:] pmap = probability_map.ProbabilityMap(L, I) for idx, sid in enumerate(dset['sids'].value): if sid in ok_sids: pmap[sid] = probability_map.ProbabilityCurve(ds[idx]) self._pmap_by_grp[grp] = pmap self.nbytes += pmap.nbytes return self._pmap_by_grp
[docs] def get_hazard(self, gsim=None): """ :param gsim: ignored :returns: an dict rlzi -> datadict """ return
[docs] def get(self, rlzi, grp=None): """ :param rlzi: a realization index :param grp: None (all groups) or a string of the form "grp-XX" :returns: the hazard curves for the given realization """ self.init() assert self.sids is not None pmap = probability_map.ProbabilityMap(len(self.imtls.array), 1) grps = [grp] if grp is not None else sorted(self.pmap_by_grp) array = self.rlzs_assoc.by_grp() for grp in grps: for gsim_idx, rlzis in enumerate(array[grp]): for r in rlzis: if r == rlzi: pmap |= self.pmap_by_grp[grp].extract(gsim_idx) break return pmap
[docs] def get_pmaps(self, sids): # used in classical """ :param sids: an array of S site IDs :returns: a list of R probability maps """ return self.rlzs_assoc.combine_pmaps(self.pmap_by_grp)
[docs] def get_hcurves(self, imtls=None): """ :param imtls: intensity measure types and levels :returns: an array of (R, N) hazard curves """ self.init() if imtls is None: imtls = self.imtls pmaps = [pmap.convert2(imtls, self.sids) for pmap in self.get_pmaps(self.sids)] return numpy.array(pmaps)
[docs] def items(self, kind=''): """ Extract probability maps from the datastore, possibly generating on the fly the ones corresponding to the individual realizations. Yields pairs (tag, pmap). :param kind: the kind of PoEs to extract; if not given, returns the realization if there is only one or the statistics otherwise. """ num_rlzs = len(self.weights) if not kind or kind == 'all': # use default if 'hcurves' in self.dstore: for k in sorted(self.dstore['hcurves']): yield k, self.dstore['hcurves/' + k].value elif num_rlzs == 1: yield 'mean', self.get(0) return if 'poes' in self.dstore and kind in ('rlzs', 'all'): for rlzi in range(num_rlzs): hcurves = self.get(rlzi) yield 'rlz-%03d' % rlzi, hcurves elif 'poes' in self.dstore and kind.startswith('rlz-'): yield kind, self.get(int(kind[4:])) if 'hcurves' in self.dstore and kind == 'stats': for k in sorted(self.dstore['hcurves']): if not k.startswith('rlz'): yield k, self.dstore['hcurves/' + k].value
[docs] def get_mean(self, grp=None): """ Compute the mean curve as a ProbabilityMap :param grp: if not None must be a string of the form "grp-XX"; in that case returns the mean considering only the contribution for group XX """ self.init() if len(self.weights) == 1: # one realization # the standard deviation is zero pmap = self.get(0, grp) for sid, pcurve in pmap.items(): array = numpy.zeros(pcurve.array.shape[:-1] + (2,)) array[:, 0] = pcurve.array[:, 0] pcurve.array = array return pmap else: # multiple realizations dic = ({g: self.dstore['poes/' + g] for g in self.dstore['poes']} if grp is None else {grp: self.dstore['poes/' + grp]}) pmaps = self.rlzs_assoc.combine_pmaps(dic) return stats.compute_pmap_stats( pmaps, [stats.mean_curve, stats.std_curve], self.weights, self.imtls)
[docs]class GmfDataGetter(collections.Mapping): """ A dictionary-like object {sid: dictionary by realization index} """ def __init__(self, dstore, sids, num_rlzs): self.dstore = dstore self.sids = sids self.num_rlzs = num_rlzs
[docs] def init(self): if hasattr(self, 'data'): # already initialized return'r') # if not already open try: self.imts = self.dstore['gmf_data/imts'].value.split() except KeyError: # engine < 3.3 self.imts = list(self.dstore['oqparam'].imtls) = {} for sid in self.sids:[sid] = data = self[sid] if not data: # no GMVs, return 0, counted in no_damage[sid] = {rlzi: 0 for rlzi in range(self.num_rlzs)} # now some attributes set for API compatibility with the GmfGetter # number of ground motion fields # dictionary rlzi -> array(imts, events, nbytes) self.E = len(self.dstore['events'])
[docs] def get_hazard(self, gsim=None): """ :param gsim: ignored :returns: an dict rlzi -> datadict """ return
def __getitem__(self, sid): dset = self.dstore['gmf_data/data'] idxs = self.dstore['gmf_data/indices'][sid] if == 'uint32': # scenario idxs = [idxs] elif not idxs.dtype.names: # engine >= 3.2 idxs = zip(*idxs) data = [dset[start:stop] for start, stop in idxs] if len(data) == 0: # site ID with no data return {} return general.group_array(numpy.concatenate(data), 'rlzi') def __iter__(self): return iter(self.sids) def __len__(self): return len(self.sids)
[docs]class GmfGetter(object): """ An hazard getter with methods .gen_gmv and .get_hazard returning ground motion values. """ def __init__(self, rlzs_by_gsim, ebruptures, sitecol, oqparam, min_iml): self.rlzs_by_gsim = rlzs_by_gsim self.ebruptures = ebruptures self.sitecol = sitecol.complete self.oqparam = oqparam self.min_iml = min_iml self.N = len(self.sitecol) self.num_rlzs = sum(len(rlzs) for rlzs in self.rlzs_by_gsim.values()) self.I = len(oqparam.imtls) self.gmv_dt = numpy.dtype( [('sid', U32), ('eid', U64), ('gmv', (F32, (self.I,)))]) self.gmv_eid_dt = numpy.dtype( [('gmv', (F32, (self.I,))), ('eid', U64)]) self.cmaker = ContextMaker( rlzs_by_gsim, calc.filters.IntegrationDistance(oqparam.maximum_distance) if isinstance(oqparam.maximum_distance, dict) else oqparam.maximum_distance, {'filter_distance': oqparam.filter_distance}) self.correl_model = oqparam.correl_model @property def sids(self): return self.sitecol.sids @property def imtls(self): return self.oqparam.imtls @property def imts(self): return list(self.oqparam.imtls)
[docs] def init(self): """ Initialize the computers. Should be called on the workers """ if hasattr(self, 'eids'): # init already called return self.computers = [] for ebr in self.ebruptures: if hasattr(ebr, 'sids'): # filter the site collection sitecol = self.sitecol.filtered(ebr.sids) else: sitecol = self.sitecol try: computer = calc.gmf.GmfComputer( ebr, sitecol, self.oqparam.imtls, self.cmaker, self.oqparam.truncation_level, self.correl_model) except FarAwayRupture: # due to numeric errors, ruptures within the maximum_distance # when written, can be outside when read; I found a case with # a distance of 99.9996936 km over a maximum distance of 100 km continue self.computers.append(computer)
[docs] def gen_gmv(self): """ Compute the GMFs for the given realization and yields tuples of the form (sid, eid, imti, gmv). """ for computer in self.computers: rup = computer.rupture sids = computer.sids eids_by_rlz = rup.get_eids_by_rlz(self.rlzs_by_gsim) for gs, rlzs in self.rlzs_by_gsim.items(): num_events = sum(len(eids_by_rlz[rlzi]) for rlzi in rlzs) if num_events == 0: continue # NB: the trick for performance is to keep the call to # compute.compute outside of the loop over the realizations # it is better to have few calls producing big arrays array = computer.compute(gs, num_events).transpose(1, 0, 2) # shape (N, I, E) for i, miniml in enumerate(self.min_iml): # gmv < minimum arr = array[:, i, :] arr[arr < miniml] = 0 n = 0 for rlzi in rlzs: eids = eids_by_rlz[rlzi] e = len(eids) if not e: continue for ei, eid in enumerate(eids): gmf = array[:, :, n + ei] # shape (N, I) tot = gmf.sum(axis=0) # shape (I,) if not tot.sum(): continue for sid, gmv in zip(sids, gmf): if gmv.sum(): yield rlzi, sid, eid, gmv n += e
[docs] def get_hazard(self, data=None): """ :param data: if given, an iterator of records of dtype gmf_data_dt :returns: an array (rlzi, sid, imti) -> array(gmv, eid) """ if data is None: data = self.gen_gmv() hazard = numpy.array([collections.defaultdict(list) for _ in range(self.N)]) for rlzi, sid, eid, gmv in data: hazard[sid][rlzi].append((gmv, eid)) for haz in hazard: for rlzi in haz: haz[rlzi] = numpy.array(haz[rlzi], self.gmv_eid_dt) return hazard
[docs] def compute_gmfs_curves(self, monitor): """ :returns: a dict with keys gmfdata, indices, hcurves """ oq = self.oqparam dt = oq.gmf_data_dt() with monitor('GmfGetter.init', measuremem=True): self.init() hcurves = {} # key -> poes if oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs: hc_mon = monitor('building hazard curves', measuremem=False) duration = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path with monitor('building hazard', measuremem=True): gmfdata = numpy.fromiter(self.gen_gmv(), dt) hazard = self.get_hazard(data=gmfdata) for sid, hazardr in zip(self.sids, hazard): for rlzi, array in hazardr.items(): if len(array) == 0: # no data continue with hc_mon: gmvs = array['gmv'] for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls): poes = _gmvs_to_haz_curve( gmvs[:, imti], oq.imtls[imt], oq.investigation_time, duration) hcurves[rsi2str(rlzi, sid, imt)] = poes elif oq.ground_motion_fields: # fast lane with monitor('building hazard', measuremem=True): gmfdata = numpy.fromiter(self.gen_gmv(), dt) else: return {} indices = [] gmfdata.sort(order=('sid', 'rlzi', 'eid')) start = stop = 0 for sid, rows in itertools.groupby(gmfdata['sid']): for row in rows: stop += 1 indices.append((sid, start, stop)) start = stop res = dict(gmfdata=gmfdata, hcurves=hcurves, indices=numpy.array(indices, (U32, 3))) return res
[docs]def get_rupture_getters(dstore, slc=slice(None), split=0, hdf5cache=None): """ :returns: a list of RuptureGetters """ csm_info = dstore['csm_info'] grp_trt = csm_info.grp_by("trt") samples = csm_info.get_samples_by_grp() rlzs_by_gsim = csm_info.get_rlzs_by_gsim_grp() rup_array = dstore['ruptures'][slc] code2cls = get_code2cls(dstore.get_attrs('ruptures')) rgetters = [] by_grp = operator.itemgetter(2) # serial, srcidx, grp_id for block in general.split_in_blocks(rup_array, split, key=by_grp): rups = numpy.array(block) grp_id = rups[0]['grp_id'] if not rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id]: # this may happen if a source model has no sources, like # in event_based_risk/case_3 continue rgetter = RuptureGetter( hdf5cache or dstore.hdf5path, code2cls, rups, grp_trt[grp_id], samples[grp_id], rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id]) rgetters.append(rgetter) return rgetters
[docs]def get_maxloss_rupture(dstore, loss_type): """ :param dstore: a DataStore instance :param loss_type: a loss type string :returns: EBRupture instance corresponding to the maximum loss for the given loss type """ lti = dstore['oqparam'].lti[loss_type] ridx = dstore.get_attr('rup_loss_table', 'ridx')[lti] [rgetter] = get_rupture_getters(dstore, slice(ridx, ridx + 1)) [ebr] = rgetter.get_ruptures() return ebr
[docs]def get_code2cls(ruptures_attrs): code2cls = {} # code -> rupture_cls, surface_cls for key, val in ruptures_attrs.items(): if key.startswith('code_'): code2cls[int(key[5:])] = [classes[v] for v in val.split()] return code2cls
# this is never called directly; get_rupture_getters is used instead
[docs]class RuptureGetter(object): """ Iterable over ruptures. :param hdf5path: path to an HDF5 file with a dataset names `ruptures` :param rup_array: an array of rupture parameters with homogeneous grp_id """ def __init__(self, hdf5path, code2cls, rup_array, trt, samples, rlzs_by_gsim): self.hdf5path = hdf5path self.code2cls = code2cls self.rup_array = rup_array self.trt = trt self.samples = samples self.rlzs_by_gsim = rlzs_by_gsim [self.grp_id] = numpy.unique(rup_array['grp_id'])
[docs] def get_eid_rlz(self, monitor=None): """ :returns: a composite array with the associations eid->rlz """ eid_rlz = [] for rup in self.rup_array: ebr = EBRupture(mock.Mock(serial=rup['serial']), rup['srcidx'], self.grp_id, rup['n_occ'], self.samples) for rlz, eids in ebr.get_eids_by_rlz(self.rlzs_by_gsim).items(): for eid in eids: eid_rlz.append((eid, rlz)) return numpy.array(eid_rlz, [('eid', U64), ('rlz', U16)])
[docs] def get_ruptures(self, srcfilter=None): """ :returns: a list of EBRuptures filtered by bounding box """ ebrs = [] with as dstore: rupgeoms = dstore['rupgeoms'] for rec in self.rup_array: mesh = numpy.zeros((3, rec['sy'], rec['sz']), F32) geom = rupgeoms[rec['gidx1']:rec['gidx2']].reshape( rec['sy'], rec['sz']) mesh[0] = geom['lon'] mesh[1] = geom['lat'] mesh[2] = geom['depth'] rupture_cls, surface_cls = self.code2cls[rec['code']] rupture = object.__new__(rupture_cls) rupture.serial = rec['serial'] rupture.surface = object.__new__(surface_cls) rupture.mag = rec['mag'] rupture.rake = rec['rake'] rupture.hypocenter = geo.Point(*rec['hypo']) rupture.occurrence_rate = rec['occurrence_rate'] rupture.tectonic_region_type = self.trt if surface_cls is geo.PlanarSurface: rupture.surface = geo.PlanarSurface.from_array( mesh[:, 0, :]) elif surface_cls is geo.MultiSurface: # mesh has shape (3, n, 4) rupture.surface.__init__([ geo.PlanarSurface.from_array(mesh[:, i, :]) for i in range(mesh.shape[1])]) elif surface_cls is geo.GriddedSurface: # fault surface, strike and dip will be computed rupture.surface.strike = rupture.surface.dip = None rupture.surface.mesh = Mesh(*mesh) else: # fault surface, strike and dip will be computed rupture.surface.strike = rupture.surface.dip = None rupture.surface.__init__(RectangularMesh(*mesh)) grp_id = rec['grp_id'] ebr = EBRupture(rupture, rec['srcidx'], grp_id, rec['n_occ'], self.samples) # not implemented: rupture_slip_direction bbox = (rec['minlon'], rec['minlat'], rec['maxlon'], rec['maxlat']) if srcfilter is None: ebrs.append(ebr) continue ebr.sids = srcfilter.get_sids_within( bbox, rupture.tectonic_region_type, rupture.mag) if len(ebr.sids): ebrs.append(ebr) return ebrs
def __len__(self): return len(self.rup_array) def __repr__(self): return '<%s grp_id=%d, %d rupture(s)>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.grp_id, len(self))