Source code for openquake.hmtk.seismicity.max_magnitude.kijko_sellevol_fixed_b
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4## LICENSE## Copyright (C) 2010-2025 GEM Foundation, G. Weatherill, M. Pagani, D. Monelli## The Hazard Modeller's Toolkit (openquake.hmtk) is free software: you can# redistribute# it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the# License, or (at your option) any later version.## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>## DISCLAIMER## The software Hazard Modeller's Toolkit (openquake.hmtk) provided herein is# released as a prototype implementation on behalf of scientists and engineers# working within the GEM Foundation (Global Earthquake Model).## It is distributed for the purpose of open collaboration and in the hope that# it will be useful to the scientific, engineering, disaster risk and software# design communities.## The software is NOT distributed as part of GEM's OpenQuake suite# ( and must be considered as a# separate entity. The software provided herein is designed and implemented# by scientific staff. It is not developed to the design standards, nor# subject to same level of critical review by professional software developers,# as GEM's OpenQuake software suite.## Feedback and contribution to the software is welcome, and can be directed to# the hazard scientific staff of the GEM Model Facility# ( The Hazard Modeller's Toolkit (openquake.hmtk) is therefore distributed# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more# details.## The GEM Foundation, and the authors of the software, assume no liability for# use of the software."""Module :mod:`openquake.hmtk.seismicity.max_magnitude.kijko_sellevol` definesthe Kijko & Sellevol algorithm for maximum magnitude"""importwarningsimportnumpyasnpfrommathimportfabsfromscipy.integrateimportquadraturefromopenquake.hmtk.seismicity.max_magnitude.baseimport(BaseMaximumMagnitude,MAX_MAGNITUDE_METHODS,_get_observed_mmax,_get_magnitude_vector_properties,)
[docs]defcheck_config(config,data):"""Checks that the config file contains all required parameters :param dict config: Configuration file :returns: Configuration file with all correct parameters """if"tolerance"notinconfig.keys()ornotconfig["tolerance"]:config["tolerance"]=1e-5ifnotconfig.get("maximum_iterations",None):config["maximum_iterations"]=1000mmin_obs=np.min(data["magnitude"])ifconfig.get("input_mmin",0)<mmin_obs:config["input_mmin"]=mmin_obsiffabs(config["b-value"])<1e-7:config["b-value"]=1e-7returnconfig
[docs]@MAX_MAGNITUDE_METHODS.add("get_mmax",**{"input_mmin":lambdacat:np.min(["magnitude"]),"input_mmax"["magnitude"][np.argmax(["magnitude"])],"input_mmax_uncertainty":lambdacat:cat.get_observed_mmax_sigma(0.2),"b-value":1e-7,"maximum_iterations":1000,"tolerance":1e-5,},)classKijkoSellevolFixedb(BaseMaximumMagnitude):""" Implements Kijko and Sellevol estimator for maximim magnitude assuming a fixed b-value. Coded from description in Kijko (2004): Kijko, A. (2004), ..., Pure & Applied Geophysics, """
[docs]defget_mmax(self,catalogue,config):""" Calculates Maximum magnitude :param catalogue: Earthquake catalogue as instance of :class: openquake.hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue :param dict config: Configuration file for algorithm, contains the attributes: * 'b-value': b-value (positive float) * 'input_mmin': Minimum magnitude for integral (if less than minimum observed magnitude, will be overwritten by minimum observed magnitude) * 'tolerance': Tolerance of stabilising of iterator * 'maximum_interations': Maximum number of iterations :returns: **mmax** Maximum magnitude and **mmax_sig** corresponding uncertainty """config=check_config(config,,obsmaxsig=_get_observed_mmax(,config)mmin=config["input_mmin"]beta=config["b-value"]*np.log(10.0)neq,mmin=_get_magnitude_vector_properties(,config)mmax=np.copy(obsmax)d_t=np.infiterator=0print(mmin,mmax,neq,beta)whiled_t>config["tolerance"]:delta=quadrature(self._ks_intfunc,mmin,mmax,args=(neq,mmax,mmin,beta))[0]tmmax=obsmax+deltad_t=np.abs(tmmax-mmax)mmax=np.copy(tmmax)iterator+=1ifiterator>config["maximum_iterations"]:print("Kijko-Sellevol estimator reached ""maximum # of iterations")d_t=-np.infreturnmmax.item(),np.sqrt(obsmaxsig**2.0+delta**2.0)
def_ks_intfunc(self,mval,neq,mmax,mmin,beta):"""Integral function inside Kijko-Sellevol estimator (Eq. 6 in Kijko, 2004) :param float mval: Magnitude value :param float neq: Number of earthquakes :param float mmax: Maximum Magnitude :param float mmin: Minimum Magnitude :param float beta: Beta-value of the distribution :returns: Integrand of Kijko-Sellevol estimator """ifmmin>=mmax:raiseValueError("Maximum magnitude smaller than minimum magnitude"" in Kijko & Sellevol (Fixed-b) integral")func1=1.0-np.exp(-beta*(mval-mmin))ifnp.fabs(beta)>1e-3:func1=(func1/(1.0-np.exp(-beta*(mmax-mmin))))**neqelse:warnings.warn("beta is lower or equal to 0",RuntimeWarning)returnfunc1