Source code for openquake.hmtk.seismicity.completeness.comp_stepp_1971

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# Copyright (C) 2010-2025 GEM Foundation, G. Weatherill, M. Pagani,
# D. Monelli.
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# is released as a prototype implementation on behalf of
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Module :mod:`openquake.hmtk.seismicity.completeness.comp_stepp_1972` defines
the openquake.hmtk implementation of the Stepp (1972) algorithm for analysing
the completeness of an earthquake catalogue

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b
from openquake.hmtk.seismicity.utils import (
from openquake.hmtk.seismicity.completeness.base import (

[docs]def get_bilinear_residuals_stepp(input_params, xvals, yvals, slope1_fit): """ Returns the residual sum-of-squares value of a bilinear fit to a data set - with a segment - 1 gradient fixed by an input value (slope_1_fit) :param list input_params: Input parameters for the bilinear model [slope2, crossover_point, intercept] :param numpy.ndarray xvals: x-values of the data to be fit :param numpy.ndarray yvals: y-values of the data to be fit :param float slope1_fit: Gradient of the first slope :returns: Residual sum-of-squares of fit """ params = np.hstack([slope1_fit, input_params]) num_x = len(xvals) y_model = np.zeros(num_x, dtype=float) residuals = np.zeros(num_x, dtype=float) for iloc in range(0, num_x): y_model[iloc] = piecewise_linear_scalar(params, xvals[iloc]) residuals[iloc] = (yvals[iloc] - y_model[iloc]) ** 2.0 return np.sum(residuals)
[docs]@COMPLETENESS_METHODS.add( "completeness", magnitude_bin=float, time_bin=float, increment_lock=bool ) class Stepp1971(BaseCatalogueCompleteness): """ Implements the completeness analysis methodology of Stepp (1972) Stepp, J. C. (1972) Analysis of Completeness of the Earhquake Sample in the Puget Sound Area and Its Effect on Statistical Estimates of Earthquake Hazard, NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories. The original methodology of J. C. Stepp (1972) implements a graphical method in which the deviation of the observed rate from the expected Poisson rate is assessed by judgement. To implement the selection in an automated fashion this implementation uses optimisation of a 2-segment piecewise linear fit to each magnitude bin, using the segment intersection point to identify the completeness period. Adaptation implemented by Weatherill, G. A., GEM Model Facility, Pavia :attribute numpy.ndarray magnitude_bin: Edges of the magnitude bins :attribute numpy.ndarray sigma: Sigma lambda defined by Equation 4 in Stepp (1972) :attribute numpy.ndarray time_values: Duration values :attribute numpy.ndarray model_line: Expected Poisson rate for each magnitude bin :attribute numpy.ndarray completeness_table: Resulting completeness table """ def __init__(self): BaseCatalogueCompleteness.__init__(self) self.magnitude_bin = None self.time_values = None self.sigma = None self.model_line = None self.completeness_table = None self.end_year = None
[docs] def completeness(self, catalogue, config): """ Gets the completeness table. :param catalogue: Earthquake catalogue as instance of :class:`openquake.hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue` :param dict config: Configuration parameters of the algorithm, containing the following information: 'magnitude_bin' Size of magnitude bin (non-negative float) 'time_bin' Size (in dec. years) of the time window (non-negative float) 'increment_lock' Boolean to indicate whether to ensure completeness magnitudes always decrease with more recent bins :returns: 2-column table indicating year of completeness and corresponding magnitude numpy.ndarray """ # If mag_bin is an array then bins are input, otherwise a single # parameter is input dyear = decimal_time(["year"],["month"],["day"],["hour"],["minute"],["second"], ) mag =["magnitude"] # Get magnitude bins self.magnitude_bin = self._get_magnitudes_from_spacing(["magnitude"], config["magnitude_bin"] ) # Get time bins _s_year, time_bin = self._get_time_limits_from_config(config, dyear) # Count magnitudes ( self.sigma, _counter, n_mags, n_times, self.time_values, ) = self._count_magnitudes(mag, dyear, time_bin) # Get completeness magnitudes comp_time, _gradient_2, self.model_line = self.get_completeness_points( self.time_values, self.sigma, n_mags, n_times ) # If the increment lock is selected then ensure completeness time # does not decrease if config["increment_lock"]: for iloc in range(0, len(comp_time)): cond = ( iloc > 0 and (comp_time[iloc] < comp_time[iloc - 1]) ) or np.isnan(comp_time[iloc]) if cond: comp_time[iloc] = comp_time[iloc - 1] self.completeness_table = np.column_stack( [np.floor(self.end_year - comp_time), self.magnitude_bin[:-1]] ) return self.completeness_table
[docs] def simplify(self, deduplicate=True, mag_range=None, year_range=None): """ Simplify a completeness table result. Intended to work with 'increment_lock' enabled. """ if self.completeness_table is None: return years = self.completeness_table[:, 0] mags = self.completeness_table[:, 1] keep = np.array([True] * years.shape[0]) if deduplicate: keep[1:] = years[1:] != years[:-1] if year_range is not None: year_min, year_max = year_range if year_min is not None: too_early = years < year_min keep &= years >= years[too_early].max() self.completeness_table[too_early, 0] = year_min if year_max is not None: keep &= years <= year_max if mag_range is not None: mag_min, mag_max = mag_range if mag_min is not None: keep &= mags >= mag_min if mag_max is not None: keep &= mags <= mag_max self.completeness_table = self.completeness_table[keep, :] self.model_line = self.model_line[:, keep] self.sigma = self.sigma[:, keep] self.magnitude_bin = self.magnitude_bin[np.hstack((keep, True))]
def _get_time_limits_from_config(self, config, dec_year): """ Defines the time bins for consideration based on the config time_bin settings - also sets self.end_year (int) the latest year in catalogue :param dict config: Configuration for the Stepp (1971) algorithm :param numpy.ndarray dec_year: Time of the earthquake in decimal years :returns: * start_year: Earliest year found in the catalogue * time_bin: Bin edges of the time windows """ cond = isinstance(config["time_bin"], list) or isinstance( config["time_bin"], np.ndarray ) if cond: # Check to make sure input years are in order from recent to oldest for ival in range(1, len(config["time_bin"])): diff = config["time_bin"][ival] - config["time_bin"][ival - 1] if diff > 0.0: raise ValueError( "Configuration time windows must be " "ordered from recent to oldest!" ) self.end_year = config["time_bin"][0] start_year = config["time_bin"][-1] time_bin = np.array(config["time_bin"]) else: self.end_year = np.floor(np.max(dec_year)) start_year = np.floor(np.min(dec_year)) if (self.end_year - start_year) < config["time_bin"]: raise ValueError( "Catalogue duration smaller than time bin" " width - change time window size!" ) time_bin = np.arange( self.end_year - config["time_bin"], start_year - config["time_bin"], -config["time_bin"], ) return start_year, time_bin def _get_magnitudes_from_spacing(self, magnitudes, delta_m): """If a single magnitude spacing is input then create the bins :param numpy.ndarray magnitudes: Vector of earthquake magnitudes :param float delta_m: Magnitude bin width :returns: Vector of magnitude bin edges (numpy.ndarray) """ min_mag = np.min(magnitudes) max_mag = np.max(magnitudes) if (max_mag - min_mag) < delta_m: raise ValueError("Bin width greater than magnitude range!") mag_bins = np.arange( np.floor(min_mag), np.ceil(max_mag + delta_m), delta_m ) # Check to see if there are magnitudes in lower and upper bins is_mag = np.logical_and( mag_bins - max_mag < delta_m, min_mag - mag_bins < delta_m ) mag_bins = mag_bins[is_mag] return mag_bins def _count_magnitudes(self, mags, times, time_bin): """ For each completeness magnitude-year counts the number of events inside each magnitude bin. :param numpy.ndarray mags: Magnitude of earthquakes :param numpy.ndarray times: Vector of decimal event times :param numpy.ndarray time_bin: Vector of bin edges of the time windows :returns: * sigma - Poisson variance (numpy.ndarray) * counter - Number of earthquakes in each magnitude-time bin * n_mags - number of magnitude bins (Integer) * n_times - number of time bins (Integer) * n_years - effective duration of each time window (numpy.ndarray) """ n_mags = len(self.magnitude_bin) - 1 n_times = len(time_bin) counter = np.zeros([n_times, n_mags], dtype=int) # Count all the magnitudes later than or equal to the reference time for iloc in range(0, n_times): id0 = times > time_bin[iloc] counter[iloc, :] = np.histogram(mags[id0], self.magnitude_bin)[0] # Get sigma_lambda = sqrt(n / nyears) / sqrt(n_years) sigma = np.zeros([n_times, n_mags], dtype=float) n_years = np.floor(np.max(times)) - time_bin for iloc in range(0, n_mags): id0 = counter[:, iloc] > 0 if any(id0): nvals = counter[id0, iloc].astype(float) sigma[id0, iloc] = np.sqrt((nvals / n_years[id0])) / np.sqrt( n_years[id0] ) return sigma, counter, n_mags, n_times, n_years
[docs] def get_completeness_points(self, n_years, sigma, n_mags, n_time): """Fits a bilinear model to each sigma-n_years combination in order to get the crossover point. The gradient of the first line must always be 1 / sqrt(T), but it is free for the other lines :param numpy.ndarray n_years: Duration of each completeness time window :param numpy.ndarray sigma: Poisson variances of each time-magnitude combination :param int n_mags: Number of magnitude bins :param int n_time: Number of time bins :returns: * comp_time (Completeness duration) * gradient_2 (Gradient of second slope of piecewise linear fit) * model_line (Expected Poisson rate for data (only used for plot) """ time_vals = np.log10(n_years) sigma_vals = np.copy(sigma) valid_mapper = np.ones([n_time, n_mags], dtype=bool) valid_mapper[sigma_vals < 1e-9] = False comp_time = np.zeros(n_mags, dtype=float) gradient_2 = np.zeros(n_mags, dtype=float) model_line = np.zeros([n_time, n_mags], dtype=float) for iloc in range(0, n_mags): id0 = valid_mapper[:, iloc] if np.sum(id0) < 3: # Too few events for fitting a bilinear model! comp_time[iloc] = np.nan gradient_2[iloc] = np.nan model_line[:, iloc] = np.nan else: ( comp_time[iloc], gradient_2[iloc], model_line[id0, iloc], ) = self._fit_bilinear_to_stepp( time_vals[id0], np.log10(sigma[id0, iloc]) ) return comp_time, gradient_2, model_line
def _fit_bilinear_to_stepp(self, xdata, ydata, initial_values=None): """ Returns the residuals of a bilinear fit subject to the following constraints: 1) gradient of slope 1 = 1 / sqrt(T) 2) Crossover (x_c) < 0 3) gradient 2 is always < 0 :param numpy.ndarray xdata: x-value of the data set :param numpy.ndarray ydata: y-value of the data set :param list initial_values: For unit-testing allows the possibility to specify the initial values of the algorithm [slope_2, cross_over, intercept] :returns: * completeness_time: The duration of completeness of the bin * Gradient of the second slope * model_line: Expected Poisson model """ fixed_slope = -0.5 # f'(log10(T^-0.5)) === 0.5 if isinstance(initial_values, list) or isinstance( initial_values, np.ndarray ): x_0 = initial_values else: x_0 = [-1.0, xdata[int(len(xdata) / 2)], xdata[0]] bnds = ((None, fixed_slope), (0.0, None), (None, None)) result, _, convergence_info = fmin_l_bfgs_b( get_bilinear_residuals_stepp, x_0, args=(xdata, ydata, fixed_slope), approx_grad=True, bounds=bnds, disp=0, ) if convergence_info["warnflag"] != 0: # Optimisation has failed to converge - print the reason why print(convergence_info["task"]) return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan * np.ones(len(xdata)) # Result contains three parameters = m_2, x_c, c_0 # x_c is the crossover point (i.e. the completeness_time) # m_2 is the gradient of the latter slope # c_0 is the intercept - which helps locate the line at the data model_line = 10.0 ** (fixed_slope * xdata + result[2]) completeness_time = 10.0 ** result[1] return completeness_time, result[0], model_line