Source code for openquake.hazardlib.gsim.armenia_2016

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Armenian modification to selected active shallow crustal GMPEs
Module exports :class:`AkkarEtAlRjb2014Armenia`,
import numpy as np
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import CoeffsTable
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.akkar_2014 import AkkarEtAlRjb2014
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.bindi_2014 import BindiEtAl2014Rjb
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_2014 import BooreEtAl2014LowQ
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.cauzzi_2014 import CauzziEtAl2014
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.kale_2015 import KaleEtAl2015Turkey
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.kotha_2016 import KothaEtAl2016Turkey
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.chiou_youngs_2014 import ChiouYoungs2014

[docs]def compute(self, ctx: np.recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi): """ Adjustments for Armenia """ self.__class__.__base__.compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi) for m, imt in enumerate(imts): C_ADJ = self.COEFFS_ADJUST[imt] # Offset factor is dependent on magnitude and inter-event residual mean[m] += (C_ADJ["a"] + C_ADJ["b"] * ctx.mag) * tau[m] tau[m] = tau[m] * C_ADJ["tau_adj"] phi[m] = phi[m] * C_ADJ["sig_adj"] sig[m] = np.sqrt(tau[m] ** 2 + phi[m] ** 2)
[docs]class AkkarEtAlRjb2014Armenia(AkkarEtAlRjb2014): """ Adjustment of Akkar et al based on Armenian data """ COEFFS_ADJUST = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT a b tau_adj sig_adj pga -4.41108 0.67245 1.237606958 1.382804565 0.01 -4.41108 0.67245 1.237606958 1.382804565 0.1 -4.26857 0.63633 1.234234554 1.411711027 0.15 -3.58023 0.53806 1.213586478 1.454392101 0.2 -3.21751 0.47609 1.197379023 1.431701071 0.25 -2.75984 0.39380 1.117471608 1.370689616 0.3 -2.51856 0.35743 1.058800958 1.366881400 0.4 -1.98910 0.27073 0.975805217 1.275963791 0.5 -1.77380 0.24280 0.959430009 1.260264111 0.75 -1.63645 0.23295 0.905920923 1.166368305 1.0 -1.79853 0.26714 0.927536136 1.115748947 2.0 -1.83168 0.26919 0.891918855 1.078281365 3.0 -1.90646 0.28960 0.924211474 1.139651450 4.0 -1.90646 0.28960 0.924211474 1.139651450 """) compute = compute
[docs]class BindiEtAl2014RjbArmenia(BindiEtAl2014Rjb): """ Adjustment of Bindi et al based on Armenian data """ COEFFS_ADJUST = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT a b tau_adj sig_adj pga -3.53175 0.51121 1.148988194 1.339231170 0.01 -3.53175 0.51121 1.148988194 1.339231170 0.10 -4.01062 0.58731 1.186227974 1.369630629 0.15 -3.60795 0.53588 1.184067775 1.449236792 0.20 -3.38293 0.49443 1.170257166 1.438171195 0.25 -2.60904 0.35474 1.073720674 1.375382159 0.30 -2.21182 0.28479 1.021028896 1.382389947 0.40 -1.44091 0.15445 0.957455011 1.310175818 0.50 -0.97126 0.08268 0.908470546 1.243316094 0.75 -0.59226 0.03920 0.865291003 1.168719929 1.00 -0.66675 0.08514 0.842739543 1.070340828 2.00 -0.78984 0.09427 0.804244641 1.021916357 3.00 -0.91307 0.09874 0.873047313 1.096061687 4.00 -0.91307 0.09874 0.873047313 1.096061687 """) compute = compute
[docs]class BooreEtAl2014LowQArmenia(BooreEtAl2014LowQ): """ Adjustment of Boore et al for Low Q regions - adjusted for Armenian data """ COEFFS_ADJUST = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT a b tau_adj sig_adj pga -5.45458 0.84260 1.633057382 1.315998086 0.01 -5.45458 0.84260 1.633057382 1.315998086 0.10 -5.45010 0.78926 1.531996667 1.326562840 0.15 -4.64516 0.65549 1.575356285 1.421007734 0.20 -3.98702 0.55509 1.585970506 1.411586591 0.25 -3.11883 0.42217 1.524902361 1.368089701 0.30 -2.80831 0.39356 1.472224512 1.388970102 0.40 -2.63587 0.38977 1.418578519 1.362769784 0.50 -2.66857 0.41789 1.349996281 1.333836045 0.75 -2.76879 0.48144 1.283089899 1.290967084 1.00 -2.42320 0.43353 1.199592804 1.258813632 2.00 -2.67819 0.50808 1.137460426 1.303954815 3.00 -2.58421 0.48516 1.121100923 1.357550507 4.00 -2.58421 0.48516 1.121100923 1.357550507 """) compute = compute
[docs]class CauzziEtAl2014Armenia(CauzziEtAl2014): """ Adjustment of Cauzzi et al. (2014) for Armenia """ COEFFS_ADJUST = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT a b tau_adj sig_adj pga -4.01091 0.54155 1.182557898 1.336230261 0.01 -4.01091 0.54155 1.182557898 1.336230261 0.10 -3.34721 0.36510 1.186559348 1.373721566 0.15 -2.82428 0.30847 1.201945278 1.442548031 0.20 -2.74625 0.33423 1.173609107 1.394245091 0.25 -2.39827 0.29678 1.099842199 1.340558908 0.30 -2.44472 0.32730 1.035868990 1.325016391 0.40 -2.16876 0.32372 0.933214946 1.222426552 0.50 -2.26622 0.36475 0.889392952 1.170935874 0.75 -2.51359 0.44715 0.861511598 1.120853806 1.00 -2.88180 0.52997 0.888264702 1.069753666 2.00 -3.39240 0.63148 0.945492439 1.109182279 3.00 -3.61081 0.65005 0.992899354 1.186719473 4.00 -3.61081 0.65005 0.992899354 1.186719473 """) compute = compute
[docs]class KaleEtAl2015Armenia(KaleEtAl2015Turkey): """ Adjustment of Kale et al (2015) - Turkish version, for use in Armenia """ COEFFS_ADJUST = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT a b tau_adj sig_adj pga -3.81210 0.60842 1.211930412 1.380035424 0.01 -3.81210 0.60842 1.211930412 1.380035424 0.10 -3.92511 0.63176 1.233919574 1.414621711 0.15 -3.44729 0.55878 1.254042916 1.474569346 0.20 -3.10217 0.48826 1.212810598 1.423997907 0.25 -2.55005 0.38159 1.124262327 1.359629083 0.30 -2.37729 0.35305 1.067422117 1.368689600 0.40 -1.88576 0.27297 0.972445035 1.277120209 0.50 -1.53914 0.20799 0.959303094 1.278495040 0.75 -1.39011 0.18682 0.933638443 1.214393206 1.00 -1.42400 0.19305 0.958971104 1.165427891 2.00 -1.34283 0.18456 0.893004825 1.103623015 3.00 -1.27746 0.17166 0.899017934 1.125281264 4.00 -1.27746 0.17166 0.899017934 1.125281264 """) compute = compute
[docs]class KothaEtAl2016Armenia(KothaEtAl2016Turkey): """ Adaptation of Kotha et al. (2016) - Turkey Regionalisation - for use in Armenia """ COEFFS_ADJUST = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT a b tau_adj sig_adj pga -4.69043 0.75333 1.309083043 1.468617949 0.01 -4.69043 0.75333 1.309083043 1.468617949 0.10 -4.72868 0.74971 1.336985424 1.497481448 0.15 -4.51782 0.71800 1.353741045 1.580257565 0.20 -4.46285 0.70487 1.352808356 1.572527267 0.25 -3.92145 0.60281 1.257121957 1.510959250 0.30 -3.62217 0.55451 1.181996812 1.505253214 0.40 -2.99273 0.45143 1.067481785 1.380782474 0.50 -2.51620 0.37752 1.000819031 1.304662398 0.75 -2.23067 0.35049 0.922194178 1.190464263 1.00 -2.30317 0.37384 0.935864813 1.140699579 2.00 -1.95774 0.31052 0.884893920 1.097828852 3.00 -2.55008 0.39507 0.965496258 1.178953103 4.00 -2.55008 0.39507 0.965496258 1.178953103 """) compute = compute
[docs]class ChiouYoungs2014Armenia(ChiouYoungs2014): """ Adaptation of Chiou & Youngs (2014) for use in Armenia """ COEFFS_ADJUST = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT a b tau_adj sig_adj pga -4.51489 0.57803 1.647935626 1.331572905 0.01 -4.51489 0.57803 1.647935626 1.331572905 0.10 -4.81330 0.60673 1.727544316 1.399648152 0.15 -4.42289 0.57473 1.647848885 1.418029342 0.20 -4.03866 0.51074 1.541820226 1.351192764 0.25 -3.35194 0.39041 1.413327547 1.283876978 0.30 -2.99454 0.33887 1.345459122 1.274993187 0.40 -2.32174 0.22834 1.247508543 1.211456466 0.50 -1.92942 0.17754 1.171085981 1.169131822 0.75 -1.72756 0.17691 1.126882382 1.137432224 1.00 -1.67691 0.18544 1.130029032 1.125152033 2.00 -1.83778 0.23912 1.175741677 1.242777814 3.00 -1.94949 0.28219 1.223141696 1.318344654 4.00 -1.94949 0.28219 1.223141696 1.318344654 """) compute = compute