Source code for openquake.calculators.post_risk

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020, GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake.  If not, see <>.

import os
import getpass
import logging
import itertools
import numpy
import pandas

from openquake.baselib import general, parallel, python3compat
from openquake.hazardlib.stats import weighted_quantiles
from openquake.risklib import asset, scientific, reinsurance
from openquake.commonlib import datastore, logs
from openquake.calculators import base, views
from openquake.calculators.base import expose_outputs

U8 = numpy.uint8
F32 = numpy.float32
F64 = numpy.float64
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32

[docs]class FakeBuilder: eff_time = 0. pla_factor = None
[docs]def fix_investigation_time(oq, dstore): """ If starting from GMFs, fix oq.investigation_time. :returns: the number of hazard realizations """ R = len(dstore['weights']) if 'gmfs' in oq.inputs and not oq.investigation_time: attrs = dstore['gmf_data'].attrs inv_time = attrs['investigation_time'] eff_time = attrs['effective_time'] if inv_time: # is zero in scenarios oq.investigation_time = inv_time oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path = eff_time / (oq.investigation_time * R) return R
[docs]def save_curve_stats(dstore): """ Save agg_curves-stats """ oq = dstore['oqparam'] units = dstore['exposure'].cost_calculator.get_units(oq.loss_types) try: K = len(dstore['agg_keys']) except KeyError: K = 0 stats = oq.hazard_stats() S = len(stats) weights = dstore['weights'][:] aggcurves_df = dstore.read_df('aggcurves') periods = aggcurves_df.return_period.unique() P = len(periods) ep_fields = [] if 'loss' in aggcurves_df: ep_fields = ['loss'] if 'loss_aep' in aggcurves_df: ep_fields.append('loss_aep') if 'loss_oep' in aggcurves_df: ep_fields.append('loss_oep') EP = len(ep_fields) for lt in oq.ext_loss_types: loss_id = scientific.LOSSID[lt] out = numpy.zeros((K + 1, S, P, EP)) aggdf = aggcurves_df[aggcurves_df.loss_id == loss_id] for agg_id, df in aggdf.groupby("agg_id"): for s, stat in enumerate(stats.values()): for p in range(P): for e, ep_field in enumerate(ep_fields): dfp = df[df.return_period == periods[p]] ws = weights[dfp.rlz_id.to_numpy()] ws /= ws.sum() out[agg_id, s, p, e] = stat(dfp[ep_field].to_numpy(), ws) stat = 'agg_curves-stats/' + lt dstore.create_dset(stat, F64, (K + 1, S, P, EP)) dstore.set_shape_descr(stat, agg_id=K+1, stat=list(stats), return_period=periods, ep_fields=ep_fields) dstore.set_attrs(stat, units=units) dstore[stat][:] = out
[docs]def reagg_idxs(num_tags, tagnames): """ :param num_tags: dictionary tagname -> number of tags with that tagname :param tagnames: subset of tagnames of interest :returns: T = T1 x ... X TN indices with repetitions Reaggregate indices. Consider for instance a case with 3 tagnames, taxonomy (4 tags), region (3 tags) and country (2 tags): >>> num_tags = dict(taxonomy=4, region=3, country=2) There are T = T1 x T2 x T3 = 4 x 3 x 2 = 24 combinations. The function will return 24 reaggregated indices with repetions depending on the selected subset of tagnames. For instance reaggregating by taxonomy and region would give: >>> list(reagg_idxs(num_tags, ['taxonomy', 'region'])) # 4x3 [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11] Reaggregating by taxonomy and country would give: >>> list(reagg_idxs(num_tags, ['taxonomy', 'country'])) # 4x2 [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7] Reaggregating by region and country would give: >>> list(reagg_idxs(num_tags, ['region', 'country'])) # 3x2 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Here is an example of single tag aggregation: >>> list(reagg_idxs(num_tags, ['taxonomy'])) # 4 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] """ shape = list(num_tags.values()) T = arr = numpy.arange(T).reshape(shape) ranges = [numpy.arange(n) if t in tagnames else [slice(None)] for t, n in num_tags.items()] for i, idx in enumerate(itertools.product(*ranges)): arr[idx] = i return arr.flatten()
[docs]def get_loss_builder(dstore, oq, return_periods=None, loss_dt=None, num_events=None): """ :param dstore: datastore for an event based risk calculation :returns: a LossCurvesMapsBuilder instance or a Mock object for scenarios """ assert oq.investigation_time weights = dstore['weights'][()] haz_time = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path * ( len(weights) if oq.collect_rlzs else 1) if oq.collect_rlzs: try: etime = dstore['gmf_data'].attrs['effective_time'] except KeyError: etime = None haz_time = (oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path * len(weights)) if etime and etime != haz_time: raise ValueError('The effective time stored in gmf_data is %d, ' 'which is inconsistent with %d' % (etime, haz_time)) num_events = numpy.array([len(dstore['events'])]) weights = numpy.ones(1) else: haz_time = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path if num_events is None: num_events = numpy.bincount( dstore['events']['rlz_id'], minlength=len(weights)) max_events = num_events.max() periods = return_periods or oq.return_periods or scientific.return_periods( haz_time, max_events) # in case_master [1, 2, 5, 10] if 'post_loss_amplification' in oq.inputs: pla_factor = scientific.pla_factor( dstore.read_df('post_loss_amplification')) else: pla_factor = None return scientific.LossCurvesMapsBuilder( oq.conditional_loss_poes, numpy.array(periods), loss_dt or oq.loss_dt(), weights, haz_time, oq.risk_investigation_time or oq.investigation_time, pla_factor=pla_factor)
[docs]def get_src_loss_table(dstore, loss_id): """ :returns: (source_ids, array of losses of shape Ns) """ K = dstore['risk_by_event'].attrs.get('K', 0) alt = dstore.read_df('risk_by_event', 'agg_id', dict(agg_id=K, loss_id=loss_id)) if len(alt) == 0: # no losses for this loss type return [], () ws = dstore['weights'][:] events = dstore['events'][:] ruptures = dstore['ruptures'][:] source_id = dstore['source_info']['source_id'] eids = alt.event_id.to_numpy() evs = events[eids] rlz_ids = evs['rlz_id'] srcidx = dict(ruptures[['id', 'source_id']]) srcids = [srcidx[rup_id] for rup_id in evs['rup_id']] srcs = python3compat.decode(source_id[srcids]) acc = general.AccumDict(accum=0) for src, rlz_id, loss in zip(srcs, rlz_ids, alt.loss.to_numpy()): acc[src] += loss * ws[rlz_id] return zip(*sorted(acc.items()))
[docs]def fix_dtype(dic, dtype, names): for name in names: dic[name] = dtype(dic[name])
[docs]def fix_dtypes(dic): """ Fix the dtypes of the given columns inside a dictionary (to be called before conversion to a DataFrame) """ fix_dtype(dic, U32, ['agg_id']) fix_dtype(dic, U8, ['loss_id']) if 'event_id' in dic: fix_dtype(dic, U32, ['event_id']) if 'rlz_id' in dic: fix_dtype(dic, U16, ['rlz_id']) if 'return_period' in dic: fix_dtype(dic, U32, ['return_period']) floatcolumns = [col for col in dic if col not in { 'agg_id', 'loss_id', 'event_id', 'rlz_id', 'return_period'}] fix_dtype(dic, F32, floatcolumns)
[docs]def build_aggcurves(items, builder, num_events, aggregate_loss_curves_types, monitor): """ :param items: a list of pairs ((agg_id, rlz_id, loss_id), losses) :param builder: a :class:`LossCurvesMapsBuilder` instance """ dic = general.AccumDict(accum=[]) for (agg_id, rlz_id, loss_id), data in items: year = data.pop('year', ()) curve = { col: builder.build_curve( # col is 'losses' in the case of consequences year, 'loss' if col == 'losses' else col, data[col], aggregate_loss_curves_types, scientific.LOSSTYPE[loss_id], num_events[rlz_id]) for col in data} for p, period in enumerate(builder.return_periods): dic['agg_id'].append(agg_id) dic['rlz_id'].append(rlz_id) dic['loss_id'].append(loss_id) dic['return_period'].append(period) for col in data: # NB: 'fatalities' in EventBasedDamageTestCase.test_case_15 for k, c in curve[col].items(): dic[k].append(c[p]) return dic
[docs]def get_loss_id(ext_loss_types): if 'structural' in ext_loss_types: return scientific.LOSSID['structural'] return scientific.LOSSID[ext_loss_types[0]]
# launch Starmap building the aggcurves and store them
[docs]def store_aggcurves(oq, agg_ids, rbe_df, builder, loss_cols, events, num_events, dstore): aggtypes = oq.aggregate_loss_curves_types'Building aggcurves') units = dstore['exposure'].cost_calculator.get_units(oq.loss_types) try: year = events['year'] if len(numpy.unique(year)) == 1: # there is a single year year = () except ValueError: # missing in case of GMFs from CSV year = () items = [] for agg_id in agg_ids: gb = rbe_df[rbe_df.agg_id == agg_id].groupby(['rlz_id', 'loss_id']) for (rlz_id, loss_id), df in gb: data = {col: df[col].to_numpy() for col in loss_cols} if len(year): data['year'] = year[df.event_id.to_numpy()] items.append([(agg_id, rlz_id, loss_id), data]) dstore.swmr_on() dic = parallel.Starmap.apply( build_aggcurves, (items, builder, num_events, aggtypes), concurrent_tasks=oq.concurrent_tasks, h5=dstore.hdf5).reduce() fix_dtypes(dic) suffix = {'ep': '', 'aep': '_aep', 'oep': '_oep'} ep_fields = ['loss' + suffix[a] for a in aggtypes.split(', ')] dstore.create_df('aggcurves', pandas.DataFrame(dic), limit_states=' '.join(oq.limit_states), units=units, ep_fields=ep_fields)
[docs]def compute_aggrisk(dstore, oq, rbe_df, num_events, agg_ids): """ Compute the aggrisk DataFrame with columns agg_id, rlz_id, loss_id, loss """ L = len(oq.loss_types) weights = dstore['weights'][:] if oq.investigation_time: # event based tr = oq.time_ratio # (risk_invtime / haz_invtime) * num_ses if oq.collect_rlzs: # reduce the time ratio by the number of rlzs tr /= len(weights) columns = [col for col in rbe_df.columns if col not in { 'event_id', 'agg_id', 'rlz_id', 'loss_id', 'variance'}] if oq.investigation_time is None or all( col.startswith('dmg_') for col in columns): builder = FakeBuilder() else: builder = get_loss_builder(dstore, oq, num_events=num_events) dmgs = [col for col in columns if col.startswith('dmg_')] if dmgs: aggnumber = dstore['agg_values']['number'] acc = general.AccumDict(accum=[]) quantiles = general.AccumDict(accum=([], [])) for agg_id in agg_ids: gb = rbe_df[rbe_df.agg_id == agg_id].groupby(['rlz_id', 'loss_id']) for (rlz_id, loss_id), df in gb: ne = num_events[rlz_id] acc['agg_id'].append(agg_id) acc['rlz_id'].append(rlz_id) acc['loss_id'].append(loss_id) if dmgs: # infer the number of buildings in nodamage state ndamaged = sum(df[col].sum() for col in dmgs) dmg0 = aggnumber[agg_id] - ndamaged / (ne * L) assert dmg0 >= 0, dmg0 acc['dmg_0'].append(dmg0) for col in columns: losses = df[col].sort_values().to_numpy() sorted_losses, _, eperiods = scientific.fix_losses( losses, ne, builder.eff_time) if oq.quantiles and not col.startswith('dmg_'): ls, ws = quantiles[agg_id, loss_id, col] ls.extend(sorted_losses) ws.extend([weights[rlz_id]]* len(sorted_losses)) agg = sorted_losses.sum() acc[col].append( agg * tr if oq.investigation_time else agg/ne) if builder.pla_factor: agg = sorted_losses @ builder.pla_factor(eperiods) acc['pla_' + col].append( agg * tr if oq.investigation_time else agg/ne) fix_dtypes(acc) aggrisk = pandas.DataFrame(acc) out = general.AccumDict(accum=[]) if quantiles: for (agg_id, loss_id, col), (losses, ws) in quantiles.items(): qs = weighted_quantiles(oq.quantiles, losses, ws) out['agg_id'].append(agg_id) out['loss_id'].append(loss_id) for q, qvalue in zip(oq.quantiles, qs): qstring = ('%.2f' % q)[2:] # ie. '05' or '95' out[f'{col}q{qstring}'].append(qvalue) aggrisk_quantiles = pandas.DataFrame(out) return aggrisk, aggrisk_quantiles, columns, builder
# aggcurves are built in parallel, aggrisk sequentially
[docs]def build_store_agg(dstore, oq, rbe_df, num_events): """ Build the aggrisk and aggcurves tables from the risk_by_event table """ size = dstore.getsize('risk_by_event')'Building aggrisk from %s of risk_by_event', general.humansize(size)) rups = len(dstore['ruptures']) events = dstore['events'][:] rlz_id = events['rlz_id'] rup_id = events['rup_id'] if len(num_events) > 1: rbe_df['rlz_id'] = rlz_id[rbe_df.event_id.to_numpy()] else: rbe_df['rlz_id'] = 0 agg_ids = rbe_df.agg_id.unique() K = agg_ids.max() T = scientific.LOSSID[oq.total_losses or 'structural']"Performing %d aggregations", len(agg_ids)) aggrisk, aggrisk_quantiles, columns, builder = compute_aggrisk( dstore, oq, rbe_df, num_events, agg_ids) dstore.create_df( 'aggrisk', aggrisk, limit_states=' '.join(oq.limit_states)) if len(aggrisk_quantiles): dstore.create_df('aggrisk_quantiles', aggrisk_quantiles) loss_cols = [col for col in columns if not col.startswith('dmg_')] for agg_id in agg_ids: # build loss_by_event and loss_by_rupture if agg_id == K and ('loss' in columns or 'losses' in columns) and rups: df = rbe_df[(rbe_df.agg_id == K) & (rbe_df.loss_id == T)].copy() if len(df): df['rup_id'] = rup_id[df.event_id.to_numpy()] if 'losses' in columns: # for consequences df['loss'] = df['losses'] lbe_df = df[['event_id', 'loss']].sort_values( 'loss', ascending=False) gb = df[['rup_id', 'loss']].groupby('rup_id') rbr_df = gb.sum().sort_values('loss', ascending=False) dstore.create_df('loss_by_rupture', rbr_df.reset_index()) dstore.create_df('loss_by_event', lbe_df) if oq.investigation_time and loss_cols: store_aggcurves(oq, agg_ids, rbe_df, builder, loss_cols, events, num_events, dstore) return aggrisk
[docs]def build_reinsurance(dstore, oq, num_events): """ Build and store the tables `reinsurance-avg_policy` and `reinsurance-avg_portfolio`; for event_based, also build the `reinsurance-aggcurves` table. """ size = dstore.getsize('reinsurance-risk_by_event')'Building reinsurance-aggcurves from %s of ' 'reinsurance-risk_by_event', general.humansize(size)) if oq.investigation_time: tr = oq.time_ratio # risk_invtime / (haz_invtime * num_ses) if oq.collect_rlzs: # reduce the time ratio by the number of rlzs tr /= len(dstore['weights']) events = dstore['events'][:] rlz_id = events['rlz_id'] try: year = events['year'] if len(numpy.unique(year)) == 1: # there is a single year year = () except ValueError: # missing in case of GMFs from CSV year = () rbe_df = dstore.read_df('reinsurance-risk_by_event', 'event_id') columns = rbe_df.columns if len(num_events) > 1: rbe_df['rlz_id'] = rlz_id[rbe_df.index.to_numpy()] else: rbe_df['rlz_id'] = 0 builder = (get_loss_builder(dstore, oq, num_events=num_events) if oq.investigation_time else FakeBuilder()) avg = general.AccumDict(accum=[]) dic = general.AccumDict(accum=[]) for rlzid, df in rbe_df.groupby('rlz_id'): ne = num_events[rlzid] avg['rlz_id'].append(rlzid) for col in columns: agg = df[col].sum() avg[col].append(agg * tr if oq.investigation_time else agg / ne) if oq.investigation_time: if len(year): years = year[df.index.to_numpy()] else: years = () curve = {col: builder.build_curve( years, col, df[col].to_numpy(), oq.aggregate_loss_curves_types, 'reinsurance', ne) for col in columns} for p, period in enumerate(builder.return_periods): dic['rlz_id'].append(rlzid) dic['return_period'].append(period) for col in curve: for k, c in curve[col].items(): dic[k].append(c[p]) cc = dstore['exposure'].cost_calculator dstore.create_df('reinsurance-avg_portfolio', pandas.DataFrame(avg), units=cc.get_units(oq.loss_types)) # aggrisk by policy avg = general.AccumDict(accum=[]) rbp_df = dstore.read_df('reinsurance_by_policy') if len(num_events) > 1: rbp_df['rlz_id'] = rlz_id[rbp_df.event_id.to_numpy()] else: rbp_df['rlz_id'] = 0 columns = [col for col in rbp_df.columns if col not in {'event_id', 'policy_id', 'rlz_id'}] for (rlz_id, policy_id), df in rbp_df.groupby(['rlz_id', 'policy_id']): ne = num_events[rlz_id] avg['rlz_id'].append(rlz_id) avg['policy_id'].append(policy_id) for col in columns: agg = df[col].sum() avg[col].append(agg * tr if oq.investigation_time else agg / ne) dstore.create_df('reinsurance-avg_policy', pandas.DataFrame(avg), units=cc.get_units(oq.loss_types)) if oq.investigation_time is None: return dic['return_period'] = F32(dic['return_period']) dic['rlz_id'] = U16(dic['rlz_id']) dstore.create_df('reinsurance-aggcurves', pandas.DataFrame(dic), units=cc.get_units(oq.loss_types))
[docs]@base.calculators.add('post_risk') class PostRiskCalculator(base.RiskCalculator): """ Compute losses and loss curves starting from an event loss table. """
[docs] def pre_execute(self): oq = self.oqparam ds = self.datastore self.reaggreate = False if oq.hazard_calculation_id and not ds.parent: ds.parent = if not hasattr(self, 'assetcol'): self.assetcol = ds.parent['assetcol'] base.save_agg_values( ds, self.assetcol, oq.loss_types, oq.aggregate_by, oq.max_aggregations) aggby = ds.parent['oqparam'].aggregate_by self.reaggreate = (aggby and oq.aggregate_by and set(oq.aggregate_by[0]) < set(aggby[0])) if self.reaggreate: [names] = aggby self.num_tags = dict( zip(names, self.assetcol.tagcol.agg_shape(names))) self.L = len(oq.loss_types) if self.R > 1: self.num_events = numpy.bincount( ds['events']['rlz_id'], minlength=self.R) # events by rlz else: self.num_events = numpy.array([len(ds['events'])])
[docs] def execute(self): oq = self.oqparam R = fix_investigation_time(oq, self.datastore) if oq.investigation_time: eff_time = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path * R if 'reinsurance' in oq.inputs: logging.warning('Reinsurance calculations are still experimental') self.policy_df = self.datastore.read_df('policy') self.treaty_df = self.datastore.read_df('treaty_df') # there must be a single loss type (possibly a total type) ideduc = self.datastore['assetcol/array']['ideductible'].any() if (oq.total_losses or len(oq.loss_types) == 1) and ideduc: # claim already computed and present in risk_by_event lt = 'claim' else: # claim to be computed from the policies [lt] = oq.inputs['reinsurance'] loss_id = scientific.LOSSID[lt] parent = self.datastore.parent if parent and 'risk_by_event' in parent: dstore = parent else: dstore = self.datastore ct = oq.concurrent_tasks or 1 # now aggregate risk_by_event by policy allargs = [(dstore, pdf, self.treaty_df, loss_id) for pdf in numpy.array_split(self.policy_df, ct)] self.datastore.swmr_on() smap = parallel.Starmap(reinsurance.reins_by_policy, allargs, h5=self.datastore.hdf5) rbp = pandas.concat(list(smap)) if len(rbp) == 0: raise ValueError('No data in risk_by_event for %r' % lt) rbe = reinsurance.by_event(rbp, self.treaty_df, self._monitor) self.datastore.create_df('reinsurance_by_policy', rbp) self.datastore.create_df('reinsurance-risk_by_event', rbe) if oq.investigation_time and oq.return_periods != [0]: # setting return_periods = 0 disable loss curves if eff_time < 2: logging.warning( 'eff_time=%s is too small to compute loss curves', eff_time) return'Aggregating by %s', oq.aggregate_by) if 'source_info' in self.datastore and 'risk' in oq.calculation_mode:'Building the src_loss_table') with self.monitor('src_loss_table', measuremem=True): for loss_type in oq.loss_types: source_ids, losses = get_src_loss_table( self.datastore, scientific.LOSSID[loss_type]) self.datastore['src_loss_table/' + loss_type] = losses self.datastore.set_shape_descr( 'src_loss_table/' + loss_type, source=source_ids) K = len(self.datastore['agg_keys']) if oq.aggregate_by else 0 rbe_df = self.datastore.read_df('risk_by_event') if len(rbe_df) == 0: logging.warning('The risk_by_event table is empty, perhaps the ' 'hazard is too small?') return 0 if self.reaggreate: idxs = numpy.concatenate([ reagg_idxs(self.num_tags, oq.aggregate_by[0]), numpy.array([K], int)]) rbe_df['agg_id'] = idxs[rbe_df['agg_id'].to_numpy()] rbe_df = rbe_df.groupby( ['event_id', 'loss_id', 'agg_id']).sum().reset_index() self.aggrisk = build_store_agg( self.datastore, oq, rbe_df, self.num_events) if 'reinsurance-risk_by_event' in self.datastore: build_reinsurance(self.datastore, oq, self.num_events) return 1
[docs] def post_execute(self, ok): """ Sanity checks and save agg_curves-stats """ if os.environ.get('OQ_APPLICATION_MODE') == 'ARISTOTLE': try: self._plot_assets() except Exception: logging.error('', exc_info=True) if not ok: # the hazard is to small return oq = self.oqparam if 'risk' in oq.calculation_mode: self.datastore['oqparam'] = oq for ln in self.oqparam.loss_types: li = scientific.LOSSID[ln] dloss = views.view('delta_loss:%d' % li, self.datastore) if dloss['delta'].mean() > .1: # more than 10% variation logging.warning( 'A big variation in the %s losses is expected: try' '\n$ oq show delta_loss:%d %d', ln, li, self.datastore.calc_id)'Sanity check on avg_losses and aggrisk') if 'avg_losses-rlzs' in set(self.datastore): url = ('' 'addition-is-non-associative.html') K = len(self.datastore['agg_keys']) if oq.aggregate_by else 0 aggrisk = self.aggrisk[self.aggrisk.agg_id == K] avg_losses = { lt: self.datastore['avg_losses-rlzs/' + lt][:].sum(axis=0) for lt in oq.loss_types} # shape (R, L) for _, row in aggrisk.iterrows(): ri, li = int(row.rlz_id), int(row.loss_id) lt = scientific.LOSSTYPE[li] if lt not in avg_losses: continue # check on the sum of the average losses avg = avg_losses[lt][ri] agg = row.loss if not numpy.allclose(avg, agg, rtol=.1): # a serious discrepancy is an error raise ValueError("agg != sum(avg) [%s]: %s %s" % (lt, agg, avg)) if not numpy.allclose(avg, agg, rtol=.001): # a small discrepancy is expected logging.warning( 'Due to rounding errors inherent in floating-point ' 'arithmetic, agg_losses != sum(avg_losses) [%s]: ' '%s != %s\nsee %s', lt, agg, avg, url) # save agg_curves-stats if self.R > 1 and 'aggcurves' in self.datastore: save_curve_stats(self.datastore)
[docs]def post_aggregate(calc_id: int, aggregate_by): """ Re-run the postprocessing after an event based risk calculation """ parent = oqp = parent['oqparam'] aggby = aggregate_by.split(',') parent_tags = asset.tagset(oqp.aggregate_by) if aggby and not parent_tags: raise ValueError('Cannot reaggregate from a parent calculation ' 'without aggregate_by') for tag in aggby: if tag not in parent_tags: raise ValueError('%r not in %s' % (tag, oqp.aggregate_by[0])) dic = dict( calculation_mode='reaggregate', description=oqp.description + '[aggregate_by=%s]' % aggregate_by, user_name=getpass.getuser(), is_running=1, status='executing', pid=os.getpid(), hazard_calculation_id=calc_id) log = logs.init('job', dic, logging.INFO) if os.environ.get('OQ_DISTRIBUTE') not in ('no', 'processpool'): os.environ['OQ_DISTRIBUTE'] = 'processpool' with log: oqp.hazard_calculation_id = parent.calc_id parallel.Starmap.init() prc = PostRiskCalculator(oqp, log.calc_id)[aggby]) expose_outputs(prc.datastore)