Glossary of Terms

Area Source

A source type usually adopted to model distributed seismicity. In an area source the seismicity occurrence rate is 
assumed uniform over the source area; this produces an hazard pattern with aplateau of constant hazard inside the 
polygon delimiting the area sourceand values of hazard that tend to decrease as we move away from the border of the 


An asset is an element with a certain value, which can include buildings or population. For example, an asset can include 
an individual building at a given location, or a number of buildings that are grouped, co- located at a single location 
and classified with the same *Taxonomy*


The simplest element in a logic tree; it belongs to a *Branch Set* where it represents one possible option among a finite 
number of alternatives. A branch is associated with a weight value if the *Branch Set* represents the epistemic uncertainty 
on a parameter or a model when the *Branch Set* is used to specify alternative models (e.g. district 
*Magnitude-Frequency Distribution*)

Branch Set

The structure describing the epistemic uncertainty on a specific parameter or model included in a logic tree structure. 
It ensembles a number of *Branch*, each one representing a discrete alternative


A unique set of input files for which we attempt to produce results. Input files include an INI-style config file 
(containing various calculation parameters) and various XML files. The structure of these XML files is defined by our 
XML specification: NRML. The quantity, type, and content of these XML files will vary depending on the calculation mode.

The terms calculation and job are often used synonymously, but it is important to understand the distinction.


A Python class which can implement various methods associated with each calculation phase. In order of execution, the 
phases are:

- pre_execute
- execute (this is the only required method)
- post_execute
- post_process
- export
- clean_up

Each calculation mode has its own calculator class defined, although many common functionalities are shared between 
calculators. This common functionality is abstracted into common base classes and plain functions.

Configuration File

The file (usually .ini) containing the information necessary to run a calculation in OpenQuake engine

Consequence Function

the distribution of the consequence (or loss) ratio conditional on a set of discrete limit states, defined for a 
particular *Taxonomy*

Consequence Model

A set of *Consequence Function* used to model the consequence ratios of all the *Taxonomy* in the *Exposure Model*

Control Node

The machine from which the user initiates a calculation. The control is responsible for running code which processes user 
input, initializes a calculation, distributes work, and manages/monitors the calculation until completion.

By convention, the machine used as the control node does not process tasks. The control node is also typically the 
machine which runs vital server processes, such as RabbitMQ, and PostgreSQL/PostGIS.

Characteristic Fault Source

A fault source typology where ruptures always cover the entire fault surface

Complex Fault Source

A source typology usually adopted to model subduction interface faults


A parameter used in the calculation of insured losses thatestablishes the economic value that needs to be deducted from 
the ground-up losses

Hazard Disaggregation

A methodology to investigate the contributions to aspecific level of hazard in terms of fundamental variables commonly 
usedto characterize seismic sources and ground motion models (e.g. magnitude, source-site distance, *Epsilon*)


The dip is the steepest angle of descent of the fault plane relative to a horizontal plane; it is measured in degrees 

Disaggregation Matrix

A multi-dimensional matrix used to systematically store thecontributions to a level of hazard to be disaggregated and 
that is specified by the user. See also *Seismic Hazard Disaggregation*

Earthquake Rupture Forecast

A list of all possible ruptures generated by all thesources included in a seismic source model. Each element in the 
listcontains: the rupture geometry and the rupture probability of occurrencein a given time span. See also the 
definition available on the `OpenSHA website <>`_

Earthquake Rupture Forecast Calculator

Calculator producing a *Seismic Source Model* from a *Seismic Source Logic Tree*


The term "engine" refers to the OpenQuake engine, the piece of software which is responsible for reading inputs, 
distributing calculations, and collecting outputs.


normalized residual of the ground motion

Exposure Model

A set of *Asset* grouped according to their geographical location, *Taxonomy* and value

Fault Trace

A curve representing the intersection between the surface containing the fault surface (or its prolongation) and the 
topographic surface

.. figure:: _images/single_rupture.png

   Fig. x.x Single rupture

Fragility Function

the probability of exceeding a set of limit states, given an intensity measure level. These functions can be discrete or 

Fragility Model

A set of *Vulnerability Function* used to model the fragility of all the *Asset* in the *Exposure Model*

Frequency-Magnitude Distribution

A distribution describing the frequency of earthquakes with a specific magnitude. It can be continuous or discrete. One 
frequency- magnitude distribution frequently adopted in PSHA is the double truncated Gutenberg-Richter distribution

Grid Source

A source typology usually adopted to model distributedseismicity. It is routinely produced by a seismicity smoothing 
algorithm (one of the most famous algorithm is the one proposed by Frankel 1995)

Ground-Motion Field (GMF)

An object describing the geographic distribution around a rupture of a ground motion intensity measure

Ground-Motion Field Calculator

An OpenQuake engine calculator that given a rupture computes thegeographic distribution of a ground motion intensity 
parameter. Currently OQ can generate ground motion fields using a *Ground-Motion Prediction Equation*

Ground-Motion Logic Tree

A method used to systematically describe the epistemicuncertainties related to the ground motion models used in the 
computation of hazard using a specific *PSHA Input Model*

Ground-Motion Model

An object that given a rupture with specific properties computes the expected ground motion at the given site. In 
simplest case aground motion model corresponds to a *Ground-Motion Prediction Equation*. Incase of complex PSHA input 
models, the produced ground motion models contains a set of *Ground-Motion Prediction Equations*, one for each tectonic 
region considered

Ground-Motion Parameter

A scalar or vector quantity describing a relevant propertyof the shaking such as intensity (e.g. PGA or Spectral 
Acceleration)or duration, equivalent number of cycles. See for example Hancock 2005.

Ground-Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE)

An equation that - given some fundamental parameters characterizing the source, the propagation path and the site (in 
thesimplest case magnitude, distance and *VS30* - computes the value GM of a (scalar) ground motion intensity parameter

Ground-Motion System

An object containing a list of *Ground-Motion Logic Trees*

Initial Seismic Source Input Model

It is the ensable of information needed to fully describethe seismic sources composing a seismic source input model. The 
initial seismic source input model is included in the first branching level of a seismic source logic tree

Insured Losses

Fraction of the ground-up losses that can be covered by the insurance industry, according to a certain policy

Integrated Risk Modelling Toolkit

A plugin for QGIS which includes tools to run the OpenQuake engine, to visualize hazard and risk results, to develop 
composite indicatorsand integrate them with physical risk estimations, and to predict building recovery times following 
an earthquake. This plugin was designed as a collaborative effort between the GEM Foundation and the Center for Disaster 
Management and Risk Reduction Technology, and it has been developed by the GEM Foundation.

Investigation Time

The time interval considered to calculate hazard; usually it corresponds to 50 years


The runtime “thing” which represents an attempt to complete a calculation. The job contains various pieces of information 
which are relevant while a calculation is in progress, including:

- status (i.e., “Is it running?”, as well as the calculation phase)
- logging level
- the user who initiated/owns this job
- engine process IDs

If in the future calculation resumability is supported, there could be more than 1 job associated with a calculation.


A parameter used in the calculation of insured losses that establishes the maximum economic amount that can be covered by 
the insurance industry, according to a certain insurance policy

Logic Tree

Data structure used to systematically describe uncertainties on parameters and models used in a PSHA study

Logic Tree Processor

An OQ calculator that takes the PSHA Input Model and createsmany realisations of a *Seismic Source Model* and of a 
*Ground-Motion Model*

Magnitude-Scaling Relationship

An empirical relationship linking the magnitude with a parameter describing the size of the corresponding rupture 
(e.g. the area of the rupture or the rupture length)

Magnitude-Frequency Distribution

A distribution describing the frequency of earthquakes with a specific magnitude. It can be continuous or discrete. One 
frequency-magnitude distribution frequently adopted in *PSHA* is the double truncated Gutenberg-Richter distribution

Non-Parametric Source

A source typology in which the earthquake rupture forecast isdescribed explicitly by a set of ruptures and the 
corresponding probabilities of occurrence

Natural Hazards’ Risk Markup Language

A markup language similar to XML, which specifies a numberof standardised schemas to represent various input models used 
for OpenQuake engine calculations and output files generated by the OpenQuake engine


OpenSHA is an open-source, advanced Java-based platformfor conducting Seismic Hazard Analysis - (see the 
`OpenSHA website <>`)

OpenQuake Hazard Library

The OpenQuake Hazard Library (``openquake.hazardlib``) is the Python library the OpenQuake engine team has developed to function as 
the core scientific library behind the OpenQuake engine for Seismic Hazard.

OpenQuake Risk Library

The OpenQuake Risk Library (``openquake.risklib``) is the Python library the OpenQuake engine team has developed to function as the 
core scientific library behind the OpenQuake engine for Seismic Risk.

Point Source

The elemental source typology used in the OpenQuake engine to model distributed seismicity

PSHA Input Model

An object containing the information necessary to describethe seismic source and the ground motion models - plus the related epistemic uncertainties

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA)

A methodology to compute seismic hazard by taking intoaccount the potential contributions coming from all the sources of 
engineering importance for a specified site

Earthquake Rupture

A 3D surface - representing a portion or the entire fault surface - over which a slip event (i.e. an earthquake) occurs

Rupture Model

An object containing the information necessary to describe a *Rupture*, such as magnitude, hypocenter location, strike, 
dip, rake, and seismogenic depths

Rupture Aspect Ratio

The ratio between the lenght and the width of an earthquake rupture


The rake is the direction in which a hanging wall block movesduring a rupture, measured relative to fault strike on the 
plane of the fault

Scenario Based SHA

An analyis of seismic hazard based on the selection of one or a few ruptures and the computation of the expected ground 
motion at a set of sites using a *GMPE* accounting ground motion variability

Seismicity History

An object containing a set ruptures representative of thepossible seismicity generated by the sources in a *Seismic Source 
Model* during the investigation time *t*

Seismicity Rate

Number of events per unit of time (if not betterspecified, the definition of a seismicity rate generally presumes a time 

Seismic Source Data

An object containing the information necessary tocompletely describe a *PSHA* seismic source i.e. seismic source type, 
position, geometry and seismicity occurrence model

Seismic Source Logic Tree

Logic tree structure defined to describe in structured and systematic way the epistemic uncertainties characterizing the 
seismic source model. The first branching level in the logic tree by definition contains one or several alternative 
*Initial Seismic Source Input Model*

Seismic Source Input Model

An object containing a list of *Seismic Source Data*. In the OpenQuake engine a seismic source model does not contain 
epistemic uncertainty

Seismic Source

An object that can generate **SHOULD BE COMPLETED**

Seismic Source Model (SSM)

An object containing a list of *Seismic Source* objects

Seismic Source System

An object containing a list of *Initial Seismic Source Input Model* and the *Seismic Source Logic Tree*

Simple Fault Source

A source typology usually adopted to model shallow structures with an uncomplicated geometry

Stochastic Event Set

An object containing one or many *Seismicity History*


The strike direction correspond to the angle between thenorth and the direction you take so that when you walk along the 
*Fault Trace* the fault dips on your right


Scheme used to specify attributes for the *Asset*. Attributes for an Asset could include the state, county, zip-code, 
city, occupancy, CRESTA ID, or other such markers that could be used in the post-processing stage of a risk calculation 
to aggregate results for each tag.


Scheme used to classify the *Asset*. For buildings, a classification scheme has been proposed by the GEM Foundation which 
considers anumber of attributes including lateral load resisting system and its material, height, year of construction. 
The taxonomy is currently used to link the *Asset* in the *Exposure Model* to the relevant *Vulnerability Function* or 
*Fragility Function*

Tectonic Region

A area on the topographic surface that can be considered homogeneous in terms of tectonic properties such as the 
prevalent seismogenic properties and/or the seismic wave propagation properties

Temporal Occurrence Model

Usually a probabilistic model giving the probability of occurrence of an event in a specified *Investigation Time*

Vulnerability Function

A function that describes the probability distribution ofloss ratio, conditioned on an intensity measure level. Currently only discrete vulnerability functions are supported

Vulnerability Model

A set of *Vulnerability Function* used to model the physical vulnerability of all the *Asset* in the *Exposure Model*


Average shear wave velocity of the materials in the uppermost 30m of the soil column

Worker Process

A process which is dedicated to task execution.

Worker Machine

A machine dedicated to run worker processes.

The concepts of “worker machines” and “worker processes” are often referred to synonymously (as “workers”, for short). 
Technically, there can be many worker processes running on a single worker machine. The number of worker processes per 
machine is typically equal to the number of CPU cores available.