Source code for openquake.hazardlib.gsim.douglas_stochastic_2013

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# Copyright (C) 2014-2025 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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Module exports
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import g
from math import sqrt
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import GMPE, CoeffsTable
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA, PGV, SA

[docs]def get_distance_scaling_term(C, rhyp): """ Returns the distance scaling term (equation 1) """ rval = rhyp + C['bh'] return C['b5'] * np.log(rval) + C['b6'] * rval
[docs]def get_magnitude_scaling_term(C, mag): """ Returns the magnitude scaling term (equation 1) """ mval = mag - 3.0 return (C['b1'] + C['b2'] * mval + C['b3'] * (mval ** 2.0) + C['b4'] * mval ** 3.0)
[docs]def get_stddevs(C_SIG): """ Returns the standard deviations N.B. In the paper, and with confirmation from the author, the aleatory variability terms from the empirical model are used in conjunction with the median coefficients from the stochastic model. In the empirical model, coefficients for a single-station intra-event sigma are derived. These are labeled as "phi". Inter-event coefficients corresponding to two observed geothermal sequences (Soultz-Sous-Forets and Basel) are also derived. The inter-event standard deviation is therefore taken as the ordinary mean of the two inter-event sigma terms """ intra = C_SIG['phi'] inter = (C_SIG['tau_s'] + C_SIG['tau_b']) / 2.0 total = sqrt(intra ** 2.0 + inter ** 2.0) return [total, inter, intra]
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005(GMPE): """ Implements the GMPE for induced seismicity in Geothermal Areas derived from stochastic simulations of ground motion constructed by: Douglas, J., Edwards, B., Convertito, V., Sharma, N., Tramelli, A., Kraaijpoel, D., Cabrera, B. M., Maercklin, N., and Troise, C. (2013) "Predicting Ground Motion for Induced Earthquakes in Geothermal Areas" Bulleting of the Seismological Society of America, 103(3), 1875 - 1897 The stochastic model by Douglas et al. (2013) provides coefficients for 36 GMPEs, corresponding to different values of Stress Drop (1 bar, 10 bar, 100 bar), Attentuation Quality Factor Q (200, 600, 1800) and high-frequency Kappa (0.005, 0.02, 0.04, 0.05 s). The present model is implemented for Stress Drop 1 bar, Q 200 and Kappa 0.005 s. The models for each combination of Stress Drop, Q and Kappa are implemented in subclasses, with only the median coefficients modified in each subclass Notes on implementation: 1) Aleatory uncertainty terms are not supplied for the stochastic coefficients. Instead the adjusted aleatory uncertainty coefficients derived from empirical observations are applied to the stochastic model. 2) In the initial coefficient set for the stochastic model coefficients for spectral accelerations up to 10 s are provided. However, the empirical aleatory uncertainties are provided only for periods up to 0.5012 s. Therefore, after consulation with J. Douglas, it is decided to limit longest applicable spectral period to Sa (0.5 s), rather than extrapolate the empricial aleatory coefficients to longer periods. 3) For PGA and Sa (< 0.01 s) the aleatory uncertainty coefficients for Sa (0.01 s) are applied (J. Douglas, pers. comm.) 4) For Sa (< 0.01 s) the coefficients are interpolated assuming PGA occurs at Sa (0.005 s) (J. Dougla, pers. comm.). We therefore limit the short period range to 0.005 s """ #: The supported tectonic region type is Geothermal because #: the equations have been developed for geothermal regions DEFINED_FOR_TECTONIC_REGION_TYPE = const.TRT.GEOTHERMAL #: The supported intensity measure types are PGA, PGV, and SA, see table #: 4.a, pages 22-23 DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = {PGA, PGV, SA} #: The supported intensity measure component is 'average horizontal', see #: section entitiled "Empirical Analysis", paragraph 1 DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT = const.IMC.GEOMETRIC_MEAN #: The supported standard deviations are total, inter and intra event, see #: table 4.a, pages 22-23 DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = { const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT, const.StdDev.INTRA_EVENT, const.StdDev.TOTAL} #: No additional site term is defined REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set() #: The required rupture parameters are magnitude REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = {'mag'} #: The required distance parameter is hypocentral distance REQUIRES_DISTANCES = {'rhypo'} #: Definined for a reference velocity of 1100 m/s (Table 4) DEFINED_FOR_REFERENCE_VELOCITY = 1100.0
[docs] def compute(self, ctx: np.recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi): """ See :meth:`superclass method <.base.GroundShakingIntensityModel.compute>` for spec of input and result values. """ for m, imt in enumerate(imts): C = self.COEFFS[imt] C_SIG = self.COEFFS_SIGMA[imt] mean[m] = (get_magnitude_scaling_term(C, ctx.mag) + get_distance_scaling_term(C, ctx.rhypo)) sig[m], tau[m], phi[m] = get_stddevs(C_SIG) #: Mean ground motions initially returned in cm/s/s (for PGA, SA) #: and cm/s for PGV if not imt.string == "PGV": # Convert mean from log(cm/s/s) to g mean[m] = np.log(np.exp(mean[m]) / (100. * g))
# IMT > 0.5 seconds removed from the present implementation # For median values, PGA is assumed equivalent to Sa (0.005 s) COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -0.911899 1.898031 -0.219505 0.021594 -1.329907 -0.016893 0.000000 0.272453 PGA 3.691836 1.401122 -0.219469 0.032238 -1.650703 -0.023499 0.110000 0.302012 0.005000 3.691836 1.401122 -0.219469 0.032238 -1.650703 -0.023499 0.110000 0.302012 0.010000 4.088129 1.396525 -0.212368 0.029869 -1.837709 -0.016626 0.000000 0.320983 0.020000 5.931361 1.372185 -0.197027 0.025748 -2.482646 -0.002140 0.950000 0.346455 0.030000 7.088704 1.335125 -0.182551 0.023845 -2.730126 -0.005237 2.010000 0.332423 0.040000 6.338391 1.291277 -0.174672 0.027038 -2.290429 -0.024085 1.810000 0.282412 0.050000 5.263431 1.250568 -0.178681 0.035678 -1.800646 -0.039319 1.160000 0.220561 0.075000 4.001717 1.220868 -0.222160 0.059438 -1.270830 -0.047952 0.350000 0.115105 0.100000 3.534052 1.274291 -0.269713 0.070710 -1.129130 -0.043285 0.140000 0.072277 0.150000 2.999563 1.453761 -0.336446 0.069763 -1.047842 -0.033311 0.010000 0.047346 0.200000 2.643874 1.642154 -0.373914 0.055965 -1.040540 -0.026098 0.000000 0.051645 0.300000 2.084980 1.965771 -0.401441 0.021288 -1.059220 -0.017376 0.000000 0.073924 0.400000 1.625988 2.209726 -0.398218 -0.008625 -1.086292 -0.012415 0.000000 0.092529 0.500000 1.238325 2.390165 -0.382327 -0.030766 -1.110481 -0.009430 0.000000 0.107816 """) COEFFS_SIGMA = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table=""" IMT phi tau_s tau_b pgv 0.53545879 0.65762034 0.55823845 pga 0.57602321 0.90206692 0.63679205 0.0050 0.57602321 0.90206692 0.63679205 0.0100 0.57602321 0.90206692 0.63679205 0.0104 0.57689520 0.90103091 0.63516156 0.0108 0.57783868 0.89116278 0.63196573 0.0112 0.57908780 0.87922269 0.62955373 0.0116 0.58103639 0.86723876 0.62733527 0.0121 0.58375210 0.85574873 0.62533168 0.0126 0.58662287 0.84854712 0.62395612 0.0130 0.58949877 0.84463184 0.62280841 0.0136 0.59226021 0.84360137 0.62191123 0.0141 0.59452817 0.84469266 0.62127164 0.0146 0.59719947 0.84835823 0.62133721 0.0152 0.60028971 0.85435847 0.62185373 0.0158 0.60362608 0.86262581 0.62244475 0.0164 0.60729815 0.87254971 0.62366185 0.0170 0.61179020 0.88519712 0.62549912 0.0177 0.61694496 0.90037312 0.62785447 0.0184 0.62248778 0.91757430 0.63166420 0.0191 0.62856213 0.93643339 0.63664928 0.0198 0.63519785 0.95313131 0.64157563 0.0206 0.64030966 0.97297199 0.64821970 0.0214 0.64621927 0.98848791 0.65515479 0.0222 0.65175226 0.99862058 0.66084582 0.0231 0.65698191 0.99593666 0.66425118 0.0240 0.66244820 0.98019441 0.66579263 0.0249 0.66842953 0.96775821 0.66790592 0.0259 0.67341753 0.96397265 0.67111507 0.0269 0.67807259 0.95589014 0.67574265 0.0279 0.68314489 0.94744882 0.68205857 0.0290 0.68760782 0.94059228 0.68860503 0.0301 0.69337407 0.93669825 0.69561266 0.0313 0.69831040 0.93197705 0.70264339 0.0325 0.70284223 0.92599937 0.71146997 0.0337 0.70700450 0.91851520 0.71952427 0.0350 0.71188544 0.90651575 0.72670161 0.0364 0.71608136 0.89308687 0.73385972 0.0378 0.71825235 0.88306961 0.74283159 0.0393 0.71758703 0.87559117 0.75090906 0.0408 0.71556058 0.86479011 0.75939834 0.0424 0.71317989 0.84854056 0.76688850 0.0440 0.71032003 0.83184489 0.77087696 0.0457 0.70305223 0.81781543 0.77179373 0.0475 0.69566273 0.80345026 0.76990948 0.0493 0.68796458 0.78437968 0.76712272 0.0513 0.68056087 0.75940460 0.76354482 0.0532 0.67268550 0.73333365 0.75718439 0.0553 0.66257190 0.70820063 0.75383256 0.0574 0.65076968 0.68528905 0.74765620 0.0597 0.63769895 0.66285926 0.73605336 0.0620 0.62804828 0.63826332 0.72269728 0.0644 0.61769784 0.61642661 0.71055894 0.0669 0.60678498 0.59579093 0.69844462 0.0695 0.59586816 0.58030542 0.68934140 0.0722 0.58258386 0.56640014 0.68200191 0.0750 0.57090572 0.55440356 0.67200412 0.0779 0.55972340 0.54483417 0.66070232 0.0809 0.54989996 0.53656315 0.65087230 0.0840 0.54218255 0.52645499 0.63999870 0.0873 0.53296740 0.51733857 0.62434404 0.0906 0.52298265 0.50745354 0.60940104 0.0941 0.51472294 0.49884621 0.59478133 0.0978 0.50819820 0.49137806 0.57445883 0.1016 0.50224816 0.48410339 0.55462523 0.1055 0.49877218 0.47243431 0.53473527 0.1096 0.49429293 0.46249198 0.51691791 0.1138 0.48943841 0.45880771 0.50033901 0.1183 0.48311183 0.45618579 0.48086407 0.1228 0.47694259 0.45337171 0.45851082 0.1276 0.47249189 0.45057534 0.43827336 0.1325 0.46703351 0.44524279 0.41509572 0.1377 0.46067205 0.44242663 0.39124108 0.1430 0.45466430 0.44466659 0.36692056 0.1485 0.45042283 0.43986274 0.34495155 0.1543 0.44817331 0.43876880 0.31754765 0.1603 0.44238566 0.41177095 0.29155521 0.1665 0.43701439 0.41028471 0.27984172 0.1729 0.43321154 0.38811549 0.27612026 0.1796 0.43021356 0.38221438 0.26793366 0.1866 0.42772176 0.37672571 0.26812502 0.1938 0.42501528 0.37275559 0.26418376 0.2013 0.42682516 0.37548950 0.26481937 0.2091 0.42487345 0.39198400 0.27158879 0.2172 0.42496052 0.38891404 0.27302182 0.2256 0.42359637 0.38854359 0.28490270 0.2344 0.42421801 0.38753753 0.29370418 0.2435 0.42432813 0.36517965 0.30141728 0.2529 0.42269786 0.36397903 0.31056065 0.2627 0.42148251 0.36956366 0.31864898 0.2729 0.41637955 0.37677653 0.32300185 0.2834 0.41748144 0.38346451 0.33456689 0.2944 0.41965081 0.38089013 0.34241338 0.3058 0.42104089 0.37814987 0.35063710 0.3177 0.42270009 0.34736191 0.36544202 0.3300 0.42334190 0.35085452 0.37534349 0.3428 0.42847146 0.34871270 0.36351831 0.3560 0.42568535 0.36172585 0.40147718 0.3698 0.43095089 0.36448882 0.38073027 0.3841 0.42794813 0.37338013 0.41080089 0.3990 0.43214173 0.38505632 0.42015150 0.4145 0.43634237 0.37807826 0.40857767 0.4305 0.43677233 0.38083883 0.42110004 0.4472 0.43246639 0.38896171 0.42343771 0.4825 0.41364167 0.39946754 0.43467297 0.5012 0.41676790 0.40295239 0.43749117 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K020( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 001 - Q 200 - Kappa 0.02 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -1.386232 2.002569 -0.243693 0.021568 -1.235992 -0.017009 0.000000 0.221558 PGA 2.514236 1.514284 -0.254728 0.034245 -1.368549 -0.026112 0.040000 0.251214 0.005000 2.514236 1.514284 -0.254728 0.034245 -1.368549 -0.026112 0.040000 0.251214 0.010000 2.526405 1.516447 -0.252939 0.033405 -1.373784 -0.026004 0.060000 0.248973 0.020000 2.845356 1.504545 -0.240064 0.029654 -1.498791 -0.022700 0.090000 0.277776 0.030000 3.648650 1.469251 -0.220269 0.025622 -1.754011 -0.018753 0.490000 0.310281 0.040000 4.099641 1.419897 -0.204483 0.025538 -1.813257 -0.022844 0.800000 0.300761 0.050000 4.017106 1.366809 -0.198300 0.030874 -1.672333 -0.031036 0.770000 0.259098 0.075000 3.432272 1.286782 -0.225641 0.054608 -1.302754 -0.041710 0.370000 0.145882 0.100000 3.095306 1.308094 -0.270743 0.068599 -1.145346 -0.040538 0.170000 0.085920 0.150000 2.689339 1.467746 -0.338665 0.069757 -1.048710 -0.032642 0.040000 0.046990 0.200000 2.370813 1.651499 -0.377802 0.056938 -1.023793 -0.026355 0.000000 0.045030 0.300000 1.859320 1.974641 -0.408833 0.023401 -1.029673 -0.018122 0.000000 0.058825 0.400000 1.414448 2.222739 -0.408549 -0.006291 -1.047952 -0.013325 0.000000 0.069394 0.500000 1.031582 2.409070 -0.394672 -0.028883 -1.066816 -0.010357 0.000000 0.078167 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K040( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 001 - Q 200 - Kappa 0.04 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -1.788106 2.115736 -0.262747 0.018942 -1.183227 -0.016038 0.000000 0.182817 PGA 1.730746 1.641503 -0.286487 0.033214 -1.253266 -0.024278 0.000000 0.210349 0.005000 1.730746 1.641503 -0.286487 0.033214 -1.253266 -0.024278 0.000000 0.210349 0.010000 1.690656 1.645102 -0.285898 0.032735 -1.238134 -0.024761 0.000000 0.205189 0.020000 1.712960 1.642704 -0.281724 0.031506 -1.244281 -0.024784 0.010000 0.207743 0.030000 1.911187 1.628613 -0.268113 0.027751 -1.313453 -0.023501 0.050000 0.233174 0.040000 2.262531 1.592429 -0.248109 0.024380 -1.407567 -0.023393 0.190000 0.262727 0.050000 2.505791 1.538042 -0.231744 0.025439 -1.427319 -0.026479 0.290000 0.263940 0.075000 2.603442 1.407264 -0.233098 0.045395 -1.288275 -0.034832 0.270000 0.183375 0.100000 2.508251 1.373744 -0.270432 0.063396 -1.160310 -0.036461 0.170000 0.110077 0.150000 2.277599 1.491856 -0.338778 0.068431 -1.050338 -0.031594 0.050000 0.051968 0.200000 2.039725 1.665845 -0.379240 0.056574 -1.016114 -0.026178 0.000000 0.044308 0.300000 1.610954 1.985064 -0.412594 0.023940 -1.014323 -0.018377 0.000000 0.054123 0.400000 1.197240 2.234736 -0.414919 -0.005173 -1.025421 -0.013737 0.000000 0.059470 0.500000 0.826458 2.425072 -0.403468 -0.027633 -1.038408 -0.010818 0.000000 0.061644 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K060( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 001 - Q 200 - Kappa 0.06 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -2.094492 2.210213 -0.273918 0.015167 -1.151849 -0.015183 0.000000 0.157734 PGA 1.221953 1.750749 -0.308085 0.030116 -1.207025 -0.022117 0.000000 0.183270 0.005000 1.221953 1.750749 -0.308085 0.030116 -1.207025 -0.022117 0.000000 0.183270 0.010000 1.175258 1.754990 -0.307949 0.029748 -1.189989 -0.022613 0.000000 0.177373 0.020000 1.152647 1.754891 -0.306030 0.029228 -1.179664 -0.023028 0.000000 0.175078 0.030000 1.179156 1.749522 -0.300167 0.027713 -1.186448 -0.023093 0.000000 0.181042 0.040000 1.314236 1.732339 -0.286382 0.024460 -1.227136 -0.022806 0.020000 0.203709 0.050000 1.515464 1.695458 -0.268091 0.022288 -1.269403 -0.023695 0.080000 0.226609 0.075000 1.806574 1.552540 -0.246343 0.034953 -1.234426 -0.029987 0.130000 0.202406 0.100000 1.910935 1.465001 -0.270167 0.055562 -1.155550 -0.032674 0.120000 0.134368 0.150000 1.873662 1.523761 -0.336936 0.066218 -1.053210 -0.030297 0.050000 0.060015 0.200000 1.722087 1.682213 -0.378975 0.055713 -1.013127 -0.025800 0.000000 0.045528 0.300000 1.385170 1.995187 -0.413693 0.023498 -1.008733 -0.018330 0.000000 0.053691 0.400000 1.013212 2.244722 -0.417310 -0.005358 -1.017300 -0.013748 0.000000 0.057483 0.500000 0.659877 2.436691 -0.407553 -0.027523 -1.025821 -0.010902 0.000000 0.056268 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q600K005( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 001 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.005 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -1.018152 1.715318 -0.175091 0.017816 -1.216500 -0.011993 0.000000 0.181752 PGA 3.589080 1.206609 -0.155223 0.024240 -1.401654 -0.019345 0.110000 0.190322 0.005000 3.589080 1.206609 -0.155223 0.024240 -1.401654 -0.019345 0.110000 0.190322 0.010000 4.911415 1.188752 -0.138552 0.018628 -1.869825 -0.008674 0.590000 0.220320 0.020000 5.191928 1.135551 -0.109690 0.011910 -1.699357 -0.026272 0.840000 0.183679 0.030000 4.424745 1.090555 -0.111595 0.020546 -1.299011 -0.036744 0.280000 0.117423 0.040000 4.140453 1.078605 -0.132558 0.033221 -1.178108 -0.034707 0.130000 0.086542 0.050000 3.979718 1.086974 -0.157835 0.044612 -1.132899 -0.030961 0.090000 0.072361 0.075000 3.678728 1.148153 -0.218371 0.064142 -1.084879 -0.023978 0.060000 0.054940 0.100000 3.429408 1.236027 -0.267416 0.072596 -1.062416 -0.019770 0.050000 0.043964 0.150000 2.980985 1.434977 -0.333077 0.069592 -1.031349 -0.015240 0.000000 0.037687 0.200000 2.636753 1.628285 -0.368781 0.054682 -1.032007 -0.012047 0.000000 0.048223 0.300000 2.076595 1.952199 -0.392267 0.018512 -1.050101 -0.008015 0.000000 0.072718 0.400000 1.611798 2.190614 -0.385264 -0.011874 -1.072593 -0.005658 0.000000 0.089592 0.500000 1.217886 2.362928 -0.366572 -0.033591 -1.091887 -0.004292 0.000000 0.101936 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q600K020( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 001 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.020 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -1.474885 1.853039 -0.216446 0.022361 -1.159570 -0.010882 0.000000 0.143047 PGA 2.342749 1.348400 -0.210078 0.032118 -1.205713 -0.017276 0.000000 0.154153 0.005000 2.342749 1.348400 -0.210078 0.032118 -1.205713 -0.017276 0.000000 0.154153 0.010000 2.338170 1.348362 -0.206283 0.030567 -1.198439 -0.017789 0.000000 0.151975 0.020000 2.706148 1.321070 -0.178654 0.021194 -1.287942 -0.018291 0.090000 0.183344 0.030000 3.016630 1.247722 -0.147054 0.017290 -1.278445 -0.023509 0.160000 0.168414 0.040000 3.092182 1.180248 -0.146904 0.027996 -1.200855 -0.026782 0.120000 0.123757 0.050000 3.113437 1.150349 -0.164788 0.040982 -1.147124 -0.026756 0.090000 0.093016 0.075000 3.078805 1.174853 -0.221704 0.063057 -1.088814 -0.022760 0.070000 0.059778 0.100000 2.966859 1.252330 -0.270653 0.072523 -1.061810 -0.019288 0.060000 0.044742 0.150000 2.661828 1.444789 -0.337856 0.070850 -1.027668 -0.015126 0.020000 0.033863 0.200000 2.363970 1.636500 -0.376007 0.057180 -1.015779 -0.012390 0.000000 0.040007 0.300000 1.853490 1.962959 -0.404872 0.022695 -1.023575 -0.008562 0.000000 0.056907 0.400000 1.405774 2.209079 -0.402015 -0.007610 -1.039558 -0.006239 0.000000 0.067075 0.500000 1.018525 2.390841 -0.385720 -0.030343 -1.054876 -0.004861 0.000000 0.074311 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q600K040( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 001 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.040 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -1.849385 1.993331 -0.247386 0.022239 -1.131444 -0.009860 0.000000 0.118667 PGA 1.632396 1.500688 -0.256860 0.035012 -1.163818 -0.014136 0.000000 0.130186 0.005000 1.632396 1.500688 -0.256860 0.035012 -1.163818 -0.014136 0.000000 0.130186 0.010000 1.590524 1.503304 -0.255601 0.034326 -1.146756 -0.014684 0.000000 0.124409 0.020000 1.601125 1.497411 -0.247909 0.031791 -1.142438 -0.015191 0.000000 0.126477 0.030000 1.734189 1.470071 -0.220930 0.023079 -1.158830 -0.016597 0.000000 0.147039 0.040000 1.895940 1.400327 -0.190818 0.020210 -1.149369 -0.019357 0.000000 0.146678 0.050000 2.058032 1.319473 -0.184034 0.030082 -1.132438 -0.020935 0.020000 0.123518 0.075000 2.312639 1.243607 -0.224363 0.058026 -1.091850 -0.020564 0.060000 0.072872 0.100000 2.369735 1.287114 -0.272167 0.070363 -1.062386 -0.018425 0.060000 0.049408 0.150000 2.249018 1.461465 -0.340081 0.070421 -1.026095 -0.014902 0.030000 0.033795 0.200000 2.033724 1.648897 -0.379300 0.057443 -1.007859 -0.012485 0.000000 0.038504 0.300000 1.606988 1.974347 -0.411268 0.024159 -1.009716 -0.008804 0.000000 0.052462 0.400000 1.192377 2.224049 -0.412193 -0.005299 -1.020254 -0.006499 0.000000 0.057828 0.500000 0.819211 2.412271 -0.399162 -0.027965 -1.031211 -0.005096 0.000000 0.059291 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q600K060( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 001 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.060 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -2.138493 2.106366 -0.265296 0.019400 -1.112992 -0.009315 0.000000 0.103976 PGA 1.148370 1.628251 -0.287747 0.033829 -1.144203 -0.012436 0.000000 0.115490 0.005000 1.148370 1.628251 -0.287747 0.033829 -1.144203 -0.012436 0.000000 0.115490 0.010000 1.100454 1.631890 -0.287275 0.033378 -1.126216 -0.012952 0.000000 0.109143 0.020000 1.075112 1.629870 -0.284137 0.032524 -1.113361 -0.013411 0.000000 0.105730 0.030000 1.094950 1.620201 -0.273619 0.029244 -1.112136 -0.013837 0.000000 0.110630 0.040000 1.183773 1.589289 -0.248480 0.022363 -1.119182 -0.014903 0.000000 0.124711 0.050000 1.298335 1.524158 -0.223210 0.021525 -1.113655 -0.016526 0.000000 0.125700 0.075000 1.600712 1.363323 -0.228312 0.048127 -1.083727 -0.018230 0.020000 0.087996 0.100000 1.797430 1.344676 -0.271421 0.065820 -1.062362 -0.017284 0.050000 0.057198 0.150000 1.843526 1.483017 -0.340243 0.069135 -1.024584 -0.014640 0.030000 0.035033 0.200000 1.716380 1.662307 -0.380380 0.056912 -1.003788 -0.012474 0.000000 0.038419 0.300000 1.382126 1.984756 -0.413535 0.023986 -1.004561 -0.008831 0.000000 0.052283 0.400000 1.009701 2.235505 -0.416269 -0.005047 -1.013269 -0.006494 0.000000 0.056224 0.500000 0.655144 2.426646 -0.405547 -0.027322 -1.020755 -0.005098 0.000000 0.054644 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q1800K005( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 001 - Q 1800 - Kappa 0.005 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -1.089531 1.630072 -0.146313 0.012334 -1.168735 -0.008155 0.000000 0.124303 PGA 3.388708 1.122579 -0.119078 0.016528 -1.225495 -0.015096 0.000000 0.126719 0.005000 3.388708 1.122579 -0.119078 0.016528 -1.225495 -0.015096 0.000000 0.126719 0.010000 4.343610 1.083149 -0.087678 0.006140 -1.384188 -0.019949 0.280000 0.136126 0.020000 4.203717 1.040558 -0.081142 0.010225 -1.161755 -0.024475 0.030000 0.085515 0.030000 4.121190 1.039103 -0.101964 0.022050 -1.124788 -0.019930 0.020000 0.070847 0.040000 4.023197 1.050014 -0.127977 0.034235 -1.108946 -0.016813 0.030000 0.063947 0.050000 3.919910 1.068474 -0.154822 0.045171 -1.097666 -0.014763 0.040000 0.059170 0.075000 3.669707 1.138406 -0.216292 0.064143 -1.077873 -0.011797 0.060000 0.048840 0.100000 3.422799 1.229220 -0.265269 0.072228 -1.058209 -0.010340 0.050000 0.039674 0.150000 2.975243 1.430294 -0.330036 0.068526 -1.028421 -0.008782 0.000000 0.035051 0.200000 2.629737 1.624149 -0.364343 0.052880 -1.028892 -0.007153 0.000000 0.046455 0.300000 2.065365 1.946322 -0.384991 0.015780 -1.045247 -0.004754 0.000000 0.069751 0.400000 1.596682 2.180485 -0.375923 -0.014639 -1.065822 -0.003215 0.000000 0.083940 0.500000 1.200007 2.347832 -0.356093 -0.035852 -1.083534 -0.002317 0.000000 0.093695 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q1800K020( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 001 - Q 1800 - Kappa 0.020 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -1.518957 1.789716 -0.200505 0.020891 -1.136435 -0.007080 0.000000 0.101454 PGA 2.278964 1.281239 -0.187155 0.029012 -1.160774 -0.010135 0.000000 0.106119 0.005000 2.278964 1.281239 -0.187155 0.029012 -1.160774 -0.010135 0.000000 0.106119 0.010000 2.271277 1.279336 -0.181408 0.026653 -1.148104 -0.010825 0.000000 0.102448 0.020000 2.510287 1.231997 -0.139437 0.012738 -1.153744 -0.013661 0.000000 0.113884 0.030000 2.773305 1.144600 -0.121580 0.018206 -1.126277 -0.015656 0.000000 0.090105 0.040000 2.949617 1.107808 -0.137090 0.031775 -1.108997 -0.015022 0.020000 0.072360 0.050000 3.040573 1.105361 -0.160743 0.043794 -1.098533 -0.013808 0.040000 0.063054 0.075000 3.060273 1.157222 -0.220450 0.064070 -1.075989 -0.011541 0.060000 0.049386 0.100000 2.960898 1.242219 -0.269693 0.072949 -1.057246 -0.010197 0.060000 0.039080 0.150000 2.658229 1.439044 -0.336715 0.070825 -1.025484 -0.008759 0.020000 0.031182 0.200000 2.360601 1.631946 -0.374442 0.056871 -1.014045 -0.007510 0.000000 0.038634 0.300000 1.848651 1.958532 -0.402005 0.021836 -1.021364 -0.005251 0.000000 0.055764 0.400000 1.398495 2.202972 -0.397681 -0.008785 -1.036128 -0.003747 0.000000 0.064827 0.500000 1.008973 2.382012 -0.380224 -0.031489 -1.050182 -0.002863 0.000000 0.070363 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q1800K040( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 001 - Q 1800 - Kappa 0.040 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -1.876373 1.944053 -0.238715 0.022681 -1.117377 -0.006641 0.000000 0.088373 PGA 1.591976 1.445796 -0.242326 0.034488 -1.141256 -0.008294 0.000000 0.093962 0.005000 1.591976 1.445796 -0.242326 0.034488 -1.141256 -0.008294 0.000000 0.093962 0.010000 1.548842 1.447824 -0.240619 0.033647 -1.123375 -0.008823 0.000000 0.087449 0.020000 1.552707 1.439552 -0.229645 0.029698 -1.113939 -0.009382 0.000000 0.086773 0.030000 1.660404 1.398755 -0.193116 0.018145 -1.113617 -0.010550 0.000000 0.093327 0.040000 1.826075 1.309703 -0.168290 0.021147 -1.102613 -0.011673 0.000000 0.085376 0.050000 2.002537 1.237327 -0.173306 0.034828 -1.091085 -0.012009 0.010000 0.073042 0.075000 2.289213 1.207877 -0.223633 0.060750 -1.073209 -0.011037 0.050000 0.052352 0.100000 2.362841 1.269949 -0.272128 0.071572 -1.055776 -0.009992 0.060000 0.039929 0.150000 2.246155 1.454130 -0.339822 0.070809 -1.023775 -0.008719 0.030000 0.030636 0.200000 2.031745 1.643962 -0.378796 0.057605 -1.006470 -0.007687 0.000000 0.037296 0.300000 1.604800 1.970501 -0.410250 0.024070 -1.008472 -0.005511 0.000000 0.051876 0.400000 1.189085 2.219741 -0.410435 -0.005587 -1.018448 -0.004004 0.000000 0.056958 0.500000 0.814452 2.406676 -0.396598 -0.028355 -1.028546 -0.003097 0.000000 0.057671 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q1800K060( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 001 - Q 1800 - Kappa 0.060 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -2.156614 2.065720 -0.260325 0.020572 -1.102852 -0.006529 0.000000 0.080242 PGA 1.119820 1.581392 -0.277976 0.034521 -1.129253 -0.007548 0.000000 0.086455 0.005000 1.119820 1.581392 -0.277976 0.034521 -1.129253 -0.007548 0.000000 0.086455 0.010000 1.071372 1.584734 -0.277309 0.034013 -1.110965 -0.008052 0.000000 0.079704 0.020000 1.044234 1.581690 -0.273399 0.032916 -1.097208 -0.008458 0.000000 0.075238 0.030000 1.055709 1.569219 -0.258863 0.027938 -1.091392 -0.008858 0.000000 0.076428 0.040000 1.129287 1.526973 -0.227602 0.019847 -1.090705 -0.009487 0.000000 0.080059 0.050000 1.245606 1.447151 -0.205176 0.022882 -1.084029 -0.010139 0.000000 0.075944 0.075000 1.594773 1.306652 -0.226203 0.052707 -1.071221 -0.010234 0.040000 0.056913 0.100000 1.796256 1.316835 -0.272206 0.068042 -1.056110 -0.009622 0.060000 0.041932 0.150000 1.848211 1.473278 -0.340626 0.069790 -1.024771 -0.008579 0.040000 0.030797 0.200000 1.714875 1.656796 -0.380397 0.057214 -1.002290 -0.007777 0.000000 0.037193 0.300000 1.380683 1.981208 -0.413167 0.024102 -1.003529 -0.005575 0.000000 0.051883 0.400000 1.007776 2.232006 -0.415518 -0.005016 -1.012018 -0.004014 0.000000 0.055722 0.500000 0.652442 2.422519 -0.404333 -0.027354 -1.019019 -0.003103 0.000000 0.053813 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q200K005( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 200 - Kappa 0.005 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 0.605318 2.239348 -0.247962 0.007715 -1.495398 -0.019604 0.250000 0.324479 PGA 5.875280 1.745388 -0.275130 0.025412 -1.934005 -0.023881 0.550000 0.381508 0.005000 5.875280 1.745388 -0.275130 0.025412 -1.934005 -0.023881 0.550000 0.381508 0.010000 6.217695 1.729050 -0.262333 0.022410 -2.101025 -0.018003 0.290000 0.423520 0.020000 9.158260 1.673934 -0.245104 0.022102 -3.094216 0.002983 2.030000 0.445541 0.030000 9.978339 1.602046 -0.239414 0.030472 -3.143382 -0.007983 3.080000 0.394974 0.040000 8.264174 1.537990 -0.249128 0.044234 -2.363145 -0.033505 2.250000 0.306393 0.050000 6.872820 1.507449 -0.272239 0.057068 -1.786378 -0.048164 1.330000 0.221661 0.075000 5.482143 1.584770 -0.336688 0.064514 -1.270507 -0.051998 0.430000 0.105096 0.100000 4.910161 1.746579 -0.377144 0.051911 -1.138473 -0.045404 0.190000 0.073122 0.150000 4.182565 2.060525 -0.407661 0.017125 -1.061257 -0.034238 0.010000 0.071638 0.200000 3.708136 2.306609 -0.407169 -0.012862 -1.069274 -0.026148 0.000000 0.079692 0.300000 2.981990 2.633960 -0.375320 -0.050843 -1.108363 -0.016665 0.000000 0.097484 0.400000 2.414119 2.821389 -0.333948 -0.067658 -1.145763 -0.011656 0.000000 0.118908 0.500000 2.022012 2.929733 -0.294952 -0.072515 -1.203786 -0.007894 0.080000 0.139949 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q200K020( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 200 - Kappa 0.020 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -0.096779 2.383856 -0.266292 0.002110 -1.354216 -0.019738 0.230000 0.245101 PGA 4.374535 1.917336 -0.307134 0.020805 -1.574418 -0.027204 0.450000 0.295194 0.005000 4.374535 1.917336 -0.307134 0.020805 -1.574418 -0.027204 0.450000 0.295194 0.010000 4.425233 1.915916 -0.303907 0.020040 -1.593433 -0.026748 0.510000 0.295897 0.020000 5.022820 1.881192 -0.284724 0.016837 -1.817288 -0.021213 0.670000 0.352047 0.030000 6.182574 1.804058 -0.267546 0.020760 -2.152706 -0.017533 1.390000 0.378696 0.040000 6.307568 1.719413 -0.264235 0.031634 -2.049173 -0.027098 1.520000 0.339448 0.050000 5.833904 1.654281 -0.275591 0.044755 -1.759576 -0.038042 1.190000 0.270470 0.075000 4.919003 1.649480 -0.331893 0.059787 -1.307550 -0.046727 0.510000 0.133370 0.100000 4.457979 1.778000 -0.375302 0.050641 -1.149814 -0.043367 0.250000 0.080117 0.150000 3.852046 2.076912 -0.410452 0.017520 -1.053774 -0.033966 0.070000 0.063501 0.200000 3.376321 2.322466 -0.412791 -0.011989 -1.028408 -0.027215 0.000000 0.062581 0.300000 2.676051 2.657490 -0.384656 -0.050445 -1.048271 -0.018226 0.000000 0.061316 0.400000 2.134605 2.855400 -0.345028 -0.068645 -1.085810 -0.012884 0.030000 0.069769 0.500000 1.736610 2.973288 -0.306396 -0.074972 -1.137275 -0.009075 0.110000 0.085640 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q200K040( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 200 - Kappa 0.040 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -0.687488 2.527271 -0.274220 -0.006401 -1.270136 -0.018579 0.200000 0.190232 PGA 3.279024 2.097278 -0.327817 0.011371 -1.389128 -0.026188 0.300000 0.232413 0.005000 3.279024 2.097278 -0.327817 0.011371 -1.389128 -0.026188 0.300000 0.232413 0.010000 3.284303 2.099098 -0.326753 0.011143 -1.391236 -0.026116 0.370000 0.226683 0.020000 3.339767 2.088811 -0.320785 0.010447 -1.408222 -0.025946 0.390000 0.236114 0.030000 3.750529 2.047995 -0.303726 0.009511 -1.545612 -0.023438 0.560000 0.280550 0.040000 4.250578 1.969295 -0.288486 0.015107 -1.658691 -0.024347 0.830000 0.307671 0.050000 4.362890 1.881148 -0.285246 0.026259 -1.597237 -0.030367 0.830000 0.289479 0.075000 4.120221 1.770714 -0.322112 0.049365 -1.323147 -0.040091 0.510000 0.173247 0.100000 3.864185 1.834616 -0.367246 0.047074 -1.167873 -0.040033 0.290000 0.099092 0.150000 3.422233 2.098779 -0.408472 0.016665 -1.050839 -0.033293 0.090000 0.064081 0.200000 3.018385 2.338399 -0.413324 -0.012508 -1.012372 -0.027349 0.000000 0.059582 0.300000 2.386917 2.674846 -0.388335 -0.050871 -1.019597 -0.018788 0.000000 0.049715 0.400000 1.844803 2.879976 -0.351108 -0.069598 -1.039009 -0.013838 0.010000 0.044455 0.500000 1.443464 3.006837 -0.314023 -0.076915 -1.081092 -0.010058 0.090000 0.049779 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q200K060( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 200 - Kappa 0.060 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -1.097634 2.637309 -0.274444 -0.014043 -1.231086 -0.017202 0.210000 0.157031 PGA 2.578048 2.240621 -0.336572 0.001667 -1.308454 -0.024230 0.240000 0.193963 0.005000 2.578048 2.240621 -0.336572 0.001667 -1.308454 -0.024230 0.240000 0.193963 0.010000 2.562845 2.243931 -0.336075 0.001470 -1.303756 -0.024302 0.300000 0.186931 0.020000 2.569763 2.239660 -0.334000 0.001646 -1.303550 -0.024424 0.340000 0.185469 0.030000 2.642638 2.222963 -0.326549 0.001279 -1.325062 -0.024235 0.350000 0.200132 0.040000 2.921247 2.177306 -0.312293 0.002562 -1.405149 -0.023560 0.460000 0.234883 0.050000 3.194821 2.101826 -0.300431 0.009233 -1.445578 -0.025567 0.570000 0.255596 0.075000 3.305510 1.926738 -0.313200 0.035011 -1.298833 -0.034756 0.430000 0.199228 0.100000 3.255483 1.913197 -0.355178 0.041352 -1.172368 -0.036714 0.280000 0.121239 0.150000 3.004214 2.123610 -0.403630 0.015702 -1.051662 -0.032377 0.100000 0.067149 0.200000 2.688200 2.353180 -0.411302 -0.013331 -1.007721 -0.027087 0.000000 0.059876 0.300000 2.156829 2.686815 -0.387751 -0.052032 -1.017363 -0.018479 0.000000 0.050439 0.400000 1.641840 2.894441 -0.351882 -0.070909 -1.029199 -0.013671 0.000000 0.040298 0.500000 1.182235 3.026362 -0.316201 -0.078545 -1.036206 -0.010984 0.000000 0.036532 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q600K005( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.005 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 0.399226 1.976778 -0.208627 0.015319 -1.298302 -0.015378 0.130000 0.223024 PGA 5.552878 1.438059 -0.208984 0.029624 -1.555031 -0.020992 0.400000 0.244204 0.005000 5.552878 1.438059 -0.208984 0.029624 -1.555031 -0.020992 0.400000 0.244204 0.010000 7.303571 1.395409 -0.177926 0.020530 -2.157182 -0.008337 1.160000 0.298737 0.020000 7.023987 1.276633 -0.153224 0.027707 -1.745299 -0.032132 1.060000 0.206642 0.030000 6.188354 1.223851 -0.189734 0.052538 -1.342493 -0.039370 0.450000 0.117224 0.040000 5.858554 1.253123 -0.235363 0.067220 -1.221775 -0.036003 0.280000 0.080921 0.050000 5.650634 1.316139 -0.274299 0.073340 -1.174988 -0.031743 0.230000 0.063701 0.075000 5.218693 1.512609 -0.341146 0.069154 -1.119276 -0.024434 0.170000 0.049166 0.100000 4.823678 1.708044 -0.377812 0.053403 -1.082143 -0.020453 0.100000 0.052826 0.150000 4.184307 2.037115 -0.403919 0.016870 -1.050870 -0.015655 0.010000 0.067581 0.200000 3.711971 2.283654 -0.400351 -0.013652 -1.060171 -0.012098 0.000000 0.078407 0.300000 2.982740 2.601639 -0.364046 -0.051219 -1.093085 -0.007740 0.000000 0.096058 0.400000 2.426178 2.775209 -0.320150 -0.066530 -1.129523 -0.005234 0.020000 0.114668 0.500000 2.002393 2.870147 -0.280178 -0.069583 -1.169527 -0.003495 0.070000 0.132142 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q600K020( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.02 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -0.277203 2.185642 -0.250640 0.012533 -1.213880 -0.013574 0.100000 0.159635 PGA 3.959118 1.671948 -0.271802 0.031204 -1.286048 -0.019660 0.160000 0.179971 0.005000 3.959118 1.671948 -0.271802 0.031204 -1.286048 -0.019660 0.160000 0.179971 0.010000 4.017162 1.665213 -0.264841 0.029351 -1.301096 -0.019577 0.230000 0.181727 0.020000 4.563020 1.588633 -0.220228 0.020149 -1.427232 -0.020657 0.440000 0.231305 0.030000 4.769998 1.441805 -0.205692 0.036515 -1.348874 -0.027225 0.410000 0.182017 0.040000 4.794690 1.373421 -0.236283 0.057856 -1.252219 -0.029232 0.320000 0.120403 0.050000 4.768092 1.386150 -0.273635 0.068505 -1.191185 -0.028265 0.260000 0.083776 0.075000 4.597890 1.542450 -0.342634 0.068098 -1.119271 -0.023541 0.190000 0.051075 0.100000 4.352686 1.728234 -0.381417 0.053625 -1.081155 -0.020010 0.140000 0.049248 0.150000 3.833814 2.054402 -0.411632 0.018525 -1.036691 -0.015778 0.050000 0.057232 0.200000 3.376930 2.304931 -0.411897 -0.011399 -1.021748 -0.012950 0.000000 0.059595 0.300000 2.677023 2.638076 -0.380831 -0.049952 -1.040550 -0.008698 0.000000 0.059030 0.400000 2.148759 2.828242 -0.338913 -0.067566 -1.079788 -0.005782 0.050000 0.066852 0.500000 1.738307 2.936455 -0.298828 -0.072794 -1.121944 -0.003786 0.120000 0.081141 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q600K040( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.04 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -0.789537 2.379491 -0.271641 0.003383 -1.184514 -0.011619 0.120000 0.123741 PGA 3.038850 1.905216 -0.312136 0.023319 -1.222269 -0.016180 0.120000 0.141692 0.005000 3.038850 1.905216 -0.312136 0.023319 -1.222269 -0.016180 0.120000 0.141692 0.010000 3.023028 1.904740 -0.310129 0.022996 -1.214832 -0.016406 0.170000 0.135111 0.020000 3.087900 1.885074 -0.297838 0.020616 -1.226169 -0.016693 0.210000 0.144902 0.030000 3.306016 1.803091 -0.261877 0.017577 -1.249219 -0.018916 0.250000 0.173652 0.040000 3.492669 1.665705 -0.248320 0.033194 -1.220502 -0.022021 0.240000 0.155980 0.050000 3.648336 1.575797 -0.267915 0.051968 -1.187511 -0.023153 0.230000 0.119504 0.075000 3.797474 1.607881 -0.336743 0.063623 -1.120779 -0.021884 0.190000 0.062318 0.100000 3.743565 1.761896 -0.379258 0.051789 -1.083615 -0.019261 0.160000 0.051151 0.150000 3.397650 2.073851 -0.412679 0.017806 -1.029702 -0.015741 0.060000 0.056234 0.200000 3.019391 2.322874 -0.414958 -0.011765 -1.006630 -0.013207 0.000000 0.056985 0.300000 2.387884 2.661951 -0.387985 -0.050139 -1.015168 -0.009072 0.000000 0.047948 0.400000 1.852708 2.864039 -0.349409 -0.068621 -1.035729 -0.006484 0.020000 0.042075 0.500000 1.448716 2.985416 -0.311157 -0.075406 -1.073942 -0.004340 0.100000 0.046815 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q600K060( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.06 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -1.157299 2.521549 -0.277618 -0.005771 -1.173632 -0.010296 0.160000 0.103647 PGA 2.426138 2.085137 -0.330841 0.012940 -1.198333 -0.014021 0.120000 0.120614 0.005000 2.426138 2.085137 -0.330841 0.012940 -1.198333 -0.014021 0.120000 0.120614 0.010000 2.400702 2.087152 -0.329965 0.012770 -1.189374 -0.014202 0.170000 0.112920 0.020000 2.395202 2.078493 -0.326412 0.012920 -1.182158 -0.014496 0.200000 0.109869 0.030000 2.445459 2.048721 -0.311341 0.011013 -1.184271 -0.015197 0.200000 0.122909 0.040000 2.579776 1.963805 -0.284702 0.013228 -1.185542 -0.017070 0.200000 0.139326 0.050000 2.728047 1.844045 -0.275243 0.027647 -1.167326 -0.018984 0.190000 0.130413 0.075000 3.042038 1.719669 -0.324075 0.054696 -1.120435 -0.019803 0.180000 0.077569 0.100000 3.137381 1.810541 -0.371739 0.048885 -1.080864 -0.018494 0.150000 0.055346 0.150000 2.981524 2.093499 -0.410666 0.016837 -1.028456 -0.015529 0.070000 0.056141 0.200000 2.690148 2.337571 -0.414405 -0.012744 -1.001874 -0.013184 0.000000 0.057222 0.300000 2.157144 2.676639 -0.388658 -0.051411 -1.013559 -0.008795 0.000000 0.049033 0.400000 1.640818 2.883541 -0.351944 -0.070088 -1.024134 -0.006368 0.000000 0.038112 0.500000 1.188612 3.012661 -0.315520 -0.077446 -1.032666 -0.005083 0.010000 0.033828 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q1800K005( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.005 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 0.270388 1.840800 -0.173459 0.013618 -1.217478 -0.010519 0.070000 0.144994 PGA 5.210924 1.292567 -0.160512 0.024235 -1.317580 -0.016126 0.180000 0.149861 0.005000 5.210924 1.292567 -0.160512 0.024235 -1.317580 -0.016126 0.180000 0.149861 0.010000 6.212053 1.203080 -0.105015 0.009911 -1.463246 -0.022325 0.490000 0.155971 0.020000 6.012874 1.127925 -0.131939 0.035733 -1.226591 -0.024736 0.200000 0.083440 0.030000 5.893671 1.156908 -0.185876 0.057161 -1.183315 -0.019867 0.180000 0.066813 0.040000 5.757238 1.218068 -0.233651 0.069310 -1.164147 -0.016652 0.190000 0.056752 0.050000 5.594412 1.293592 -0.272710 0.074360 -1.143826 -0.014781 0.180000 0.049030 0.075000 5.194722 1.500166 -0.338908 0.069080 -1.106676 -0.012170 0.150000 0.042578 0.100000 4.817394 1.698307 -0.374583 0.052713 -1.077829 -0.010853 0.100000 0.049220 0.150000 4.177675 2.027663 -0.398342 0.015300 -1.046479 -0.009150 0.010000 0.064945 0.200000 3.702838 2.271508 -0.392561 -0.015579 -1.054285 -0.007221 0.000000 0.074407 0.300000 2.969130 2.581006 -0.353443 -0.052654 -1.084101 -0.004489 0.000000 0.087899 0.400000 2.401649 2.745922 -0.308500 -0.066850 -1.114613 -0.002864 0.010000 0.103110 0.500000 1.976276 2.834255 -0.268448 -0.068982 -1.152828 -0.001530 0.060000 0.118231 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q1800K020( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 1800 - Kappa 0.02 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -0.328874 2.093100 -0.236729 0.015454 -1.182377 -0.008473 0.080000 0.108501 PGA 3.826758 1.563844 -0.247996 0.032719 -1.209190 -0.011652 0.080000 0.115103 0.005000 3.826758 1.563844 -0.247996 0.032719 -1.209190 -0.011652 0.080000 0.115103 0.010000 3.867316 1.552800 -0.236514 0.029180 -1.212293 -0.011958 0.140000 0.113953 0.020000 4.192960 1.425188 -0.174651 0.019976 -1.221323 -0.015210 0.180000 0.124076 0.030000 4.493093 1.291756 -0.192799 0.047693 -1.187651 -0.016284 0.180000 0.087425 0.040000 4.651621 1.287639 -0.236539 0.065028 -1.164574 -0.015190 0.190000 0.065066 0.050000 4.694163 1.337759 -0.275529 0.072278 -1.145164 -0.013964 0.190000 0.052351 0.075000 4.584276 1.524234 -0.343354 0.069212 -1.109348 -0.011766 0.180000 0.041097 0.100000 4.349370 1.717243 -0.381367 0.054140 -1.077856 -0.010627 0.140000 0.045250 0.150000 3.831766 2.046878 -0.410685 0.018671 -1.034827 -0.009263 0.050000 0.055689 0.200000 3.374756 2.297556 -0.410105 -0.011449 -1.019820 -0.007977 0.000000 0.058145 0.300000 2.673029 2.627803 -0.377335 -0.050075 -1.037184 -0.005346 0.000000 0.056193 0.400000 2.142555 2.812981 -0.334171 -0.067283 -1.074526 -0.003251 0.050000 0.061894 0.500000 1.730373 2.916070 -0.293558 -0.071862 -1.115004 -0.001721 0.120000 0.074430 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q1800K040( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 1800 - Kappa 0.04 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -0.804310 2.314662 -0.267297 0.007093 -1.171683 -0.007235 0.120000 0.089725 PGA 2.983275 1.824241 -0.301354 0.027162 -1.189682 -0.009263 0.090000 0.097007 0.005000 2.983275 1.824241 -0.301354 0.027162 -1.189682 -0.009263 0.090000 0.097007 0.010000 2.965410 1.822366 -0.298627 0.026695 -1.181314 -0.009444 0.140000 0.089042 0.020000 2.999099 1.795352 -0.279256 0.021952 -1.176732 -0.010069 0.160000 0.092881 0.030000 3.158499 1.677095 -0.234751 0.021129 -1.170522 -0.011700 0.160000 0.097854 0.040000 3.390475 1.532751 -0.238059 0.044042 -1.157034 -0.012455 0.170000 0.082131 0.050000 3.587686 1.479256 -0.269543 0.060799 -1.142415 -0.012413 0.180000 0.064258 0.075000 3.785946 1.574919 -0.340568 0.066008 -1.107611 -0.011351 0.180000 0.043294 0.100000 3.734359 1.746595 -0.381165 0.052706 -1.076366 -0.010463 0.150000 0.045210 0.150000 3.397181 2.066709 -0.413158 0.018179 -1.028223 -0.009369 0.060000 0.055059 0.200000 3.019110 2.317323 -0.414922 -0.011478 -1.005578 -0.008296 0.000000 0.056311 0.300000 2.387054 2.656172 -0.387233 -0.049876 -1.013793 -0.005718 0.000000 0.046995 0.400000 1.850819 2.856136 -0.347922 -0.068234 -1.033281 -0.003952 0.020000 0.040144 0.500000 1.445371 2.974479 -0.309067 -0.074729 -1.070102 -0.002317 0.100000 0.043841 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD010Q1800K060( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 010 - Q 1800 - Kappa 0.06 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -1.164129 2.472701 -0.277072 -0.002441 -1.165144 -0.006598 0.160000 0.078713 PGA 2.401375 2.021365 -0.326031 0.017062 -1.181478 -0.008100 0.110000 0.087220 0.005000 2.401375 2.021365 -0.326031 0.017062 -1.181478 -0.008100 0.110000 0.087220 0.010000 2.383071 2.022707 -0.324905 0.016869 -1.175527 -0.008140 0.170000 0.078838 0.020000 2.366778 2.011492 -0.320272 0.016913 -1.163682 -0.008467 0.190000 0.073975 0.030000 2.394725 1.971296 -0.298124 0.013341 -1.155032 -0.009180 0.180000 0.079139 0.040000 2.503078 1.860052 -0.268241 0.018555 -1.144001 -0.010278 0.160000 0.080541 0.050000 2.675186 1.733416 -0.268437 0.037274 -1.132902 -0.010845 0.160000 0.071537 0.075000 3.031875 1.665585 -0.329913 0.059259 -1.104804 -0.010761 0.170000 0.047240 0.100000 3.137839 1.787652 -0.375751 0.050269 -1.075381 -0.010220 0.150000 0.045421 0.150000 2.989434 2.085540 -0.412033 0.017203 -1.029966 -0.009215 0.080000 0.054873 0.200000 2.690545 2.332560 -0.414978 -0.012490 -1.000968 -0.008353 0.000000 0.056782 0.300000 2.156812 2.672552 -0.388704 -0.051138 -1.012544 -0.005478 0.000000 0.048499 0.400000 1.639836 2.878667 -0.351628 -0.069741 -1.022513 -0.003854 0.000000 0.037069 0.500000 1.187019 3.006206 -0.314832 -0.076964 -1.030241 -0.003068 0.010000 0.032154 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q200K005( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 200 - Kappa 0.005 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 2.324839 2.605780 -0.245000 -0.010095 -1.848593 -0.015707 0.770000 0.343939 PGA 8.158879 2.173797 -0.303404 0.005287 -2.363083 -0.019970 1.090000 0.428530 0.005000 8.158879 2.173797 -0.303404 0.005287 -2.363083 -0.019970 1.090000 0.428530 0.010000 8.853782 2.134252 -0.287264 0.004035 -2.668435 -0.010186 0.910000 0.500552 0.020000 12.942473 2.039290 -0.283197 0.016091 -3.956837 0.012329 3.430000 0.494293 0.030000 12.518440 1.960681 -0.298372 0.031082 -3.493679 -0.013055 3.960000 0.404167 0.040000 9.664712 1.931359 -0.325217 0.040121 -2.338914 -0.044850 2.370000 0.289277 0.050000 8.104683 1.964937 -0.354654 0.038966 -1.740614 -0.057019 1.330000 0.197091 0.075000 6.599562 2.186655 -0.397113 0.010796 -1.269169 -0.055330 0.440000 0.098251 0.100000 5.885144 2.413337 -0.401910 -0.018813 -1.148164 -0.046934 0.180000 0.077783 0.150000 4.973426 2.734479 -0.373557 -0.056450 -1.090615 -0.034214 0.000000 0.072902 0.200000 4.392482 2.927525 -0.334102 -0.073516 -1.117532 -0.025239 0.000000 0.083125 0.300000 3.555967 3.118749 -0.262818 -0.078628 -1.183826 -0.014927 0.020000 0.115761 0.400000 3.050238 3.189181 -0.210182 -0.069147 -1.282536 -0.008164 0.150000 0.144658 0.500000 2.686220 3.210507 -0.173196 -0.056596 -1.368027 -0.003961 0.280000 0.165988 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q200K020( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 200 - Kappa 0.02 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 1.192307 2.774275 -0.247878 -0.020415 -1.586657 -0.018039 0.650000 0.237832 PGA 6.143483 2.393645 -0.318235 -0.007270 -1.865758 -0.025405 0.940000 0.303305 0.005000 6.143483 2.393645 -0.318235 -0.007270 -1.865758 -0.025405 0.940000 0.303305 0.010000 6.223932 2.385919 -0.314315 -0.007310 -1.893840 -0.024825 1.010000 0.309814 0.020000 7.395436 2.312158 -0.297741 -0.003325 -2.311054 -0.015025 1.480000 0.387875 0.030000 8.809595 2.203084 -0.297912 0.010720 -2.660964 -0.014302 2.450000 0.394692 0.040000 8.239240 2.123928 -0.313728 0.023209 -2.270418 -0.031732 2.150000 0.329825 0.050000 7.290576 2.099340 -0.337922 0.028303 -1.817399 -0.045198 1.470000 0.245893 0.075000 6.039440 2.233795 -0.386761 0.009680 -1.307969 -0.051047 0.580000 0.115030 0.100000 5.424826 2.438553 -0.398675 -0.018711 -1.155387 -0.045509 0.290000 0.075484 0.150000 4.583166 2.755714 -0.376066 -0.056662 -1.058678 -0.034872 0.070000 0.051392 0.200000 3.970968 2.954375 -0.339018 -0.074544 -1.041010 -0.027479 0.000000 0.042082 0.300000 3.140590 3.159942 -0.269243 -0.081692 -1.084405 -0.017543 0.030000 0.054047 0.400000 2.612667 3.242156 -0.215940 -0.073873 -1.167260 -0.010844 0.160000 0.077176 0.500000 2.245892 3.271182 -0.177449 -0.062250 -1.250837 -0.006324 0.310000 0.097320 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q200K040( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 200 - Kappa 0.04 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 0.324034 2.920347 -0.238177 -0.030803 -1.439854 -0.017624 0.550000 0.172292 PGA 4.650034 2.597451 -0.315493 -0.022452 -1.589438 -0.025503 0.680000 0.223062 0.005000 4.650034 2.597451 -0.315493 -0.022452 -1.589438 -0.025503 0.680000 0.223062 0.010000 4.671582 2.596766 -0.314468 -0.022152 -1.594957 -0.025432 0.790000 0.217563 0.020000 4.798084 2.575099 -0.309272 -0.020982 -1.635139 -0.024755 0.830000 0.235535 0.030000 5.557493 2.500164 -0.299179 -0.014196 -1.877718 -0.020408 1.220000 0.291112 0.040000 6.148756 2.397408 -0.300585 -0.001277 -1.974914 -0.023559 1.570000 0.307954 0.050000 5.995187 2.317777 -0.314726 0.009409 -1.785848 -0.033387 1.370000 0.273661 0.075000 5.272165 2.319055 -0.364402 0.006274 -1.349497 -0.044766 0.670000 0.146677 0.100000 4.816352 2.474277 -0.386946 -0.018584 -1.171118 -0.042984 0.350000 0.085370 0.150000 4.127549 2.772932 -0.372761 -0.056995 -1.047844 -0.034619 0.090000 0.049354 0.200000 3.582874 2.970861 -0.337984 -0.075490 -1.016088 -0.027886 0.000000 0.034151 0.300000 2.773830 3.183724 -0.270486 -0.083629 -1.028815 -0.018856 0.000000 0.029088 0.400000 2.194582 3.276930 -0.217971 -0.077148 -1.075743 -0.013005 0.080000 0.041300 0.500000 1.802847 3.316343 -0.179194 -0.066798 -1.144702 -0.008539 0.230000 0.054250 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q200K060( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 200 - Kappa 0.06 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -0.243760 3.020036 -0.225340 -0.037543 -1.371197 -0.016464 0.530000 0.134978 PGA 3.731088 2.742746 -0.304881 -0.033736 -1.469668 -0.023754 0.570000 0.177376 0.005000 3.731088 2.742746 -0.304881 -0.033736 -1.469668 -0.023754 0.570000 0.177376 0.010000 3.716108 2.744634 -0.304259 -0.033612 -1.463141 -0.023946 0.660000 0.170046 0.020000 3.736639 2.736668 -0.303250 -0.032646 -1.464693 -0.024120 0.720000 0.169964 0.030000 3.891647 2.705779 -0.298266 -0.030194 -1.511139 -0.023452 0.750000 0.193032 0.040000 4.376431 2.633772 -0.293080 -0.022386 -1.643959 -0.022241 0.990000 0.233269 0.050000 4.693648 2.543442 -0.296599 -0.011107 -1.664449 -0.025929 1.120000 0.247545 0.075000 4.494445 2.434735 -0.337168 -0.000239 -1.370047 -0.038550 0.700000 0.172198 0.100000 4.218543 2.520488 -0.369418 -0.018234 -1.188714 -0.039946 0.390000 0.100034 0.150000 3.687990 2.788017 -0.366988 -0.056695 -1.042816 -0.034124 0.090000 0.050771 0.200000 3.246029 2.981239 -0.334865 -0.075871 -1.012369 -0.027583 0.000000 0.035588 0.300000 2.547385 3.193296 -0.268101 -0.084616 -1.034418 -0.018055 0.000000 0.035487 0.400000 1.929091 3.291331 -0.216130 -0.078781 -1.047607 -0.013193 0.000000 0.038458 0.500000 1.420032 3.338090 -0.177763 -0.069273 -1.058550 -0.010544 0.020000 0.041357 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q600K005( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.005 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 1.930467 2.282914 -0.232531 0.009811 -1.506516 -0.014738 0.480000 0.250677 PGA 7.550856 1.757832 -0.264748 0.027942 -1.791055 -0.020854 0.770000 0.291210 0.005000 7.550856 1.757832 -0.264748 0.027942 -1.791055 -0.020854 0.770000 0.291210 0.010000 9.846235 1.656046 -0.221924 0.023280 -2.534813 -0.007769 1.850000 0.370776 0.020000 8.661442 1.479972 -0.239039 0.055831 -1.765309 -0.038570 1.160000 0.204246 0.030000 7.786541 1.519310 -0.305741 0.070126 -1.388340 -0.041419 0.580000 0.101092 0.040000 7.378668 1.655445 -0.352406 0.063164 -1.275818 -0.036481 0.420000 0.070106 0.050000 7.067322 1.804172 -0.380635 0.049506 -1.223677 -0.031860 0.350000 0.063643 0.075000 6.404616 2.131057 -0.407507 0.012208 -1.152531 -0.024536 0.230000 0.066290 0.100000 5.841743 2.379046 -0.404887 -0.018207 -1.109157 -0.020542 0.120000 0.068159 0.150000 5.002262 2.704322 -0.370890 -0.055531 -1.085122 -0.015352 0.010000 0.072647 0.200000 4.415789 2.891066 -0.328853 -0.071690 -1.105752 -0.011463 0.000000 0.085337 0.300000 3.603809 3.064510 -0.255542 -0.074405 -1.170795 -0.006312 0.050000 0.116966 0.400000 3.064236 3.118271 -0.203224 -0.062765 -1.244979 -0.002904 0.150000 0.141752 0.500000 2.675408 3.127573 -0.167713 -0.048927 -1.312643 -0.000629 0.260000 0.158514 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q600K020( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.02 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 0.859027 2.560333 -0.256716 -0.004586 -1.347298 -0.013226 0.350000 0.158683 PGA 5.483004 2.098021 -0.314032 0.014585 -1.434920 -0.019686 0.430000 0.188718 0.005000 5.483004 2.098021 -0.314032 0.014585 -1.434920 -0.019686 0.430000 0.188718 0.010000 5.590563 2.078050 -0.304781 0.013859 -1.462124 -0.019582 0.530000 0.199207 0.020000 6.323929 1.907170 -0.264365 0.022448 -1.598684 -0.022629 0.830000 0.254143 0.030000 6.360553 1.743506 -0.290349 0.051202 -1.428295 -0.030254 0.640000 0.170097 0.040000 6.280100 1.761941 -0.338737 0.056355 -1.307509 -0.030999 0.490000 0.102912 0.050000 6.156226 1.864363 -0.372860 0.046698 -1.237172 -0.029178 0.400000 0.074913 0.075000 5.764401 2.160858 -0.407244 0.011582 -1.149344 -0.023889 0.280000 0.063359 0.100000 5.332119 2.404752 -0.408221 -0.018371 -1.096195 -0.020483 0.180000 0.059761 0.150000 4.572257 2.736641 -0.378958 -0.055996 -1.043519 -0.016192 0.050000 0.047032 0.200000 3.979601 2.935795 -0.339802 -0.073476 -1.034428 -0.013040 0.000000 0.039410 0.300000 3.168438 3.133724 -0.268065 -0.079516 -1.080795 -0.007915 0.050000 0.053262 0.400000 2.638659 3.204443 -0.214189 -0.070215 -1.155198 -0.004100 0.180000 0.075824 0.500000 2.259140 3.222666 -0.176200 -0.057265 -1.226319 -0.001508 0.320000 0.093694 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q600K040( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.04 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 0.119378 2.780484 -0.253594 -0.020673 -1.291456 -0.011053 0.340000 0.113228 PGA 4.259541 2.392809 -0.326052 -0.006053 -1.333966 -0.016023 0.330000 0.136785 0.005000 4.259541 2.392809 -0.326052 -0.006053 -1.333966 -0.016023 0.330000 0.136785 0.010000 4.251123 2.387990 -0.324301 -0.005490 -1.326403 -0.016327 0.410000 0.130354 0.020000 4.388952 2.343842 -0.311970 -0.004082 -1.352805 -0.016678 0.480000 0.150035 0.030000 4.707088 2.187035 -0.290198 0.010393 -1.368542 -0.020254 0.540000 0.177981 0.040000 4.887089 2.040138 -0.308165 0.032418 -1.305366 -0.023816 0.480000 0.144024 0.050000 4.988855 2.016285 -0.343966 0.037208 -1.248685 -0.024623 0.420000 0.103860 0.075000 4.943346 2.207905 -0.395758 0.010369 -1.152846 -0.022581 0.300000 0.066877 0.100000 4.703471 2.431518 -0.403352 -0.019166 -1.096833 -0.019933 0.210000 0.059521 0.150000 4.108059 2.757050 -0.378089 -0.057122 -1.029874 -0.016352 0.060000 0.044629 0.200000 3.587053 2.959047 -0.340715 -0.075120 -1.010851 -0.013446 0.000000 0.031430 0.300000 2.778855 3.170929 -0.271699 -0.082663 -1.023315 -0.009086 0.000000 0.026837 0.400000 2.216010 3.258911 -0.218633 -0.075493 -1.073414 -0.005610 0.100000 0.039524 0.500000 1.814270 3.291360 -0.179852 -0.064276 -1.133084 -0.003021 0.240000 0.052149 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q600K060( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 600 - Kappa 0.06 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -0.385966 2.921215 -0.241518 -0.031192 -1.266778 -0.009682 0.370000 0.089260 PGA 3.476405 2.592604 -0.319988 -0.021982 -1.298680 -0.013552 0.320000 0.110342 0.005000 3.476405 2.592604 -0.319988 -0.021982 -1.298680 -0.013552 0.320000 0.110342 0.010000 3.452832 2.592519 -0.319177 -0.021680 -1.288799 -0.013792 0.400000 0.102343 0.020000 3.444480 2.577292 -0.317317 -0.020104 -1.275470 -0.014372 0.430000 0.100487 0.030000 3.559513 2.517009 -0.305692 -0.015947 -1.286041 -0.015339 0.440000 0.121158 0.040000 3.765142 2.381394 -0.296502 -0.000644 -1.278677 -0.018072 0.440000 0.135740 0.050000 3.934182 2.261618 -0.311935 0.015917 -1.240187 -0.020347 0.400000 0.118929 0.075000 4.152084 2.280749 -0.373161 0.008879 -1.157861 -0.020808 0.310000 0.073522 0.100000 4.087559 2.461745 -0.392945 -0.018970 -1.098281 -0.019254 0.220000 0.060250 0.150000 3.670521 2.771939 -0.374531 -0.057610 -1.024198 -0.016317 0.060000 0.044506 0.200000 3.250587 2.971728 -0.338438 -0.076056 -1.007970 -0.013277 0.000000 0.033263 0.300000 2.549104 3.185494 -0.269864 -0.084272 -1.029927 -0.008270 0.000000 0.033185 0.400000 1.929702 3.281582 -0.217537 -0.078047 -1.040710 -0.005898 0.000000 0.035687 0.500000 1.436761 3.324546 -0.179123 -0.068022 -1.055423 -0.004614 0.040000 0.038816 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q1800K005( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 1800 - Kappa 0.005 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 1.659760 2.085934 -0.203331 0.016642 -1.342952 -0.010418 0.280000 0.159418 PGA 6.996713 1.528199 -0.215985 0.031603 -1.447689 -0.016366 0.390000 0.171628 0.005000 6.996713 1.528199 -0.215985 0.031603 -1.447689 -0.016366 0.390000 0.171628 0.010000 7.996946 1.329101 -0.149067 0.030138 -1.539869 -0.024932 0.650000 0.162791 0.020000 7.745417 1.303194 -0.239201 0.070601 -1.302264 -0.024200 0.360000 0.070283 0.030000 7.533536 1.452888 -0.310254 0.074700 -1.253909 -0.018972 0.340000 0.051370 0.040000 7.283422 1.621081 -0.354306 0.064965 -1.223874 -0.015936 0.330000 0.049267 0.050000 7.014133 1.780964 -0.380886 0.050399 -1.194817 -0.014241 0.300000 0.053286 0.075000 6.382674 2.115311 -0.405410 0.012315 -1.139575 -0.012050 0.210000 0.062320 0.100000 5.829893 2.363514 -0.401048 -0.018405 -1.100022 -0.010993 0.110000 0.064916 0.150000 4.998001 2.683528 -0.364277 -0.055598 -1.077174 -0.008931 0.010000 0.067943 0.200000 4.409395 2.862732 -0.320536 -0.071028 -1.094833 -0.006715 0.000000 0.078367 0.300000 3.577077 3.022605 -0.246269 -0.071985 -1.147776 -0.003428 0.030000 0.105969 0.400000 3.035435 3.067520 -0.194531 -0.059294 -1.218545 -0.000714 0.130000 0.127315 0.500000 2.627273 3.071980 -0.159897 -0.045152 -1.276219 0.000940 0.220000 0.141400 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q1800K020( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 1800 - Kappa 0.02 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 0.756564 2.445973 -0.253403 0.003281 -1.282695 -0.007661 0.260000 0.104487 PGA 5.272572 1.949753 -0.301116 0.023568 -1.313398 -0.011023 0.260000 0.114391 0.005000 5.272572 1.949753 -0.301116 0.023568 -1.313398 -0.011023 0.260000 0.114391 0.010000 5.345043 1.917835 -0.283639 0.020702 -1.318254 -0.011704 0.340000 0.120689 0.020000 5.771054 1.657865 -0.239029 0.040756 -1.307160 -0.015882 0.370000 0.119677 0.030000 6.063955 1.584963 -0.300301 0.065591 -1.258102 -0.016140 0.350000 0.070969 0.040000 6.139691 1.688081 -0.349963 0.061473 -1.223802 -0.014780 0.340000 0.054120 0.050000 6.092356 1.825691 -0.380057 0.048709 -1.197646 -0.013483 0.330000 0.053389 0.075000 5.746209 2.145732 -0.409657 0.012215 -1.137992 -0.011748 0.260000 0.059090 0.100000 5.323348 2.394423 -0.409179 -0.017886 -1.090278 -0.010964 0.170000 0.057788 0.150000 4.572524 2.727532 -0.378733 -0.055465 -1.041507 -0.009563 0.050000 0.045419 0.200000 3.980240 2.924996 -0.338776 -0.072780 -1.031869 -0.008004 0.000000 0.037113 0.300000 3.168217 3.116511 -0.265955 -0.078095 -1.075671 -0.004554 0.050000 0.049664 0.400000 2.628906 3.180334 -0.211884 -0.067926 -1.143790 -0.001683 0.170000 0.070456 0.500000 2.248402 3.193443 -0.174358 -0.054350 -1.212779 0.000481 0.310000 0.086297 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q1800K040( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 1800 - Kappa 0.04 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV 0.081975 2.712222 -0.257520 -0.015426 -1.262417 -0.006158 0.300000 0.080425 PGA 4.181635 2.297079 -0.326131 0.001468 -1.283519 -0.008255 0.260000 0.090545 0.005000 4.181635 2.297079 -0.326131 0.001468 -1.283519 -0.008255 0.260000 0.090545 0.010000 4.154262 2.289368 -0.323698 0.002146 -1.268003 -0.008716 0.320000 0.082240 0.020000 4.227258 2.223034 -0.302232 0.003032 -1.261366 -0.009833 0.340000 0.091578 0.030000 4.484681 2.013020 -0.282213 0.025868 -1.246485 -0.011863 0.340000 0.090374 0.040000 4.756849 1.902764 -0.318835 0.045593 -1.222495 -0.012411 0.340000 0.068900 0.050000 4.916688 1.936909 -0.358234 0.042875 -1.196738 -0.012258 0.330000 0.058287 0.075000 4.929939 2.185970 -0.402288 0.010777 -1.139932 -0.011315 0.280000 0.058738 0.100000 4.696966 2.421114 -0.406325 -0.019033 -1.091044 -0.010749 0.200000 0.057348 0.150000 4.109324 2.751228 -0.379171 -0.056885 -1.028808 -0.009828 0.060000 0.043924 0.200000 3.588184 2.953742 -0.341266 -0.074778 -1.009789 -0.008448 0.000000 0.030578 0.300000 2.779909 3.163968 -0.271766 -0.082047 -1.021491 -0.005690 0.000000 0.025361 0.400000 2.216651 3.248583 -0.218440 -0.074468 -1.069983 -0.003062 0.100000 0.037555 0.500000 1.814014 3.277280 -0.179677 -0.062794 -1.127646 -0.000993 0.240000 0.049294 """)
[docs]class DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD100Q1800K060( DouglasEtAl2013StochasticSD001Q200K005): """ Stress Drop 100 - Q 1800 - Kappa 0.04 """ COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\ IMT b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 bh total PGV -0.408664 2.875644 -0.246923 -0.027865 -1.247456 -0.005569 0.340000 0.066551 PGA 3.437980 2.525510 -0.323993 -0.016500 -1.270032 -0.006956 0.280000 0.078198 0.005000 3.437980 2.525510 -0.323993 -0.016500 -1.270032 -0.006956 0.280000 0.078198 0.010000 3.396878 2.524213 -0.323032 -0.016096 -1.253095 -0.007381 0.340000 0.069395 0.020000 3.386952 2.504298 -0.320406 -0.014186 -1.238463 -0.007826 0.370000 0.065232 0.030000 3.452606 2.418102 -0.302310 -0.008615 -1.224039 -0.009038 0.340000 0.073601 0.040000 3.643587 2.252296 -0.296655 0.011741 -1.207910 -0.010340 0.320000 0.072091 0.050000 3.858735 2.151563 -0.322469 0.026514 -1.188204 -0.010905 0.310000 0.062145 0.075000 4.128572 2.245399 -0.384097 0.009787 -1.136556 -0.010915 0.270000 0.057688 0.100000 4.083878 2.448406 -0.398178 -0.019212 -1.091818 -0.010515 0.210000 0.056591 0.150000 3.664775 2.766866 -0.376248 -0.057638 -1.019992 -0.010036 0.050000 0.043918 0.200000 3.252018 2.968006 -0.339355 -0.075944 -1.007291 -0.008344 0.000000 0.032812 0.300000 2.549538 3.181794 -0.270357 -0.084010 -1.028688 -0.004909 0.000000 0.032229 0.400000 1.929709 3.276521 -0.217924 -0.077582 -1.038443 -0.003369 0.000000 0.034334 0.500000 1.436627 3.317359 -0.179491 -0.067294 -1.052000 -0.002598 0.040000 0.037175 """)