# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Module exports :class:`CauzziFaccioli2008`.
import numpy as np
# standard acceleration of gravity in m/s**2
from scipy.constants import g
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import CoeffsTable , GMPE
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA , PGV , SA
def _compute_faulting_style_term ( C , rake ):
Compute faulting style term as a function of rake angle value as given
in equation 5 page 465.
term = np . full_like ( rake , C [ 'aS' ])
term [( rake > - 120.0 ) & ( rake <= - 60.0 )] = C [ 'aN' ]
term [( rake > 30.0 ) & ( rake <= 150.0 )] = C [ 'aR' ]
return term
def _compute_mean ( kind , C , mag , ctx , vs30 , rake , imt ):
# For the 2008 version, compute mean value for PGV, PGA and Displacement
# responce spectrum, as given in equation 2, page 462 with the addition
# of the faulting style term as given in equation 5, page 465. Converts
# also displacement responce spectrum values to SA.
# Forthe 2010 version, return mean value computed using equation 2,
# page 2, plus site term and faulting style term, equations 3 and 5, page 3
mean = ( _compute_term_1_2 ( C , mag ) +
_compute_term_3 ( kind , C , ctx , mag ) +
_compute_site_term ( C , vs30 ) +
_compute_faulting_style_term ( C , rake ))
# convert from cm/s**2 to g for SA and from m/s**2 to g for PGA (PGV
# is already in cm/s) and also convert from base 10 to base e.
if imt . string == "PGA" :
mean = np . log (( 10 ** mean ) / g )
elif imt . string [: 2 ] == "SA" :
mean = np . log (( 10 ** mean ) * (( 2 * np . pi / imt . period ) ** 2 ) *
1e-2 / g )
else :
mean = np . log ( 10 ** mean )
return mean
def _compute_site_term ( C , vs30 ):
Compute site term as a function of vs30: 4th, 5th and 6th terms in
equation 2 page 462.
# for rock values the site term is zero
site_term = np . zeros_like ( vs30 )
# hard soil
site_term [( vs30 >= 360 ) & ( vs30 < 800 )] = C [ 'aB' ]
# medium soil
site_term [( vs30 >= 180 ) & ( vs30 < 360 )] = C [ 'aC' ]
# soft soil
site_term [ vs30 < 180 ] = C [ 'aD' ]
return site_term
def _compute_term_1_2 ( C , mag ):
Compute terms 1 and 2 in equation 2 page 462.
return C [ 'a1' ] + C [ 'a2' ] * mag
def _compute_term_3 ( kind , C , ctx , mag ):
Compute term 3 for the 2008 version or the 2010 version of the GMPE
if kind == "2008" :
# see equation 2 page 462
# Distances are clipped at 15 km (as per Ezio Faccioli's personal
# communication.)
d = np . array ( ctx . rhypo ) # make a copy
d [ d <= 15.0 ] = 15.0
return C [ 'a3' ] * np . log10 ( d )
elif kind == "2010" :
# This computes the third term in equation 2, page 2.
log = np . log10 ( ctx . rrup + C [ 'a4' ] * np . power ( 10 , C [ 'a5' ] * mag ))
return C [ 'a3' ] * log
[docs] class CauzziFaccioli2008 ( GMPE ):
Implements GMPE developed by Carlo Cauzzi and Ezio Faccioli and published
as "Broadband (0.05 to 20s) prediction of displacement response spectra
based on worldwide digital records" (Journal of Seismology, 2008, volume
12, pages 453-475).
This class implements the prediction equations for horizontal peak ground
acceleration, peak ground velocity and 5%-damped spectral acceleration
(equation 2, page 462, plus faulting style term as given in equation 5,
page 465). Coefficients for PGV are not present in the original paper but
were developed for the SHARE (http://www.share-eu.org/) project.
Hypocentral distances are clipped at 15 km (as for Faccioli's personal
Spectral acceleration (SA) values are obtained from displacement response
spectrum (DSR) values (as provided by the original equations) using the
following formula ::
SA = DSR * (2 * π / T) ** 2
#: Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust,
#: see end of 'Introduction', page 454.
#: Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, peak
#: ground acceleration and peak ground velocity.
#: The original paper provides coefficients for PGA and PGV, while SA
#: is obtained from displacement response spectrum values.
#: Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean of two
#: horizontal components
#: :attr:`~openquake.hazardlib.const.IMC.GEOMETRIC_MEAN`,
#: see paragraph 'On functional forms', page 462.
#: Supported standard deviation type is only total, see paragraph 'On
#: functional forms', page 462.
#: Required site parameter is only Vs30 (used to distinguish rock
#: and deep soils), see paragraph 'On functional forms', page 463.
#: Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake, see paragraph 'On
#: functional forms', page 463
#: Required distance measure is Rhypo, see paragraph 'Distance', page 456.
kind = "2008"
[docs] def compute ( self , ctx : np . recarray , imts , mean , sig , tau , phi ):
See :meth:`superclass method
for spec of input and result values.
for m , imt in enumerate ( imts ):
C = self . COEFFS [ imt ]
mean [ m ] = _compute_mean ( self . kind , C , ctx . mag , ctx , ctx . vs30 ,
ctx . rake , imt )
sig [ m ] = np . log ( 10 ** C [ 'sigma' ])
#: Coefficient table constructed from the electronic suplements of the
#: original paper.
COEFFS = CoeffsTable ( sa_damping = 5 , table = """ \
IMT a1 a2 aN aR aS a3 aB aC aD sigma
pgv -2.0500000 0.7710000 -0.0300000 0.0100000 0.0100000 -1.4190000 0.1600000 0.3600000 0.4800000 0.3090000
pga -1.2960000 0.5560000 -0.0600000 0.0940000 -0.0130000 -1.5820000 0.2200000 0.3040000 0.3320000 0.3410000
0.05 -2.8853436 0.5241770 -0.1002050 0.1323607 -0.0104223 -1.7131617 0.1590351 0.1913741 0.1662669 0.3569631
0.10 -1.9083649 0.4879421 -0.0893446 0.1273364 -0.0141940 -1.7141846 0.2191124 0.2180647 0.1599583 0.3698820
0.15 -1.9913830 0.5218353 -0.0733947 0.1189461 -0.0178601 -1.6011819 0.2516196 0.3149463 0.2929666 0.3701501
0.20 -2.1855097 0.5575823 -0.0410869 0.1014822 -0.0242622 -1.5157781 0.2795653 0.4209394 0.3950845 0.3735782
0.25 -2.2986747 0.5918757 -0.0505207 0.0853928 -0.0144371 -1.4772492 0.2468365 0.4352964 0.4414190 0.3658115
0.30 -2.3197219 0.6141047 -0.0423759 0.0653264 -0.0096095 -1.4608963 0.2027381 0.4325227 0.4545156 0.3574604
0.35 -2.3532043 0.6301540 -0.0290204 0.0569969 -0.0117476 -1.4526222 0.1948161 0.4572770 0.5023281 0.3576558
0.40 -2.4625603 0.6520124 -0.0248118 0.0514677 -0.0113052 -1.4182980 0.1736606 0.4457811 0.5335752 0.3571774
0.45 -2.4967480 0.6641638 -0.0098857 0.0366742 -0.0112005 -1.4072543 0.1769518 0.4470774 0.5839604 0.3542876
0.50 -2.5409604 0.6736385 -0.0050996 0.0283795 -0.0095620 -1.3894703 0.1855959 0.4482634 0.6360733 0.3585923
0.55 -2.5528057 0.6813095 -0.0013096 0.0256173 -0.0098734 -1.3833845 0.1834712 0.4509198 0.6792498 0.3587491
0.60 -2.6105531 0.6942826 -0.0009457 0.0166886 -0.0062698 -1.3683149 0.1785156 0.4451175 0.6919865 0.3566331
0.65 -2.5991259 0.7000182 0.0057530 0.0075781 -0.0050956 -1.3658287 0.1614781 0.4327439 0.6945308 0.3550096
0.70 -2.6256918 0.7102002 0.0021694 0.0050372 -0.0026038 -1.3609069 0.1479847 0.4247098 0.6955686 0.3550060
0.75 -2.6965075 0.7273575 0.0028068 0.0020510 -0.0016181 -1.3612589 0.1450193 0.4164749 0.7043074 0.3526839
0.80 -2.7389002 0.7403566 0.0036660 -0.0040497 0.0005981 -1.3610415 0.1380784 0.4042236 0.7036039 0.3496514
0.85 -2.7914083 0.7553379 0.0032023 -0.0059857 0.0016152 -1.3691674 0.1406749 0.4031042 0.7086573 0.3504153
0.90 -2.7973391 0.7611568 0.0107582 -0.0055180 -0.0015391 -1.3755505 0.1451434 0.4082058 0.7090638 0.3545320
0.95 -2.8305291 0.7686452 0.0163434 -0.0048616 -0.0039647 -1.3722514 0.1501412 0.4134206 0.7030495 0.3545101
1.00 -2.8634011 0.7772102 0.0201847 -0.0026251 -0.0063816 -1.3692034 0.1464775 0.4066130 0.6863604 0.3558715
1.05 -2.8680321 0.7801400 0.0181339 -0.0022563 -0.0057100 -1.3655567 0.1448087 0.4020379 0.6707605 0.3557457
1.10 -2.8936464 0.7879813 0.0170920 -0.0027664 -0.0050829 -1.3658939 0.1389319 0.3901474 0.6569073 0.3558140
1.15 -2.9355453 0.7992595 0.0171742 -0.0037400 -0.0046909 -1.3693257 0.1331251 0.3811657 0.6394404 0.3543397
1.20 -2.9532117 0.8044803 0.0219944 -0.0055788 -0.0058288 -1.3657305 0.1279489 0.3723968 0.6233881 0.3533761
1.25 -2.9782632 0.8090258 0.0250012 -0.0077949 -0.0061059 -1.3591759 0.1263850 0.3690539 0.6091518 0.3537186
1.30 -3.0054272 0.8146208 0.0275714 -0.0091296 -0.0065852 -1.3550484 0.1235212 0.3666377 0.5942269 0.3533137
1.35 -3.0314767 0.8208146 0.0284279 -0.0104723 -0.0063730 -1.3565895 0.1254993 0.3712946 0.5845589 0.3528877
1.40 -3.0466187 0.8270614 0.0267230 -0.0095818 -0.0060518 -1.3607541 0.1224343 0.3655060 0.5695337 0.3525659
1.45 -3.0654260 0.8330859 0.0250260 -0.0091609 -0.0055125 -1.3639165 0.1208328 0.3614019 0.5593142 0.3517607
1.50 -3.0896821 0.8399120 0.0221389 -0.0092808 -0.0042695 -1.3666268 0.1165296 0.3568769 0.5511064 0.3496758
1.55 -3.1171695 0.8476929 0.0174047 -0.0069108 -0.0033789 -1.3700564 0.1122110 0.3507933 0.5427573 0.3472015
1.60 -3.1370747 0.8536100 0.0140424 -0.0050005 -0.0028569 -1.3707941 0.1080054 0.3419899 0.5315377 0.3449319
1.65 -3.1433377 0.8570622 0.0092720 -0.0042635 -0.0013202 -1.3699352 0.1006163 0.3323793 0.5154721 0.3425114
1.70 -3.1579402 0.8610034 0.0013194 -0.0032280 0.0012934 -1.3689420 0.0985499 0.3287989 0.5044447 0.3398077
1.75 -3.1654876 0.8635322 -0.0079932 -0.0012780 0.0039846 -1.3692309 0.0977796 0.3266681 0.4968893 0.3376558
1.80 -3.1627827 0.8650292 -0.0143883 0.0012671 0.0052926 -1.3701685 0.0950735 0.3202899 0.4885798 0.3359642
1.85 -3.1615383 0.8667376 -0.0192120 0.0026373 0.0064626 -1.3707310 0.0931597 0.3135946 0.4817112 0.3342168
1.90 -3.1522848 0.8676873 -0.0239616 0.0049096 0.0071912 -1.3712825 0.0870145 0.3043254 0.4719422 0.3329950
1.95 -3.1431538 0.8680758 -0.0296569 0.0076970 0.0079890 -1.3715113 0.0829618 0.2976415 0.4651566 0.3310917
2.00 -3.1421699 0.8685196 -0.0344938 0.0095700 0.0088897 -1.3693361 0.0834894 0.2950648 0.4603763 0.3298747
2.05 -3.1474772 0.8700464 -0.0393413 0.0120142 0.0095059 -1.3678657 0.0844281 0.2941582 0.4593924 0.3293833
2.10 -3.1614270 0.8732865 -0.0447820 0.0151246 0.0100114 -1.3671317 0.0841764 0.2931830 0.4587144 0.3285693
2.15 -3.1760473 0.8759402 -0.0493498 0.0172018 0.0106142 -1.3650601 0.0852595 0.2939214 0.4593409 0.3278627
2.20 -3.1872939 0.8778648 -0.0545726 0.0196852 0.0112416 -1.3620672 0.0857041 0.2932367 0.4571966 0.3263398
2.25 -3.1929032 0.8782645 -0.0599400 0.0229501 0.0115343 -1.3562898 0.0843744 0.2908264 0.4528229 0.3244696
2.30 -3.1964880 0.8785770 -0.0639389 0.0266334 0.0111443 -1.3495460 0.0795512 0.2845144 0.4457230 0.3223445
2.35 -3.2061680 0.8796669 -0.0656158 0.0294290 0.0103948 -1.3421863 0.0763004 0.2788990 0.4404207 0.3206195
2.40 -3.2124688 0.8800817 -0.0683920 0.0323025 0.0100710 -1.3351181 0.0754372 0.2733777 0.4367805 0.3189619
2.45 -3.2173552 0.8802805 -0.0721574 0.0364129 0.0095688 -1.3273998 0.0721815 0.2667552 0.4308779 0.3177777
2.50 -3.2208583 0.8799805 -0.0756910 0.0404754 0.0089382 -1.3195408 0.0695631 0.2620014 0.4254937 0.3163032
2.55 -3.2244744 0.8798919 -0.0783250 0.0432722 0.0084324 -1.3134787 0.0692867 0.2610122 0.4237224 0.3143530
2.60 -3.2355390 0.8810115 -0.0801680 0.0454326 0.0078271 -1.3074378 0.0701497 0.2596374 0.4210976 0.3123591
2.65 -3.2599554 0.8841480 -0.0813756 0.0477987 0.0069265 -1.3014910 0.0719688 0.2594378 0.4205230 0.3105163
2.70 -3.2834526 0.8875307 -0.0809548 0.0505024 0.0054163 -1.2962006 0.0727993 0.2577696 0.4195371 0.3091150
2.75 -3.3028676 0.8902376 -0.0802845 0.0533437 0.0037658 -1.2914620 0.0739445 0.2565391 0.4206958 0.3081833
2.80 -3.3164602 0.8923488 -0.0802537 0.0557539 0.0024698 -1.2879074 0.0743410 0.2546159 0.4215031 0.3071375
2.85 -3.3328281 0.8947180 -0.0796644 0.0580173 0.0010041 -1.2839725 0.0757831 0.2532998 0.4205388 0.3058747
2.90 -3.3508249 0.8973864 -0.0791587 0.0602144 -0.0003880 -1.2784672 0.0744210 0.2492444 0.4155354 0.3047832
2.95 -3.3692426 0.8999885 -0.0781803 0.0620852 -0.0017386 -1.2727125 0.0735201 0.2458899 0.4118983 0.3039768
3.00 -3.3883104 0.9025955 -0.0780050 0.0639634 -0.0027770 -1.2667687 0.0731364 0.2427131 0.4066463 0.3032581
3.05 -3.4089144 0.9050712 -0.0777145 0.0652581 -0.0035732 -1.2604383 0.0736191 0.2410029 0.4021932 0.3026315
3.10 -3.4302607 0.9080662 -0.0769700 0.0655633 -0.0040268 -1.2557977 0.0742839 0.2393353 0.3988910 0.3020134
3.15 -3.4449030 0.9101579 -0.0762476 0.0656209 -0.0042581 -1.2520585 0.0755457 0.2377807 0.3968486 0.3013446
3.20 -3.4566489 0.9116875 -0.0754699 0.0652424 -0.0043002 -1.2482556 0.0774894 0.2365001 0.3945458 0.3004223
3.25 -3.4709224 0.9137012 -0.0750555 0.0646868 -0.0041063 -1.2445079 0.0789917 0.2354185 0.3926102 0.2991849
3.30 -3.4861508 0.9163004 -0.0747234 0.0645185 -0.0040099 -1.2419588 0.0798637 0.2339357 0.3916166 0.2978846
3.35 -3.5022077 0.9190528 -0.0728415 0.0636728 -0.0040702 -1.2394832 0.0810714 0.2330698 0.3913265 0.2964171
3.40 -3.5203978 0.9217943 -0.0713307 0.0624610 -0.0038150 -1.2364777 0.0832514 0.2332679 0.3918926 0.2952740
3.45 -3.5408118 0.9246496 -0.0705947 0.0611375 -0.0032988 -1.2327771 0.0853155 0.2337748 0.3915468 0.2941983
3.50 -3.5601771 0.9273972 -0.0702652 0.0597769 -0.0026400 -1.2292914 0.0870118 0.2338685 0.3903120 0.2931537
3.55 -3.5854744 0.9307797 -0.0701598 0.0587242 -0.0020068 -1.2249578 0.0889839 0.2347028 0.3893576 0.2924559
3.60 -3.6138749 0.9347379 -0.0696739 0.0574896 -0.0013891 -1.2206922 0.0907968 0.2354381 0.3877713 0.2923746
3.65 -3.6416871 0.9388613 -0.0692068 0.0565333 -0.0009180 -1.2172276 0.0919148 0.2355807 0.3855391 0.2924609
3.70 -3.6667806 0.9426348 -0.0691106 0.0560806 -0.0005845 -1.2141418 0.0924525 0.2361611 0.3830481 0.2925229
3.75 -3.6928280 0.9462948 -0.0696536 0.0557950 -0.0001683 -1.2107893 0.0938360 0.2378644 0.3816221 0.2925011
3.80 -3.7192534 0.9500416 -0.0701051 0.0554917 0.0002090 -1.2073914 0.0949498 0.2392272 0.3789399 0.2923401
3.85 -3.7461033 0.9539773 -0.0700016 0.0545840 0.0006554 -1.2041114 0.0956039 0.2397455 0.3759065 0.2919152
3.90 -3.7715185 0.9577344 -0.0694757 0.0537659 0.0009270 -1.2004853 0.0951864 0.2388567 0.3723133 0.2916133
3.95 -3.7952464 0.9613004 -0.0691349 0.0532504 0.0011510 -1.1969673 0.0942025 0.2372400 0.3688114 0.2914914
4.00 -3.8152625 0.9646448 -0.0689546 0.0527977 0.0013845 -1.1946064 0.0928633 0.2348112 0.3656192 0.2911708
4.05 -3.8340273 0.9678713 -0.0685971 0.0522826 0.0015856 -1.1923050 0.0911828 0.2316196 0.3621850 0.2908003
4.10 -3.8534471 0.9710945 -0.0682666 0.0512167 0.0020157 -1.1895800 0.0897472 0.2282775 0.3595744 0.2902313
4.15 -3.8717479 0.9740822 -0.0672992 0.0497144 0.0024451 -1.1867849 0.0882628 0.2250725 0.3574817 0.2897667
4.20 -3.8885736 0.9768598 -0.0662365 0.0482856 0.0028051 -1.1838169 0.0862260 0.2215819 0.3542480 0.2894828
4.25 -3.9059444 0.9798431 -0.0649702 0.0467729 0.0030837 -1.1807954 0.0830785 0.2173570 0.3501377 0.2890718
4.30 -3.9254943 0.9828558 -0.0633793 0.0449200 0.0033809 -1.1773877 0.0811116 0.2146505 0.3474807 0.2884671
4.35 -3.9449954 0.9856556 -0.0619490 0.0428895 0.0037976 -1.1740278 0.0803051 0.2133299 0.3459795 0.2880207
4.40 -3.9627506 0.9879447 -0.0605603 0.0408345 0.0042235 -1.1700078 0.0796258 0.2124220 0.3448773 0.2876482
4.45 -3.9817401 0.9904571 -0.0593444 0.0391547 0.0045623 -1.1659322 0.0789487 0.2114441 0.3438778 0.2874406
4.50 -4.0002776 0.9929580 -0.0583964 0.0374740 0.0049782 -1.1621150 0.0781115 0.2103225 0.3429005 0.2869797
4.55 -4.0173906 0.9953528 -0.0571914 0.0356600 0.0053930 -1.1591073 0.0781459 0.2098330 0.3421470 0.2865754
4.60 -4.0350420 0.9978267 -0.0560046 0.0337316 0.0058546 -1.1562649 0.0785077 0.2094146 0.3414571 0.2860716
4.65 -4.0520126 1.0001513 -0.0551285 0.0315962 0.0065061 -1.1535066 0.0791992 0.2093513 0.3412293 0.2853654
4.70 -4.0710588 1.0025623 -0.0543276 0.0298517 0.0070201 -1.1496486 0.0799784 0.2095075 0.3406167 0.2847398
4.75 -4.0922969 1.0052053 -0.0531177 0.0277591 0.0075337 -1.1454339 0.0809215 0.2100243 0.3406828 0.2841189
4.80 -4.1113809 1.0075057 -0.0519228 0.0256020 0.0080660 -1.1412920 0.0816156 0.2106448 0.3408304 0.2835025
4.85 -4.1264482 1.0094846 -0.0514031 0.0236120 0.0087351 -1.1377478 0.0810001 0.2098730 0.3394549 0.2828076
4.90 -4.1435918 1.0117697 -0.0507501 0.0214252 0.0094379 -1.1339983 0.0802852 0.2089583 0.3373972 0.2821764
4.95 -4.1614380 1.0141080 -0.0501963 0.0189470 0.0102701 -1.1303976 0.0801779 0.2087913 0.3355871 0.2814264
5.00 -4.1802390 1.0165525 -0.0496561 0.0164721 0.0110960 -1.1270094 0.0805882 0.2091696 0.3342016 0.2806413
5.05 -4.2005221 1.0192277 -0.0492642 0.0140553 0.0119272 -1.1237562 0.0812199 0.2098886 0.3330671 0.2798441
5.10 -4.2219992 1.0220510 -0.0488820 0.0118079 0.0126951 -1.1200374 0.0814728 0.2101721 0.3311920 0.2791035
5.15 -4.2432274 1.0249565 -0.0479768 0.0097534 0.0132088 -1.1164432 0.0813101 0.2097741 0.3288936 0.2784241
5.20 -4.2632242 1.0278248 -0.0471567 0.0081614 0.0135422 -1.1130039 0.0802548 0.2086363 0.3263017 0.2776858
5.25 -4.2814105 1.0302352 -0.0461208 0.0066267 0.0137904 -1.1093598 0.0795133 0.2081120 0.3244664 0.2770149
5.30 -4.2977794 1.0323906 -0.0451060 0.0050515 0.0140579 -1.1059272 0.0785813 0.2075033 0.3224703 0.2763617
5.35 -4.3144645 1.0345604 -0.0443053 0.0035612 0.0143609 -1.1024300 0.0775883 0.2069144 0.3203146 0.2756179
5.40 -4.3288983 1.0364072 -0.0432779 0.0020134 0.0146096 -1.0990836 0.0765945 0.2063372 0.3178092 0.2748337
5.45 -4.3410552 1.0379742 -0.0421163 0.0005491 0.0147858 -1.0963506 0.0760367 0.2059743 0.3156195 0.2740774
5.50 -4.3526016 1.0394662 -0.0409054 -0.0007999 0.0149113 -1.0938383 0.0756334 0.2056329 0.3140303 0.2734820
5.55 -4.3633752 1.0408525 -0.0393238 -0.0018985 0.0148243 -1.0914925 0.0755483 0.2055798 0.3135373 0.2730842
5.60 -4.3757024 1.0425147 -0.0377116 -0.0027883 0.0146532 -1.0894445 0.0759617 0.2059492 0.3132083 0.2727795
5.65 -4.3883910 1.0441946 -0.0360708 -0.0038406 0.0145426 -1.0870686 0.0764218 0.2060061 0.3127964 0.2724828
5.70 -4.4014385 1.0459059 -0.0340765 -0.0053216 0.0144909 -1.0843215 0.0765775 0.2058447 0.3118029 0.2721769
5.75 -4.4132258 1.0474551 -0.0320068 -0.0069405 0.0144671 -1.0815278 0.0762418 0.2054107 0.3106124 0.2717783
5.80 -4.4258093 1.0490781 -0.0298502 -0.0084406 0.0143672 -1.0784047 0.0757301 0.2046521 0.3091301 0.2713594
5.85 -4.4386967 1.0506897 -0.0278721 -0.0097120 0.0142349 -1.0750240 0.0752216 0.2037437 0.3079376 0.2710187
5.90 -4.4499864 1.0521582 -0.0259821 -0.0110298 0.0141438 -1.0718734 0.0741986 0.2022672 0.3066715 0.2706087
5.95 -4.4593583 1.0532148 -0.0241406 -0.0122160 0.0140131 -1.0685676 0.0734422 0.2011022 0.3058030 0.2703419
6.00 -4.4679415 1.0540811 -0.0226778 -0.0135131 0.0140572 -1.0650398 0.0725164 0.1998525 0.3048156 0.2700997
6.05 -4.4762829 1.0547947 -0.0209668 -0.0150543 0.0141252 -1.0611763 0.0716589 0.1985437 0.3035990 0.2697964
6.10 -4.4855420 1.0555475 -0.0191786 -0.0167523 0.0142377 -1.0572422 0.0712689 0.1977796 0.3031324 0.2694271
6.15 -4.4945677 1.0563378 -0.0176127 -0.0184349 0.0144140 -1.0537145 0.0710832 0.1971042 0.3026475 0.2689959
6.20 -4.5046251 1.0572594 -0.0162132 -0.0202959 0.0147193 -1.0501644 0.0710965 0.1963313 0.3018990 0.2685647
6.25 -4.5138228 1.0580605 -0.0149466 -0.0222689 0.0151132 -1.0467651 0.0712230 0.1956748 0.3012923 0.2682012
6.30 -4.5225077 1.0588303 -0.0137210 -0.0244369 0.0155987 -1.0434924 0.0712748 0.1949439 0.3006938 0.2677405
6.35 -4.5329188 1.0598922 -0.0126246 -0.0266841 0.0161572 -1.0402547 0.0713551 0.1942486 0.3002755 0.2672387
6.40 -4.5433916 1.0610632 -0.0116600 -0.0290699 0.0168119 -1.0373328 0.0714603 0.1933902 0.2998049 0.2667638
6.45 -4.5541225 1.0622103 -0.0105018 -0.0315090 0.0174218 -1.0342552 0.0718178 0.1926803 0.2995561 0.2663783
6.50 -4.5652135 1.0634215 -0.0094558 -0.0339892 0.0180807 -1.0313311 0.0723379 0.1920862 0.2996129 0.2660720
6.55 -4.5760896 1.0645421 -0.0081198 -0.0365132 0.0186584 -1.0285027 0.0732906 0.1919729 0.3003201 0.2658074
6.60 -4.5867693 1.0656721 -0.0065512 -0.0390510 0.0191537 -1.0258608 0.0742173 0.1919672 0.3012089 0.2655464
6.65 -4.5966524 1.0666166 -0.0047981 -0.0414500 0.0195223 -1.0230938 0.0750479 0.1921775 0.3019930 0.2652596
6.70 -4.6058162 1.0674772 -0.0034439 -0.0436108 0.0199204 -1.0202807 0.0752768 0.1920060 0.3021423 0.2650292
6.75 -4.6141898 1.0682248 -0.0022478 -0.0456946 0.0203361 -1.0174034 0.0750101 0.1915879 0.3020727 0.2648462
6.80 -4.6220395 1.0688609 -0.0012937 -0.0475246 0.0207275 -1.0143606 0.0745378 0.1910157 0.3023318 0.2646944
6.85 -4.6313512 1.0696737 -0.0004664 -0.0492917 0.0211334 -1.0111888 0.0743141 0.1906279 0.3026158 0.2644696
6.90 -4.6399017 1.0703947 0.0005012 -0.0511524 0.0215240 -1.0081795 0.0742013 0.1903052 0.3027447 0.2642915
6.95 -4.6481057 1.0711696 0.0011095 -0.0528478 0.0219705 -1.0053373 0.0734373 0.1894435 0.3022383 0.2641548
7.00 -4.6564338 1.0719859 0.0016623 -0.0544566 0.0224005 -1.0025043 0.0724019 0.1884992 0.3015693 0.2639914
7.05 -4.6645241 1.0727822 0.0021087 -0.0558420 0.0227790 -0.9998099 0.0713930 0.1876521 0.3009488 0.2638702
7.10 -4.6718847 1.0734638 0.0027788 -0.0572113 0.0230700 -0.9972469 0.0704930 0.1870359 0.3006397 0.2636516
7.15 -4.6786732 1.0740111 0.0036481 -0.0586894 0.0233297 -0.9945984 0.0696309 0.1864975 0.3002830 0.2633801
7.20 -4.6850935 1.0743879 0.0048040 -0.0602061 0.0235027 -0.9917470 0.0690776 0.1862713 0.2999113 0.2630783
7.25 -4.6916019 1.0747585 0.0059187 -0.0616558 0.0236606 -0.9890111 0.0688639 0.1863594 0.2997983 0.2627337
7.30 -4.6974575 1.0750997 0.0068145 -0.0630654 0.0238810 -0.9866848 0.0687467 0.1866099 0.2996886 0.2623916
7.35 -4.7030079 1.0754274 0.0075970 -0.0644417 0.0241300 -0.9846289 0.0687476 0.1870692 0.2997346 0.2620576
7.40 -4.7080183 1.0756657 0.0082142 -0.0657937 0.0244227 -0.9827268 0.0689887 0.1878099 0.3002970 0.2616899
7.45 -4.7132405 1.0759228 0.0088490 -0.0671594 0.0247123 -0.9809058 0.0695284 0.1886492 0.3011786 0.2612931
7.50 -4.7184342 1.0762929 0.0093855 -0.0685422 0.0250370 -0.9794317 0.0700415 0.1894098 0.3018391 0.2609032
7.55 -4.7235003 1.0766033 0.0098755 -0.0699241 0.0253762 -0.9779934 0.0707763 0.1904078 0.3025285 0.2605820
7.60 -4.7284430 1.0768915 0.0105246 -0.0713429 0.0256743 -0.9766568 0.0715651 0.1915217 0.3032653 0.2602994
7.65 -4.7333837 1.0772140 0.0113584 -0.0728298 0.0259375 -0.9753910 0.0722029 0.1925290 0.3042325 0.2600373
7.70 -4.7373559 1.0774660 0.0121957 -0.0743514 0.0262123 -0.9743814 0.0726741 0.1933697 0.3051336 0.2597990
7.75 -4.7416466 1.0777728 0.0128658 -0.0758130 0.0265183 -0.9732904 0.0728978 0.1940842 0.3059485 0.2595587
7.80 -4.7457680 1.0780299 0.0135641 -0.0772443 0.0268006 -0.9719277 0.0727681 0.1944019 0.3063400 0.2592479
7.85 -4.7497414 1.0782000 0.0141330 -0.0786335 0.0271126 -0.9704617 0.0727670 0.1948756 0.3070301 0.2588959
7.90 -4.7534506 1.0783052 0.0148319 -0.0800742 0.0273947 -0.9689004 0.0727423 0.1952855 0.3075726 0.2584831
7.95 -4.7581199 1.0785516 0.0155607 -0.0815090 0.0276671 -0.9672867 0.0727983 0.1955861 0.3082346 0.2580498
8.00 -4.7626885 1.0788044 0.0162454 -0.0829210 0.0279467 -0.9656956 0.0726904 0.1956210 0.3086744 0.2575974
8.05 -4.7665886 1.0789803 0.0169358 -0.0842348 0.0281855 -0.9642105 0.0726910 0.1955636 0.3093254 0.2572404
8.10 -4.7700794 1.0791282 0.0176797 -0.0855551 0.0284043 -0.9628105 0.0726542 0.1953642 0.3099819 0.2568998
8.15 -4.7732371 1.0792491 0.0183643 -0.0869682 0.0286743 -0.9615282 0.0726398 0.1952027 0.3105540 0.2565271
8.20 -4.7763286 1.0793996 0.0189037 -0.0883768 0.0289897 -0.9603004 0.0724353 0.1947804 0.3106712 0.2561634
8.25 -4.7796380 1.0796619 0.0192182 -0.0897405 0.0293670 -0.9593245 0.0722249 0.1943082 0.3105713 0.2557813
8.30 -4.7832874 1.0799691 0.0194238 -0.0909772 0.0297372 -0.9584142 0.0721205 0.1940355 0.3105578 0.2554279
8.35 -4.7865078 1.0802141 0.0195244 -0.0920933 0.0301034 -0.9575725 0.0719822 0.1937691 0.3106331 0.2550582
8.40 -4.7892784 1.0803992 0.0194128 -0.0931738 0.0305313 -0.9567578 0.0717292 0.1933543 0.3104110 0.2547065
8.45 -4.7916492 1.0805978 0.0191142 -0.0940896 0.0309689 -0.9562115 0.0713832 0.1927574 0.3101309 0.2543620
8.50 -4.7941878 1.0808480 0.0187293 -0.0948903 0.0313963 -0.9558112 0.0711794 0.1922034 0.3099592 0.2540273
8.55 -4.7972561 1.0811811 0.0184135 -0.0956798 0.0317989 -0.9554520 0.0710746 0.1917249 0.3098812 0.2537017
8.60 -4.8003724 1.0815272 0.0181117 -0.0964288 0.0321830 -0.9551487 0.0709386 0.1913320 0.3100579 0.2534126
8.65 -4.8032572 1.0819053 0.0177544 -0.0971231 0.0325700 -0.9550626 0.0707406 0.1908932 0.3102053 0.2531347
8.70 -4.8061043 1.0823138 0.0173877 -0.0978012 0.0329590 -0.9549669 0.0702222 0.1901884 0.3101735 0.2528240
8.75 -4.8090039 1.0827344 0.0170120 -0.0984665 0.0333452 -0.9549550 0.0698091 0.1895978 0.3101426 0.2525078
8.80 -4.8117903 1.0831586 0.0165172 -0.0989960 0.0337240 -0.9550325 0.0694165 0.1890670 0.3102656 0.2521449
8.85 -4.8144080 1.0835596 0.0160393 -0.0994567 0.0340667 -0.9550519 0.0689427 0.1884223 0.3102450 0.2517523
8.90 -4.8166316 1.0839068 0.0156945 -0.0999493 0.0343739 -0.9550925 0.0684323 0.1877153 0.3101927 0.2513758
8.95 -4.8188422 1.0842174 0.0153947 -0.1004674 0.0346745 -0.9550275 0.0679239 0.1869933 0.3101146 0.2509823
9.00 -4.8215023 1.0845602 0.0151716 -0.1009873 0.0349482 -0.9549074 0.0676062 0.1864257 0.3101962 0.2505924
9.05 -4.8243651 1.0849492 0.0150286 -0.1014167 0.0351559 -0.9547977 0.0672304 0.1858608 0.3100967 0.2502004
9.10 -4.8273470 1.0853183 0.0149687 -0.1017354 0.0352933 -0.9545373 0.0668824 0.1853036 0.3099099 0.2497791
9.15 -4.8302099 1.0857072 0.0148901 -0.1019413 0.0353945 -0.9544321 0.0665933 0.1848195 0.3097247 0.2494146
9.20 -4.8327702 1.0860440 0.0147585 -0.1021489 0.0355138 -0.9543765 0.0664303 0.1844235 0.3095646 0.2490719
9.25 -4.8349965 1.0863712 0.0147374 -0.1024022 0.0356107 -0.9544739 0.0662494 0.1839903 0.3093731 0.2487250
9.30 -4.8368640 1.0866012 0.0147551 -0.1025448 0.0356534 -0.9544362 0.0660094 0.1836431 0.3090714 0.2483730
9.35 -4.8385006 1.0867920 0.0148296 -0.1026749 0.0356689 -0.9544144 0.0658520 0.1833232 0.3087947 0.2480003
9.40 -4.8396595 1.0869070 0.0150762 -0.1028747 0.0356507 -0.9544054 0.0656842 0.1830280 0.3086196 0.2476253
9.45 -4.8402948 1.0869362 0.0153007 -0.1030859 0.0356418 -0.9543600 0.0654170 0.1826539 0.3083844 0.2472734
9.50 -4.8406320 1.0869316 0.0154698 -0.1032534 0.0356362 -0.9543334 0.0650698 0.1822341 0.3080600 0.2469597
9.55 -4.8409575 1.0869060 0.0156111 -0.1034828 0.0356629 -0.9543325 0.0648798 0.1819317 0.3078291 0.2466628
9.60 -4.8414445 1.0868861 0.0157722 -0.1037108 0.0356846 -0.9543067 0.0647759 0.1816860 0.3077684 0.2463870
9.65 -4.8418767 1.0868878 0.0159301 -0.1039059 0.0356985 -0.9543802 0.0646080 0.1814507 0.3075527 0.2461159
9.70 -4.8432550 1.0870026 0.0161409 -0.1040324 0.0356713 -0.9543412 0.0645455 0.1812483 0.3072964 0.2458109
9.75 -4.8448301 1.0871395 0.0162848 -0.1041190 0.0356551 -0.9542876 0.0645008 0.1810066 0.3069951 0.2455038
9.80 -4.8458452 1.0871545 0.0164981 -0.1042243 0.0356149 -0.9541557 0.0645134 0.1807746 0.3066987 0.2452255
9.85 -4.8472373 1.0872268 0.0167811 -0.1043532 0.0355605 -0.9539727 0.0644992 0.1805418 0.3063476 0.2449635
9.90 -4.8486669 1.0872922 0.0171504 -0.1045048 0.0354867 -0.9537759 0.0645466 0.1804061 0.3059744 0.2447166
9.95 -4.8497512 1.0873154 0.0176149 -0.1046294 0.0353730 -0.9536196 0.0645639 0.1802776 0.3055848 0.2445081
10.00 -4.8508738 1.0873776 0.0182216 -0.1047668 0.0352207 -0.9536000 0.0646184 0.1801535 0.3052846 0.2443381
10.05 -4.8520525 1.0874715 0.0188559 -0.1048495 0.0350378 -0.9536086 0.0645785 0.1799751 0.3050582 0.2441544
10.10 -4.8531293 1.0875526 0.0194988 -0.1049785 0.0348672 -0.9536830 0.0646650 0.1798980 0.3050001 0.2439613
10.15 -4.8542345 1.0876338 0.0200578 -0.1050455 0.0347021 -0.9536802 0.0646216 0.1797502 0.3049350 0.2437704
10.20 -4.8548889 1.0876630 0.0205549 -0.1051107 0.0345569 -0.9536498 0.0643829 0.1793861 0.3048211 0.2435657
10.25 -4.8553387 1.0877168 0.0210123 -0.1051962 0.0344334 -0.9536686 0.0638718 0.1787846 0.3044119 0.2433559
10.30 -4.8557950 1.0877832 0.0214332 -0.1052755 0.0343224 -0.9537135 0.0633511 0.1781602 0.3039007 0.2431565
10.35 -4.8560147 1.0878608 0.0218281 -0.1053753 0.0342318 -0.9538751 0.0627204 0.1774032 0.3032747 0.2429631
10.40 -4.8558789 1.0878883 0.0221702 -0.1054319 0.0341415 -0.9540642 0.0621120 0.1766440 0.3026522 0.2427868
10.45 -4.8558458 1.0879276 0.0224772 -0.1054086 0.0340367 -0.9542783 0.0615596 0.1759337 0.3021191 0.2426167
10.50 -4.8559204 1.0880274 0.0228641 -0.1053427 0.0338880 -0.9546210 0.0610104 0.1752243 0.3016720 0.2424636
10.55 -4.8559903 1.0881597 0.0231565 -0.1052096 0.0337478 -0.9550110 0.0603409 0.1743910 0.3010521 0.2423390
10.60 -4.8559723 1.0882937 0.0233616 -0.1050659 0.0336326 -0.9553946 0.0595259 0.1734449 0.3003596 0.2422435
10.65 -4.8551954 1.0883055 0.0236849 -0.1049635 0.0334815 -0.9557810 0.0587336 0.1725502 0.2996567 0.2421949
10.70 -4.8541666 1.0882964 0.0239370 -0.1048805 0.0333649 -0.9561930 0.0578187 0.1715451 0.2989210 0.2421648
10.75 -4.8529033 1.0882591 0.0242091 -0.1047844 0.0332377 -0.9566112 0.0568152 0.1704948 0.2980115 0.2421267
10.80 -4.8511335 1.0881011 0.0244151 -0.1046786 0.0331285 -0.9569159 0.0558209 0.1695045 0.2971087 0.2420731
10.85 -4.8494208 1.0879092 0.0246379 -0.1045914 0.0330209 -0.9571443 0.0549477 0.1686949 0.2963376 0.2420026
10.90 -4.8479970 1.0877240 0.0248492 -0.1045372 0.0329293 -0.9572759 0.0541150 0.1679817 0.2955721 0.2419061
10.95 -4.8466023 1.0875424 0.0249844 -0.1044733 0.0328624 -0.9574042 0.0532431 0.1672514 0.2948414 0.2418088
11.00 -4.8455767 1.0874164 0.0251354 -0.1044587 0.0328044 -0.9575525 0.0525074 0.1666401 0.2942763 0.2416798
11.05 -4.8451272 1.0873393 0.0252461 -0.1044601 0.0327632 -0.9576145 0.0519027 0.1662010 0.2938975 0.2415404
11.10 -4.8448186 1.0872734 0.0253992 -0.1044616 0.0327064 -0.9576825 0.0513572 0.1658164 0.2935938 0.2413874
11.15 -4.8444895 1.0871889 0.0255796 -0.1044614 0.0326416 -0.9577433 0.0508885 0.1655010 0.2934984 0.2412555
11.20 -4.8441165 1.0870937 0.0257649 -0.1044777 0.0325803 -0.9578506 0.0505479 0.1653058 0.2935147 0.2411464
11.25 -4.8433818 1.0869303 0.0259813 -0.1045180 0.0325148 -0.9579722 0.0503430 0.1651964 0.2935834 0.2410602
11.30 -4.8428825 1.0867746 0.0261210 -0.1045130 0.0324638 -0.9580208 0.0501904 0.1651464 0.2936029 0.2409712
11.35 -4.8424033 1.0866413 0.0262078 -0.1044773 0.0324204 -0.9581255 0.0500471 0.1650322 0.2936077 0.2408577
11.40 -4.8419125 1.0864944 0.0263218 -0.1044056 0.0323527 -0.9582672 0.0500782 0.1650340 0.2936956 0.2407148
11.45 -4.8409569 1.0862966 0.0264211 -0.1043143 0.0322854 -0.9584456 0.0499643 0.1648808 0.2936400 0.2405652
11.50 -4.8401097 1.0861703 0.0264425 -0.1042113 0.0322431 -0.9587850 0.0498383 0.1646788 0.2934808 0.2403893
11.55 -4.8392570 1.0860672 0.0264411 -0.1040844 0.0321994 -0.9592195 0.0497454 0.1644967 0.2932492 0.2402175
11.60 -4.8386082 1.0859766 0.0264538 -0.1039743 0.0321592 -0.9596104 0.0497138 0.1643451 0.2930223 0.2400583
11.65 -4.8381898 1.0859394 0.0265112 -0.1038288 0.0320917 -0.9600518 0.0497075 0.1642198 0.2927549 0.2399215
11.70 -4.8377778 1.0859077 0.0265806 -0.1035993 0.0319886 -0.9605196 0.0497032 0.1641466 0.2925716 0.2398025
11.75 -4.8378659 1.0859555 0.0266477 -0.1033411 0.0318757 -0.9610096 0.0497511 0.1641969 0.2924711 0.2396877
11.80 -4.8380533 1.0860244 0.0266921 -0.1030636 0.0317647 -0.9615650 0.0498771 0.1642785 0.2924387 0.2395951
11.85 -4.8378086 1.0860230 0.0267097 -0.1028034 0.0316687 -0.9621425 0.0500548 0.1643652 0.2923961 0.2394984
11.90 -4.8374250 1.0860036 0.0267422 -0.1025730 0.0315801 -0.9627583 0.0502885 0.1645031 0.2923472 0.2394194
11.95 -4.8370244 1.0859907 0.0266855 -0.1023682 0.0315326 -0.9634591 0.0505874 0.1647576 0.2923922 0.2393555
12.00 -4.8366642 1.0859751 0.0265629 -0.1021471 0.0315028 -0.9641647 0.0509617 0.1650594 0.2925003 0.2392792
12.05 -4.8364094 1.0859750 0.0263890 -0.1019359 0.0314970 -0.9648862 0.0513573 0.1653605 0.2926679 0.2391885
12.10 -4.8361559 1.0859864 0.0262925 -0.1017421 0.0314666 -0.9656270 0.0517370 0.1656378 0.2928545 0.2390943
12.15 -4.8355714 1.0859581 0.0261593 -0.1015788 0.0314579 -0.9663973 0.0520990 0.1659018 0.2929811 0.2389903
12.20 -4.8345695 1.0858665 0.0261163 -0.1014431 0.0314254 -0.9671865 0.0524896 0.1661797 0.2931332 0.2389035
12.25 -4.8333309 1.0857361 0.0261508 -0.1013411 0.0313743 -0.9680018 0.0529375 0.1664913 0.2933075 0.2387982
12.30 -4.8321450 1.0856025 0.0261684 -0.1012592 0.0313395 -0.9688009 0.0534033 0.1668001 0.2935109 0.2386694
12.35 -4.8311105 1.0854901 0.0262118 -0.1011641 0.0312918 -0.9696590 0.0539711 0.1672158 0.2938140 0.2385414
12.40 -4.8297205 1.0853420 0.0262184 -0.1010431 0.0312490 -0.9706058 0.0545339 0.1676385 0.2941208 0.2383953
12.45 -4.8281832 1.0851863 0.0262381 -0.1009592 0.0312150 -0.9715865 0.0550302 0.1680143 0.2944165 0.2382538
12.50 -4.8267983 1.0850639 0.0262508 -0.1008653 0.0311767 -0.9725810 0.0555308 0.1683581 0.2947263 0.2381260
12.55 -4.8256300 1.0849539 0.0262744 -0.1007723 0.0311344 -0.9735115 0.0560610 0.1687491 0.2950917 0.2379794
12.60 -4.8245266 1.0848092 0.0262610 -0.1006666 0.0310993 -0.9743106 0.0566436 0.1692159 0.2954450 0.2378045
12.65 -4.8232403 1.0846413 0.0262727 -0.1005607 0.0310574 -0.9750685 0.0570886 0.1695401 0.2956459 0.2376419
12.70 -4.8221555 1.0845149 0.0262667 -0.1004764 0.0310271 -0.9758250 0.0575135 0.1698359 0.2958633 0.2374827
12.75 -4.8211031 1.0844048 0.0262656 -0.1004236 0.0310088 -0.9766382 0.0579730 0.1701685 0.2961261 0.2373147
12.80 -4.8200114 1.0842839 0.0262315 -0.1003799 0.0310041 -0.9774817 0.0584768 0.1705698 0.2964927 0.2371498
12.85 -4.8188944 1.0841838 0.0261369 -0.1002920 0.0310018 -0.9783925 0.0589641 0.1709392 0.2968484 0.2369944
12.90 -4.8178186 1.0841031 0.0260634 -0.1002234 0.0310002 -0.9793144 0.0593925 0.1712593 0.2971641 0.2368494
12.95 -4.8166150 1.0839941 0.0260275 -0.1002048 0.0310007 -0.9802397 0.0598521 0.1716700 0.2975270 0.2366935
13.00 -4.8153272 1.0838635 0.0260146 -0.1001833 0.0309926 -0.9811625 0.0603390 0.1721548 0.2979329 0.2365344
13.05 -4.8137963 1.0837094 0.0259874 -0.1001172 0.0309742 -0.9821164 0.0608092 0.1725948 0.2982473 0.2363861
13.10 -4.8122283 1.0835450 0.0259375 -0.1000166 0.0309507 -0.9830616 0.0613387 0.1730180 0.2985631 0.2362369
13.15 -4.8107612 1.0833798 0.0258631 -0.0998796 0.0309218 -0.9839619 0.0618998 0.1734775 0.2989463 0.2360788
13.20 -4.8095346 1.0832551 0.0257959 -0.0997334 0.0308852 -0.9848879 0.0625067 0.1739819 0.2993840 0.2359328
13.25 -4.8083083 1.0831092 0.0257606 -0.0996305 0.0308534 -0.9857526 0.0631415 0.1745271 0.2997599 0.2357845
13.30 -4.8071585 1.0829697 0.0257116 -0.0995501 0.0308328 -0.9866263 0.0638395 0.1751548 0.3001520 0.2356340
13.35 -4.8061292 1.0828416 0.0256489 -0.0994825 0.0308232 -0.9874663 0.0645207 0.1757860 0.3005933 0.2354863
13.40 -4.8051217 1.0826985 0.0255770 -0.0994458 0.0308275 -0.9882449 0.0652211 0.1764256 0.3011359 0.2353332
13.45 -4.8038868 1.0825334 0.0254987 -0.0994133 0.0308368 -0.9890534 0.0658637 0.1770095 0.3016893 0.2351944
13.50 -4.8024239 1.0823730 0.0253600 -0.0993621 0.0308609 -0.9899422 0.0663880 0.1774497 0.3021424 0.2350599
13.55 -4.8008862 1.0822101 0.0251997 -0.0993044 0.0308914 -0.9908800 0.0669207 0.1778896 0.3025833 0.2349244
13.60 -4.7993563 1.0820485 0.0250348 -0.0992297 0.0309193 -0.9917992 0.0674028 0.1782854 0.3029475 0.2347763
13.65 -4.7976366 1.0818814 0.0248539 -0.0991312 0.0309456 -0.9927529 0.0677424 0.1785778 0.3031409 0.2346214
13.70 -4.7960157 1.0817378 0.0246715 -0.0990215 0.0309671 -0.9936981 0.0679883 0.1788409 0.3033234 0.2344551
13.75 -4.7944668 1.0816051 0.0244679 -0.0988908 0.0309910 -0.9946419 0.0681971 0.1790905 0.3035344 0.2342970
13.80 -4.7929032 1.0814764 0.0242355 -0.0987557 0.0310232 -0.9956093 0.0683836 0.1793264 0.3037899 0.2341490
13.85 -4.7912189 1.0813383 0.0240137 -0.0986289 0.0310541 -0.9966098 0.0685423 0.1795860 0.3041442 0.2340211
13.90 -4.7892300 1.0811350 0.0239220 -0.0985304 0.0310486 -0.9975623 0.0687294 0.1798755 0.3044686 0.2338992
13.95 -4.7869067 1.0808893 0.0239037 -0.0984477 0.0310209 -0.9985045 0.0688552 0.1800773 0.3047168 0.2337757
14.00 -4.7841550 1.0805819 0.0238202 -0.0983405 0.0310078 -0.9994449 0.0689329 0.1802110 0.3048412 0.2336442
14.05 -4.7813854 1.0802594 0.0237047 -0.0982132 0.0309981 -1.0003559 0.0690138 0.1803659 0.3050219 0.2335061
14.10 -4.7785897 1.0799130 0.0235853 -0.0981191 0.0310004 -1.0012381 0.0691607 0.1806046 0.3053345 0.2333679
14.15 -4.7759194 1.0795757 0.0234962 -0.0980332 0.0309947 -1.0021289 0.0694071 0.1809492 0.3057072 0.2332303
14.20 -4.7732917 1.0792394 0.0234813 -0.0979732 0.0309728 -1.0030406 0.0697412 0.1813700 0.3061326 0.2330916
14.25 -4.7710102 1.0789350 0.0234461 -0.0979221 0.0309621 -1.0039059 0.0701510 0.1818828 0.3065905 0.2329480
14.30 -4.7688688 1.0786366 0.0233897 -0.0978736 0.0309613 -1.0047392 0.0706246 0.1824482 0.3070692 0.2328159
14.35 -4.7667450 1.0783256 0.0233085 -0.0978452 0.0309725 -1.0055367 0.0711715 0.1830769 0.3075832 0.2326739
14.40 -4.7646670 1.0780141 0.0232164 -0.0978083 0.0309804 -1.0063160 0.0717616 0.1837517 0.3081310 0.2325393
14.45 -4.7626265 1.0777104 0.0231100 -0.0977951 0.0310032 -1.0071021 0.0723428 0.1844138 0.3086651 0.2324163
14.50 -4.7603009 1.0773754 0.0229665 -0.0977716 0.0310335 -1.0079186 0.0728598 0.1850324 0.3091492 0.2322923
14.55 -4.7575713 1.0769761 0.0228549 -0.0977583 0.0310556 -1.0087182 0.0733263 0.1856133 0.3095289 0.2321677
14.60 -4.7548636 1.0765553 0.0227576 -0.0977356 0.0310718 -1.0094307 0.0738031 0.1862186 0.3098453 0.2320530
14.65 -4.7522813 1.0761366 0.0226986 -0.0977178 0.0310757 -1.0100692 0.0742822 0.1867970 0.3101810 0.2319278
14.70 -4.7497848 1.0757218 0.0226024 -0.0977033 0.0310929 -1.0106835 0.0747917 0.1873962 0.3105709 0.2318015
14.75 -4.7472930 1.0752827 0.0224760 -0.0976875 0.0311206 -1.0112189 0.0753477 0.1880216 0.3109780 0.2316731
14.80 -4.7447541 1.0748449 0.0223254 -0.0976597 0.0311542 -1.0117278 0.0757871 0.1885495 0.3112721 0.2315483
14.85 -4.7422085 1.0744110 0.0221484 -0.0976276 0.0311951 -1.0122201 0.0761399 0.1890205 0.3115217 0.2314401
14.90 -4.7397546 1.0739978 0.0219923 -0.0976228 0.0312391 -1.0127350 0.0765169 0.1894916 0.3118554 0.2313541
14.95 -4.7374115 1.0736142 0.0218280 -0.0976309 0.0312930 -1.0132843 0.0768770 0.1899358 0.3121921 0.2312818
15.00 -4.7351622 1.0732454 0.0216832 -0.0976572 0.0313461 -1.0138508 0.0772720 0.1904162 0.3125631 0.2312069
15.05 -4.7327127 1.0728460 0.0215290 -0.0976787 0.0314001 -1.0144161 0.0776711 0.1908959 0.3129103 0.2311329
15.10 -4.7302110 1.0724443 0.0213384 -0.0977080 0.0314715 -1.0149826 0.0780303 0.1913404 0.3132345 0.2310669
15.15 -4.7276504 1.0720412 0.0211184 -0.0977149 0.0315470 -1.0155643 0.0783576 0.1917483 0.3135057 0.2310019
15.20 -4.7251823 1.0716488 0.0208990 -0.0977142 0.0316200 -1.0161360 0.0786955 0.1921643 0.3138020 0.2309334
15.25 -4.7227379 1.0712665 0.0206539 -0.0977143 0.0317006 -1.0167244 0.0790633 0.1925929 0.3141124 0.2308595
15.30 -4.7202541 1.0708919 0.0203899 -0.0977086 0.0317855 -1.0173503 0.0794412 0.1930146 0.3144547 0.2307880
15.35 -4.7178315 1.0705268 0.0201266 -0.0976864 0.0318661 -1.0179744 0.0798123 0.1934331 0.3147755 0.2307247
15.40 -4.7155291 1.0701848 0.0198715 -0.0976747 0.0319473 -1.0186034 0.0801897 0.1938373 0.3150762 0.2306579
15.45 -4.7133027 1.0698603 0.0196013 -0.0976576 0.0320337 -1.0192672 0.0805900 0.1942705 0.3154266 0.2305955
15.50 -4.7110987 1.0695422 0.0193120 -0.0976455 0.0321301 -1.0199535 0.0810024 0.1947128 0.3158384 0.2305408
15.55 -4.7089699 1.0692398 0.0190568 -0.0976373 0.0322137 -1.0206326 0.0814027 0.1951351 0.3162268 0.2305078
15.60 -4.7070967 1.0689764 0.0188445 -0.0976334 0.0322831 -1.0212865 0.0817967 0.1955432 0.3167070 0.2304669
15.65 -4.7054210 1.0687400 0.0186734 -0.0976362 0.0323421 -1.0219407 0.0822569 0.1959874 0.3172516 0.2304276
15.70 -4.7038210 1.0685162 0.0185307 -0.0976224 0.0323821 -1.0225997 0.0827523 0.1964787 0.3178195 0.2304036
15.75 -4.7021376 1.0682721 0.0184286 -0.0976039 0.0324047 -1.0232170 0.0832464 0.1969506 0.3183487 0.2303783
15.80 -4.7004663 1.0680240 0.0183248 -0.0975736 0.0324249 -1.0238277 0.0837420 0.1974383 0.3188922 0.2303550
15.85 -4.6987932 1.0677838 0.0182453 -0.0975396 0.0324358 -1.0244510 0.0842060 0.1979095 0.3193994 0.2303273
15.90 -4.6970673 1.0675578 0.0181594 -0.0975183 0.0324523 -1.0250656 0.0845219 0.1982290 0.3197538 0.2302839
15.95 -4.6953586 1.0673362 0.0180549 -0.0974703 0.0324666 -1.0256581 0.0847820 0.1984990 0.3200263 0.2302487
16.00 -4.6937548 1.0671358 0.0179393 -0.0973911 0.0324746 -1.0262230 0.0849605 0.1986900 0.3202485 0.2302207
16.05 -4.6923572 1.0669711 0.0178204 -0.0973114 0.0324849 -1.0267997 0.0851413 0.1988959 0.3204643 0.2301987
16.10 -4.6910703 1.0668240 0.0176856 -0.0972430 0.0325048 -1.0273921 0.0853441 0.1991421 0.3206696 0.2301751
16.15 -4.6900638 1.0667321 0.0175543 -0.0971864 0.0325278 -1.0280104 0.0855337 0.1994054 0.3208618 0.2301426
16.20 -4.6892081 1.0666681 0.0174339 -0.0971086 0.0325380 -1.0286435 0.0857302 0.1997039 0.3210797 0.2301121
16.25 -4.6882101 1.0665812 0.0173375 -0.0970294 0.0325410 -1.0292916 0.0859453 0.2000185 0.3213237 0.2300943
16.30 -4.6871577 1.0664834 0.0172649 -0.0969327 0.0325297 -1.0299455 0.0861705 0.2003568 0.3215539 0.2300821
16.35 -4.6859866 1.0663683 0.0172147 -0.0968240 0.0325070 -1.0306158 0.0863936 0.2007056 0.3217842 0.2300693
16.40 -4.6844581 1.0662119 0.0171844 -0.0967004 0.0324707 -1.0313005 0.0865343 0.2009569 0.3219247 0.2300536
16.45 -4.6829163 1.0660548 0.0171636 -0.0965646 0.0324270 -1.0319896 0.0866818 0.2011866 0.3220628 0.2300384
16.50 -4.6813447 1.0658975 0.0171682 -0.0964409 0.0323796 -1.0326724 0.0867880 0.2013669 0.3221690 0.2300161
16.55 -4.6798765 1.0657657 0.0171690 -0.0963393 0.0323403 -1.0333728 0.0868776 0.2015479 0.3222673 0.2299883
16.60 -4.6785102 1.0656579 0.0171644 -0.0962463 0.0323064 -1.0341084 0.0869803 0.2017401 0.3224111 0.2299620
16.65 -4.6771776 1.0655500 0.0171470 -0.0961616 0.0322802 -1.0348354 0.0870961 0.2019490 0.3226047 0.2299381
16.70 -4.6757734 1.0654368 0.0171497 -0.0960839 0.0322504 -1.0355932 0.0872389 0.2021688 0.3227835 0.2299154
16.75 -4.6743159 1.0653184 0.0171542 -0.0959886 0.0322147 -1.0363682 0.0873900 0.2023881 0.3229671 0.2298930
16.80 -4.6728867 1.0652029 0.0171471 -0.0958938 0.0321832 -1.0371497 0.0875539 0.2026095 0.3231750 0.2298740
16.85 -4.6715492 1.0651030 0.0171361 -0.0957863 0.0321485 -1.0379311 0.0876988 0.2028368 0.3233503 0.2298588
16.90 -4.6702329 1.0650099 0.0171258 -0.0956624 0.0321093 -1.0387313 0.0878417 0.2030778 0.3235388 0.2298489
16.95 -4.6689237 1.0649152 0.0171137 -0.0955281 0.0320670 -1.0395288 0.0879858 0.2033293 0.3237164 0.2298486
17.00 -4.6675134 1.0647923 0.0171065 -0.0953903 0.0320193 -1.0402976 0.0881642 0.2036060 0.3239206 0.2298577
17.05 -4.6660140 1.0646495 0.0170882 -0.0952570 0.0319786 -1.0410556 0.0883592 0.2038878 0.3241292 0.2298726
17.10 -4.6646511 1.0645232 0.0170635 -0.0951328 0.0319428 -1.0418071 0.0885791 0.2041979 0.3243785 0.2298932
17.15 -4.6633531 1.0644047 0.0170666 -0.0950193 0.0319014 -1.0425700 0.0888388 0.2045350 0.3246605 0.2299197
17.20 -4.6619289 1.0642770 0.0170469 -0.0949010 0.0318679 -1.0433643 0.0890622 0.2048385 0.3248946 0.2299521
17.25 -4.6604410 1.0641456 0.0170264 -0.0947814 0.0318340 -1.0441646 0.0892486 0.2051066 0.3250794 0.2299816
17.30 -4.6586578 1.0639689 0.0170053 -0.0946914 0.0318109 -1.0449485 0.0893867 0.2053397 0.3252274 0.2300153
17.35 -4.6563665 1.0637107 0.0169468 -0.0946099 0.0318011 -1.0457354 0.0895250 0.2055897 0.3253705 0.2300551
17.40 -4.6540277 1.0634495 0.0168731 -0.0945033 0.0317891 -1.0465340 0.0896464 0.2058501 0.3254761 0.2300908
17.45 -4.6517418 1.0631944 0.0167738 -0.0943912 0.0317839 -1.0473300 0.0897633 0.2061409 0.3255759 0.2301179
17.50 -4.6494883 1.0629398 0.0166603 -0.0942646 0.0317774 -1.0481138 0.0898934 0.2064408 0.3257322 0.2301417
17.55 -4.6470506 1.0626676 0.0165633 -0.0941541 0.0317718 -1.0489303 0.0900297 0.2067105 0.3258672 0.2301681
17.60 -4.6445814 1.0623893 0.0165054 -0.0940256 0.0317453 -1.0497098 0.0901301 0.2069234 0.3259550 0.2302117
17.65 -4.6421749 1.0621183 0.0164439 -0.0938623 0.0317051 -1.0504661 0.0902339 0.2071135 0.3260625 0.2302693
17.70 -4.6398074 1.0618582 0.0163676 -0.0936873 0.0316665 -1.0512301 0.0903089 0.2072879 0.3261484 0.2303325
17.75 -4.6373872 1.0615992 0.0162742 -0.0934887 0.0316252 -1.0519862 0.0902888 0.2073950 0.3261244 0.2303997
17.80 -4.6350106 1.0613510 0.0161757 -0.0932913 0.0315870 -1.0527487 0.0902719 0.2075053 0.3260738 0.2304586
17.85 -4.6326753 1.0611078 0.0160714 -0.0931094 0.0315565 -1.0535132 0.0902568 0.2076309 0.3260459 0.2305202
17.90 -4.6303255 1.0608665 0.0159562 -0.0929230 0.0315285 -1.0543025 0.0902443 0.2077620 0.3260424 0.2305901
17.95 -4.6279721 1.0606296 0.0158294 -0.0927453 0.0315081 -1.0551004 0.0902235 0.2078697 0.3260325 0.2306635
18.00 -4.6256806 1.0604029 0.0157045 -0.0925735 0.0314897 -1.0559032 0.0902143 0.2079853 0.3260227 0.2307335
18.05 -4.6235482 1.0601937 0.0155649 -0.0923856 0.0314696 -1.0566806 0.0902402 0.2081103 0.3259923 0.2307986
18.10 -4.6215125 1.0599832 0.0154289 -0.0922064 0.0314529 -1.0574170 0.0902938 0.2082641 0.3260346 0.2308669
18.15 -4.6195446 1.0597824 0.0152808 -0.0920299 0.0314411 -1.0581603 0.0903571 0.2084408 0.3261046 0.2309436
18.20 -4.6175680 1.0595838 0.0151290 -0.0918681 0.0314366 -1.0588991 0.0903924 0.2085860 0.3261727 0.2310192
18.25 -4.6155501 1.0593811 0.0149677 -0.0917003 0.0314337 -1.0596409 0.0904073 0.2087303 0.3262638 0.2311089
18.30 -4.6134608 1.0591673 0.0147923 -0.0915262 0.0314338 -1.0603974 0.0904314 0.2088947 0.3264244 0.2312029
18.35 -4.6113606 1.0589534 0.0146054 -0.0913432 0.0314342 -1.0611660 0.0904607 0.2090800 0.3265908 0.2312943
18.40 -4.6091615 1.0587210 0.0144167 -0.0911767 0.0314414 -1.0619288 0.0904961 0.2092733 0.3267645 0.2313800
18.45 -4.6069186 1.0584798 0.0142445 -0.0910011 0.0314396 -1.0626962 0.0905433 0.2094949 0.3269409 0.2314630
18.50 -4.6045548 1.0582263 0.0141048 -0.0908264 0.0314256 -1.0634875 0.0905958 0.2097171 0.3271208 0.2315474
18.55 -4.6022555 1.0579779 0.0140189 -0.0906770 0.0313998 -1.0642804 0.0907114 0.2099961 0.3273333 0.2316349
18.60 -4.5999354 1.0577260 0.0139643 -0.0905460 0.0313709 -1.0650795 0.0908500 0.2102950 0.3275477 0.2317254
18.65 -4.5975723 1.0574669 0.0139311 -0.0904195 0.0313357 -1.0658857 0.0909980 0.2106238 0.3277787 0.2318139
18.70 -4.5951842 1.0572068 0.0138828 -0.0902919 0.0313065 -1.0667150 0.0911585 0.2109674 0.3280141 0.2319032
18.75 -4.5928423 1.0569459 0.0138195 -0.0901605 0.0312806 -1.0675214 0.0913371 0.2113231 0.3282595 0.2319961
18.80 -4.5905630 1.0566968 0.0137501 -0.0900262 0.0312559 -1.0683239 0.0915036 0.2116534 0.3284932 0.2320896
18.85 -4.5882897 1.0564454 0.0136895 -0.0899062 0.0312338 -1.0691287 0.0916884 0.2120215 0.3287538 0.2321822
18.90 -4.5859444 1.0561877 0.0136342 -0.0897936 0.0312124 -1.0699621 0.0918883 0.2124011 0.3290464 0.2322761
18.95 -4.5835739 1.0559358 0.0135791 -0.0896816 0.0311921 -1.0708360 0.0921012 0.2127846 0.3293473 0.2323750
19.00 -4.5811854 1.0556836 0.0135058 -0.0895712 0.0311799 -1.0717170 0.0923031 0.2131652 0.3296134 0.2324712
19.05 -4.5785562 1.0553965 0.0134393 -0.0894466 0.0311563 -1.0725925 0.0924814 0.2135224 0.3298248 0.2325693
19.10 -4.5759216 1.0551149 0.0133694 -0.0893173 0.0311335 -1.0734791 0.0926409 0.2138565 0.3300005 0.2326680
19.15 -4.5733085 1.0548385 0.0133009 -0.0891829 0.0311088 -1.0743627 0.0927815 0.2141700 0.3301508 0.2327696
19.20 -4.5707328 1.0545735 0.0132251 -0.0890475 0.0310864 -1.0752708 0.0929357 0.2144811 0.3303240 0.2328733
19.25 -4.5681581 1.0543094 0.0131417 -0.0889108 0.0310661 -1.0761907 0.0931160 0.2148037 0.3305288 0.2329716
19.30 -4.5655769 1.0540419 0.0130449 -0.0887642 0.0310480 -1.0771128 0.0933079 0.2151399 0.3307210 0.2330717
19.35 -4.5629537 1.0537768 0.0129323 -0.0886151 0.0310358 -1.0780591 0.0934791 0.2154531 0.3308830 0.2331716
19.40 -4.5603791 1.0535132 0.0128234 -0.0884418 0.0310120 -1.0789847 0.0936696 0.2157718 0.3310389 0.2332786
19.45 -4.5579092 1.0532598 0.0127360 -0.0882808 0.0309862 -1.0798843 0.0938509 0.2160907 0.3312164 0.2333875
19.50 -4.5554637 1.0530066 0.0126536 -0.0881226 0.0309604 -1.0807806 0.0940355 0.2164319 0.3314249 0.2334919
19.55 -4.5530926 1.0527660 0.0125638 -0.0879671 0.0309387 -1.0816819 0.0942248 0.2167771 0.3316603 0.2335976
19.60 -4.5507698 1.0525329 0.0124638 -0.0878078 0.0309185 -1.0825853 0.0944184 0.2171272 0.3319116 0.2337101
19.65 -4.5484820 1.0523011 0.0123580 -0.0876287 0.0308943 -1.0834763 0.0946293 0.2174838 0.3321520 0.2338338
19.70 -4.5461606 1.0520732 0.0122562 -0.0874555 0.0308706 -1.0843841 0.0948125 0.2178082 0.3323524 0.2339553
19.75 -4.5438000 1.0518500 0.0121600 -0.0872900 0.0308500 -1.0853000 0.0949700 0.2181100 0.3325200 0.2340828
19.80 -4.5413705 1.0516076 0.0120795 -0.0871289 0.0308198 -1.0862221 0.0951415 0.2184096 0.3326915 0.2342155
19.85 -4.5390661 1.0513886 0.0119939 -0.0869706 0.0307932 -1.0871300 0.0953188 0.2187053 0.3328751 0.2343419
19.90 -4.5370396 1.0512291 0.0118930 -0.0868176 0.0307737 -1.0880405 0.0954304 0.2189416 0.3330119 0.2344619
19.95 -4.5350267 1.0510743 0.0117816 -0.0866590 0.0307559 -1.0889565 0.0955338 0.2191705 0.3331256 0.2345780
20.00 -4.5330479 1.0509283 0.0116658 -0.0865082 0.0307421 -1.0898739 0.0956245 0.2193853 0.3332079 0.2346923
20.03 -1.2960000 0.5560000 -0.0600000 0.0940000 -0.0130000 -1.5820000 0.2200000 0.3040000 0.3320000 0.3410000
21.03 -2.0500000 0.7710000 -0.0300000 0.0100000 0.0100000 -1.4190000 0.1600000 0.3600000 0.4800000 0.3410000
""" )
[docs] class FaccioliEtAl2010 ( CauzziFaccioli2008 ):
Implements GMPE developed by Ezio Faccioli, Aldo Bianchini and Manuela
Villani and published as "New ground motion prediction equations for T>1 s
and their influence on seismic hazard assessment" (Proceedings of the
University of Tokyo Symposium on Long-Period Ground Motion and Urban
Disaster Mitigation, March 17-18, 2010).
This class implements the prediction equations for horizontal peak ground
acceleration, and 5%-damped spectral acceleration - equation 2 page 2,
plus site and faulting style terms (equations 3 and 5, page 3).
Spectral acceleration (SA) values are obtained from displacement response
spectrum (DSR) values (as provided by the original equations) using the
following formula::
SA = DSR * (2 * π / T) ** 2
This class extends :class:
because the functional form is almost identical - the only
difference is in the third term which rather then using
hypocentral distance, uses closest distance to the rupture and
additionaly considers a magnitude dependence.
#: Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration,
#: and peak ground acceleration, see table 1, page 7.
#: Required distance measure is rrup, equation 2, page 2.
kind = "2010"
#: Coefficient table as from table 1 page 7
COEFFS = CoeffsTable ( sa_damping = 5 , table = """ \
IMT a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 aB aC aD aN aR aS sigma
pga -1.1800 0.5590 -1.6240 0.0180 0.4450 0.2500 0.3100 0.3300 -0.0100 0.0900 -0.0500 0.3600
0.05 -2.9600 0.6040 -1.8780 0.0520 0.3960 0.2000 0.2100 0.1800 -0.0200 0.0800 -0.0300 0.3800
0.10 -2.0200 0.5590 -1.8370 0.0700 0.3730 0.2600 0.2400 0.1900 0.0100 0.0800 -0.0500 0.4000
0.20 -1.9700 0.5270 -1.5120 0.0310 0.3910 0.3000 0.4200 0.4000 0.0400 0.0500 -0.0500 0.4000
0.30 -2.1100 0.5700 -1.4210 0.0090 0.4590 0.2300 0.4200 0.4500 0.0200 0.0300 -0.0300 0.4000
0.40 -2.2300 0.5960 -1.3550 0.0050 0.4780 0.1900 0.4200 0.5300 0.0400 0.0100 -0.0200 0.4100
0.50 -2.3500 0.6130 -1.2950 0.0010 0.5560 0.2000 0.4200 0.6200 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0200 0.4100
0.60 -2.4600 0.6410 -1.2820 0.0010 0.5660 0.1900 0.4200 0.6800 0.0600 -0.0100 -0.0200 0.4100
0.70 -2.5000 0.6640 -1.2930 0.0010 0.5800 0.1700 0.4200 0.7000 0.0700 -0.0200 -0.0200 0.4100
0.80 -2.5700 0.6930 -1.3130 0.0020 0.5360 0.1700 0.4100 0.7200 0.0600 -0.0300 -0.0100 0.4000
0.90 -2.6300 0.7170 -1.3340 0.0030 0.5260 0.1700 0.4200 0.7300 0.0700 -0.0400 -0.0100 0.4000
1.00 -2.6800 0.7310 -1.3350 0.0020 0.5290 0.1700 0.4200 0.7200 0.0800 -0.0400 -0.0100 0.4000
1.25 -2.8400 0.7670 -1.3200 0.0010 0.5810 0.1600 0.4000 0.6700 0.0900 -0.0500 -0.0100 0.4000
1.50 -2.9500 0.8010 -1.3420 0.0020 0.5290 0.1500 0.3900 0.6300 0.0900 -0.0500 -0.0100 0.4000
2.00 -3.0900 0.8700 -1.4240 0.0180 0.4230 0.1200 0.3400 0.5500 0.0400 -0.0400 0.0100 0.4000
2.50 -3.1400 0.9040 -1.4540 0.0780 0.3420 0.1100 0.3100 0.5000 0.0200 -0.0300 0.0100 0.3900
3.00 -3.2000 0.9330 -1.4700 0.2620 0.2720 0.1100 0.2900 0.4900 0.0200 -0.0200 0.0000 0.3800
4.00 -3.4900 1.0140 -1.4960 0.3870 0.2680 0.1100 0.2700 0.4400 0.0100 -0.0300 0.0100 0.3700
5.00 -3.7100 1.0690 -1.4970 0.5270 0.2600 0.1000 0.2400 0.3900 0.0100 -0.0500 0.0200 0.3600
7.50 -4.1500 1.0970 -1.3200 0.4550 0.2660 0.0900 0.2200 0.3400 0.0400 -0.0900 0.0400 0.3300
10.00 -4.2800 1.0680 -1.1870 0.2100 0.2980 0.0800 0.2000 0.3200 0.0500 -0.1100 0.0400 0.3100
15.00 -4.1700 1.0210 -1.1430 0.0890 0.3340 0.0900 0.1900 0.3200 0.0700 -0.1100 0.0400 0.2900
20.00 -4.0200 0.9930 -1.1670 0.0650 0.3430 0.1100 0.2100 0.3300 0.0800 -0.1100 0.0300 0.3000
""" )
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