Using the Command Line ====================== An OpenQuake engine analysis can be launched from the command line of a terminal. A schematic list of the options that can be used for the execution of the OpenQuake engine can be obtained with the following command:: user@ubuntu:~$ oq engine --help The result is the following:: usage: oq engine [-h] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--no-distribute] [-y] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--make-html-report YYYY-MM-DD|today] [-u] [-d] [-w] [--run JOB_INI [JOB_INI ...]] [--list-hazard-calculations] [--list-risk-calculations] [--delete-calculation CALCULATION_ID] [--delete-uncompleted-calculations] [--hazard-calculation-id HAZARD_CALCULATION_ID] [--list-outputs CALCULATION_ID] [--show-log CALCULATION_ID] [--export-output OUTPUT_ID TARGET_DIR] [--export-outputs CALCULATION_ID TARGET_DIR] [-e] [-l {debug, info, warn, error, critical}] [-r] [--param PARAM] Run a calculation using the traditional command line API optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --log-file LOG_FILE, -L LOG_FILE Location where to store log messages; if not specified, log messages will be printed to the console (to stderr) --no-distribute, --nd Disable calculation task distribution and run the computation in a single process. This is intended for use in debugging and profiling. -y, --yes Automatically answer "yes" when asked to confirm an action -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE Custom openquake.cfg file, to override default configurations --make-html-report YYYY-MM-DD|today, --r YYYY-MM-DD|today Build an HTML report of the computation at the given date -u, --upgrade-db Upgrade the openquake database -d, --db-version Show the current version of the openquake database -w, --what-if-I-upgrade Show what will happen to the openquake database if you upgrade --run JOB_INI [JOB_INI ...] Run a job with the specified config file --list-hazard-calculations, --lhc List hazard calculation information --list-risk-calculations, --lrc List risk calculation information --delete-calculation CALCULATION_ID, --dc CALCULATION_ID Delete a calculation and all associated outputs --delete-uncompleted-calculations, --duc Delete all the uncompleted calculations --hazard-calculation-id HAZARD_CALCULATION_ID, --hc HAZARD_CALCULATION_ID Use the given job as input for the next job --list-outputs CALCULATION_ID, --lo CALCULATION_ID List outputs for the specified calculation --show-log CALCULATION_ID, --sl CALCULATION_ID Show the log of the specified calculation --export-output OUTPUT_ID TARGET_DIR, --eo OUTPUT_ID TARGET_DIR Export the desired output to the specified directory --export-outputs CALCULATION_ID TARGET_DIR, --eos CALCULATION_ID TARGET_DIR Export all of the calculation outputs to the specified directory -e, --exports Comma-separated string specifing the export formats, in order of priority -l, --log-level {debug, info, warn, error, critical} Defaults to "info" -r, --reuse-input Read the sources|exposures from the cache (if any) --param PARAM, -p PARAM Override parameters specified with the syntax NAME1=VALUE1,NAME2=VALUE2,...