Source code for openquake.hazardlib.gsim.gmpe_table

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Module :mod:`openquake.hazardlib.gsim.gmpe_table` defines the
:class:`openquake.hazardlib.gsim.gmpe_table.GMPETable` for defining GMPEs
in the form of binary tables
import h5py
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import numpy as np

from openquake.baselib.general import CallableDict
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import decode
from openquake.hazardlib.const import TRT, StdDev
from openquake.hazardlib import imt as imt_module
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import GMPE
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import round

_get_mean = CallableDict()

@_get_mean.add("base", "nga_east")
def _get_mean_(kind, data, dists, table_dists):
    :param kind:
        The string "base" or "nga_east"
    :param data:
        The intensity measure level table for the given magnitude and IMT
    :param dists:
        The distances for the given magnitude and IMT
    :param table_dists:
        The distance table for the given magnitude and IMT
        The mean intensity measure level from the tables.
    mean = np.interp(dists, table_dists, data)
    # For those distances less than or equal to the shortest distance
    # extrapolate the shortest distance value
    mean[dists < (table_dists[0] + 1.0E-3)] = data[0]
    # For those distances significantly greater than the furthest distance
    # set to 1E-20.
    mean[dists > (table_dists[-1] + 1.0E-3)] = 1E-20
    # If any distance is between the final distance and a margin of 0.001
    # km then assign to smallest distance
    mean[mean < -1.] = data[-1]
    return mean

[docs]def todict(hdfgroup): """ Convert an hdf5 group contains only data sets to a dictionary of data sets :param hdfgroup: Instance of :class:`h5py.Group` :returns: Dictionary containing each of the datasets within the group arranged by name """ return {key: hdfgroup[key][:] for key in hdfgroup}
def _return_tables(self, mag, imt, which): """ Returns the vector of ground motions or standard deviations corresponding to the specific magnitude and intensity measure type. :param which: the string "IMLs" or "Total" """ assert which in "IMLs Total", which if imt.string in 'PGA PGV': # Get scalar imt if which == "IMLs": iml_table = self.imls[imt.string][:] else: iml_table = self.stddev[imt.string][:] n_d, n_s, n_m = iml_table.shape iml_table = iml_table.reshape([n_d, n_m]) else: if which == "IMLs": periods = self.imls["T"][:] iml_table = self.imls["SA"][:] else: periods = self.stddev["T"][:] iml_table = self.stddev["SA"][:] low_period = round(periods[0], 7) high_period = round(periods[-1], 7) period = round(imt.period, 7) if period < low_period or period > high_period: raise ValueError("Spectral period %.3f outside of valid range " "(%.3f to %.3f)" % (imt.period, periods[0], periods[-1])) # Apply log-log interpolation for spectral period interpolator = interp1d( np.log10(periods), np.log10(iml_table), axis=1) iml_table = 10. ** interpolator(np.log10(imt.period)) # do not allow "mag" to exceed maximum table magnitude mag = np.clip(mag, None, self.m_w[-1]) # Get magnitude values if (mag < self.m_w[0]).any() or (mag > self.m_w[-1]).any(): raise ValueError("Magnitude %.2f outside of supported range " "(%.2f to %.2f)" % (mag, self.m_w[0], self.m_w[-1])) # It is assumed that log10 of the spectral acceleration scales # linearly (or approximately linearly) with magnitude m_interpolator = interp1d(self.m_w, np.log10(iml_table), axis=1) return 10.0 ** m_interpolator(mag) def _get_stddev(sigma, dists, table_dists, imt): """ Returns the total standard deviation of the intensity measure level from the tables. """ stddev = np.interp(dists, table_dists, sigma) stddev[dists < table_dists[0]] = sigma[0] stddev[dists > table_dists[-1]] = sigma[-1] return stddev
[docs]class GMPETable(GMPE): """ Implements ground motion prediction equations in the form of a table from which the expected ground motion intensity levels and standard deviations are interpolated. In a GMPE tables the expected ground motions for each of the IMTs over the range of magnitudes and distances are stored in an hdf5 file on the path specified by the user. In this version of the GMPE the expected values are interpolated to the required IMT, magnitude and distance in three stages. i) Initially the correct IMT values are identified, interpolating in log-T|log-IML space between neighbouring spectral periods. ii) The IML values are then interpolated to the correct magnitude using linear-M|log-IML space iii) The IML values are then interpolated to the correct distance via linear-D|linear-IML interpolation """ DEFINED_FOR_TECTONIC_REGION_TYPE = TRT.ACTIVE_SHALLOW_CRUST DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = set() DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT = "" DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = {StdDev.TOTAL} REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set() #: REQUIRES_DISTANCES is set at the instance level REQUIRES_DISTANCES = set() REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = {"mag"} gmpe_table = None # see subclasses like NBCC2015_AA13_activecrustFRjb_low kind = "base" def __init__(self, gmpe_table): """ Executes the preprocessing steps at the instantiation stage to read in the tables from hdf5 and hold them in memory. """ self.gmpe_table = self.filename = gmpe_table # populated by the ContextManager once imts and magnitudes are known with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as fle: self.distance_type = decode(fle["Distances"].attrs["metric"]) self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES = {self.distance_type} # Load in magnitude self.m_w = fle["Mw"][:] # Load in distances self.distances = fle["Distances"][:] # Load intensity measure types and levels self.imls = todict(fle["IMLs"]) # Update the list of supported IMTs from the tables self.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = { getattr(imt_module, key) for key in self.imls if key in imt_module.__dict__} if "SA" in self.imls and "T" not in self.imls: raise ValueError("Spectral Acceleration must be accompanied by" " periods") # Load in standard deviations if self.kind in "nga_east usgs": # there are no stddevs in the hdf5 file self.stddev = None return self.stddev = todict(fle["Total"])
[docs] def compute(self, ctx: np.recarray, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi): [mag] = np.unique(np.round(ctx.mag, 2)) # constructed unique idx = np.searchsorted(self.m_w, mag) table_dists = self.distances[:, 0, idx - 1] dists = getattr(ctx, self.distance_type) for m, imt in enumerate(imts): key = ('%.2f' % mag, imt.string) imls = self.mean_table[key] mean[m] = np.log(_get_mean(self.kind, imls, dists, table_dists)) sig[m] = _get_stddev(self.sig_table[key], dists, table_dists, imt)
# called by the ContextMaker
[docs] def set_tables(self, mags, imts): """ :param mags: a list of magnitudes as strings :param imts: a list of IMTs as strings Set the .mean_table and .sig_table attributes """ self.mean_table = {} # dictionary mag_str, imt_str -> array self.sig_table = {} # dictionary mag_str, imt_str -> array if 'PGA' in self.imls and 'PGA' not in imts: # add PGA since it will be needed in get_mean_amp imts = sorted(set(imts) | {'PGA'}) if 'SA(0.2)' not in imts: # add SA(0.2) since it will be needed in get_mean_amp imts = sorted(set(imts) | {'SA(0.2)'}) for imt in imts: imt_obj = imt_module.from_string(imt) for mag in mags: self.mean_table[mag, imt] = _return_tables( self, float(mag), imt_obj, 'IMLs') if self.stddev is not None: self.sig_table[mag, imt] = _return_tables( self, float(mag), imt_obj, 'Total')