Source code for openquake.commonlib.readinput

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>.
import os
import re
import ast
import copy
import zlib
import shutil
import zipfile
import pathlib
import logging
import tempfile
import functools
import configparser
import collections
import itertools

import numpy
import pandas
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
import requests
from shapely import wkt, geometry
import fiona

from openquake.baselib import config, hdf5, parallel, InvalidFile
from openquake.baselib.performance import Monitor
from openquake.baselib.general import (
    random_filter, countby, group_array, get_duplicates, gettemp)
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import zip, decode
from openquake.baselib.node import Node
from openquake.hazardlib.const import StdDev
from openquake.hazardlib.calc.filters import getdefault
from openquake.hazardlib.calc.gmf import CorrelationButNoInterIntraStdDevs
from openquake.hazardlib import (
    source, geo, site, imt, valid, sourceconverter, source_reader, nrml,
    pmf, logictree, gsim_lt, get_smlt)
from openquake.hazardlib.map_array import MapArray
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.point import Point
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.utils import spherical_to_cartesian, geohash3
from openquake.risklib import asset, riskmodels, scientific, reinsurance
from openquake.risklib.riskmodels import get_risk_functions
from openquake.risklib.countries import code2country
from openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation import OqParam
from openquake.qa_tests_data import mosaic, global_risk

F32 = numpy.float32
F64 = numpy.float64
U8 = numpy.uint8
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
U64 = numpy.uint64
Site = collections.namedtuple('Site', 'sid lon lat')

[docs]class DuplicatedPoint(Exception): """ Raised when reading a CSV file with duplicated (lon, lat) pairs """
# used in extract_fom_zip
[docs]def collect_files(dirpath, cond=lambda fullname: True): """ Recursively collect the files contained inside dirpath. :param dirpath: path to a readable directory :param cond: condition on the path to collect the file """ files = set() for fname in os.listdir(dirpath): fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, fname) if os.path.isdir(fullname): # navigate inside files.update(collect_files(fullname)) else: # collect files if cond(fullname): files.add(fullname) return sorted(files) # job_haz before job_risk
[docs]def extract_from_zip(path, ext='.ini', targetdir=None): """ Given a zip archive and an extension (by default .ini), unzip the archive into the target directory and the files with the given extension. :param path: pathname of the archive :param ext: file extension to search for :returns: filenames """ targetdir = targetdir or tempfile.mkdtemp( or None) with zipfile.ZipFile(path) as archive: archive.extractall(targetdir) return [f for f in collect_files(targetdir) if os.path.basename(f).endswith(ext) and '__MACOSX' not in f]
[docs]def unzip_rename(zpath, name): """ :param zpath: full path to a .zip archive :param name: exposure.xml or ssmLT.xml :returns: path to an .xml file with the same name of the archive """ xpath = zpath[:-4] + '.xml' if os.path.exists(xpath): # already unzipped return xpath dpath = os.path.dirname(zpath) with zipfile.ZipFile(zpath) as archive: for nam in archive.namelist(): fname = os.path.join(dpath, nam) if os.path.exists(fname): # already unzipped os.rename(fname, fname + '.bak') logging.warning('Overriding %s with the file in %s', fname, zpath)'Unzipping %s', zpath) archive.extractall(dpath) xname = os.path.join(dpath, name) if os.path.exists(xname): os.rename(xname, xpath) return xpath
[docs]def normpath(fnames, base_path): vals = [] for fname in fnames: val = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_path, fname)) if not os.path.exists(val): raise OSError('No such file: %s' % val) vals.append(val) return vals
[docs]def normalize(key, fnames, base_path): input_type, _ext = key.rsplit('_', 1) filenames = [] for val in fnames: if isinstance(val, list): val = normpath(val, base_path) elif os.path.isabs(val): raise ValueError('%s=%s is an absolute path' % (key, val)) elif val.endswith('.zip'): zpath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_path, val)) if key == 'exposure_file': name = 'exposure.xml' elif key == 'source_model_logic_tree_file': name = 'ssmLT.xml' else: raise KeyError('Unknown key %s' % key) val = unzip_rename(zpath, name) elif val.startswith('${mosaic}/'): if 'mosaic' in # support ${mosaic}/XXX/in/ssmLT.xml val = val.format(**[1:] # strip initial "$" else: continue else: val = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_path, val)) if isinstance(val, str) and not os.path.exists(val): # tested in archive_err_2 raise OSError('No such file: %s' % val) filenames.append(val) return input_type, filenames
[docs]def update(params, items, base_path): """ Update a dictionary of string parameters with new parameters. Manages correctly file parameters. """ for key, value in items: if key in ('hazard_curves_csv', 'hazard_curves_file', 'site_model_csv', 'site_model_file', 'exposure_csv', 'exposure_file'): input_type, fnames = normalize(key, value.split(), base_path) params['inputs'][input_type] = fnames elif key.endswith(('_file', '_csv', '_hdf5')): if value.startswith('{'): dic = ast.literal_eval(value) # name -> relpath input_type, fnames = normalize(key, dic.values(), base_path) params['inputs'][input_type] = dict(zip(dic, fnames)) params[input_type] = ' '.join(dic) elif value: input_type, fnames = normalize(key, [value], base_path) assert len(fnames) in (0, 1) for fname in fnames: params['inputs'][input_type] = fname else: # remove the key if the value is empty basekey, _file = key.rsplit('_', 1) params['inputs'].pop(basekey, None) elif isinstance(value, str) and value.endswith('.hdf5'): logging.warning('The [reqv] syntax has been deprecated, see ' '' 'adv-manual/equivalent-distance-app for the new ' 'syntax') fname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_path, value)) try: reqv = params['inputs']['reqv'] except KeyError: params['inputs']['reqv'] = {key: fname} else: reqv.update({key: fname}) else: params[key] = value
[docs]def check_params(cp, fname): params_sets = [ set(cp.options(section)) for section in cp.sections()] for pair in itertools.combinations(params_sets, 2): params_intersection = sorted(set.intersection(*pair)) if params_intersection: raise InvalidFile( f'{fname}: parameter(s) {params_intersection} is(are) defined' ' in multiple sections')
# NB: this function must NOT log, since it is called when the logging # is not configured yet
[docs]def get_params(job_ini, kw={}): """ Parse a .ini file or a .zip archive :param job_ini: Configuration file | zip archive | URL :param kw: Optionally override some parameters :returns: A dictionary of parameters """ if isinstance(job_ini, pathlib.Path): job_ini = str(job_ini) if job_ini.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): resp = requests.get(job_ini) job_ini = gettemp(suffix='.zip') with open(job_ini, 'wb') as f: f.write(resp.content) # directory containing the config files we're parsing job_ini = os.path.abspath(job_ini) base_path = os.path.dirname(job_ini) params = dict(base_path=base_path, inputs={'job_ini': job_ini}) input_zip = None if job_ini.endswith('.zip'): input_zip = job_ini job_inis = extract_from_zip(job_ini) if not job_inis: raise NameError('Could not find job.ini inside %s' % input_zip) job_ini = job_inis[0] if not os.path.exists(job_ini): raise IOError('File not found: %s' % job_ini) base_path = os.path.dirname(job_ini) params = dict(base_path=base_path, inputs={'job_ini': job_ini}) cp = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)[job_ini], encoding='utf-8-sig') # skip BOM on Windows check_params(cp, job_ini) dic = {} for sect in cp.sections(): dic.update(cp.items(sect)) # put source_model_logic_tree_file on top of the items so that # oq-risk-tests alaska, which has a file works, since # it is unzipped before and therefore the files can be read later if 'source_model_logic_tree_file' in dic: fname = dic.pop('source_model_logic_tree_file') items = [('source_model_logic_tree_file', fname)] + list(dic.items()) else: items = dic.items() update(params, items, base_path) if input_zip: params['inputs']['input_zip'] = os.path.abspath(input_zip) update(params, kw.items(), base_path) # override on demand return params
[docs]def get_oqparam(job_ini, pkg=None, kw={}, validate=True): """ Parse a dictionary of parameters from an INI-style config file. :param job_ini: Path to configuration file/archive or dictionary of parameters with a key "calculation_mode" :param pkg: Python package where to find the configuration file (optional) :param kw: Dictionary of strings to override the job parameters :returns: An :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance containing the validated and casted parameters/values parsed from the job.ini file as well as a subdictionary 'inputs' containing absolute paths to all of the files referenced in the job.ini, keyed by the parameter name. """ if not isinstance(job_ini, dict): basedir = os.path.dirname(pkg.__file__) if pkg else '' job_ini = get_params(os.path.join(basedir, job_ini), kw) re = os.environ.get('OQ_REDUCE') # debugging facility if re: # reduce the imtls to the first imt # reduce the logic tree to one random realization # reduce the sites by a factor of `re` # reduce the ses by a factor of `re` os.environ['OQ_SAMPLE_SITES'] = re ses = job_ini.get('ses_per_logic_tree_path') if ses: ses = str(int(numpy.ceil(int(ses) * float(re)))) job_ini['ses_per_logic_tree_path'] = ses imtls = job_ini.get('intensity_measure_types_and_levels') if imtls: imtls = valid.intensity_measure_types_and_levels(imtls) imt = next(iter(imtls)) job_ini['intensity_measure_types_and_levels'] = repr( {imt: imtls[imt]}) oqparam = OqParam(**job_ini) oqparam._input_files = get_input_files(oqparam) if validate: # always true except from oqzip oqparam.validate() return oqparam
[docs]def get_csv_header(fname, sep=','): """ :param fname: a CSV file :param sep: the separator (default comma) :returns: the first non-commented line of fname and the file object """ f = open(fname, encoding='utf-8-sig') first = next(f).strip().split(sep) while first[0].startswith('#'): first = next(f).strip().split(sep) return first, f
[docs]def get_mesh_exp(oqparam, h5=None): """ Extract the mesh of points to compute from the sites, the sites_csv, the region, the site model, the exposure in this order. :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :returns: a pair (mesh, exposure) both of which can be None """ exposure = get_exposure(oqparam, h5) if oqparam.sites: mesh = geo.Mesh.from_coords(oqparam.sites) return mesh, exposure elif 'hazard_curves' in oqparam.inputs: fname = oqparam.inputs['hazard_curves'] if isinstance(fname, list): # for csv mesh, pmap = get_pmap_from_csv(oqparam, fname) return mesh, exposure raise NotImplementedError('Reading from %s' % fname) elif oqparam.region_grid_spacing: if oqparam.region: poly = geo.Polygon.from_wkt(oqparam.region) elif exposure: # in case of implicit grid the exposure takes precedence over # the site model poly = exposure.mesh.get_convex_hull() elif 'site_model' in oqparam.inputs: # this happens in event_based/case_19, where there is an implicit # grid over the site model sm = get_site_model(oqparam) # do not store in h5! poly = geo.Mesh(sm['lon'], sm['lat']).get_convex_hull() else: raise InvalidFile('There is a grid spacing but not a region, ' 'nor a site model, nor an exposure in %s' % oqparam.inputs['job_ini']) try:'Inferring the hazard grid') mesh = poly.dilate(oqparam.region_grid_spacing).discretize( oqparam.region_grid_spacing) return geo.Mesh.from_coords(zip(mesh.lons, mesh.lats)), exposure except Exception: raise ValueError( 'Could not discretize region with grid spacing ' '%(region_grid_spacing)s' % vars(oqparam)) # the site model has the precedence over the exposure, see the # discussion in elif 'site_model' in oqparam.inputs:'Extracting the hazard sites from the site model') sm = get_site_model(oqparam, h5) mesh = geo.Mesh(sm['lon'], sm['lat']) elif 'exposure' in oqparam.inputs: mesh = exposure.mesh else: mesh = None return mesh, exposure
[docs]def get_poor_site_model(fname): """ :returns: a poor site model with only lon, lat fields """ with open(fname, encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: data = [ln.replace(',', ' ') for ln in f] coords = sorted(valid.coordinates(','.join(data))) # sorting the coordinates so that event_based do not depend on the order dt = [('lon', float), ('lat', float), ('depth', float)] return numpy.array(coords, dt)
[docs]def get_site_model_around(site_model_hdf5, rup, dist): """ :returns: site model close to the rupture """ with hdf5.File(site_model_hdf5) as f: sm = f['site_model'][:] hypo = rup.hypocenter xyz_all = spherical_to_cartesian(sm['lon'], sm['lat'], 0) xyz = spherical_to_cartesian(hypo.x, hypo.y, hypo.z) idxs = cKDTree(xyz_all).query_ball_point(xyz, dist, eps=.001) return sm[idxs]
def _smparse(fname, oqparam, arrays, sm_fieldsets): # check if the file is a list of lon,lat without header with open(fname, encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: lon, *rest = next(f).split(',') try: valid.longitude(lon) except ValueError: # has a header sm = hdf5.read_csv(fname, site.site_param_dt).array else: sm = get_poor_site_model(fname) sm_fieldsets[fname] = set(sm.dtype.names) # make sure site_id starts from 0, if given if 'site_id' in sm.dtype.names: if (sm['site_id'] != numpy.arange(len(sm))).any(): raise InvalidFile('%s: site_id not sequential from zero' % fname) # round coordinates and check for duplicate points sm['lon'] = numpy.round(sm['lon'], 5) sm['lat'] = numpy.round(sm['lat'], 5) dupl = get_duplicates(sm, 'lon', 'lat') if dupl: raise InvalidFile( 'Found duplicate sites %s in %s' % (dupl, fname)) # used global parameters is local ones are missing params = sorted(set(sm.dtype.names) | set(oqparam.req_site_params)) z = numpy.zeros( len(sm), [(p, site.site_param_dt[p]) for p in params]) for name in z.dtype.names: try: z[name] = sm[name] except ValueError: # missing, use the global parameter # exercised in the test classical/case_28_bis z[name] = check_site_param(oqparam, name) arrays.append(z)
[docs]def check_site_param(oqparam, name): """ Extract the value of the given parameter """ longname = site.param[name] # vs30 -> reference_vs30_value value = getattr(oqparam, longname, None) if value is None: raise InvalidFile('Missing site_model_file specifying the parameter %s' % name) if isinstance(value, float) and numpy.isnan(value): raise InvalidFile( f"{oqparam.inputs['job_ini']}: " f"{site.param[name]} not specified") elif name == 'vs30measured': # special case value = value == 'measured' return value
[docs]def get_site_model(oqparam, h5=None): """ :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :returns: an array with fields lon, lat, vs30, ... """ if h5 and 'site_model' in h5: return h5['site_model'][:] fnames = oqparam.inputs['site_model'] if oqparam.aristotle: rup = get_rupture(oqparam) # global site model close to the rupture dist = oqparam.maximum_distance('*')(rup.mag) return get_site_model_around(fnames[0], rup, dist) arrays = [] sm_fieldsets = {} for fname in fnames: if isinstance(fname, str) and not fname.endswith('.xml'): # parsing site_model.csv and populating arrays _smparse(fname, oqparam, arrays, sm_fieldsets) continue # parsing site_model.xml nodes = params = [valid.site_param(node.attrib) for node in nodes] missing = set(oqparam.req_site_params) - set(params[0]) if 'vs30measured' in missing: # use a default of False missing -= {'vs30measured'} for param in params: param['vs30measured'] = False if 'backarc' in missing: # use a default of False missing -= {'backarc'} for param in params: param['backarc'] = False if 'ampcode' in missing: # use a default of b'' missing -= {'ampcode'} for param in params: param['ampcode'] = b'' if missing: raise InvalidFile('%s: missing parameter %s' % (oqparam.inputs['site_model'], ', '.join(missing))) # NB: the sorted in sorted(params[0]) is essential, otherwise there is # an heisenbug in scenario/test_case_4 site_model_dt = numpy.dtype([(p, site.site_param_dt[p]) for p in sorted(params[0])]) sm = numpy.array([tuple(param[name] for name in site_model_dt.names) for param in params], site_model_dt) dupl = "\n".join( '%s %s' % loc for loc, n in countby(sm, 'lon', 'lat').items() if n > 1) if dupl: raise InvalidFile('There are duplicated sites in %s:\n%s' % (fname, dupl)) arrays.append(sm) # all source model input files must have the same fields for this_sm_fname in sm_fieldsets: for other_sm_fname in sm_fieldsets: if other_sm_fname == this_sm_fname: continue this_fieldset = sm_fieldsets[this_sm_fname] other_fieldset = sm_fieldsets[other_sm_fname] fieldsets_diff = this_fieldset - other_fieldset if fieldsets_diff: raise InvalidFile( f'Fields {fieldsets_diff} present in' f' {this_sm_fname} were not found in {other_sm_fname}') sm = numpy.concatenate(arrays, dtype=arrays[0].dtype) if h5: h5['site_model'] = sm return sm
[docs]def get_site_collection(oqparam, h5=None): """ Returns a SiteCollection instance by looking at the points and the site model defined by the configuration parameters. :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance """ if h5 and 'sitecol' in h5 and not oqparam.sites_slice: return h5['sitecol'] mesh, exp = get_mesh_exp(oqparam, h5) if mesh is None and oqparam.ground_motion_fields: raise InvalidFile('You are missing sites.csv or site_model.csv in %s' % oqparam.inputs['job_ini']) elif mesh is None: # a None sitecol is okay when computing the ruptures only return None else: # use the default site params if ('gmfs' in oqparam.inputs or 'hazard_curves' in oqparam.inputs or 'shakemap' in oqparam.inputs): req_site_params = set() # no parameters are required else: req_site_params = oqparam.req_site_params if h5 and 'site_model' in h5: # comes from a site_model.csv sm = h5['site_model'][:] elif (not h5 and 'site_model' in oqparam.inputs and 'exposure' not in oqparam.inputs): # tested in test_with_site_model sm = get_site_model(oqparam, h5) if len(sm) > len(mesh): # the association will happen in sm = oqparam elif 'site_model' not in oqparam.inputs: # check the required site parameters are not NaN sm = oqparam for req_site_param in req_site_params: if req_site_param in site.param: check_site_param(oqparam, req_site_param) else: sm = oqparam sitecol = site.SiteCollection.from_points( mesh.lons, mesh.lats, mesh.depths, sm, req_site_params) if 'station_data' in oqparam.inputs: # extend the sitecol df = pandas.read_csv(oqparam.inputs['station_data']) sitecol = sitecol.extend(df.LONGITUDE.to_numpy(), df.LATITUDE.to_numpy()) ss = oqparam.sites_slice if ss: if 'custom_site_id' not in sitecol.array.dtype.names: gh = sitecol.geohash(6) assert len(numpy.unique(gh)) == len(gh), 'geohashes are not unique' sitecol.add_col('custom_site_id', 'S6', gh) mask = (sitecol.sids >= ss[0]) & (sitecol.sids < ss[1]) sitecol = sitecol.filter(mask) assert sitecol is not None, 'No sites in the slice %d:%d' % ss sitecol.make_complete() sitecol.array['lon'] = numpy.round(sitecol.lons, 5) sitecol.array['lat'] = numpy.round(sitecol.lats, 5) ss = os.environ.get('OQ_SAMPLE_SITES') if ss: # debugging tip to reduce the size of a calculation # OQ_SAMPLE_SITES=.1 oq engine --run job.ini # will run a computation with 10 times less sites sitecol.array = numpy.array(random_filter(sitecol.array, float(ss))) sitecol.make_complete() if h5: h5['sitecol'] = sitecol if ('vs30' in sitecol.array.dtype.names and not numpy.isnan(sitecol.vs30).any()): assert sitecol.vs30.max() < 32767, sitecol.vs30.max() sitecol.exposure = exp return sitecol
[docs]def get_gsim_lt(oqparam, trts=('*',)): """ :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :param trts: a sequence of tectonic region types as strings; trts=['*'] means that there is no filtering :returns: a GsimLogicTree instance obtained by filtering on the provided tectonic region types. """ if 'gsim_logic_tree' not in oqparam.inputs: return logictree.GsimLogicTree.from_(oqparam.gsim) gsim_file = os.path.join( oqparam.base_path, oqparam.inputs['gsim_logic_tree']) gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(gsim_file, trts) gmfcorr = oqparam.correl_model for trt, gsims in gsim_lt.values.items(): for gsim in gsims: # NB: gsim.DEFINED_FOR_TECTONIC_REGION_TYPE can be != trt, # but it is not an error, it is actually the most common case! if gmfcorr and (gsim.DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES == {StdDev.TOTAL}): modifications = list(gsim.kwargs.keys()) if not (type(gsim).__name__ == 'ModifiableGMPE' and 'add_between_within_stds' in modifications): raise CorrelationButNoInterIntraStdDevs(gmfcorr, gsim) imt_dep_w = any(len(branch.weight.dic) > 1 for branch in gsim_lt.branches) if oqparam.number_of_logic_tree_samples and imt_dep_w: logging.error('IMT-dependent weights in the logic tree cannot work ' 'with sampling, because they would produce different ' 'GMPE paths for each IMT that cannot be combined, so ' 'I am using the default weights') for branch in gsim_lt.branches: for k, w in sorted(branch.weight.dic.items()): if k != 'weight': logging.debug( 'Using weight=%s instead of %s for %s %s', branch.weight.dic['weight'], w, branch.gsim, k) del branch.weight.dic[k] if oqparam.collapse_gsim_logic_tree:'Collapsing the gsim logic tree') gsim_lt = gsim_lt.collapse(oqparam.collapse_gsim_logic_tree) return gsim_lt
[docs]def get_rupture(oqparam): """ Read the `rupture_model` XML file or the `rupture_dict` dictionary :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :returns: an hazardlib rupture """ rupture_model = oqparam.inputs.get('rupture_model') if rupture_model: [rup_node] =['rupture_model']) conv = sourceconverter.RuptureConverter(oqparam.rupture_mesh_spacing) rup = conv.convert_node(rup_node) rup.tectonic_region_type = '*' # there is no TRT for scenario ruptures else: # assume rupture_dict r = oqparam.rupture_dict hypo = Point(r['lon'], r['lat'], r['dep']) rup = source.rupture.build_planar( hypo, r['mag'], r.get('rake'), r.get('strike', 0), r.get('dip', 90), r.get('trt', '*')) return rup
[docs]def get_source_model_lt(oqparam): """ :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.logictree.SourceModelLogicTree` instance """ smlt = get_smlt(vars(oqparam)) srcids = set(smlt.source_data['source']) for src in oqparam.reqv_ignore_sources: if src not in srcids: raise NameError('The source %r in reqv_ignore_sources does ' 'not exist in the source model(s)' % src) if len(oqparam.source_id) == 1: # reduce to a single source return smlt.reduce(oqparam.source_id[0]) return smlt
[docs]def get_full_lt(oqparam): """ :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.logictree.FullLogicTree` instance """ source_model_lt = get_source_model_lt(oqparam) trts = source_model_lt.tectonic_region_types trts_lower = {trt.lower() for trt in trts} reqv = oqparam.inputs.get('reqv', {}) for trt in reqv: if trt in oqparam.discard_trts.split(','): continue elif trt.lower() not in trts_lower: logging.warning('Unknown TRT=%s in [reqv] section' % trt) gsim_lt = get_gsim_lt(oqparam, trts or ['*']) oversampling = oqparam.oversampling full_lt = logictree.FullLogicTree(source_model_lt, gsim_lt, oversampling) p = full_lt.source_model_lt.num_paths * gsim_lt.get_num_paths() if full_lt.gsim_lt.has_imt_weights() and oqparam.use_rates: raise ValueError('use_rates=true cannot be used with imtWeight') if oqparam.number_of_logic_tree_samples: if (oqparam.oversampling == 'forbid' and oqparam.number_of_logic_tree_samples >= p and 'event' not in oqparam.calculation_mode): raise ValueError('Use full enumeration since there are only ' '{:_d} realizations'.format(p)) unique = numpy.unique(full_lt.rlzs['branch_path'])'Considering {:_d} logic tree paths out of {:_d}, unique' ' {:_d}'.format(oqparam.number_of_logic_tree_samples, p, len(unique))) else: # full enumeration'There are {:_d} logic tree paths(s)'.format(p)) if not oqparam.fastmean and p > oqparam.max_potential_paths: raise ValueError( 'There are too many potential logic tree paths (%d):' 'raise `max_potential_paths`, use sampling instead of ' 'full enumeration, or set use_rates=true ' % p) elif (oqparam.is_event_based() and (oqparam.ground_motion_fields or oqparam.hazard_curves_from_gmfs) and p > oqparam.max_potential_paths / 100): logging.warning( 'There are many potential logic tree paths (%d): ' 'try to use sampling or reduce the source model' % p) if source_model_lt.is_source_specific:'There is a source specific logic tree') return full_lt
[docs]def get_logic_tree(oqparam): """ :returns: a CompositeLogicTree instance """ flt = get_full_lt(oqparam) return logictree.compose(flt.source_model_lt, flt.gsim_lt)
[docs]def check_min_mag(sources, minimum_magnitude): """ Raise an error if all sources are below the minimum_magnitude """ ok = 0 for src in sources: min_mag = getdefault(minimum_magnitude, src.tectonic_region_type) maxmag = src.get_min_max_mag()[1] if min_mag <= maxmag: ok += 1 if not ok: raise RuntimeError('All sources were discarded by minimum_magnitude')
def _check_csm(csm, oqparam, h5): # checks csm.gsim_lt.check_imts(oqparam.imtls) srcs = csm.get_sources() check_min_mag(srcs, oqparam.minimum_magnitude) if h5 and 'sitecol' in h5: csm.sitecol = h5['sitecol'] else: csm.sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam, h5) if csm.sitecol is None: # missing sites.csv (test_case_1_ruptures) return if os.environ.get('OQ_CHECK_INPUT'): # slow checks source.check_complex_faults(srcs) # tested in test_mosaic
[docs]def get_cache_path(oqparam, h5=None): """ :returns: cache path of the form OQ_DATA/csm_<checksum>.hdf5 """ if oqparam.cachedir: checksum = get_checksum32(oqparam, h5) return os.path.join(oqparam.cachedir, 'csm_%d.hdf5' % checksum) return ''
[docs]def get_composite_source_model(oqparam, dstore=None): """ Parse the XML and build a complete composite source model in memory. :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :param dstore: an open datastore where to save the source info """'Reading %s', oqparam.inputs['source_model_logic_tree']) h5 = dstore.hdf5 if dstore else None with Monitor('building full_lt', measuremem=True, h5=h5) : full_lt = get_full_lt(oqparam) # builds the weights path = get_cache_path(oqparam, h5) if os.path.exists(path): from openquake.commonlib import datastore # avoid circular import with as ds: csm = ds['_csm'] csm.init(full_lt) else: csm = source_reader.get_csm(oqparam, full_lt, dstore) _check_csm(csm, oqparam, dstore) return csm
[docs]def get_imts(oqparam): """ Return a sorted list of IMTs as hazardlib objects """ return list(map(imt.from_string, sorted(oqparam.imtls)))
def _cons_coeffs(records, loss_types, limit_states): dtlist = [(lt, F32) for lt in loss_types] coeffs = numpy.zeros(len(limit_states), dtlist) for rec in records: coeffs[rec['loss_type']] = [rec[ds] for ds in limit_states] return coeffs
[docs]def get_crmodel(oqparam): """ Return a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance """ if oqparam.aristotle: with hdf5.File(oqparam.inputs['exposure'][0], 'r') as exp: try: crm = exp, oqparam, tmap='set_later') except KeyError: pass # missing crm in exposure.hdf5 in mosaic/case_01 else: return crm risklist = get_risk_functions(oqparam) if not oqparam.limit_states and risklist.limit_states: oqparam.limit_states = risklist.limit_states elif 'damage' in oqparam.calculation_mode and risklist.limit_states: assert oqparam.limit_states == risklist.limit_states loss_types = oqparam.loss_dt().names consdict = {} if 'consequence' in oqparam.inputs: if not risklist.limit_states: raise InvalidFile('Missing fragility functions in %s' % oqparam.inputs['job_ini']) # build consdict of the form consequence_by_tagname -> tag -> array for by, fnames in oqparam.inputs['consequence'].items(): if isinstance(fnames, str): # single file fnames = [fnames] dtypedict = { by: str, 'consequence': str, 'loss_type': str, None: float} # i.e. files collapsed.csv, fatalities.csv, ... with headers # taxonomy,consequence,loss_type,slight,moderate,extensive arrays = [] for fname in fnames: arr = hdf5.read_csv(fname, dtypedict).array arrays.append(arr) for no, row in enumerate(arr, 2): if row['loss_type'] not in loss_types: msg = '%s: %s is not a recognized loss type, line=%d' raise InvalidFile(msg % (fname, row['loss_type'], no)) array = numpy.concatenate(arrays) dic = group_array(array, 'consequence') for consequence, group in dic.items(): if consequence not in scientific.KNOWN_CONSEQUENCES: raise InvalidFile('Unknown consequence %s in %s' % (consequence, fnames)) bytag = { tag: _cons_coeffs(grp, loss_types, risklist.limit_states) for tag, grp in group_array(group, by).items()} consdict['%s_by_%s' % (consequence, by)] = bytag # for instance consdict['collapsed_by_taxonomy']['W_LFM-DUM_H3'] # is [(0.05,), (0.2 ,), (0.6 ,), (1. ,)] for damage state and structural crm = riskmodels.CompositeRiskModel(oqparam, risklist, consdict) return crm
[docs]def get_exposure(oqparam, h5=None): """ Read the full exposure in memory and build a list of :class:`openquake.risklib.asset.Asset` instances. :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :returns: an :class:`Exposure` instance or a compatible AssetCollection """ oq = oqparam if 'exposure' not in oq.inputs: return fnames = oq.inputs['exposure'] with Monitor('reading exposure', measuremem=True, h5=h5): if oqparam.aristotle: # reading the assets around a rupture sm = get_site_model(oq, h5) gh3 = numpy.array(sorted(set(geohash3(sm['lon'], sm['lat'])))) exposure = asset.Exposure.read_around( fnames[0], gh3, oqparam.countries) with hdf5.File(fnames[0]) as f: if 'crm' in f: loss_types = f['crm'].attrs['loss_types'] oq.all_cost_types = loss_types oq.minimum_asset_loss = {lt: 0 for lt in loss_types} else: exposure = asset.Exposure.read_all( oq.inputs['exposure'], oq.calculation_mode, oq.ignore_missing_costs, errors='ignore' if oq.ignore_encoding_errors else None, infr_conn_analysis=oq.infrastructure_connectivity_analysis, aggregate_by=oq.aggregate_by) return exposure
[docs]def get_station_data(oqparam, sitecol): """ Read the station data input file and build a list of ground motion stations and recorded ground motion values along with their uncertainty estimates :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :param sitecol: the hazard site collection :returns: station_data, observed_imts """ complete = sitecol.complete # Read the station data and associate the site ID from longitude, latitude df = pandas.read_csv(oqparam.inputs['station_data']) lons = numpy.round(df['LONGITUDE'].to_numpy(), 5) lats = numpy.round(df['LATITUDE'].to_numpy(), 5) dic = {(lo, la): sid for lo, la, sid in complete[['lon', 'lat', 'sids']]} sids = U32([dic[lon, lat] for lon, lat in zip(lons, lats)]) # Identify the columns with IM values # Replace replace() with removesuffix() for pandas ≥ 1.4 imt_candidates = df.filter(regex="_VALUE$").columns.str.replace( "_VALUE", "") imts = [valid.intensity_measure_type(imt) for imt in imt_candidates] im_cols = [imt + '_' + stat for imt in imts for stat in ["mean", "std"]] cols = [] for im in imts: stddev_str = "STDDEV" if im == "MMI" else "LN_SIGMA" cols.append(im + '_VALUE') cols.append(im + '_' + stddev_str) for im_value_col in [im + '_VALUE' for im in imts]: if (df[im_value_col] == 0).any(): file_basename = os.path.basename(oqparam.inputs['station_data']) wrong_rows = df[['STATION_ID', im_value_col]].loc[ df.index[df[im_value_col] == 0]] raise InvalidFile( f"Please remove station data with zero intensity value from" f" {file_basename}:\n" f" {wrong_rows}") station_data = pandas.DataFrame(df[cols].values, columns=im_cols) station_data['site_id'] = sids return station_data, imts
[docs]def get_sitecol_assetcol(oqparam, haz_sitecol=None, exp_types=(), h5=None): """ :param oqparam: calculation parameters :param haz_sitecol: the hazard site collection :param exp_types: the expected loss types :returns: (site collection, asset collection, discarded) """ asset_hazard_distance = max(oqparam.asset_hazard_distance.values()) if haz_sitecol is None: haz_sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam, h5) siteid = os.environ.get('OQ_DEBUG_SITE') if siteid: ok = haz_sitecol['custom_site_id'] == siteid.encode('ascii') if 'station_data' in oqparam.inputs: # keep the stations while restricting to the specified site sdata, _imts = get_station_data(oqparam, haz_sitecol) ok |= numpy.isin(haz_sitecol.sids, sdata.site_id.to_numpy()) haz_sitecol.array = haz_sitecol[ok] oqparam.concurrent_tasks = 0 try: exp = haz_sitecol.exposure except AttributeError: exp = get_exposure(oqparam) if oqparam.region_grid_spacing: haz_distance = oqparam.region_grid_spacing * 1.414 if haz_distance != asset_hazard_distance: logging.debug('Using asset_hazard_distance=%d km instead of %d km', haz_distance, asset_hazard_distance) else: haz_distance = asset_hazard_distance # associate the assets to the hazard sites # this is absurdely fast: 10 million assets can be associated in <10s A = len(exp.assets) N = len(haz_sitecol) with Monitor('associating exposure', measuremem=True, h5=h5): region = wkt.loads(oqparam.region) if oqparam.region else None sitecol, discarded = exp.associate(haz_sitecol, haz_distance, region) 'Associated {:_d} assets (of {:_d}) to {:_d} sites' ' (of {:_d})'.format(len(exp.assets), A, len(sitecol), N)) assetcol = asset.AssetCollection( exp, sitecol, oqparam.time_event, oqparam.aggregate_by) u, c = numpy.unique(assetcol['taxonomy'], return_counts=True) idx = c.argmax() # index of the most common taxonomy tax = assetcol.tagcol.taxonomy[u[idx]]'Found %d taxonomies with ~%.1f assets each', len(u), len(assetcol) / len(u))'The most common taxonomy is %s with %d assets', tax, c[idx]) # check on missing fields in the exposure if 'risk' in oqparam.calculation_mode: for exp_type in exp_types: if not any(exp_type in name for name in assetcol.array.dtype.names): raise InvalidFile('The exposure %s is missing %s' % (oqparam.inputs['exposure'], exp_type)) if (not oqparam.hazard_calculation_id and 'gmfs' not in oqparam.inputs and 'hazard_curves' not in oqparam.inputs and 'station_data' not in oqparam.inputs and sitecol is not sitecol.complete): # for predefined hazard you cannot reduce the site collection; instead # you can in other cases, typically with a grid which is mostly empty # (i.e. there are many hazard sites with no assets) assetcol.reduce_also(sitecol) if 'custom_site_id' not in sitecol.array.dtype.names: gh = sitecol.geohash(8) if len(numpy.unique(gh)) < len(gh): logging.error('geohashes are not unique') sitecol.add_col('custom_site_id', 'S8', gh) if sitecol is not sitecol.complete: # tested in scenario_risk/test_case_8 gh = sitecol.complete.geohash(8) sitecol.complete.add_col('custom_site_id', 'S8', gh) return sitecol, assetcol, discarded, exp
[docs]def levels_from(header): levels = [] for field in header: if field.startswith('poe-'): levels.append(float(field[4:])) return levels
[docs]def aristotle_tmap(oqparam, taxdic, countries): # returns a taxonomy mapping list items = [] with hdf5.File(oqparam.inputs['exposure'][0], 'r') as exp: for key in exp['tmap']: if set(key.split('_')) & countries: df = exp.read_df('tmap/' + key) items.append((key, df)) assert items, 'Could not find any taxonomy mapping for %s' % countries n = len(items) if n > 1: cs = [code2country.get(code, code) for code in countries] raise ValueError('Found %d taxonomy mappings for %s' % (n, cs)) out = {0: [("?", 1)]} df = items[0][1] dic = dict(list(df.groupby('taxonomy'))) missing = set(taxdic.values()) - set(dic) if missing: raise InvalidFile( 'The taxonomy strings %s are in the exposure but not in ' 'the taxonomy mapping' % missing) risk_id = 'risk_id' if 'risk_id' in df.columns else 'conversion' for taxi, taxo in taxdic.items(): out[taxi] = [(rec[risk_id], rec['weight']) for r, rec in dic[taxo].iterrows()] return out
# tested in TaxonomyMappingTestCase
[docs]def taxonomy_mapping(oqparam, taxdic, countries=()): """ :param oqparam: OqParam instance :param taxdic: dictionary taxi (integer) -> taxo (string) :param countries: array of country codes (possibly empty) :returns: a dictionary loss_type -> [[(riskid, weight), ...], ...] """ if oqparam.aristotle: cs = [code2country.get(code, code) for code in countries] logging.warning('Reading the taxonomy mapping for %s', cs) if oqparam.countries: # filter down to countries with the same tmap countries = set(countries) & set(oqparam.countries) else: countries = set(countries) out = aristotle_tmap(oqparam, taxdic, countries) return {lt: out for lt in oqparam.loss_types} elif 'taxonomy_mapping' not in oqparam.inputs: # trivial mapping out = {taxi: [(taxo, 1)] for taxi, taxo in taxdic.items()} return {lt: out for lt in oqparam.loss_types} fname = oqparam.inputs['taxonomy_mapping'] if isinstance(fname, str): # same file for all loss_types fname = {lt: fname for lt in oqparam.loss_types} return {lt: _taxonomy_mapping(fname[lt], taxdic) for lt in oqparam.loss_types}
def _taxonomy_mapping(filename, taxdic): try: tmap_df = pandas.read_csv(filename, converters=dict(weight=float)) except Exception as e: raise e.__class__('%s while reading %s' % (e, filename)) if 'weight' not in tmap_df: tmap_df['weight'] = 1. assert set(tmap_df) in ({'taxonomy', 'conversion', 'weight'}, {'taxonomy', 'risk_id', 'weight'}) # NB: conversion was the old name in the header for engine <= 3.12 risk_id = 'risk_id' if 'risk_id' in tmap_df.columns else 'conversion' dic = {k: v for k, v in tmap_df.groupby('taxonomy')} missing = set(taxdic.values()) - set(dic) if missing: raise InvalidFile( 'The taxonomy strings %s are in the exposure but not in ' 'the taxonomy mapping file %s' % (missing, filename)) out = {0: [("?", 1)]} for taxi, taxo in taxdic.items(): recs = dic[taxo] if abs(recs['weight'].sum() - 1.) > pmf.PRECISION: raise InvalidFile('%s: the weights do not sum up to 1 for %s' % (filename, taxo)) out[taxi] = [(rec[risk_id], rec['weight']) for r, rec in recs.iterrows()] return out
[docs]def assert_probabilities(array, fname): """ Check that the array contains valid probabilities """ for poe_field in (f for f in array.dtype.names if f.startswith('poe-')): arr = array[poe_field] if (arr > 1).any(): raise InvalidFile('%s: contains probabilities > 1: %s' % (fname, arr[arr > 1])) if (arr < 0).any(): raise InvalidFile('%s: contains probabilities < 0: %s' % (fname, arr[arr < 0]))
[docs]def get_pmap_from_csv(oqparam, fnames): """ :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :param fnames: a space-separated list of .csv relative filenames :returns: the site mesh and the hazard curves read by the .csv files """ read = functools.partial(hdf5.read_csv, dtypedict={None: float}) imtls = {} dic = {} for fname in fnames: wrapper = read(fname) assert_probabilities(wrapper.array, fname) dic[wrapper.imt] = wrapper.array imtls[wrapper.imt] = levels_from(wrapper.dtype.names) oqparam.hazard_imtls = imtls oqparam.investigation_time = wrapper.investigation_time oqparam.set_risk_imts(get_risk_functions(oqparam)) array = wrapper.array mesh = geo.Mesh(array['lon'], array['lat']) N = len(mesh) L = sum(len(imls) for imls in oqparam.imtls.values()) data = numpy.zeros((N, L)) level = 0 for im in oqparam.imtls: arr = dic[im] for poe in arr.dtype.names[3:]: data[:, level] = arr[poe] level += 1 for field in ('lon', 'lat', 'depth'): # sanity check numpy.testing.assert_equal(arr[field], array[field]) pmap = MapArray(numpy.arange(N, dtype=U32), len(data), 1) pmap.array = data.reshape(N, L, 1) return mesh, pmap
tag2code = {'multiFaultSource': b'F', 'areaSource': b'A', 'multiPointSource': b'M', 'pointSource': b'P', 'simpleFaultSource': b'S', 'complexFaultSource': b'C', 'characteristicSource': b'X', 'nonParametricSource': b'N'} # tested in commands_test
[docs]def reduce_sm(paths, source_ids): """ :param paths: list of source_model.xml files :param source_ids: dictionary src_id -> array[src_id, code] :returns: dictionary with keys good, total, model, path, xmlns NB: duplicate sources are not removed from the XML """ if isinstance(source_ids, dict): # in oq reduce_sm def ok(src_node): if src_node.tag.endswith('Surface'): # in geometrySections return True code = tag2code['\}(\w+)', src_node.tag).group(1)] arr = source_ids.get(src_node['id']) if arr is None: return False return (arr['code'] == code).any() else: # list of source IDs, in extract_source def ok(src_node): return src_node['id'] in source_ids for path in paths: good = 0 total = 0'Reading %s', path) root = model = Node('sourceModel', root[0].attrib) origmodel = root[0] if root['xmlns'] == '': for src_node in origmodel: total += 1 if ok(src_node): good += 1 model.nodes.append(src_node) else: # nrml/0.5 for src_group in origmodel: sg = copy.copy(src_group) sg.nodes = [] weights = src_group.get('srcs_weights') if weights: assert len(weights) == len(src_group.nodes) else: weights = [1] * len(src_group.nodes) reduced_weigths = [] for src_node, weight in zip(src_group, weights): total += 1 if ok(src_node): good += 1 sg.nodes.append(src_node) reduced_weigths.append(weight) src_node.attrib.pop('tectonicRegion', None) src_group['srcs_weights'] = reduced_weigths if sg.nodes: model.nodes.append(sg) yield dict(good=good, total=total, model=model, path=path, xmlns=root['xmlns'])
# used in oq reduce_sm and utils/extract_source
[docs]def reduce_source_model(smlt_file, source_ids, remove=True): """ Extract sources from the composite source model. :param smlt_file: path to a source model logic tree file :param source_ids: dictionary source_id -> records (src_id, code) :param remove: if True, remove sm.xml files containing no sources :returns: the number of sources satisfying the filter vs the total """ total = good = 0 to_remove = set() paths = logictree.collect_info(smlt_file).smpaths if isinstance(source_ids, dict): source_ids = {decode(k): v for k, v in source_ids.items()} for dic in parallel.Starmap.apply(reduce_sm, (paths, source_ids)): path = dic['path'] model = dic['model'] good += dic['good'] total += dic['total'] shutil.copy(path, path + '.bak') if model: with open(path, 'wb') as f: nrml.write([model], f, xmlns=dic['xmlns']) elif remove: # remove the files completely reduced to_remove.add(path) if good: for path in to_remove: os.remove(path) parallel.Starmap.shutdown() return good, total
[docs]def read_delta_rates(fname, idx_nr): """ :param fname: path to a CSV file with fields (source_id, rup_id, delta) :param idx_nr: dictionary source_id -> (src_id, num_ruptures) with Ns sources :returns: list of Ns floating point arrays of different lenghts """ delta_df = pandas.read_csv(fname, converters=dict( source_id=str, rup_id=int, delta=float), index_col=0) assert list(delta_df.columns) == ['rup_id', 'delta'] delta = [numpy.zeros(0) for _ in idx_nr] for src, df in delta_df.groupby(delta_df.index): idx, nr = idx_nr[src] rupids = df.rup_id.to_numpy() if len(numpy.unique(rupids)) < len(rupids): raise InvalidFile('%s: duplicated rup_id for %s' % (fname, src)) drates = numpy.zeros(nr) drates[rupids] = delta[idx] = drates return delta
[docs]def get_shapefiles(dirname): """ :param dirname: directory containing the shapefiles :returns: list of shapefiles """ out = [] extensions = ('.shp', '.dbf', '.prj', '.shx') for fname in os.listdir(dirname): if fname.endswith(extensions): out.append(os.path.join(dirname, fname)) return out
[docs]def get_reinsurance(oqparam, assetcol=None): """ :returns: (policy_df, treaty_df, field_map) """ if assetcol is None: sitecol, assetcol, discarded, exp = get_sitecol_assetcol(oqparam) [(loss_type, fname)] = oqparam.inputs['reinsurance'].items() # make sure the first aggregate by is policy if oqparam.aggregate_by[0] != ['policy']: raise InvalidFile('%s: aggregate_by=%s' % (fname, oqparam.aggregate_by)) [(key, fname)] = oqparam.inputs['reinsurance'].items() p, t, f = reinsurance.parse(fname, assetcol.tagcol.policy_idx) # check ideductible arr = assetcol.array for pol_no, deduc in zip(p.policy, p.deductible): if deduc: ideduc = arr[arr['policy'] == pol_no]['ideductible'] if ideduc.any(): pol = assetcol.tagcol.policy[pol_no] raise InvalidFile('%s: for policy %s there is a deductible ' 'also in the exposure!' % (fname, pol)) return p, t, f
[docs]def get_input_files(oqparam): """ :param oqparam: an OqParam instance :param hazard: if True, consider only the hazard files :returns: input path names in a specific order """ fnames = set() # files entering in the checksum uri = oqparam.shakemap_uri if isinstance(uri, dict) and uri: # local files for key, val in uri.items(): if key == 'fname' or key.endswith('_url'): val = val.replace('file://', '') fname = os.path.join(oqparam.base_path, val) if os.path.exists(fname): uri[key] = fname fnames.add(fname) # additional separate shapefiles if uri['kind'] == 'shapefile' and not uri['fname'].endswith('.zip'): fnames.update(get_shapefiles(os.path.dirname(fname))) for key in oqparam.inputs: fname = oqparam.inputs[key] # collect .hdf5 tables for the GSIMs, if any if key == 'gsim_logic_tree': fnames.update(gsim_lt.collect_files(fname)) fnames.add(fname) elif key == 'source_model': fnames.add(oqparam.inputs['source_model']) elif key == 'exposure': # fname is a list fnames.update(fname) if any(f.endswith(('.xml', '.nrml')) for f in fnames): for exp in asset.Exposure.read_headers(fname): fnames.update(exp.datafiles) elif key == 'reinsurance': [xml] = fname.values() node = csv = ~node.reinsuranceModel.policies fnames.add(xml) fnames.add(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(xml), csv)) elif key == 'geometry': fnames.add(fname) elif isinstance(fname, dict): for key, val in fname.items(): if isinstance(val, list): # list of files fnames.update(val) else: fnames.add(val) elif isinstance(fname, list): for f in fname: if f == oqparam.input_dir: raise InvalidFile('%s there is an empty path in %s' % (oqparam.inputs['job_ini'], key)) fnames.update(fname) elif key == 'source_model_logic_tree': info = logictree.collect_info(fname) fnames.update(info.smpaths) fnames.update(info.h5paths) fnames.add(fname) else: fnames.add(fname) return sorted(fnames)
def _checksum(fnames, checksum=0): """ :returns: the 32 bit checksum of a list of files """ for fname in (f for f in fnames if f != '<in-memory>'): if not os.path.exists(fname): zpath = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + '.zip' if not os.path.exists(zpath): raise OSError('No such file: %s or %s' % (fname, zpath)) with open(zpath, 'rb') as f: data = else: with open(fname, 'rb') as f: data = checksum = zlib.adler32(data, checksum) return checksum
[docs]def get_checksum32(oqparam, h5=None): """ Build an unsigned 32 bit integer from the hazard input files :param oqparam: an OqParam instance """ checksum = _checksum(oqparam._input_files) hazard_params = [] for key, val in sorted(vars(oqparam).items()): if key in ('rupture_mesh_spacing', 'complex_fault_mesh_spacing', 'width_of_mfd_bin', 'area_source_discretization', 'random_seed', 'number_of_logic_tree_samples', 'minimum_magnitude', 'source_id', 'sites', 'floating_x_step', 'floating_y_step'): hazard_params.append('%s = %s' % (key, val)) data = '\n'.join(hazard_params).encode('utf8') checksum = zlib.adler32(data, checksum) if h5: h5.attrs['checksum32'] = checksum return checksum
# NOTE: we expect to call this for mosaic or global_risk, with buffer 0 or 0.1
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=4) def read_geometries(fname, code, buffer=0): """ :param fname: path of the file containing the geometries :param code: name of the primary key field :param buffer: shapely buffer in degrees :returns: data frame with codes and geometries """ with as f: codes = [] geoms = [] for feature in f: props = feature['properties'] codes.append(props[code]) geom = geometry.shape(feature['geometry']) geoms.append(geom.buffer(buffer)) return pandas.DataFrame(dict(code=codes, geom=geoms))
[docs]def read_mosaic_df(buffer): """ :returns: a DataFrame of geometries for the mosaic models """ fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mosaic.__file__), 'ModelBoundaries.shp') return read_geometries(fname, 'code', buffer)
[docs]def read_countries_df(buffer=0.1): """ :returns: a DataFrame of geometries for the world countries """ fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(global_risk.__file__), 'geoBoundariesCGAZ_ADM0.shp') return read_geometries(fname, 'shapeGroup', buffer)