# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (c) 2018, GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import abc
import numpy
from openquake.baselib.general import AccumDict
from openquake.baselib.performance import Monitor
from openquake.hazardlib import imt as imt_module
from openquake.hazardlib.probability_map import ProbabilityMap
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.surface import PlanarSurface
[docs]def get_distances(rupture, mesh, param):
:param rupture: a rupture
:param mesh: a mesh of points or a site collection
:param param: the kind of distance to compute (default rjb)
:returns: an array of distances from the given mesh
if param == 'rrup':
dist = rupture.surface.get_min_distance(mesh)
elif param == 'rx':
dist = rupture.surface.get_rx_distance(mesh)
elif param == 'ry0':
dist = rupture.surface.get_ry0_distance(mesh)
elif param == 'rjb':
dist = rupture.surface.get_joyner_boore_distance(mesh)
elif param == 'rhypo':
dist = rupture.hypocenter.distance_to_mesh(mesh)
elif param == 'repi':
dist = rupture.hypocenter.distance_to_mesh(mesh, with_depths=False)
elif param == 'rcdpp':
dist = rupture.get_cdppvalue(mesh)
elif param == 'azimuth':
dist = rupture.surface.get_azimuth(mesh)
elif param == "rvolc":
# Volcanic distance not yet supported, defaulting to zero
dist = numpy.zeros_like(mesh.lons)
raise ValueError('Unknown distance measure %r' % param)
return dist
[docs]class FarAwayRupture(Exception):
"""Raised if the rupture is outside the maximum distance for all sites"""
[docs]def get_num_distances(gsims):
:returns: the number of distances required for the given GSIMs
dists = set()
for gsim in gsims:
return len(dists)
[docs]class ContextMaker(object):
A class to manage the creation of contexts for distances, sites, rupture.
def __init__(self, gsims, maximum_distance=None, param=None,
param = param or {}
self.gsims = gsims
self.maximum_distance = maximum_distance or {}
self.hypo_dist_collapsing_distance = param.get(
self.nodal_dist_collapsing_distance = param.get(
for req in self.REQUIRES:
reqset = set()
for gsim in gsims:
reqset.update(getattr(gsim, 'REQUIRES_' + req))
setattr(self, 'REQUIRES_' + req, reqset)
filter_distance = param.get('filter_distance')
if filter_distance is None:
if 'rrup' in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
filter_distance = 'rrup'
elif 'rjb' in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
filter_distance = 'rjb'
filter_distance = 'rrup'
self.filter_distance = filter_distance
self.reqv = param.get('reqv')
if self.reqv is not None:
if hasattr(gsims, 'items'): # gsims is actually a dict rlzs_by_gsim
# since the ContextMaker must be used on ruptures with all the
# same TRT, given a realization there is a single gsim
self.gsim_by_rlzi = {}
for gsim, rlzis in gsims.items():
for rlzi in rlzis:
self.gsim_by_rlzi[rlzi] = gsim
self.ir_mon = monitor('iter_ruptures', measuremem=False)
self.ctx_mon = monitor('make_contexts', measuremem=False)
self.poe_mon = monitor('get_poes', measuremem=False)
[docs] def filter(self, sites, rupture):
Filter the site collection with respect to the rupture.
:param sites:
Instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection`.
:param rupture:
Instance of
(filtered sites, distance context)
distances = get_distances(rupture, sites, self.filter_distance)
if self.maximum_distance:
mask = distances <= self.maximum_distance(
rupture.tectonic_region_type, rupture.mag)
if mask.any():
sites, distances = sites.filter(mask), distances[mask]
raise FarAwayRupture(rupture.serial)
return sites, DistancesContext([(self.filter_distance, distances)])
[docs] def add_rup_params(self, rupture):
if param == 'mag':
value = rupture.mag
elif param == 'strike':
value = rupture.surface.get_strike()
elif param == 'dip':
value = rupture.surface.get_dip()
elif param == 'rake':
value = rupture.rake
elif param == 'ztor':
value = rupture.surface.get_top_edge_depth()
elif param == 'hypo_lon':
value = rupture.hypocenter.longitude
elif param == 'hypo_lat':
value = rupture.hypocenter.latitude
elif param == 'hypo_depth':
value = rupture.hypocenter.depth
elif param == 'width':
value = rupture.surface.get_width()
raise ValueError('%s requires unknown rupture parameter %r' %
(type(self).__name__, param))
setattr(rupture, param, value)
[docs] def make_contexts(self, sites, rupture):
Filter the site collection with respect to the rupture and
create context objects.
:param sites:
Instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection`.
:param rupture:
Instance of
Tuple of two items: sites and distances context.
:raises ValueError:
If any of declared required parameters (that includes site, rupture
and distance parameters) is unknown.
sites, dctx = self.filter(sites, rupture)
for param in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES - set([self.filter_distance]):
distances = get_distances(rupture, sites, param)
setattr(dctx, param, distances)
if self.reqv and isinstance(rupture.surface, PlanarSurface):
reqv = self.reqv.get(dctx.repi, rupture.mag)
if 'rjb' in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
dctx.rjb = reqv
if 'rrup' in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
reqv_rup = numpy.sqrt(reqv**2 + rupture.hypocenter.depth**2)
dctx.rrup = reqv_rup
# NB: returning a SitesContext make sures that the GSIM cannot
# access site parameters different from the ones declared
sctx = SitesContext(self.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS, sites)
return sctx, dctx
[docs] def poe_map(self, src, sites, imtls, trunclevel, rup_indep=True):
:param src: a source object
:param sites: a filtered SiteCollection
:param imtls: intensity measure and levels
:param trunclevel: truncation level
:param rup_indep: True if the ruptures are independent
:returns: a ProbabilityMap instance
pmap = ProbabilityMap.build(
len(imtls.array), len(self.gsims), sites.sids,
eff_ruptures = 0
with self.ir_mon:
if hasattr(src, 'location'):
dist = src.location.distance_to_mesh(sites).min()
if (self.hypo_dist_collapsing_distance is not None and
dist > self.hypo_dist_collapsing_distance):
# disable floating
if (self.nodal_dist_collapsing_distance is not None and
dist > self.nodal_dist_collapsing_distance):
# disable spinning
rups = list(src.iter_ruptures())
# normally len(rups) == src.num_ruptures, but in UCERF .iter_ruptures
# discards far away ruptures: len(rups) < src.num_ruptures can happen
if len(rups) > src.num_ruptures:
raise ValueError('Expected at max %d ruptures, got %d' % (
src.num_ruptures, len(rups)))
weight = 1. / len(rups)
for rup in rups:
rup.weight = weight
with self.ctx_mon:
sctx, dctx = self.make_contexts(sites, rup)
except FarAwayRupture:
eff_ruptures += 1
with self.poe_mon:
pnes = self._make_pnes(rup, sctx, dctx, imtls, trunclevel)
for sid, pne in zip(sctx.sids, pnes):
if rup_indep:
pmap[sid].array *= pne
pmap[sid].array += pne * rup.weight
pmap = ~pmap
pmap.eff_ruptures = eff_ruptures
return pmap
# NB: it is important for this to be fast since it is inside an inner loop
def _make_pnes(self, rupture, sctx, dctx, imtls, trunclevel):
pne_array = numpy.zeros(
(len(sctx.sids), len(imtls.array), len(self.gsims)))
for i, gsim in enumerate(self.gsims):
dctx_ = dctx.roundup(gsim.minimum_distance)
pnos = [] # list of arrays nsites x nlevels
for imt in imtls:
poes = gsim.get_poes(
sctx, rupture, dctx_,
imt_module.from_string(imt), imtls[imt], trunclevel)
pne_array[:, :, i] = numpy.concatenate(pnos, axis=1)
return pne_array
[docs] def disaggregate(self, sitecol, ruptures, iml4, truncnorm, epsilons,
Disaggregate (separate) PoE of `imldict` in different contributions
each coming from `n_epsilons` distribution bins.
:param sitecol: a SiteCollection
:param ruptures: an iterator over ruptures with the same TRT
:param iml4: a 4d array of IMLs of shape (N, R, M, P)
:param truncnorm: an instance of scipy.stats.truncnorm
:param epsilons: the epsilon bins
:param monitor: a Monitor instance
an AccumDict with keys (poe, imt, rlzi) and mags, dists, lons, lats
acc = AccumDict(accum=[])
ctx_mon = monitor('disagg_contexts', measuremem=False)
pne_mon = monitor('disaggregate_pne', measuremem=False)
clo_mon = monitor('get_closest', measuremem=False)
for rupture in ruptures:
with ctx_mon:
orig_dctx = DistancesContext(
(param, get_distances(rupture, sitecol, param))
for param in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES)
with clo_mon: # this is faster than computing orig_dctx
closest_points = rupture.surface.get_closest_points(sitecol)
cache = {}
for r, gsim in self.gsim_by_rlzi.items():
dctx = orig_dctx.roundup(gsim.minimum_distance)
for m, imt in enumerate(iml4.imts):
for p, poe in enumerate(iml4.poes_disagg):
iml = tuple(iml4.array[:, r, m, p])
pne = cache[gsim, imt, iml]
except KeyError:
with pne_mon:
pne = gsim.disaggregate_pne(
rupture, sitecol, dctx, imt, iml,
truncnorm, epsilons)
cache[gsim, imt, iml] = pne
acc[poe, str(imt), r].append(pne)
acc['dists'].append(getattr(dctx, self.filter_distance))
return acc
[docs]class BaseContext(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
Base class for context object.
def __eq__(self, other):
Return True if ``other`` has same attributes with same values.
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
if self._slots_ == other._slots_:
self_other = [
getattr(self, s, None) == getattr(other, s, None))
for s in self._slots_]
return numpy.all(self_other)
return False
# mock of a site collection used in the tests and in the SMTK
[docs]class SitesContext(BaseContext):
Sites calculation context for ground shaking intensity models.
Instances of this class are passed into
:meth:`GroundShakingIntensityModel.get_mean_and_stddevs`. They are
intended to represent relevant features of the sites collection.
Every GSIM class is required to declare what :attr:`sites parameters
<GroundShakingIntensityModel.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS>` does it need.
Only those required parameters are made available in a result context
# _slots_ is used in hazardlib check_gsim and in the SMTK
def __init__(self, slots='vs30 vs30measured z1pt0 z2pt5'.split(),
self._slots_ = slots
if sitecol is not None:
self.sids = sitecol.sids
for slot in slots:
setattr(self, slot, getattr(sitecol, slot))
[docs]class DistancesContext(BaseContext):
Distances context for ground shaking intensity models.
Instances of this class are passed into
:meth:`GroundShakingIntensityModel.get_mean_and_stddevs`. They are
intended to represent relevant distances between sites from the collection
and the rupture. Every GSIM class is required to declare what
:attr:`distance measures <GroundShakingIntensityModel.REQUIRES_DISTANCES>`
does it need. Only those required values are calculated and made available
in a result context object.
_slots_ = ('rrup', 'rx', 'rjb', 'rhypo', 'repi', 'ry0', 'rcdpp',
'azimuth', 'hanging_wall', 'rvolc')
def __init__(self, param_dist_pairs=()):
for param, dist in param_dist_pairs:
setattr(self, param, dist)
[docs] def roundup(self, minimum_distance):
If the minimum_distance is nonzero, returns a copy of the
DistancesContext with updated distances, i.e. the ones below
minimum_distance are rounded up to the minimum_distance. Otherwise,
returns the original DistancesContext unchanged.
if not minimum_distance:
return self
ctx = DistancesContext()
for dist, array in vars(self).items():
small_distances = array < minimum_distance
if small_distances.any():
array = array[:] # make a copy first
array[small_distances] = minimum_distance
setattr(ctx, dist, array)
return ctx
# mock of a rupture used in the tests and in the SMTK
[docs]class RuptureContext(BaseContext):
Rupture calculation context for ground shaking intensity models.
Instances of this class are passed into
:meth:`GroundShakingIntensityModel.get_mean_and_stddevs`. They are
intended to represent relevant features of a single rupture. Every
GSIM class is required to declare what :attr:`rupture parameters
<GroundShakingIntensityModel.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS>` does it need.
Only those required parameters are made available in a result context
_slots_ = (
'mag', 'strike', 'dip', 'rake', 'ztor', 'hypo_lon', 'hypo_lat',
'hypo_depth', 'width', 'hypo_loc')