Release notes v3.18 =================== Version 3.18 is the culmination of 3 months of work involving over 210 pull requests. It is aimed at users wanting the latest features and maximum performance. Users valuing stability may want to stay with the LTS release instead (currently at version 3.16.7). The complete set of changes is listed in the changelog: A summary is given below. # Memory and space savings After years of effort, we finally managed to get a drastic reduction in memory consumption in classical calculations. For instance, in cluster situations, instead of requiring 128 GB for the master node, now we require one third of that. Moreover, for large calculations, now the worker nodes require nearly half of the memory that was required before. This was achieved by implementing an automatic parallel tiling mechanism invisible to the user. There was an even more impressive memory reduction in event based calculations, which now requires 2-3 times less memory than before. This is particularly important on small machines (i.e. desktop computers and mini pc) since they tend to have many threads and not enough memory. Right now all of the models in GEM's hazard mosaic can be run on a machine with 16 virtual cores and 64 GB of RAM and for most models even 32 GB of RAM is sufficient. Earthquake computing is more accessible than ever. Related to the memory saving, there was also a substantial reduction in disk space occupation in classical calculations. By storing the rates as 32 bit floats instead of 64 bit floats we saved 25% of the disk space. # Optimizations in the hazard calculators Most classical calculations are now faster since the `pointsource_distance` approximation is enabled by default, with a value of 100 km. We optimized the calculation of quantile hazard curves and maps (up to 7 times for the European model) by simply replacing a list comprehension with a bit of numpy magic on the indices. We optimized the event based calculator and now the generation of ground motion fields can be up to 3 times faster, as measured in the model for South America. We reduced by 20% the data transfer in by transferring the ground motion fields as dictionaries of arrays rather then DataFrames and we we reduced the memory consumption by 10% by avoiding an unwanted cast from 32 bit floats to 64 bit floats. We reduced the slow tasks in event based calculations and we removed a slowdown in large calculations when reading an unneeded event array. We changed the stochastic part of the algorithm generating the GMFs to avoid unwanted correlations in the case of full enumeration (see # Work on hazardlib Marco Pagani fixed a long standing resampling bug affecting the simple fault sources and therefore affecting most hazard models; the impact on the numbers, however, is negligible. There was a lot of work on the KiteFaultSurface class which has been refactored and optimized by caching surfaces already instantiated and by implementing a faster `.count_ruptures()` method. Models with many KiteFaultSources (like the CCA model) can be 3 or more times faster in event based calculations. Laurentiu Danciu and Athanasios Papadopoulos contributed a set of adjusted Swiss GMPEs for application in the Earthquake Risk Model of Switzerland. Claudio Schill optimized the Kuehn `sigma_mu_adjustment` calculation by replacing the multi-step interpolation with a single 2D/3D space interpolation. # Scenarios with conditioned GMFs There was a subtantial amount of work on the scenario calculator for conditioned GMFs, first introduced as an experimental feature in engine 3.16. Originally it worked only for `truncation_level=0` and `number_of_ground_motion_fields = 1` while now it has been extended to the general case. Moreover we have added a new parameter `maximum_distance_stations` that can be used to filter out stations which are very distant from the rupture (in the sense of the `rrup` distance). We also optimized the calculator which is now faster than before. Many bugs have been ironed out and a few consistency checks has been added. It much more reliable than in the past, however it should still be considered in experimental status. # New features: AEP/OEP curves, infrastructure risk, liquefaction At user request, we extended the event based risk calculator to produce Aggregate Exceedance Probability (AEP) and Occurrence Exceedance Probability (OEP) loss curves (see The way to enable the feature is to add the line `aggregate_loss_curves_types = aep` or `aggregate_loss_curves_types = oep` in the `job.ini` file. It is possible to compute both kind of curves at the same time by adding `aggregate_loss_curves_types = aep, oep`. After 6 months of hard work, finally the engine supports infrastructure risk, contributed by Astha Poudel and the GEM staff in The feature is documented in the [official manual]( There was a major overhaul of the secondary perils module (see including the following regional liquefaction models: ZhuEtAl2017LiquefactionCoastal and ZhuEtAl2017LiquefactionGeneral, RashidianBaise2020Liquefaction, AllstadtEtAl2022Liquefaction, AkhlagiEtAl2021LiquefactionA and AkhlagiEtAl2021LiquefactionB Bozzoni2021LiquefactionEurope, TodorovicSilva2022NonParametric. The TodorovicSilva2022NonParametric model is based on a machine learning approach and therefore now the engine supports the onnx runtime. # Bug fixes and better error messages Parallelizing engine calculations with pytest, GNU parallel or other approaches did not work due to conflicts in the calculation IDs (i.e. two calculations could get the same ID). This issue has been fixed. The internal output `avg_gmf` was computed incorrectly due to an ordering bug in the event ID. This has been fixed. There was a regression in engine 3.17 breaking the disaggregation by source for the Japan model. It has been fixed. We fixed a bug in calculations with a filtered site collection using the HM2018CorrelationModel. The model should still be considered experimental. We fixed the function `get_mean_stddevs_cy14` to recover the same results for the Canada SHM6 model as in engine 3.11. When configured for multiple users the WebUI allowed people to see the results produced by other users knowing the URL. This is not possible anymore. Removing a calculation through the WebUI failed on Windows due to the use of a wrong path separator. This has been fixed. The command `oq extract ruptures` on Windows was producing wrong newlines \r\r\n instead of the correct \r\n. It has been fixed. The command `oq reaggregate` was failing with a cryptic error message when starting from a calculation with a missing or inconsistent `aggregate_by`. Now there is a clear error. The command `oq engine --delete-calculation XXX` could not remove the calculation file `calc_XXX.hdf5` when the DbServer was on a different machine, or when the DbServer user had no permissions to delete. Now the deletion is performed directly by the user running the command. We fixed an ordering bug in the tagnames in `extract_agg_curves` breaking the QGIS plugin. We fixed the consequence calculations for 'homeless', 'fatality' and 'injury' with and without a specified 'time_event'. There is now a better error message for logic trees with branchsets exceeding the limit of 183 branches. There was a `ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence` caused by sources below the `minimum_magnitude`: now they are simply discarded. We raise now a clear error message "quantiles are not supported with collect_rlzs=true" when the calculation of quantiles is not supported. We fixed a log message that was displaying a wrong number for the size of the produced GMFs in event based calculations. A site model can be split in multiple files. There is now a check on the headers and an error is raised if the headers are not consistent. # AELO project There was a substantial amount of work on the AELO project. The engine is finally able to compute the ASCE-41 and ASCE-7 parameters by using code from the USGS (the `rtgmpy` library). The project is still marked as experimental and the associated service is not public. # Deprecations and removals After more than four years since their [deprecation](, we have finally removed the XML outputs for hazard curves, hazard maps and uniform hazard spectra. They can only be exported in CSV format. We removed support for Python 3.8 and Python 3.9 on Windows and macOS since they had various issues and were a big maintenance burden. The only versions supported are Python 3.10.X, with X>=6. In linux we still support Python 3.8, Python 3.9 and Python 3.10, but Python 3.8 is deprecated and will be removed in the near future. In the next release we will start supporting Python 3.11. Mac with an Intel processor are not officially supported anymore. # Other We improved the universal installer to use the `--trusted-host` feature: this is necessary for corporate users forbidding downloads from PyPI. We also changed the universal installer to read the requirements from the stable version and not from master, unless --version is specified. This was essential because we upgraded Shapely to version 2.0.1 and Pandas to version 2.0.3 which are incompatible with the past and therefore with the old behavior the installer would have produced a broken installation. We also upgraded Django to version 3.2.21 with some security fixes and we included in the engine distribution the onnx runtime, needed for the new liquefaction models. Finally, we introduced experimental support for HPC clusters and supercomputers using the SLURM scheduler. People interested in becoming beta testers are invited to contact us.