Source code for openquake.hazardlib.gsim.travasarou_2003
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4## Copyright (C) 2012-2023 GEM Foundation## OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or# (at your option) any later version.## OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>."""Module exports :class:`Travasarou2003`,"""importnumpyasnpfromopenquake.hazardlib.gsim.baseimportGMPE,CoeffsTablefromopenquake.hazardlibimportconstfromopenquake.hazardlib.imtimportIAdef_get_stddevs(ctx,arias):""" Return standard deviations as defined in table 1, p. 200. """# Magnitude dependent inter-event term (Eq. 13)tau=0.611-0.047*(ctx.mag-4.7)tau[ctx.mag<4.7]=0.611tau[ctx.mag>7.6]=0.475# Retrieve site-class dependent sigmasigma1,sigma2=_get_intra_event_sigmas(ctx)sigma=np.copy(sigma1)# Implements the nonlinear intra-event sigma (Eq. 14)idx=arias>=0.125sigma[idx]=sigma2[idx]idx=np.logical_and(arias>0.013,arias<0.125)sigma[idx]=sigma1[idx]-0.106*np.log(arias[idx]/0.0132)sigma_total=np.sqrt(tau**2.+sigma**2.)return[sigma_total,tau,sigma]def_get_intra_event_sigmas(ctx):""" The intra-event term nonlinear and dependent on both the site class and the expected ground motion. In this case the sigma coefficients are determined from the site class as described below Eq. 14 """sigma1=1.18*np.ones_like(ctx.vs30)sigma2=0.94*np.ones_like(ctx.vs30)idx1=np.logical_and(ctx.vs30>=360.0,ctx.vs30<760.0)idx2=ctx.vs30<360.0sigma1[idx1]=1.17sigma2[idx1]=0.93sigma1[idx2]=0.96sigma2[idx2]=0.73returnsigma1,sigma2def_compute_magnitude(ctx,C):""" Compute the first term of the equation described on p. 1144: ``c1 + c2 * (M - 6) + c3 * log(M / 6)`` """returnC['c1']+C['c2']*(ctx.mag-6.0)+(C['c3']*np.log(ctx.mag/6.0))def_compute_distance(ctx,C):""" Compute the second term of the equation described on p. 1144: `` c4 * np.log(sqrt(R ** 2. + h ** 2.) """returnC["c4"]*np.log(np.sqrt(ctx.rrup**2.+C["h"]**2.))def_get_site_amplification(ctx,C):""" Compute the third term of the equation described on p. 1144: ``(s11 + s12 * (M - 6)) * Sc + (s21 + s22 * (M - 6)) * Sd` """Sc,Sd=_get_site_type_dummy_variables(ctx)return(C["s11"]+C["s12"]*(ctx.mag-6.0))*Sc+\
(C["s21"]+C["s22"]*(ctx.mag-6.0))*Sddef_get_site_type_dummy_variables(ctx):""" Get site type dummy variables, ``Sc`` (for soft and stiff soil ctx) and ``Sd`` (for rock ctx). """Sc=np.zeros_like(ctx.vs30)Sd=np.zeros_like(ctx.vs30)# Soft soil; Vs30 < 360 m/s. Page 199.Sd[ctx.vs30<360.0]=1.# Stiff soil 360 <= Vs30 < 760Sc[np.logical_and(ctx.vs30>=360.0,ctx.vs30<760.0)]=1.returnSc,Sddef_get_mechanism(ctx,C):""" Compute the fourth term of the equation described on p. 199: ``f1 * Fn + f2 * Fr`` """Fn,Fr=_get_fault_type_dummy_variables(ctx)return(C['f1']*Fn)+(C['f2']*Fr)def_get_fault_type_dummy_variables(ctx):""" The original classification considers four style of faulting categories (normal, strike-slip, reverse-oblique and reverse). """Fn,Fr=np.zeros_like(ctx.rake),np.zeros_like(ctx.rake)Fn[(ctx.rake>=-112.5)&(ctx.rake<=-67.5)]=1.# normalFr[(ctx.rake>=22.5)&(ctx.rake<=157.5)]=1.# joins both the reverse and reverse-oblique categoriesreturnFn,Fr
[docs]classTravasarouEtAl2003(GMPE):""" Implements the ground motion prediction equation for Arias Intensity given by Travasarou et al., (2003): Travasarou, T., Bray, J. D. and Abrahamson, N. A. (2003) "Emprical Attenuation Relationship for Arias Intensity", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 32: 1133 - 1155 Ground motion records are generally taken from active shallow crustal regions """#: Supported tectonic region type is 'active shallow crust'DEFINED_FOR_TECTONIC_REGION_TYPE=const.TRT.ACTIVE_SHALLOW_CRUST#: Set of :mod:`intensity measure types <openquake.hazardlib.imt>`#: this GSIM can calculate. A set should contain classes from module#: :mod:`openquake.hazardlib.imt`.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES={IA}#: Supported intensity measure component is actually the arithmetic mean of#: two horizontal components - we find this to be equivalent to#: :attr:`~openquake.hazardlib.const.IMC.GEOMETRIC_MEAN`DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT=const.IMC.GEOMETRIC_MEAN#: Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event#: and total, see equations 13 - 15DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES={const.StdDev.TOTAL,const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT,const.StdDev.INTRA_EVENT}#: Required site parameter is only Vs30 (used to distinguish rock#: and stiff and soft soil).REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS={'vs30'}#: Required rupture parameters are magnitude and rake (eq. 1, page 199).REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS={'rake','mag'}#: Required distance measure is RRup (eq. 1, page 199).REQUIRES_DISTANCES={'rrup'}#: No independent tests - verification against papernon_verified=True
[docs]defcompute(self,ctx:np.recarray,imts,mean,sig,tau,phi):""" See :meth:`superclass method <.base.GroundShakingIntensityModel.compute>` for spec of input and result values. """form,imtinenumerate(imts):C=self.COEFFS[imt]# Implements mean model (equation 12)mean[m]=(_compute_magnitude(ctx,C)+_compute_distance(ctx,C)+_get_site_amplification(ctx,C)+_get_mechanism(ctx,C))sig[m],tau[m],phi[m]=_get_stddevs(ctx,np.exp(mean[m]))
#: For Ia, coefficients are taken from table 3COEFFS=CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5,table="""\ IMT c1 c2 c3 c4 h s11 s12 s21 s22 f1 f2 ia 2.800 -1.981 20.72 -1.703 8.78 0.454 0.101 0.479 0.334 -0.166 0.512 """)