Source code for openquake.hazardlib.gsim.campbell_1997
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4## Copyright (C) 2013-2023 GEM Foundation## OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or# (at your option) any later version.## OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>."""Module exports :class:`Campbell1997`"""importnumpyasnpfromopenquake.hazardlib.gsim.baseimportGMPEfromopenquake.hazardlibimportconstfromopenquake.hazardlib.imtimportPGA
[docs]defget_fault_term(rake):""" Returns coefficient for faulting style (pg 156) """rake=np.where(rake<0,rake+360,rake)f=np.zeros_like(rake)f[(rake>=45)&(rake<=135)]=1.f[(rake>=225)&(rake<=315)]=.5returnf
[docs]defget_Ssr_term(vs30):""" Returns site term for soft rock (pg 157) """return(vs30>=760)&(vs30<1500)
[docs]defget_Shr_term(vs30):""" Returns site term for hard rock (pg 157) """returnvs30>=1500
[docs]classCampbell1997(GMPE):""" Implements GMPE (PGA) by Campbell, Kenneth W. "Empirical near-source attenuation relationships for horizontal and vertical components of peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and pseudo-absolute acceleration response spectra." Seismological research letters 68.1 (1997): 154-179. """#: Supported TRT active...we specify active_shallow_crustDEFINED_FOR_TECTONIC_REGION_TYPE=const.TRT.ACTIVE_SHALLOW_CRUST#: Supported intensity measure types are PGA, PGV, PSA, but we only define#: PGA because this is the only IMT used by an implemented model (09/18)DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES={PGA}#: Supported intensity measure component is the horizontal componentDEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT=const.IMC.GEOMETRIC_MEAN#: Supported standard deviation type is only total, see equation 4, pg 164DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES={const.StdDev.TOTAL}#: Requires vs30REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS={'vs30'}#: Required rupture parameters are magnitude and top of rupture depthREQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS={'mag','rake'}#: Required distance measure is closest distance to rupture. In the#: publication, Rseis is used. We assume Rrup=Rseis, justified by#: our calculations matching the verification tablesREQUIRES_DISTANCES={'rrup'}#: Verification of the mean value was done by digitizing Figs. 9 and 10#: using Engauge Digitizer. The tests check varied magnitude, distance,#: vs30, and faulting type. Maximum error was ~1.3%. OpenQuake trellis#: plots match these figures. Also tested against a matlab implementation#: (, which also has no#: verification tables.
[docs]defcompute(self,ctx:np.recarray,imts,mean,sig,tau,phi):""" See :meth:`superclass method <.base.GroundShakingIntensityModel.compute>` for spec of input and result values. """R=ctx.rrupM=ctx.mag# get constantsSsr=get_Ssr_term(ctx.vs30)Shr=get_Shr_term(ctx.vs30)rake=ctx.rakeF=get_fault_term(rake)# compute meanmean[:]=-3.512+(0.904*M)-(1.328*np.log(np.sqrt(R**2+(0.149*np.exp(0.647*M))**2))) \
+(1.125-0.112*np.log(R)-0.0957*M)*F \
+(0.440-0.171*np.log(R))*Ssr \
+(0.405-0.222*np.log(R))*Shr# standard deviations from mean (pg 164; more robust than# estimate using magnitudemean=np.exp(mean)sig[:]=0.39sig[mean<0.068]=0.55idx=np.logical_and(mean>=0.068,mean<=0.21)sig[idx]=0.173-0.140*np.log(mean[idx])