openquake.hmtk.plotting.seismicity.completeness package¶
openquake.hmtk.plotting.seismicity.completeness.cumulative_rate_analysis module¶
Module openquake.hmtk.plotting.seismicity.completeness.simple_completeness is a graphical function for estimating the completeness period of magnitude intervals by plotting the cumulative rate of events with time in each interval
- class openquake.hmtk.plotting.seismicity.completeness.cumulative_rate_analysis.SimpleCumulativeRate[source]¶
Class to define the temporal variation in completess using simple changes in cumulative rates in individual completeness bins
- completeness(catalogue, config, saveplot=False, filetype='png', timeout=120)[source]¶
- Parameters:
catalogue – Earthquake catalogue as instance of
config (dict) – Configuration parameters of the algorithm, containing the following information: ‘magnitude_bin’ Size of magnitude bin (non-negative float) ‘time_bin’ Size (in dec. years) of the time window (non-negative float) ‘increment_lock’ Boolean to indicate whether to ensure completeness magnitudes always decrease with more recent bins
- Returns:
2-column table indicating year of completeness and corresponding magnitude numpy.ndarray
openquake.hmtk.plotting.seismicity.completeness.plot_stepp_1972 module¶
Module :mod: ‘openquake.hmtk.plotting.seismicity.completeness.plot_stepp_1971’ creates plot to illustrate outcome of Stepp (1972) method for completeness analysis
- openquake.hmtk.plotting.seismicity.completeness.plot_stepp_1972.create_stepp_plot(model, figure_size=(8, 6), filename=None, filetype='png', dpi=300, ax=None)[source]¶
Creates the classic Stepp (1972) plots for a completed Stepp analysis, and exports the figure to a file.
- Parameters:
model – Completed Stepp (1972) analysis as instance of :class: openquake.hmtk.seismicity.completeness.comp_stepp_1971.Stepp1971
filename (string) – Name of output file
filetype (string) – Type of file (from list supported by matplotlib)
dpi (int) – Resolution (dots per inch) of output file