# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
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Module :mod:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.line` defines :class:`Line`.
import copy
import numpy as np
from openquake.hazardlib.geo import geodetic
from openquake.hazardlib.geo import utils
from openquake.hazardlib.geo import Point
def _update(rtra, rtra_prj, proj, pnt):
xg, yg = proj(np.array([pnt[0]]), np.array([pnt[1]]), reverse=True)
rtra.append(np.array([xg[0], yg[0], pnt[2]]))
def _resample(coo, sect_len, orig_extremes):
# returns array of resampled trace coordinates
N = len(coo)
# Project the coordinates of the trace
sbb = utils.get_spherical_bounding_box(coo[:, 0], coo[:, 1])
proj = utils.OrthographicProjection(*sbb)
txy = coo.copy()
txy[:, 0], txy[:, 1] = proj(coo[:, 0], coo[:, 1])
# Compute the total length of the original trace
tot_len = sum(utils.get_dist(txy[i], txy[i-1]) for i in range(1, N))
inc_len = 0.
# Initialize the lists with the coordinates of the resampled trace
rtra_prj = [txy[0]]
rtra = [coo[0]]
# Resampling
idx_vtx = -1
while True:
# Computing distances from the reference point
dis = utils.get_dist(txy, rtra_prj[-1])
if idx_vtx > 0:
# Fixing distances for points before the index
dis[0:idx_vtx] = 100000
# Index of the point on the trace with a distance just below the
# sampling distance
idx = np.where(dis <= sect_len, dis, -np.inf).argmax()
# If the pick a point that is not the last one on the trace we
# compute the new sample by interpolation
if idx < len(dis) - 1:
pnt = find_t(
txy[idx + 1, :], txy[idx, :], rtra_prj[-1], sect_len)
if pnt is None:
raise ValueError('Did not find the intersection')
_update(rtra, rtra_prj, proj, pnt)
inc_len += sect_len
# Adding more points still on the same segment
delta = txy[idx + 1] - rtra_prj[-1]
chk_dst = utils.get_dist(txy[idx + 1], rtra_prj[-1])
rat = delta / chk_dst
while chk_dst > sect_len * 0.9999:
_update(rtra, rtra_prj, proj, rtra_prj[-1] + sect_len * rat)
inc_len += sect_len
# This is the distance between the last resampled point
# and the second vertex of the segment
chk_dst = utils.get_dist(txy[idx + 1], rtra_prj[-1])
# Adding one point
if tot_len - inc_len > 0.5 * sect_len and not orig_extremes:
# Adding more points still on the same segment
delta = txy[-1] - txy[-2]
chk_dst = utils.get_dist(txy[-1], txy[-2])
_update(rtra, rtra_prj, proj, rtra_prj[-1] +
sect_len * delta / chk_dst)
inc_len += sect_len
elif orig_extremes:
# Adding last point
# Updating index
idx_vtx = idx + 1
return np.array(utils.clean_points(rtra))
[docs]class Line(object):
This class represents a geographical line, which is basically
a sequence of geographical points.
A line is defined by at least two points.
:param points:
The sequence of points defining this line.
:type points:
list of :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.geo.point.Point` instances
[docs] @classmethod
def from_coo(cls, coo):
Build a Line object for an array of coordinates, assuming they have
e been cleaned already, i.e. there are no adjacent duplicate points
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.coo = coo
self.coo.flags.writeable = False # avoid dirty coding
return self
def __init__(self, points):
points = utils.clean_points(points) # can remove points!
self.coo = np.array([[p.x, p.y, p.z] for p in points])
self.coo.flags.writeable = False # avoid dirty coding
def points(self):
return [self[i] for i in range(len(self.coo))]
def __eq__(self, other):
>>> from openquake.hazardlib.geo.point import Point
>>> points = [Point(1, 2), Point(3, 4)]; Line(points) == Line(points)
>>> Line(points) == Line(list(reversed(points)))
return np.allclose(self.coo, other.coo, atol=1E-6)
def __ne__(self, other):
>>> from openquake.hazardlib.geo.point import Point
>>> Line([Point(1,2), Point(1,3)]) != Line([Point(1,2), Point(1,3)])
>>> Line([Point(1,2), Point(1,3)]) != Line([Point(1,2), Point(1,4)])
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.coo)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return Point(*self.coo[i])
[docs] def flip(self):
Inverts the order of the points composing the line
self.coo = np.flip(self.coo, axis=0)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_vectors(cls, lons, lats, deps=None):
Creates a line from three numpy.ndarray instances containing
longitude, latitude and depths values
arrs = lons, lats
if deps is not None:
arrs = lons, lats, deps
return cls([Point(*coo) for coo in zip(*arrs)])
[docs] def on_surface(self):
Check if this line is defined on the surface (i.e. all points
are on the surfance, depth=0.0).
:returns bool:
True if this line is on the surface, false otherwise.
return all(point.on_surface() for point in self)
[docs] def horizontal(self):
Check if this line is horizontal (i.e. all depths of points
are equal).
:returns bool:
True if this line is horizontal, false otherwise.
return all(p.depth == self.coo[0, 2] for p in self)
[docs] def get_azimuths(self):
Return the azimuths of all the segments omposing the polyline
if len(self.coo) == 2:
return self[0].azimuth(self[1])
lons = self.coo[:, 0]
lats = self.coo[:, 1]
return geodetic.azimuth(lons[:-1], lats[:-1], lons[1:], lats[1:])
[docs] def average_azimuth(self):
Calculate and return weighted average azimuth of all line's segments
in decimal degrees.
Uses formula from
>>> from openquake.hazardlib.geo.point import Point as P
>>> '%.1f' % Line([P(0, 0), P(1e-5, 1e-5)]).average_azimuth()
>>> '%.1f' % Line([P(0, 0), P(0, 1e-5), P(1e-5, 1e-5)]).average_azimuth()
>>> line = Line([P(0, 0), P(-2e-5, 0), P(-2e-5, 1.154e-5)])
>>> '%.1f' % line.average_azimuth()
azimuths = self.get_azimuths()
lons = self.coo[:, 0]
lats = self.coo[:, 1]
distances = geodetic.geodetic_distance(lons[:-1], lats[:-1],
lons[1:], lats[1:])
return get_average_azimuth(azimuths, distances)
[docs] def resample_old(self, section_length):
Resample this line into sections. The first point in the resampled
line corresponds to the first point in the original line. Starting
from the first point in the original line, a line segment is defined as
the line connecting the last point in the resampled line and the next
point in the original line. The line segment is then split into
sections of length equal to ``section_length``. The resampled line is
obtained by concatenating all sections. The number of sections in a
line segment is calculated as follows: ``round(segment_length /
section_length)``. Note that the resulting line has a length that is
an exact multiple of ``section_length``, therefore its length is in
general smaller or greater (depending on the rounding) than the length
of the original line. For a straight line, the difference between the
resulting length and the original length is at maximum half of the
``section_length``. For a curved line, the difference may be larger,
because of corners getting cut.
:param section_length:
The length of the section, in km.
:type section_length:
A new line resampled into sections based on the given length.
An instance of :class:`Line`
resampled_points = []
# 1. Resample the first section. 2. Loop over the remaining points
# in the line and resample the remaining sections.
# 3. Extend the list with the resampled points, except the first one
# (because it's already contained in the previous set of
# resampled points).
self[0].equally_spaced_points(self[1], section_length))
# Skip the first point, it's already resampled
for i in range(2, len(self)):
points = resampled_points[-1].equally_spaced_points(
self[i], section_length)
return Line(resampled_points)
[docs] def resample(self, sect_len: float, orig_extremes=False):
Resample this line into sections. The first point in the resampled
line corresponds to the first point in the original line. Starting
from the first point in the original line, a line segment is defined as
the line connecting the last point in the resampled line and the next
point in the original line.
:param float sect_len:
The length of the section, in km.
:param bool original_extremes:
A boolean controlling the way in which the last point is added.
When true the first and last point match the original extremes.
When false the last point is at a `sect_len` distance from the
previous one, before or after the last point.
A new line resampled into sections based on the given length.
return Line.from_coo(_resample(self.coo, sect_len, orig_extremes))
[docs] def get_lengths(self) -> np.ndarray:
Calculate a numpy.ndarray instance with the length
of the segments composing the polyline.
Segments length in km.
lengths = []
for i, point in enumerate(self):
if i != 0:
lengths.append(point.distance(self[i - 1]))
return np.array(lengths)
[docs] def get_length(self) -> float:
Calculate the length of the line as a sum of lengths of all its
Total length in km.
return np.sum(self.get_lengths())
[docs] def keep_corners(self, delta):
Removes the points where the change in direction is lower than a
tolerance value.
:param delta:
An angle in decimal degrees
coo = self.coo
# Compute the azimuth of all the segments
azim = geodetic.azimuth(coo[:-1, 0], coo[:-1, 1],
coo[1:, 0], coo[1:, 1])
pidx = set([0, coo.shape[0] - 1])
idx = np.nonzero(np.abs(np.diff(azim)) > delta)[0]
pidx = sorted(list(pidx.union(set(idx + 1))))
self.coo = coo[pidx]
[docs] def resample_to_num_points(self, num_points):
Resample the line to a specified number of points.
:param num_points:
Integer number of points the resulting line should have.
A new line with that many points as requested.
assert len(self) > 1, "can not resample the line of one point"
section_length = self.get_length() / (num_points - 1)
resampled_points = [self[0]]
segment = 0
acc_length = 0
last_segment_length = 0
points = self.points
for i in range(num_points - 1):
tot_length = (i + 1) * section_length
while tot_length > acc_length and segment < len(points) - 1:
last_segment_length = points[segment].distance(
points[segment + 1])
acc_length += last_segment_length
segment += 1
p1, p2 = points[segment - 1:segment + 1]
offset = tot_length - (acc_length - last_segment_length)
if offset < 1e-5:
# forward geodetic transformations for very small distances
# are very inefficient (and also unneeded). if target point
# is just 1 cm away from original (non-resampled) line vertex,
# don't even bother doing geodetic calculations.
resampled = p1
resampled = p1.equally_spaced_points(p2, offset)[1]
return Line(resampled_points)
[docs] def get_tu(self, mesh):
Computes the U and T coordinates of the GC2 method for a mesh of
:param mesh:
An instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.mesh.Mesh`
# Sites
mlo = mesh.lons
mla = mesh.lats
# Projection
lons = list(mlo.flatten()) + list(self.coo[:, 0])
lats = list(mla.flatten()) + list(self.coo[:, 1])
west, east, north, south = utils.get_spherical_bounding_box(lons, lats)
proj = utils.OrthographicProjection(west, east, north, south)
# Projected coordinates for the trace
tcoo = self.coo[:, 0], self.coo[:, 1]
txy = np.zeros_like(self.coo)
txy[:, 0], txy[:, 1] = proj(*tcoo)
# Projected coordinates for the sites
sxy = np.zeros((len(mla), 2))
sxy[:, 0], sxy[:, 1] = proj(mlo, mla)
# Compute u hat and t hat for each segment. tmp has shape
# (num_segments x 3)
slen, uhat, that = self.get_tu_hat()
# Lengths of the segments
segments_len = slen
# Get local coordinates for the sites
ui, ti = self.get_ui_ti(mesh, uhat, that)
# Compute the weights
weights, iot = get_ti_weights(ui, ti, segments_len)
# Now compute T and U
t_upp, u_upp = get_tu(ui, ti, segments_len, weights)
t_upp[iot] = 0.0
return t_upp, u_upp, weights
[docs] def get_ui_ti(self, mesh, uhat, that):
Compute the t and u coordinates. ti and ui have shape
(num_segments x num_sites).
# Creating the projection
if not hasattr(self, 'proj'):
oprj = utils.OrthographicProjection
proj = oprj.from_lons_lats(self.coo[:, 0], self.coo[:, 1])
self.proj = proj
proj = self.proj
# Sites projected coordinates
sxy = np.zeros((len(mesh.lons), 2))
sxy[:, 0], sxy[:, 1] = proj(mesh.lons, mesh.lats)
# Polyline projected coordinates
txy = np.zeros_like(self.coo)
txy[:, 0], txy[:, 1] = proj(self.coo[:, 0], self.coo[:, 1])
# Initializing ti and ui coordinates
ui = np.zeros((txy.shape[0] - 1, sxy.shape[0]))
ti = np.zeros((txy.shape[0] - 1, sxy.shape[0]))
# For each section
for i in range(ui.shape[0]):
tmp = copy.copy(sxy)
tmp[:, 0] -= txy[i, 0]
tmp[:, 1] -= txy[i, 1]
ui[i, :] = np.dot(tmp, uhat[i, 0:2])
ti[i, :] = np.dot(tmp, that[i, 0:2])
return ui, ti
[docs] def get_tu_hat(self):
Return the unit vectors defining the local origin for each segment of
the trace.
:param sx:
The vector with the x coordinates of the trace
:param sy:
The vector with the y coordinates of the trace
Two arrays of size n x 3 (when n is the number of segments
composing the trace
# Creating the projection
if not hasattr(self, 'proj'):
oprj = utils.OrthographicProjection
proj = oprj.from_lons_lats(self.coo[:, 0], self.coo[:, 1])
self.proj = proj
# Projected coordinates
sx, sy = self.proj(self.coo[:, 0], self.coo[:, 1])
slen = ((sx[1:] - sx[:-1])**2 + (sy[1:] - sy[:-1])**2)**0.5
sg = np.zeros((len(sx) - 1, 3))
sg[:, 0] = sx[1:] - sx[:-1]
sg[:, 1] = sy[1:] - sy[:-1]
uhat = get_versor(sg)
that = get_versor(np.cross(sg, np.array([0, 0, 1])))
return slen, uhat, that
[docs]def get_average_azimuth(azimuths, distances) -> float:
Computes the average azimuth.
:param azimuths:
A :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance
:param distances:
A :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance
A float with the mean azimuth in decimal degrees
azimuths = np.radians(azimuths)
# convert polar coordinates to Cartesian ones and calculate
# the average coordinate of each component
avg_x = np.mean(distances * np.sin(azimuths))
avg_y = np.mean(distances * np.cos(azimuths))
# find the mean azimuth from that mean vector
azimuth = np.degrees(np.arctan2(avg_x, avg_y))
if azimuth < 0:
azimuth += 360
return azimuth
[docs]def get_tu(ui, ti, sl, weights):
Compute the T and U quantitities.
:param ui:
A :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance of cardinality (num segments x num
:param ti:
A :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance of cardinality (num segments x num
:param sl:
A :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance with the segments' length
:param weights:
A :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance of cardinality (num segments x num
assert ui.shape == ti.shape == weights.shape
# Sum of weights - This has shape equal to the number of sites
weight_sum = np.sum(weights, axis=0)
# Compute T
t_upp = ti * weights
t_upp = np.divide(t_upp, weight_sum.T).T
t_upp = np.sum(t_upp, axis=1)
# Compute U
u_upp = ui[0] * weights[0]
for i in range(1, len(sl)):
delta = np.sum(sl[:i])
u_upp += ((ui[i] + delta) * weights[i])
u_upp = np.divide(u_upp, weight_sum.T).T
return t_upp, u_upp
[docs]def get_ti_weights(ui, ti, segments_len):
Compute the weights
weights = np.zeros_like(ui)
terma = np.zeros_like(ui)
term1 = np.zeros_like(ui)
term2 = np.zeros_like(ui)
idx_on_trace = np.zeros_like(ui[0, :], dtype=bool)
for i in range(ti.shape[0]):
# More general case
cond0 = np.abs(ti[i, :]) >= TOLERANCE
if len(cond0):
terma[i, cond0] = segments_len[i] - ui[i, cond0]
term1[i, cond0] = np.arctan(terma[i, cond0] / ti[i, cond0])
term2[i, cond0] = np.arctan(-ui[i, cond0] / ti[i, cond0])
weights[i, cond0] = ((term1[i, cond0] - term2[i, cond0]) /
ti[i, cond0])
# Case for sites on the extension of one segment
cond1 = np.abs(ti[i, :]) < TOLERANCE
cond2 = np.logical_or(ui[i, :] < (0. - TOLERANCE),
ui[i, :] > (segments_len[i] + TOLERANCE))
iii = np.logical_and(cond1, cond2)
if len(iii):
weights[i, iii] = (1. / (ui[i, iii] - segments_len[i])
- 1. / ui[i, iii])
# Case for sites on one segment
cond3 = np.logical_and(ui[i, :] >= (0. - TOLERANCE),
ui[i, :] <= (segments_len[i] + TOLERANCE))
jjj = np.logical_and(cond1, cond3)
weights[i, jjj] = 1 / (-0.01 - segments_len[i]) + 1 / 0.01
idx_on_trace[jjj] = 1.0
return weights, idx_on_trace
[docs]def get_versor(arr):
Returns the versor (i.e. a unit vector) of a vector
return np.divide(arr.T, np.linalg.norm(arr, axis=1)).T
[docs]def find_t(pnt0, pnt1, ref_pnt, distance):
Find the point on the segment within `pnt0` and `pnt1` at `distance` from
`ref_pnt`. See https://tinyurl.com/meyt4ft3
:param pnt0:
A 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance of length 3
:param pnt1:
A 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance of length 3
:param ref_pnt:
A 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance of length 3
:param distance:
A float with the distance in km from `ref_pnt` to the point on the
A 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance of length 3
# First points on the line
x1 = pnt0[0]
y1 = pnt0[1]
z1 = pnt0[2]
x2 = pnt1[0]
y2 = pnt1[1]
z2 = pnt1[2]
x3 = ref_pnt[0]
y3 = ref_pnt[1]
z3 = ref_pnt[2]
r = distance
pa = (x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2 + (z2 - z1)**2
pb = 2 * ((x2 - x1) * (x1 - x3) + (y2 - y1) *
(y1 - y3) + (z2 - z1) * (z1 - z3))
pc = (x3**2 + y3**2 + z3**2 + x1**2 + y1**2 + z1**2 -
2 * (x3 * x1 + y3 * y1 + z3 * z1) - r**2)
chk = pb * pb - 4 * pa * pc
# In this case the line is not intersecting the sphere
if chk < 0:
return None
# Computing the points of intersection
pu = (-pb + (pb**2 - 4 * pa * pc)**0.5) / (2 * pa)
x = x1 + pu * (x2 - x1)
y = y1 + pu * (y2 - y1)
z = z1 + pu * (z2 - z1)
if (x >= np.min([x1, x2]) and x <= np.max([x1, x2]) and
y >= np.min([y1, y2]) and y <= np.max([y1, y2]) and
z >= np.min([z1, z2]) and z <= np.max([z1, z2])):
out = [x, y, z]
pu = (-pb - (pb**2 - 4 * pa * pc)**0.5) / (2 * pa)
x = x1 + pu * (x2 - x1)
y = y1 + pu * (y2 - y1)
z = z1 + pu * (z2 - z1)
out = [x, y, z]
return np.array(out)