Source code for openquake.commands.engine

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>.
import os
import sys
import getpass
import logging
from openquake.baselib import config
from openquake.baselib.general import safeprint
from openquake.hazardlib import valid
from openquake.commonlib import logs, datastore
from openquake.engine.engine import create_jobs, run_jobs
from openquake.engine.export import core
from openquake.engine.utils import confirm
from import make_report
from openquake.server import dbserver
from openquake.commands.abort import main as abort

DEFAULT_EXPORTS = 'csv,xml,rst'
HAZARD_CALCULATION_ARG = "--hazard-calculation-id"
ZMQ = os.environ.get(
    'OQ_DISTRIBUTE', config.distribution.oq_distribute) == 'zmq'

[docs]def get_job_id(job_id, username=None): job = logs.dbcmd('get_job', job_id, username) if not job: sys.exit('Job %s not found' % job_id) return
[docs]def del_calculation(job_id, confirmed=False): """ Delete a calculation and all associated outputs. """ job = logs.dbcmd('get_job', job_id) if not job: print('There is no job %d' % job_id) return if confirmed or confirm( 'Are you sure you want to (abort and) delete this calculation and ' 'all associated outputs?\nThis action cannot be undone. (y/n): '): try: abort([]) resp = logs.dbcmd('del_calc',, getpass.getuser(), False) except RuntimeError as err: safeprint(err) else: if 'success' in resp: os.remove(resp['hdf5path']) print('Removed %d' % else: print(resp['error'])
[docs]def main( no_distribute=False, yes=False, upgrade_db=False, db_version=False, what_if_I_upgrade=False, list_hazard_calculations=False, list_risk_calculations=False, delete_uncompleted_calculations=False, multi=False, reuse_input=False, *, log_file=None, make_html_report=None, run=None, delete_calculation: int = None, hazard_calculation_id: int = None, list_outputs: int = None, show_log=None, export_output=None, export_outputs=None, param='', config_file=None, exports='', log_level='info', sample_sources=False,): """ Run a calculation using the traditional command line API """ user_name = getpass.getuser() if not run: # configure a basic logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if config_file:, limit=int, soft_mem_limit=int, hard_mem_limit=int, port=int, serialize_jobs=valid.boolean, strict=valid.boolean, code=exec) if no_distribute: os.environ['OQ_DISTRIBUTE'] = 'no' if sample_sources: assert 0 < float(sample_sources) < 1 os.environ['OQ_SAMPLE_SOURCES'] = sample_sources # check if the datadir exists datadir = datastore.get_datadir() if not os.path.exists(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) if not os.environ.get('OQ_DATABASE'): # start the dbserver locally if needed dbserver.ensure_on() # check that we are talking to the right server err = dbserver.check_foreign() if err: sys.exit(err) if upgrade_db: msg = logs.dbcmd('what_if_I_upgrade', 'read_scripts') if msg.startswith('Your database is already updated'): pass elif yes or confirm('Proceed? (y/n) '): logs.dbcmd('upgrade_db') sys.exit(0) if db_version: safeprint(logs.dbcmd('db_version')) sys.exit(0) if what_if_I_upgrade: safeprint(logs.dbcmd('what_if_I_upgrade', 'extract_upgrade_scripts')) sys.exit(0) # check if the db is outdated outdated = logs.dbcmd('check_outdated') if outdated: sys.exit(outdated) # hazard or hazard+risk if hazard_calculation_id == -1: # get the latest calculation of the current user hc_id = get_job_id(hazard_calculation_id, user_name) elif hazard_calculation_id: # make it possible to use calculations made by another user hc_id = get_job_id(hazard_calculation_id) else: hc_id = None if run: pars = dict(p.split('=', 1) for p in param.split(',')) if param else {} if reuse_input: pars['cachedir'] = datadir log_file = os.path.expanduser(log_file) \ if log_file is not None else None job_inis = [os.path.expanduser(f) for f in run] jobs = create_jobs(job_inis, log_level, log_file, user_name, hc_id, multi) for job in jobs: job.params.update(pars) job.params['exports'] = exports run_jobs(jobs) # hazard elif list_hazard_calculations: for line in logs.dbcmd( 'list_calculations', 'hazard', getpass.getuser()): safeprint(line) elif delete_calculation is not None: del_calculation(delete_calculation, yes) # risk elif list_risk_calculations: for line in logs.dbcmd('list_calculations', 'risk', getpass.getuser()): safeprint(line) # export elif make_html_report: safeprint('Written %s' % make_report(make_html_report)) sys.exit(0) elif list_outputs is not None: hc_id = get_job_id(list_outputs) for line in logs.dbcmd('list_outputs', hc_id): safeprint(line) elif show_log is not None: hc_id = get_job_id(show_log) for line in logs.dbcmd('get_log', hc_id): safeprint(line) elif export_output is not None: output_id, target_dir = export_output dskey, calc_id, datadir = logs.dbcmd('get_output', int(output_id)) for line in core.export_output( dskey, calc_id, datadir, os.path.expanduser(target_dir), exports or DEFAULT_EXPORTS): safeprint(line) elif export_outputs is not None: job_id, target_dir = export_outputs hc_id = get_job_id(job_id) for line in core.export_outputs( hc_id, os.path.expanduser(target_dir), exports or DEFAULT_EXPORTS): safeprint(line) elif delete_uncompleted_calculations: logs.dbcmd('delete_uncompleted_calculations', getpass.getuser()) else: print("Please pass some option, see oq engine --help")
# flags main.no_distribute = dict(abbrev='--nd', help='''\ Disable calculation task distribution and run the computation in a single process. This is intended for use in debugging and profiling.''') main.yes = 'Automatically answer "yes" when asked to confirm an action' main.upgrade_db = 'Upgrade the openquake database' main.db_version = 'Show the current version of the openquake database' main.what_if_I_upgrade = ( 'Show what will happen to the openquake database if you upgrade') main.list_hazard_calculations = dict( abbrev='--lhc', help='List hazard calculation information') main.list_risk_calculations = dict( abbrev='--lrc', help='List risk calculation information') main.delete_uncompleted_calculations = dict( abbrev='--duc', help='Delete all the uncompleted calculations') main.multi = 'Run multiple job.inis in parallel' main.reuse_input = 'Read the CompositeSourceModel from the cache (if any)' # options main.log_file = dict( abbrev='-L', help='''\ Location where to store log messages; if not specified, log messages will be printed to the console (to stderr)''') main.make_html_report = dict( abbrev='--r', metavar='YYYY-MM-DD|today', help='Build an HTML report of the computation at the given date') = dict(abbrev='--run', help='Run a job with the specified config file', metavar='JOB_INI', nargs='+') main.delete_calculation = dict( abbrev='--dc', help='Delete a calculation and all associated outputs', metavar='CALCULATION_ID') main.hazard_calculation_id = dict( abbrev='--hc', help='Use the given job as input for the next job') main.list_outputs = dict( abbrev='--lo', help='List outputs for the specified calculation', metavar='CALCULATION_ID') main.show_log = dict( abbrev='--sl', help='Show the log of the specified calculation', metavar='CALCULATION_ID') main.export_output = dict( abbrev='--eo', nargs=2, metavar=('OUTPUT_ID', 'TARGET_DIR'), help='Export the desired output to the specified directory') main.export_outputs = dict( abbrev='--eos', nargs=2, metavar=('CALCULATION_ID', 'TARGET_DIR'), help='Export all of the calculation outputs to the specified directory') main.param = dict( abbrev='-p', help='Override parameters specified with the syntax ' 'NAME1=VALUE1,NAME2=VALUE2,...') main.config_file = ('Custom openquake.cfg file, to override default ' 'configurations') main.exports = ('Comma-separated string specifing the export formats, ' 'in order of priority') main.log_level = dict(help='Defaults to "info"', choices=['debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'critical']) main.sample_sources = dict(abbrev='--ss', help="Sample fraction in the range 0..1")